Which Stabilizer and Embroidery Hoop Should I Use?

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody blaine austin here sewing machines plus and welcome to our show today hey guys we have a fantastic show lined up for you today we're gonna have the world premiere of two brand new products and today one of them is the stay perfect stabilizer the pre-cuts you've heard me talk about it that's a our own stabilizer brand that we have made for us and we're gonna you know actually launch our pre-cuts for you today and we're going to talk all about hooping and all that but i've also got a world premiere of a brand new durkee product that can only be found today at sewing machines plus and matter of fact uh it's not going to be released to the rest of the dealers in the world until monday so we have an exclusive on it from today all the way through this weekend and and we're pretty excited about that and uh first of all i want to say a special hello out there to teresa flix from alaska she's watching on youtube today and then susan smith hey she's in north carolina watching on facebook hey y'all thank y'all for watching our show today and appreciate you being here but i appreciate every one of y'all being here today we have a big crowd today watching and uh hey we're gonna have some fun today we're gonna have hoop wars today guess what that is that means i've got deb donovan in the house today i've got candace trevino here today and they're going to go head to head and see who's the best hooper who can do it the fastest and using some of these new techniques and we're going to show you all about it but hey roger you know i got roger in the house with me today and uh helping me and i got kyle kyle's over at the san marco store actually with uh candace and uh deb going to help them out he's running the cameras and things but we got a great show lined up for you and we're super excited to show our stay perfect and we're super excited about the durkees and you know something i just kind of i just forgot i just remembered something guys we've got this brand new product with durkee and i forgot to talk to brent taylor about if we're going to be able to get a deal on it because usually i get him to give us a discount when we're launching something you know because you know it's map pricing and y'all probably already heard me talk about this before but you know map pricing is called the minimum advertised price and the manufacturers put map pricing on things because they want you know everybody to sell it for the same price and and i know all his products are mapped but usually when i get a deal like i get a little head start on everybody he lets me break maps so i think we should give him a call so roger says i think i should call him so let me find my phone i got to get you all deal so y'all bear with me for just a second um let me see how i can get here all right let me pull brent's number up all right i'm calling brent i'm gonna put him on speakerphone so y'all can hear him and can y'all hear that you hear hear the ringing good afternoon hey brent this is blaine austin sewing machines plus this is absolutely hilarious but i i absolutely this is funny what fun i told i told my vendors i told them i said because i gave blaine a world premiere i said i'm coming to y'all right now because i guarantee you i bet i know what you're calling me about i bet you're looking for a deal before we get public on monday aren't you yes i am i just hey and by the way uh you are live right now on air so i uh i'm on my show right now and i've got everybody out there in tv land is uh actually listening to you but uh sorry to put you on the spot this way but we were in the show and i was like the world premiere of those janome packages on the hoops today and i said you know i forgot to talk to brent about see if we could kind of get a deal so can we get a deal you just said that you talked to your vendors well i was anticipating this and hello to all of your viewers and i'm sorry i've been caught off guard like this but uh but blaine i'm ready for you this time buddy i went to the vendors because if you remember we did a special deal when we launched the uh the ultimate package do you remember that um i remember it well well same thing here i went to the vendors i said number one sewing machine plus is the largest dealer we have in the world and and blaine and all of the folks at sewing machine plus y'all have been such fabulous supporters and i said i'm going to the well one more time i can't do this as you well know i simply i can't afford to do this but they have backed me up one more time because if you install machine plus um the products i don't know if you mentioned this or not this product is not going to be released to all of the dealers into the world on our website until monday morning so from now until then i've given you the uh you've given you the exclusive so map pricing does not go into effect until monday so what that means to you sir if you were ready my vendors have agreed that from now through sunday night at midnight pacific standard time your customers will be able to purchase any one of these three packages for map price less 20 percent hey we like that we like that i like what i'm hearing hey so if you are liking what brent's saying here give us a thumbs up out there hey brent uh once again you come through for me and i apologize put you on the spot on the show like this but you know i just i just we started the show and i went oh my gosh i forgot about the pricing so uh anyway i'm gonna get roger start working on that overlay right now to get the 20 off and get that ready and then i'm going to tell everybody we're going to launch your product and and we're going to talk a little bit about that later on in the show but i got two gr you know three great products we're going to show everybody and we're super pumped about it and brent once again thank you buddy for being a great partner of sewing machines plus and i'll talk to you later i'm gonna get back to my audience here okay thank you so very much and you guys have a great day appreciate it all right buddy talk to you soon okay that's what you call hearing it from the horse's mouth right all right so that was a little unusual but guys we got it done we got a 20 discount and i got to tell you what the product is but the work i'm not going to go into the overlay yet and tell you all about it but i'll just kind of give you the heads up if you are a janome owner of that mb4 or mb7 multi-needle embroidery machine we have three brand new ultimate packages for those machines today that we're going to launch it's a brand new product that brent's come out with these packages are awesome they fit the mb4 mb7 embroidery machines for janome and we're going to have 20 off on them today all the way through he heard him he said we could do it all the way through sunday at midnight so roger come up with a coupon code that i can tell everybody on the air we'll come up with a coupon code and he's going to redo the overlay that we're going to show on the screen and we'll put that coupon code on there okay so we'll come back to that and do that but right now guys we're going to talk all about one of our new products and i'm super excited to show this to you here we go this is the world premiere of our pre-cut stabilizers and i think i've shown a little bit of a hint of it but what's great about this guys is it comes in ziploc bags so guess what you can open this up pull a sheet out and you still can store it you have a great place to keep all the rest and then the other thing has if you look at it right here the spine here on the packaging it tells you what size it is what you know what type so if you store that on a shelf you'll be able to see it and also it has it on the front and you know what the great thing about this is not only does it tell you what the size of the sheet is but it tells you what hoops it fit in smaller and it has the instructions right here on the front to tell you all about it but guys guess what we are going to go to deb donovan and candace this morning they're at the san marcos retail store and we're going to talk about that they're going to demonstrate some of our stabilizer for us they're going to show you how to hoop and what the hoops we're going to use today we're going to use some of the dirky easy frames we're going to use some of the dime sticky hoops and we're also going to use that dime monster snap hoop which is magnetic and then we're going to just use your standard regular hoops that come with your machine so basically what we're going to show you is how you can use these pre-cut stabilizers to make your life so much easier and what people don't realize about this the pre-cuts you know we sell them y'all can see the rows behind me the rolls of the stabilizer we sell that as well we've been selling it for for quite a while but the pre-cuts what we decided to do is one thing that you can do is you can plan your projects so let's just say for instance you wanted to make some some onesies and you needed to use a 5x7 uh sheet of stabilizer to do all these onesies well what's so great about it is if you have a roll you kind of get to where you really don't know how much stabilizer you have left if you have enough to finish this takes all that guesswork away because they come with 25 sheets in a pack so you know if you get if it fits a five by seven hoop or smaller you can do you could do 25 projects so you know there's there's that many sheets there's 25 sheets in a pack so your projects are all laid out for you and you can plan so much better and the great thing about pre pre cuts you're going to cut down on your waist so all those days of all these little scrap pieces you're not going to have that near as bad with the pre-cut so we have a lot of different sizes we have a lot of different styles but hey let's go to the store and uh let's say hello to candace and deb so hello this morning how are y'all good morning good morning so everybody say hello to candace and deb and hey thank y'all for for taking time to come on the show today and i know that you are extremely busy and but we've got an exciting product to demonstrate and then also we're going to talk a lot about the hoops as well and you're going to show us some some things about how to hoop and then we're going to have some fun because i told everybody we're going to have hooping wars and i told y'all i want you all to go head-to-head today yeah we're ready we're ready i want to know who's the fastest and the best at hooping so anyway let's go to y'all and i want you all to show us some of the demonstrations