Elden Ring Lore | Perfumers and Omenkillers

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here was the secret of happiness about which philosophers had disputed happiness might now be bought for a penny and carried in the waste coat pocket portable ecstasies might be had corked up in a pint bottle the power to alter body and mind with the gifts of nature is like nothing else if power can corrupt lords and gods then the power held by healers has its own temptations everyone in positions of trust and influence in the lands between will have their own particular vices the history of the perfumers is a history of healers who cannot swear to have done no harm the perfumer's power is the ability to influence the mind and the body but not only of their patients there are side effects to the craft both on patient and perfumer perfuming is an age-old practice in the lands between its influence has dispersed to many cultures throughout eldon ring more than we can know we will share here what we have discovered about perfumers some who profess to do good some who descend to depravity and some who commit such violence that their own emotions need to be silenced farewell to smiles and laughter farewell to peace of mind farewell to hope and to tranquil dreams and to the blessed consolations of sleep the history of perfumers in our own world is not a spotless one nature creates the purest ingredients and to make an exceptional perfume you must draw from nature these ingredients cannot be obtained by someone with an overactive conscience some more well-known animals that were slaughtered in history for the sake of perfumes were deer and whales but the victims are many and diverse these living breathing products fell victim to a soaring market price once their scent potential was discovered and a single planned or duct was worth killing the whole beast for without other alternatives to meet market demand greed is always the rule and as always in a from software game if the inspirations in the real world are dark then we should be ready to descend much deeper into human darkness let us discover the depths of the perfumers in the world of eldon ring perfumers come to exist quite early so too do miranda flowers who emerge even earlier than perfumers we know both of these facts thanks to the description of one item miranda powder throughout human history perfumers have prized this pollen perfumers miranda flowers and inevitably trade around this ingredient has existed in the world almost since records began for this age whether this is after the war against the giants from which the new rulers started its own history all perfumers emerged even before that date is unknown there is no evidence of perfumers fighting in the giant war but we cannot be sure this dating shows that trade around perfumes and the ingredients that make them is very basic to the lands between even if the secrets of the craft are not widely dispersed the beginnings of perfuming likely begins naturally starting with accidental discoveries in nature with simple blind luck and a bit of risky experimentation just as in our own ancient civilizations many discoveries are made over time the effects of pollen resin fruits roots or any other gifts of nature cannot help but be stumbled upon eventually even animals get drunk by mistake and most poisons or delights of nature are intended to be stumbled upon by the plants or animals who made them they are designed for effect the effect of miranda pollen on humans may be pleasant before perfumers work with it because the miranda flower needs to tempt its prey within striking distance the discoveries in elden ring are different to our world scent in elden ring can have a much more powerful effect on the mind and body we shouldn't assume the senses are as limited as in our world once the effects of these scents are discovered these unique natural ingredients are so powerful that they can either heal or harm to use them on oneself or others can immediately make you a healer an entertainer a tormentor an illusionist or a dream creator so begins the culture of the perfumers though from these simple beginnings we can already smell the seeds of moral rot one crafting force is the ingredient that from earliest history to the present day perfumers cannot deny themselves miranda flower pollen their most essential ingredient it has always commanded a price and perfumers have always paid it but the cost to produce is stated clearly in the item description the plant is a man-eating miranda flower and the miranda flowers ash's item description leaves no doubt spirits of sweet little miranda flowers carnivorous blossoms that feed upon human flesh this means that perfumers must harm in the first step of their healing process the other corrupting aspect is the sheer potency of the craft a perfumer in a position of trust has such power over others of their body and mind that anyone would be tempted not to mention in a sea of supply the thought must arise to influence one's own mind these unavoidable temptations will always stalk the perfumers and many will not be able to resist miranda flowers themselves deserve to be discussed these flowers are referred to in item descriptions and ashes as though they are sentient the item descriptions are sarcastic about the miranda flowers calling them sweet and little darlings but we doubt this sarcasm applies to whether the miranda flowers are