Elmo Goes to Space! | TWO Sesame Street Full Episodes

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(group giggles) Oh hi, Rosita, Abby and Elmo are playing astronauts. - Yeah, we're getting ready to go on a trip to outer space. - Yeah, we need to wear special helmets. - How about this one? - Oh nice. - That's really nice. - But I really like this one. - I kinda like this one myself. - Yeah, watch for more astronauts today on Sesame Street. - [Group] Blast off! Yeah. ♪ Ooh ooh ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah ♪ ♪ Sunny day sweepin' the clouds away ♪ ♪ On my way to where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ - [Group] Sesame Street. - Yeah, oh hi, welcome to Sesame Street. - Hi. - Today we pretending to be astronautas. - Astronautas? - Astronautas is the Spanish word for astronauts, Elmo. - Okay, then Elmo, Rosita and Abby are pretending to be astronautas. - Yeah. Hey, do you wanna be astronautas with us? - Oh cool, then you're gonna need a helmet. - Oh, oh, oh, I have an extra helmet. - Oh you do? - Yeah. - Here you go, put on your astronaut helmet. Yeah. Wow, you look like a real astronauta. - Yeah. Oh, okay, so where are the astronauts going today, Captain Rosita? - We're going to outer space. - Wow. - Outer space, oh boy, oh boy. What are we gonna see in outer space? - Well we are going to see la luna. - Wow, that's the moon. - Si, and las estrellas. - Ah. - Estrellas is the Spanish word for stars. - Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, Elmo can't wait. Let's take off for outer space right now. - Yes. - We can't. - Why, what's the matter? - Well first, we need to find a spaceship. - Oh right. Come on, let's look for something that can be our spaceship. - Spaceship. Here it is. - Wow. - Here what is? - Oh, our spaceship. - Spaceship? That's just an empty box. - Well, this beautiful empty box is going to be our spaceship. - Yeah. - Oh, I get it, you guys are playing pretend, huh? - Uh-huh. - It's all yours, okay. Have fun guys. - Muchos gracias, Chris. - Thank you. - Come on, let's get our spaceship ready for outer space. ♪ We're going to outer space ♪ ♪ I'm taking off real soon ♪ ♪ We're riding a rocket ship ♪ ♪ Up to the stars and moon ♪ ♪ We will have a celebration ♪ ♪ When we reach a constellation ♪ ♪ We will soar among the stars ♪ ♪ To this planet they call Mars ♪ ♪ Nothing can come between us as we make our way to Venus ♪ ♪ And Elmo will shout woopiter ♪ ♪ When we reach the planet Jupiter ♪ ♪ We're going to outer space and taking off real soon ♪ ♪ We're riding a rocket ship ♪ ♪ Up to the stars and moon ♪ ♪ Astronauts take your place ♪ ♪ We're going to outer space ♪ - Yeah, wow, this spaceship looks so beautiful. - Yeah. - Okay astronautas, let's climb into our spaceship so we can go to space. - Yeah. (giggles) - Okay astronaut, let's count down, come on. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, blast off! - [Group] Whoa! Wow. - Hey, we're in outer space. - Awesome. - Come on, let's look for stars. Hey, Elmo sees some twittle bugs. - Okay astronauts, let's pretend that the twittle bugs are stars. (gasps) (Elmo giggles) - Oh look, those stars are forming a constellation. - Constellation? Is that another Spanish word, Rosita? - No, a constellation is a group of stars that look like they're forming a shape. - Oh, well what constellation are they making? - Let me see. Oh look, they're making a new, a brand new one. It's the Twittle Dipper. - Ah. Thank you twittle bugs. - Okay, what now Captain Rosita? - Now astronauts, we are going to go out on a space walk. - Whoa, whoa. - Captain Rosita. - Wait, we're in outer space! - Yeah, if Rosita gets out of the spaceship, Rosita will fall. (Abby gasps) - (laughs) No I won't. There's no gravity so everything in outer space floats. - Oh, oh cool. Come on astronauts, let's pretend to float together. Whoa. - Ooh. - Wee. - Whoa. - Wow. - Stop. What are you doing to our spaceship? - Spaceship? I thought someone put this out here to recycle. - Oh look, it's all ripped. - Oh, hey I'm sorry about that, I am, but well if you'll excuse me. I got lots more recycling to pick up. - Oh no. Look. - Our spaceship is ruined. - Now Elmo will never get to see la luna. - Hey astronauts, you taking a little space