on some of that that stabilizer and then talk a lot a little bit about how to hoop each type of hoop that we're showing today okay sounds good blaine okay so let's talk all about stabilizers all right so these are the new packages these are really great um how many of you find challenges with stabilizers right what challenges do you guys have uh dealing with stabilizers and how can this solve a lot of those challenges well first of all we started with the basics we've got this in we did the precuts in five different types of stabilizer all the basics different sizes your medium tearaway your medium cutaway we did a no-show mesh we did a water soluble the sew and wash and then we also did the peel and stick because those are the five stabilizers that we think are the ones that people use the most and so those are the ones you're constantly re-buying and then we made them to fit all the hoop sizes so that you have less waste we've got five different sizes of pre-cuts for you as opposed to just a couple of them so that you've got something that's gonna fit every hoop at the right size with not a lot of waste left over you can fit anything from a five by five all the way up to your biggest hoops and we'll have a pre-cut that's going to fit that size for you well i just love flat stabilizer it's so great but let's talk about the package maybe kyle can get in here and let's take a look at this package first of all it's a ziploc right it's which means it's easy to open it's easy to store and then you have some information on here that's fantastic first of all it says that it's going to fit a suit a certain size hoop a lot of times you'll buy a stabilizer and you're like well what size hoop can i use with that so this is going to tell me exactly and then on the spine it says it will fit a six by eight and under so that's really handy to have that information right here on the packaging and i mean we can go on and on about how great these are but just this package is fantastic i mean how many times do you cut something and you have like a small piece left over especially with your sticky hoops right we want to save our stabilizers and now i can just open this up and put any of my little scraps in here and i always know what's in here and you always know what's in there on the rolled stabilizer it comes on the roll at the on the outside of the roll and you have to remember to take that piece of paper that was in the outside roll it up tight and stuff it down the middle and then when you want to know what kind of stabilizer it is you have to pull that piece out to check and see if it's tearaway or fusible tearaway and then roll it up and put it right back in whereas these packages it says it right on the front but it also says what kind of stabilizer it is over on the spine here too so whether you've got it hanging up on a wall or laying flat on a shelf you can tell from any angle what stabilizer it is before you take it out so rolls like deb said if if i you know got rid of the packaging i have no idea what this is i mean i can tell if it's cut away or tear away but after that i don't know you know so you know is it water-soluble what is it so these packages are just so much easier to manage i love the fact that they can take up so much less space in your sewing room um i have such a hard time storing these in my in my sewing room i have like baskets and and it's you know it's big and it just takes up a lot of space and then you pull sometimes you pull one out and three end up on the floor because they're all tucked in there they don't store very well these are flat they're so easy to store they don't take up any room and if you stack them you can read what's on the spine otherwise you could just hang them up or set them somewhere i mean they would fit in a file cabinet i could totally put that down you know the small ones in the file cabinet or something like that but very very easy to use so the stabilizer is gonna lay flat too i mean this that's how important is that especially when you're using like the healing sticks that it's gonna lay flat right out of it there's 25 sheets in this does not like so like plain reference you know exactly how much stabilizer is left in here you can count how many sheets you have and know that how many sheets you have as opposed to a roll of stabilizer you really don't know how many hoopings are on here until you get down to the end and you end up short right 10 o'clock on a friday night always being short to finish whatever it is that you're working on yeah so so much easier to plan your projects with your hoops and then with these because you can say i want to use a bigger hoop i may need to make sure i have the right size stabilizer and so it's all right here all the informations instead of you know these are all tucked in a roll and sometimes you pull it out and you're like oh i thought that was bigger it's not bigger it's the same you know it's the small one so uh these just give us make our life so much easier and i'm all about ease because let's say i'm in production my time is worth money right the faster the easier the quicker i can get something done that's worth uh money if i'm a you know in production well i'm not in production but i am busy i mean i work here full time i go home and i can only embroider in the evenings and so if i anything i can get done faster is a win in my book absolutely all right so blaine i think deb and i are ready to go head to head what do you think all right well hey i'm ready to see it and i know everybody is too you know and hey you know the great thing about that guys you know y'all made up a great point with that ziploc bag you can put that in there it's going to keep it fresh keep it stored and man i'm just so excited about these and all the things you talked about it rolling up with your when you're on a roll and you're trying to lay it down flat it rolls up this is already flattened out it'll stay flat makes it a lot easier to hoop and that's kind of what you are going to demonstrate this morning is how easy to hoop and you are going to go head to head so tell us a little bit about what stabilizer you're using and what hoop you're going to use each one of y'all okay okay well first we're going to use our standard hoop that comes with our machine okay so this is just a standard 5x7 hoop right a standard hoop has an inner and an outer piece and we are going to to hoop up a towel because a lot of us are doing towels right now and um towels make great gifts so we're going to hoop up a towel and we are going to use our medium cutaway or medium tearaway stabilizer so deb's going to use the roll and i'm going to use my pre-cut and we're going to see who can do this faster i think i'm going to lose i think you might lose all right get get your towel ready all right i'll give you a few extra i get that extra minute right i'll take that and i'll even reach for my package and open it to give you a little extra time thank you welcome you're welcome happy to have that little bit of a start on you okay so i'm gonna time us you guys ready i'm ready so let me get my phone i'm gonna do a timer on it okay all right and i'm gonna tell y'all when you can go so let me get my timer pulled up okay as everybody can probably see i've got a timer right here i'm going to start it when i say go we're going to see how long it takes whoever that wins this so so you all ready ready on your mark get set go okay i'm done wait is my stabilizer it rolled off the table i haven't turned it upside down to try i was even going scrolling on me i'm finished i'm not i'm still going you you got it debt [Laughter] all right we can't hear you blaine might not my angle so no i'm on that's a personal problem this is something else going on here all right candace i got it just set officially the oh sorry the unofficial world record in hooping at 26.02 seconds thank you thank you that's awesome so deb here's the thing i promise you everybody watching right now can we relate to you because deb and i you know devin and i go way back we we do these big large events we've done events and deb the number one problem at every embroidery event we do what is it hooping it's always hooping it's always hooping and the difficulty of hooping things and and guys i'm telling you today we're showing you some products it's gonna it is an absolute game changer of what we're gonna do candace that was awesome demonstration that y'all just did so i'm gonna let y'all go back and start showing some more of the stabilizer and some more of the different hoops but that was the regular the hoop like you would get in your machine the two-piece plastic coupe correct yep all right so let's move on to the next all right we're going to use our standard hoop again and this time i think i'll let deb have the benefit of the doubt over here um we are going to be hooping sticky stabilizer okay so sticky stabilizer the rolls are very thick and they roll i mean it is very difficult to get this in a small size so maybe i'll grab the the bigger hoop to do this and you can have the small hoop but um this it's it's hard to it's hard to deal with i already know that i'm going to have issues deb's going to use a pre-cut yay it's already cut and flat you can see how fast it is so this should be a lot of fun this is not the right size for my hoop but i'm going to use it anyway okay let me have the scissors okay we're gonna hoop our towel again go slow like you did for me i took my time okay all right i'll go slow okay you guys ready all right we're just gonna say go okay so ready set go all right all right i was gonna time you again can y'all [Laughter] man candace you look like you've done this before wait [Music] this is the hardest part right here this is scoring we have to peel off the top layer of sticky stabilizer to use this standard hoop are you done i'm done she's done all right oops oops and that popped out i didn't get it tight enough okay as you see that takes forever right we have to score it we've got to peel off the top and it it's very time consuming i think and it's very challenging so stabilizer is one of the hardest ones to hoop because it's the stiffest it's the stiffness yeah it's really thick so you know i think that we're gonna do this again and i'm gonna use one of my dime hoops okay all right so we'll do this one more time and these are the dime hoops so dime has come out with these amazing sticky and it's just a single hoop it's called a sticky hoop a topless hoop a hoopless hoop different names for this but it's just one piece and your sticky stabilizer goes um under it behind it and um when you buy these which is