conscious they can move and react to us if we are aggressive towards them they seem to have a relationship with the various sects of perfumers staying non-aggressive even with close contact and likely while perfumers harvest some of their pollen given their diet requirements it is likely to be a symbiotic relationship and the flowers can understand not to bite the hand that feeds them it is also probable that their pollen is so potent precisely because they have aspects of humanity within them coursing through them not only do miranda flowers feed on human flesh they may have a human origin a cut content item describes who may be the first of the species miranda maiden of the flower crucible is said to have been the very first of this breed in game they are called miranda flowers which is a human name it is also a name beginning with m which is similar to melania and milicent who gary states can bloom to what if any extent there is some genetic or environmental crossover between these women and miranda flowers is a mystery for now but there is some core humanity in miranda flowers and indeed one flower is literally called miranda we find her so close to the other boss in the room that they could almost be talking and yet she does not aggress to him if there is some core humanity before this transformation to flowers it would likely make the pollen all the more effective on humans the innovation of perfuming comes from nature first the essential plants and gardens exist in the wild well before heavy cultivation or a community and culture around perfumes develops even today the traveller's robe says that this travelling perfumer was searching for new gardens in the wild with new plants it is natural to find pockets of certain plants in nature and at first it will have been wild foraging that fed the craft harvesting these lucky pockets of abundance and occasionally natural gardens gives the perfumers their start if the forefathers of perfuming are not in landau or the city that may have been leonel before the earth tree the capital city makes sure to have all the perfumers under its roof before the craft spreads elsewhere as with every craft a lot of experimentation begins in these early stages with time a whole range of ingredients are found to be useful everything from glowing moss to formic rock many more are surely yet to be discovered even today unfortunately many that are found to be useful are also dangerous to find or toxic to handle this immediately makes their supply difficult and their purchase expensive soon a simple solution is found and perfumers start cultivating their own gardens where they can grow their own supply of ingredients this cuts out the complexity of sourcing themselves or the cost of a middle man the value of the ingredients is still so high and the process of growing the plants still so morally unpleasant that they build and grow these gardens in secret protected from theft and the judgment of the public whether hidden on the fringes of the highlands or obscured by shadows inside caves the flowers blossom in secret waiting to impart their scent of course the perfumers can't grow everything however and there will be a market for selling certain risky or hard to find ingredients to perfumers even with their own gardens products which can influence the mind will always have demand which outstrips supply so a commerce continues to rise around perfumers and perfuming with ingredients coming from as far as the eternal city and the angel this diversity of supply gives the perfumers the interactions and connections to influence and be influenced to learn from teach and be corrupted the capital seeks to jealously guard the craft of the perfumers the first reason is because of its immense power well beyond mere healing it is not simply as in the eyes of the many a blessed apothecary this fortunate opinion of the public gives the impression of something mild but a means of changing the mind the emotions altering the lens with which a person or people see the world such a power ought to be guarded it might even be useful to have the general public perceive it as simply another form of healing what it is believed to be truly is and might become are all different the other reason for this jealousy is because of the natural interconnectedness when a craft needs ingredients from across the lands you don't have to be overprotective of what is locked in a basement but the perfumers need to acquire products from many different corners of the world and lane dell doesn't want this power seeded elsewhere one ingredient that perfectly illustrates the risk is a silver tear husk used even today in leyendale perfume inventions which meant contact with a city that eventually committed heresy some steps the capital takes are very common steps for a society wishing to maintain loyalty as well as keeping costs low the cultivation of ingredients as close as possible to the capital will stop those trying to tempt perfumers away with offers the perfumers grotto a prime example of a perfumer run cultivation sits just outside the capital walls at the closest possible point to the capital where such wild and dangerous plants can be grown the capital also makes sure that the path of becoming a perfumer is one that takes a lot of sunken cost it doesn't allow a perfumer to be accredited to earn the respect until they have reached a very high level of training a long commitment