break? - No, our trip is over. - What? Why, what happened? - Mr. Recycling Man thought it was for him. - Yeah and he started ripping it all up. - Yeah. - Oh. - Oh guys, I am so sorry. - Boy, Elmo really like being an astronaut. - Yeah. - Come on guys, let's go home. - Si, time to hang up our helmets. - Yeah. - Wait, wait, wait a minute guys. Guys, don't give up. - But our spaceship is all broken. - Yes, yes this is a problem but maybe we can think of a way to fix the spaceship, huh? - Oh, what tool can the astronauts use to fix the ripped spaceship? - Maybe we can use space glue. - Or a space stapler. - Oh, how about space tape? - All good ideas, astronauts. In fact, I have some space tape back here on Earth. Over. (group giggles) I'm jet packing it up to you right now. Over. (group laughs) Here's your space tape. There you go. - Wow. - Let's try and see if we can fix our spaceship. - [Chris] Nice. Wow, looks good as new. - Yeah, good job astronauts. - Yeah, hey, come on astronauts, let's climb aboard. Okay, so where to next, Captain Rosita? - Ooh, let's pretend to go to la luna. - [Group] Ooh. - Yeah, the moon. Boy, Elmo sure does love pretending to be an astronaut with you. Now come on, let's count down everybody. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, whoa! ♪ Jump up get down ♪ ♪ Come dance with Elmo ♪ ♪ We're moving our body to the A-B-Cs ♪ ♪ Dance nearby who-o-o-oa ♪ ♪ Dance far away now clap your hands ♪ ♪ To the letter of the day clap clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter clap clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter clap clap clap clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter ♪ ♪ What's the letter ♪ ♪ What's the letter what's the letter what's the letter ♪ ♪ The letter of the day is A ♪ ♪ Clap clap it's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap clap it's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap clap it's the letter it's the letter ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap clap it's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap clap hey he-e-e-ey A ♪ - [Child] A is for astronaut. The letter A. I dreamt I met an astronaut. Her name was May. I sit right next to her in a nice, big space shuttle. And then we were blasted into space. "We're here," May said, as she pointed out the window. I couldn't believe how many stars I could see. I could've looked out into space all day, but May had lots of other cool things to show me. Inside there was so much room to play. I got to try out some of my gymnastic tricks. May even taught me some too. Cartwheels are way cooler with no gravity because we float in space. Soon it was dinnertime. Astronauts eat a special kind of food and it was pretty yummy. After dinner, it was time to wash up. Brushing my tea was really fun. After all the fun and excitement, May took me to her favorite spot. She brought me to a big window that overlooked earth. I gave her a hug and thought, "Hey, maybe I will grow up to be an astronaut just like May." A is for astronaut, the letter A. ♪ Where are we going ♪ ♪ Can't wait to see ♪ ♪ On Abby's Amazing Adventures ♪ - With me, Rudy. - Hi, I'm Abby. This is my room and this is my brother Rudy. - Ah-ha, this is Rudy here, over. - Rudy, why are you in that box? - Oh, this is not a box. It's a space station, over. - Here I come. - [Both] Hi there, Basket. - Hi you two. Got some exciting stuff today. - What could it be? Count along with me. - [Both] One, two, three. - A space suit. - Who wants to be an astronaut? - Me, me. - Oh, me. - Me. - Oh, I do. - Oh, can we go to a space station? - Sure, astronauts go to space stations to learn more about space. Just grab onto my handles and we'll go on a space mission. - [Group] Hi-de-ho, up we go. - Whoa. - Wow. - Whoa, this space station looks like a giant bug. - [Abby] Yeah, it looks like it has wings. - [Basket] Those are solar panels. They get energy from the sun, which gives power to the space station. - We're floating. - That's because there's no gravity in space. (Rudy laughs) - What's gravity? - Gravity is what holds you down on the ground. On earth, when you jump up, you come right back down. But not here in space. - Whoa, whoa, woo. - Look, it's the earth where we live. And stars. - [Rudy] And