really great you get the sticky stabilizer pre-cut so i've got mine now it's flat and it's pre-cut so now we're going to go head to head with a hoopless hoop versus a standard hoop all right and hey i'll tell you what i'll even let her use a pre-cut okay okay so now it's a little a little so it's a little more fair a little more fair okay all right let me get this one out so she's gonna use a pre-cut and i'm gonna use just my standard sticky hoop okay this is why you need a sticky hoop at your house right this is why you need a hoop yep you got your towel i got my towel hold it up all right okay we're gonna fold all right so y'all ready we are ready i'm gonna time you again okay and uh so on your marks get set go okay this piece is too small candice all right you jinxed me you gave me a small piece done i'm still starting to peel this is just such a great who see that you just put it right on the back sure you're still peeling yes i am which is the hardest part of using sticky stabilizer all i did was peel it off and you stick it to the back you didn't have to score it you didn't have to score it i didn't have to do any of that mess over there that's a mess it's always a mess this is the fastest way to do a project and like i said if you know if your time is valuable you know then you're quick i'm quick that is very very quick very very easy to use all right dad you're pretty consistent you're over a minute every time and i didn't quite break your world record but you did 26.3 seconds that time so i guess the point behind all this you just talked a little bit about production and so if you are out there and you're you're worried about production and you're trying to to make sure that you know you're uh getting out as many things as you can uh you know whether it's onesies or hats or whatever you can we're showing you today how fast you can do this and see right now candace could be putting hers took her 20 20 what was it 26 seconds to hoop it she could be putting that on the embroidery machine and get it started and can be hooping her necks on right now and be ready to go and that's why you know we love having multiple hoops and things that we do with these packages and because it just helps in production if you're wanting to do that and you know and again it's not even so much about production is it candace and deb it's about just ease of doing it makes it so much easier to do it yeah if it's not easy blaine i don't want to do it no i just don't want to do it nope well i'll tell you i hate myself i want to do it as easily as possible yeah i hate hooping but i tell you using the sticky stabilizer and those sticky frames and the dirky frames to me i love them i i that to me is the way to do it you know it's just so much easier to do if you can use that type of stabilizer and and so i'm a big fan of of that those frames and and the in this the stabilizer so what do y'all got next for us well we're going to talk a little bit more about these sticky hoops okay so um you can use this sticky hoop i'll give you one thank you and you keep the top of your paper and you put it on there for protection so you know let's say that you're gonna hoop you've got a couple of these and so i can just put my little paper back on there and now this is protected but deb why do i need this hoop what is this for what would i use this hoop for it's great for anything that's hard to hoop thick and bulky we like to use it for towels we like to use it for bags jean jackets like this one that's behind me it's great for anything that's really challenging especially the thicker stuff because those regular plastic embroidery hoops when you put something in there yeah it's super easy to accidentally pop the inner from the outer and then you've got a whole other alignment situation going on that situation project you guys know if you've popped that out of the embroidery machine we love to do applique an applique you're constantly taking this in and out and if that comes out you know it's bad this one is not your project's not going to come off it's not going to pop out it's just stuck on here and that's why we really love that and like deb said things that are thick this is a thick terry cloth i don't want to try to have to hoop that i want to float it i could float it but it's easier if i stick it and it's not going to move i don't have to add a basting stitch and alignment is a whole lot easier alignment oh my goodness doesn't have a chance to move and i get it exactly where i want it um so it's just so much easier to use like i said we have this really pretty jean jacket behind us you know you could definitely use a sticky hoop or maybe one of the other hoops um but your standard hoop you know it doesn't do everything we need different tools for different jobs and your sticky hoops are really the way to go for a whole lot of reasons um so dime has come out with them we have several different sizes i already pulled it down yeah you pulled that one down so uh and we talked about this on your show on blaine's show a week or so ago that they just launched um the bigger sizes for the brother baby lock um so the flat bed machine every size of sticky hoop for a brother baby lock flat bed so you've got the four by fours all the way up to the biggest hoops um in the slide-on frames are available in the sticky hoops right now and then they also have them available for some of the other flatbeds from bernina janome bath viking and so there's a ton of them that are out there what i like about this sticky hoop is that it already comes with your first 25 sheets of stabilizer with it and the stabilizer is already cut to the size of the hoop that you've got and flat yeah and it's flat because it's kind of sandwiched in there so and then you can buy you know refills so once you get through your first 25 pieces you can do it now i know sticky stabilizer is extensive more expensive than a lot but you don't need to re-hoop every time candice has got a brand new fresh piece of stabilizer on there but once you tear your project away and you put a hole in there you can take some of your leftover pieces and you just patch it from the back and that way you that's why you need to keep those little pieces and why you need to keep the little pieces in the smart ziploc packaging that we put together with these pre-cuts um i watched uh one of the videos uh from dime and they were talking about how sometimes you need a bigger hoop just for stability not maybe you still have a small project but you need a big hoop to hold your project so that way just the small piece that you used you just repatch and you're just going to patch it from the back when you're done you're just going to tear this off and so these get you know messy um i do have some people that were like oh no i have to clean this every time i'm like no you don't you can just leave it you know after after a build up you know of several then you can clean it off but it's that's what it's meant for it's meant to be used over and over again and it's it's meant to just glide under your flatbed machine with no problems but deb what if i don't have a flatbed machine what if i have a multi-needle machine and i still want to use a sticky hoop now what do i do we have another kind of hoops that use the sticky stabilizer and those are going to be the jerky hoops that are right here durkee makes them for a lot of the brother and baby lock flatbed embroidery machines but they also make them for all of the multi-needles they make them for the alliance the persona the multi-needles from brother baby lock and all of the commercial ones as well including that brand new mb7 yeah package that blaine talked about and janome yeah at the early at the beginning of the show when he called called brent up right on live tv yeah so if you have a multi-needle machine they are you will have a dirky hoop in the right size that you need and various sizes these are about a quarter inch thick they're anodized aluminum i can't bend this thing even if i try to they're that thick and that sturdy so they're going to last forever for you they do have notches to help you align the centers on them so you don't have to to mark your hoop in any way they've already they're already notched so it's always going to be perfect and precise and then dime or dirky also makes a hat hoop that you can use on your flatbed machines when there's not a lot of options to do hats on your flatbed let's take a look at that one this one is really cool you know that if you have a multinational machine a lot of a lot of people buy that to do hats and hat production but what if i just want to do one you know what if i have a flatbed machine i just want to do one hat um and hats are a little bit hard to hoop so what do i do so you're going to take the standard frame that came with your machine and the gold one is gonna fit inside the four by fours like what you have on your baby log verbs and other machines the blue one is going to fit inside your 5x7 machines although they do have two styles of blue ones so if you're out there and you have a 3600d this is not the hoop for you but we do have the free up the hoop for you yep so let's see how this one would work so i'm just going to reuse some stabilizer here since we've got a lot of it floating around so just like candace did when she did the sticky hoop you are going to take this stabilizer and just slap it right there on the back side of this jerky hat of this so you're putting it on the back of this not not in your frame yep okay you're not going to get your frame sticky though you're going to take the sticky stabilizer put it on the back of your frame so right on the back of the of the diamonds like that or the uh jerky hat hoop so this is specifically a hat hoop yes this is specifically a hat hoop and then you're just going to hoop that like you would poop hold on you need to make it a little bit bigger then you're just going to poop this so it takes the place of your inner piece for your hoop yes it's replacing your inner the inner piece of your hoop and then once you've got that in there i have sticky let's see yeah i was gonna say let's let's get that out of the way so i have sticky stabilizer here in the middle of the hat hoop and the hat hoop is looking like this inside my 5x7 i'm going to take the bill of the hat and put it in down here and then put the front and center of the hat here in the sticky stabilizer so it's got these clamps and you're putting it right down in the middle a clamp section right here and i'm just going to slide it right in there and then i will position it because there are marks on this as well i'm going