Elmo Goes to Summer Camp | Sesame Street Full Episode

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(birds chirping) - Oh boy! Elmo's so excited! Elmo has big news! Oh, Elmo can't wait to tell somebody! Oh! (giggles) You're somebody. Oh, Elmo will tell you. Come closer. Come closer. Okay, maybe not that close. (laughs) Okay. Elmo's big news is Elmo's going to camp this summer! Yay! Oh boy, oh boy! You'll find out all about it today on "Sesame Street!" Hey, everybody! ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ (cheerful music) ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Sunny days sweeping the clouds away ♪ ♪ On my way to where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ - [Singers] "Sesame Street!" (cheerful music) - [Grover] Here we go! (group chatters and laughs) - Oh hi! Welcome to "Sesame Street." Ola! (group chatters cheerfully) - Everybody, guess what? - What is it? - Elmo has some very big news! - [Grover] What is it? - What is it? - Elmo's mommy said that Elmo's going to day camp this summer! (group chatters excitedly) - Wow! Day camp. Hey, what's day camp? - Oh, well, that's where kids go during the day in the summertime when there's no school. I used to go to day camp when I was a kid. It was so much fun. - Well, Elmo's never been to any kind of camp before so Elmo doesn't know what's gonna happen. - Well, then this is your lucky day because you are with a camp expert. - Really? Who? - Me! Me! I, Grover! I can give you a taste of what camp will be like. Today, Elmo, you are going to Camp Grover! - Camp Grover? - Yes! We shall do everything you do at camp. - Oh boy! That sounds like fun. Hey. Hey, can I come too? - Yeah, sure! - Me too! Me too! - Oh yes, of course. Everyone is welcome at Camp Grover. All we need is one very important thing. (cheerful music) Matching T-shirts! (group chatters excitedly) - Lots of camps have matching T-shirts. - And there you have it! Now you know everything there is to know about camp. - Wait. That's it? - Well, actually there's a lot more to camp than just the T-shirts. - There is? I mean, there is. Yes, of course there is. Such as... - Well, for one thing, you get to spend the day with other campers doing fun things like swimming and playing soccer and doing arts and crafts. - [Rosita] Yeah! - Wow! Really? - Mm-hmm! My favorite thing to do was go on nature hikes in the park. - [Group] Oh! - Yeah, I used to love hearing the birds chirping and looking at the pretty flowers. (group chatters excitedly) - How do we do that, Nina? - Well, with your camp counselor, they'll help you. They're the ones that show you how to do all the different activities at camp. - Okay. And when does this camp counselor get here exactly? - Ah, you're the camp counselor, Grover. - Oh, right! Yes, yes! Me! Me! Yeah. And as your camp counselor, I say, "Let us go on a nature hike!" - Oh! (group cheers) - Okay, Campers! To the park! Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! - Oh, okay! - Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! - Bye, Nina! - [Group] Hut, hut, hut! Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! - And off! (group grunts and groans) - Ow! - Okay. (Elmo laughs) We've got to work on that. - Yeah! - Yeah! (laughs) - Now, Campers! Pay attention to the sights and sounds of nature. It is all around us. (gasping dramatically) Campers, look! Look at these beautiful petally thingies! Oh! - You mean the flowers? (birds chirping) - Yes. Yes. That is their scientific name. - They're so colorful. - Oh yeah! And... (smells deeply) Oh, they smell pretty too! - And listen. Do you hear that buzzing sound? (bee buzzes) That is the sound of the flower's cell phone, with the ringer off. - [Group] No, it isn't! - It is not? - [Group] No! It's the bees! - The bees? - Yeah. And they really like those pink flowers. - Yeah! - My, they're as busy as... As... Well, something that is very busy. (leaves rustling) - Hey, do you hear that sound? - Oh yeah. It's coming from that bush. - Oh! - Oh, Campers, you are witnessing one of the most amazing sights in all of nature. It is called a dancing bush. We must be very careful lest we throw it off its rhythm. - [Group] That's not a dancing bush! - It is not? - [Group] No! - Then why is the bush moving? - [Group] Because of the squirrels! (group laughs cheerfully) (squirrels chatter) - Yes. Yes, of course. That was a clever