Do You Wanna Kiss?

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hey guys welcome back to the daily dropout i'm danny and today i'm going to be asking people wanna kiss hey um valentine's is here what's up do you have like a valentine's is here okay um would you like want to kiss do you want a kiss yeah okay um yeah okay thank you oh this kind of goes so good oh what were you thinking i thought you really asked me to kiss me [Music] yeah i have a boyfriend i just wanted to give you a kiss for valentine's day cool yeah have a good one [Music] can i give you a kiss yeah you can yeah well that's all new man you gotta make that call you're okay with her giving me a kiss sorry it's actually good okay okay okay okay go for it here oh how cute yeah do you want one too i mean i'll take one yet because thank you i didn't know why you were rejecting it i'm sorry no i'm sorry or why you needed to ask her whatever all good have a good one hey guys um do you either of you want to um i'm good so what about a kiss i'm good are you sure they're what what was the thing for the well that was just on the side i don't know i'll take one of these all right cool he wanted a kiss you want a kiss oh i'm good thanks all right you're good hey um come here you look like you need a kiss i do need some help are you in class do you want me to tutor you no i just need to help you you don't want to kiss no you look like you need one though just help each other i'll give you a kiss here oh all right i'll put it down it's a rough class it is yeah it's a really rough class and it's like reading farsi i'm not egyptian so i i don't read it but you like it rough do i like it rough you said and it's rough so yeah so i don't like my homework i love that mask oh thank you very much it honestly would look like probably better off would you want to kiss uh no thank you i'm good i'm heading to class okay i mean you could just save it for later then like oh god you're such a stinker i thought you were the literal one you think i'm stinky no thanks for the gift though yeah of course okay you can do me instead of your homework just saying it's an option [Music] sorry let me take a step back is this better did it work [Music] me stepping back it helps me like calm down for a second because you were pretty close i'm not wearing a mask so yeah i wanted to kiss you anyways that was just a side thing to cover myself because i said now excuse me hey um what would you do if i kissed you um i'm okay thank you i i didn't ask like if i was just saying what would you do if i gave you a kiss probably keep walking if i give you a kiss so i'm here oh no i was giving you a kiss yeah thanks you too what about later if i like give you my number something crazy like that yeah nice but like okay i'm just gonna leave that's fine would you want a kiss is this for a thing for a kiss um like chocolate or like actually well i mean whatever you want i was thinking chocolate but yeah okay i mean if you want i can get your number too but that's up to you um i mean okay that's fine just one kiss is good enough yeah of course oh thanks have a good one thanks you too what are the odds that you want to kiss for me why i mean i'll do it but okay um right now okay okay um because valentine's day vibes is it you're actually so right oh thank you yeah oh my god you are the sweetest oh i'm gonna kiss everyone hi would you want a kiss [Music] i don't know i just felt like being generous oh wait what do you mean like this why would kobet have to do with like chocolate i don't understand oh hershey's kiss oh i'm sorry do you you don't you want it okay okay cool it's wrapped so covet friendly you know hey we need to do this what's up can i do it we need a kiss do you want to kiss no do you want a kiss no thank you are you guys sure like why would you not want one oh actually sick yeah can i have one yeah but i'm just confused at first why you said no and then now you're changing your mind all of a sudden hey um are you single would you like want to kiss at all why am i gay oh sorry i thought you said nay i was like wait okay i mean you still you wouldn't want a kiss you're not in the mood for anything sweet so you really don't want this like i'm trying to get rid of it oh i'll take it yeah so you want to kiss sure but you weren't in the mood and then you got all right okay okay okay good yeah of course what would you do if i just like gave you a kiss i have a girlfriend so okay i don't understand how that like why that would matter um because i have a girlfriend so what would you do i mean i probably would just push it away are you like why would you want to like push me away you're funny excuse me is that a starbucks no oh do you like starbucks i do because i like you a latte thanks did it did it work it was a little bit it's pretty good okay cool would you like want to kiss then i'm married so so so if you're married you can't like eat like chocolate i'm confused [Music] that's really good so you want a kiss okay cool hey we're just making a fun youtube video just messing around is it cool if we use your reaction in the video thank you and good luck with your class econ does suck that was just for a fun video we're filming i was like yeah okay is it cool for your guys reactions sure thank you have a good one all right guys thanks so much for watching the video hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe and follow us on instagram see ya you
Channel: The Daily Dropout
Views: 325,816
Rating: 4.9259105 out of 5
Keywords: Do You Wanna Kiss?, The Daily Dropout, Kissing, Kiss, Valentines Day, College Girls, Pranks, ASU, Dani, Funny, Hidden Camera, Social experiment, COmedy, Hitting on girls, Getting numbers, chocolate, kisses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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