to achieve a license is always a sunken cost and what takes time to earn is hard to give up a position of respect in society the anchor of responsibility and pride a reliable craft to earn their way a feeling of doing good all of this will prevent perfumers from straying for the most part their outfits signify their duty and their allegiance the urgery is proudly displayed on their apron the weight of the robe and even the chains upon it remind them of their responsibility to say goodbye to the center of perfumer learning and all of the social benefits of the capital wouldn't be a common thought and if you considered it you would be risking the wrath of the most powerful faction in the world most of the perfumers would stay loyal as the culture and craft of the perfumers develops over time long periods of time it becomes incomparably richer and deeper the evidence is all around the capital whole rooms are devoted to perfumer work mountains of books and scrolls complex plant cultivation custom-made bottles and diffusers the role of perfumer has progressed to one that has a depth which taken far enough truly makes a master bottles have been made likely of an extremely complex design to operate the mixing and timing the container may be what allows the nuance for perfume's creation like the delicate crafting of a firework how it releases itself over time is likely how the effect is achieved as we travel the lands between we cannot make a perfume a concoction without these essential bottles such is the level of even this small aspect of the craft the healers at this point work with both body and mind some to such a level that they become renowned for the most part these masters play their roles in society as is expected of them and the perfumers enjoy a stable period of history but at some point this piece is troubled by the arrival of a new type of creature in the world omens omens are human or born to humans but they appear monstrous horned and brutish they are viewed as cursed and unclean by the society of landel and the lands between a newborn of any social class can suffer be they royal or commoner and both do suffer please don't hate me or curse me a commoner zomen child has its horns amputated with most dying in the process if they survive they may be used for their brute strength as adults royals keep their horns avoiding the operation and so most survive they are allowed to live but it is not a good life they are locked up and hidden away deep below the capital for the rest of their days some special royals even have magic seals made binding them to the very ground of course we can presume that for the first omens and certainly for the first royal omens no system was in place it was a totally new thing to have mothers giving birth to omens who would know what to do the first royal omen to be born wouldn't have been locked away after all a mother wouldn't give up so fast even of an omen the prattling pate you're beautiful aptly describes a mother's emotions unconditional love unrestrained assurance a mother would want the omen healed and who are the healers to the royals of landau the perfumers to this very day some perfumers go on to seek a cure the healing would have been attempted using every bit of ingenuity the perfume has possessed but it failed omens seemed and still seem to be incurable so began the amputation and imprisonment of the omens respective to social class a simple expedient solution the emergence of omens in history was a long time ago we know they have been around since antiquity thanks to a certain famous gentleman we will discuss in a moment during this period of attempted healing and in the time since the perfumers got to know the omens amputating their horns allowed the perfumers to learn the nature of the horns influencing their minds allowed them to learn their emotions sitting beside them and communicating with them allowed them to learn their dreams the dagger talisman states a sense of mercy is a catalyst for bloodlust how interesting that this item also refers to healers in this case surgeons whose roles warped into those who delivered the merciful finishing blow that grew bloodlust within them the position of healer is always a position of trust needing to be healed means you are inherently more vulnerable than when you are healthy a sufferer will not show weakness to an enemy if they can help it they will not beg please don't hate me or curse me they will not reveal their sadness or the fear in their nightmares but to a healer at some point the omens did reveal their fears the deep fears of their dream and one perfumer a master craftsman of the mind and emotions decided to use this knowledge for a whole new purpose by this point omen births had become more numerous if any were born outside landau they may have been beyond the possibility of early amputation even those born within the capital might keep their horns if a mother kept the child secret or the pregnancy secret from the beginning for fear of the consequences if the child was born omen it would add to the mature omen numbers it was inevitable that adult omen would increase in the vast lands of the world there needed to be an additional solution leondelle's amputations and prisons were not enough so one perfumer stood up to try and solve this problem the man to take the first step in a new craft was called roller rollo had worked with emotions as a perfumer for