Elmo & Abby Learn Routines! | TWO Sesame Street Full Episodes

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(bright music) - Hi. Today is all about morning routines. - Hmm. - Those are the things you do every morning to get ready. Like, after I wake up, I like to have a nice big bowl of the oatmeal. - Oh, and the first thing I do in the morning is practice blowing my horn. - What? (horn blows) Ernie, ugh. Which is why the second thing I do is this. - Stick around for more morning routines on "Sesame Street." - What, what was that? (horn blows) Ernie. (Ernie laughs) ♪ Ooh ooh, ooh ooh ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah, yeah yeah ♪ ♪ Sunny days, sweepin' the clouds away ♪ ♪ On my way to where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Sesame Street ♪ (Abby grunts) (Elmo laughs) - Hey, you playing catch? - Oh, hi Nina. - Mm-hmm. - Go long, Abby. - Gotcha. Got it. Great throw, Elmo. Here, Nina, catch. - Oh, wait, I can't see it. - (laughs) Oh, good catch, Nina, don't drop it. - Oh, I get it, we're playing pretend catch. - Uh-huh. - Yeah. We have to 'cause Crystal isn't here yet. - Oh, oh, does Crystal bring the ball? - Oh, no. Crystal is the ball. - Yeah. Pretending is fun, but I miss the pitoing sound the real ball makes. - Hey, maybe Elmo and Abby should go to Crystal's house, and find out why Crystal isn't ready yet. - Good idea, Elmo. Hey, Nina, can you take this in case we need it again? Ah. - Sure. I'll keep it balanced on my head. - Great. Stay right there. We'll be right back. Don't move. - Wow, wish I thought of that. - Crystal. - Crystal. - Crystal. Boy, maybe Crystal's not home. - She's home. I recognize her pitoing. She's bouncing in there. - Oh, oh hi. - Oh, hi Crystal. Um, um, did Crystal maybe forget that she was gonna play catch with Abby and Elmo today? - Oh, I didn't forget. I can't play until I get ready. Be right down. - Crystal's not ready to play yet? But, but Abby and Elmo have been playing for like, for like, how long? - I don't know. I can't tell time. And I'm not wearing a watch. But long. (Crystal bounces) - Oh, sorry about that. Sometimes this happens to me. Some days I don't get out to play at all. - Well it sounds like Crystal needs to change her morning routine. - Oh, my morning routine. Of course, my morning routine. Uh, what's a morning routine? - Ah, a morning routine is when you do the same thing everyday. That way you can be ready to go out and play. - Ooh, that sounds like something a little ball should know. Hey Mama (Abby screams) can Elmo and Abby teach me how to do a morning routine? - [Mama] Oh yes, please. - Oh, okay. Show me how to do a morning routine. - Okay, Crystal, come on. We'll show you how. - I'm coming. - Okay. (bright music) Okay, Crystal, this is what Elmo does every morning as soon as he wakes up. ♪ It's wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ - Sing to help you remember. Come on. ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ ♪ That's right ♪ ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ ♪ After sleeping and dreaming all night long ♪ ♪ First up's the potty ♪ ♪ That doesn't take long ♪ ♪ Then a good breakfast, something healthy to eat ♪ ♪ Then back in here to brush Elmo's teeth ♪ ♪ That's all there is to it ♪ ♪ Time to go and play ♪ ♪ Elmo's ready for today ♪ - Yeah boy. (Elmo and Abby laugh) - So that's all there is to it? - Uh-huh. - Wake up, potty time, eat and brush? - Yeah, it's simple. - What if I forget? - Um, um, oh, oh, Elmo knows. Elmo will ask Elmo's mommy if Crystal can sleep over. - (gasps) Good idea. That'll help Crystal remember. - Yay, sleepover. Oh, I'll bounce home and get my toothbrush. - Okay. Yay. (gentle music) (Elmo snores) (Elmo snores) - Elmo? Morning routine time? - Huh, what? No, not yet, Crystal. Like Elmo told you the other one, two, three, four, five times that Crystal woke Elmo up. - Oh, okay. Sorry. - That's okay. Goodnight. (Elmo snores) - Elmo? Psst, hey Elmo? - Huh, wh-wh-what? Oh, Crystal. Okay, Elmo needs his sleep, okay? Elmo is a growing monster. - But Elmo I don't wanna miss morning. - Okay, well if you see the sun then it's morning. Otherwise, stay asleep. - Oh, good hint. Thanks, Elmo. - You're welcome. - Good night. - Good night. (Elmo snores) (gentle music) - Oh, it's time. Hey El... (Elmo snores) Elmo needs his sleep. Well, uh, time for my morning routine. How did that go? Oh yeah, I remember. ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ ♪ Wake up, potty time ♪ Nom, nom, nom, nom. ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ (Crystal spits) (Crystal boings) ♪ That's all there is to it ♪ ♪ Time to go and play ♪ ♪ I am ready for today-ay-ay ♪ - Hey, is your name Crystal? - How did you know? - Oh, Abby and Elmo were looking for you yesterday. - Oh, well, I have a new morning routine, so today I'm ready to play. - Yesterday people playing catch without a ball, today a ball playing catch without people. I wouldn't live anywhere else. - Hi Nina. (gasps) Crystal, ya made it. - Yep I did. I'm ready because I remembered my morning routine. Now come on, let's play. - Ha, all right. Wait a minute, where's Elmo? (slide whistle) (Crystal bounces) Did you see anything? - He looks asleep. He'll never get out and play now. - Yes he will. Wake him up. (slide whistle) - Wake up. - Huh, huh? Crystal? - Behind you. Come out and play. - Okay. Elmo will be right out. - Just remember ♪ Wake up, potty time, eat and brush ♪ - Right. Okay. Elmo's coming. Elmo's coming. Okay, potty. Potty. Breakfast, breakfast. Okay. Uh... Oh, teeth, teeth. Of course, teeth. Very important. (door closes) (brush scrubs) (Elmo spits) Oh, change, right. Ta-da. (upbeat music) ♪ That's all there is to it ♪ ♪ Time to go and play ♪ ♪ Elmo's ready for today ♪ (Abby and Crystal laugh) - Great, now let's play me. (gentle music) Oh, I love playing with you guys. Hi Abby. - Hi. - Hi Elmo. - Hi. - Hi Abby. - Hi. - Hi Elmo. - Hi. - Hi Abby. - Hi. - Hi Elmo. - Hi. - Hi Abby. - Hi. (Crystal laughs) - Hi. (Elmo laughs) - This is fun. - Do you know what time it is? ♪ Told tight, it's time for the letter of the day ♪ ♪ That's right ♪ ♪ It's time for the letter of the day ♪ ♪ I think 'cause the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Is on its way ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ It's time to sing ♪ ♪ It's time to tweet ♪ ♪ It's time to get up on your feet ♪ ♪ And give a cheer ♪ ♪ Loud and clear ♪ ♪ 'Cause the letter of the day is here ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ It's here ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ Letter of the day is here ♪ ♪ It's the letter R ♪ ♪ Yay R ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ It's here ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ Letter of the day is here ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ It's here ♪ ♪ 'Cause the letter of the day is here ♪ - [All] R. (gentle music) - R is for routine. (gentle music continues) When I wake up, first I have to go potty. (gentle music continues) I can do it by myself now. I wash my hands when I am done. (gentle music continues) Next, time for breakfast. Lex and I like fruit and yogurt. Breakfast gives me lots of energy for school. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Next it's time to get dressed. Mommy helps me pick out my clothes for school, but I'm big enough to dress myself. Then Mommy does my hair. She's really fast at braiding. My job is to hold the elastics for when she's done. I like to help. Now all I need is my backpack and I'm ready to go. (gentle music continues) The best part of my routine is walking to school with my best friend Shae. Hi Shae. (gentle music continues) (gentle music continues) - Hugs and kisses. Have a good day at school. I love you. Bye. (gentle music continues) - [Coralie] The letter R. (upbeat music) - [Narrator] He observes. - Oh, look (Super Grover screams) - [Narrator] He questions. - Hubbawhat? - [Narrator] He investigates. - Hmm, what does this button do? (Super Grover screams) - [Narrator] Super Grover 2.0. (Super Grover screams) He shows up. (gentle music) At a beauty parlor in a bustling metropolis, one cow has gone a step too far. - Oh no, I can't get down. Help. Help. (Super Grover yells) What was that? - It is I, Sup... Super Grover 2.0 at your service, ma'am. - Thank goodness. I just had my hair done, and now I got a big problem. - Wait, do not tell me. You wanted to be a brunette instead of a blonde. - Uh, no. - Unhappy with your highlights? - No. The problem is I can't get down from here. You see, I'm a cow, and cows can't walk down stairs. - That is no problem. If you cannot walk down, then do what we superheros do. - What's that? - We dance down. Hit it. (upbeat music) This way. (upbeat music) - Okay, stop, stop, stop. - What, what, what, is something wrong my little dairy queen? - Cows can't dance either. - Oh, I see. You're a heifer not a hoover. But no worries, for I will find a solution to your problem. Stand back as I unleash my power of observation. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I see that you are up there, and you want to get down there, but these stairs are in the way. - Right. - So the question is how do we get the cow down without using the stairs? - That's the question Super Grover. - It is time to unleash the power of investigation. - (gasps) What are you gonna do? - I'm gonna get rid of the stairs. - How? - By using my super stair eradicating hand chop. Hiya. Ow. I am now observing that these stairs are very hard. - Oh no. How will I ever get down from here? - I cannot get rid of these stairs. Perhaps you can jump over these stairs. - But the ground is so hard I'll ruin my pedicure. - Do not despair my bovine cutie, for it is time to unleash the power of technology. (Super Grover grunts) And, voila. - A trampoline? - Yes, something soft and springy for you to land on. Now jump over the stairs. - Okay, here goes. (cow screams) - Well that was quite a milkshake. - Oh no, I'm right back where I started. This is hopeless. - I, Super Grover 2.0, do not know the meaning of the word hopeless. What does it mean? - It means there's no hope. I'll never get down. - Nonsense. We must not give up ever. Let me just take a closer look at these stairs. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. With my super vision I observe these stairs are very bumpy. - That's the problem. I don't do bumps. - Then we must de-bumpify these stairs. Let me just check my utility sock. Luckily I have brought my super stair de-bumpifier. - You mean that board? - Yes, it is perfectly smooth and straight, not a bump on it. There, just put one dainty hoof in front of the other. - I'll try. - You will be home on the range in no time. - Oh no, I still can't get down from here. - And you are heavier than I thought. Back up, back up. (Super Grover screams) - I think you just made a ramp, Super Grover. - A what? - A ramp. It's a sloping surface that goes from high to low. I think I can go down the ramp. - Really? - Well, let me give it a try. It's working. I'm walking down the ramp. Oh, thank you, Super Grover. - Do not mention it. (gentle music) - [Narrator] And so our superhero learned that you can use a ramp instead of going downstairs. - Talk about learning the hard way. (lightning strikes) ♪ Yum, yum, yum ♪ ♪ Dum de de dum ♪ ♪ How many cookies are there today ♪ ♪ Yum, yum, yum ♪ ♪ Dum de de dum ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ While they still baking ♪ ♪ Bake, bake, bake, bake ♪ ♪ Let's do some shakin' ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Bake, ba-bake-bake ♪ ♪ Shake, shake ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ While they still baking ♪ ♪ Bake, bake, bake, bake ♪ ♪ Let's do some more shakin' ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Bake, ba-bake-bake ♪ ♪ Shake, shake ♪ ♪ How many cookies today ♪ ♪ Me think they're ready ♪ ♪ Everybody steady ♪ (timer dings) (upbeat music) Four. (lightning strikes) - Cookies. Om, nom, nom, nom. ♪ Yum, yum, yum ♪ ♪ Dum de de dum ♪ ♪ That's how many cookies there are today ♪ - [All] Four. ♪ Every morning this is the way ♪ ♪ We four sisters start our day ♪ ♪ Lots of things we need to do ♪ ♪ Before we're ready to go to school ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four girls in bed ♪ ♪ Wake up now sleepy heads ♪ ♪ Brush our hair and wash our face ♪ ♪ Put four brushes back in place ♪ ♪ Pull four dresses over our head ♪ ♪ Blue and green and yellow and red ♪ ♪ Put on socks and cover our toes ♪ ♪ Four pairs of shoes all in a row ♪ ♪ Eat four pancakes, ask for more ♪ ♪ Eat four apples to their core ♪ ♪ Grab four cups and take a drink ♪ ♪ Put our dishes in the sink ♪ ♪ Brush our teeth with toothpaste green ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, squeaky clean ♪ ♪ Pick up toys, put them away ♪ ♪ Make our bed everyday ♪ ♪ Grab four backpacks from the floor ♪ ♪ Walk our feet right out the door ♪ ♪ The bus is coming, don't be slow ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four, come on, let's go ♪ ♪ Lots of things we had to do ♪ ♪ Before we left to go to school ♪ ♪ Four ♪ (whistle blows) (traffic signal sings) (equipment beeps) (gentle music) (gentle music continues) (gentle music continues) - [Narrator] Look, it's the number four. (bright music) ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la, la, Elmo's world of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what we will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's Wonderful World ♪ (Elmo laughs) - Hi. Welcome to Elmo's World. Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. Wa-a-a-it for it. Hey, morning routine. You know, the things you do every morning to get ready for the day. Oh, like brushing your teeth or brushing your hair. (Elmo laughs) That tickles. Boy, Elmo wants to find out more about routines. Hey, let's ask Elmo's friend Smartie. Let's call her together. - [Elmo And Kids] Oh Smartie. (Smartie dings) - Here I am answering your call. It's what I do everyday as part of my routine. - Well that's perfect, Smartie, because Elmo wants to learn all about routines. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [Both] We look it up. - Searching. Here you go. There are lots of things that might be part of a morning routine. Things that you do everyday like eating breakfast, brushing your teeth. Toothpaste, brush, rinse and spit. Getting dressed. And once you're done with your morning routine, you're ready to start your day. - Wow. Thanks, Smartie. - You got it, Elmo. Well, I'm off to recharge my battery. Just part of my routine. (Elmo laughs) See ya. - Bye, bye. Say, that gives Elmo an idea. Let's play a game together. Come on. Yeah. (laughs) (bright music) This kid is gonna brush her teeth as part of the morning routine. Let's try to put the pictures in order. What should she do first? Is it this? - [Kid] No, you put the toothpaste on your toothbrush. - [Elmo] So this one comes first? - [Kid] Yeah. - [Elmo] Oh yeah. That comes first. So what comes next? Is it this? - [Kids] No. - [Kid] She has to brush her teeth before she spits it out. - [Elmo] Right. She has to brush her teeth up and down and all around. And then she spits. - [Kids] Yeah. - [Kid] And then she spits. - [Elmo] Oh, that makes sense. First she puts the toothpaste on her toothbrush, then she brushes, then she spits. - [Kid] That's it. That's the right order. - Oh, yeah. It's important to do your morning routine in order. And that makes Elmo wonder even more. Does Mr. Noodle have a morning routine? Let's ask him, okay? - [Elmo And Kids] Hey Mr. Noodle. - It's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle. Mr. Noodle, can you show us your morning routine? (horn blows) - [Elmo And Kids] You know, your routine. - [Elmo] The things you do every morning to get ready for your day. (horn honks) Oh, yeah, Mr. Noodle has his clothes. - [Kids] He's gonna get dressed. (horn honks) - [Elmo] No, not like that, Mr. Noodle. No, no, no. - [Kid] First take your pajamas off. Then put your clothes on. - [Elmo] Yeah, there you go. - [Kids] That's right. - [Elmo] What does Mr. Noodle do next in his morning routine? - [Kid] Yes, you have breakfast. (bell rings) - [Elmo] Is there something you do before you eat, Mr. Noodle? - [Kid] Uh, he's dancing. Is dancing part of the morning routine? - [Elmo] It is for Mr. Noodle. (Elmo laughs) Bye Mr. Noodle, have a good morning. (Elmo laughs) Boy, learning new things makes Elmo so happy it makes him want to dance. Come on. ♪ Happy, happy dance, dance ♪ ♪ Happy, happy dance, dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance, dance ♪ - Let's see your happy dance. Yeah, cool. See ya next time. Keep learning. Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy, happy dance, dance ♪ ♪ Happy, happy dance, dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance, dance ♪ - Yay. - Hmm. - Hi. We learned a lot about morning routines today. - Yeah. Those are the things that you do every morning to get ready. - Yeah. We're glad Crystal remembered her morning routine. - Yeah. Because nothing's as much fun as going outside and playing with a ball. (Abby laughs) - Go fish. - Boy, Elmo never knew balls were so good at Go Fish. - See you next time. Bye. - Abby, give me all your seven's. - Oh, she is good. - Hello there. Today on "Sesame Street" it is beddy bye time. So it is time to get ready for bed. I'm ready for bed. Whoops. I better try again. (gentle music) Now I am ready for bed. Ooh, maybe not. Be right back. Now am I ready for bed? Yes, I am wearing pajamas. Are they not stylish and cute? Now come on, it is bedtime here on "Sesame Street." ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Sunny days, sweepin' the clouds away ♪ ♪ On my way to where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Sesame Street ♪ - And they lived happily ever after. (Abby and Elmo laugh) - Oh cool. - Oh, hi. It's nice to see you. - Well hello. Guess what, guess what, guess what, Abby is sleeping over at Elmo's house tonight. - Yeah. And Nina is babysitting. - [Elmo And Abby] Yay. (Abby laughs) (Elmo laughs) - All right, guys. You need to start calming down now, it's almost bedtime. - Okay, but, but, but how can Elmo and Abby calm down? - Yeah, we're too excited about our (Abby gasps) sleepover. - [Elmo And Abby] Sleep over, sleep over, sleep over, sleep over, sleep over. - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, you guys, you guys. (indistinct) You need to start calming down now. Don't you have a regular bedtime routine? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's a bedtime routine? - It's when you do the same thing every night before you go to bed. - Oh, yeah, okay, yeah. Elmo does the same thing every night before he goes to bed. - Hey, I do the same things before I go to bed too. - So you both have bedtime routines, great. That should help you calm down and get ready for bed. - Yay. - Yay. - [Elmo And Abby] Bedtime routine, bedtime routine. - I hope. - [Elmo And Abby] Bedtime routine, bedtime routine. - Okay, okay, okay. Let's get started. Okay. What do you do every night before you go to bed? - Um, okay, okay. So, oh, okay. Every night before Elmo goes to bed, Elmo brushes his teeth with his favorite toothbrush. - Me too. I better get my fairy toothbrush. ♪ Fiddle do and fiddle dee ♪ ♪ Toothbrush, toothbrush, come to me ♪ - Whoa, Abby has a flying toothbrush. - Yep. It brushes my teeth for me. - That's kind of cool. - Yeah. But first I gotta catch it. - What? You have to catch your toothbrush? - Yep. I'm gonna get you toothbrush. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you. - Come on, come on, come on, come on. - I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. - Here we go, here we go. (bright music) (Elmo laughs) (Elmo and Abby laugh) - Where'd it go? (Elmo laughs) - You guys, chasing Abby's toothbrush is not a good way to calm down before bed. - [Elmo And Abby] It's not? - No, running around wakes you up more, and gets you too excited to fall asleep. - Oh, but my fairy toothbrush always brushes my teeth for me. I mean, how am I supposed to get my teeth clean without it? - Um, well maybe Abby could try brushing her own teeth like Elmo does. - Good idea. That sounds like a calmer, quieter way to do it. - Yeah. - All right. - Here you go, Abby. You wanna try? - Oh yeah, sure. I've never used a regular toothbrush before. - Really? Oh, well Elmo will show Abby now. And you can too. Come on, everybody, let's show Abby how to brush her teeth all by herself. (Abby laughs) First, first you hold the toothbrush like this, right? - Okay. - And then you brush up and down. - Okay. - Like this. (Abby gasps) And then you brush all around. Like this. (Elmo spits) (laughs) Nice brushing everybody. - Yeah, that was amazing. Okay, I'm gonna try now. - Your turn. Okay. - Put my brush like this. - Uh-huh. - Up, down. Right side. All around. - Uh-huh, uh-huh. - I did it. - Yeah. - And my teeth are so sparkly and clean. - Yeah. - And I feel sort of calm. (Elmo laughs) - Nice work. Okay. Now what's the next thing you do before bed? - Well, next Elmo always sleeps with his favorite soft cuddly toy, Baby David. - Aww. - Well me too. That's why I brought this flower pot. - Abby sleeps with a flower pot? - No, no. I need this here pot to put my seeds in. - Seeds? - What for? - To grow a beanstalk. (pot whirs) Whoa. (musical chimes play) - Cool a beanstalk. Wow. - How else can I get to the giant? - Giant? - Oh, does Abby mean the giant from "Jack and the Beanstalk?" - Yep. We're good friends. Are ya ready, Mr. Giant? - [Giant] Ready, Abby. - We pull tug of war everything with a teddy bear to see who gets to sleep with it. - You do this every night before bed? - Uh-huh. And tonight I'm gonna win. - [Giant] Oh, no you're not, I am. - [Abby] No, I am. - [Giant] No, I am. - No, I am. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on you two. Playing tug of war is not a good way to calm down before bed. - It's not? - No. It gets you too excited. You need to do something relaxing. - Oh dear. Then I guess we better stop. You can have the bear tonight, Mr. Giant. - [Giant] Okay, thanks, Abby. (Abby laughs) - Night, night. But what will I do instead of playing tug of war with the giant? - Well, maybe Abby can do what Elmo does. - Is it something that helps you calm down and relax before bed? - Uh-huh. First Elmo pats Baby David on the head. (laughs) Oh and then Elmo gives Bay David a hug. And then Elmo says goodnight to Baby David. Goodnight Baby David. - Goodnight Elmo. - Aww, that's lovely, Elmo. - Aww. Yeah, but I don't have a stuffed toy tonight. The giant has my teddy bear. - Oh right. Um, oh, okay. Well, what if Abby borrowed Elmo's elephant? Her name is Ellie. There you go. - Aww, thank you, Elmo. - You're welcome. - Okay, so pat her on the head, give her a hug, and night, night. - There, now does everyone feel calmer? - Yeah, I do feel calmer. - Elmo too. So does Baby David. - That's more like it. Now, what's the last thing you do every night before bed? - Oh, Elmo listens to a lullaby. - Me too. - Wonderful. I love lullabies. - So do I. And this one is my favorite. Lullaby, lullaby, lullaby. (band plays) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not a lullaby. - It's not? - No. It's too loud. You can't go to sleep with this much noise in the room. - Oh dear. I guess I better stop them. And stop. - Oh boy. - Abby, a lullaby is a soft quiet song to help you fall asleep before bed. - Uh, well, I guess my fairy bedtime routine is not very good at calming me down. No wonder it takes me so long to fall asleep. - All right, well don't worry because tonight I'm gonna sing you a lullaby that's guaranteed to make you feel calm and sleepy. Off to bed. - What kind of lullaby is Nina going to sing? - It's one my mom used to sing to me every night when I was a little girl. - Aww. - Was it a part of your bedtime routine? - Yes. Snuggle down now. - Okay. ♪ Goodnight my little one ♪ ♪ You've had a busy day ♪ ♪ Now close your eyes and sleep ♪ ♪ Tomorrow's on its way ♪ ♪ Sleep tight my little one ♪ ♪ Stay cozy in your beds ♪ ♪ And dream your happy dreams ♪ ♪ My little sleepy head ♪ ♪ Dream lots of happy dreams ♪ ♪ My little sleepy heads ♪ Buenos noche. ♪ Jump up, get down ♪ ♪ Come dance with Elmo ♪ ♪ We're moving our body to the ABC ♪ ♪ Dance nearby ♪ ♪ Dance far away ♪ ♪ Now clap your hands ♪ ♪ To the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter ♪ ♪ Clap, clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap ♪ ♪ What's the letter ♪ ♪ What's the letter ♪ ♪ What's the letter, what's the letter, what's the letter ♪ ♪ The letter of the day is B ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, it's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap ♪ ♪ It's the letter, it's the letter ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, its' the letter of the day ♪ ♪ Clap, clap ♪ - B. B is for bedtime. - Hi, I'm Tracey, and I'm ready for bed. You know, a lot of bedtime things start with Ba-ba-B. Like bed, blanket and Boodles, my stuffed beagle. Night, night Boodles. - Don't forget about me. - Ah, a bear? What are you doing in my bed? - I'm burrowing. - Oh. Okay. Well bear does start with the letter B. - So does banana. - Whoa. - Could you scooch over? I don't wanna get bruised. - Okay. - Basketball also starts with the letter B. And bounce. Bounce, bounce, bounce. - Hey, stop bouncing, this beaver's trying to sleep. - Beaver starts with the letter B. - Yes it does. - All right. All right everybody. Settle down, settle down. Shh, it's time for bed. Like I said, there's a lot of bedtime things that start with B. (gentle music) - Don't forget me. - Big Bird? - Big Bird starts with B. - Yes it does. All right, goodnight everyone. - [All] Goodnight. - Oh. I need to get a bigger bed. (gentle music) (Big Bird snores) ♪ It's time to get up ♪ ♪ And stomp your feet ♪ ♪ To the great foot stomping Transylvania beat ♪ ♪ Start nice and slow ♪ ♪ One, two ♪ ♪ And speed up more ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four ♪ ♪ And stomp away ♪ ♪ 'Cause we're about to find out ♪ ♪ The number of the day ♪ ♪ What's the number ♪ ♪ Stomp, stomp ♪ ♪ What's the number ♪ ♪ Stomp, stomp ♪ ♪ What is the number ♪ ♪ The number of the day ♪ ♪ Rhymes with 10 and 10 ♪ ♪ The number of the day is ♪ ♪ 10 ♪ ♪ So that's the number ♪ ♪ Stomp, stomp ♪ ♪ Yes, that's the number ♪ ♪ Stomp, stomp ♪ ♪ That's the number ♪ ♪ Stomp ♪ ♪ The number of the day ♪ ♪ That's the number ♪ ♪ Stomp, stomp ♪ ♪ That's the number of the day ♪ (upbeat music) - 10. Now let's stomp 10 times. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, ah-ah-ah. (tongue slurps) (boy laughs) - [Kids] One. (tongue slurps) (boy laughs) - [Kids] Two. (tongue slurps) (girl laughs) - [Kids] Three. (tongue slurps) (boy laughs) - [Kids] Four. (tongue slurps) (girl laughs) - [Kids] Five. (tongue slurps) (boy laughs) - [Kids] Six. (tongue slurps) (girl laughs) - [Kids] Seven. (tongue slurps) (boy laughs) - [Kids] Eight. (tongue slurps) (girl laughs) - [Kids] Nine. (Tongue slurps) (boy laughs) - [Kids] 10. 