We Bought An Amazon Shelf Pull Liquidation Pallet | Mystery Unboxing

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ah oh ah hello oh my god welcome  to another family flips unboxing   was this halloween edition i don't know i sounded  spooky hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica   thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in   welcome to another family flips unboxing welcome  and uh we've got this amazon palette here tell us   about it because i can't remember all the numbers  400. it's an amazon shelf pull palette we paid 499   for it 75 shipping we bought four at a time  that's why we were able to get it for 75   shipping and uh it's a shelf pool palette meaning  that a lot of times means nothing it does it just   they're not supposed to be customer returns  uh but shell pull it could be box damage stuff   stuff that was damaged when amazon received  it stuff that was damaged uh when they were   going to ship the item some items may have been  shipped to the customer customer refused it was   delivered back to amazon it could be a lot of  things that the the benefits of buying a shuffle   pilot is generally they're going to be higher  in price because the risk is lower but there   is still a significant amount of risk in buying  something like this because you really don't know   conditions of items until you unbox them  and inspect them i'm gonna get this big old   big old thing off the top and that looks  like a car carrier car seat convertible 05   so five inch i thought it was a five and one car  seats sell for a lot and that's really exciting   and really awesome and i love that except for  the fact that because you don't know too much   about it and it doesn't come straight from the  manufacturer like that and you know all that i   always get nervous about selling them because  you really don't know what's happened to them   um and baby safety is very top priority but we're  going to inspect this we've sold car seats before   after inspecting and everything so i'm trying to  open this because i don't want to damage the box   anymore but really that box isn't really damaged  yeah i mean it's sure the car seats fine but   i mean it's perfectly wrapped so that's a how do  i how do i get this house i might need some help last time you were like you took over she wouldn't  really like that it's a nice one yeah it's nice so   it looks good it looks to be embracing it looks  like it's been even unwrapped it's got all of the   stuff instructions and everything this definitely  hasn't had a child in it so that's great   it comes with the infant uh i mean this is graco  so it's not like the highest of brands but it   is a very trusted brand um i would probably feel  comfortable selling this yeah and car seats they   do extremely well in our area uh there are several  listed on ebay uh various prices but i'm going   to check sold says figure out exactly what these  are selling for and do you want to do the honors   sweet so the last four that were sold were 135  dollars which is awesome yeah that's really   awesome that's really awesome so so that gives  us lots of options yeah because we could sell   it online for 135 because these are what they're  technically selling for 140 because it's 135 plus   shipping so we could sell online for a hundred  and forty dollars it's gonna i mean we'll have   to reinforce the box a little bit um and make  around a hundred dollars uh probably ninety   dollars after shipping and fees or we could  try and sell it for a hundred dollars locally   which we should be able to do so because  every baby seat every car seat we've ever got   we have sold so this is a great reason why you  need to know your demographic you know we are   college towns so these college students they  grow up they move out they they stay most many   of them stay in conway because there are jobs and  everything here um lots of opportunities we're   very close to little rock they start families and  so we have a lot of young families in our area so   baby goods always sell very well here locally  so next thing i see is cat litter cat food more cat food and that one's  almost all the way gone   i don't know if i can get this out  without more dog food coming out that's fun yeah and then we've got a  bag of dog food that is all busted up um   thankfully we have dogs and cat we have dog  and cat that we can use for them i don't know   about this one because it's all open and stuff i'm  sure probably be safe but as a pet owner i'm like   i don't know if i'm gonna want to  use this because who knows what it's   been exposed to with the elements going  through trucks and all kinds of stuff so   this is all a zero but we will able to find use  for some of it uh cat litter and stuff uh here in   our own home and if we didn't we could always  donate them to shelters and things like that   um well not the food but like the litter and  stuff for sure y'all see ollie over there that's another big box well i hope it's good  i know you know if it's bad that's a lot   of space in this palette and it looks like  is it light yeah it's it's maybe 50 pounds and it's like a sunken in box sucking in boxer ac delco   uh gm original equipment rear lift gate hands-free  closing i don't even know how to open this pop it out okay okay so it's a  box in a box which is amazing   yeah cause i don't think it's going to  uh while you're doing that i'm gonna if that's even what's in this i  know and it may not be problems [ __ ] you're gonna you're  gonna cut me i'm trying not to let's just put this down open this box   