Elden Ring, But I Can Only USE CONSUMABLES

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hello everyone today I'm going to be beating Elden ring using only consumables consumables and Elden ring are items that can only be equipped to your hot bar and are generally thrown to inflict damage we're also implementing the region lock rule in this run and what this means is that I will have to kill the main boss of each area before I'm allowed to move on to the next region so for example once I kill godric I can leave limb grave and so on I do this limitation with a lot of my runs since it limits your ability to power up the character by quite a bit and there's a lot of consumables you can only get in later areas of the game so having this restriction made the run a bit more enjoyable routing wise I won't spoil too much of the run but before we get into it I'd like to give a shout out to this video's sponsor displate displate is a store that creates one-of-a kind metal posters featuring a huge variety of art styles and designs you can mount these posters in less than a minute using the magnets and paper that they provide with every shipment simply remove the strip from The Paper Place it on the wall place the magnet on the paper and hang it up it's all you got to do display has licensed deals with all sorts of Brands such as Mortal Kombat Warhammer John Wick so just look up any of your passions and they will most likely have something that you fancy I personally have a lot of Dark Souls and Elden ring displates throughout my house and I just love how easy they are to hang up displates also partnered with trees for the future and they plant one tree for every poster purchased I've had displates for several years now so I'm honored to be partnered with them again for their Black Friday deal which means until November 29th you can get an even bigger discount on displates using my link in the video description below or by using my code Distortion 2 so thank you so much displate for sponsoring the video and I hope you guys enjoy the challenge run here we go oh you know what let me turn on a timer people love timers okay let's let's begin is this record phas yeah man all right uh we can sell this smithing Stone and I will buy two throwing daggers thank thanks ker yeah so I'm going to have to run around and pick up probably all of the runes in Lim grave just to buy the throwing daggers and cies and everything that I need oh there is five Kies in that pile there what a novice mistake I've never picked I haven't picked that up in so long I forgot about those Ceres thank you chat get out of my way dear four cies hey you know what I'll take it it's better than nothing the the main issue with this run chat is going to be the ruins though because CU I mean normally if you can just go to kid you can cheese the night Cavalry and then boom you've got 40,000 runes but I don't have that luxury need the fo all right thank you Melina I should have downloaded The Goth goth melan mod it's not too late it's okay chat is anybody there all right we should probably get Kenneth seed I don't know if I'm going to be able to kill him though grant me Su fan daggers is the meta yeah so I can get fan daggers from patches but I'm going to need to be able to kill patches in the first place all right so we've got the daggers and the cies I don't know how many of these poop pots we should make like four oh man we're going to okay yeah I don't I don't know we're going to need a decent amount for patches I'm thinking our next Target should be patches so we can get fan dagger youing little th the gods demand repentance cough up your coin all of it I think we should try to hit him with the pot okay nice we poisoned ourself which isn't good but we just need to get a big bleed proc chat wae I Surrender oh does he surren I thought he Sur I thought he was lower HP when he surrendered finally come have you I knew you would you're a lady of Reason through and through that CER in his chest though all right uh fand daggers are kind of expensive Che for that okay we have 40 throwing daggers 30 Kies 20 fan daggers and poison this can't kill marget I don't know what can all right we're going to we're going to open up with the poop pots dude I it's going to poison me though it applies so much hit him as well dude marget is yeah he he's going to get wrecked I honestly I could probably kill him with just the ceries alone ceries are so good yeah passing I need to stop being so C I mean I still got heals left it's fine but uh dude you bastard Chad I'm getting bullied by marget you just get locked in place so long when you C cre throwing daggers are really nice though nice whoa what what the [ __ ] what was that all right goodbye all right you know it's not my finest fight chat but we got him got we got the job done level up I don't know if I want to level up yet why is my game lag what the hell is going on oh my goodness hello hello hello why am I at [ __ ] two FPS what is happening yeah I need to restart the game okay seems we're all right now all right well got a poison going I mean luckily with consum bbls we can just keep our distance which makes this pretty chill when he goes into phase two though it can get a little dicey okay he is just like spamming that okay he is actually just spamming that though oh [Music] to when he did that attack I oh man okay okay uh that's all right it's all right [Music] man I missed fighting good bosses spam [Music] c yeah this this fight is fine we have such we actually have such good damage oh did he just reflect that we should get a bleed proc soon you know I shouldn't have used the fan daggers actually in retrospect I am the Lord that was that was fine not too shabby all right limb grave has been unlocked where do we go now kalid or Leonia I mean I think rala will be fine with keres and throwing daggers she doesn't have that much health if I go to Leonia I could get the jellyfish shield no it's it's going to take oh no okay something really weird is happening with like something is causing this yo this this is that's so weird man uh we can get Frost pots in Kia Manor though right so that's nice is the frost pot cookbook this oh my goodness forgot how dangerous these guys are um there was something I wanted to grab over here I I don't even remember what why I wanted to come over here now oh yeah I wanted to go to jarb but I can't well actually I could get to jarur but I would need to do the Forbidden Tech this is just going to kill me dude I'll try it a few times I'm so going to die oh God that's a bit too far I think all right I'll try one more time or I'll TR try to get one more zip hey I was in jarur for like a Split Second hey I teleported there and then it like bounced me back or something I don't know dude Zips are so cursed oh my God all right all right I'm going to die I don't I don't even know if I should try to grab this dude how tanky are these guys oh this was a mistake this was a mistake yeah this is just cursed all right you know what chat I'm I'm I'm not I'm not going for that okay we're going to do like really really high damage here Dam it what I just threw a kri by pressing the weapon art button I'm so [Music] confused all right well well that was good I need to go to Patches actually I should I should go to Patches I think before I try rala oh well it's me patches hello patches oh you can have 40 of these holy moly is it nighttime yeah let's kill the death bird why not can't you like go up on this or something and just I don't want them to miss well they [Music] missed got him got 110 throwables for renala surely that's enough I think we'll be all right with with golden bow and Jellyfish am I playing with my ass cheeks shut the [ __ ] up I'm having a good time all right all right here we go [Music] all right I'm I'm not sure if I can get a bleed proc if I just Spam cies all right everybody relax I think we'll get a bleed frog [Music] yeah renala is so weak [Music] dude do need to be careful for her magic though do a lot of damage [Music] those going to fire off they [Music] are come over giant he's tank he's tanking my throwables I need this bleed proc dude maybe I should just stick to the fan [Music] daggers I must I must be close to a bed a bleed proc though no what why oh Jesus okay I have like D I need to put my heal on my quick bar or I need to hold down the button I don't know scrolling through like seven items to get to my heal bleed PR no [Music] please all right yeah and you can hold down the button to go to the first item in your quick slots oh that's the far one oh okay [Music] okay I'm I'm I'm throwing just die will you little Ron my dear daugh what a fight yeah thr are oh no no why does this happen well I got to restart my game again well we killed rala um Caleb now I guess chat all right you know what I'm going to go to kia Manor and get the frost pot recipe at the very least okay so the festival should have started cuz I did Ronnie's Quest right right Chad [Music] all right we're buffed up he dodged he dodged again he dodged again Dam oh that's going to hit I don't like this guy I'm going to get [ __ ] up by this dude and Dagger up the ass oh no fine he's so aggressive oh oh no what the throwing daggers are not bad the head shot are really nice too no I so greedy oh really okay see like look at this I'm in a [ __ ] tent who decided to put this tent in the freaking Arena dude and another table and another table I shouldn't have went for that oh oh not the tent not the table what are you freaking kidding me okay die you rat can you poison Crucible Knight come on that's so loud all right we got him [Music] poison I think the fan daggers should be the most to him need to be careful once he pulls out his tail though that sound effect is like so loud I did not throw two of those I pressed it [ __ ] once death to poison Stone nice so I'm not sure if I should fight him grounded or just it's pretty good damage I should probably poison him though okay nice I was able to get head shots oh man this damage is so good it kind of scares me fighting him on the for pack a little bit I'm not going to lie he not using to it I really should just stay near his feet when he does this attack I tried the eye frame it but I didn't use my physic je oh [ __ ] me oh no no woo die dude fan tagers are pagers sorry I should have been using them sooner they're so good oh my God all right good fight say hi to Alex not going to kill Alex we want his innards we'll just kill him later I'm just going to do his quest line chat I'm a liar what do you mean I'm doing his quest line just you wait and see friend just you wait all right to alus plateau that's pretty good damage that's fine just tank tank that no problem oh yeah I can poison this guy I think fan daggers will destroy like everything to be honest definitely not bad the insta my God all right well consumables are op in this game sounds like