George and Stephen Jeffreys

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in 1914 the world was about to be embroiled in two bitter world wars the nation of England actually almost lost a whole generation Hitler marched across Europe taking everything in his path that he could but in the middle of all this destruction and despair two brothers emerged two brothers that decided to become the one and their generation these two Welsh miners decided to step out in faith and show the world who God really was and they brought revival in a big way in fact we read you these newspaper headlines here from the London Express Welsh miners turn miracle ministers and then Welsh Minister Bert's new church denomination said these guys were the real deal they were about to take us on a journey of faith in a journey of revival it's amazing because these guys were so anointed you have Stephen he just he was a star if you wanna call a preacher that he was dynamite he had a firebrand firecracker temper he was a Welsh miner and so of course he wasn't afraid of a fight his preaching just swept over you like you would experience a tsunami and he saw supernatural miracles George he's as shy and introvert is as Steven this is an extrovert and George is the newspapers called a mesmerizing you've waited what was gonna be the next thing he had to say in every generation there have been revivals massive moves of the spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one their generation discover your call to be the one in your generation we're about to take you face to face with history welcome back to revival radio TV I'm your host gene Bailey so glad you're with us today today I'm joined again by Doug Barnard thank you for joining again we've got a great topic we're gonna talk about two brothers Jeffrey's brothers one of my favorite stories of revival because it just keep kept going they did and it had far-reaching implications tell me let's start right at the beginning tell me about the Jeffrey's brother well I want to take you back to 1900 height of the British Empire a Queen Victoria is the Queen of England a young boy who had a dream his name was George he's 10 11 years old he feels called to preach but he starts to get paralysis on the left side of his face it's all numb and and then it kind of moves to his tongue he can't speak he's got a speech impediment and it's like man the dream is lost but he had a wonderful experience him and in his brother were busy about the ministry now they weren't preaching yet but they were helping and prayer meetings were the order of the day so they're in a a prayer meeting Sunday morning they're getting ready for the the church service as something happens and I'll just quote here from George he said that when my mouth began to be a collected one thing that distressed me greatly was the possibility of not realizing the one-call and ambition in my life the ministry but God intervened and he said this in this prayer meeting here it seemed as if my head were connected to the most powerful electric battery my whole body from the head to the fort was quickened by the Spirit of God and I was healed Wow just just trance we just had an encounter with Holy Ghost there and I mean he wasn't even asking for it it had to be the overflow okay so let's back up so George gets sick with this paralysis and speech impediment and Stephen still there still working in the mines at this time Stephen was George was he was not healthy enough to so they got him a job elsewhere but you know they saw the noise hang on these guys I mean they obviously had something but that miracle was a signature for both of their lives I'm sure there's a lot of people who are called and it's like how do you do this you know because we see like brother Copeland in in front of large audiences well they started were they were so they both had in full-time jobs so they started doing anything in the ministry on their own time there's a great story about Steven he's the older guy he was fascinated by outdoor preaching so he loved it so who's a good story so he would he would come home from the mines he's covered in coal he would get all cleaned up and go straight out and so he would attract a crowd he had a strong voice you know I mean both him and his brother could sing beautifully and all of a sudden there's a crowd around them and and an older lady sees George she's not very tall with all these people so she brings out her chair and she says son get on the chair so he's he's now almost on a pulpit he's preaching to these people but Steven he was not a short-winded preacher and so he was preaching and he was getting dogs so she goes back into the house she gets an oil lamp and she holds that foreign so he can breathe Wow so he was doing saw this while they're still working in the comp yeah yeah that's it that's a great thing to stop here in point out because so many believers that I know and I must tell you even in my own life there times we go God I'm waiting for an open door give me this open door and the reality is you know as Todd White says you know put a piece of leather in your pocket and feel it whenever you need just go do it just go do it and that's what we talk about being the one just be the one where you're at but he was working in the coal mining like for 25 years yes the right yes I mean it this was no conversion in miracle and healing over a weekend in launched into a ministry with thousands safe so this is this is an amazing story of tenacity yeah there's a miracle but then there's great results so keep to keep going what happens next Steven began to to branch out on his own and have meanings and and hers were a gentleman that we know of called Alexander body he was a Church of England an Episcopalian minister had been baptized in the Holy Spirit in Sunderland he heard about these two Welsh brothers he came down to meet them and here is where the prayer of George was answered because Alexander saw the calling