pull out the other i hope this is  what it is oh i hope it's what it is i hope so should i open this because oh it  is all right it's uh it's the same number   okay well what is it you scan it because i already  know and i want them to see your excitement   i am not recognized huh there we go no way oh hold on let's look at  solds before i say what the price is   they're not selling as much as they're currently  listed which isn't a bad thing all right so   they're not so the last time somebody sold one of  these they sold it for 62.75 including shipping   no no 262.75 including shipping there you  go um for and that was back in january   but right now they're currently listed  between three and four hundred dollars 427 351 plus 74 shipping and 360 682 so that's  good because that means that they're selling   but not for that price so we could easily  price this at like 329 299 sell it online   that's exciting that's awesome that makes up for  all that dog food and cat food oh yeah 10 times i'll take it i will take it maybe i should start  pulling stuff out because last time you pulled   it out we got dog and cat food well i chose the  dog and cat food just to get it out of the way   so i just realized i didn't say  what we could profit off of that uh   ac delco that whatever lift thingymabob so  if we're able to sell it for 275 dollars   we would probably clear around 200 profit on  that item so uh we're already 300 potential   profit granted it's not profit until we sell it  all so we know that and understand that uh but   we're calling it potential profit for uh the video  purposes so man i guess i'm gonna get this uh box   oh man it's heavy what is it it's natural cracked  shopper i think these are uh little grocery bags interesting yeah if i had to guess it's what  it looks like on the handle and i see it   on the box i see a handle on the box and  that's exactly the shopping bag what they are a little shopping bag so how much do those go  for i have no idea let's find out i don't know   how many there are in here 200. all right so there  are a few that are listed they are priced this is   not sold this is just listed they're they're  listed for 119 all the way up to 156 dollars   sold there's none sold so who knows uh they're  selling i mean they're listed 119 dollars so   if we were able to do that price at low end if  we were to eventually sell it on ebay this is   probably gonna cost around fifty dollars to ship  uh which probably puts us at around sixty dollars   potential profit after shipping and fees uh so  we may try and sell it locally on facebook first   maybe somebody will buy it because they are  recycled uh so we'll just have to find out   later but we'll call attentively right now we'll  save fifty dollars uh to be conservative for you   guys i'm gonna pull these two items here because  they seem smaller uh i do see an amazon warehouse   sticker on this one no yeah let's send it back  but it's a thing it's an umbrella they sell and   it's gonna be really hard for us to like break  necessarily like it's not um and then i also have   this which is not as exciting but it's a it's  wee-wee it's for wee-wee it's extra-large pads   so you're you know you i i would say it's  for pets but if you wanted to wee-wee on   them i guess that's totally fine like i'm not  gonna judge you just don't do it at my house um   it's a little bit damaged but we can at  least find out what we could sell it for   we'd probably sell this locally yeah because  i can't imagine that it would cost that much   um so these are selling uh between forty and  fifty dollars so that's not that's not bad yeah   um the box is a little bit damaged so we could  probably make uh maybe 25 bucks on this locally um   on facebook marketplace maybe somebody will  jump on a great deal like that just to get it   and for us it'd be great to get it  moved so this guy i might need a   heat gun because i think there's a upc  down here and i can try to get that off there we go oh it's an amazon one well  i thought that was going to be a upc we   could scan but it is not i'm going to  stick that right there um so let me go   ahead let's go ahead and just look it up it's  a blisson b-l-i-s-u no try again b-l-i-s-s-u-n   pound umbrella base and in our area we have a  lot of outdoorsy people people who like to have   outdoor spaces we did at one point get a whole  bunch of these in a set of pallets and we sold   them very quickly so i see one list on ebay uh  22 pound umbrella base it's a different brand but   they have sold 71 of these at 39.99 okay so i do  remember last this was last year when we had these   we were selling these between 30 and 40 dollars  per so we'll probably try it and do the same   thing this year uh price it for 35 if we can get  30 for it then we're golden no 405 sorry all right   i'm grabbing this heavily damaged box i have no  idea what happened to this one wow like that box   so i'm not seeing anything i mean this is like  one of those little baby swings things so it looks   to be like it was just crushed somewhere in the  amazon warehouse um i see a couple scratches on   the unit here just from it's being exposed we'll  have to check to make sure all the pieces are in   here later on yeah one of my biggest concerns is  maybe a small bag of hardware screws nuts bolts   something like that but a lot of these are click  in type things so it may not even come with it so   if all of this is good how much is it  worth let's see what they have sold for and when we go back we when we sell items  locally we usually use the ebay i'm sorry   