Embroidery Placement Tools And Tips

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hi and welcome to my channel if you're brand new welcome and if you're returning thank you for stopping back by today i'm going to talk about embroidery placement i had a very nice comment on one of my videos and they were asking what do i do on the various things that i embroidery to make sure that my placement is square they said they were brand new to embroidery and they just wanted to learn so i'm going to go through and show you some of the various things that i use the different tools that i use and i hope you enjoy it and i hope you learned something from it so let's get started so i have a lot of tools spread out on my table and i'm going to try to get to all of them and not make this an extremely long video but i did want to show you this is one of the tools that i use a lot and it tells you what type of hoop you're going to be using in inches and millimeters and it tells you what the sewing field is and this is something that i really had to kind of get into my head when i first began doing embroidery because even though you have a four by four hoop you are not going to be able to do an embroidery uh file that is four inches by four inches in reality you're only going to be sewing 3.93 by 3.93 inches so you may want to do a screenshot of this chart and keep it somewhere in your studio or next to your machine and that way it will just kind of remind you that the very first thing you want to pay attention to is the size of the embroidery itself it's not just the item that you're going to be sewing onto but the design will affect your placement and where you're going to be able to put it on your um your item that you're going to be embroidering this is a 4x4 hoop and when i purchase this hoop it came with a template but i want you to look closely at it because even though it fits inside of the hoop if you look closely you have a smaller square and that is going to dictate and tell you the optimum size of the embroidery that you're going to be sewing so let me get this a little bit closer so that you can see it you can see that darker square there now the other thing that this template is going to do is it's going to help you square up your design because it's going to have a cross hatch in the center and then it's also going to have a grid which i hope you can see that and i use templates a lot and when i first began doing embroidery i did use the templates that came with the hoops but over time i started creating my own templates because it seemed to make more sense to me when it was something that i created specifically for a certain garment or a certain type of embroidery so i'm going to get into that in just a little bit now some other things that i do keep in my studio i do keep a six inch ruler because i use this a lot when i'm doing measuring on my design placements and i also keep just a tape measure because that helps me sometimes as well now the other thing i want to show you most of the time when you download a design you're going to receive some type of a printout that's going to show you what the design is going to look like and this is actually a free design on my website i'll put a link in the description where you can go and download this but what i've done is i have cut out the design and this is always going to print in a one to one ratio so this is the actual design size and as you can see it's going to have a cross hatch in the center and this is going to help me with my placement if i choose to use this template now some of the hoops that i use are called magnetic hoops normally these come with an appliance or you you buy an additional appliance that you use that these snap into and help you with your placement but if you don't have the appliance you may have to create your own template and that is what i've done here so basically what i've done is i have used these chopping mats and you can purchase these from your local dollar tree and there are other bargain outlets where you can purchase these as well and what i like is that they're very uh flexible and i use just a permanent marker and i have gone ahead and traced the inside of the smaller hoop and used a hole punch to punch some circles and then i just used a pair of scissors and i cut my own crosshatch into that and i can use this over and over i can hang it in my studio so if one of your templates gets damaged if it came with your hoop or if you didn't get a template you can always create your own template and just a few other things that i use that help me with my placement i usually use just a chalk marker and these will need a cartridge refill or you can buy just the chalk as a refill and this one i like it in particular because it has just a little rotating wheel and right now you can see that i've got yellow chalk in it i do like to use some type of a marking implement and the markers that are blue where they um air dry or they are removable with water you know sometimes you don't want to take a chance that one of those is going to stain your garment and i usually have much better luck with chalk and then of course the other thing that i do use uh is temporary adhesive spray i like this particular brand um and you don't need to use a whole lot of it because you don't want to leave any residue on your garment or on whatever you're going to be placing your embroidery on two other tools that i've used in the past and i do like having these embroidery helpers or this embroidery placement ruler but you'll find after you begin doing embroidery different brands of shirts are sewn differently sometimes when you get a polo shirt you're going to have three buttons sometimes you're going to have two buttons on the placket and also when you start getting into the larger sizes the shoulder width is usually not as wide as the width from the middle of the shirt to the underneath of the arm so when you start working on where am i going to place this embroidery you have to be careful with larger individuals because this fabric will tend to want to fold under just because you know of the way that this the shirts are sewn and then the size of the individual so um what i like to do is if i know that i'm going to be using a particular shirt and i'm going to be doing a lot of these shirts over and over i will do an initial placement on the first shirt for that particular size and then i'll create my own template so as you can see here what i've done is i've used one of my cutting mats and this tells you at the bottom that i'm going to be uh doing a gildan 880 a size extra large and i've written down my placement should be six and a half inches down and five and a half inches over from the center and then what i've also done is i've done a