on this young man he was very eloquent and he was comfortable around a king or a cook and so he invited the young George to his new Bible School remember George he had to join the workforce at 12 years old right couldn't get an education so we have the first Pentecostal so that was a big deal big to be invited and not have an education yeah as well so here's George he gets up and and so there's two things he he learns it's called the Pentecostal missionary Union and it started by Alexander body but someone else that you know of Cecil a pole hill he was one of the Cambridge's seven so tell me about the Cambridge seven well these were seven Cambridge students who felt the call of God to go across the tracks across the world to China but they were different from the kind of the missionary of the day they would learn the culture and the dress and the language and of course Hudson Taylor was the leader of that group but a gentleman called Cecil Walpole Hill he went along yet to come back because he was unwell but decides to come back through Los Angeles in 1906 well there's a little a little revival going on over there in Los Angeles in Azusa Street yeah I just learned this here recently he was pretty wealthy guy he paid the mortgage off on that building oh wow man I mean just what a seat - so he comes back to the UK he meets them that's why we need to be prosperous you know in this ministry talks about prosperity that's why because we can further the gospel and take it where it hasn't been going you can you imagine when he walked in and paid off that building what that must have been like for Seymour and everyone they're like wow now I don't have to think about this anymore just like that that's so interesting because this plays a big part in the Ministry of George and and Steven you know through the years and it's what George had learned at the Bible School it was to have a ministry of faith and trust in God and because over the years in Georgia and Steven became great evangelist they would hire the most expensive or the largest buildings to have a meeting very expensive but they didn't you know shy back from that so and you know that's that's a good point there Doug they didn't shy back from the and at that day an era that was massive yeah that was a massive undertaking and I'm sure there was a resistance to all that they were doing by going out and renting something go big they went big for God and they is like go big or go and that's exactly what they did and that was faith in action it was and and it's what we define as prosperity is meeting the needs of the people and not saying well I can't do that I don't have the money right it's like Lester Sumrall said I've never had the money when I started a big project right and so but that's faith and so the two things that they're that joy she was only there a short time because Steven was saying come and help me I've only got free sermons and so so so the more studious George had to come and help him out but two things he learned in that school he was a stickler for the Word of God he stuck with the scriptures so even with all the Pentecostal the charismatic manifestations we're still Bible people all right so there was a supernatural event that happened before World War one what was that yeah yeah so it is July and Steven has been asked to try it really for a church and so he's preaching and he said on this evening he felt a special anointing of the Holy Spirit and so he sensed that but also senses that the congregation aren't you know staring at him their attention is somewhere else and so it's only after that he he finishes that this happens it's in a place called clinically that's my best Welch and I can do there we go and so a picture is forming on the wall I think we have this this is the confidence magazine and there's a picture of George and x marks the spot yeah where he was preach notes as Steven sorry he was preaching and his wife was seeing this image appear behind him it began as a lamb and then it turned into the picture of a man and it's obviously then the face of Jesus but his head is lowered and there are tears coming down so there's an they're seeing Jesus at the behind absolutely and George and Steven robber he was preaching on Philippians 3:10 that we would know him in the Fellowship of his sufferings and so he was moved by this so so much he said when I came down from among the congregation and I I saw the living face of Jesus he said with Jewish speeches hair like wool and parted in the the the middle that now there was a man who said oh it's just the lights but a painter there who painted houses he took his handkerchief and he held it over he tried to erase it and then it just wouldn't go he handed over and he realized it was growing out of the wall and so I like to think I drove down from Oklahoma here last night and I used signs to get here brand they got me to the right destination and any sign that points you to Jesus or the Word of God is a good sign and this was because it really is stirred up Steven who said I felt he said after I prayed about you know the meaning of this it seemed to be a sign of a terrible suffering about to come but I did not know what it was or Jean two weeks later we've got World War yeah in that time I'm thinking about they're getting all these people saved by the hundreds you know people are getting saved everywhere they go what do they what do they do with all these people they just gonna leave him there and hope they find their way to a church what did they do yeah because that happened I mean over revival history then act that that has happened so much but but George he's up in Northern Ireland and he's gonna have a big crusade and he ends it really starting a church and he felt it was an oasis and there's a word in the Old Testament that kind of means that in his Elam so we have the foundations of the eel imprinted coastal church so it so they he started churches everywhere he went and in his