to stick it down to the sticky stabilizer and that sticky stabilizer is going to hold it in place this sticky's going to hold it in place i'm going to tighten the screws the wing nuts here so that the top of it so that the bill is nice and flat and now i am ready to go to oops i came out of my opinion now i'm ready to go to the embroidery machine you can see our price tag we buy our hats at walmart around here um we're ready to go to the embroidery machine and stitch it out now you can't do production on this it's not going to take the place of a round hat hoop like you're going to get on a persona but if you're doing just a few then this is a great option for you to be able to do hats at home on your flatbed machine and they do make this this insert for a variety of different machines they've got it for janomes for some berninas um you've got the brothers and the baby locks as well awesome that's a really neat product um i first saw those i was like hey how do these things work man this is really cool yeah so sticky hoops sticky hoops are fantastic and they're they're they are an addition to your standard hoops and you're going to use these for a variety of reasons from towels to hard to hoop projects for almost anything you can use these sticky hoops so blaine what do you think about that and and the turkeys don't we have some really great deals on our uh jerky frames right now well you're right candace and deb it's uh i i absolutely love that demo y'all just did and you know that's the thing that about i think you you touched on something everybody out there is always come to you know one time or another they wanted to do a hat and you know if you you know and again if you're trying to do multiple hats it would take you a while but it's it's doable but what that dirky frame the way they've shown that hat frame that fits inside your regular hoop that you get with your machine to me is just brilliant and what's awesome about it you're exactly right if somebody wanted to do you know onesies and twosies of hats they could do it but they could do multiple hats it would just take a little bit of time uh you know but it wouldn't be as near as a fast like a production machine like a multi-needle but man i tell you that to me that is so brilliant how they they've incorporated that frame to go into your regular hoop and it'll fit multitude of machines so i love that that was a great demonstration y'all just made on that and all the demonstrations were good but i would like to have see y'all do a little rematch on speed and i know everybody out there would too but i'd like to see y'all do the same hoop the same uh material same stabilizer and you'll go head-to-head and see who actually can just do it the fastest you're up okay okay we can do that putting you on the spot right what do we want to use a standard because these are these are just so easy i guess i guess that's really cheating right yeah you've already proven that the the you know the the stable the easy frames and the in the sticky frames and all the magnetic frames and everything is so much faster than a regular hoop but i want to see your hooping skills let's go with the skills oh that's dangerous tearaway let's just use a flat piece do we have some flat i think everybody would like to see that wouldn't you think roger i think so i think everybody out there would like to see this would they now i think so i know i would like to see it well hey while they're getting ready i want to talk to you a little bit about the the stabilizers and things that we're going to show you today so again we're going to have our pre-cut stabilizer we're going to show i'm going to go over all the different sizes that it comes in each one comes in a ziploc bag so you have a storage you can just pull the sheets out when you want to use it and seal it back up and as you can see it right here it has the instructions of what it's for right here it gives you the what the the smallest it shows you the hoop size and smaller that the this you know material will fit and then it also even has it on the the printing on the spine of the the packaging so if you do have it on a shelf somewhere you can you can read it so if it was you know stacked up you could read it and that's what the great thing about it so that ziploc bag keeps it fresh in store and then if you do cut some pieces even off that you can go back and put it right back in your ziploc bag but that way i think candace was was you know uh talking about the roles of stabilizer once you take the packaging off if you don't have you know like our our our say perfect it has you know the the stay fresh tubes that you put it in and it's you still have your markings on it but a lot of stabilizer on the markets out there they are uh cellophane wraps heat shrink wrapped and once you take that heat shrink off you're losing the label so you don't know what it is and so that's why we came out with the ziploc bag to keep it stored so you could you know reuse it pull it out and know what you're using same way with our tubes that you see behind us and those stay fresh tubes it's the same way you can just stick it back in your tube if you in those are the rolls if you want to cut the rolls out but the great thing about this is you can plan your project so much easier because you know exactly how much stabilizer you have so we're going to talk about the different ones that we have available today in this and this is a brand new product we've launched it today it'll be on our website you can go you know get on the website right now you can just go type in stay perfect stabilizer in the search bar or you can just give us a call at 800-401-8151 we have operators standing by to take your order and then the other thing we're going to talk about today we're going to talk about all the different hoops we've you've seen we have the the durkee frames the easy frames we're going to have some packages on that uh all the things that you're going to see of the frames are all call-in specials except for that world premiere of that brand new janome packages and i'm going to go over that janome package what comes in each one and the pricing on that but that is going to be you heard it here on the show brent taylor gave us a 20 off the map price all the way through midnight sunday night and then we have to take it down and because monday all the other dealers in the nation will be able to get it and we won't be able to it'll go right back to the map pricing so if you have an mv4 or mv7 janome multineedle machine this these those packages are for you but we'll go over that as well so we got a lot of products to go over at the end of the show but we're going to go right back to deb and candace let them have their speed contest and then i'm going to come back and start talking about the pricing and all what we have today so y'all girls ready we are ready we have 5x7 hoops we have tearaway stabilizer and we have the same towel we've been using all right so let me get my phone we're going to time this again okay let's see and i'm giving y'all start so y'all ready all right so on your mark get set i'm thinking that was a go i think that was go right i'm done wait did you tighten it up i did it's okay it's tight it's not coming out i think dev won by by moments she won i did it was a photo finish okay you really did that nine seconds dab the stabilizer was pre-cut it was so easy because you know blaine the towel just laid on there i wasn't fighting with my stabilizer which we normally have to do well that was so fast i thought when i when i did the first one with this hair i had it one way and it was curling i flipped it the other way it was curling i touched it and it all rolled up on me so that's awesome that didn't happen there you go we've got some years of experience on me so i think we should give it to her definitely give it to me y'all probably want to know what the winners get today so i actually do have a prize and but you know it was kind of a tie because deb won one you won the other you had an advantage so what we're doing we're gonna buy lunch for both of y'all today and uh so both of your winners nice thank you well hey blaine before we um go back to you we definitely need to talk about our monster snap hoops so let's totally talk about these because this is another product that you need in your arsenal these are the dime monster snap hoops and you see there's a piece of corrugated cardboard in between because these bad boys are so strong i mean they will stick together and it's hard to get them apart i mean i have long nails and i don't like to break my nails so i always keep my cardboard but these are magnetic hoops so it's a completely different type of a hoop we're not using sticky stabilizer on this but we can use our standard stabilizer and then we can use no stabilizer so deb why would i need this kind of a hoop well quilting in the hoop is the easiest reason the biggest reason why you would need a monster snap hoop like this quilting doesn't require any kind of stabilizer it's thick so it's hard to hoop so being able to use it in a monster snap hoop means that it's going to stay in place you don't have to fight with your inners and your outers and it's just going to be ready to go for you it's also easy to get the alignment all taken care of for you so this is my my hoop from home actually so these are brought our own mine they come with rulers on them so well they don't come with rulers on them they come with rulers in the package that you have to put it on when you get home so i can actually i've got you can do measurements on here you've got the centers marked for you so you positioning is really easy when you're trying to do something that's continuous or um or do the quilting of the hoop now i have lost my corrugated pieces of cardboard over the times because i've had this hoop for i'm gonna say at least seven years but you have a trick she's got a trick to open them i was trying to so what did i do try it apart when i don't have it is i just hold it and i take my thumbs and i push it up and so now you can see that i've got some space and then they just come apart really easily so i learned that today slide it don't don't try to no hold these right try them off they're not going to come off and then you can lift it up and then you don't break a nail so they also have this little piece of velvet almost a velvet on the bottom so you would not want to put sticky stabilizer on this some people ask oh can i just put sticky stabilizer my answer is no um it's a velvet piece and it kind of helps to glide um you know on the bed of your machine so this type of