Can You Pound Me?

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what's up guys welcome back to the daily dropout i'm danny and today we are at the university of tennessee and i'm gonna be asking guys wanna pound me hey guys um is this your son it'd be so cool if he just straight up pounded me like like pound it let's go have a good one guys uh what's your name trace ooh pound me excuse me you heard that correctly pound you yeah i'm flattered but i don't think i'm the right guy why this not embarrassing ah well how does that have to do with wait really you're not gonna pound that has nothing to do with virginity but i respect that completely of course of course good to meet you hey um i just want to let you know like it would be so tight if you pounded me huh it would be extremely tight if you found it yeah yeah any time did that feel good yeah it was not bad that's it was it good for you yeah it was great thanks yeah what's like a good place around here to shop to shop yeah like you just honestly pound me so there's market square do you want to pound me like like questions like now [Music] what do you think hey um it would be like so tight if you pounded me i promise what hey um is there any way like if i bend over could you pound my ass like just like oh wow that was my that was yeah thank you like in the contest you're asking because you asked me a question that means like a bunch of information and talking to you like you don't know what you're talking about like saying are you thinking what i'm thinking i don't think so you don't just want to pound me no like like punch you is that what you're saying like no like this one yeah like uh pound it oh yeah i just i'm not from here so i didn't that's right no okay never mind what are these bags oh they're just from the ball shop okay could you guys just honestly pound me what straight up like fists [Music] like just what do you want to pound me do you guys not fist normally like each other what do you mean like in what way can you just pound me right here right now no yes you can you got it you can do it no you're talking like that i got it you did a great job thanks what do you guys need i'm are we on the same page here wait i'm so here i was just like fisting right thanks you too hey i have a quick question um so if i bend over will you pound me like just like that's so sweet are you is it like that hell yeah that's what i'm talking about bro thanks you have a great day thanks you too is that chick-fil-a holy hell yeah i love chick-fil-a oh my god pound me daddy oh my god is this oh thank you what are the chances you pound me what what are the chances you pound me um i'm a little confused on the oh for sure bro yeah i was just gonna say you're about to leave me hanging like let's not yeah it's good hey y'all we're just messing around is it cool for you is your reaction though is it cool if we use your reaction yes all right thank you we're just filming a video messing around [Laughter] that was great though oh i'm sure you're freaking out you're like what are you saying my dad's right here hey um that was so great we're just filming a video messing around like just asking people if they want to pound me but that was so great that like that's so cute too that you're saying all that but um is it cool for you is your reaction for sure easy hey we're just filming a video messing around is it cool if we use your reaction thanks all right guys thanks so much for watching the video hope you enjoyed it and if you did make sure to smash the thumbs up button comment below subscribe [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Dropout
Views: 275,071
Rating: 4.9308786 out of 5
Keywords: the daily dropout, Can You Pound Me?, Pranks, Funny, Social Experiment, Comedy, Hidden Camera, Lol, Lmao, Viral, SKits, Interviews, Hitting On People, Pick Up Lines, Pound me bro, Handshake, Awkward
Id: E0A32NGVhn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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