cross hatch in the center and you can tell that i have used this one a lot because i have two cross hatches because i've found depending on the type of design and also what the client wants sometimes the placement needs to move just a little bit and that's just something that you kind of have to work out which is the reason why it's good to have that little printout i can actually put my template on the shirt and i can put the print out underneath it so what i do is you can see that i've drawn the collar here and this would be the center line of the shirt and i've drawn the buttons and this shirt is a gildan 880 so what i would do is i would place it here where i would line up my buttons and then where i would line up my collar and then my placement should be exactly where it needs to be and what i can do is i can take my design and i can line it up so let's say i want to use the left cross hatch i can go ahead and put my design there i can lift it up and i can look at it i can use a piece of masking tape and i can tape the design on there i can let the person try it on or i can just hang it up on a hanger and that will tell me if the design is where it needs to be so let's try using these rulers and seeing if the placement that i've used on my template is close to the placement of these this particular one depending on the size of the shirt this is a men's extra large so i'm going to line up the extra large and then i'm going to look at the bottom and there's the extra large here so i'm going to make sure that the extra large is going to be on the top of the sleeve and then i'm going to find the center of the shirt which should be where the buttons are all right so here's my center right here here's the extra large and if i look at the point i'm right in line of where that embroidery placement ruler says i need to be okay so i'm very very close on that one now let's go ahead and use the embroidery helper this one i'm going to line up my top button i'm going to line up the center and this one the extra large is saying that i should actually be right here so according to this one my design placement would be off so just to show you how two different tools will give you a different vision of where your embroidery needs to be of course like i said i have used both of these and when you're in a rush and you're having to do shirts over and over and over sometimes you don't have time to wonder if this is going to be correct on every shirt so i just find that by making a template for each shirt it makes it a lot easier and you can see that i have an entire stack of templates and on each one of them it's going to be for a different size this is actually for a t-shirt and this is for a hanes hoodie jacket another hands t-shirt and this is actually for a baseball jersey where you can see where that curve would be and then that front seam where the sleeve attaches and then the buttons so i think these will be very helpful for you and they're very inexpensive and you can just make a bunch of them and they don't take up a lot of room now you can be very very basic if if you don't have something to make a template with but you do have your printout you already have a crosshatch so if you have a crosshatch and you have something to measure with you should be able to figure out your placement as well so if i've got this already printed out what i will normally do if this is what i'm going to be using is i will fold it in half i need to fold it on that line there we go so i've got it folded in half and what i'll do is i will trim in the center and then i will fold it the opposite direction and i will trim the other way and now that i have it trimmed i have a cross hatch that i can use my chalk marker to mark in and that way i can tell exactly where my design placement needs to be so what i would do is i would use just my tape measure and of course this says that i need to be six and a half inches down you know so i would have my six and a half inches i could use a pin just like that and then it says i need to be five and a half inches from the center so i would go ahead and say here's five and a half so that should be my center i could place it and if i want to make sure that i'm nice and square just using this template i could use my tape measure and i could measure over from the side and i can tell that this is just a little bit off and i'll make sure that i am about three and a half inches so once i have that done i can take my chalk and i can just mark it and when i lift it there's my crosshatch so that should be my placement of where my design is going to go so now i'm going to be ready to hoop it so one of the hardest things about doing embroidery is getting your hoop in the correct position because your bottom hoop this hoop you really can't see where it is you have to make sure that you know you've got your placement correct and that's where these templates come in handy i'm also going to show you my echidna hooping station and i love that hooping station but i want to show you how i would hoop this shirt using a regular hoop and also i'm going to show you with my magnetic hoop how i would go about doing that so you can use temporary adhesive spray and i'll show you how to do that but let me show you what you would do if you didn't have temporary adhesive spray so the first thing you're going to do is you want to make sure that you get your bottom hoop inside the shirt so i'm just going to go ahead and slide it in there and i don't know where this hoop is so i have to have something from the top to help guide me and make sure that it's going to be straight and that's where my template comes in this template will fit inside that back hoop and what i can do is i can put my template and you can see which i hope you can see i've got a little bit of a glare here let me see if i can move this camera there we go move that just a little bit okay so you can see that where my template is it's to the right and it actually needs to move a little bit so i'm going to move it over and i'm going to make sure to hold my template exactly where i would want it to be okay and i've moved that bottom okay so i've got my hoop basically where i want it to be and i want to make sure that i get my stabilizer in there so i'm going to go in with my stabilizer i'm going to leave my hoop where it is and i'm going to show you a little bit easier way to do this but i want to show you this way in case you don't have any spray adhesive okay so i'm gonna make sure that because this does take a little bit of time i'm gonna lift up and i'm gonna make sure that i've got my okay so i've got my stabilizer where it needs to go i'm going to put my template on here again i'm going to see if anything has moved it has moved just a little bit so i'm going