Sesame Street: Best of Elmo and Abby | 2 Hour Compilation!

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(upbeat rock music) ♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ Ee-I-Ee-I-Oh ♪ ♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ Ee-I-Ee-I-Oh ♪ ♪ With a piano here ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ And a guitar there ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ Here a la, there a la ♪ ♪ Everywhere a la la ♪ ♪ Elmo loves music and Abby too ♪ ♪ And music sounds better with you ♪ ♪ That's Elmo's ♪ ♪ And Abby's ♪ ♪ That's the best friends song ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ (both laughing) - Oh hi! Abby and Elmo are counting to two. - Yeah, that's right. I have one, two pigtails. - Yup, yup. Oh, and Elmo has one, two eyes. - Mm-hmm. Oh, and I have one, two hands! - Mm-hmm. And Elmo has one, two feet! (Elmo grunting) (Abby giggling) - Oh boy. Oh wait, Elmo. - What? What, what? - I don't think we have anymore one twos to count. - But isn't Abby forgetting something? - What? - Us. - Oh. (gasping) That's right! - [Both] One, two friends! (Elmo laughing) ♪ Two is my favorite number ♪ ♪ Two is neat ♪ - It really is neat. ♪ Two is being together ♪ ♪ Two is sweet ♪ - Aw! ♪ Two is you and another someone ♪ ♪ Having fun ♪ ♪ Two is simple ♪ ♪ Two is easy ♪ ♪ All two is is one and one ♪ ♪ Two is our laughing and loving ♪ ♪ Two is right ♪ Mm-hmm! ♪ Two is somebody's arms ♪ ♪ Just holding tight ♪ - Yeah! ♪ Two you see is better by far ♪ ♪ Than one could ever be ♪ ♪ 'Cause two is you and me ♪ - Sing it again! Hit it Abby! ♪ Two is you and another someone ♪ ♪ Having fun ♪ - Two is simple! - Two is easy! ♪ All two is is one and one ♪ ♪ Two is the laughing and loving ♪ ♪ Two is right ♪ ♪ Two is somebody's arms just holding tight ♪ ♪ Two you see ♪ ♪ Is better by far than one could ever be ♪ ♪ 'Cause is two is you and me ♪ - [Both] That's two! (Elmo laughing) - Come on, Abby! - Okay! - Let's go. (both giggling) That was fun! - (laughing) Oh yeah! With a pretend kite. - And I'll be... A pretend chef. - Oh. Oh, oh, oh, Elmo wants to be a pretend mummy chef. (growls) (both laughing) Okay, pretend chef, let's measure the ingredients. - Oh, okay. One. (Elmo growls) Two. (Elmo growls) Three. (Elmo growls) Four. (Elmo growls) - Good. Now let's start the batter. - Oh, yeah, okay. - Stir, stir, stir. - Stir, stir, stir. - Stir, stir, stir. - Very good. Okay, let's put it in the oven. - Oh, yes, okay. - In the oven. - Make sure you set the timer. - Set the timers. Go. - Great, great, great. - There we go. Okay. - Okay. Come on, oven. Come on, pan. Make a real cake as fast as you can. Zippedy zap! - Ta-Da! I'm all done. (Elmo and Abby laugh) A mummy! - (laughs) Oh, don't worry, cake. Elmo's just pretending to be a mummy. - Oh, wow, that's great. Can I be a mummy too? - Oh, sure. - Sure! - Oh, come on. (all laughing) (light whimsical music) (all laughing) - (laughs) Yeah! Wow! You look great, Cake. Elmo loves dressing up with Abby. Oh, when Elmo uses his imagination, he can pretend to be anything. - Even a mummy cake. - [Both] A mummy cake? (all yelling) - Here comes the mummy cake. (laughs) (upbeat music) ♪ Do you know the Abby Cadabby ♪ ♪ Abby Cadabby, Abby Cadabby ♪ ♪ Do you know Abby Cadabby ♪ ♪ She's a fairy on Sesame Street ♪ - That's me. - Hi! ♪ Do you know Elmo ♪ - Elmo? ♪ Elmo ♪ ♪ Do you know Elmo ♪ ♪ He's my best friend on Sesame Street ♪ - Aw, thank you, Abby. (Abby laughs) ♪ Do you know Cookie Monster ♪ ♪ Cookie Monster ♪ ♪ Cookie Monster ♪ ♪ Do you know Cookie Monster ♪ ♪ He eats cookies on Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Do you know Rosita ♪ ♪ Rosita, Rosita ♪ ♪ Do you know Rosita ♪ ♪ She plays guitar on Sesame Street ♪ - Yeah! ♪ Do you know the Count von Count ♪ ♪ The Count von Count, the Count von Count ♪ ♪ Do you know the Count von Count ♪ ♪ He likes to count on Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Do you know Bert and Ernie ♪ ♪ Bert and Ernie, Bert and Ernie ♪ ♪ Do you know Bert and Ernie ♪ ♪ They're roommates on Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Do you know Super Grover ♪ ♪ Super Grover, Super Grover ♪ ♪ Do you know Super Grover ♪ ♪ He helps everyone on Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Do you know Julia, Julia, Julia ♪ ♪ Do you know Julia ♪ ♪ She loves to paint on Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Do you know Big Bird ♪ ♪ Big Bird, Big Bird ♪ ♪ Do you know Big Bird ♪ ♪ He's the biggest bird on Sesame Street ♪ - Is it just Elmo or is it getting faster? - It's fast. - Whew. ♪ Do you know Oscar the Grouch ♪ ♪ Oscar the Grouch, Oscar the Grouch ♪ ♪ Do you know Oscar the Grouch ♪ ♪ He lives in a trash can on Sesame Street ♪ - Hey! Do you know... - [Both] Yes? - How to be quiet? - (laughs) Oh, Oscar. (Abby laughs) (Oscar groans) - [Both] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. - Faster. - [Both] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. - Oh. (sighs) That jumping game made Elmo feet hot. - Yeah, me too, really hot. - Well, how can Elmo and Abby cool off? - Hmm. - Hmm. - I know! - What? - Well, if it was snowing, we could, that would cool us off. - Yeah, but it's summer, Abby. It only snows in the winter. - Hmm. Unless you happen to be a fairy who could do magic. - Oh! - What rhymes with snow? - Um, snow, ooh, go! - Big toe. (Elmo laughs) Okay, come on snow, let's go. Cool us down to our big toe. Whoo! - Wow, wow! Abby did it, it's snowing! (both laughing) - Whoo, my goodness. I'm cooling off already. - Elmo too. Ooh, and look how pretty the snowflakes are. - Yeah, try to catch one in your mouth. - Okay. Ah. - Got one. - Got two. - Mm, mm, they taste like cool water. - Well, yeah. Elmo's really cooled off now. - Yeah. Actually, I'm getting kinda cold. - Elmo too. - Brr. - Uh-oh, uh-oh. How can Elmo and Abby get warm again? - Um. I know! - Use Abby's magic to stop the snow? - No, play the jumping game again. - (laughs) Great idea. - [Both] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. - Faster, faster. - [Both] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. - It's working. Elmo's warming up. - [Both] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. - Good idea, Abby. - [Both] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. (Elmo laughs) ♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Too too doo doo ♪ ♪ Doo doo ♪ ♪ I can sing high ♪ ♪ Elmo can sing low ♪ ♪ I can sing fast ♪ ♪ Diddle diddle, liddle diddle dee ♪ ♪ Elmo can sing slow, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ We can sing soft ♪ ♪ We can sing loud ♪ - Yeah! ♪ Loud as a drum ♪ ♪ Rum a tum tum ♪ ♪ Or soft as a clou-ou-ou-ou-oud ♪ ♪ I can sing low ♪ ♪ Elmo can sing high ♪ ♪ Musical twosome ♪ ♪ Happy as you some ♪ ♪ And I ♪ ♪ We can sing melody and harmony ♪ ♪ And doot, doodle dee doo ♪ ♪ We can sing anything ♪ ♪ When Elmo sings with you ♪ ♪ When I sing with you ♪ ♪ Doo doo doo doot ♪ ♪ Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ♪ ♪ I can sing opera, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Elmo can sing scat ♪ ♪ Ba zeeb a dee, doop ee doo ♪ ♪ I can sing this ♪ ♪ Doot, doot, doot, doo, doo, doo ♪ ♪ Elmo can sing that ♪ ♪ Doot, doot, doot, doop, dee doo, doo ♪ ♪ I can sing gruff ♪ ♪ Rah, rah, rah ♪ ♪ Elmo can sing sweet ♪ ♪ Dee, dee, dee, dee ♪ ♪ I can sing jazz ♪ ♪ A razz a matazz ♪ ♪ Or a rock and roll beat ♪ ♪ Ha, ba, boom, boom, ba, ba ♪ ♪ We can sing high ♪ ♪ We can sing low ♪ ♪ We can sing two together ♪ ♪ Two wherever we go ♪ ♪ We can sing melody and harmony ♪ ♪ And doot, doodle lee doo ♪ ♪ I can sing anything ♪ ♪ Yes, we can sing anything ♪ ♪ 'Cause we can sing anything ♪ ♪ When Elmo sings ♪ ♪ When I sing ♪ ♪ With you ♪ ♪ You, you, you ♪ ♪ You, you, you ♪ ♪ You ♪ (both laughing) - Oh, hey, Abby, wanna play with Elmo? - Oh. - Well, what's wrong? - Oh, Elmo, my wand is in the Fix-It Shop. An elephant fairy sat on it, and got it all squished. - Gee, that's too bad. But Abby can still play with Elmo. - I guess, but without my wand to do magic, it won't be much fun. - Well, sure it will. There are lots of fun things Elmo and Abby can play without Abby's wand. - Yeah? Like what? - Like um, ooh, ooh! Elmo and Abby can imagine they're monkeys. Like this. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ee, ee, ooh, ooh, ooh, ee, ee, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ee, ee, ee. (both laughing) - Yeah, that does look like fun. Let me try that. - Okay. - Ooh, ooh, ooh, ee, ee, ah, ah. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ee, ee, ah. (Elmo laughs) Ah. (sighs) - What's wrong now, Abby? Didn't Abby like being a monkey? - Well, I sure did. But monkeys like to climb in trees, and if I had my magic wand, I could wave it and poof us a nice big tree to climb and swing in. But my wand is in the Fix-In Shop. - Ooh, but Abby doesn't need a wand for that. Elmo and Abby can imagine there's a big tree right here and pretend to climb it, like this. Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb. Ooh, come on, Abby Monkey. Climb with Monkey Elmo. - [Both] Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb. - Now swing! See? (laughs) - (laughs) Boy, Elmo, this is great. I just love being an imaginary monkey, swinging in an imaginary tree. Ah. (sighs) But you know, swinging monkeys get might hungry, and if I had my magic wand, I could wave it and get us some delicious bananas, but I can't because my wand is in the Fix-It Shop. - But Abby doesn't need Abby's wand for that, either. - (gasps) You're right, Elmo. Pretend monkeys can eat pretend bananas. Like this one. (laughs) Just peel it. (hums) And eat it. (chomps) - Yeah. Peel it, peel the bananas. ♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪ (chomps) Boy, this imaginary banana is so tasty, Elmo can almost eat the banana peel too. But (laughs) no, Elmo won't do that. - Oh, boy, Elmo. I never knew I could have so much fun without my magic wand. - Whoops. - Whoa! Elmo! You okay? - (laughs) Yeah, Elmo just slipped on an imaginary banana peel. Whoops. - Oh! Oh, yeah, whoops. (laughs) - Whoops. - Whoops. (both laugh) - Whoops! - Whoops! Okay, your turn. - Okay. - Your turn. - Elmo spies with his little eye, uh, oh, oh, oh, a pineapple. - It's a pineapple! That's a good one, Elmo. Okay, my turn. Um, I spy with my little eye, some grapes! - Oh, yummy. Great spying, Abby. - Yeah. (chomps) - Let's see. - Okay, I spy with- - [Both] My little eye. - Oh! - Ah! - [Both] Pepper! - What? (Elmo laughs) - We both picked pepper. - That's so funny. (gasps) Elmo! - Huh? - I spy our friend at home. Hi. - Hi! Hi there. Elmo and Abby were spying fruits and vegetables. - That's right. - What should we look for next, Abby? - Um, oh, I know! Let's look for this color red, just like this pepper. - Oh, yeah, red. That's Elmo's favorite color. - I knew it. (laughs) Okay, here we go. - Okay. - All right. Mm, okay, I got this. Red is the color we want. Let's try to find it in a restaurant. Zippedy-zap! (both laughing) - A restaurant. - Okay, now Elmo, hold still. It's time to show everyone the color we're looking for, red. Zippedy- - Whoa, whoa. - Huh? What? - Elmo's already red, remember? (both laughing) - Oh, you're right. Okay, let's start looking for healthy food that is red. (light music) ♪ Red is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Bah, bah, bum, bum ♪ ♪ Whatta, whatta, wah ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Something healthy and really great ♪ ♪ Red strawberries on Cookie's plate ♪ ♪ Bah, bah, bah, bah ♪ ♪ One thing red we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Red