you're using a Glock the sound effect for the fan daggers is so it's so loud yeah I should get ritual sword Talisman that's a good idea all right well I'm just going to demolish this boss probably right well band daggers I didn't even use my physic man God so much for challenge run it's ridiculous all right let's go kill morgot our Buffs consumables well I asked Chad if I should do this run with Buffs and everybody told me yes so now chat's going to be like oh blaming Chad again uh I want to try to go for the skip I'm okay I'm okay little rusty okay dude the skip is hard all right just use cheat engine to get you there oh okay yeah you want all right yeah yeah you want to see some [ __ ] cheat engine all right no why did it go so short why was it so short man all right listen Chad zipping is not easy okay that's that's great all right we'll give it one more shot beautiful actually I can't even remember if you can go in this way I don't think you can nope all right this fight is going to be a [Music] Slaughter this is like fand daggers are actually just insane me I I just these things are better than oh shoot I can just kill him with I don't even need anything else no I can't throw them midair ban dagger only run the throwing daggers are pretty good though too ah all right that was fun consumables are op they they actually are fand daggers are cracked they're so good no pots I honestly think I can just fand dagger morgot he doesn't have that much health no don't don't get farted on careful okay we poisoned him St by my curse can th heart in this shall not be forgiven that did not hit me that's not what I wanted to use I have too many items what let me Dodge I'm hello I'm dodging okay all right all right I see how it is Mor [Music] okay oh no oh my God I thought he was going to die okay that was a fun fight this shouldn't be fun why all right oh we did it do you guys think I'm going to have enough to kill fire giant right now po poison rot I don't have rot though I haven't been to the lake of rot yet rot is a requirement here feel like you're probably right honestly I think we're just I'm going to try it I'm going to try it come on [ __ ] 280 wait that's actually that's actually pretty good damage though oh nice oh [ __ ] all right no we we can do this I I I think I should be staying on the horse I need to keep I need to just keep it up with the kries until I get a bleed frock hopefully oh there we go nice poison him what oh no what what is he doing no no bad fire giant sorry it's been a while with fire giant he's he scares me oh my goodness who needs Rod anyways all right I don't think we want to go to faram yet thing is I I'm really not sure I'm going to be able to deal with God skin Duo without having more Buffs and without having rot I think I need to go get the rot pot at the very least so we need to go down to nakron and kill deusi nice golden bow how did I miss bro you know that only works once right okay yeah keep keep buffing up there you go oh my I love how him the animation of the mimic putting his hand up is making me miss my [ __ ] CER here I have some band baggers we got him I'm using fists would have been more of a challenge it actually would have it would have been harder to kill him because he would have dodged way more often all right I think we should be okay on damage I mean we just killed fire giant we can handle a moose I'm to try we got him oh yeah keep going oh yeah vanand daggers goodbye moosey that was faster than with an actual weapon this is just easy mode all right all right oh yeah oh yeah yeah keep going yeah more oh c c all right I'm getting a bit low on fan dagger so oh that's not good oh big damage and the first one went down a lot easier oh I got enough enough left nice I didn't use the physic well it doesn't matter oh fia's Champions are going to be horrible yeah they're going to dodge most of my attacks is the problem excuse me excuse me okay all right I thought I was like you know I'll just dodge the combo and then I'll throw the the fan daggers but the combo it didn't end it didn't end what you mean excuses that's what happened man oh insta poison I don't know this fight is just so toxic I honestly feel like I should just wait for the poison it's just not consistent to get hits on these guys I'm if I'm running away from them well I don't I don't know it's it probably depends what attack they did they did see this is the thing I'm just like I don't have the P it's all about patience and sometimes I just don't have it nice that's it's not great but okay will you stop that he's got to be okay nice nice nice all right we got the poison slow and steady chat that's how you do it wait for his attack throw a knife play it like a no hitr Runner so my hope here is just to get them all poisoned up okay they're gang banging me I don't like this oh my [ __ ] god ouch oh I hate liono so much I just need a poison man [Music] please okay nice nice that is so good all right that's perfect oh that's good too that's good all right oh oh oh my God okay that's what I'm talking about baby [Music] all right we need to be bro stop pleas please lonol stop spamming that we need to get him with it when he cast The Magic that's what we have to do or if he does the okay nice I don't know if I'm going to hit this [ __ ] [ __ ] okay it's fine still have the other poison St nice that's good oh this guy dude I can't hit you and then you like move an inch to the side while you're casting