test and you all passed with flying colors. (group cheers) Onward! - [Group] Oh! Oh! - [Grover] Away! - [Group] Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! (birds chirping) (leaves rustle) - Just a bush, huh? (playful trumpeting) (cheerful music) - [Group] Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! - And halt! - [Group] Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! - I said halt over here! - [Group] Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut! (group laughs cheerfully) - How was your nature hike? - [Rosita] Oh, it was incredible. - [Zoe] Nature. Yeah! - Yeah! Oh, you know, Elmo's going to love going on nature hikes at day camp. - Oh good. Well, I am so glad that I have given you the full camp experience, so have a nice day! - Oh, wait! There's still so much more to do at camp than that. - That is what I was going to say. - Oh! What else can we do, Nina? - Well, some of my favorite memories are singing camp songs. - [Elmo] Wow! - Oh! And I know the perfect song. ♪ Figaro ♪ (relaxing orchestral music) ♪ Figaro ♪ - Ah, Grover? - Wait, there's more. ♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro ♪ - Grover! Hey, Grover! Grover. - What? - That's not exactly the kind of song that you sing at camp. - It is not? - Oh well, what do you sing at camp? - Oh, well, I know a camp song that's perfect for monsters like you. Oh, and you can sing at too. Just do what I do and repeat after me. (upbeat music with clapping) ♪ What do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ What do monster do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ Sing and waba waba woo ♪ ♪ Sing and waba waba woo ♪ ♪ Wah, wah, wah, wah, woo ♪ ♪ Wah, wah, wah, wah, woo ♪ ♪ That's do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ That's do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ What do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ What do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ Jump around like kangaroos ♪ ♪ Jump around like kangaroos ♪ ♪ Kangaroo ♪ ♪ Kangaroo ♪ ♪ Wah, wah, wah, wah, woo ♪ ♪ Wah, wah, wah, wah, woo ♪ ♪ That's what monsters love to do ♪ ♪ That's what monsters love to do ♪ ♪ What do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ What do monsters love to do ♪ ♪ Just go nuts and dance with you ♪ ♪ Just go nuts and dance with you ♪ ♪ Dance with you ♪ ♪ Dance with you ♪ ♪ Kangaroo ♪ ♪ Kangaroo ♪ ♪ Wah, wah, wah, wah, woo ♪ ♪ Wah, wah, wah, wah, woo ♪ ♪ That's what monsters love to do ♪ ♪ That's what monsters love to do ♪ (group laughs and cheers) - Who knew camp songs could be so much fun! I mean, I knew. (laughs) - There is still so much more you can do at camp, like swimming and playing games and making s'mores and arts and crafts, and on and on and on and on and on. - Yeah! (laughs) That sounds great. Let's do it. - [Rosita] Yeah! - Which one? - Well, all of them. (laughs) - Well, camp is all about having fun. So yes, let us do it all! (group cheers excitedly) (upbeat music) - That's it. Or is it? No. Um... (group grunts and groans) - Come on, Elmo! Pull! Pull! (group grunts) - [Group] Wah! - Now. Whoa! Wah! Whoa! - Mine's coming out too. I'm a little slower, but... (upbeat music continues) - Whoa! (laughs) Wow! - Nina! Nina! (Nina speaking in Spanish) (Elmo laughs cheerfully) - Oh, look at Elmo's! - Oh wow! Nice work. - Thank you. (upbeat music continues) - Yeah! - Whoa! - Looking good. ♪ Yee, ah, da, da ♪ - Yes. (Grover sighs dramatically) - These friendship bracelets came out really great. - Yeah, I love them. - Yeah, and you know when we give them to each other, it shows what good friends we are. - [Group] Yeah. - Oh! I was not able to make any bracelets. Just this. And I am supposed to be the camp counselor! Oh. - Oh, don't worry, Grover! 