long enough to reach the highest rank and status he was a master but his renown extended beyond his peers he was literally famous so rollo embarked on a new task a new solution and he brought all his learning and skill with him to begin his task he needed to twist up his conscience and silence his emotions after a lifetime of changing emotions strengthening them releasing them he now attempts to delete them remarkably rollo succeeds and then begins with total calm to hunt omens and kill them it would be simple to think of rollo as a villain the omens are not chosen to be born as they are and can be gentle even moral characters who do what they believe is right for leonel and the lands between to hunt and slaughter them makes rollo seem a twisted soul who takes pleasure in the butchery and mayhem of his new craft except that he couldn't have he couldn't feel any pleasure after imbibing his physique so why start this new journey at all omens themselves might explain it it is obvious from many items in dialogue that omens are not all monstrous they are sentient as intelligent as any other characters in the world kept underground away from language culture and human interaction anyone would be mute confused and aggressive so they have been born and dealt a very poor hand and the world for the most part believes them cursed and unclean beings that may signify or bring about a terrible future for the land now while it is important to be empathetic when trying to understand a from software game what if this hate or revulsion wasn't totally mistaken let's look at the possibility that omens are a risk to the world or to the order of the world as it is now morgot is a character who wants to protect the urgery and the order of the world everything he says and does seems to fit this pattern and what about his sword it states that moore got recanted and sealed away his cursed blood cursed here isn't a quote or an opinion and morgot himself did the sealing and recanting during our fight with him at a certain point we hurt him enough for his curse to emerge he says the thrones stained by my curse such shame i cannot bear from the mouth of an omen it is called a curse and he says he is ashamed is this indoctrination or is this simply that omen blood and horns are counter to or a risk to the urgery and the current order every item description that deals with omen horns calls them hideous and most frequently loathsome once again these words are not in quotes it doesn't seem to be an opinion as though under the current rules they are so just as something is heavy or light in our world one omen boss the fel twins shows the stark difference of horns and what leaving them on can allow to happen the omen with horns has spirits emerging and flying at us the amputated omen merely attacks with his axe perhaps what is loadsome is the effect that can be achieved with the horns and is therefore to some extent inherent to the horns the biggest sign that omens may be a threat to the balance of things is the seed bed curse the dung eater manages to apply this curse this man is no master craftsman and yet even him with just a handful of omen horns can afflict someone with a tender pox this pox is so powerful that it prevents dead souls returning to the urgery leaving them forever cursed so understanding omens fully is for another time but it seems the things in the lands between are complex it is unlikely that the prejudice against omens is based purely on looks let us return to rollo and look at his choices in the light of omens being a real risk to the state of the world we must remember rollo was a renowned perfumer this status should give us a clue to the type of choice the man made he has no need to change his work for greater fame if he sought to commit depraved acts or enjoyed causing suffering he was already in a position of trust with his patients he could have easily enjoyed causing pain keeping the position he had and no one would have suspected in fact he has a lot to lose if he makes a big change his whole life his relationships the professional respect he has earned the freedom to practice what he is best at all of it would have been lost if he followed a path of violence for his own enjoyment it may instead have been rollo because it required someone capable of halting their emotions layendale may have required someone who was up to the task he alone at that point in history had the ability to do this so he took up a role that despite its unpleasantness leonel viewed as necessary a solution was needed even if it was appalling but it was in pursuit of this solution that rolo acted not from evil brollo doesn't turn off his emotions because he is unfeeling he turns them off because he does feel empathy for the omens they are not to blame for their birth and he knows it this empathy prevents him from being effective it gets in the way of what he believes or what the capital believes is necessary whether that belief is right or wrong is to be explored with a look dedicated to omens but for perfumer rollo imbibing his physic was a sacrifice facing such a nightmarish labor he stops his emotions all of them sacrificing all the good ones in the process so he can operate unflinchingly the perfumers are not against this and nor is leonel after rollo paves the way the perfumers split off a branch into a new profession the sect of omen killers to this day the omen killers still have a working