a hoop is perfect to hoop something that's very difficult very thick as deb mentioned quilting in the hoop if you have your quilt all done and you want to use your embroidery machine i don't want to put stabilizer in here i've got my front and my back but i could easily use this you would spend your life picking that stabilizer out oh my gosh no no stabilizer i can easily use this and just re-hoop there's and i'm not going to put any creases in this project because i have no hoop burn from no heat burn so there's a couple different ways to do this and deb can kind of show you but you kind of lay it down and then that's that's on there that's there that's you know it's not coming out even with the weight of a normal size quilt on there it's still going to stay nice and stable and it's not going to move around on you yeah and then when i'm done with that section i'm just going to open that up reposition my hoop and get ready for my next hoopie what candace isn't showing you is how easily she's repositioning it because the actual arm where it goes into the machine is right here so what she's doing is she's taking the the hoop pushing it right up against that that arm and then just letting it fall that's all you have to do is let it fall if you want to you can kind of maneuver a little bit maneuver it just a little bit you can give it those little tugs that we tell you to never do on a plastic hoop you can get away with doing on a monster snap hoop yeah these are really great like i said um if you had a jacket or something really difficult to hoop like i said we have this beautiful jean jacket there's no way you could do that on a regular hoop and maybe you don't want to use sticky stabilizer so this is the perfect tube so really you know you need all of these different types of hoops because they're for different purposes and for hooping different projects so bulky towels that you wouldn't want to use a peel and stick on if you want like a water soluble on the back of a bulky towel and not a tear away then you can use your sticky hoops with those you can use them for quilting for the jean jackets a lot of that stuff that you really don't want to put or are afraid that you're you're going to have a hard time pooping in your traditional hoop you've got the monster snap hoops or the sticky hoops from dime or from jerky that are going to give you all those options so you can hoop just about anything just about anything the right stabilizer and maybe an alternate hoop you can hoop just about anything that you want to so we didn't really talk that much about why you use different stabilizers but let's talk about that just for a second okay we tell people in our classes that there's basically three categories of stabilizers there's cutaway there's tearaway and there's specialty stabilizers so we kind of just group them in these three categories now cutaway why would i use cutaway and not tear away what's the difference with those two well cut away is going to stay in your project when you're done with it so um while a tearaway is going to dissolve or tear out and over time the cutaway is always going to stay there so it's always there supporting the back of your project i like to use it on a lot of t-shirts and stretchy shoes yeah because it's going to provide support to the garment even after i throw it through the washer in the dryer it's not it's going to stay more stable than it would if i just had to tear away on it yeah if you've ever bought a polo shirt that had a logo you'll see their stabilizer behind that that is cutaway anytime you do a knit you don't want to pull and tear and distort the fabric so you're going to use a cutaway so we have standard cutaway and then we have no shell mesh no show mesh is a little bit lighter it's just a you know color a no-show no show mesh and this is perfect for all of those embroidered quilts so we use those a lot for quilts a lot of in the hoop projects we use this this is a perfect stabilizer for that you can leave it in it's soft it's not crunchy it doesn't add any bulk to your project so it's great for all those things so tear away that one's a little bit easier because tearaway we use a lot that you're just going to tear it out and it will um you know you'll still have some of it in there but the majority of it will tear away anything that is stable anything that's not going to stretch so that it could be my husband's work shirts a pair of jeans anything caught a backpack a tote bag towels a lot of towels yeah anything that's not stretchy you can often just use a tearaway on maybe a couple layers depending on how many stitches you have in your design because you don't want to overwhelm the tear away but tear away that's your bread and butter stabilizer and you always think about starting there and if that's not going to do the job then you move on to one of the other ones and then we also have the wash away or the water soluble and those are fabulous if you've never used a water soluble product um why would i use that why do i need water soluble other than completely disappear so the obvious thing is all these freestanding freestanding lace ornaments that i love to make at the holiday time i start my sewing machine up and i actually tuck them all inside the christmas cards that i send out so i send out freestanding lace ornaments at the holidays but beyond that it's anything that you are going to see the back of and um like i personally like to use water soluble on the back of all of my towels because i'm going to see the front in the back of the towels and i don't want to be looking at all those little bits of tearaway that i couldn't get out of there so i like to put water soluble on the back of my towels and other things where you're going to see the back of it yep and so you don't want to see the stabilizer so you use a water soluble and it will wash right out you can even spritz it with water you don't have to get it completely wet and it will come out um and then we already talked about sticky sticky adhesive that is just everyone needs that because there's so many projects that you're you're going to want to use that for yeah there's i mean you've got your tear away and this is just tear away to the next level when you don't when you are going to have a hard time hooping it don't want to hoop it want to go faster than that's when you're going to pull out your peel and stick tearaway sticky tearaway to work on those i know i peel and stick is one of the more expensive stabilizers out that are out there but i buy it anyways i've tried using regular tearaway and a spray on adhesive and it's just not the same you don't get the same kind of hold and everything will shift on you so if i'm going to put the time in it then i'm going to put the right tools into it and i'm going to put the peel and stick on there and i'm done trying to put spray on stabilizer spray on sticky spray onto my tearaway and the 505s you don't need it yeah you know you mentioned about waste i mean these are expensive stabilizers and so buying something that's the exact size you need your will really eliminate that waste because there's nothing i hate more than wasting stabilizer it's like oh i don't want to throw that away stabilizer comes in 9 12 or 20 inch rolls there's a lot of hoops that go into it in between there so if you're using a 7 by 12 hoop your only option is the 20 inch wide stabilizer and you're going to end up cutting off yeah 5 inches off of the side of it instead of using a 14 by you know like by uh yeah so having a 22 piece which is going to be exactly the right size yeah so this is really going to save us so the other thing that we just didn't even mention but you have seen throughout this project is we are using hoop mats so deb and i have been using these dime hoop mats it's a piece of silicone we've demonstrated these quite a few times and what that does is it keeps your hoop in place this does not slip anywhere and that's the one of the reasons we were able to hoop so fast that was our secret i wasn't fighting against the table when i was trying to hoot my project it stayed in place nothing moved and so i was able to hoop that super fast yeah so this is our secret weapon today for our hoop wars my secret weapon every day yeah yep is this dime hoop mat so if you don't have one of these you definitely want to pick one up it's got the grids on here for lining up your projects and again it's just for hooping so that your mat does your hoop doesn't slip when you're hooping and i i think that's definitely why we're able to hoop so fast today uh definitely if i would have had to slip on the table it would have taken me a lot longer they are available on the website um i'm not sure when i checked on it are they they are yeah kyle gates just gave me a thumbs up the other day they said that they were out of stock but i called diamond they came back in so and they come in this like uh tube uh triangle because it's rolled and i just i just roll mine out like like i said deb and i bring our brought our products from home i just fold it up roll it up you know it's not you don't have to baby this no mine has not taken a fold or crease or anything i've had mine for probably at least two years i was so excited when they came out i bought the first one that came into the store so so you definitely need that so hey we are done blaine um the only other thing i want to tell you guys about is if you love embroidery consider coming to our kimber bell pro kimberbell event so you can talk a little bit about that i've got all the projects right here that we're going to be doing via zoom so this is all embroidery and most of these are done with sticky stabilizer so that's a great time to pick up one of these little hoops or you know one of the sticky hoops so that you'll be prepared to do this project because a lot of this is done on sticky stabilizer and again how many times did i have to take this out of my hoop and cut and trim every color oh my gosh so if you have a sticky hoop there's no fear of the hoop coming undone when you take it in and out of the machine to do applique that is my favorite project that is actually a tea towel just like what we were hoping that you're going to turn into an apron this is a towel and we're going to turn it into this really cute apron and you not only get one apron and you get two you get two and then you get a bunch of bonus projects and this one's a little eyeglass case to hold some eyeglasses and these are for chocolate or maybe a gift card or something so just some really cute little projects that we're going to do for our kimber bell virtual event in january it is called