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[Music] you know there's a lot of different types of emergencies and when a tree fails I'm often one of the people that gets called out to deal with this emergency and what I've got going on here is indeed a real emergency this tree is located at a church and the people at the church referred to this as they're out there they've got a big deck right here that goes all the way around this tree and it's an area where it congregate for different events the tree is in trouble it's got a lot of problems and they asked me to come out and look at it so here's the story here's what happened they had a picnic plan for this afternoon at 5:30 and at 2:30 the tree pretty much exploded the top part of it failed cable broke and there it is cable broke and because the cable was or the limb was cabled into other areas as well it pulled down hard snapped and the whole top of the tree ended up being in side the tree it was held up but we had to figure out how to get it out of there safely but we also had to it was a difficult read because it was held in so many areas it was held up by branches it was held up by cables there was brush all over the place we couldn't even see what was going on some of the branches were holding were cracked you know so I got out there and first thing I wanted to do is get rid of some of the the visual stuff I had to clear out some of the brush so I can see where it was holding up and I had to be very careful because if I made one wrong cut then the whole thing could have come twisting and falling down on but me and sure enough the picnic happened people showed up and we only had a couple of hours and evening to work on it and we kind of made it as safe as possible and carried on the next day this whole area was full of tables each of these tables here this happened at 2:30 in the afternoon there was a guy setting up the table right there five minutes before it failed and he walked away this guy over here says that's where he would have sat you can see how everything here all the brush was on the ground crushed one of the tables the whole area would have been full of people because they had a picnic here last night a barbecue at 5:30 elytis they've said everything this whole area was full of lights all these lights on the ground here their lights all the way across crush those but here we are the next morning and I spent an awful lot of time just looking at this big branch up in the tree that's the brush we cut from the night before we kind of had to clear it out so that we can get in there and there was a lot of breaks a lot of cracks a lot of things going on up there and what I was really nervous about was how the limbs that these branches were sitting on were impacted in and was some of the stuff is no longer cabled ready to break so the night before we did get a rope up there to stabilize this we're trying to keep it from going down further so first thing we wanted to do is this day that's my son Kalyan up there first thing we wanted to do it on this day was to put a bigger rope in there and set it up so that we can control the flat down when we got to that point so we put a three-quarter inch rope up in the top of the tree just remember every catch you make might be one of the balancing cuts yeah you can see where it's holding on to the cable down over here and over there who's to cable holds let's just clear out all the brush till we see what we're doing so like I don't know if you saw Kalin's helmet he's got a new GoPro and he mounted it to his helmet so we're gonna get some Wow GoPro video footage this time that's a little bit different this is kind of fun you know I don't love the lens on the GoPro because it's kind of a wide-angle sort of almost a fisheye type look but I you know a lot of guys use just the GoPro in all their videos I like it to be a little bit more accurate but this is fun I'm kind of I I don't want to just use I like these images that Kaelin shot he gave this Altima to put in the video so you're gonna see a doubling up of some of the footage here because I I was videoing as well as him that was cool no just enjoy what we've got going on here and I think you'll realize the stress level of what we're going through alright that's visual of a running bowline this is one of the rings that we use absolutely love these things you thread the Rope through there and it doesn't wear on the tree but it also makes the controlling do a lot smoother and you're able to position the ring where you want it rather than just being stuck with the location of a crotch now once we got this all set up the next step that I want Kalyn to do is you can see there's a fungus here growing and this darkened patch next step by right here in the bird lands to get rid of as much of the brush that is not attached they're not holding up that's tough read yeah I think I'll try and get all this stuff off first yeah if you see any shifting scream at me he was nervous yeah we were all nervous he want you to go up there first we realized exactly how hazard is a hazard as it was so we got up recognize that he was tied in above it but he had to keep positioning [Music] did fail so this cable here is being totally stretched and torqued by this fallen branch this thing goes this whole thing to go yeah I'm just when then where do I go where do I end up oh boy boy safely that was a number one priority not to get hurt which is always our priority but you've got a job to get done and we have to we have to put ourselves in some pretty difficult positions in pretty difficult locations we have to do it safe but a lot of times recognizing what is safe is discovering you know so you get up into the tree and it's whole thing moved yeah the whole thing moved whoo oh I felt I felt it oh man this is kind of terrifying kaylynn recognized a problem when he a little shift in the whole thing okay and it really scared him it made us very very conscious of what was going on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your pulsar [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't see anything holding move shifted [Music] you feel something I heard something yeah he felt it all the way through the branch you're on that's not what caused the giant vibration through this whole metaphor branch I hear that with either with him that wasn't that wasn't what I felt before you get down can you take that piece in front of you and cut it close well it's not gonna slip anymore I'll just would I just want to get it to a point where yeah I mean you're right there you can cut that piece [Music] [Music] all right come on down all right you want to throw the rope someplace else you pull the rope up and so you can throw it over [Music] keep going see what's moving detective over there and everything is stressed so when that cable held on that cable it's held on a cable over there but they're all all the cables these two cables are attached to the broken limb terrifying yeah whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay oh there it is whoa hey all right get that gather smooth a ladder yeah good awesome yeah oh yeah there we go can you go down at all yeah it's gonna hook up there [Music] all right see if we can swing that thing over onto the brick [Music] knows about it to stay on top feel like I will have to treat I'm glad we got to ride that [Music] yes I wonder how much this is supporting right here a lot I think this broken branch right here is supporting a lot more weight than we think if this goes this whole thing's gonna settle yeah that over there is holding it that's holding it that one over there is holding it but when this breaks that cable is gonna go slack again which will make that go lower [Music] [Music] okay here we go sure glad you move that ladder now we just start cutting from the bottom yeah let me get down safe what a mess I kind of destroyed that your whole canopy of this tree major hall major [Music] so three cables were broken and there are three cables remaining in the tree so part of my job is now to figure out how to replace some of these cables and make the tree reasonably safe with emphasis on the word reasonably because this old beast will never be completely safe as is the case of most old trees that have had work done on them for their entirety of their life but because this is such a busy area we've got to be extra careful and make wise decisions [Music] [Music]
Channel: arboristBlairGlenn
Views: 40,586
Rating: 4.9126439 out of 5
Keywords: Arborist Blair Glenn, emergency tree job, tree failure, cables in trees, arboriculture
Id: r_gXMfkrcAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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