rocks. - Rocks? Oh, what are those? - They're coming toward us. - Those rocks are meteoroids and they're headed right for the solar panels! Hang on. (dramatic music) Your job astronauts is to fix them before the space station runs out of power. - We get to go outside the space station. - Yep. - [Both] Cool. - [Basket] To walk in space, astronauts need spacesuits, space boots and helmets. Houston, we have a puzzle. Grab those pieces astronauts and put them in the right place to fix the solar panel. - I got one. This one has four sides. So it's a square. (air whooshes) It doesn't fit. - That's because it's not a square. - It isn't? So what shape is it then? - It's a rhombus. It also has four sides, but it's shaped like a diamond. Do you see where the rhombus goes? - Oh, there I see it. And it fits. Rhombus-tastic. - The power's coming back. Good job, astronauts. Keep going. - What shape is that? - It's a rectangle. It has one, two, three, four sides. Two are long and two are short. Let's figure out where it goes. - I see it right there. Only one piece left, the square. - I got it. Whoa. It's big. - I'll help your little brother. - [Both] Yay! - You did it! You fixed the solar panels. Good job, astronauts! - [Both] Secret handshake, up high, down low, yay we did it, way to go. - Time to go home. Here you go. Gotta jet team. See ya. - Here's a job for you. Pretend to be an astronaut and build your own space station and fix it. - And be sure to watch out for meteoroids. See you next time. Over and out. ♪ On Abby's amazing adventures ♪ ♪ It's time to get up ♪ ♪ And stomp your feet ♪ ♪ To this great foot stomping Transylvanian beat ♪ ♪ Stomp nice and slow one two ♪ ♪ And speed up more one two three four ♪ ♪ And stomp away 'cause we're about to find out ♪ ♪ The number of the day ♪ ♪ What's the number stomp stomp ♪ ♪ What's the number stomp stomp ♪ ♪ What is the number ♪ ♪ The number of the day ♪ ♪ Is a lot of fun ♪ ♪ The number of the day is one ♪ ♪ So that's the number stomp stomp ♪ ♪ Yes that's the number stomp stomp ♪ ♪ That's the number stomp ♪ ♪ The number of the day ♪ ♪ That's the number stomp stomp ♪ ♪ That's the number of the day ♪ - One. Now let's stomp one time. One, ah, ah, ah. ♪ Do do do do ♪ ♪ Imagine a story ♪ ♪ Ste de de acha ♪ ♪ Imagine a song ♪ ♪ Woodle woo ♪ ♪ What happens next you'll never know ♪ ♪ Ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ It's Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ Let's get on with the show ♪ - Okay, ready to make up today's musical story? - Ooh, what brilliant idea will you come up with this time Elmo? - Well, Velvet will find out in a second. Oh, come on, help Elmo think. What if, what if, what if, ooh, what if there was a pizza. Oh, oh, yes today's story is called, uh, oh, Pizza the Musical. - What kind of a story can you make up about a pizza? - Well, let's see. What if, oh, what if this pizza was headed to space? - Oh, exciting. - And what if we were pizza delivery astronauts who need to deliver pizza to space. - Oh, thrilling. - Well come on, we'll be pizza delivery astronauts. Let's imagine we're wearing spacesuits. Oh, cool. Now, let's imagine we're in space with our pizza in our delivery wagon. Whoa! ♪ We got a number 10 pizza ♪ ♪ Better check it again ♪ ♪ So let's count all the slices and make sure there are 10 ♪ ♪ One two three four ♪ ♪ Five six seven eight nine and 10 ♪ (Elmo giggles) Hey, hey, what's that pizza slice doing? Oh, come back here slice. Oh, oh no, get back in that box. There goes one slice, two, three. Four, five, oh, oh, six. Six slices got away. What's going on here? - You're in space, Elmo. Everything floats up here. There's no gravity. - Oh no. Better check how many pizza slices are left. One, two, three, four, four slices. Whoa. Hey, why did Star do that? - Sorry, couldn't help it. I'm a shooting star. See ya, zoom zoom. - Uh oh. Hurry astronauts, we need to think. What can Elmo put over that hole to fix it? Wait, wait, wait, wait, Elmo knows. Maybe we can use a slice of pizza. (robotic arms whir) Oh, it worked, yay! The hole is fixed. Oh, Elmo used another slice. Oh, let's see, there was four pizza slices take away one slice leaves one, two, three. Only three slices left. Oh, we have to get them to Mars. Oh, oh, there it is. We made it to