punny valentine and it's in january okay blade i guess deb and i are done talking we'll let you take it away well hey thanks candace and deb what a great job and and man that was some fantastic demos and candace i do want to mention you know you are you do have that virtual kimber bell event january 8th i think is that date and if you all haven't signed up for that you want to sign up for it because uh candice does a fantastic job teaching it and you all saw the projects are just awesome so hey deb thank you so much for coming today and doing that and candace same as you thanks so much guys i think everybody really enjoyed that and y'all were really informative of all the information you gave us so thank you all so much okay you're welcome bye everyone bye all right guys so i hope y'all enjoyed that i really did that was so good what they did today and hey so one of the things i wanted to talk about real quick and we're going to get in a lot of products so i hope y'all got your pencils ready and your and your notepad because we got a lot of things to talk about but one of the things i wanted wanted to say you know i don't know if y'all know who deborah jones is but deborah jones goes way back she uh you know works with dime in in the embroidery store she and i go way back doing events a long time ago and deborah came out with this thing it's called the embroidery compass and you know if you've ever wanted to know what stabilizer to use on what material this thing is so awesome and i think roger's pulling it up right there if y'all probably can't see it really good but this is 1999 and i promise you this is well worth the money what you do is you actually this kind of has a dial and you just dial it up of what you're using and it tells you in there what stabilizer to use uh all the great things about it and i just love this thing and everybody who uses these just love them so if you do have questions about what stabilizer and what kind of fabrics to use and things like that this is a great little investment that you can keep forever and uh but you ought to try to get one of these and again all you'd have to do is just you know put in the embroidery compass in the search bar at the top of the page on in our search bar and it would take you right to the product page but this is a very inexpensive 1999 uh you know little tool that you can use to help you especially beginners when you don't know what stabilizer to use this is perfect addition to your little sewing room and again i i think that i just wanted to talk about that because i remember you know using these through the years at a lot of our events for people and and i remember when deborah came out with this it was just a game changer for a lot of people so anyway make sure you mark that down the embroidery compass that's something you can use so roger let's go and we're going to start talking a little bit about our stabilizer so guys i want to show you all the overlays on our stabilizer and what what we're going to do with this now again this is our first first little bundle and this is the medium cut pre-cut stabilizer you're going to get that ziploc bag you're going to get 25 sheets per pack and guys the price on this great great price 10.99 that you're going to pay for this and all you have to do to go get these is go to our website and just type in stay perfect stabilizer it's going to take you to that whole category page where you can see the tubes and you can see the pre-cuts and they you can call right now 800 800-401-8151 if you want to order it on their phone or you can just go right to the website and just type in that search bar again stay perfect stabilizer and it'll take you right there but guys great price this is an introductory price of 10.99 for that medium cut stabilizer so let's go to the next one roger and this next one is the peel and stick pre-cut stabilizer this is the 25 pack as well comes in that ziploc bag and again guys this is 32.99 and you're going to be able to pick the different sizes you want in that but a great great price again on that and then let's go to the next one roger this is the pre-cut no-show mesh stabilizer pack it's a 25-pack as well it's 13.99 great great price on this and then finally i think we have another one right here this is the pre-cut sew and wash stabilizer 25 sheets and again 19.99 for that price guys these are great prices we got one more tearaway i forgot about the tearaway so the medium tearaway pre-cut stabilizer 25 sheets again 8.99 so these are all priced so good that you could buy the actually a pack of every one of them and we have them in different sizes that you can get and one of the great things about it a lot of times when you're uh you know your embroidery in you kind of wonder know like will this fit my hoop well that was one of the things we took in consideration we said look we want to put what hoop size it fits right on the packaging so it'll tell you it'll fit a 10 by you know 12 or 8 by 12 or whatever it's going to tell you it'll fit that hoop and smaller so you know even if you have some smaller hoops that it'll fit and you might have to trim a little bit on the smaller ones but we try to make it to where it's easy for you to be able to pick which one you need and so that's what the great thing about it and one of the things that we talked about again on this pre-cut stabilizer the great thing about it is you can plan your projects if you know that you want to do 25 onesies and you need to have that 6x10 hoop you can actually go i've got 25 sheets that'll fix fit a 6x10 hoop and you know one pack will do your all your projects and you minimize the waste you're right roger so this is a great great product guys we are so proud to bring this to you today uh we've been working on this for a long time y'all have no idea how long it takes to to an idea to come up and then you know go through all the the production and and all the samples and but we were so happy to go through it we finally got it done and we're ready we're ready to ship this out to you and we're taking orders today for this and you can go right to the website again and type in stay perfect in that search bar it'll take you right to that stabilizer category page and you can look at all of our stay perfect products and you can also give us a call at 800-401-8151 and place your order with our sales reps all right so roger let's talk a little bit about hoops are we ready to talk about hoops so get again guys today on the show we talked about the sticky uh hoops from dime and this one is for the brother baby like bernina janome viking and faf and this thing again you can use that sticky stabilizer with this as candace and deb demonstrated what a great great product this is 59.99 for these hoops and we absolutely love these things and when you buy these hoops you're actually going to get that that you're going to get 25 sheets of stabilizer actually in that hoop to start with and then you buy the refills you can buy our stay perfect stabilizer refills to fill that you know we'll go right back in there and have some more so great great price of 59.99 but this is a call in special if you want to get a really good deal on this today give us a call at 800-401-8151 and we have we can't advertise our our show special today but they start at 59.99 and go up based on the size and we give us a call if you're interested in these because we do have a great special on those all right roger let's go to our next one all right guys this is from durkee and this is that 4x4 cap frame you saw and again guys this is awesome this is going to fit the baby locker brother machine and we love these things and again you remember how they they candace in them actually showed you how that's going to fit inside your your hoops that come with the machine we have one for a 5x7 we have one for the 4x4 this is for that flatbed machine so you can use you know the embroidery hats right on your flatbed and it's ingenious how brent made this fit right in your existing hoops that come with that machine so you can turn that flatbed into a hat machine just like that but this price it's 129.95 this is a call-in special guys we have a show special on this but you have to call to get that special all right roger let's go to the next one all right so this is the easy frames uh you know the embroidery hoops this is from durkee again this is for the multi needle and and guys they're available in a lot of different sizes you can get them in a two by four a two and a half by four a three by four a three by eight a four by four a five by four a five by five a five by eight a six by six seven by five a seven by seven an eight by eight a four by twelve a twelve by four and a twelve by eight a lot of different hoops and uh so there's a lot of different sizes they start at 49.95 and go up based on the price or the size and again guys this is a call in special you know brent gave us a special today on that janome packages but not these we can't advertise the price so we you have to call in to get the special show price today on these so give us a call at 800-401-8151 don't delay all right so let's go to our next one this is the easy frame embroidery hoop for the single needles now this is for the single needles and again guys we have they start at 79.99 and go up they're available in sizes of four by four five by seven six by six six and a half by ten and a quarter seven by twelve eight by eight eight by twelve nine and a half by nine and a half a nine and a half by 14 and then at 10 uh and i think it's 10 and almost a half by 16 and that fits some of those larger combination machines but this is the easy frame uh embroidery hoop for those single needle machines and they start at 79 and again you know if you've got uh you know some of your top the line machines out there the different brands we have a hoop that will fit that and you know again use that sticky stabilizer on these and it is a game changer i promise you that's a call-in special so give us a call on that all right so this is from dime and this is that monster snap hoop that you saw candace and deb demonstrate this is the magnetic one and guys if you are a quilter oh my gosh i don't know if y'all y'all remember eileen roach coming on our show before but eileen demonstrated that monster snap hoop uh in conjunction with that weightless quilter that she used that it's a product that actually holds that quilt up but she used that in conjunction and that monster hat snap hoop is just awesome because it's great for quilting because you have to you don't have to use any stabilizer on it and you can just do those sections at a time