'Cause we all made friendship bracelets for you. - You did? - Yeah! - Yeah, because you're a great camp counselor! - Yes! And a great friend. - Yes. - [Grover] Oh! - And making friends is the very best thing that happens at camp. - Oh my! They are so beautiful. Thank you, my friends. - Ah, thank you, Grover. - Yeah! Camp Grover was really fun! - Yeah. Hey Elmo, maybe we can go to camp with you this summer. - Yeah, that would be so great! - Oh! Elmo would love that! Yeah! Let's go to camp together! (group cheers excitedly) - And if they are looking for counselors, perhaps you could put in a good work for me. - [Group] Oh, Grover! (laughs) (upbeat music) ♪ Jump up, get down ♪ ♪ Come dance with Elmo ♪ ♪ We're moving our body to the ABCs ♪ ♪ Dance nearby, wah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Dance far away, now clap your hands ♪ (clapping dramatically) ♪ To the letter of the day, clap, clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter, clap, clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter, clap, clap, clap, clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter ♪ (clapping) ♪ What's the letter ♪ (clapping) ♪ What's the letter, what's the letter, what's the letter ♪ ♪ The letter of the day is ♪ C! ♪ Clap, clap, it's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, it's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, it's the letter, it's the letter ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, it's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, day, day ♪ - [Elmo] C! (cheerful upbeat music) - [Child] The letter C! C is for ca, ca, camp! It's summertime and that means I get to go to my favorite place: Camp! This is Theo, our camp counselor. He helps run the entire camp. We get to do all kinds of activities, like go-karting, arts and crafts, and making our own bread. (cheerful upbeat music continues) Our camp counselors are really helpful. - [Group] Mm! Smells good! - [Child] Lunchtime! (group chattering and laughing) - [Child] Now it's time for even more fun. I'm making a shirt. (cheerful upbeat music continues) I love the water slide. (water splashes) Camp is awesome. It's full of adventures. (water splashes) Every summer, I have a great time. C is for ca, ca, camp. (cheerful guitar music) (birds chirping) - Can you help us find something that begins with the letter C? - C is for cloud. - C is for clover. - [Child] C! (water splashing) - C is for creek. - [Child] C! - C is for color. (birds chirping) - [Group] C is for catch ya later! C! (cheerful upbeat music) - [Gonger] Yoo-hoo! ♪ Do you like food ♪ ♪ Ah, doob, bee, doob, doob, dooba ♪ ♪ Like me like food ♪ ♪ Ah, doob, bee, deeby, deeby, dooba ♪ ♪ Gonger make food ♪ ♪ I make food ♪ ♪ Place your order if you lucky ♪ ♪ We make food in our foodie truckie, yeah ♪ (computer beeping) - [Gonger] Oh, the alarm! - [Cookie Monster] The alarm! - [Gonger] The alarm! - [Cookie Monster] Me got it! Me got it! - [Gonger] I got it! I got it! - Hello, Cookie Monster and Gonger. My name is Monique. My friends and I are at camp, but we forgot to bring the s'mores. Can you please help us? - Of course we can help you. - [Gonger] Yeah! - Because we are... - [Both] Monster foodies! - Okay, Chef Gonger. We no have anything so how can we have s'more? - No, no, no, no, Cookie. S'mores is the name of the food! - Oh! Me think me gonna like this. (enchanted bubbling) - Okay. For s'mores we need the graham crackers, chocolate, and marshymallows! (laughs) Oh there. We got the graham crackers and the marshymallows. Cookie! Oh, did you eat the chocolate? - Sorry. Me thought it was a big flat chippie. - Oh Cookie! Now we have no chocolate for the s'mores! I guess we have to go to the chocolate factory to get more. - Yeah. Oh! Wait a minute. Me thought you said, "Chocolate factory." - Yeah, I did. - Me thought place like that only exist in me dreams. Me want to go to there. Me want to go to there. - Okay. Okay. - Me want to go to there. - [Gonger] Okay. Okay. - [Cookie Monster] Me want to go to there. (upbeat music) - [Both] To the chocolate factory! ♪ Chocolate factory, chocolate factory ♪ ♪ We're going to the chocolate factory ♪ - [Gonger] Yeah! - Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Here we are at the chocolate factory. It smell like happiness. - [Gonger] Cookie! Stay focused! We need chocolate for the s'mores! - [Cookie Monster] Hello, chocolate factory person. We need chocolate to make s'mores. Can you help us please? - Hi, Cookie Monster and Gonger. Welcome to the Chocolate Factory! Come on in! Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. The beans grow on the cocoa tree in pods. Once the beans have been picked from the pod, they're dried, roasted, and cracked. After that, the cocoa nib is taken out and ground into paste. The paste is then mixed with other ingredients like cream and sugar to make chocolate. You can add all kinds of interesting ingredients like coconut and banana to make different treats. The chocolate is poured into molds to make bars. Special machines wrap the bars before they're sent off to stores. Here's some chocolate to make s'mores, Cookie Monster and Gonger! - [Cookie Monster] Thank you, chocolate factory person. - [Gonger] Thank you! ♪ Chocolate, chocolate ♪ ♪ We're going home with chocolate ♪ - Okay, we got the graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate. - Yeah. Oh, now it's time to follow the recipe. (cheerful music) First, put down the graham crackers. - [Cookie Monster] Okay. Graham cracker. Or as me like to call it, square cookie. - [Gonger] Put the chocolate on the graham crackers. - [Cookie Monster] Putting chocolate on graham cracker. - [Gonger] And now put the marshymallows on top. - [Cookie Monster] Okay, adding the marshmallow. - And put another graham cracker on the top. - Okay. Another graham cracker on top. - Yeah! - There we go. - Then we put them in the oven. - Okay. Putting in the oven. - Yeah. - Here we go. - Oh! - Ah! - [Both] Patty cake, patty cake, baker man. (bell dings) - Oh! - Oh! S'mores done cooking. - Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Okay. Oh! - Look! - [Cookie Monster] Oh, oh, oh! - Oh yeah! (gong rings) It's ready! - Order up! - See ya, s'mores! - Me miss you already! - Oh. Oh, Cookie! - Yep? - I got this nice for you. - Oh boy! Thank you, Gonger! Um, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. (phone ringing) - Thank you so much, Cookie Monster and Gonger, for this special treat. Camp just isn't the same without s'mores. They look delicious. - You welcome, Monique. (cheerful upbeat music) Yeah! - Yay! ♪ Happy, happy monsters to the rescue ♪ ♪ We make yummy food just for you ♪ (bell rings) ♪ Yum, yum, yum, dum, dee, dee, dum ♪ ♪ How many cookies are there today ♪ ♪ Yum, yum, yum, dum, dee, dee, dum ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ While they still baking ♪ ♪ Bake, bake, bake, bake ♪ ♪ Let's do some shaking ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Bake, bake, bake, bake, bake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ While they still baking ♪ ♪ Bake, bake, bake, bake ♪ ♪ Let's do some more shaking ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Bake, bake, bake, bake, bake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ Me thing they're ready ♪ ♪ Everybody steady ♪ (alarm rings and beeps) ♪ One, two, three ♪ ♪ Four, five, six ♪ ♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪ ♪ 10, 11, 12 ♪ (Count laughs mysteriously) (thunder bangs) - Ah! Cookie! Um, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom! ♪ Nom, nom, nom, cookie, nom ♪ ♪ That's how many cookies there are today ♪ - [Group] 12! (enchanted chiming music) (birds chirping) ♪ One, two, three, four, five, six ♪ ♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪ ♪ 10, 11, 12 ladybugs came to the Ladybug's Picnic ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, five, six ♪ ♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪ ♪ 10, 11, 12, they all played games ♪ ♪ At the Ladybug's Picnic ♪ ♪ Well, they had 12 sacks so the ransack race ♪ ♪ They fell on their back and they fell on their faces ♪ ♪ The ladybugs 12 at the Ladybug's Picnic ♪ ♪ They played jump rope, but the rope it broke ♪ ♪ So they sat around telling knock, knock jokes ♪ ♪ The ladybugs 12 at the Ladybug's Picnic ♪ ♪ Here it goes ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, five, six ♪ ♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪ ♪ 10, 11, 12 and they chatted away ♪ ♪ At the Ladybug's Picnic ♪ ♪ They talked about the high price of furniture ♪ ♪ And rugs and fire insurance for ladybugs ♪ ♪ The ladybugs 12 at the Ladybug's Picnic ♪ (water splashes) - [Group] 12! (ladybugs chattering) (cheerful upbeat music) ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder, wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ (laughs cheerfully) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today! Wait for it. (enchanted music) Wait for it. Oh! (laughs) Rosita and Abby are at camp! (laughs) Have an awesome time. Boy, Elmo really wants to learn all about camp! Hey! Let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [Elmo and Children] Oh, Smartie! (cheerful whistling) - Oh! - Good morning, Campers! - Hey! Looks like Smartie's ready for camp too! - That's right, Elmo. I'm dressed up as a camp counselor. - Oh, well, that's perfect, Smartie! Because Elmo wants to learn all about camp. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [Group] We look it up! - Let's take a hike online and find out about camp. Here we go. (cheerful music) Camp is a place kids can go when school is out. Camp counselors are there to show you how to do all the different activities, like arts and crafts, board games, and relay races. Camp is a great place to learn new things and make new friends. - Right! Elmo can't wait to go to camp. - There's so much to do. Oh! That reminds me! It's time for me to hit the trails. See ya, later, Elmo. (cheerful whistling) - Oh! (laughs) (cheerful upbeat music) Oh! Bye-bye. Boy, making crafts with friends looks fun! Hey! That gives Elmo an idea! Let's play a game together! Yeah! Come on! Come on! (cheerful upbeat music) Oh! Beth and McKinley are making friendship bracelets at camp. Elmo wonders if we can help McKinley finish his pattern! Are you ready? Let's play! (upbeat music) Okay, let's finish the pattern. It looks like one bead is missing. Yellow, purple, green. (beads beeping) Yellow, purple, green. (beads beeping) Yellow, purple. (beads beeping) Which one of these beads comes next? Is it this one? - [Child] No, that's not it. - [Child] That bead's the wrong color! - [Elmo] Okay. Not the yellow. Get outta here, bead. (laughs) Which bead really goes there? Yellow, purple, green. (beads beeping) Yellow, purple, green. (beads beeping) Yellow, purple, green. (beads beeping) Yeah! We did it! Boy! There's so many fun things to do at camp. Oh! And that makes Elmo wonder even more. Does Mr. Noodle like going to camp? Hey! Let's ask him! (laughs) Hey, Mr. Noodle! Oh! It's Mr. Noodle's sister, Ms. Noodle! (children laugh) Hi, Ms. Noodle! - [Children] Ms. Noodle! - Ms. Noodle, do you like to go to camp? (cheerful flute music) You do? Oh! Well, what's your favorite thing to do at camp, Ms. Noodle? - [Children] Yeah! Show us! - [Elmo] Oh! Kayaking! Um, but how do you paddle it? (cheerful playful music) Ms. Noodle! That's a sandwich! You can't paddle a kayak with a sandwich! Elmo will give you a hint, okay? You use something made of wood. (cheerful playful music) (children laughing) - [Child] That's not how you paddle a canoe at camp! - [Elmo] Trees are made of wood, but you don't paddle a kayak with a tree. - [Child] That's it! She's using a paddle. - Good job, Ms. Noodle! Thank you, Ms. Noodle. Bye-bye! Boy! Learning new things makes Elmo so happy! It makes him want to dance! Come on! (upbeat music) ♪ Happy, happy, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Happy, happy, dance, dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new, we do the happy, dance, dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah! Cool. See ya next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you! ♪ Happy, happy, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Happy, happy, dance, dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new, we do the happy, dance, dance ♪ Yeah! (group grunts and groans) (group hollers) (Elmo laughs cheerfully) - Tug-of-war is hard! But it's fun! (laughs) - Oh, I love everything about playing camp! - Me too! But isn't it time to say goodbye? - Oh yes, of course. - [Group] Whoa! - Goodbye! See you next time on "Sesame Street." (upbeat music) ♪ Come on and move your body and use your mind ♪ ♪ 'Cause you know you are growing all the time ♪ ♪ You're getting smarter ♪ ♪ Stronger ♪ ♪ Kinder ♪ ♪ On Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Kind at home and when you play ♪ ♪ Try some sharing and caring every day ♪ ♪ You're getting smarter ♪ ♪ Smarter ♪ ♪ Stronger ♪ ♪ Stronger ♪ ♪ Kinder ♪ ♪ Kinder ♪ ♪ On Sesame Street ♪ ♪ On Sesame street ♪ Yeah! (cheerful music)
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 429,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elmo full episodes, sesame street full episodes, sesame street episodes, full episodes, full episode, sesame street, sesame street elmo, elmo songs, sesame street songs, new sesame street episode, sesame street full episode, sesame street theme song, new elmos world, elmos world, cookie monster, elmos wonderful world, sesame street elmos world, elmo episodes, sesame street full, elmo world, elmo, sesame street grover, elmo full episodes for toddlers, summer camp
Id: DNUmF8qALn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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