when we sell things locally we usually use amazon  as our price comparison or our price comp when   knowing how much to price them to sell on facebook  marketplace we usually do if it's like this is a   little bit different but it's like a new open  box uh we usually do like 80 to 90 off of retail   varying conditions will go down you know forty  fifty percent of retail if it's used uh but on   ebay these are selling for 99.72 86 21 61.99 86.90  146.80 uh so these are selling for close to 100 on   ebay 80 to 100 uh so that's good but we can't ship  this in its current state so we're going to try   and sell it locally i'm thinking we'll probably  the box is all mixed meshed up people aren't   really going to care about it but we'll have  to reduce the price somewhat so if we start off   around seventy dollars maybe sixty five dollars  and take at least fifty five fifty dollars i'd be   happy with that yeah and another option is if you  really need to find out where everything is you   could always put it together if you if you know  you're going to sell it on facebook marketplace   you know you're not going to list it you could put  it together um and then you really wouldn't have   to drop the price that much because it could still  be completely unused you can keep the tags on it   but completely assemble it because people on  facebook marketplace they don't really care um as   long as it says what it what it does and it works  and all of that so having it put together they can   see that there are no parts missing from it and  then you can just move you could probably get more   for it because it's already assembled right they  don't have to spend the time doing it themselves   right so but we're gonna call it 50 just for  uh the purpose because the box is all damaged there's a lot of big items there is like it's  just a ton of big items in here and i'm glad   that these big items are worth something  because this would have been really bad   yeah if it wasn't so i'm going to get  this maybe maybe i can't get it yeah there's dog food falling out oh that's funny  what is this let's see like a basketball   on here it's a trampoline for kids toddler ah with  a basketball goal on it i guess so definitely like   a trampoline of some sort it's got the pool noodle  things that kind of protect it um and then you can   see right here on this label here what it is so we  can use this to look it up and see if we can find   like a comparative price for it you want to type  faster do i want to type faster you're a type you   type faster that's what i was trying to say do you  want to type faster please you're typing too slow ah oh ah there are two listed right now one for  89.99 and one for 221 19. i'm gonna check solds   189.99 what'd i say you said one for 89.99  but they're they're not okay there was one   that sold from that same listing 189.99 yeah so  this will probably be local but how heavy is this   i mean it's heavy yeah so it'll probably be a  local sale yeah i mean it's 31 pounds is what it   says on here pretty much 30 31 pounds on ups is  probably gonna cost around 35 bucks uh maybe 45   to go into california so we could still sell it  online if we sold online for 189 what they said   i don't know if we will or not uh then we can  make at least a hundred dollars if we do make a   hundred bucks on this locally i would be happy  with that so we'll call it a hundred dollars   uh and it's a great season for yes it is it's  a great season for something like this at least   we're not getting a whole bunch of christmas  stuff i know do you may have spoke too soon i'm going to grab these two boxes because they  are kind of light this one is a mystery i mean   they're both kind of mysteries this one i do have  an idea of what it is it says metal inside table   uh right there and uh the box is damaged but  i hope that doesn't mean it's all scratched up   and i'm thinking that the table itself is  damaged if you can put the camera in here   you can see right here let me go this way there's  like a little crease there's an indent right there   yeah so this will probably be zero i'm sure we  might put together and get something for it uh   but without inspecting it further we're  just gonna call it zero dollars for now   maybe we'll get something out of it later on not the correct item should be in an asian number well maybe it's just the wrong item  so it's not damaged or anything it's mystery it's a neat looking backpack that's  a nice backpack it's got wheels on it too huge   that's a huge bag big backpack yeah j world um   new york i'm not sure what that design  would be it almost reminds me of tetris the average j world rolling backpack is  currently selling between uh 60 and 70 dollars   let me see what they've sold for i don't know  about this exact print yeah that might have   something to do with it so when we go deeper into  um i don't even know if we're in frame all right   so i found the exact print on this item and it's  it's this is weird it's throwing me off why is it   throwing me off because there are several that are  priced on ebay for this print that they are priced   at there's one available for 71.97 7074 and those  are the two in this print that are available   right but looking at the sold listings there  was one of these that sold on march the 5th   for 105 dollars plus 99 shipping whoa so 204  dollars i die though i have no i there's no   fluke there's no way that we'll get that much  for this but it does give us a starting with the   other ones they sold for 70 or they're listed  for 70 maybe you know i don't