Mars. - That's what you think. (chicken clucks) ♪ I'm a cool space chicken as you can see ♪ ♪ Yes I'm a piece of interplanetary poultry ♪ ♪ I don't mean to boast don't mean to brag ♪ ♪ But I'm really really great at chicken laser tag ♪ - Hey astronauts, check it out. Those three holes the laser beams come out of have three sides and three angles. They're triangles. The pizza astronauts just need three triangles to cover up those holes. What, what do we have that is shaped like a triangle? Pizza slices, look. They're shaped like triangles. Oh, how many do we have? Let's count them. One, two, three. Oh boy, that's one for each hole. Oh, come on, let's deliver this pizza to that chicken. (robotic arms whir) That's one triangle shape covering one triangle hole, yay! - Bock, what are you doing? - [Elmo] That's two. - Hey! (robotic arm whirs) - That's three. (ship beeps) - [Chicken] Oh no, my ship is fried. - Oh yay, we did it, we're free! - That was brilliant, Elmo. Next stop the planet Mars. - Oh, thanks Velvet. Whoa. (giggles) We did it. - [Martians] Whoa. Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza. - Oh no, the pizza. Oh boy. Well we had pizza slices and we took away three slices and that leaves zero slices. Oh sorry, martians. There's no pizza left. - Don't care. - No pizza. - Want box, pizza box. - [Martians] Yeah, pizza box. - Why do martians like the pizza box? - Pizza box dance. - [Martians] Oh. - Pizza box dance? ♪ Yep yep we dance ♪ ♪ Yep yep here it goes ♪ ♪ Yep yep move arms ♪ ♪ Yep yep open close ♪ ♪ Yep yep got moves ♪ ♪ Yep yep dance rocks ♪ ♪ Yep yep let's groove ♪ ♪ Yep yep pizza box ♪ ♪ Hey that's fun ♪ ♪ Come on dance along ♪ ♪ Yep yep oovy oovy ♪ ♪ Martian dance dance ♪ ♪ This is groovy ♪ ♪ Yep yep yep any dance ♪ ♪ Yep dance moves ♪ ♪ Yep yep unci unci ♪ ♪ Yep yep dance is funky ♪ ♪ Yep yep this dance is fun ♪ ♪ Yep near the moon yep by the sun ♪ ♪ Yep yep yep yep yep ♪ ♪ Yep yep yep yep ♪ ♪ Yep yep ♪ - Yeah. - Yep yep yep yep. - Oh Elmo, your pizza story really delivered. (Elmo giggles) - Oh, thank you Velvet and thank you pizza delivery astronaut. Elmo couldn't have imagined it without your help. - Curtain up! - Oh good, come on everybody, take a bow. ♪ That's Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ That's the end of our show ♪ - Bye bye. (giggles) - Wow, what a super great trip. The moon, the stars. - Whoa, hope you had fun learning all about astronauts today. You can play astronauts too, it's fun. - How about a snack at Hooper's Store? All this space travel has made me hungry. - Great idea. See you next time on- - [Both] Sesame Street. - Come on, let's go. - Okay. - Oh, hi there. Welcome to Sesame Street. Today is all about mechanics. - Well then I've come to the right place 'cause Bub, do I need a mechanic. My bulldozer's making funny noises. - Funny noises? - Yeah, come here, Rosie. (Rosie clucks and moos) (Rosie dings and honks) - Well those are funny noises. - You're telling me. - Well, you're in luck 'cause we're gonna learn all about mechanics today on Sesame Street. - Good. ♪ Ooh ooh ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah ♪ ♪ Sunny day sweepin' the clouds away ♪ ♪ On my way to where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ - [Group] Sesame Street. - Oh, crusty carburetors. - What, what you see, Chris? - I still don't know why it won't start. - Oh boy, this is really bad. How me make food deliveries? - Oh. - Oh, hi, welcome to Sesame Street. - Yeah, we're watching Chris fix Cookie Monsters foodie truck. - Ooh, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Beep boop, get ready for landing. Three, two, one, touchdown. (imitates crash) (Abby gasps) Wow, this looks like an interesting planet. I better explore it. Hmm, let's see. Interesting looking creatures. Greetings, creatures. I am Rooprop from the planet Morelork. I'm exploring all of the planets in the galaxy. - Whoa, Rooprop sure looks a lot like Rudy. - Elmo, I think Rudy's pretending. - Oh, cool. Well, Elmo wants to pretend too. - Okay. (clears throat) Nice to meet you, Rooprop. I am Abby, this is Elmo. - Hello, oh, nice spaceship. Welcome to planet earth. - Ha-ha, that is a funny name for a planet. Earth, earth, planet earth. - Where you going? - Roop rop boing. - Huh? - That's