relationship with the lay and l perfumers as we see them together in various perfumer outposts the most notable example being the perfumers grotto on the edge of the capital when we meet the omen killers themselves they certainly operate with a ruthlessness that seems void of emotion what is immediate on first impression is their equipment it is certainly unique their garb honors rollo their founder the robe is thick like rollos thick enough leather to take the impact of omen horns and traditional like the perfumers robes aprons are worn by doctors and healers experimenters with volatile substances and butchers the perfumers have now filled all of these categories the omen killer mask is inspired from knowledge picked up while attempting to help omens secrets about their nightmares shared to perfumers in positions of trust are now turned against them hideous and taunting the mask is in the appearance of an evil spirit which haunts the omen in their dreams called an elder what an elder is or elder of what is uncertain the curving horn is omen-like and the face is twisted in a mocking expression made so that the omen killer seems to take pleasure in the violence which of course they cannot but the effect on the hunted is undeniable the perfumers are practiced at influencing the mind and the emotions and those lessons carry over beyond perfumes key words in the omen items butchery slaughter implies a great deal of ease as well as a sense of the human to non-human we butcher a cow and slaughter a pig and the word butchery may imply some usage of the corpse despite the danger of their horns there may be some use in them too to perfumers or to omen killers themselves at the very least the omen killers use these horns to fashion their weapons their monstrous cleavers are likely very effective against omens like with like just as sharp dragon scales do extra damage to dragons perhaps the horns may nullify the slain's chances to return to the urgery not to mention the fear the weapon would create as an omen killer charged forward to cull your species numbers these hunts go on and on rollo and those inspired by him right until the present day another cultural impact the perfumers have on the world is on the beginnings of the deathbed companions when healing fails a perfumer may ease the passing of the dying they have all the tools to make the passage to death gentler they can influence emotions and sensations relaxing the patient calming them dulling the pain or even perhaps replacing it we find perfumers in layendale doing this same kindness enemies who we cannot do damage to but who are not fully dead receive perfumer attention to calm the mind to give them a gentle passing this is said to be similar to the origins of the deathbed companions implying that the deathbed companions may have discovered their own craft by simply helping those at death's door feel better only to then discover what was possible the baldicon's blessing is described as a favor which allows one to forget any aches and pains which is remarkably like the perfumer's last recourse is this just a coincidence and the deathbed companions emerged independently from the perfumers and the two are unrelated to each other we think it is more than a coincidence and that perfume has some time ago had a real influence on the origins of the deathbed companions when we find the deathbed dress we are in landau near perfumers and perfumer rooms we are in a building which is decorated with images of elegant flowers with their pollen stamens on display and there is an omen killer nearby on top of that when we find fear she has plants that we also find in perfumer rooms and perfumer incense diffusers much of her equipment looks very like what is in leondale perfumer rooms while we cannot know the exact history it seems that the role of perfumers had an impact on the creation of the deathbed companions and there was at least a flow of knowledge from perfumers towards the deathbed companions for some time the emergence of deathbed companions happened long ago enough for them to embed themselves in the culture and in some lands become deeply respected this takes deep time in fia's land it is seen as a sacred act this likely puts it well before the shattering for something to grow as a craft to spread throughout the lands develop its own techniques and garments earn respect and eventually be sought after by champions and lords means its beginnings were long ago indeed there has even passed enough lifetimes to understand that only once in a lifetime does a deathbed companion give up a radiant baldicon's blessing once again the influence of the perfumer seems to have diffused everywhere what other cultural splintering happens during the perfumer's history one subtle one is noticeable today during their service the perfumers meet others who serve the pages during leonel's long existence the perfumers and the pages both attend to nobles and lords they would inevitably talk and get to know each other and the evidence of the page's relationship with perfumers is obvious everywhere pages are found in perfumer rooms in the capital more frequently than perfumers themselves and can be found face to face over a bar perhaps about to share a pint another splintering is towards anti-herd tree sentiment while most anti-leonel perfumers arise much later it is inevitable that some perfumers resent their masters and wish to explore perfuming