know but i think   we'll price ours for 99 like we originally  thought because i just think 105 dollars   is too too much right and if it sells quickly  then we know that we should have priced it   and in the in that case you know if we sold for  90 we'd get at least 60 to 70 profit which would   be good looks like we've got like uh four or five  items i see another bag of dog food down here i   think that's dog food um and i'm gonna pull this  one i don't i'm gonna save this whatever this is   that looks heavy over here for you and i'll just  pull out this mystery box that's the box i was   looking at it says 3am i know it does do you guys  see that inside 3m i don't know if we're gonna   be able to sell because 3m stuff it gets a little  difficult yeah uh especially on ebay what is that   white super polished pads uh well that  doesn't sound as uh no but you never know   okay let's see let's see let's see we'll open  it up and we will find out the mystery okay boom they're polished they are  definitely polish pads lots of   polish pens they don't look fascinating but  i bet this is worth some money i bet so i'm   guessing around uh eighty two hundred dollars all  right give me your phone at least i'm probably   under guessing now but now i'm like what if i'm  over under guessing under over guessing yeah   no i'm just totally confused i have no idea  well it didn't scan because the box is weird   i can't put 3m in here yeah you can yeah yeah  white super polished pants okay i've got a case of   five that is selling for 30. how many is this  20. whoa let me just look at solds and see if   there's anything that's selling that's similar  no exact matches so these are a little difficult   to find the price i'm not finding anyone like  this anywhere for this size the closest thing   i compare it to price is there is a a case of  10 of the same style uh the same super polished   pad 4100 but in the 20 by 14 inch this is 18 by  12 inch it sold on ebay on april 13th for 85.39   i'm not finding any of these listed anywhere so  i guess we'll probably use that as our starting   point since it was a pack of 10 sold for 85.39  maybe we'll price it for like 109 or 119.99   uh but if we can get 60 bucks profit out of that  after shipping fees i'd be pretty happy about that   me too oh that's a very light box and a very  uh damaged box damaged box and then we have   more dog food that was a good dog this is the  good dog food the taste of the wild ancient street ancient strain canine recipe i need to know how  much that costs best by january 2022 and i'm not   seeing any damage to this box what's or this bag  do you think it's worth i don't know 60 bucks   all right i'm not seeing any on ebay and if you're  wondering all we're doing is using the ebay and   amazon app they have a scanning little button that  you can press to scan the upc's we find them in   the search bar yeah ancient grains 28 pound which  is this one is on amazon it's selling for 48.99   nice so uh if we were to sell it this is the  easy 25 item uh here locally it's something we   definitely wouldn't ship uh but it is dog food  uh we could also donate it to an animal shelter   or we can feed it to desi when he needs food uh  before to sell it we could get 25 bucks for it   all right that looks scary yeah it looks  there's a there's a tag on the there it   is it says joynest five arms bowl something  thanksgiving gifts silver i don't even know   what that means i guess maybe decorative items  thanksgiving fall themed decorative items maybe   i was not expecting this at all what is that   whoa what in the world it's like a candle  what is this called can uh oh it's broken in you're just pulling it what am i doing just  pulling it into place am i breaking yeah uh what i get this candle that's it for  you know you put candles on it obviously   i mean that's that's fancy it's  all bent up but that's all bent   can it be unbent this is like off  oh that's that can be bent but that box was pretty i mean  that's cool looking yeah   but it's got like some residue and stuff on  here i mean this is definitely not i mean we'll   tentatively call that zero but if we can i don't  know i don't even know we'll just call it it's   all bent up i mean that arm is bent there these  are all bent this is one of the jankiest things   that we have seen but it's so pretty but the box  indicates that and there's something else in here okay it did say five bowls so i guess you  got one there and then another one yeah so   those are good janky that's hilarious here  help me i can't replace you though babe   have you ever massaged my feet no i don't  like i've got pretty gross feet though i don't know what that is but it sounds broken it's a uh something we'll  open it up for you guys also oh i've been returned to amazon  i'm gonna open this guy up   see what's inside you all right let's see well it might not be broken whatever it  is what is this a dehydrator or something what is it their wheel covers hubcaps   that's what they are okay that's the  appropriate name there will cover sometimes i mean you didn't say it like that but are  you gonna get that back in the box because i was gonna leave that problem for you  thank you i don't know what i do without you   you have a lot less mess to clean up i would  have less problems these are pilot automotive   snap-on hubcaps there's a few listed in the the  prices are kind of all over the place so let me   see what they're selling for looks like uh  so there's there's two that sold for 40.   