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what's up guys welcome to the daily drop out my name is Steve and today I'm at UNLV and this is embarrassing pickup lines hey Susie hi you're not in my zoology class are you no you don't happen to know how much a polar bear weighs do you enough to to break the ice I'm weird I mean sorry I'm Steven hi oh thanks I I practice a little bit back there yeah I just thought you're really pretty oh heck yeah what do you have - oh this is some fun you're really pretty guys a bye hey you don't know where the student union is you I was um I was actually just on the phone with God and I just need to let him know that I found his missing angel okay what's your name Steven it's a really pretty name yeah I'm just wondering if I can get your number okay awesome what are we doing later there's a sofa all right love you bye Hey the student union if you were a stake you would be well done yeah you're just really pretty yeah wasn't it Michaela Steven nice to meet you um do you like steak could I get your number cool um here you go what are you up to heading to practice actually Oh fun yeah I got up got stuff to practice too cooking steak for our did our date I'm super lost right now I'm looking for where's just the main library I'm sorry you're just you're so sweet that I think you you just gave me a cavity Hey - thanks or hurtin what's your name Andre yeah Stephen I read your necklace I'm sorry I should get your number yeah okay just cuz I mean you're gonna have to stop with the cavity thing but I'll go to the dentist for you though all right bye Andre are you who I think you are no were you were you feeling sick the other day you were okay so doctor but my mother is right and she told me to tell you that you needed to be prescribed a little bit of vitamin B what's your name thanks Steven yeah I just thought you're really pretty if I can get your number I'll take it good enough hey Susan hi it's a good thing that it's a good thing that I have oven mitts at home because you're hot to the touch you're hot when we touch net blonde up we're not touching you know what I mean right what's your name Steven nice to meet you I was wondering if I could get your telephone number amazing what do you have to [Applause] [Music] hi you're not lost are you no ok it's just heaven it's a long way the libraries yeah heaven it's what's in here oh sorry I kind of confused myself to be honest but what's in here Steven nice to meet you I just thought you were really the homework sorry you you're really pretty doing your homework could I get your phone digits number hey so I'm still here know I love you you're so sweet no that was amazing we're making it fun video to show that you do they awkward and talked to pretty girls not to be like afraid of them like everybody is because like obviously that doesn't happen often you were super sweet is it cool be zapped live a deal awesome is it cool by taxi see I'm not that awkward so sorry to said false expectation safe alright see ya have a good sound that we're just making a fun video like embarrassing pickup lines to show that you can talk to pretty girls enough to be like a break oh really interesting it's literally right there I thought you saw him because you like you looked kind of like right over like okay physically we use that for the video we just do like fun social experience awesome thank you it's called it's called the the daily drop out if you want to look it up and eat it alright guys thanks for watching the video hope you enjoyed if you did smash that thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram also if you haven't already hop over to daily drop out dot-com array of articles merch all of our exclusive content links at the top of the description I'll see you next time peace [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Dropout
Views: 408,733
Rating: 4.9484806 out of 5
Keywords: Locking Arms With Strangers 3, Daily Dropout, Pranks, Lara, Funny, Hilarious, Jokes, Awkward, Prank, College, College pranks, College Girls, Campus, FSU, Florida State, University, Top 10 pranks, Best Pranks of 2019, Funniest pranks of 2019
Id: hsU5sov7YSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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