how you say hi in Borgon. - Oh, oh, here we go. - [Both] Roop rop boing. Boy, this Morelock language is really cool. - Yeah. - Whoa, look at that spaceship. - Spaceship, where spaceship? - Ah, hey Cookie. Rudy is pretending. - Oh, gotcha. - Yeah, this is Rooprop. And Rooprop is a space alien from another planet. - Hi, Rooprorp. - Okay Cookie, let's give her a try. - Oh yeah, terrific. (truck sputters) - Oh! - I don't think it's fixed, Chris. - Thanks. - Oh no, me have lots of deliveries to make. What me going to do? - Hey, what's going on? Que pasa? - Rudy, I mean, Rooprop is an explorer from another planet. - I see. (Rudy clears throat) - Blep bloop boing. - That's how Rooprop says hello. - Hello. - Yeah, that's also the sound of me broken food truck. - Oh, well, did you check the oil? - Yes. - Clean the spark plugs? - Check. - Belts, pulleys, hoses, solenoid. - Yes, yes, yes, huh. - Well, I could take a look. I've worked on cars before. - Okay, please go for it. - All right. So, the first thing a mechanic does is check and figure out what the problem is. And I think I found what's causing the problem. - You did? - Already? - Yep, I just need the right tool to fix it. - Oh, tools, let's see. Screwdriver, wrench. - Bleep blorpinator. - Actually, I could use some kitchen tongs. - Oh, me got those. - Oh, well gracias. All right, almost got it. Casi, and got it. - [Chris] Oh. - Wait a second. - A cookie! Cookie Monster, why did you put a cookie in the engine? - Me put cookie in there to keep it nice and warm. Sorry, forgot. - Aye, aye, aye. - Excuse me. (Cookie Monster gobbles loudly) - Should've known that was gonna happen. - Oh, delicious. You know you good mechanic. - Oh, gracias. - Hey Cookie, why don't we see if it starts now, huh? - Oh yeah, good idea. - Okay. - Oh boy. (giggles) - Okay, go for it. (engine starts) - Hey. (group cheers) - Thank you. Oh boy, now we can make deliveries. (horn honks) Bye bye. - Happy cookie. - Well, I better go too. Rooprop has a lot more planets to explore. - Well, we'll be sad to see you go. - Oh, do not worry, I will be back for a visit. - Cool. - Goodbye earth creatures. - [Both] Goodbye Rooprop. - Beep boop bop boop, ah here we go. Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, pew, pew, pew, pew. Uh-oh, I think my spaceship is broken. - Oh no. - How will I get back to planet Morelork? - Oh, well, you know, I bet there's a pretty good spaceship mechanic around here somewhere. - Really? - Really? - Really? - Yeah, actually I'm a spaceship mechanic. - Huh, what? - Hubba hubba what? - Yeah, that's right. (clears throat) Yep, I've fixed lots of spaceships. In fact, if there is a spaceship that needs fixing on Sesame Street, I'm your mechanic. - That's great, spaceship mechanic. - Now let's see here. Well, the first thing that we need to do is tow that there spaceship to my spaceship repair shop. All right, all right, all right. First thing that a mechanic does is figure out what's causing the problem. - That's right. Well Rooprop, looks like you're in good hands. - [Group] Bye bye. - Now let's take a look shall we? Oh. - Oh? - Oh. - Oh. - Oh? - How bad is it, spaceship mechanic Abby. - Oh, it's pretty bad. Yep well, you see your fluselhopper is stuck and you're gonna need a new well spark plug. Not only that, it's time to change your gloop. - That bad, huh? - Yep. But luckily for you, my assistant Elmo and I can fix anything. - That's right. Assistant mechanic Elmo at your service. - All right, Elmo, hand me the flusel wrench. - Yes ma'am, flusel wrench, flusel wrench. And what is a flusel wrench? - The one that looks all flusely. - Oh right, of course, flusel wrench. There you go. - Thank you. - Mm-hm. - Ooh, all right, your fluselhoppers all fixed. - Very good, very good and here is your new spark plug. - Now all we have to do is change your gloop. - So, when's the last time you had your gloop changed, Rooproop? - It's Rooprop and I believe it was when I was on Jupiter. - Hm, okay. Put this here. Fill it, Elmo, new gloop please. - Okay, new gloop, new gloop, here you go, new gloop. - Gotcha. Put this up here. Yep, yep, yep, yep, that's it. Yep that should do it, topped off your gloop. That should get you to the next galaxy. - Wow, thank you so much, spaceship mechanics. - Look