further without regulations some arts are banned by leonel and much of this banning is unlikely to be during the war of the shattering once perfuming spreads to the enemy to whom leondel's authority doesn't reach a ban wouldn't make sense with such high numbers certain perfumers would always stray from the straight and narrow after all with so many ingredients just sitting there it's only a matter of time before some of them start testing on themselves indeed poison spray mist reveals that even when perfumer arts were still restorative perfume powder was held in the mouth before being expelled if healing with morphine required the same method how long until there would be such problems given time and overuse some self-destruction cannot be avoided the seeds of depravity and heresy now start to appear amongst the perfumers of course even perfumers who stay loyal to leonel and stick to the rules cannot claim a clear conscience they too show the signs of overexposure if the substances are held in the mouth even for restorative arts then perhaps we cannot blame them but we cannot deny the ingredients for these medicines flowers that feed on human flesh are these perfumers better than those straying from the rules or are they just better perceived in the eyes of the capital to heal a lord is worth more than a hundred commoner lives no doubt and how much of a commoner's time or well-being is worth a lord's good sleep or vibrant daydream whatever uses the perfume has put the pollen too the plants must be fed so perfumers and their sets range from the hypocritical to the gruesome but all of this will turn for the worse with the shattering as the demigods rise against each other a great war breaks out the perfumers still loyal to leondell fight for the capital what was once a craft reserved for healing with occasional deviance in the ranks is now recruited for warfare given shields of gold to mark their loyalty and their importance to the capital their new war equipment is light it is meant to be used by the body of a healer not a warrior most carry an erdsteal dagger light and in the past reserved for nobles once again we see the respect leondel has for its perfumers the shield they wear is highly immune boosting in warfare just as in healing there will be exposure to your own product to help the war effort the masters among the perfumers create new weapons with old knowledge and old tools large scent diffusers once used for healing perfumes are turned into giant siege arrows to spread toxins amongst the enemy [Music] as the war drags on landel realizes that it cannot win this war without further compromise the law against fire banned in the culture of the urgery is relaxed to help the perfumers and others have greater impact after this the formidable perfumer bolt is designed and shared with other warriors still memorably used to this day by those close to the perfumers the pages perfumers also become involved in gargoyle development this is at the latest during the shattering if not before the gargoyles are held together with corpse wax a patchwork of heroes a product that immediately has the air of perfumers the moral questions that a product like corpse wax poses are familiar to the perfumers and they are well trained at ignoring such questions once the law against fire is lowered during the shattering they certainly lend their creative hand to these gargoyles arming them with perfumer sparks one such gargoyle is outside a perfume room in landau guarding the perfumer treasure trove within it emits totally visually unique perfume spark fire a weapon beyond any doubt created by the perfumers these gargoyles are also found in the nameless eternal city and the twin valiant gargoyles use a poison attack that looks a lot like the perfumer's creation new flammable aromatics and techniques are devised and bottled used to wound and kill beautiful and deadly we ourselves experience how effective they can be but the greatest power of the perfumers as ever is the power over the mind by this time even the most honorable perfumer knows that the influence of perfumes on emotions is profound during each healing they have felt it this craft of emotional engineering is now made into military weapons both against the enemy and for allies the perfumers develop concoctions designed to influence the mind of the urgery soldiers one they still use to this day a staple of the shattering has a potent morale raising effect that makes those accustomed to it fearless in the face of death to give the troops such belief such emotional strength is a weapon of extreme power how much bigger would an enemy army have to be to win against an army totally unafraid of death any enemy commander would take pause it is also likely while we don't find any that there are perfumes developed to influence the enemies mind we can see judging from the colour that it is poison fumes being emitted from the giant perfume projectiles but amongst all the inventions why not make a perfume to instill fear and panic in the enemy's hearts if it wasn't invented it should have been thanks to the power of influencing the minds on the battlefield perfumers are promoted to commanders and it is stated that they were exceptional even more bizarre than healers starting with man-eating flowers as a first ingredient is healers becoming leaders of war in the chaos of war it is more than rules that start to fragment deviant