lifetime I mean over 200 churches so they would actually go get people save and then build the church how does a big problem they didn't have enough pastors hmm and how's the great I don't think so they wouldn't have enough that could that could believe the way they were believing yeah yes so they would have you know free p3000 people getting saved I mean just the numbers all over and then a thousand people would come to their new church but here's a good story there's a lady here we have her name is what's his book if again this is a book it's called in defense of his word it is full of healing miracles I mean from front to back I'm even before and after photographs here and there's a lady here who had now I biggest called super cloak is tuberculosis of the knee she couldn't walk she was in bandages her skin gave her problems for years and she was supernaturally healed has a picture gene of her standing Wow yeah after she was healed and she became one of the pastor's so basically homegrown so but that was pretty unusual back then in in England to have a women woman oh you know what I hadn't thought about that yeah that was very radical thinking absolutely yeah and that was a sign of the whole Pentecostal have you noticed a little departure here and all of these revivals even the ones that happen United States that always they seem to always push the boundaries of social economics maybe whether it was racism in America or women preachers there's there's always it's always overcoming some block that's there I you know I think of a gallon and even Oral Roberts how they had to fight racism so much and allow blacks and whites to come to their meeting and it was okay and I mean to their own detriment they they really got challenged yeah on all of these things so this is that's another sign it's not not a requirement but it's another sign of a revival a true revival that overcomes all of those things yes and even the Welsh revival with the miners and what was going on it was a you know we talk about how rough the miners were but the whole city in that time in Wales all of that was not it was not a friendly to the gospel type time right I mean Pete there was Church but there wasn't it wasn't a friendly atmosphere to so this was a huge thing that happened I just find that interesting that God always even Azusa was Seymour how I mean here's a black man and how dare he have something there ya know something that we don't know and that was amazing it just amazes me that it was an african-american that headed up the whole yeah thing but and what we forget because I grew up in this is that church in England was the Church of England right and so very formal the service was you know like you know 1644 version I say this a men are man oh man all this kind of stuff that was church right so what these guys were doing was not Church but but people saw the miracles and realized oh no God is in this okay Linda what's next well Steven is busy preaching and bringing hundreds of new converts creating what wouldn't be a full church so George is coming along and he's creating that but there were so many that were being birthed 25 a year that George couldn't do it alone 25 churches a year Wow and EJ Phillips came on board and was his right-hand man so he was busy putting this guy to work finding land buildings and he was busy also setting up for the campaigns is the team was worked off their feet and so in the middle of this you have Stephen who falls in love with the the brand-new thing called the Assembly of God and you have his son he's given birth to a son Eddie and Eddie's watching him this whole process going on he takes it over from from George and so he's gonna want to figure out a secondary plan and so now they go to separate ways and today as it kept going on it was good because Stephen and Eddie put together 60 churches George put together over 270 and today his church is currently George's churches there's 5000 of them still in existence Wow so he's quite these guys were quite the church planners all right so doctors and healings well the doctors said after World War one you know I mean there's Doug will tell you two and a half million people are on on assistance the doctors would get a person and treat him as fast as they could here's a brace move on to the next desperate case it was it was horrible I mean they just didn't have antibiotics or anything in fact George had a woman come to one of his services and what was amazing is they would advertise healing will happen and it did and so he had this one lady come to the service and she was prayed for and she says okay you prayed for me I believe I'm healed she's but I still have metal inside me that the doctors put in me what do I do about that and George sent her home he said don't worry about it he says let God take care of it the next morning she wakes up in bed and next to her is all the metal that had been inside her Wow yeah cool and I like the fact you know if I can pause right here in this story did you catch what she Linda just said he was a man of faith and the faith was healings will happen yes didn't say hey come see what God might do he said healings will happen and thousands were but that's not all about the Jeffrey Brothers is it no it was said of them that in their day Stephen and George Jeffries saw more miracles than anyone from the time of Jesus just an output and there were thousands saved thousand saved in their ministry it's these numbers of hundreds and all the names of the places I knew as a boy Bournemouth and Swansea you know Birmingham all as we say Birmingham and yeah and and just just numbers and numbers after each other history has recorded the faith that God does never left the world without a witness to this glorious message throughout the present dispensation in our day there are multitude who are testifying to the blessings they have received through this ministry the greatest revival that the world has ever witnessed is taking