at that gloop. - Sticky. - Yeah. - Oh well, okay Beep boop. - Rooprop. - Rooprop, you're all good to go. - Okay, do you think that it will work? - Oh yeah, we do great work at Abby and Elmo spaceship repair shop. - Okay, here it goes. All right. Beep boop beep boop bop boop boop boop Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble. It's working. Rumble rumble rumble. - It worked! - Good job, Abby. - Yeah. - I'll never forget you earth creatures. - Oh, Abby and Elmo will be sure to write. We're gonna need a lot of stamps, Abby. - I know. - Rumble, rumble. Okay, commencing hyperdrive. Beep boop beep boop bop. Three, two, one, blast off! - Bye. - Bye, Dripdraf. - [Rudy] It's Rooprop. - Rooprop. (giggles) Boy, that was fun. - It was great. - Do you remember what Elmo and his friends played today? - If there's a spaceship that needs fixing on Sesame Street, I'm your mechanic. - [Elmo] Elmo and Addie played mechanics. - Your fluselhopper is stuck and you're gonna need well, a new spark plug. - This plane won't fly. I need a mechanic to fix it. - Let me see, I'm a mechanic. Ah, it needs more oil. Here you go, all fixed. Fly safely. - You can pretend to be a mechanic too. Plan your play and have fun. - Do you know what time it is? ♪ Hold tight it's time for the letter of the day ♪ ♪ That's right ♪ ♪ It's time for the letter of the day I say ♪ ♪ 'Cause the letter of the day is on its way ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ It's time to sing ♪ ♪ It's time to dream ♪ ♪ It's time to get up on your feet ♪ ♪ And give a cheer ♪ ♪ Loud and clear ♪ ♪ 'Cause the letter of the day is here ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ It's here ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ The letter of the day is here ♪ It's the letter M. - [Group] Yay M. ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ It's here ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ The letter of the day is here ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ It's here ♪ ♪ 'Cause the letter of the day is here ♪ - [Group] M. - [Child] M is for mm-mm, mechanic. This is a story about the day our car broke down. The morning it happened Dad said not to panic, he happened to know of a local mechanic. We called up a tow truck to come get our car. Lucky for us, the shop was not far. When we arrived, I saw tons of cool stuff. As I looked around, I could not get enough. A mechanic is someone who fixes machines from motorcycles to rockets and all things in between. That's when I met her. Our mechanic named Jess. When she asked me to help her, I said yes. (air hisses) There were wrenches and sockets and drill bits. Oh and lifts. I'm asking for tools for my next birthday gift. There were funnels and liquids and computers and tires and safety goggles for anyone working with fire. A mechanic uses her hands and her mind. She's like a detective. Who knows what she'll find. So I watched and I learned and I even helped out. Mechanics are cool, of that there's no doubt. When it was over, Jess gave dad the key. Then she leaned down and shook hands with me. She said she'd be happy to help in my training to know how to do this automotive maintaining. So if your car breaks, yes it can happen to you. Just call a mechanic, she'll know what to do. Mechanic, the letter M. (engine starts) ♪ Do you like food ♪ ♪ A do be do do do ba ♪ ♪ Me like food ♪ ♪ A dooby dooby dooby dooba ♪ ♪ Place your order if you lucky ♪ ♪ We make food in our foody trucky yeah ♪ (tablet rings) - Oh me got it. - No, I'll get it. I'll get it, I'll get it. - Hello Cookie Monster and Gonger. My name is Angela. I'm helping my dad in his shop today. He's a mechanic and we would like mushroom quiche. It's our favorite healthy lunch. Can you help us please? - Of course we can help you. - Yeah. - Because we are... - [Both] Monster Foodies. - Okay, what we need for mushroom quiche, Chef Gonger? - [Gonger] For mushroom quiche we need olive oil, salt and pepper, eggs, milk, cheddar cheese, pie crust and mushrooms. - Okay, we got all the ingredients. - Yeah. - Uh-oh, uh-oh. - Cookie, where is the mushrooms? - Oh, well we may have mistook them for soft, little umbrella cookies. - Oh, well we're just gonna have to go to the mushroom farm. - Okay, to the mushroom