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welcome back to Bob's big boom sticks how can I help you today well somebody told me that you have a 500 Nitro Express pistol I should have known you were gonna come for this thing the rumors are true I absolutely do have a 500 Nitro Express pistol check this thing out wow so what do you think about it well to be honest it's a pretty stupid concept but I'd like to buy it fantastic well that pistol comes with a business card to a great dentist and it comes with a complimentary helmet trust me I shot that thing last week and you're gonna need both anyways I gotta go for no reason in particular I'll see you later [Music] what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics we're back on the Range and today I have the most ridiculous handgun I have ever seen in my life we have a 500 Nitro Express hand cut before we go check this thing out I want you to check out my new shirt if you've watched this channel even a little bit you know I love my Nitro Express rifles and because we're shooting a Nitro Express pistol today I thought this would be appropriate and I also have Nitro Express stickers the train is the Nitro Express you have the T-Rex driving me on the top with a 700 Nitro and the Kentucky ballistics logo on the front there's no sponsor in today's video so be sure and go check out the new shirts I'm super excited about this design there's a link in the description down below now let's go check out this handgun so when you hear 500 Nitro Express this is probably what you think of this is a double barrel 500 Nitro Express rifle so what we have today is a Gary reader African classic 500 Nitro Express pistol this is basically a Thompson Contender that's been made into a one-of-a-kind 500 Nitro Express handgun so on the front of the barrel you can see it says Gary reader African classic we have this beautiful gold inlay and then on the back here you can see serial number one so to load this thing you pull on the trigger guard that also works to break the pistol open and then you load your giant 500 Nitro Express Round into this thing and snap her clothes and then after you fire it you can go see a hand doctor this is absolutely the most ridiculous handgun I have ever seen in my life and is exactly why I bought it I'm super excited about shooting this thing but before we do let me give you a comparison of 500 Nitro Express to some other rounds you may be familiar with so here we have a Nerf dart a 308 30 ought 6 300 Winchester magnum 338 Lapua a 45-70 here on the end we have a three inch 12 gauge shell and here is the 500 Nitro Express 570 grain round so now the moment of truth it's time to shoot this thing so I've got some 500 Nitro Express 570 grain soft points and I'm going to be shooting at a shoot steel steel Target better hang on to this day [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen that is the most recoil I have ever felt in a handgun for once my hand actually hurts a little bit okay so before I continue shooting this thing let's take a look at our steel Target so I was aiming about right here and we hit a little to the left I cannot believe how hard that thing kicks I mean well I can believe it it's a 500 Nitro Express pistol so I'm going to shoot the steel Target one more time but this time I'm gonna shoot it with one hand because this is Kentucky ballistics and we don't cut Corners here all right foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah I'm bleeding bleeding real good now I'm gonna need a Band-Aid so it looks like I hit in the exact same spot with one hand as I did with two hands hashtag don't flinch so I got my finger fixed up got a little bit of medical tape and Gauze I don't bleed my own blood that was actually the gun's blood on my finger and I've just taped up my finger for the gun's sake So today we're going to start out with a new Target I have two five gallon jugs full of green slime now one we mixed up pretty thick and the other one is kind of thin let's get this thing loaded up again here we go sh I think that just zipped right through them oh it's just seeping out of there yep that just went right through both of those should be pretty spectacular and I've already ruined my shirt so why not put some mustard on it this is a whole gallon of yellow mustard here we go again now this finger is bleeding dang it all right up next I have some zombie heads uh this one is from when we blew up the 300 Winchester magnum he still survived but I don't think he's gonna make it through today's video okay so these zombie heads right here have been out on my range uh for about two months we spray painted them to try and make them look a little better but they're pretty moldy and disgusting so we're gonna go ahead and line these up in the mustard yeah look at this one oh look at all that mold okay I'm gonna get up kind of close for these zombies because if you encounter zombies probably going to be pretty close range golly thank you so zombie number one we hit right there went into zombie number two and it looks like it stopped scoot you up right here foreign [Music] well my shirt wasn't ruined before it's definitely run now our next Target is one that's a delicacy among law enforcement don't [Applause] thank you so anyways now we're gonna shoot donuts chocolate cream filling all right let's see how this goes please all right that was pretty awesome up next we're gonna shoot some eggplant because nobody likes eggplant but today we're not going to be shooting regular eggplants we have the most disgusting product I've ever seen six pounds of eggplant puree who buys this I mean other than me to shoot it who buys this all right here we go that is disgusting eggplant puree AKA canned bird poop so sometimes I buy things to shoot and I completely forget that I have them this is one of those things so for four months inside this box has been setting a 40 pound block of cheese just standing near this thing it is very pungent and uh it's leaking foreign oh gross oh oh look at that ew I don't know I if you look right over here you can see this cheese soup at the bottom so here's what I'm thinking I could shoot it with the 500 Nitro Express I'm going to at least once but I don't expect it to do much so after that we may shoot it with something else this is going to be disgusting all right here we go I gotta do it laughs no oh oh gosh it's so bad foreign [Music] some of you don't think I read your comments but I saw your comments last week you could not believe that I didn't destroy the table well now I ask you are you not entertained well that's gonna be it for today's video what did I think about the 500 Nitro pistol well for most morals after about 10 shots your wrists are going to be broken and your hands are going to be minced meat but for me well I loved it and I'll probably target shoot with it on the weekends you know maybe plink a few cans and whatnot but what did you think about it let me know in the comment section down below again don't forget to check out my new shirts there's a link in the description down below that'll take you to kentuckyballistics.com if you enjoyed today's video as much as I did do me a favor and give it a like and if you're not subscribed to Kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on Kentucky Customs Kentucky ballistic Shorts patreon Facebook Instagram and Twitter links to all this can be found in the description down below and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics I'll see you next time foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 3,023,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 500 nitro pistol, 500 nitro express pistol, kentucky ballistics, most powerful pistol in the world, 600 nitro express pistol, elephant pistol, 600 nitro pistol, worlds biggest pistol, 500 nitro handgun, 500 nitro express handgun, most powerful handgun in the world, 500 nitro express, kentucky ballistics elephant gun, biggest elephant gun, 700 nitro express pistol, elephant gun, most powerful gun in the world, elephant gun kentucky ballistics, nitro express, kentucky, ballistics
Id: q9ZLvTrlhbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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