is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Bah, bah, bum, bum ♪ ♪ Whatta, whatta, wah ♪ ♪ Elmo spies with his little eye ♪ ♪ The chef making something fruity ♪ ♪ A delicious red raspberry smoothie ♪ (roosters crow) ♪ Two things red we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Red is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Bah, bah, bum, bum ♪ ♪ Whatta, whatta, wah ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Grover moving near and far ♪ ♪ To bring Mr. Johnson a red fruit bar ♪ ♪ Found red things one, two and three ♪ ♪ Da da, da, da, doo, da, dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ - Bye-bye! - (laughs) Whoo! - Let's get some lunch. - Yeah, I worked up an appetite. (bubbles whirring) (gasps) Bubbles! Beautiful bubbles. Oh, hi, Elmo. - Hi, Abby. - Well, did you see all those bubbles? They're so enchanting. - Yeah, Elmo saw them. - I wonder where they came from. - Oh, well, Elmo made them. - You made them? - Mm-hmm. - How can you make bubbles? - Well, with a wand. - Oh, you mean with a wand like this? - No, a wand like this. See, this is a bubble wand. - A special wand to make bubbles? - Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Does Abby wanna try? - Oh, yes, I do. - Oh, great. Here. - Let's see. Bubble, bubble on the double. Oh. Hey, it didn't work. What are the magic words I need to use, Elmo? - Oh, it's not that kind of wand, Abby. Abby doesn't need magic words to make bubbles. - I don't? - No. - Well, what do I need. - Just this. - Is that some sort of magic potion? - (laughs) No, Abby. It's just soapy water. Just dip the bubble wand into it to make bubbles. - Oh. - Here. - Okay. Um, nothing happened. What'd I do wrong? - Well, Abby has to blow on the wand. - Oh, blow on it? Like for luck? - (laughs) No, no, no, for air. Bubbles are filled with air. - (gasps) They are? - Yeah, so Abby has to blow air through the little hole into the wand to make bubbles. Ready to try? - You bet. - Go for it. - Okay. So I dip. And blow. (blows) (bubbles whirring) I did it! I made bubbles! I can't believe how easy it is. - Oh, yeah! (laughs) Wow, Abby. Does Abby know what's almost as fun as blowing bubbles? - What? - Popping bubbles. - Oh, yeah! Okay! Get ready for bubbles. - Elmo's ready. - Ready? - Yeah. (Abby blows) (bubbles whirring) Oh, yay! (Elmo grunts) (Abby giggles) (Elmo grunts) Keep going, keep going. - All right. - Keep going. Yes! (laughs) ♪ I saw somebody I didn't know ♪ ♪ I felt shy ♪ ♪ Afraid to say ♪ ♪ I wasn't sure she'd like me ♪ ♪ Then I tried ♪ - Hi. - Hi. - Wanna play tag? - Sure. You're it! ♪ Now I'm friends with a penguin ♪ ♪ It starts by saying hi ♪ ♪ Invite someone to play with you ♪ ♪ You'll have a friend ♪ ♪ And I'll have one too ♪ ♪ So give it a try ♪ ♪ We're alike in a lot of ways ♪ ♪ We both like t-ball and the sky ♪ ♪ We like taking turns and sharing things ♪ ♪ And both of us can't fly ♪ ♪ We can't fly ♪ ♪ Penguins can't fly ♪ ♪ We both like pizza topped with anchovies ♪ ♪ We both want puppies ♪ ♪ Pretty please ♪ ♪ We both like dancing and guess what ♪ ♪ Both of us have knees ♪ ♪ We have knees ♪ ♪ We have knees ♪ ♪ Oh, I'm friends with a penguin ♪ ♪ It starts by saying hi ♪ - Hi! ♪ Invite someone to play with you ♪ ♪ You'll have a friend ♪ ♪ And they'll have one too ♪ ♪ So give it a try ♪ ♪ In some ways we're not alike ♪ ♪ She likes the cold ♪ - Yep. ♪ I like hot weather ♪ - Ew. ♪ That's okay, we like to play ♪ ♪ And sing a song together ♪ ♪ Together ♪ ♪ Oh, we're friends with a penguin ♪ ♪ It starts by saying hi ♪ - Hi. ♪ Invite someone to play with you ♪ ♪ You'll have a friend ♪ ♪ And they'll have one too ♪ ♪ Give it a try ♪ ♪ Come on, give it a try ♪ ♪ It starts by saying hi ♪ ♪ Come on, give it a try ♪ ♪ It starts by saying hi ♪ ♪ Come on, give it a try ♪ ♪ It starts by saying hi ♪ ♪ Come on, give it a try ♪ ♪ It starts by saying hi ♪ - Hi, friends! - Hi! - F is for friends. (Elmo humming) (birds chirping) - Oh, hi! (Abby giggles) - Hiya, Elmo. - Hey, Abby. - Whatcha doing? - Oh, well, Elmo's getting ready to show open and close. - Oh! Ooh, I wanna do that too. - Oh, okay. Elmo and Abby can take turns showing open and close. - Okay. You go first. - Oh, okay. Elmo will open his mouth. Open. (Elmo mumbles) - (laughs) Elmo can't talk 'cause his mouth is closed. (both laughing) - Okay, now Abby's turn to show open and close. - Okay. Um, um. You know, I'm not sure yet. Why don't you take another turn? - Oh, okay. - Okay. - Elmo's arms are open. See that? Elmo's arms are closed. (laughs) Okay, now it's Abby's turn to show open and closed. Go ahead, Abby. - Okay, um. Uh. I'm sorry, Elmo. I just can't think of anything to show open and closed. I guess I'll just fly home. - Wait, wait, wait a minute, Abby. - What? Huh? - Abby's showing open and closed right now. - What do you mean? - Well, Abby, come up here. - Huh? Okay. - Stop. - Yeah. - Okay, now turn around. - Okay. - [Elmo] Now move your wings. - Huh? - Ah, ha, ha, see? Abby is opening and closing her wings. - Oh, yeah, I am! - [Both] Opened, closed. Open, closed. - Hurray! (laughs) ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a bear. ♪ - Like a what? ♪ A bear. ♪ ♪ Run, run ♪ ♪ Run, run ♪ ♪ Climb, climb ♪ ♪ Climb, climb ♪ ♪ Run, run ♪ ♪ Climb, climb ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a bear ♪ - Climb like a bear. (both laughing) (Abby blowing) - Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. - What? What was that? - Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. - (laughs) Hey, Elmo? - Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, oh, hi, Abby. - What is that you're doing? - Oh, it's called Wubba Bounce. - Wubba Bounce? - Mm-hmm. - I never heard of that. - It's a monster game. Elmo plays it all the time with his monster friends. Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. - It looks like fun. Oh, boy. I sure do wish I could play Wubba Bounce with Elmo. But I'm not a monster. (gasps) But wait a minute! I can do magic. (gasps) Oh boy, it works. I'm a monster! (laughs) - Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. Oh, excuse Elmo, but did Monster see where Abby went? - (laughs) She's right here. Elmo, it's me, Abby! (magical twinkling) - Abby! But what happened? - Oh, I turned myself into a monster. - But why? - Well, so I could play Wubba Bounce too. Now we can play Wubba Bounce together just like you do with all your other monster friends. Come on. Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. What's wrong? - Well, this. It's all wrong. Abby doesn't have to be a monster to Wubba Bounce with Elmo. - I don't? - No. Elmo will Wubba Bounce with Abby anytime. - But I thought it was something that you just do with your monster friends. - No. No, Elmo will do it with any friend Elmo wants to. - Really? - Really. Besides, Elmo has lots of monster friends, but only one fairy friend. Abby! And Elmo loves Abby the way she is. - Oh, that's great to hear, Elmo, because I do like being a fairy. And besides, this monster fur is a little itchy. - (laughs) So Abby will turn herself back into a fairy now? - Yep! Faster than you can say... (magical twinkling) (magical whirring) (Abby giggles) - Oh yay! Abby's back to being Abby. (both laughing) - And this fairy friend can't wait to Wubba Bounce with you. - Neither can this monster. Let's do it. - [Both] Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. - Ooh, now we'll do Turbo Wubba Bounce. Fast. - [Both] Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. (both laughing) - Whoa. - Wubba, wubba- - Oh, are you okay? - I just wubbaed a lot. - Let's do it. - [Both] Wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba, wubba. ♪ Grab a wave ♪ ♪ Our underwear surf begins ♪ - Yeah. ♪ We must be brave ♪ ♪ And we must move our fins ♪ ♪ Move your fins low ♪ ♪ Move your fins up high ♪ ♪ We'll find that fish ♪ ♪ We won't come up dry ♪ ♪ All around the ocean ♪ ♪ And all around the sea ♪ ♪ Gotta find Elmo's goldfish, Dorothy ♪ ♪ All around the ocean ♪ ♪ Through the deep blue ♪ ♪ To catch that fish ♪ ♪ We need a clue ♪ - What kind of a clue? - Well, Dorothy's orange. Maybe we should look for something orange. - Oh, great idea, Abby Fish. Come on, fishies, let's keep looking. Ooh, and if you see something orange, yell, glub, glub. (laughs) ♪ All around the ocean ♪ ♪ All around the sea ♪ ♪ Gotta find Elmo's goldfish, Dorothy ♪ ♪ All around the ocean ♪ ♪ Through the deep blue ♪ ♪ Let's look for something ♪ ♪ With an orange hue ♪ - Hey, Elmo. - Oh, hi, Abby. - What are you doing with that stick thingy? - Oh, Elmo's drinking juice. - Really? Is is a magic stick? - (laughs) No, no, it's a straw, Abby. - A straw? I don't think we have those in Fairy Land. - Oh, Elmo uses a straw to drink with. See, see, watch this. (sucking) - Oh, oh, oh. - Yummy, yummy. Ooh, grape juice. (laughs) - Well, well, can I try? - Oh, sure, sure, sure. Elmo always brings extra straws just in case someone wants to share. - Okay. (Elmo sucking) Hey, it's not working for me. - Oh, Abby has to suck on the straw, like this. Like this. (sucks) - Oh, okay. - You got it? (both sucking) - I'm getting juice. - Oh, good, good, good. - It's coming through the straw. - Yeah. - That is magic! - Cool. Well, let's sip together. - Okay, okay. (both sucking) - [Both] Ah. - That's it, no more juice. - Oh, wow. Who knew drinking juice from a straw could be so much fun? (laughs) Hey, what else can a straw do? - Well, that's it, Abby. That's all Elmo does with a straw. - Huh? Something as magical as a straw? It must be good for something else. Huh. What else can we do it? - You know, Abby's right. Let's think. What else can we do with a straw? - [Both] Hmm. (Abby gasps) - What? What? What? - I got it! I got it! - What, what? - (laughs) We can use the straw to pretend it's a trumpet. - Oh, good idea. - Yeah. - Yeah. And march in a parade. - Oh, yeah. (both humming) - Okay, let's think again. - Yeah, what else can a straw do? Huh, think. (both humming) - Ooh, Elmo knows, Elmo knows. Ooh, ooh, Elmo can conduct music with it. Like this. ♪ Da, da, da, bup, a bup, a, da, da ♪ ♪ Bup a da, bup a da, bup a, da, ah, ah ♪ (both laughing) - Hey, we were conductors. - Yeah. - What else can this straw do? - Think time. - Oh, yeah. - Ooh, ooh, Elmo knows! Elmo knows. (laughs) Ooh, ooh, Elmo's daddy did this with a straw once. - What is he doing? - Ta-da! See? A straw can make a triangle. - Wow. Straws really are magic. - Yeah. - But do you know what I like to do best with a straw? - What, Abby? - Drink juice. (laughs) - Ooh, ooh, Elmo, too. Hold on a second. See that? Come on, let's drink. - All right. - More grape juice. - And more straws. - Yeah. (both sucking) - Yum. (both laughing) Yeah! - (squeals) Hey, Elmo! I spy with my little eye someone to play with us. - Oh, hi! Oh, Elmo and Abby are playing I Spy. - Yeah, and you could play along with us. What color should we look for, Elmo? - Um, um, um, oh, oh, oh. How 'bout orange? - Oh, okay. Here we go. - Okay. - Okay, let's look together and give a call when we see something orange in this picture of fall. Zippedy-zap! (rooster crows) - (laughs) Oh, it's fall on the farm. (cow braying) - Yep. And on this farm, we're gonna look for three things that are orange, just like this. Zippedy zap! - What? What? (laughs) Elmo's orange. (both laughing) - Yep, and that's the color we're looking for, orange. Oh, zippedy zap. (rooster crows) (bright country music) ♪ Orange is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo da, doo da, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo da, doo da, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Something orange under that tree ♪ ♪ An orange turkey gobbling at me ♪ (turkey gobbling) ♪ One thing orange we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Orange is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Elmo spies with his little eyes ♪ ♪ In the bushes over there ♪ ♪ An orange hat on that skipper's hair ♪ - Have fun looking for orange things. ♪ Two things orange we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ Play I Spy ♪ ♪ Orange is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ In the patch with a smiley face ♪ ♪ An orange pumpkin dancing in place ♪ ♪ Found orange things one, two and three ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, doo dah, dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ - See you later, kids. - Bye-bye! (both laughing) Oh boy, Abby. Oh, oh, hi, hi, hi. Oh, Elmo and Abby are going to play. - Yeah. - Okay, wait, wait a minute. Elmo feels like there's a sneeze coming. Elmo's mommy taught Elmo, sneeze into a tissue. But Elmo doesn't have a tissue. - Oh, well, don't worry. You know, Elmo, I'll make you a tissue as fast as I can with magic. Tissue, smissue, tissue. Oh. - A noodle? Abby, that didn't make a tissue. Abby made a noodle. - Oh, dear, you cannot sneeze into a noodle. - Yeah, yeah, but it's okay. Elmo doesn't feel like he has to sneeze anymore. Let's go. - Okay, okay. - No, no, Elmo does have to sneeze. - Okay, wait, I'll get you a tissue with even faster magic. Missue, smissue, tissue. - What? Abby, that's a frog. - (laughs) Oh dear. And you cannot sneeze into a frog. - (gasps) Mm-mm. - Oh, but it's okay, it's okay, because Elmo doesn't have to sneeze anymore. Let's go, Abby. Wait a minute, yes Elmo does! Elmo's gonna sneeze right now. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. I just remembered, my mommy told me that if you don't have a tissue, you can sneeze or cough into your elbow. - Ah-choo! (Elmo crashing) - Oh. (laughs) Whoa. Well, Elmo did it. Elmo covered his nose with his elbow with his sneeze, like Abby said, yay! (Abby giggles) - Ribbit. - Yay! My mommy taught me that trick, and you don't even need magic. - Cool. And now Elmo and Abby can go and play. Bye! - Bye. - Mibbit. ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a fox ♪ - Like a what? ♪ A fox. ♪ ♪ Tiptoe, tiptoe ♪ ♪ Tiptoe, tiptoe ♪ ♪ Jump, jump ♪ ♪ Jump, jump ♪ ♪ Tiptoe ♪ ♪ Tiptoe ♪ ♪ Jump ♪ ♪ Jump ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a fox ♪ ♪ Jump like a fox ♪ (both giggle) - Hey, Elmo, whatcha doing? - Oh, well, Elmo's trying to throw this ball right here through the basket up there. - Oh. - Yeah. Here goes! There! (ball bangs) - Oh. - Oh, no. - That looks hard. - Well, yeah, well, yeah, it's hard because that basket is so high up. - Maybe magic can help. Go shmo, make it low. (laughs) Yes! You did it, Elmo! Whoa! - Abby! That's because Abby lowered the basket. It made it easier. Elmo doesn't want it lower. Can Abby please make it high again? - Okay. Top sock, put it back. - Here goes again. (grunts) (ball bangs) Oh no. Oh boy. Elmo needs to jump higher. - Higher. (gasps) Maybe this time, I can help. Bum, fum, make Elmo jump. - Hey, whoa. (Abby laughs) ♪ You made the basket ♪ ♪ You made the basket ♪ - Bring Elmo down, bring Elmo down. - Down, shmown, bring Elmo to the ground. Gently. I forgot to add that. - Abby! Elmo doesn't want a lower basket or help jumping up to the basket. Elmo just wants to get the ball in basket all by himself without magic. - Oh, okay. But you were having so much trouble getting it in. - But that's okay. Elmo can just keep trying. - Oh. Isn't there anything I could do to help you? - Hmm. Yeah! Abby can cheer for Elmo. - (gasps) Be your cheerleader? - Yeah, yeah. - (laughs) Okay. Tom, tom, from, from, give me some pom poms! (magical music) (Abby laughs) ♪ Who can make the basket ♪ ♪ Elmo, Elmo ♪ ♪ Yay, Elmo ♪ (ball bounces) - Yay! Yay! ♪ Who keeps trying ♪ ♪ Elmo, Elmo ♪ ♪ Who's the monster ♪ ♪ Elmo, Elmo ♪ ♪ Elmo, Elmo, Elmo ♪ (both laughing) (crayon scribbling) - Oh, hi, Abby. Hi. - Hi. - What's Abby doing? - Well, coloring. - Oh, wow, it's pretty. Oh, you missed a spot. - Huh? - Oh, see? - Yeah. - Oh, great. - That's it. - Oh. Oh, no more coloring? - Um, nope, the paper's full, so I guess I'll just throw it away and do something else. - Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, Abby. Can Elmo have the paper now? - Well, sure. What are you gonna do with it? - I'm gonna fold the paper here, here, here, here, and here. See? Look. (Abby gasps) See, Elmo can make an airplane. Watch this, watch this. - Huh? - Watch this. Watch this. (paper crinkling) (Elmo laughs) - Oh, wow. - See that? See that? - You can color a piece of paper and then make it into a paper airplane. - Yep, yep, yep. - (gasps) I just thought of something else you can do with a piece of paper. - Well, what's that, Abby? - Turn it into a pumpkin. - A pumpkin? - Lumpkin, frumkin, pumpkin. - Oh, boy. - See? You can color a piece of paper and you can make it into an airplane and you can turn it into a pumpkin. - Uh, Abby? - Huh? - Elmo liked the airplane better. - Yeah, it's kinda hard to fly a pumpkin. - Yeah. (laughs) - Well, I'll turn it back, okay? - Okay, okay. - Rain, sprain, airplane. - Oh, cool. Come on, Abby, let's go fly the airplane. - Okay. (Elmo laughs) Oh, oh. (paper crinkling) (both giggling) - Okay, Abby, Elmo spies with his little eye, oh, someone to play I Spy with. - Elmo, I don't see anyone. - Oh, Abby. - Huh? - Abby, turn around. (laughs) - Oh, now I spy them, too. (both laughing) - We're playing I Spy, and you can play with us. - Uh-huh. Hey, Elmo, what color should we look for today? - Well, let's see. Elmo would like the color... Color pink. - Whoa, that is a nice choice. - Thank you. - Okay, let's look together way up high for things that are pink in the sky. Zippedy zap! (magical music) Wow! (Elmo giggles) - Oh, it's the castle from Jack in the Beanstalk. - Yeah, I love that story. - Yeah. - Oh, hey, and remember, we're looking for three things that are pink, okay? Like this. Zippedy zap! (magical music) (both laughing) - Elmo's pink. Oh, just like Abby. - Yep, you sure are. And that's the color we're looking for, the color pink. Zippedy zap! (magical music) ♪ Pink is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Elmo spies with his little eye ♪ ♪ Being chased by a goose ♪ ♪ A pink egg is on the loose ♪ ♪ One thing pink we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Pink is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ (cow moos) ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ On the beanstalk, a big rose ♪ ♪ A pretty petaly pink rose ♪ (cow moos) ♪ Two things pink we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Pink is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ (feet bang) ♪ Elmo spies with his little eye ♪ ♪ Something bigger than Elmo and you ♪ ♪ A giant with a big pink shoe ♪ - [Giant] Fee, fi, fo, you found me. ♪ Found pink things one, two, and three ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, doo, dah, dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ - Bye-bye! - (laughs) Bye! - Elmo wishes it was winter so he could go sledding right now. - Did you just make a wish? - Oh, hi, Abby, yeah, Elmo wants to go sledding, Abby, but Chris says Elmo has to wait until the seasons change and it's winter. - Oh, well, you know, my mommy knows an awesome weather spell. - Oh, really? - That can change the seasons just like that. Yeah, if I remember it right. Well, I bet I can make it winter right now. - Well, do it, do it, do it, oh, Abby. Abby, make it winter. - Okay, okay, let's see. I just need a couple words that rhyme with weather. Like say, (gasps) like leather. - Ooh, ooh and feather. - Ooh, that's good. Okay, here we go. Feather leather, feather leather, now it's time to change the weather. (magical music) - Wow! Abby's spell, it finally worked. Yay! - It did, didn't it? - Yeah. - Okay, here you, cold. Ooh, come on. It is freezing out here. And do you see the tree? Look at the tree. There are no birds on the tree. There are no leaves on the tree. It is definitely winter. How? - Whee! (bright music) Elmo loves winter. Great job, Abby. - (laughs) Glad I could help, Elmo. Shiny, shine, shine, shine, shine. - Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. - What was that? - Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. - (laughs) It was Elmo. I wonder what he's doing? - Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. - Hey, Elmo! Elmo! - Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. - Elmo! (both laughing) - Hi, Abby. - Hey, what are you doing? - Oh, well, Elmo's pretending to drive a car. - Oh, yay! - Uh-huh, uh-huh. Elmo's too young to drive a real car. So Elmo's pretending to drive a car. - Oh! It sure looks like fun. - But it is. Ooh, ooh, does Abby want to pretend to drive too? - Oh, well, I don't know. I've never been in a car before. - Really? - Mm-mm. Well, as a fairy, if I ever need to go somewhere, I don't get in a car. I just poof myself there magically. - Well, that makes sense, Abby. Well, Elmo could teach Abby how to pretend to drive. - Ooh, I would like that. - Okay, Elmo will show Abby what to do. - Okay. - Then Abby can try it. The first, most important thing to do is put on your seat belt. - What's a seat belt? - Well, it's a strap that hold you in the seat. Here's Elmo's seat belt. Click. Okay? There, now it's on. See that? - Uh-huh. - Next, I'll start the car. Like this. Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. (Abby laughs) And you drive like this. Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. - Whoa. - Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. (Abby laughs) - Oh. - You see that? - Mm-hmm. Okay, I think I got it. Okay, ready? Oh, first I start the car. Vroom, vroom, vroom. - Oh, wait, wait, wait, Abby. You forgot the most important part. - Huh? Oh! Oh, my seat belt. - Yes. - But Elmo, do I really need one? - Well, yeah, everybody in the car needs a seat belt. The people in the front and the people in the back. - Oh. - Everybody has to buckle it. - Okay, okay, okay. And click. Okay. Then I start the car. - Go for it. - Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. - Cool, Abby. Vroom, vroom, vroom. - Vroom, vroom, vroom. - [Both] Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. Vroom, vroom, vroom- (both crashing) (both laughing) - Oh, boy. - Oh, oh, oh. - See? That's why Elmo and Abby don't drive real cars. (both laughing) - Yeah. Whoo! It was a good thing we were wearing our pretend seat belts in our pretend cars. - Yeah. - Whoo. - And the best part is, pretend cars can't get broken. Wanna drive some more? - Yeah, yeah, oh but don't forget to buckle up. - Let's do it. - Okay. - Click. - And click. - You got yours? - Got mine. - Okay, here we go. Ready? - Vroom, vroom, vroom. - [Both] Vroom, vroom, vroom. (horses whinnying) (horses galloping) ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a horse ♪ - Like a what? ♪ A horse ♪ ♪ Gallop ♪ ♪ Gallop ♪ ♪ Nod your head ♪ ♪ Nod your head ♪ ♪ Gallop ♪ ♪ Gallop ♪ ♪ Nod ♪ ♪ Nod ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a horse ♪ ♪ Gallop like a horse ♪ (both laughing) ♪ La, la ♪ ♪ La, la, la ♪ - Oh, oh, hi Abby. - Oh, hi, Elmo. - Oh, oh, and hi to you, too. - Oh, yeah, hi! - Oh, Abby, what are you doing? - Oh, I'm singing to my dolly, Prince. - Oh, boy, that sounds like fun. Elmo wishes he had a dolly he could sing with. - Oh, oh, I know what to do. I know what to do! - Really? - I will make you a dolly with