and it's easy to move that that that quilt in that but you can also use this also if you love magnetic hoops you can use stabilizer with this we don't recommend use the sticky stabilizer but you can use all the other you know the pre-cut i mean not the pre-cut the pre-cut sheets but you could use the you know all the different types type uh type stabilizer with this again guys these start at 139.99 and go up we have a call-in special for those today so to get that show price you have to call us at 800-401-8151 and we'll hook you up on that great show price all right so hey there's that hoop mat so you saw deb and candace said hey they have to use it that was what caused them to be able to to or help them hoop those uh you know do the hoop demonstration so fast so that's what this is this is that that hoop mat it's a 22 inch by 16 inch and you saw that it comes in that try that triangle packaging uh rolled up and again you know deb and candace i've had these for a long time and use them and absolutely love them they start at 19.99 guys give us a call on this we have a call-in special on that as well and just give us a call at 800-401-8151 so this is the actual special did you get the overlay made yeah so roger got the new overlay made since i threw him a curveball today on the show now guys this is that brand new janome package uh and here's our code so you can see the coupon code if you have a janome multi-needle machine the mb4 or that mb7 these next three packages are for you and roger did a great job and got those done so fast today thank you roger for doing that uh and thank brent taylor for hey going to bat for us it's kind of funny he said i knew you were going to call he started laughing as soon as i called him yeah but so this is 20 off code for these three packages i'm going to talk about this is the durkee 20 durkee20 is the coupon code and that's only for the janome mb4 mb7 package and i got to talk a little bit about the packages guys so package a for this and that's what you're looking at right now is package a and this thing comes with eight different hoops in that adapter arm which is fantastic in the so you're going to get regular hoops that you see on the screen right there on the left those are the regular hoops you're going to get a 12 centimeter you're getting an 18 centimeter so those are around and then you're getting that 24 by 24 centimeter which is a kind of a square type hoop okay then you're getting that easy frame adapter you see at the very top that blue arm that's an adapter arm you're getting that and this is because again guys you know this is a multi-needle machine so this is you're going to get that two inch by four inch hoop you're gonna get the five by four inch a seven inch by five inch and eight by eight with that you're also gonna get that cap frame you see down at the bottom of the screen in the picture that blue oval shape that is for your caps so basically you're getting eight hoops with that adapter arm on package a it's starting at 499 dollars you use that dirky 20 off code and you're going to beat that price you're going to get 20 off that price today all the way through midnight sunday night you heard it from brent nobody in the country has these yet we have them and we're ready to ship them and you're going to get that great specialist show today but at midnight sunday night it ends and then everybody else in the world will have them and you will only be able to buy them for 4.99 you won't be able to get them that great 20 off so let's go to that package b so this was package b this is starting at 899 again you're going to get that 20 off and guys i got to tell you what all comes with this look at how many hoops you're getting you're getting 15 different hoops with this package you're going to get the regular hoops that you see on the left you're getting that 12 centimeter you're getting that 12 by 5 which the 12 centimeter is the round you're getting the 12 inch or 12 by 5 times 24 centimeter which is that kind of square you're getting a 15 centimeter which is around you're getting that 18 centimeter which is round you're getting that 24 by 24 centimeter which is a square hoop then we're going to go down to the easy frames you're getting that blue adapter arm that you see at the top up there you're also going to get a one by one and a half inch by four inch hoop a two and a half inch by four inch a three inch by four inch a three inch by eight inch five inch by four inch five inch by eight inch a seven inch by five inch and an eight inch by eight inch then you're getting that radius frame also you're getting the cap frame as you see in the blue down toward the bottom of the screen and so you're getting a total of 15 different hoops coming with this along with that adapter arm and then for package c this is again the for the janome mb4 mb7 you're getting 22 different hoops that come with this package it's starting at 11.99 today through sunday midnight you're going to get 20 off that again you're getting a the regular hoops you see to the left of the pitcher you're getting that 9 centimeter which is the round you're getting a 12 centimeter round one you're getting a 12.5 times 24 centimeters square you're getting a 15 centimeter around a 15 times 15 centimeter square you're getting an 18 centimeter round and then you're getting a 24 by 24 centimeter that is a square and then you're getting that easy frames adapter arm and then you're getting the easy frames you're getting the one and a half or one and one it's one by one and a half inch times four inch you're getting a two inch by four inch a two and a half by four inch a three inch by four inch a three inch by eight inch a four inch by four inch a five inch by four inch a five inch by five inch a five inch by eight inch a six inch by six inch a seven by five inch a seven by seven inch and an eight by eight inch plus you're getting that radius frame and you're getting the cap frame that you see down at the bottom getting that cap frame total of 22 different hoops come with this package and guys if you have an mb4 or mb7 man i can't stress to you this is a a great addition to your your machine and we have these three brand new they just got released today to us uh these three packages for that janome mb4 mb7 so if you have one of those machines this is your the hoop set for you today through midnight uh sunday night you're gonna get a 20 off if you use the coupon code durkee20 you can go right to our website uh and put in you know the janome mb4 mb7 durkeeframes it'll take you to that product page you can use the coupon code or if you just want to give us a call at 800-401-8151 and you can do that as well and they can take your order over the phone and put the coupon code in so guys a lot of stuff that we went over didn't we [Laughter] i hope everybody made notes uh but hey i gotta also talk about today i know we're a little over on our time today and i'm sorry about that guys we had a lot of products to show today but everybody's been kind of wondering about hey this big package behind me well that's our 10 for 10 promotion and so basically what it was if we hit 10 000 uh like our subscribers on our youtube page we're going to give away a 10 000 sewing machine package and guess what we did everyone we hit 10 000 subscribers so thank you all thank you all so much and congratulations to everybody out there congratulations to snp for hitting that milestone of 10 000 subscribers but guess what so on cyber or not cyber monday on the countdown to christmas show which is going to be uh it's going to be the 13th of december through the 17th or is that right that's right in it yeah 13th through the 17th on the in december on the 17th which is a friday we're going to announce our winner for whoever wins this and guess what guys uh you have to be a subscriber to win so on that day on that friday i'm going to tell everybody hey punch this cupid i'm going to give them a code or a special word for you to put in the the chat and you're going to write that in and if you are a subscriber it'll only pull you your name if you're a subscriber into the pool to get chosen and then we'll pull one of those those subscribers out and uh and you'll get a chance to win that ten thousand dollar sewing machine package and it is a great package guys it where it is a super fantastic package you're gonna love it and so again it's got like a combo machine in there it's gonna have a sewing embroidery machine you're gonna get a serger you're going to get some cabinets so it is a great great package so if you haven't subscribed to our youtube page go do it right now subscribe to our page and again on our regular drawings if you want to win something when you're watching us live all you have to do is ask questions share the video like it if you're on youtube hit the thumbs up hit the bell notification subscribe um if you're on facebook just give us a like share it or just make comments if you're watching it after the show after the live show and you're watching the playback like tonight after you get off work you can still win uh our sewing machines that we give away every week and all you have to do again is go down and make a comment either on facebook or youtube make a comment ask questions and that'll put you into that winner and what we do is we actually give that away on the following week's show so next week is our cyber monday show and uh or no it's thanksgiving right yes thanksgiving we won't be here we'll have a show on thanksgiving but the following thursday we're going to have our cyber monday show or the following monday the cyber monday show so you don't want to miss that it's going to be november the 29th guys it's going to be fast paced all day long i mean we're gonna have every 15 minutes we're going to have a different product up there we're going to have a different guest presenting that product and it is going to be fast paced we're going to have some great specials on machines and products so you don't want to miss that again and then we'll go back to our regular thursday show and then we'll get ready for our big countdown to christmas show which will be five days all day long and we have an incredible lineup of people that are going to be on that show as well and we got a lot of great giveaways and things that we're going to do on the countdown to christmas show so you don't want to miss that and i might even wear santa hat you never know about me [Laughter] but anyway so today we're going to give some stuff away today and then we're also going to announce our winner for the sewing machine last week right but first it's the doorbuster so roger