to push my hoop up okay all right and i'm going to push down okay so that should be where it needs to go and i should be able to put my top hoop down and lock this in place just like that and then if i lift it up and i look closely at it i should see that this is lined up with my marks north south east and west you see that i've got a little bit of wrinkling there and i will pull that slightly i'm not going to pull a lot because i don't want to stretch this shirt but i just want to kind of get it there we go i just want to make sure that it's going to be flat and i've got a nice drum finish on that so this would be ready to embroider so i'm going to show you another way that you can do this and i find that it makes it a little bit easier i'm going to use some temporary spray adhesive and i'm going to use a pen what i'm going to do is i've already got my my placement marked and i'm going to take my pin and i'm just going to mark from the front where that center is and then i'm going to take my shirt and turn it inside out that way things don't get mixed up all right so now if i'm looking at my shirt and i've got it turned inside out you can see the shine of the pen right here and if you look really closely if you use a lot of chalk you can also see just a shadow of the chalk where that cross mark was was actually marked with the chalk but the pin actually helps you a little bit more and you want to make sure that you get your stabilizer centered because i know that if i center my hoop and if my stabilizer is bigger than my hoop but this stabilizer will be big enough to be caught in the entire hoop and the easiest way to do that is i go ahead and i fold it into fourths and this isn't going to hurt it and where this corner is that's going to be my center so as long as i make sure that i've got this centered over the center of that pin and i get my hoop centered then i'll have enough stabilizer and you can kind of bend this back if you want to you can bend it up this way you can see that here's that pin going straight across and i can line this up just like that but the best thing that i like is i put a little bit of spray adhesive and normally i would spray this kind of away from the camera but i'm going to bend it up and i'm just going to place it right here and rub it in now i will tell you that if you're using some type of a shirt that is like that athletic dry fit sometimes when you pull this away it will peel so i would always do a test on this maybe get an extra shirt if you're going to do this for clients and just make sure that when you pull this away that the material doesn't peel some people don't mind but you may have a customer that may not like it i've got this placed i'm ready to flip my shirt right side out and then it's going to be easier to place my hoop because i won't have to worry about my stabilizer moving all over the place believe it or not your stabilizer is going to stay it's not going to move it's not going to go anywhere it's still there i can remove my pen because i'm done with that and now i can put my hoop in with confidence that it's not going to move you know you can feel that stabilizer it's not going anywhere i can use my template again i can place my template kind of where i want it to be i can move my hoop there we go and you can see that i'm not really concerned with anything else on this shirt the only thing that i'm concerned about is that mark that i made i'm going to push it in there all right and it looks like i'm off just a little bit so i'm going to try it again and see the good thing about it is my stabilizer is not going anywhere okay so i'm going to do this one more [Music] time there we go [Applause] take my template off there we go i think i got it that time this one i'm going to use my echidna hooping station it really does make it a lot easier to hoop your garments so i'm going to use my magnetic hoops and i'm just going to place this anywhere i'm just going to make sure that it is square to the board the way i know that is i'm going to make sure that this lines up with this line and because i'm using my markings on my shirt i still have my chalk mark it's not going to matter where i put this on the board i mean i could put it up here i could put it down here as long as the shirt is big enough to slide over that i shouldn't have a problem and i'm going to take my stabilizer of course this is a little bit small for this hoop but it should work and i'm just going to put the magnets that come with this hooping station that's going to hold my stabilizer in place kind of similar to using that adhesive spray and then i'm going to take my shirt i'm going to slide it over okay and looks like i need to move my hoop up just a little bit which is fine no problem i'm gonna put it up here that way i have enough room so you can always adjust and even after doing this as long as i have i still have to adjust looks like i had a magnet move too i did there we go okay so now the template that i made for this particular hoop will come in handy so what i can do is where that cross hatch is i can just move my shirt over and make sure that it sits inside of that hoop there we go and then if i want to i can also use more magnets to hold my shirt in place if i'm worried about it moving i do that sometimes with these magnetic hoops there we go and now that i have it down i'm going to drop it in place and that one is ready to go so everything that i've been showing you was on a polo shirt let me show you one more thing that probably a lot of people use and that's just a towel so i'm going to show you from the beginning to end let's say i want to go ahead and stitch this on this towel and i want my placement to be high enough where i'm going to ensure that i can catch all four corners of this towel and i'll go ahead i'm just going to mark it and say that that's my center i'll go ahead and place my hoop place my stabilizer get my towel back in there i'm going to use my template this looks like i need to up just a bit i hope you can see that i know there's a little bit of a glare on it i apologize for that i'm just going to put a couple of magnets to hold that towel in place i'm going to remove my template make sure that's in there and that one's ready to go just like that so we've covered a lot of information today i hope you've maybe seen a new trick a new tool that you want to try uh maybe it's reminded you something that you used to use and you want to pull it out of your stash and try it again thank you for stopping by my channel and we'll see you in the next video bye you
Channel: Lagniappe Peddler
Views: 354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I5MNBMtyqQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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