magic. - Oh, cool. How? - Well, you know, I'm still learning, but my mommy's always waving her wand around and she says a rhyme and magic happens. So, well, I'll just wave my fairy wand until magic happens too. - Okay! - Okay, um, let me see. (gasps) Okay, Velmo, shmelmo, dolly for Elmo! - Uh-oh. That's a pumpkin, not a dolly. - Yeah, I know. I get a lot of pumpkins. Oh, well, well, better try again. - Yeah, go ahead, go ahead. - Hey, oh, I know! Will you say it with me this time? That might help! - Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, sure. - Okay, okay. Now here's what we're gonna do. I'll say the magic words first, and then, you say them after me. Ready? - Ready. - Okay. Velmo, shmelmo. - Now us. - Velmo, shmelmo. - Dolly for Elmo. - Dolly for Elmo! (twinkling music) (magical music) Uh-oh. Um, Abby? That's a marker, not a dolly. - Oh, well, maybe I should try a different way. - Ooh, ooh, Elmo has an idea. Maybe Abby's fairy wand didn't hear the magic spell. Abby should try saying it louder. - Oh, okay. Will you say it louder with me, too? - Sure, sure! - All right, ready? - Ready. - Okay. Velmo, shmelmo. - Come on, do it with Elmo. Velmo, shmelmo! - Dolly for Elmo! - Come on, do it, do it, do it. Dolly for Elmo! - Okay, you got that? (magical music) - Whoa! - That's not a dolly! That's a hat. - Yeah. - Oh dear. Well, I better call my mommy on my wand phone. She always knows what to do. - Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, Abby. Elmo has an idea. Watch this, watch this. - Huh? - You'll see, Abby. (marker squeaking) - What is Elmo doing? - There. Ta-da! (laughs) See? See that? That's Mr. Pumpkin Man. Ooh, Elmo made a dolly. - Wow! Elmo! How did you do that? Magic? - No, no, no. Elmo just took Abby's magic and put it all together. - Oh, good thinking, buddy. - Thank you. - Hey, let's sing to our dollies. - Oh, okay! ♪ Dolly, dolly, dolly ♪ ♪ Dolly, dolly, dolly ♪ ♪ Dolly, dolly, dolly ♪ (Elmo laughs) ♪ Dolly, dolly ♪ ♪ Dolly, dolly, dolly ♪ ♪ Dolly ♪ - Okay. Now what's the next thing you do before bed? - Well, next, Elmo always sleeps with his favorite soft, cuddly toy, Baby David. - Aw. Well, me too! That's why I brought this flower pot. - Abby sleeps with a flower pot? - No, no, I need this here pot to put my seeds in. - Seeds? - What for? - Well, to grow a beanstalk. Whoa! (Elmo laughs) (magical music) - Cool! A beanstalk! Wow! (Abby giggles) - How else can I get to the giant? - Giant? - Does Abby mean the giant from "Jack in the Beanstalk"? - Yep! We're good friends. Are you ready, Mr. Giant? - (chuckles) Ready, Abby. - (laughs) We play tug-of-war every night with a teddy bear to see who gets to sleep with it. - You do this every night before bed? - Uh-huh! And tonight, I'm gonna win. - [Giant] Oh, no, you're not. I am! - No, I am. - [Giant] No, I am. - No, I am. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on, you two. Playing tug-of-war is not a good way to calm down before bed. - It's not? - No! It gets you too excited. You need to do something relaxing. - Oh, dear. Then I guess we better stop. You can have the bear tonight, Mr. Giant. - [Giant] Okay. Thanks, Abby. - (laughs) Night-night. (Abby humming) Oh, I spy with my little eye some new friends to play with. Hi! - New friends to play with? New friends to play with? Oh, it's you! Hi! - Hi, Elmo. - Hello. - Hey, do you wanna play I Spy with me and Elmo? - Oh, yeah, it's lots of fun. - Yeah! Hey, I tell you what. What color should we look for today, Elmo? - Oh, good question. Um, let's see, let's see. How 'bout, oh, let's look for purple. - (gasps) Good one! Okay, here we go. (Elmo giggles) (Abby clears her throat) Let me see here. We're looking for purple. We're ready, we're set. Let's find healthy foods at the farmer's market. Zippedy zap! - (laughs) Oh, cool! - (laughs) Yep, and at the market, we're looking for healthy foods that are purple, like this. Zippedy zap! (magical music) - (laughs) Oh, Elmo's purple! - Mm-hmm. Yep, that's the color we're looking for, purple. Zippedy zap! (upbeat music) ♪ Purple is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ (Barkley barks) ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Something purple that's really sweet ♪ ♪ Some yummy plums, what a tasty treat ♪ (Barkley barks) ♪ One thing purple we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Purple is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ (engine rumbling) (horn honks) ♪ Elmo spies with his little eye ♪ ♪ A yummy veggie coming through ♪ ♪ Some eggplant for a healthy stew ♪ (truck back-up alarm beeps) (horn honks) ♪ Two things purple we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Purple is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ - Here's the grapes. - Yummy. ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ A purple fruit right over there ♪ (bike bell rings) ♪ A bunch of grapes ♪ ♪ For us to share ♪ (Barkley barks) ♪ Found purple things one, two and three ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, doo, dah, dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ - [Both] Bye-bye. (horn honks) - Bye! (Elmo hums) - Oh, yoo hoo! Yoo hoo! Anybody wanna play with Elmo? Yoo hoo! - Hiya, Elmo. - Oh, hi, Abby. - Whatcha doing? - Oh, well, Elmo was just looking for a friend Elmo can play with. - Ooh, ooh, ooh, I can help you with that. - Oh, good, oh good. - I can bring you a friend to play with with magic. I'll just wave my magic wand and poof! A friend will appear. - Yeah, yeah, but Abby, Elmo thought maybe- - No, no, it's okay, pal. I'll tell you what. How 'bout your pet fish, Dorothy, huh? You like to play with Dorothy, right? - Yeah, yeah, Elmo loves to play with Dorothy. But Abby- - All right. Gishy, mishy, Dorothy the fishy! (magical music) Yay! I did it. - Um, Abby, Abby. Um, this is a fish bowl, but it's not Dorothy. That's a pumpkin. (laughs) - Oh, no, I made a pumpkin instead of a fish. - Oh, but that's okay, Abby. It's okay, because Elmo- - Because I can try again! I'll make a different friend appear for you to play with. - But Abby- - How 'bout your friend Bert? You like Bert, right? - Well, sure, Elmo loves Bert, Abby, but- - Then I shall just wave my wand and make him appear. Okay, smirt, dessert, Bert! (magical music) Oh. (Elmo laughs) - Boy, Elmo doesn't think this looks like Bert, Abby. Elmo thinks it's a pumpkin with Bert's hairstyle. (laughs) - Oh, I tried, I tried to bring you a friend to play with, Elmo, two whole times. - Yeah. - But my magic didn't work. All I got was pumpkins. Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins. - But Abby did bring a friend for Elmo to play with. - I did? Who? - Abby! Abby's Elmo's friend. Abby can play with Elmo. - Oh, yeah! Uh, was that magic? - It's magic to Elmo. Let's play. Tag, you're it! - Wait, Elmo! Oh, I'm gonna get you. (both laughing) (upbeat music) Hey, you come back here. - Oh, boy. Oh, hi! Well, Elmo's so thirsty, very thirsty. It sure is good that Elmo has a cup of nice cold water to drink. - Help! Help! Oh my goodness. Does anybody have any water, water? - Elmo has some water. Why, Abby? - Elmo, oh, for my plant. Look. - [Elmo] Whoa. Abby's plant looks sad and droopy. - Yeah, that's because it's thirsty. It needs water. - Uh-oh. Um, Elmo's thirsty, too, very thirsty. - Wait! If you drink that water, then my plant will still be all sad and droopy. - But Abby, if Elmo gives your plant the water, then Elmo will still be very, very thirsty. - Oh, boy, this is terrible. - Yeah. - [Both] What are we gonna do? - Abby, Abby! - Huh? - Elmo has an idea. What if Elmo just takes a little drink of water like this, and then, look, look, look. - Then you could give my plant a little drink of water. Oh! Oh. - Yep. - Oh, look. Look, Elmo! My plant's feeling better already. - Wow! And there's still water left. Elmo can drink more, okay. - Okay. And then give my plant a little more? - Yeah, yeah, okay. Oh! There. Hey, Elmo and the plant are taking turns. - And sharing! - Mm-hmm. Ah. Oh! (laughs) Oh. (laughs) Boy, Elmo never shared with a plant before. - (laughs) This plant never shared with a monster before. (both laughing) A little more? (water trickling) - Oh. - Elmo, look! My plant, it's all better. - Wow! And Elmo's not thirsty anymore. Wow! That was plenty of water for everybody. - Yeah! (laughs) - Yay! - Whoo-hoo! - And Abby and Elmo figured out- - [Both] All by ourselves. - Ooh, with a little help by the plant. - Yeah, you're a good plant. - Very good. - Ooh. Okay, Elmo, you're gonna love this move. - Okay, let's see, let's see. - I call it the kickball. - Wow! That was cool. Ooh, Elmo's gonna do the Watusi. ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ - Hey, Abby, hey, Elmo. - [Both] Hi, Jason! - Well, what are you guys doing? - Oh, we're just doing some cool dance moves. - Well, I can see that. Mind if I try one? - Oh, yeah, come on. (upbeat music) Yeah! - Yeah. ♪ Oh yeah ♪ ♪ Anything that you can think of ♪ ♪ Is a dance move ♪ ♪ Like reading a book ♪ ♪ Or learning to cook, yeah ♪ ♪ You can play it out ♪ ♪ Or let it happen by chance ♪ ♪ Shake a leg ♪ ♪ Raise your arms ♪ ♪ That's how you dance ♪ ♪ Dancing is easy ♪ ♪ Move your body to the beat ♪ ♪ Dancing is easy ♪ ♪ Raise your arms and stomp your feet ♪ ♪ Dancing is easy ♪ ♪ Dancing is fun ♪ - Yeah! - Yeah. (upbeat music) ♪ I get dressed every morning ♪ ♪ And I make it a dance ♪ ♪ Shake your legs when you put on your pants ♪ ♪ Dancing is easy ♪ ♪ Dancing is fun ♪ - That was cool, Abby. Look at what Elmo does. ♪ Elmo's dance is to fly and zoom like a plane ♪ ♪ But some days ♪ ♪ Elmo chugs along like a train ♪ ♪ Whoo, whoo ♪ ♪ Move your body to the beat ♪ ♪ And stomp your feet ♪ ♪ Dancing is easy ♪ (both laughing) ♪ I said move your body to the beat ♪ ♪ And stomp your feet ♪ ♪ Dancing is easy ♪ (all laughing) - Yeah! - Well, have you guys ever heard of the Jason Derulo dance? - Oh, will you do it? Please, please, please, go, go. - Yeah, sure. - Go on, go on. - It starts like this. - Oh. - And then we get a little footwork. - Yeah, yeah? - And then we end it off with a pause. - Whoa, baby. - I love it. You know what I like? I like my favorite move is going in for the hug. - Yeah. - Well, I love that one too. (Abby grunts) - Oh, why won't you jump, rope? Oh. (sighs) - Oh, oh, hi, Abby. Abby, why is Abby sighing like this? (sighs) - Oh, I can't get this jump rope to work, Elmo. I keep trying and trying and it's very, uh, very, uh, oh, what's the word? - Frustrating? - Yeah, frustrating. - Oh, well, it's okay, Abby. Elmo gets frustrated when Elmo can't do something, too. - You do? - Sure! Everybody gets frustrated sometimes, even monsters and fairies. - Well, I'm a fairy who's very frustrated now. - Well, maybe Elmo can show Abby how to jump rope. - (gasps) That would be super, Elmo. - Okay. Okay, Ready? - Yeah, yeah. (both laugh) (Elmo grunts) - Oh boy, why won't you jump, rope? - Elmo, are you getting frustrated? - Elmo sure is! - Yeah. Well, it's okay. You know, everyone gets frustrated sometimes even fairies and monsters. - (laughs) That's sounds familiar. (both laugh) - But now we're both frustrated. - Yeah, we sure are. Well, what can Abby and Elmo do? - I don't know, but it's very frustrating. - Hey, wait, wait, wait. Do that again, Abby. - It's very frustrating. - Hey! Maybe Elmo and Abby can't jump with the rope yet, but we can jump without the rope. - (gasps) Great idea, Elmo. I love to jump! - Later for you, rope. Let's jump. Come on. - Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. - Boy, Elmo's not frustrated now. - Me