but then there's one that sold for 71.99 all right  one that's different no that's the same one 83.57   all right so they're either selling for 40 or  they're selling for like 75. so we'll go for 69.99   69.99 okay i like i can get 25 bucks at the least  profit i'd be good with that all right sounds good   to me and i'm gonna pull these out of the box uh  before we list them make sure they're not like   stuffed and scratched and broken because obviously  that's going to affect the price but just from   looking at it i'm thinking i'm not seeing  any damage stuffing it definitely doesn't   look used or installed in any way well  now now joe bro it's just the inner ring   no hubcaps for damage in the making of this video   yet all right and now i've got this uh foot  massager box has seen better days that's for sure   um but i think that looks like it's damaged  right on the right spot where that styrofoam is   yeah the styrofoam looks like it did its  job and protected it kneading and [ __ ] what is that it's just a type of massage  okay what is this [ __ ] that's a dog okay   now i'm thinking of suzu is a car isn't  it a suzu yeah i don't know what isuzu is   i don't know is there a suzu out there y'all can  y'all tell me because i have no idea i think i'm   speaking out of my butt right now well it looks  great uh just from like initial inspection the   the original tape is still on there it looks like  i'm seeing all of the cords and everything in here   i'm not seeing any major scratches or scuffs  so and then down here i'm seeing all of the uh   you know the the manual and stuff so other than  the box being free pretty badly damaged the the   product itself looks great sweet so let me see how  much this is worth you know as long as it works   when we do test it um we should be able to make  some money off of this let's see so there's   one that was pre-owned that sold for 31.47 it's  looking like they're selling for about 50 bucks   all right um so it's not the wi-fi one like the  other one it's not this one's selling for 50.   so this is probably going to be a local because  we're not going to be able to ship this without   making profit um so we'll sell this locally i said  we sell it for what 30 i don't know because it's   brand it's really it's new yeah so i'll try and  start it for 40 bucks and i mean used once they're   going for 30 online yeah but there's a weird  one here it's it's sold for 120 which is weird   yeah so this is one and then another one down here  139.99 164.25 so i don't know if we're gonna be   able to know the price on this yeah uh because  there's prices all over the spectrum for these   uh but there's a lot of these a lot of these are  selling so well this is one we won't know price   until later on until we go to list it uh so if  you follow along on our vlogs on our life with joe   and jess channel when we do get around to listing  this this is something that i will go over on that   so there's a link down in the description uh for  that youtube channel if you want to see the kind   of behind the scenes how we move stuff our life  uh as entrepreneurs and homeschooling parents uh   so i don't know i mean we'll save 40 50 bucks for  now but i think we can get more than that for this   so the last box heavy lifts with care yep it is a  sit stand desktop work station i want one of those   there we go and uh these we have sold these  in the past and they sell and they sell   and they do well this is black  particle um we'll have to inspect it i'm trying to see if there's  like a upc or something on it and bummer oh it still might be able to be used and  sold uh but this is a little keyboard   section of it it's cracked i see some stuff and  then there's lots of scratches on it and scuffing   there so this is the worst case scenario for this  thing here uh it went from really excited that oh   we're going to make 100 something dollars off this  item too are we even gonna be able to sell it now   um so that's a bummer um i know we could  probably get about thirty forty dollars   for this without the keyboard thing locally uh  but still that's a bummer either way it goes all right so that finishes up this palette y'all  i hope you enjoyed it uh i think jessica was   gonna say that i don't know i'm supposed to talk  about the numbers and remember we paid 499 dollars   plus 75 shipping so we're all in for 574 dollars  usually our goal with pallets is to double our   money and we almost always do so except for a  few occasions uh like the last two pallets that   we've got um that this palette we're looking at  doing a 800 in revenue which gives us around 225   in profit which is not what we're wanting uh  not it's just not what we want uh but you know   sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles  in liquidation you get good palettes you get bad   palettes and uh you know that's just part of  the process yeah so uh we hope that you enjoyed   watching this uh unboxing video and keep  in mind we post multiple times each week so   if you're interested make sure you hit that  subscribe button down below until next time peace foreign
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 14,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon returns unboxing, liquidation pallets unboxing, liquidation pallets, customer returns pallets, Liquidation Unboxing, Amazon Returns, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon pallet flipping, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, unboxing pallets, liquidation pallet unboxing
Id: FwwrHgCaoSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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