today he's got a doorbuster this is the creative grips non-slip ruler this is a six and a quarter inch by 24 and a quarter inch this is a great great ruler so guys look at the price on that this is normally a 26 dollar item today 14.99 on the door buster so if you've been interested in one of these nice nice rulers you want to get one of these and again guys it has all your grids on there all your measurements it is great for using rotary cutters and so if you've been needing a ruler this is it this is the one to get it's 24 inch lung and it's going to be that six and a quarter inch wide so there's a great door buster so roger we had our door buster what are we ready for now we're giving away bags all right so let's give oh let's give the sewing machine away from last week yeah so we're gonna go ahead and give the sewing machine away from last week and then we'll give some other things away for the live show today but this is from last week's show we're given this this was that baby like zest that you see great great machine from baby lock this is a manual machine it's extremely lightweight and what great thing about this is it's very portable you can take this thing with you you can put it in a suitcase and a roller and just roll it around take it with you great for campers great for rvs to on vacation great for going to quilt guilds and quilt retreats a great great machine and we were happy to give this way and roger who is our winner that won this from last week and it's betty bain so congratulations betty on winning the machine from last week and so betty just give us an email to contest plural with an s on the end of it to to sewmachinesplus.com and just let us know your name where you want your machine shipped to and we'll get that uh shipped out soon as we get your information so congratulations betty all right so this show we're giving away some of our event bags and so these are our eight uh it's a bundle pack of eight these are our individual colors we sell these for 9.99 each on our website or you can get the whole bundle for 49.99 so if you want one of our bags just go in there type event bags in the search bar and website and they'll take it to you but today we're going to give one of those bundles away and who is our lucky winner roger chapman so gayla chapman congratulations on winning a bag bundle and gala again send us an email to contest plural with an s on the end of it to sewmachinesplus.com and just let us know your name and where you want them shipped to and we'll get that right out to you so we're going to give a second winner of the bags away and who's that yvonne james so congratulations yvonne uh you're getting a bag bundle as well and yvonne do the same thing send us an email to contest plural sewingmachinesplus.com and we will get that out to you as soon as we get your name and your shipping address all right so we're going to get some mats away right yes this is awesome so guys you know i love our sewing mats if you don't have a sewing mat yet and you own a sewing machine you are missing out you need to have one of these mats for any sewing machine you have because it does a lot of great things it dampens the sound makes it quieter it actually reduces the vibration from your machine makes those electronics last a lot longer and the other thing it does is whatever surface you have it sitting on it protects that surface so if you have it on your kitchen table or or a countertop it's going to protect that surface these are like a huge giant mouse pad they're quarter inch thick they're very easy to clean as you see they come in some great great colors that blue is the exact match of the brother blue the gold's exact match of baby lock gold and that bernina red is right there in janome red and then we have a pink and what i like to call that north carolina tar heels blue and what i like to call the lsu tigers and baton rouge that purple so we have all those to choose from we have three sizes you can get a medium large or extra large size that medium's for you like your sergers and that extra large is going to be for those big combo type machines we're going to give your choice of size and color and who is our winner chris rogers so congratulations chris you just won a sewing mat so what you need to do you can go to our website type in sewing mat in that search bar it'll take you to that those mats just tell us what color you want and what size you want so you're going to shoot us an email to contest plural at sewingmachinesplus.com and just give us your name shipped to address and then let us know that size and color and we'll get those right out to you so we got another winner don't we roger yes we do kathleen piggy kathleen figgy so kathleen figgy you've win you're going to win one of those mats as well and again the same thing as we told chris you know go to the website pick out the color you want but you get to pick your size and color and it has those dimensions right on the website you want to look at the exact size you need but again they come in medium uh you know large and extra large so kathleen just pick us a size that you want pick us a color e shoot us an email to sewingmachinesplus.com or a contest i'm sorry contest plural with an s at sewingmachinesplus.com and let us know your name your ship to address and let us know what color and we will get that right out to you as we get your information so guys anything else roger yeah we should tell them they're winning next weekend okay so next weekend uh well now are we doing a show next thursday so to be the following oh yeah yeah so we're it's not going to be next thursday because that's thanksgiving but it'll be the following what'll be the next third our next thursday show so so today when the show is over uh today all day long if you've made comments asked questions you've done the like share and all that stuff that's going to get you entered to win this encore 260 a sewing machine this is one i featured on the show a couple shows ago you this is an awesome machine guys and again uh if you want to win that uh you know your participation on the show today will get you entered but if the show is over and you're watching the tape delayed the recorded version hey you can still go and make comments in the comment section on facebook and on youtube and that'll enter you to win and we'll make that winner known on our thursday show the next time we're on i think it's a thursday after thanksgiving we'll be back in here so two weeks and i've got to go eat some turkey on thanksgiving so that's why i'm not doing it but so hey guys again i want to remind y'all november the 29th is our cyber monday show on that monday it is the monday after thanksgiving uh we got a great show uh planned out for you and we have got some fantastic specials it's going to be fast paced so you'll need to have your seat belts ready to tighten up and have everything ready for because it's going to be eight hours long every 15 minutes a new product and a new person i think we've got 29 different products roger that we're going to highlight a lot of products you're going to get to see so and then the other thing uh we're gonna have our countdown to christmas show it's the december 13th through the 17th that'll be monday through friday eight hours a day and we're gonna have kind of like showcases we'll have a whole brother morning it'll do like you know a bunch of different brother products we'll have a bunch of different babylock products janome all the different brands we're going to kind of clump them together and do all that brand at one time so you'll be able to pick that out if you can't watch the whole thing you'll be able to see maybe you can get it you know work your schedule out but we'll be publishing that schedule on our website as well you'll be able to see that and that's coming up and again so some great things coming you saw that we talked about the kimber bell event the virtual event with uh candace is going to be january the 8th and what else is we got going on we got a lot of stuff going on don't we fast paced in it so but we're super excited about the 10 000 uh you know subscribers to our youtube channel now our next goal is to hit that 20 000 and uh but you know somebody's gonna get that ten thousand dollar sewing package that mystery gift that's in here and what's so funny y'all think can a ten thousand dollar package fit in that it really can't we actually have a picture of what we're giving away inside the box i think i think so so we may have to unveil that on uh one of the shows to let everybody know what we're giving away um on countdown to christmas on the 17th of december we're giving that away so maybe black friday or we could oh black speaking of black friday hey guys if you're local in southern california and you're you know close to our stores we are having a huge black friday sale that's going to be going on in the retail stores we have a retail store in san marcos california we also have one in san diego down on mission bay drive and both retail stores are beautiful stores they're 10 000 square foot stores tons of product in there and we're going to have a great black friday sale we're going to have red tint set up out in the parking lot we're going to have snacks and and and drinks available for you to come in you're going to be able to come in and spin the wheel for prizes so if you're local to southern california we'd love to see you stop in and do the celebration with us and you never know i might be popping in one of the stores here and there and i'll say hello if you come in and see us so anyway guys uh we thank you all so much for joining our show today and uh helping us hit that milestone on youtube but you know go out there and get your friends involved in in sewing and teach somebody how to sew because this is such a great hobby it brings so many people together in our community and anyway guys we hope that you have a great rest of your week and have a great weekend and until i see you the next time y'all take care out there we'll see you buddy
Channel: SewingMachinesPlus.com
Views: 3,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easier way to hoop, embroidery hoops, embroidery stabilizer, embroidery machine, sewing machine, sewingmachinesplus, sewing machines plus, designs in machine embroidery, dime, stayperfect, stay perfect, stayperfect stabilizer, how to use stabilizer, how to use embroidery hoops, hat hoops, candace trevino, deb donovan
Id: ZPwi9FJV4-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 16sec (5356 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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