farm. (upbeat music) - [Both] To the mushroom farm. ♪ Mushroom farm mushroom farm ♪ ♪ We're going to the mushroom farm ♪ - Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Here we are at the mushroom farm. Wait a minute, me not sure we in right place. - Hello Cookie Monster and Gonger. Welcome to the mushroom farm. - [Cookie Monster] Oh Mr. Farmer, are you sure we in right place? Me no see anything green and growing on this farm. - Well, Cookie Monster, that's because mushrooms are grown in different ways than fruits and vegetables. Come on, I'll show you. Mushrooms need darkness to grow. So we grow them inside these growing houses. First, we start with mushroom compost. That's a special soil that helps them grow. Then we add mushroom spawn. We water them every day to keep them moist. And with a little bit of time mushrooms grow. There are lots of different kinds of mushrooms like oyster, shiitake, portobello or good old button mushrooms, like these. Mushrooms are picked when they're grown and ready to eat. Here you go, take these to make your mushroom quiche, Cookie and Gonger. - Oh, thank you Mr. Farmer. - Thank you, Mr. Farmer. ♪ Mushrooms mushrooms ♪ ♪ We going home with mushrooms yeah ♪ - Okay Chef Gonger, how we make quiche? - [Gonger] Oh, let's look at the recipe. Okay Cookie, chop the mushrooms. - [Cookie Monster] Okay, choppy, choppy, choppy, choppy, choppy, choppy, choppy, choppy, chop. Mushroom. - Then we gonna saute the mushrooms in a little bit of olive oil. - Does saute mean cook? - It sure does. Add a dash of salt and a sprinkle of pepper. - And a little bit of pepper. - Yeah, then we beat together the eggs and the milk. - [Cookie Monster] Okay, beat the eggs. - Oh Cookie, get the pie crust. - [Cookie Monster] Okay, pie crust right here. - Now, lay the cheddar cheese and the mushrooms. Then we pour in the eggs and the milk. - [Cookie Monster] Pouring the eggs and milk. - Then we put the quiche into the oven to bake. - Quiche into the oven. (bell dings) - Now, quiche done cooking. - Oh, it smell delicious. - Yeah. - Whoa, whoa, whoa Cookie, control yourself. This lunch for Angela and her dad, remember. - Sorry, me forgot. - Oh, by the way, it's delivery time. (gong rings) It's ready! - Order up! - Catch you later, quiche. - Au revoir, quiche. - Oh, Cookie Monster. - Yeah. I got this nice for you. - Oh, thank you Gonger. (Cookie Monster gobbles loudly) (Gonger laughs) (tablet rings) - Thank you so much Cookie Monster and Gonger for our favorite healthy lunch, mushroom quiche. It's nice and warm and tastes great. - [Cookie Monster] You welcome Angela. (upbeat music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yay ♪ ♪ Happy happy monsters to the rescue ♪ ♪ We make yummy food just for you ♪ ♪ Yum yum yum ♪ ♪ Dum de de dum ♪ ♪ How many cookies are there today ♪ ♪ Yum yum yum ♪ ♪ Dum de de dum ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ While they still baking ♪ ♪ Bake bake bake bake ♪ ♪ Let's do some shaking ♪ ♪ Shake shake shake shake ♪ ♪ Bake bake ba bake shake shake ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ While they still baking ♪ ♪ Bake bake bake bake ♪ ♪ Let's do some more shaking ♪ ♪ Shake shake shake shake ♪ ♪ Bake bake ba bake shake shake ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ Me think they're ready ♪ ♪ Everybody steady ♪ - [Count] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Ah ha ha. - Cookie! (Cookie Monster gobbles loudly) ♪ Dum dum dum dum de de dum dum ♪ ♪ That's how many cookies there are today ♪ - [Group] 15. ♪ Do do do do ♪ ♪ Imagine a story ♪ ♪ Ste de acha ♪ ♪ Imagine a song ♪ ♪ Woodly woo ♪ ♪ What happens next you never know ♪ ♪ Bock bock bock bock ♪ ♪ It's Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ Let's get on with the show ♪ - Okay, help Elmo think of today's musical. - Oh, another opening another show. What's in store for us this time, Elmo? - Oh, well hold on Velvet, Elmo's imagining something. Let's see, what if, what if, oh what if Elmo was a mechanic. That's it, today's story is all- - Oh let me say it, let me say it, please. - Go for it, Velvet. - Repair Monster, The Musical. - And you can be a repair monster too. Come on, let's imagine our repair monster uniforms. Elmo's covered in overalls. Our story starts in a park in