perfumers have been a minority before the shattering however during the war leonel can no longer jealously guard this craft successfully and this begins to change but after the perfumers were drafted into service during the shattering the art became widely practiced throughout the lands between the craft of perfuming now spreads across the land removed from the laws of the earth tree these new perfumers take a powerful tool that has occasionally dipped into depravity and twist it all the way to heresy some start as dissenters some outsiders but all begin to experiment with what is possible and in numbers never seen before over time as the shattering drags on and on they invent bizarre and warped techniques described as so perilous that no physician would even attempt them this makes it sound that simply the invention of these perfumes is extremely dangerous to the creator one false step during its conception and you may die in the process just imagine how perilous poison spray mist would have been in its early invention stage as it stands today poison as opposed to healing products must be held in the mouth before being expelled as the innovator what a deadly road to tread when depraved perfumers are employed as mercenaries they influence the emotions of their troops just as laying down perfumers do but with much more extreme techniques they can take a man whose limbs are frozen stiff with fear taunt him and put them in a state of fervor the results are instant berserkers ready to be used against the enemy with the name like blood boil it isn't pleasant to think of how this perfume may work throughout this period the depraved perfumers consume more and more of their own supply as they imbibe their own spices they descend into self-destruction earning the name the culture of the lands between gives them depraved perfumers it cannot be denied that they invent some interesting perfumes morally questionable at the least if not repellent they nevertheless develop some of the most effective recipes we will ever find it is said that depraved perfumers work for themselves alone but there is evidence that they worked with troops on the battlefield in the shattering we can assume that it's likely that during the shattering some chose to work as mercenaries not truly loyal just getting paid to this day we find depraved perfumers following their own interests and trading their talents for gain just as with lane dell perfumers an economy around these depraved perfumers and their arts rises as well depraved perfumers have a longer shopping list and far fewer scruples both of these facts are good for commerce the evidence is that business is booming too in the lands between depraved perfumers have a much higher drop rate for all items when you discard morals it is much easier to procure goods that cost human lives one new ingredient that requires death to obtain almost human death or perhaps more than human is an ingredient from living jars depraved perfumers need the broken shards and innards of these jars to make new inventions when there is any new payoff you can bet that those without scruples will emerge to profit poachers start hunting the jars to meet the demand the depraved perfumers become in league with these poachers paying them for what they harvest from the jars they kill effectively a corpse for cash business it's nothing new for perfumers but the depraved like to do things bigger there are likely to be many jar related perfumes but we only discover one during our time in the lands between an undeniably powerful perfume costly but undeniably powerful interestingly like other layerdale aromatics it is made with an ingredient that has humanity coursing through it just like miranda flower pollen this essence of humanity that fed the plant and built the jar or channeled through them seems to work well in perfumes humanity channeled through almost humanity poachers don't care for the mysteries of the perfumer's craft but they know depraved perfumers will pay the price and maybe even some perfumers of leondell will too just as with earlier in history rising values affect supply but this time it is the pots who will use secrecy to cut off others profiting the jar community adapts to these conditions some move to a secret village in order to avoid being poached and likely many others do the same if they are out there though the village we find doesn't stay secret forever unfortunately but in some justice the aureza side tomb has been taken over by warrior jars at some point warriors catch one unfortunate inventor or carrier of the iron jar aromatic perfumer recipe with what is likely to other poachers they lock them up until death takes them revenge is sweet there is some evidence that depraved perfumers or at least one perfumer since the outbreak of the shattering worked in league with reichardt in the volcano manor there is a perfume bottle a remarkably rare item in the lands between it is hard to make and essential to perfumer crafting and used nearby are the ashes of depraved perfumer carman he's described as a notably formidable perfumer whose strength rivaled that of heroes it also states that he was in search of a secret physique of revivifi vacation it would make sense for him to travel to the volcano manor where work has been done on living forever with reichardt himself thinking he's not killable did carman ally himself to volcano manor was he passing through the