10 doggie kisses. (tongue slurps) (children laugh) 10. - [Narrator] Smart Cookies, a tough batch of home baked heroes. There's Figby, Miss Fortune, Chipowski, and Cookie Monster. - Hello. - [Narrator] Will the Smart Cookies catch the crumb? Find out now on "Smart Cookies." (trumped blows) - Your Royal Majesty, I present the Smart Cookies. (dramatic music) - Smart Cookies, thank goodness you're here. You must make sure that royal pain in my crown, The Crumb, doesn't come in here and ruin my sleep. - No worry your kinginess, we make sure that no one keep you awake. - Never you fear, Your Majesty, you can rest easy knowing the Smart Cookies are on the job. - Very well. Goodnight. - All right, Smart Cookies, let's all focus, and make sure that The Crumb does not get into the king's bedroom. - Right, the crumb. And he looked like what again? - Oh, I have the image loaded on my Smart Cookie tablet. Have a look? - Nom, nom, nom, nom. - Hey, don't eat my Smart Cookie tablet. (Figby screams) - Okay. Oh, yeah, me got it. Okay, that crummy crumb not get by me today. (dramatic music) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, who are you? - Me? Well I'm just a little bird here to sing the King a lullaby. Tweet, tweet, chirp. - Wait a minute. Me got to make sure you aren't the crumb. We got to check picture. You have same hair as Crumb. You have same ears as Crumb. Hey, me think you may be The Crumb. - Don't be silly. I have a birdie beak. Tweet tweet, tweet tweet. - Yeah, they're totally different. Okay, go sing lullaby. (dramatic music) - The fake beak worked. Now I can keep the king awake with my newest and baddest baked good. (cookie snapping) - What's that snapping noise? - A ginger snap. A cookie that will snap louder and louder, until it breaks into a million crumbs. - Oh no, I'll never be able to sleep with crumbs in my bed. Stop him. - Oh snap. - [Cookie Monster] Hey, who turned out the lights? - He's back. - Where's the gingersnap? Oh dear, this is a problem. - Wait, I'm getting a clue. The gingersnap is hidden inside something shiny. - Me know something shiny. (cookie snaps) Gingersnap must be inside shiny tuba. - Really? (tuba blows) - Oh, you've got the find that cookie before it breaks into a million pieces. - Oh, wait, I'm getting another clue. (bright music) The gingersnap is hidden inside something you put on your head. - Me know. - A bowling ball? - You can't put a bowling ball on your head. - Oh, sure you can. Watch. (Cookie Monster groans) Ta-da. (King groans) - I've been on the job long enough to know that to solve a problem you better stop and think it through. (cookie snaps) - It's getting louder. That cookie is going to break. - Oh, this so stressful. Me got to have cookie to calm me down. (Figby screams) - Wait, wait, I'm getting another clue. (bright music) The gingersnap is hidden inside something that is worn by a king or a queen. Does that make sense to you? - Wait, me know, me know. Oh, wait a minute, me better stop and think it through. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, what's something that's shiny that you put on your head, and that's worn by a king and queen? Me know, a crown. Gingersnap must be hidden inside king's crown. (cookie snaps) Crownabunga. - Nice job, Cookie Monster. - But you still need to stop it before it breaks into a million crumbs. - Oh, that easy. Om, nom, nom, nom. (Cookie Monster burps) - Curses. Oh, foiled again. But I'll get you next time, Smart Cookies. - Get him. (King screams) (King screams) ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Elmo's World ♪ ♪ That's Elmo's World ♪ - Hey, welcome to Elmo's World. Elmo's so happy to see you. Ooh, and so is Dorothy. Say hello, Dorothy. (Elmo laughs) Oh, and guess what Elmo's thinking about today. (Elmo imitates an instrument) Door. Oh, look, the door is snoring. (door snores) Oh come on, door, please? Please. Thank you. (monsters snore) Elmo's thinking about sleep. (monsters talk indistinctly) - Ah, sleep. - Yeah. (monsters snore) - You know, sleep. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) Dorothy has a question. "How do you go to sleep?" Good question, Dorothy. Hey, let's ask Mr. Noodle. Mr. Noodle, how do you go to sleep, Mr. Noodle? - [Kid] You're sitting. - [Kid] You have to lie down on the bed. - [Elmo] Mr. Noodle, be careful. - [Kid] Down, put your head down. - [Elmo] No, Mr. Noodle. - [Kid] Not like that. Get up. - [Elmo] Lay on your back. - [Kid] Down, down. Put your head down. Lie all the way down. I wonder if Mr. Noodle snores. (gentle music) - [Kid] That's good, Mr. Noddle. - Oh, what's that, Dorothy? Okay, okay. Dorothy wants to ask someone else. How do you go to sleep? (bright music) - Hello, Dorothy. This is my cozy bed. And every night I go to sleep in it. But I never go to sleep without my favorite teddy bear. And this is how we do it. Goodnight, Dorothy. (bright music) - Hi, Dorothy, I'm Joey. - Hi, Dorothy, I'm Nicky. - We sleep in bunk beds. I sleep on the top. - I sleep on the bottom. - Goodnight, Dorothy. - Goodnight, Dorothy. - Oh boy, everything's asleep today. Hey, wake up, TV. Wake up. Elmo knows what to do. Ah. (TV snores) (cymbals bang) Yay, TV woke up. Oh, now turn yourself on TV. - [Narrator] Welcome to the sleep channel Must Sleep TV. You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you a very nice nap. Today's feature, The Girl Who Loved to Sleep. (narrator yawns) - [Storyteller] Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to sleep. - I love to sleep. - [Storyteller] One night she fell asleep, and dreamed that she was flying high up in the sky. - Wee. - [Storyteller] But instead of clouds in the sky there were ice cream cones, all flavors. - Wow. - [Storyteller] And her cat, Rocket, was riding on a motorcycle. - Rocket. - [Storyteller] Then she woke up. - Rocket, what a racket purring in my ear. Now go to sleep. - [Storyteller] She went back to sleep, and dreamed that she was sliding down a big slide. - Wee. - [Storyteller] Then she landed in a big sea of bubbles. - Wow. - [Storyteller] And her cat Rocket floated by on a bubble. He had a big mustache. - Rocket. - [Storyteller] Then, all of a sudden, she had a big mustache. - Wow. - [Storyteller] It tickled her. And she woke up. - (laughs) Rocket, your tail. Now go to sleep. - [Storyteller] So she fell asleep again, and dreamed her cat Rocket was chasing a mouse. - Hey, that's not my dream, that's Rocket's dream. - [Storyteller] Anyway, the girl and her cat dreamed happily ever after. The end. - Open up, please. Thank you. Look. Wow. (laughs) - How about talking to a bed? I mean I'm where it all happens. - You tell him beddy boy. - Wow, a bed and pillow. - Don't forget the covers on top, and me, the mattress underneath. - You tell him beddy boy. - Warm and comfy. - Uh-huh. 40 winks with me, and you'll be feeling good as new. - Huh? - Sleep. It helps you stay healthy, and gives you energy. - You tell him beddy boy. - Wow. - Nighttime, daytime, any time's a good time to hit the sack. - Would you keep it down, please. I got someone napping here. - Oh, sorry. - Not all birds sleep in nests, you know? Flamingos sleep standing on one leg. - [Elmo] Dorothy's imaging Elmo as a flamingo, sleeping on one leg. (flamingo yawns) - [Bed] And bats sleep hanging upside down. (bat crashes) (gentle music) - Elmo needs to get a grip. (laughs) We're gonna sing the sleep lullaby. Oh, and you can sing too. Here we go. ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ - I'm going to sing too. - Okay. ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ - Say goodbye, Dorothy. Goodbye. (Elmo hums) Boy, Elmo's sleepy. - Sweet dreams. (gentle music) (everyone hums) ♪ That's Elmo's World ♪ - Goodbye. - Bye-bye. Elmo loves you. - See ya. ♪ Come on and move your body and use your mind ♪ ♪ 'Cause you know you are growing all the time ♪ ♪ You're getting smarter, stronger, kinder ♪ ♪ On Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Kind at home and when you play ♪ ♪ Try some sharing and caring everyday ♪ ♪ You're getting smarter, stronger, stronger ♪ ♪ Kinder, kinder ♪ ♪ On Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Smarter, stronger, kinder ♪ ♪ On Sesame Street, yeah ♪ (gentle music)
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 1,924,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elmo songs, sesame street elmo, sesame street, abby cadabby, sesame street full episodes, sesame street episodes, elmo full episodes, sesame street abby, full episode, sesame street full episode, elmo and abby, sesame street compilation, sesame street songs, new sesame street episode, elmo video, elmos world, elmo world, abby cadabby and elmo, elmos world full episodes, morning routine, morning routines, routines for kids, healthy habits for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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