You're My Dream Girl..

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what's up guys welcome to the daily drop my name is Stephen today we're at the University of Arizona and I'm telling girls you're my dream girl hey Siri find me my dream girl oh ok excuse me so just ask Siri to find me my dream girl and you just like happen to walk by what's your name I'm Steven like Marley and Me yes like Riley and me well let me get your number so it can really be Marley me okay you are she's it's very nice to you just poppin mile-high flight back all right yep me too plate right here I just wasn't gonna let my dream girl walk by without getting her number so I figured you know might as well see them what's here nice ain't you all right well see you soon [Music] have you had a dream like within the last few days okay do I look familiar because you were my dream girl so I was just wondering if you were at my dream so that was like a little bit dude what's her name Steven I was wondering if we can make this dream a reality and if I could get your number doesn't sound very excited Lexi it's fine dreams of we can move saw what's your number okay I will hopefully see you in person see you thank you hi sorry what's your name I don't think it is I think it's my dream girl Steven nice to meet you yeah I just I mean you can't just walk by me like that and not give me your number it's doesn't work that way I'm sorry what do you have to do you want me to come here okay yeah I didn't ya want to go we're good all right well you Ju to your voice are you like a soprano no oh really sorry your voices it's like angelic yeah you're yeah yeah I think you're my dream girl what's your name Steven nice to meet you I think I need to get your number I yeah sorry you just if you can start singing again that'd be great I've been kind of having like sleeping issues and you can help me swing me to sleep oh my what what what's your name sorry I'm just I'm a little shook the moment I just wasn't expecting to see my dream girl Oh your eyes are beautiful Thank You Stephen nice to meet you ah I have to get your number I know what do I know you from do I look familiar not really you kind of look like alright wait a minute I got this you kind of look like my dream girl oh my god what's her name Stephen that's your gym yeah just saw you and first thing they can define what I do yeah he's wondering if I can get your number sure thanks what do you say this are you just waiting for girls Yes Doctor did he yell [Music] it's me as well all right love you bye Oh [Music] hi what's her name Steven yeah I just I'm a little thrown off right now because I just wasn't expecting my dream girl walk by so I just I've really threw me for a loop there oh gosh yeah Junior what about you nice well that means I have to get your number then all right what are we doing later you want me to decide sure damn it yeah I do do you have an Instagram yeah beautiful I'm not are you [Music] I can type her in there for you if you'd like this is how our love starts we'll see we'll see you too right all right guys thanks for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to smash that thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Daily Dropout
Views: 746,480
Rating: 4.9469633 out of 5
Keywords: funny, epic, hilarious, savage, picking up girls, college, college humor, university of arizona, u of a, arizona, steven schapiro, the daily dropout
Id: PcoCJSVMn-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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