and I also missed okay oh we got him he's poisoned oh CER to the face all right that was a pain in the ass but we got him that was greedy that was actually so greedy and I honestly could have died cuz of it but I did didn't all right we got to go get the ancestral blade all right chat there's a skip here so if you damn it that's not the skip that's not the skip all right so you just land there and then that's it okay uh now that we got the curse mark we can uh go do four to sacks which hopefully shouldn't be that bad damn this damage is good go to town my God some of them are connecting oh ouch oh my God nice fight I do wish for sax was a bit stronger you're meant to go early yeah but who's going to go here early like it's so it's so it's so hidden so we're going to get rot pots in the lake a rot and then we're going to kill a spell that's the [Music] plan all right here we go [Music] chat just keep swinging oh my goodness all right oh these fan daggers are just insane okay so commander Nile I guess do the skip oh you already know it beautiful oh my [Music] God nice yeah that's perfect I guess I can just outs space it like that okay nice proc he really likes that attack [Music] chat dude what is going on with this boss doesn't he have more attack than this like I'm so confused he's literally doing the same attack I guess it's because I'm I'm keeping distance I don't know so from this point though I can just choose to go wherever I want really if I go to moog's area I can get bleed pots which I think is a good idea we can use the bleed pots on Moog as well which will be pretty good I I I think I actually should maybe get the physic all right relax lady I'm not doing any damage oh oh what the she's crazy how are you not what like how are these missing Point Blank dude I don't understand I just get so impatient it's so triggering dude oh my God okay okay I need to be careful this is when he's most dangerous she okay we did it okay chat let's try Moog all right Moog I think the CU the thing is moog can't Dodge so I think he's going to get kind of [ __ ] up honestly oh that's going to hit me all right we poisoned them that was a greedy hit but it's okay weed proc oh Jesus I forgot how delayed that is my God all right we're just going to reuff during this that hit me okay that's [Music] fine yeah I need to poison him [Music] again okay we got a [Music] [Music] poison I can see clean all right nice fight that was fun I think I'm just going to have to do Millennia like a normal fight and just punish her when you know she can't Dodge there's there's like I too many items in my hot bar though honestly Inc comfortable I just want to go to town with the with the fan daggers and all the Buffs up honestly oh no oh the buffer oh jeez oh I almost ran back into that scary I got three F here just laugh woo all right not bad Millennia is not going to be quite as easy though yeah I'll see if I can leave stuff outside the fog gate okay yeah so it still works so I can't I can drop stuff it's it's a lot of setup but I mean I could drop like 200 fan daggers the fan daggers do a lot of damage we just need to use the fan daggers that's really all there is to it for the most part I think I'm going to unequip the other stuff what the lady I can't do anything when you maybe I should just my Buffs are run like my Buffs ran out I I see this is why I like the throwing daggers I actually might I should I think I should drop a set of band daggers and throwing daggers simultaneously Maybe it's not great damage but lady I don't know the throwing I mean it's [ __ ] slow but it's steady it's C it's certainly the safest way of dpsing her compared to the fan daggers that's a yikes man I got stuck on her a little bit not giving up on the poison come on dude it's okay we got the poison ow [Music] it's only P1 I [Music] know I I hate when she's just passive like I don't know what to do I get so impatient I don't want to bait out and attack God P2 is going to be so [ __ ] they don't they actually don't reach I do have to free oh that's a ni [Music] bro oh my God she did the [ __ ] delay too what the [Music] hell can't use two free that oh yeah she's not at full HP though that's nice I mean I can try I'll just try the Swarm pots like as punishes I [Music] [Music] guess any bleed procs God he su ass [Music] dude there we go all right you know maybe I could get another poison on her it might be worth [Music] trying no I didn't oh [Music] Fu I didn't I didn't want to do that either oh I'm I'm I'm throwing that hit me okay I'm Giga throwing now she's what it's P2 why are you walking poison wor I don't know man I'm going for it now I don't [Music] care she's poisoned [Music] [Music] the [Music] oh my God okay extraordinary that was scary Oh I thought I choked at the end man all right that was uh like a 25 minute fight uh I don't know guys Riker is going to be I need to get all 10 ritual Pots if I'm going to do rikard Riker is just going to be so unun man oh you know what I can go get all right I'm going to go get golden bow okay [Music] classic I knew he was going to good night that seemed easy yep I mean I'm level level 10 so fairly strong at at this point all right it's time chat he's already poisoned look at that he bleed proc honestly I just think I need a ton of C yeah this isn't bad at all feel like this this is well okay I guess we haven't made it to phase 2 yet to be fair but yeah I mean I've got rod and frost pods withs so feel