Getting Guys To Carry Me To Class 3

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what's up guys welcome to the daily drop I'm Laura today we're at SDSU and I'm getting guys to carry me part 3 also we just dropped all new merch on our website daily drop out calm go check that out but for now enjoy the video [Music] it's a very good question for the two of you do you guys think you could just carry me over there like by the Starbucks I just you guys look really strong and I don't feel like walking yeah it's because you can just get one leg oh you want the other leg you guys are so nice work so Starbucks right yeah are somewhere over there how's your day going going great now loving life you know it's totally like you can't really walk yeah well I could I can't I just choose not to no yeah we're almost there oh you can just drop me off right here yeah yeah okay oh you guys are amazing group hug sweet good one super quick question are you busy okay are you headed that way oh can you carry me that way yeah sure you want me to hold this for you ready 1 2 3 no no this is just for fun I didn't feel like walking anymore so I thought I would ask you oh yeah oh my good thanks your brightening mine too you'd go to school here no we're good Arizona oh really oh yeah it's very dry it's hot it's very very hot oh no yeah that's it that's Arizona for you yeah you smell good Oh am i heavy no great oh sorry I forget I'm Laura no hi what's your name this Nick very cool very cool so there's not a tricky randomly decided to do this yeah oh thank you so much I appreciate it my ring is perfect oh he's dead right no yeah right he was perfect guys don't know oh it's okay it happens well thank you so much you are amazing have a good one love you yeah no thank you just wherever you're going that way by the way a little further down I'm Laura by the way hi nice to meet you no not today all right here's good yep thank you so much I appreciate it man have a good one for ya Laura come by Oh super quick I just wanted to ask one of you guys um do you think maybe you could like give me a piggyback ride down there yeah yeah okay do you want me to yeah are you a minute yeah I can hold that son [Music] okay you want to just go right here yeah sure okay oh yeah I can carry you back [Music] yeah we're just making like a fun little video getting strangers to carry me but um are you guys cool with being in the video yeah we're - just like down over there yeah anywhere yeah I really don't want to walk over there so I thought I'd ask you because you look strong sounds like why not which way do you want to carry me I'm kind of feeling this way oh yeah yeah thank you so much yeah now we're just getting guys to carry me places but ah it's the daily drop out yeah but are you as cold being in the video awesome thanks guys I've no time believing this is just cause yeah this is literally just cuz right I'm Laura by the way I'm Brandon hi nice to meet you random Oh are you sure about this yeah I think I'm too heavy to hold on I hope you I think oh hello this is actually working it's the Boy Scout hole I dig this all the way to Starbucks Oh maybe like one more pole down hello I'm just being carried don't mind me Patrol sorry really quick question for the four of you can one of you guys just um carry me that way yeah you seem really strong do you think you can just like maybe like piggyback oh yeah I can attach it like a baby I don't know you name it okay whichever way you guys are going so what grade you I'm a senior really yeah what grade are you in this is my first semester here oh how do you like it it's been fun I think I just a stick of fire honor I was trying to get an A so you get an A in the class we'll see how well this is always this form this is perfect oh I just didn't feel like walking oh yeah okay but you guys are awesome thank you so much oh just give you a hug thank you that was really quite a including you today thank you guys v I was wondering if you could just give me like a quick like God you were saving my life I can hold that if you are you going up the stairs I'm taking you back up yeah and then if you're going up I can just give you your bag yeah you are so very strong God it's okay do you want me to give you a piggyback up them oh okay oh I was like okay sure I mean I'm scared but okay ready one two three I mean I'm not that heavy rayon or not oh you were so nice Oh perfect I did it I did it thank you so much appreciate it thank you hey super quick question um are you busy heading that way yeah oh but you're heading that way yeah do you think maybe you could just give me a piggyback ride over there - over there yeah so far just like right over there like no no further than Starbucks really a lot closer than Starbucks actually a lot closer maybe to like the last sign what I'm crazy I might like just feeling oh you they really yeah I am went to the gym yesterday okay big leg then yeah huge so I was just wondering it just like a quick one have you got a good deed for the day so if you really need it this is your good deed of the day you're such an angel I can carry this okay that's my good deed of the day all right okay quick question um I know you just went down the stairs but could you just carry me up the stairs real quick [Music] oh I don't know I just hold should I just thank you so much can you ask why oh I just wanted you to carry me up here just for fun yes you look like alright thank you guys yeah today thank you so much you were the angel sent from anytime up there thank you have a good one you too love your socks hey man okay one more thing so we're actually making like a fun little YouTube video getting people to like caring new places but that was awesome are you cool hearing it yeah that's fine oh yeah man thank you you're an angel have a good one now that was awesome here so nice that you call here in the video that was funny that was funny thank you yeah we're just making a fun video getting strangers to like carry me up things but um that was awesome are you guys cool if you're in the video yeah awesome thank you guys alright guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed if you did give this video a thumbs up subscribe and follow us on Instagram and like I said before go check out all of our new merch on daily Drive calm and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Daily Dropout
Views: 2,069,495
Rating: 4.9599094 out of 5
Keywords: jokes, pranks, lol, humor, funny, best pranks of 2019, best viral videos of 2019, epic, viral, the dailydropout, lara fraser, getting guys to carry me to class 3
Id: Ah7f5w4hzdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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