the big city. Come on, let's imagine a park. Whoa. Repairs, repairs, oh, need anything repaired today? - No, thank you. - Where will repair monster Elmo find something to repair? - Whoa, whoa! - Are you okay? - Yeah, but my pogo stick, its broken into two equal pieces, see. - Oh, don't worry. Mr. Pogo Sticker. Elmo's a repair monster. - Can you repair my pogo stick? - Let's fix the pogo stick together like this. ♪ Hammer hammer hammer ♪ ♪ Screw screw screw ♪ ♪ Repair monsters will fix it for you ♪ ♪ Hammer hammer hammer ♪ ♪ Screw screw screw ♪ ♪ Repair monsters will fix it for you ♪ - Oh, it's whole again. - We did it repair monsters! - Thanks for putting the go-go back in my pogo. - You're welcome. - Great work, Elmo. - Thank you. - I can't help noticing that you repaired one thing cut in half. Is that a coincidence or a plot of ice? - Elmo doesn't know, Velvet. - Oh my, I think we have our halving answer. - Hey Mr. Magician, what are you doing? - Magic of course. I am trying to cut this hot dog in half. ♪ I'm a great magician and halvings what I do ♪ ♪ With magic I can split one thing in half and make it two ♪ ♪ I'm trying to cut this hot dog ♪ ♪ 'Cause I want half a weenie ♪ ♪ I'll show you how I do it ♪ ♪ Just watch the Great Halfdini ♪ ♪ You split the statue you made it break ♪ ♪ Oops my bad that's my mistake ♪ ♪ You halved the trash and made a mess ♪ ♪ Yes I did I must confess ♪ ♪ Hey you broke my hot dog cart ♪ ♪ True enough I did my part ♪ ♪ Our favorite bench is split in two ♪ ♪ Me again it's true ♪ ♪ Our park is a mess our park is a wreck ♪ ♪ You made it a disaster ♪ ♪ We need someone to fix it fast ♪ ♪ Or maybe even better ♪ - Don't worry, Repair Monster can fix it. But first Repair Monster better fix Mr. Halfdini's wand. - I have no idea what's wrong with it. - Well, it looks a little short. - Gadzooks, my wand is in half. Where is the other half? - Oh, Elmo sees it. It's in your other sleeve. Now, let's repair this magic wand. ♪ Hammer hammer hammer ♪ ♪ Screw screw screw ♪ ♪ Repair monsters will fix it for you ♪ ♪ Hammer hammer hammer ♪ ♪ Screw screw screw ♪ ♪ Repair monsters will fix it for you ♪ It's fixed. - Hey, what about our park? - It's still a wreck. - Well, come on Mr. Great Halfdini, let's use our whole wand to make things whole again. - I'll give it the old abra-cadabra. - Good. ♪ Let's make everything whole again ♪ ♪ Yes that's our goal again ♪ ♪ To put two halves together ♪ ♪ With this wand and with this song ♪ ♪ It won't take too long ♪ ♪ We'll take all the halves and make it whole again ♪ ♪ He took half and half ♪ ♪ And made it whole again ♪ - Thank you, Elmo. - No, thank you, Mr. Halfdini. - What a well put together tale, Elmo. - Ah, thank you, Velvet, oh and thank you repair monster. Elmo couldn't imagine this musical without you. - Curtain call! ♪ That's Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ Elmo the Musical ♪ ♪ That's the end of our show ♪ - Bye bye. Elmo hopes you had fun learning all about mechanics today. - You can play mechanics at home too. - It's fun. - Well, I'm all done. - Oh, thanks for fixing Elmo's wagon. You wanna go for a ride? - Oh yeah, sure thing. See you next time. - [Both] On Sesame Street. ♪ Come on and move your body and use your mind ♪ ♪ 'Cause you know you are growing all the time ♪ ♪ You're getting smarter ♪ ♪ Stronger ♪ ♪ Kinder on Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Kind at home and when you play ♪ ♪ Try some sharing and caring every day ♪ ♪ You're getting smarter ♪ ♪ Stronger ♪ ♪ Kinder ♪ ♪ On Sesame Street ♪ ♪ On Sesame Street yeah ♪ (gentle music)
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 1,410,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sesame street, elmo songs, sesame street elmo, elmo full episodes, sesame street full episodes, sesame street full episode, sesame street songs, abby cadabby, full episode, sesame street episodes, elmos world, sesame street compilation, sesame street abby, new sesame street episode, elmo video, elmo the musical, cookie monster, elmo series, sesame street theme song, elmo, sesame street space, elmo and abby
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 21sec (3081 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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