place to the Foursquare Gospel message hundreds of thousands of lives and volumes have been transformed it is the worldwide outpouring of the holy spirit with supernatural science the tens of thousands of Warleggan people are experienced leaders in every country under the canopy of heaven in fulfillment of prophecy give me for the old and new testaments god this pouring out history believers are everywhere receiving the Holy Spirit of the disciples day on the day of Pentecost miracles are he just as marvelous as those recorded in the Acts of the Apostles are taking place in every language for the nura coolest gifts are in evidence today just as they were in the past days of Christianity his recordings people said that his preaching was so dynamic the recordings didn't do it justice that's true implement these preaches 1500 saved Liverpool 800 they were turning people away hundreds Burma there was 1500 seen leads 2290 Cardiff on the sea stormy weather couldn't keep people away 5000 saved Birmingham had over 10,000 saved 1000 people started its first church you're baptizing 1,100 people in water have you ever I just can't imagine three churches were birthed from here at one point he asked at a meeting how many had been healed they couldn't count how many so he said okay and I'm paraphrasing how many backs healed how many eyes healed and they went that way and they still couldn't figure out how many there was just so many sheer numbers of healings but George has problem too what do I do with all of these churches I'm birthing is he builds a Bible College and the focus of the Bible College was to say what do I need to know about the Bible and what does my church need to know in order to succeed and today all but two of his church's are still in existence wow that's amazing I mean that is so interesting we have a reporter here called Landau has his headline you know 500 wait to be prayed for a few fall down on the floor dead as as faint but this guy was trying as best as he could to be skeptical but it couldn't be because the results were too well I mean he said look these were working-class people and you could not doubt their honesty of their testimony but it wasn't one there were hundreds has the book just a miracle with proto graphs and here's another interesting thing because you know the mainline church I grew up in the Church of England and I mean they would have seen these guys and for what is going on but a whole lot of their members who were sick because there was no medicine like we had today but even today people you know I mean gets sick but they would come back and testify up their healings so that brought these guys into the meetings themselves and and and George was very good on this he kept numbers look at this 61 testified to relief from limb disorders 21 healed of cancer and tumors so just the numbers go on and on I mean you know Doug he's not the only person that had contact with the Jefferies Brothers in fact I want to show you something right now about how Reinhardt Bonnke Christ for all nations his contact with the Jefferies brothers watch so I walked through the front garden and I pressed the bed and the lady opened I said ma'am my name is Reinhardt Bonnke may ask a question doesn't the judge jeffrey live in this france who was the firebrand evangelist and brought the gospel of signs and wonders to the British Isles she said to me yes oh I said may I please see him she said no and please excuse me for saying it but that lady filled the doorframe I couldn't pass [Applause] but while she said no suddenly I heard a voice a deep voice from the inside let him call me I don't know how I pass that barrier but in I was and I saw him come down the stairs perfectly dressed as if he had been waiting for someone he came down I shook his hand I I started to talk I said my name is Reinhardt Bonnke I've read your books and Jesus has called me to be an evangelist in Africa I have prepared for it I know that God used to to bring them I took took the floor I was not talking all the time he didn't say a word that old man didn't say a word he just put his hand on my shoulder and then he fell on his knees on the carpet and pulled me down with him and laid his hands on me and blessed me and blessed me and blessed me and blessed me and blessed me and the glory of the Lord appeared seeing Reinhardt Bonnke in the million saved and his ministry is awesome Reinhardt was George Jeffries final impartation here Stephen was a rough Welsh miner and George was a frail man with a speech impediment yet look what God was able to do with him you know I think one thing that really impressed me in these two brothers is they really did go after their calling they just went out and did it they made a decision and the fruit of that people were saved and they were healed when you don't have any like-minded Christians or churches to send thousands to build your own church God had to teach these brothers just how to do that how to birth the church they created mega churches for their time when they didn't have enough pastors George Jeffrey's did this he started a Bible School he had two goals in this school teach Bible basics and teach people how to become a pastor and how to staff a church all of George's churches except two are active and thriving to this day I don't think you're ever done with the story of this family or who their lives have impacted over the years what we've seen with Reinhardt Bonnke it's amazing and now with Daniel kolenda it continues to be amazing each person stepped up to be the one expand in your life what it means to be the one let God use you like never before put them to the test we'll see you next time right here on revival radio TV you [Music]
Channel: Revival RadioTV
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Id: Gbx0w10Bcrc
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Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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