like it'll be fine oh no I'm okay I could definitely just kill him with fan daggers for the rest you're hitting him in the head does a lot out all right I think we got him poison okay this is like not bad at all dude compared to some of the [ __ ] I've done this is like not bad the damage is good I mean we're going to be able to get another rock proc and another Frost proc so I don't even think I need any of the items I dropped at the P honestly okay nice we got him rotted wow one Frost pot again holy crap oh my that Brock did so much okay that fight was like not bad at all oh my God I was so much more worried about that than I needed to be uh yeah so we're going to faram now we're going to be it's going to be a Boss Rush pretty much after this so run should be finishing up shortly uh well I would like to sleep them both at the same time I don't know if it's going to happen though all right let's just Spam him with volcano CLS wait does it have to be a direct HP nice okay well I missed one but that was a double so that's [Music] good [Music] oh what get out of the way fatty okay I misplay that how much does it take to poison these guys probably not much oh yeah all right we're going to let him roll over here where's this [Applause] guy I'm being a little greedy oh that's going to hit me [ __ ] blint Stone I could have used sleep more but whatever I'm it's not not really necessary honestly we're going to go pay our respects to Alexander chat don't touch him he's waiting for us ah I see you finally made it here yourself you are ready then I take it then let us begin I am the great jaar warrior I am Alexander lend me strength oh Warrior oh he's immune to fire let us become one Champion whoa holy that does a lot of damage Alex you're getting strong I think this is the longest he's ever survived oh as expected victory was impossible this vessel was found lacking the [ __ ] animation is so brutal it's it's so brutal poor Alexander it's okay we're going to go give his cuz the the strength of Warriors all right tons of volcano pots these things are freaking strong man so yeah we're just going to rock these bad boys cool we are ready to go yep we're going to go to oh God see damage isn't bad go for a bleed [Music] frog h i there the big proc fire up the butt and there's so much damage fall off on oh shoot oh shoot I might have messed up so much damage wow wasn't sure how far towards the front nice okay that was a fun fight struggling less with this than a normal run okay I don't know about that but most normal runs don't have 25 minute long Millennia fights will not have stolen from me a dam he actually like a decent amount of resistance okay see what I mean this is what I'm talking about what's up oh wow he gets poisoned so easily I didn't even try the volcano pod if you jump if you know you're going to get hit by that attack chat and you jump you'll take a lot less damage by the way at least most of the time yes well obviously dodging it is preferred I'm just saying if you know you're going to get hit cuz you messed up jumping it's a good way to mitigate the damage I think Gideon will be okay with uh fire pots or volcano pots should be all right ah come to stand before the Elden ring to become Elden Lord give him a taste of our volan I commend your spirit but alas no she'll take the throne Queen Mar has hopes for us we continue to strle on eternity oh no working pretty well in my I mean it wasn't perfect but it was pretty goodbye Gideon cannot kill get potted a god oh dang I used up all my volcano Stones oh no every build breaks the game I don't know about that I mean you know what makes the game easy beating it a 100 times or even more than that hundreds of times all right oh he's stinky already that was Qui me get a be fro H could be still [Music] up this phase transition really this low I never noticed I always felt like it was at half Health but guess not that's perfect I I'll take that trade that's a good trade with the giant plan oh it's a single hit interesting there's a lot [Music] though t all right fun fight all right let's finish off this run chat let's see how much damage we do to ragon with this I just hope he doesn't reflect my pots 2400 all right I mean it's not bad it's not amazing I but oh my God I rolled way too early okay okay Chad I'm being way too greedy right now no don't hit me [ __ ] all okay everything's fine chat man I'm taking so much much damage to it's fine chat me yeah I I the Giants Flames are really good it's just like damage oh man okay one damage oil pot yeah well it it doubles the damage of the Giants flame so it's not bad van dagger time chat I guess blue dancer might actually I do not like that attack being very oh Jesus being very rude right now oh yeah like look at that not working wo oh my God not even close you know just had to be out of out of heels to really put the pressure on all right GG that was a fun run Millennia definitely the hardest fight for sure our seed will look back upon us and recall an age of [Music] fracture
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 165,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden, Ring, Challenge, Run, Distortion, from, software, miyazaki, elden ring, consumables, only, consumables only, region, locked, regionlocked
Id: 84x0FUw4Bs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 10sec (5350 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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