neither. - Yeah, jump, jump. - [Both] Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. (bright music) ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an otter ♪ - Like a what? ♪ An otter ♪ ♪ Hop, hop ♪ ♪ Hop, hop ♪ ♪ Wiggle, wiggle ♪ ♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle ♪ ♪ Hop ♪ ♪ Hop ♪ ♪ Wiggle ♪ ♪ Wiggle ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an otter ♪ ♪ Wiggle like an otter ♪ (both laugh) ♪ We're taking things you can find on a shelf ♪ ♪ And making crafts you can do yourself ♪ ♪ Do, do, do it yourself ♪ ♪ Do, do, do it yourself ♪ ♪ D-I-Y ♪ ♪ That stands for ♪ ♪ Do, do, do it yourself ♪ ♪ What are we gonna make today ♪ ♪ A sock puppet ♪ ♪ Hurray ♪ (all laugh) - Today, Elmo, Abby and I are making sock puppets, like this sock puppy. - Oh, yay! - Oh, woof, woof. - Hi, there, puppy. (laughs) - Woof, hiya. - Hello, doggie. - Hi, Elmo. - (laughs) Yeah, and you can make one, too. Follow along with us. - Let's get crafty. To make a sock puppy, you'll need socks, felt, cardboard. For cardboard, we're reusing an old cereal box, googly eyes, a ruler, glue gun, scissors and pom poms. Step one, pick sock bodies for your pleat. - Oh, okay. Elmo wants Elmo's sock puppy body to the color, oh, oh, oh, yellow! - All right. - And I want mine to have spots. - Nice. - Yeah. - All right. Step two, we're going to give our puppies mouths. - Oh, yeah, so they can say, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof. - (laughs) Yeah. - And awoo! - First thing we're gonna do is we're gonna grab a roll of tape, and we're gonna draw a circle on our cardboard, which is actually a cereal box. - All right. - Give it a try. Nice work. - Yeah! - All right. Now we're gonna cut it out. - Be sure to ask an adult to help you cut out the circles. - Will you help us cut out the circles? - Please. - Of course. Of course, of course. All right. So now we're gonna snip snip around, and then we're gonna keep going. (dog barks) And now we have a circle. - Wow! - We fold the circle in half, just like this. Fold, so now, we're gonna line up our mouth, our little circle, straight line here. You see that straight line? Now line it up with the line over here, the seam of the sock. - Yeah. - Then we'll put glue on the mouth. And be sure to cover the whole circle with glue, okay? - Oh, remember to ask an adult to help you use the hot glue gun, 'cause it gets hot, baby. (laughs) - Press into the sock and smooth it out. Just like that. Now we just let it dry. What should we do while we wait? - Let's dance. Whoa-oh! (upbeat music) - All right, so now that our sock puppies are dry, we're gonna turn the sock inside out. - Whoo! - Whoa. - Yeah, and watch. - Okay. - Here we go. - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Voila! - Look! There it is. There it is. - Look, it's a puppy. - There it is. - All right, it's time for step three. Decorate our puppies. What do we need to make our sock puppies look like puppies? - Oh, eyes! - Ears! - Ooh, and a tail. - And a (sniffs) nose. - Nose, right. - Yes. - Yeah. - All right, so I've gone ahead and cut out some doggy tongues out of this pink felt. - Oh. - So here you go. You can have one, I'll take one, and you can have one. - Thank you. - I've also cut out some doggy ears from all of these felt colors. Right? - Ooh, ooh. - So let's see. What colors do you want for your ears? - Oh, Elmo would like purple, please. - Okay, Elmo, you can have the purple. - Thank you. - I'll take the pink. Abby, what do you want? - I think I would like an orange and a blue. - Oh, okay, one orange, one blue. I love it. So what eyes do you want your puppy to have? - Oh. Ooh, ooh, Elmo likes the pink ones. - Oh those are good. - Ooh, okay. - I like those big ones on the top part. - Oh, okay. We'll use a glue gun to stick everything on. (bright, upbeat music) Ta-da! - Ta-da! - We have sock puppies. - Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff. - Elmo's puppy is called Jack. Oh, oh, look, ruff, ruff, ruff. - Mine's name is Newhart. - Oh. (laughs) - Rarr, rarr. - Woof, woof, woof. (laughs) Thanks for making sock puppies with me and my little crafters over here. We hope you had fun making a sock puppy. (dog barking) ♪ We took things you can find on a shelf ♪ ♪ And made a craft that we did ourselves ♪ ♪ We did, did, did it ourselves ♪ ♪ We did, did, did it ourselves ♪ ♪ It was fun making something new ♪ ♪ With all of you ♪ (all laughing) - Hey, bye-bye. - Bye, adios! (gentle music) ♪ C is for cloud ♪ ♪ Up in the sky ♪ ♪ Drifting with the wind ♪ ♪ Just floating on by ♪ ♪ Clouds full of raindrops ♪ ♪ Ready to fall ♪ ♪ Bringing water ♪ ♪ Clean, clean water ♪ ♪ Down to us all ♪ ♪ And that is why ♪ ♪ When I see a cloud I ♪ ♪ Say thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ You give us rain to help the flowers grow ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ You fill the lakes and make the rivers flow ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ Thank you for the raindrops from above ♪ ♪ Giving us the water we drink ♪ ♪ And the world of nature to love ♪ ♪ Say thank you you, clouds ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ Oh, whoa ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For the ponds and the streams now ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For the earth growing green now ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ ♪ Thank you, clouds ♪ (all laughing) - Yeah! (Elmo laughing) Oh, hi, Abby. - Hiya, Elmo. - Oh, does Abby wanna play? - Oh, sure. What do you wanna play? Um, fairy tag? Fairy hide and go seek? - No, no, how 'bout space monkeys from outer space. Space, space, space. - Wow! That sounds like fun. Okay. - Okay, well, Elmo wants to be the monkey. - The monkey? - Yeah. - Well, you know, I've never actually turned anyone into a monkey, but what the heck? I'll try. Okay, um- - Oh, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, what is Abby doing? - Well, I'm thinking of a spell to turn you into a monkey. - (laughs) Well, Abby, Elmo doesn't wanna be turned into a monkey with magic. - But how can you be a monkey without magic? - Well, Elmo can pretend to be a monkey. - Huh? - Well, Elmo will use Elmo's imagination. Like this. Oo, oo, ee, ee, oo, oo, ee, ee. Oo, oo, ee, ee. - I still don't get it. You still look like a monster to me. - Well, that's because Abby has to imagine Elmo's a monkey, too. Just imagine Elmo has a long monkey tail, and brown fur, monkey fur, and Elmo Monkey does this. Oo, oo, ee, ee, oo, oo, ee, ee, oo, oo, ee, ee. - Well, I think I did it. I'm imagining it all now, Elmo. - Oh, great! Great, great, great. So is Abby going to pretend she's a monkey, a space monkey, too? - No, I think I'm gonna pretend I'm something else. - Okay! - Okay. - [Both] Oo, oo, oo, ee, ee, ee, oo, oo, ee, ee, oo, oo, ee, ee. Oo, ee. - Wait a minute. - What happened? - Elmo thought Abby wasn't going to pretend she's a space monkey. - I'm not. I'm pretending to be you, Elmo, pretending to be a space monkey. - Oh boy! Abby sure has some imagination. Oh, let's all play space monkey together. - Space monkey! - [Both] Oo, oo, ee, ee, oo, oo, ee, ee, oo, oo, oo, ee, ee, oo, oo, ee, ee. (both laughing) - Okay, Abby, are you ready to play? - I sure am, Elmo. Hey, look, Elmo! Our friends are here, too. (Elmo laughs) Hi! - Hello there. Oh, you're just in time to play I Spy with us. - Yeah, we're looking for three healthy foods that are the color, uh, oh. What should our color be? - Um, oh, oh, how 'bout yellow? - Ooh, yellow. - Yellow. - Yellow. (both laughing) That is so fun to say. Okay, let's do this thing. Hmm, let's look together to see what is found when we search for something yellow on the playground. Zippedy zap! (magical music) (Elmo laughs) - We're on the playground. Cool! - Yeah, oh, and on this playground, we're gonna be looking for three things that are the color yellow, like this. Zippedy zap! (magical music) - Oh, Elmo's yellow. - Mm-hmm. That's the color we're looking for, yellow. Zippedy zap! (upbeat music) ♪ Yellow is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ A monster having a snack with his Nana ♪ ♪ A healthy, ripe yellow banana ♪ ♪ One thing yellow we did see ♪ (dog barks) ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Yellow is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ (chicken clucking) ♪ Elmo spies with his little eye ♪ ♪ A yellow lunchbox filled with treats ♪ ♪ Lots of yummy, healthy foods to eat ♪ - [Elmo] Yeah! ♪ Two things yellow we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ And play I spy ♪ ♪ Yellow is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ (basketball bounces) ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Something that is drawn with chalk ♪ ♪ A yellow lemon on that sidewalk ♪ ♪ Found yellow things one, two and three ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, doo dah dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ (both laugh) - Bye-bye! (both laughing) Oh, oh, hi! Guess what? Elmo and Abby are getting ready to do some changing magic. - That's right. I am going to teach Elmo how to change something into something else. - No, no, no. Elmo's gonna teach Abby how to change something into something else. - But Elmo, you don't even have a magic wand or know any magic spell rhymes. - Oh, well, Elmo doesn't need any of that. See this empty milk carton right here? Watch. - Uh-huh. Ooh, I wonder what Elmo's gonna do. - Presto changeo! - Oh! Oh, oh my goodness! That is beautiful. - Oh, wait, wait, wait, there's more. Come on down. - Ooh, ooh. - Come on, come on, come on. Right here. (laughs) - Okay. - See this? See this big empty can? - Uh-huh. - Okay. Presto changeo. Ta-da! Now the empty can is now a bongo drum. ♪ Bum, bum, bum, bongo ♪ ♪ Bum, bum, bum, bongo ♪ ♪ Bum, bum, bum, bongo ♪ - That is terrific. - Oh, that's nothing. - Huh? - Come over here. - Oh, okay, okay. - See this empty cereal box? - Uh-huh. - And one, two, three, four bottle caps? - Yeah. - Well. (objects rustling) - I can't wait to see what he's gonna do now. - Presto changeo! Ta-da! See, the cereal box and the bottle caps are now a race car. Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. - That is amazing! - Yeah, Elmo's mommy calls it recycling. - Hmm? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, changing something old into something new. - Wow. - Isn't that cool? - Yeah, and to think you made all those changes without even a magic wand. - Elmo needs to do Elmo's changing magic on one more thing. Ooh, could Elmo borrow Abby's wand, please? - Well, Elmo, you're not thinking of changing my wand into something else, are you? - Well, sort of, but just for a second. Can Elmo borrow it, please, please, please? - Sure. - Thank you. See, zooming the race car around made it get kinda dirty, so Elmo's going to turn Abby's wand, presto changeo, into (hums), into a feather duster. (Abby laughs) - Oh, Elmo, you really are magical. - Thank you. (laughs) - Oh, hi! Yeah, I'm about to read a story. - (laughs) Oh, hi Gordon. - Hey, Abby, Elmo! - Oh, hi. - Hey, you ready for story time? - Uh, well, actually- - Sorry, Gordon, we can't stay for story time. - You can't? - No. - It's just that we're gonna play a game with Chris, and we're gonna find things that are different- - And the same! - Wow, hey, you know, that sounds like fun. - Okay, see you later, Gordon. - Okay. - Yeah, bye. - Have a good time. - Wait for Elmo. - Bye. (laughs) Hey, well, what do you know? This book is called "We're Different, We're the Same." You know, I bet this could help them. Hey, Abby, Elmo! Oh, well. I'll show them later. Okay, here we go. "We're Different, We're the Same." Written by Bobbi Kates and illustrated by Joe Mathieu. Let's read. We're different. Our noses are different. We're the same. Our noses are the same. They breathe and sniff and sneeze and whiff. Our hair is different. See all the different kinds of hair? It can be curly or straight. Hair can be any color of the rainbow. You can have long hair, short hair, or no hair at all. Our hair is the same. It grows on us in several places. It warms our heads and frames our faces. Our mouths are different. Our mouths are the same. Their lips form the words we say, and smile when it's a happy day. Our skin is different. Look at all the beautiful colors skin can be. Peachy, tan. My skin is golden brown. Our skin is the same. It tells us something's cold or hot, or wet or dry. It knows a lot. Muscles and bones are wrapped inside it. We all have blood and skin to hide it. It keeps in warmth, it keeps out dirt, it warns us so we don't get hurt. Our eyes are different. So many different eye sizes, eye shapes, and eye colors. Some people wear glasses or a monocle, like the Count, to help their eyes see better. Our eyes are the same. They see, they blink, they weep, they wink. Our bodies are different. Our bodies are the same. They stretch and bend and work and play. They all need food and rest each day. They dance and wriggle and ride a bike. They might look different, but they're alike. Our feelings are different. He feels sad. See? He's crying. Look at her happy smile. And Oscar the Grouch, well, he's grouchy as ever. Our feelings are the same. Lonely, worried, scared, excited, happy, loving, glad, delighted. We're the same. We're different. That's what makes the world such fun. Many kinds of people, not just one. A rainbow would be boring if it were only green or blue. What makes a rainbow beautiful is that it has every hue. So aren't you glad you look like you? We're different, we're the same. We're wonderful. The end. (chuckles) - [Both] Gordon, Gordon! - Hey, hey, guys, you're back. - Yeah! - Yeah. - We figured it out. - You did? - We figured out what's different and what's the same. - Oh, really? What, what? - Well, us. - Yeah. - Oh. - Elmo and Abby are different and the same. - Yeah? How? - Well, look. Pink arm. - Uh-huh. - Red arm. Different. - Yeah. - Right! - But they both wiggle and jiggle. - That's same. - Hey! You're right. Good job, guys. Very good. - Thanks, Gordon. ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a crane ♪ - Like a what? ♪ A crane ♪ ♪ Flap your wings ♪ ♪ Flap your wings ♪ ♪ Dip your head ♪ ♪ Dip your head ♪ ♪ Flap ♪ ♪ Flap ♪ ♪ Dip ♪ ♪ Dip ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a crane ♪ ♪ Flap like a crane ♪ (both laughing) - Nope. Oh, boy. - (giggles) Hiya, Elmo. - Oh, hi, Abby. - Uh, whatcha doing? - Well, Elmo's trying to take a little nap. But Elmo can't get to sleep. - Ooh, ooh, well you know, I can help. I can say the magic words my mommy taught me and you'll fall asleep right away. - Really? Let's try it. - Okay, here goes. (bell ringing) Beep, meep, squeak. (Elmo snoring) (laughs) It worked. (wand ringing) - Who is it? - Uh-huh? Oh, hello, Mommy. Yeah, Mommy. Uh-huh, Mommy. I'll be careful flying, Mommy, and I'll look where I'm going. Okay, Mommy, bye. Oh. Oh, boy, I'm sorry, Elmo. I didn't know my wand would wake you up. - Well, it's okay, but now can Abby say her magic words again so Elmo can get to sleep? - Oh, oh, yeah, sure. - Okay, good. - Okay, ready? - Yep, ready. - Okay. (bell rings) Beep, meep, sleep. (magical twinkling) (Elmo snores) (Abby giggles) (wand rings) - Who is it? (mutters) - Oh, hello, Mommy. Uh-huh, Mommy. Yeah, I love you too. Okay, bye Mommy. Oh. My wand woke you up again. - Yeah. Every time Elmo falls asleep, Abby's wand rings and wakes Elmo up. - Oh, that is a problem. - Yeah. - What can I do? (gasps) I got it! I'll set my wand to vibrate. - Huh? - Yeah, watch this. I will push this button right here and it won't ring when someone calls. Now it'll sound quiet like this, and it won't wake you up. - Oh, wow! That's quiet. Okay, okay, time to go to sleep again. - Okay. You ready? - Ready. - Okay. (bell rings) Beep, meep, sleep. (magical whirring) Oh boy. Ooh. Hello? Oh, yes, Mommy. I did do my fairy homework. Okay, bye. (wand twinkles) It worked! My wand didn't wake him up! Yay! Oops. (bell rings) (disappointing trombone music) (upbeat music) ♪ We're taking things you can find on a shelf ♪ ♪ And making crafts you can do yourself ♪ ♪ Do, do, do it yourself ♪ ♪ Do, do, do it yourself ♪ ♪ D-I-Y ♪ ♪ That stands for ♪ ♪ Do, do, do it yourself ♪ ♪ What are we gonna make today ♪ ♪ A dog toy ♪ ♪ Hurray ♪ - Today, Elmo, Abby and I are reusing old t-shirts- - Uh-huh. - And turning them into dog toys. (Elmo laughs) - Yeah! We're gonna give them to all the doggies on Sesame Street. - Follow along with us to make your own dog toy. - Let's get crafty. Here's what you need to make a dog toy. A pair of scissors, a ruler, and some old t-shirts. Having a bunch of different colorful shirts will make for a colorful and unique dog toy. - Oh yeah, but um, Nina? How do we go from this to that? - Well, I'll show you. Step one. Fold the t-shirts in half. Make sure it's nice and straight. Then we will measure a thumb's length across. That's about two inches. - Oh. - Yeah. - Who knew? - Then we do here, that's our two inches. - [Both] Yeah? - Ruler, straight line. - Look at that. - [Nina] Now we're gonna cut our strips. - Remember to ask a grownup whenever you're cutting something. - Nina, will you help us cut our t-shirts too? - Claro, of course I will help you. Cut our strips. (upbeat music) And there we go. - Oh. - Nice strip. Now all we have to do is snip and snip. - Oh. (laughs) - Two strips. Now let's do some other colors. - [Abby] Ooh. - So now that we have all our t-shirts cut into strips- - [Both] Yay! - We did it! - We did it! - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, hold on, hold on. We're not done yet. Now it's time for step two. Pick your colors. - Oh. - Whoa. (laughs) Um, okay, Elmo would like pink and yellow, please. - [Nina] Pink and yellow, yes, here we go. - I want the one with all those really pretty colors on it. - Ooh, yeah, the tie dye? - Yeah. - Yeah, tie dye. Okay, what's your other color? - Um, green. - Green. All right, here we go. And I will take the blue and the white. Step three, knot the strips together. So we're gonna knot these together like this. - Knot? - So we're gonna pull that out and then you're gonna pull to tighten. There we go. Got a knot. - Yes! We did it! - Wow, we made an octopus! Yay! Bloob, bloob, bloob, bloob. - Wait, wait, wait, but Nina, we're supposed to be making a dog toy, not an octopus. - What? (all laugh) Just kidding, you're right. So now, we're gonna go to step four. - Okay. - We're gonna braid the strips together. - Whoo. - So we're gonna spread it out first, and then, we're gonna take one side, and cross it over, and then, cross the other way. It's just a criss-cross. So criss and cross. - Ooh, ooh, Nina, I wanna try. - All right, let's do it. - [Abby] Criss-cross. - Great job, Abby. Oh, Elmo wants to try, too. - [Both] Criss and cross. And criss and cross. - All right, step five. Tie another knot at the very bottom. So grab the end. - Yes? - And then you pull the little things through, and then, you pull- - So- - Real tight. - So it's a knot. - Mm-hmm. - A braid, and then another knot. - That's it. - Oh, that's easy. - Yeah, plus it was fun. - I know! It doesn't even look like an old t-shirt anymore, right? - And Nina? - Mm-hmm? - You forgot about step six. - What was step six? - Test it out on your doggy. - Of course! (Abby whistles) (dog barks) Ooh. Hey, buddy. All right, here you go, boy. (dog growls happily) (all laughing) - Whoa! - Oh boy! - Who's a good boy? Oh, he loves it. (Elmo laughs) - He sure does. And the best part is, we did it ourselves, and we reused old t-shirts. - Yeah. - Thanks for helping me, little crafters. (upbeat music) ♪ We took things you can find on a shelf ♪ ♪ And made a craft that we did ourselves ♪ ♪ We did, did, did it ourselves ♪ ♪ We did, did, did it ourselves ♪ ♪ It was fun making something new ♪ ♪ With all of you ♪ (all laughing) - Bye! - Bye, adios! ♪ Elmo, a blistered toe ♪ ♪ We know how you feel ♪ ♪ And we'll help you heal ♪ ♪ We're the Boo-Boo Busters ♪ ♪ We'll bust that boo-boo ♪ ♪ With a boo-boo bandage, bandage for you ♪ ♪ Bandage for you ♪ ♪ Bandage for you ♪ ♪ Elmo will start by listening to your heart ♪ ♪ And I will swipe with this cleaning wipe ♪ ♪ We'll stop the damage with our boo-boo bandage ♪ ♪ A skinned shin ♪ ♪ A cut chin ♪ ♪ You don't have to explain ♪ ♪ We feel your pain ♪ - Ow! - Sounds like you're on, Boo-Boo Busters. (Elmo gasps) - [Both] Come on! ♪ We're the Boo-Boo Busters ♪ ♪ We'll bust that boo-boo ♪ ♪ With a boo-boo bandage, bandage for you ♪ ♪ Bandage for you ♪ ♪ Bandage for you ♪ - Yeah. (gentle music) (footsteps tapping) - Oh, hi, Carina. - Hi, Elmo. - Hi. - Bye, Elmo. - Bye, Carina. (twinkling music) (Abby laughs) Oh, wow! Abby surprised Elmo. - Well, I surprised myself. - What? Well, how did Abby surprise herself? - Well, I was over there, and then, all of a sudden, I'm right here. It was a surprise. (laughs) - Oh! Well, did Abby do some magic to get here? - Yeah, I think so. You see, I touched my magic wand to my head like this. - Uh-huh? - And said this rhyme. - Okay. - Now I'm here, but not for long, unless, of course, something goes wrong. And then I poofed. (twinkling music) - Wow! Abby disappeared. (laughs) (twinkling music) (Abby laughs) Wow! - I did it again. - Yeah. - Another surprise. - Yeah, you did. What else can Abby do with her magic wand? - Well, I can turn things into pumpkins. Want me to show you? - Oh, sure, Abby. But what will Abby turn into a pumpkin? - Um, uh. (gasps) How 'bout that mailbox? - Oh, the mailbox? - Mm-hmm. - Oh cool! Go ahead, Abby. Turn it into a pumpkin. - Okay, here goes. - Okay. - Dumpkin, lumpkin, frumpkin, pumpkin. (magical music) (magical blasting) - Yeah! That was great, Abby. Wow. - Well, it was okay, but there's one thing that I can do with my magic wand that's really, really great. It's the best! - The best? - Mm-hmm. - Well, Elmo can't wait to see what that is. - Okay, watch. - Okay. (takes deep breath) Oh, my back. (scratching back) Oh, it itches right between the wings, oh yeah. (Elmo giggles) It's so great. - Really? - Yeah. Now that's magic. - Oh, oh. - Hey, does your back itch? - Yeah, yeah, it's starting to. - Here you go. Magic wand to the rescue. - Oh, okay. - Hold still. (Elmo laughs) - Oh, thanks, Abby. A little higher. - A little higher? - A little lower. - A little lower? Okay, my turn, Elmo. - Okay, okay. - Okay. (Abby laughs) Hmm. Hmm. (Elmo giggles) Where is Elmo? Have you seen Elmo? Huh? What? (Elmo laughs) Behind me? What? (both laughing) Oh, I spy with my little eye, my good friend Elmo. - Yeah, you found Elmo! Oh, come on, let's play I Spy again. - Okay, okay. Oh, you play along with us. - Yeah. - Today, we're finding things that are the color green. - The color green. - Yes, okay, okay, I got it, I got it. Okay, working together is not out of reach. To find something green, in this picture of the beach. Zippedy zap! (magical music) - Whoa. - Wow. - Beachy. - (laughs) Beachy. That is so good. Okay, we're looking for three things that are the color green, like this. Zippedy zap. (magical music) - What? Whoa! Elmo's green! (laughs) - Uh-huh, oh, and that's the color we're looking for. Green. Oh, zippedy zap! (upbeat music) ♪ Green is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ (sliding whistle whirs) ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Something green moving fast ♪ ♪ A big green ball bouncing past ♪ ♪ One thing green we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Green is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Elmo spies with his little eyes ♪ ♪ On the water, Elmo sees it float ♪ ♪ Elmo spies a green sailboat ♪ (bell rings) ♪ Two things green we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Green is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ - [Abby] Surf's up! ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ On that wave, she really soared ♪ ♪ A surfer with her green surfboard ♪ ♪ Found we things one, two, three ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, doo da dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ (bell rings) (both laugh) (both laughing) - Oh, Abby! - I getcha. - Oh, oh, oh, hi Luis! - Hi! - Hi, Elmo, Abby. What's up? - Oh, we're just playing tag. Whatcha reading, Luis? - Ah, this is a book about a wonderful little boy named Auggie. - [Both] Oh! - It's called "We're all Wonders" by R.J. Palacio. - Oh! - Want me to read it to you? - Oh, sure, Luis. Elmo loves story time. - Yeah, me too. Ooh, cool helmet. Looks like a space man. - Yeah, Luis, does Auggie go to space? - I don't know. Let's read and see. - Good idea. - Ooh. - [Luis] I know I'm not an ordinary kid. - [Elmo] Hey, look, look, there's Auggie. And look, his steps look just like Elmo's house. - Yes, they do. - Yeah. - [Abby] And look, he's got a doggie. Oh, what's the doggie's name? - Let's read and see. - Okay. - [Luis] Sure, I do ordinary things, like ride a bike. - Hey, just like Elmo rides his tricycle. - [Luis] I eat ice cream. - [Abby] Wait, is that birdie gonna eat his ice cream? (Elmo laughs) - [Luis] I play ball. - Abby and Elmo love to play ball. - Yeah. I just don't look ordinary. I don't look like other kids. - [Elmo] Oh, you know, Luis, Auggie's face is different than the other kids. - Everybody's different, you know? - Yeah. - Look over here, with this little girl here. She's blonde, and she's got a ponytail, and that little boy right next to her, he's got red hair, right? This little girl over here's got dark skin, and this boy on this side over here, he's got light skin. So see, we all look different. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, so let's read on. - Okay. - [Luis] My mom says I'm unique. She says I'm a wonder. My dog, Daisy agrees. - Oh, that's the doggie's name, Daisy. - Yeah. - Yeah, Elmo loves that name. - Yeah. But some people don't see that I'm a wonder. All they see is how different I look. - But you said that everyone looks different, right, Luis? - That's right. But sometimes, people aren't kind about our differences. - Oh. - [Luis] Sometimes, they stare at me. They point or laugh. - Well, that's not very kind. - No. - No. - [Luis] They even say mean things behind my back. But I can hear them. - Boy, that makes Elmo feel sad. It's not kind to say mean things about people. - No. It hurts my feelings. It hurts Daisy's feelings, too. - Boy, Elmo just wishes that Elmo could give Auggie a great big hug. - Yeah, and Daisy, too. - Yeah. - [Abby] He looks so sad, even that little birdie looks sad. - [Luis] Yeah. When that happens, I put on my helmet. - [Abby] Oh, look! There's the helmet. - [Elmo] Uh-huh! - [Luis] I put Daisy's helmet on too. And then, we blast off! - [Both] Wow! - [Luis] Up, up, up, up through the clouds. - Yeah, look, they're going really high. - [Luis] Yeah! Across the galaxy. - [Abby] Oh, wow, look at all those pretty stars. It's so magical. - Uh-huh. - [Luis] All the way to Pluto. We say to hello to old friends. - [Elmo] Wow! Hey, look at all the aliens. - [Abby] Yeah, they all look like Auggie. - [Luis] Yes, they do. From far away, the Earth looks so small. I can't see any people. But I know they're there. Billions of people, people of all different colors, people who walk and talk differently, people who look different, like me. The Earth is big enough for all kinds of people. - Oh, you know, if Elmo looks real, real hard, look, Elmo thinks he can see Sesame Street. - Oh, yeah, I think I can see it. - Yeah. - Yeah. (chuckles) I know I can't change the way I look, but maybe, just maybe, people can change the way they see. If they do, they'll see that I'm a wonder. - Hey, look! That boy wants to play with Auggie. - Are they friends, Luis? - Yeah, I think they're going to be. - Mm-hmm. - [Luis] And they'll see that they're wonders, too. We're all wonders. - Oh, and that boy knows that it's okay to be different. Right, Luis? - That's right. You know, he doesn't care how Auggie or anybody looks. He just wants to play ball, right? - Yeah. - Right? - Yeah, that's true. Oh, look, the birdie likes him, too. - [Luis] Yes. Look with kindness and you will always find wonder. - Wow. - The end. - Wow. - Huh? - Boy, that was a great story, Luis. - Yeah. - Yeah. Thank you for reading to us. - You're very welcome. - We're all wonders. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's right. - Luis? - Hmm? - Do you think you could read it again? - Oh yeah, Elmo wants to see Auggie and Daisy go to space again. - Yeah, me too. - Okay. - Okay. "We're All Wonders". Okay. - Okay. - I know I'm not an ordinary kid. - Mm-hm. - Right? (both laughing) - Oh, hi Abby. - Hi, Elmo. - Oh, look who's here. - Oh! - [Both] Hi! - Hey, did you ever notice that Elmo are the same? - What? Wait, wait, wait, Abby and Elmo aren't the same, Abby. We're different. - Uh, same. - Different. - Same. - Different. - Same. - Wait, wait. Watch, watch, look. If Elmo had pink fur and fairy wings, uh-huh, uh-huh, and ears, freckles (laughs) and hair, then Abby and Elmo would be the same. - Oh, wow, that's so magical. - Yeah, yeah, but Abby? - Hmm? - Abby doesn't have fairy hair or fairy freckles or fairy ears or fairy wings. And Elmo isn't pink. Elmo is red. (laughs) - I see what you mean, Elmo, but there must be some way we're the same. Hmm. (gasps) Wait, I know, I know, Elmo. - What? - We both have one, two arms. - Oh, okay. One, two arms. - Yeah, yeah and one, two hands. - One, two hands. (laughs) - Yeah, yeah, yeah and guess what? We have one, two eyes. - Oh. One, two eyes. - Yeah. One nose. - A nose. (both laughing) - And one mouth. - Mouth, one mouth. (both laughing) Wow, Abby. Abby and Elmo are the same. - Yep, and different. - Cool. (gentle music) (upbeat music) ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a prairie dog ♪ - Like a what? ♪ A prairie dog ♪ ♪ Stretch your body ♪ ♪ Stretch your body ♪ ♪ Wag your tail ♪ ♪ Wag your tail ♪ ♪ Stretch ♪ ♪ Stretch ♪ ♪ Wag ♪ ♪ Wag ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ All together ♪ ♪ Let's dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like an animal ♪ ♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪ ♪ Like a prairie dog ♪ ♪ Stretch like a prairie dog ♪ (both laugh) - Wow, look at this bike. Wow, whoa, it's so colorful. (laughs) - Hiya, Elmo. - Hi, Abby. - Wow. What a nice bike! - Yeah, it's cool. Well, Elmo would love to go for a ride on it. - Well, why don't you? - Oh, well, Elmo's not ready. - Oh, true, you do have to be ready to ride a bike, but I can help you that. - What? Abby can? - Sure thing. All it takes is a little magic. - Oh. A helmet? - Sure. You have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike. - Well, Elmo knows, Abby, but (mutters). - Good, 'cause it's important to be safe and now, you're ready to ride. - No, but Abby, Abby, Elmo's still not ready. - Oh. I get it. You wanna be ever safer. - Well, no- - That's a great idea. - Whoa. - There you go. Elbow pads, wrist guards, and knee pads. Now you are much safer. So you can take that ride now. - But Abby, all this stuff is great, but Elmo's still not ready to ride that bike. - Wow, you really are serious about safety. (laughs) Well, don't you worry, Elmo. I know just what to do. - But, but, but, but- (magical music) Oh no. - There you go, Elmo. Now you're as safe as you can possible be. - Abby. - Oh yeah. You don't have to thank me. - Abby! - I am just happy that I could be the one- - Abby. Shh, Abby. Elmo's not ready to ride that bike. - What? How can you say that? - 'Cause Elmo doesn't know how to ride a two-wheeler. - Oh, you don't? - No. Elmo can ride a tricycle, but Elmo hasn't learned to ride a big bike yet. That's why Elmo's not ready to ride. - (laughs) Oh boy. (both laughing) I'm sorry, Elmo. - Oh, it's okay. Elmo wants to ride a bike like that some day, but right now, Elmo will ride his tricycle instead. - Oh, well, that sounds like a good idea. - Yeah. - And hey, at least you got your safety gear on. You're protected, so you're ready to ride your trike. - Yeah. - See ya, Elmo. - Oh, bye, Abby. Bye. (grunts) Oh no. Elmo's too protected. Elmo can't ride like this. Abby! Come back! Elmo's not ready to ride. Whoa. (laughs) Yeah, Elmo's okay. Elmo's protected. (Elmo humming) (Elmo laughs) Ooh, pretty flowers. Wow! Wow, what a great stick! (laughs) Wow, it's really cool. Looks like it's a perfect stick to play stick ball. Yeah, let's see. Swing. Yep. Perfect! Now all Elmo needs is a ball. Elmo will leave it right here. - Oh! (gasps) Wow! Look at this stick! It's beautiful! (laughs) You know what this stick would be perfect for? Leading a parade. (hums) ♪ Zippedy doo doo ♪ - Get the stick. Oh no! Abby's got the stick, Elmo's stick. What should Elmo do? Elmo wants to play with it. Boy. Maybe Elmo could just take it from Abby. Hmm. It's Elmo's stick. - No, it's mine. - It's Elmo's stick. - No, it's mine. - Well, Elmo doesn't want that to happen. Oh, boy. Maybe Elmo should just let Abby have the stick. But that would make Elmo too sad. Elmo really loves that stick. But Abby's Elmo's friend. Oh boy. Maybe Elmo should just talk to Abby about it. - Talk to me about what? - Um, yeah, uh, about the stick, Abby. - Oh, yeah, isn't it great? I just found it laying here. - That's 'cause Elmo left it there. - Oh. Oh, you mean this is your stick? - No, Elmo found it on the ground, but Elmo was going to play stick ball with it. Elmo just left to get a ball. - Oh, well, I guess since you had it first, then well, here you go. - Ah, thanks, Abby. - Yeah, see you later. - Oh, wait, wait, wait. Does Abby wanna play stick ball with Elmo? - Stick ball? - Well, yeah, we could take turns hitting the ball with the stick. - Oh, well, yeah, that does sound like fun. - Great, and then maybe later, Elmo and Abby could play parade with the stick. Wanna do that? - Yeah, that'd be great. And then maybe later, we could um, I don't know. Maybe we could play, oh, limbo! - [Elmo] Oh, limbo's a good idea. - [Abby] Yeah, I like that. - [Elmo] How 'bout playing pirates with the stick? - [Abby] Pirates would be great. - Um, let's see. Where are they? Oh, hi, everybody! Oh, oh, look, Abby, look, look. Our friends are here to play I Spy with us. - What, what? Where? I don't see 'em. - Abby, over here. - Oh. (laughs) Hi, everyone. Well, now that we're all here, let's play I Spy. - Yeah. Oh, today, we are looking for things that are the color blue. - Yep. - Come on, help us look. - Okay, um, I got it. Let's look closely and keep a good pace while we find something blue in outer space. Zippedy zap! - Wow! This picture is outta this world. You get it? Out of this world? Out of this world? - That's good, Elmo. Now remember, we're looking for three things that are blue in outer space. - Uh-huh. - Like this. Zippedy zap. - Wow! Elmo's blue. - Yeah. (both laugh) Oh, and that's the color we're looking for, blue. Zippedy zap. (upbeat music) ♪ Blue is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Something spinning for me and you ♪ ♪ A little planet that's bright and blue ♪ ♪ One thing blue we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Blue is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find it with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Elmo spies with his little eyes ♪ ♪ Someone walking on the moon ♪ ♪ A blue astronaut dancing to a space tune ♪ - [Astronaut] Sesame Street, we got the moon walk. ♪ Two things blue we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Blue is the color we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could it be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ - Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, ah. ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ A space ship soaring around in flight ♪ ♪ With a blue martian who yip yips day and night ♪ ♪ Found blue things one, two and three ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, doo dah dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ - One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Ooh, oh, hi! (laughs) I was just doing my fairy exercises. One, two, three, four. Gotta keep my wings healthy and strong. One, two, three, four. Hey, do you wanna do it with me? Well, if you don't have wings, just flap your arms. Okay? Here we go. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. (loud rhythmic banging) Wait, wait, where was I? Now where was I? One, two, three- (loud rhythmic banging) Um, okay. One, two, three, four. Um. One, oh, Elmo! Elmo! Elmo! - Oh! (laughs) Hi, Abby. Hi. - Oh, hi, Elmo. Look, I was just doing my fairy exercises. - Oh, that's nice. - Whoa, wait. The only problem is, I can't do them while you're playing your drums. - Oh, well, what does Elmo's drums have to do with Abby's exercises? - Well, you see, when I exercise, I go like this. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. - Uh-huh, uh-huh. - Yeah, but then when you play the drums. - Oh, Elmo goes like this. (bangs out rhythm) - Yeah, yeah, and it's really loud and fast, and well, I lose my counting and I get all confused. - Oh, well, sorry, Abby, but Elmo really, really needs to practice on Elmo's drums to get better and better. - Yeah, but Elmo, I really, really need to do my fairy exercises to get stronger and stronger. - Oh, so what should Abby and Elmo do? - Hmm. Oh, well, you could stop playing the drum. - Or Abby could stop doing her exercises. - Oh. But I don't wanna stop. - Oh boy. Elmo doesn't either. - Oh dear. This is a big problem. - Yeah, Elmo and Abby can't both do what we wanna do at the same time. - Wait a minute! Well, maybe we can. - Well, how? - We can cooperate. Okay, can you play your drum like this? One, two, three, four. - Elmo will try. - One, two, three, four. (Elmo drumming rhythmically) Yeah, that's it. Okay, and I'll keep exercise. - Okay. - One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Come on, everybody and clap. One, two, three, four. It's working. - Yeah! Ooh, cooperation is fun. Who knew? - [Both] One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. - Oh, oh, hey, Abby. Elmo's ready for our picnic. - Hurry, Elmo. Help me hold this picnic basket. - Oh, hold the basket why? - Because I can't keep it still. - Abby, the picnic basket is hopping. - I know! Grab it. - Oh, okay. But why is the basket hopping? - I don't know. - Oh, did Abby's mommy pack something for lunch that hops? - Well, I don't know. Let's see. Well, she packed peanut butter sandwiches. - Well, peanut butter sandwiches, they don't hop. - I know. So it's not the peanut butter sandwiches. - Well, what else did Abby's mommy pack? - Well, apple juic.e - Apple juice? (laughs) Apple juice can't hop. - Well, so it's not the apple juice. - Well, what else? - Um, well, carrots. Quick! - Oh, no, no, come back, picnic basket. (Abby grunts) - Elmo. - What? - Do you hear that? - It sounds like crunching. - Crunching carrots. - And it's coming from inside the picnic basket. - Yeah. That means that there's someone inside the basket eating our carrots. - Someone who hops. - And likes carrots. - Is Abby thinking what Elmo's thinking? - [Both] A rabbit. - Whoa. - Thanks for the carrots. Nutritious and tasty, too. - It was a rabbit making that basket hop. - Yeah, hasta la vista. (crunches) - Amazing. Oh, can Elmo and Abby have those peanut butter sandwiches now? - Well, yeah. I'm hungry. - Elmo too. - Spy, I spy, oh, I can't find my friend Elmo anywhere. - Good afternoon, ma'am. - Oh, excuse me. Have you seen Elmo? - Nope. Elmo hasn't seen Elmo anywhere. - Okay. But. (gasps) (Elmo laughs) Wait a minute! Elmo! (laughs) I spy with my little eye my friend Elmo. - Oh, you got Elmo. (both laughing) Oh, oh, we were just about to play I Spy. - Mm-hmm. - Oh, oh. You can play with us. - Mm-hmm. - Now let's see. What color should we try to find today? Oh, Abby, what color should we try to find today? - A rainbow. - Rainbow? - Yeah, I wanna look for a bunch of colors all put together. Oh, yeah, and you can play along, too. - Mm-hmm. - Okay, let's see. Hmm. Let's look for rainbows. Where can they be? Let's look for rainbows under the sea. Zippedy zap. Oh! - Wow! We're under water. - Yeah. Oh, and remember, we're looking for three things that are colored like a rainbow. Like this. Zippedy zap. (Abby laughs) - (laughs) Wow! Elmo's all the colors of the rainbow. (laughs) - Yep, and that's what we're looking for, things that have all the colors of the rainbow. (laughs) Zippedy zap. ♪ Rainbow are the colors we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could they be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find them with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ Something hiding in that old boat ♪ ♪ A rainbow fish that can swim and float ♪ - [Fish] Glub, glub. ♪ One thing rainbow we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find two more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it another try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Rainbow are the colors we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could they be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Come along and find them with me ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ Elmo spies with his little eye ♪ ♪ So shiny and sparkly ♪ ♪ Rainbow treasure lost at sea ♪ - You found the treasure. Thanks! ♪ Two things rainbow we did see ♪ ♪ Let's find one more to make it three ♪ ♪ So give it one last try ♪ ♪ And play I Spy ♪ ♪ Rainbow are the colors we're trying to see ♪ ♪ Look around, where could they be ♪ ♪ Doo dah, doo dah, doodlely dee ♪ ♪ I spy with my little eye ♪ ♪ In the blue, snapping, I can tell ♪ ♪ It's a hermit crab with a rainbow shell ♪ ♪ Found rainbow things one, two and three ♪ ♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, doo dah, dee ♪ ♪ Thanks for playing I Spy with me ♪ ♪ Glub, glub ♪ - Bye! - Hello! - Hello! - Oh, Abby and Elmo are going to show you how to brush your teeth. - Yep. But Elmo? - What? - I don't have any teeth. See? Ah. - Well, wait a minute. Neither does Elmo. Ah. - Ah. - Ah. - Ah. (both laughing) - No. - Oh, Elmo. How are we gonna show how to brush teeth if we don't have any teeth? Um, magic? - No, no, not magic, Abby. We can imagine we have teeth and pretend to brush them. - Okay. I'm imagining I have teeth. - So is Elmo. Now let's pretend to brush them with our imaginary toothbrush. - Oh, okay. All right, now what do we do, Elmo? - Well, we put imaginary toothpaste like this. We put imaginary toothpaste on our toothbrush. Squeeze, squeeze, but just a little. - Okay. - Squeeze, squeeze. - All right. Squeeze, squeeze. Okay. - Okay. Now brush. - Okay. - Up and down, up and down, and around and around and round and round, up and down, up down. - Down, around and round. - Oh, but make sure you get every tooth, front and back. - Okay. Every tooth front and back, front and back. - Time to rinse. (laughs) - Huh? - Oh, Abby, do you have your imaginary cup of water? - Oh, yeah. Sure do. - Okay. - Let's rinse. - Okay. (both gargling) (both spitting) Again. (both gargling) (both spitting) (both laughing) - Oh, Elmo, let's brush again. - Okay, Abby. - [Both] Brush, brush, brush, brush. - Ah! - You know what? - Huh? - Pretending is magic. - Yeah. - [Both] Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush. (birds chirping) - And that's when I realize that my wand was upside down. (both laughing) Oh. - Oh boy. What? What? - Whoa, look at that. - Oh, boy, somebody made a tire swing. - Oh, it is so cool. - Yeah. - I wanna swing- - Elmo wants to swing- - Wait, but I've never been on a tire swing. - Well, then Elmo can show Abby how. - But I saw it first. - But that's not fair. - Well, I wanna swing. - Well, Elmo wants to swing. - Well, I want to swing. - No, Elmo. - No, I- (both grunting) (both crashing) - Oh, boy. This isn't working. - No, oh, boy, I don't wanna fight with you, Elmo. We have to find a way that's fair for both of us. - Well, Abby and Elmo both wanna swing, right? - Mm-hmm. - So maybe we could swing together. - Hey, yeah, we can share the swing! - Yeah, yeah, come on, come on. - Great idea, Elmo. - Okay, okay. Come on, come on. - All right, I just gotta get in. - Abby, wait, wait, wait. - My eye! - Sorry, sorry, sorry. Move your ponytail. Ah, this isn't working. - Yeah, this swing is not big enough for the both of us. - Well, let's get out. - Okay. (both grunt) - Uh-oh. - We're stuck. - Yeah. - What are we gonna do now? - Help! Somebody help! - Help! - [Both] Help! Help! - Huh? - Mr. Woodchuck! - Boy, are we glad to see you. - Yeah, a little help? A little help, please. - Yeah, all right. (hums) - Oh, that is Elmo's nose! (Mr. Woodchuck grunts) Whoa! (Abby yells) Oh, boy. Thank you, Mr. Woodchuck. - Yeah, thank you. (Mr. Woodchuck mumbles) Oh, well, we both wanted to ride in the tire swing, but we both couldn't fit. - Yeah, yeah, maybe Elmo and Abby shouldn't swing at all. - No, no, no, no, no, no. (mumbles) - [Both] Take turns? - Mm-hmm. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a great idea, Mr. Woodchuck. Then Abby and Elmo can both have a turn in the swing. Yeah! - Yeah, yeah, and it would be fair to both of us. - Yeah. - Why didn't we think of that before? - Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Woodchuck. - (laughs) Don't mention it. - Uh, the only question is, is who gets to take the turn first. - Oh yeah. (twinkling music) - [Both] Mr. Woodchuck! - Huh? - Well, yeah! You helped us out. - Yeah, Mr. Woodchuck deserves to go first. (Mr. Woodchuck chuckling) There you go. - Okay, okay now, I'll push you. - Oh, no, Elmo wants to push. - Yeah, but I said it first. - But wait a minute, wait a minute. We'll take turns. - Oh, yeah. - You go first, Abby. - Okay. - Whoa. (Abby laughs) - Whoa! - Whoa. - I gotcha, I gotcha. - Wait, wait, wait, Abby, no, no, wait.
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 9,692,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best of elmo, best of elmo and abby, best of elmo compilation, best of elmo and abby compilation, elmo and abby sesame street, elmo and abby songs compilation, elmo compilation, 2 hours of elmo, two hours of elmo, two hours sesame street, 2 hours of sesame street, sesame street compilation, elmo and abby i spy, elmo and abby best friend, elmo and abby cadabby, elmo songs, sesame street songs
Id: 2YUgRfkbtJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 48sec (7848 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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