word hero may hint at why he was interrupted in his work as he can be summoned this usually means that the ghost has some task left unfinished it is likely he never found or invented the physic of revivification perhaps it is because the great hero was welcomed as family omens receive some minor freedom thanks to the shattering they are used as warriors employed for their brute strength and armed with weapons to take advantage of it the cleaver states that the weapon is cursed so that the omen will not be armed for long after serving their purpose leondel doesn't want them to be armed for longer than they are useful the weapon is built to break before the shattering the urgery condoned the hunting of omens and secretly locked them away if they were royalty yet in times of need leondale stoops to compromise and these same creatures were given the chance to fight as warriors and the chance to escape the shattering goes on and on the lands are ravaged and no one is a victor but the perfumers the omen killers pages the deathbed companions and the depraved perfumers all survive and are active when we arrive in the lands between let us look at the perfumers and their branching sects in the present day we find that the omen killers continue to carry out their nightmarish tasks with brutal tenacity no one with cursed blood is safe they still live somewhat symbiotically with perfumers and miranda flowers and one can only speculate whether their access to charred corpses leads to an expedient solution for the perfumers the grottoes are certainly filled with bags of what seems to be ash fertilizer [Music] one perfumer we encounter seems to remain focused on healing tricia is a living perfumer who started the quest to heal misbegotten omens and all those viewed as impure she is still alive and during her lifetime she has only met with failure another travelling perfumer of no renown is searching for new gardens with new ingredients that might help cure the same mistreated groups this traveler is working for a healer as an associate as we find the armor on a corpse he may have died along his journey but we can assume there is at least a small community or several around trisha or others who still strive to heal with their powers whether this will spread to inspire others in the lands between or whether this small light of healing will go out we do not know we certainly do not help tricia has given up on the cure and instead uses her craft to make the journey into death more gentle for these creatures a tale which as we have mentioned is similar to the origins of the death bed companions long ago like perfuming though deathbed companionship is a practice which will also turn to heresy a sphere uses it against the order capital perfumers are still going about their work still researching and healing but still military they still have relationships with pages who have close contact with them who pace the perfumers libraries and laboratories armed with perfumer bolts while surviving gargoyles still attack with perfumer weaponry the depraved perfumers are dotted around the world more unnerving than their leondelle counterparts it is more than just their skin and eyes their outfit is unsettling when we loot them we discover that the image on their robe has a meaning it is a curse invoked upon the erd tree is it snakes wrapping around the tree flames or is it not a tree at all something more philosophical something more fundamental certainly snakes are seen as traitors to the earth tree and it is very possible that kharman worked for reichard and that others gave their service as mercenaries on the battle for the volcano manor or perhaps when turned upside down it is a candle tree a forbidden design which is thought to represent a surreptitious prophecy of cardinal sin they certainly take their heresy very seriously one musical perfumer plays the same tune of the leonel pages [Music] hello [Music] further strengthening the idea that some depraved perfumers were originally from landau and have strayed since nearby is an omen killer who we cannot reach without aggressing the depraved perfumer allies or coincidence we will never know many depraved perfumers are at the shaded castle while the castle has been taken over recently by elema of the briar it is doubtful the perfumers are there for him as there is evidence that they are there because of mali mariah what the head of the castle had been doing before losing control is worthy of speculation his obsession with melania and rot makes us wonder whether the bog outside the castle is his personal attempt at creating a rot swamp there are also miranda flowers throughout the castle further putting into question the possible biological closeness between these flowers human flesh for the flowers to feed on means an unending supply of ingredients for the depraved to craft their perfumes in exchange it is possible they provide perfumes that help mali mariah who is sickly born and may also teach him some depraved arts he uses a poison attack that neither looks like the perfumer's poison spray mist [Music] or poison mist incantation omen killers are still active in the lands between they are described as butchers of twisted conscience it may be twisted as in evil or it may be twisted as in knotted blocked silenced in the present day they are at least on good terms with the perfumers and miranda flowers neither group is aggressive towards them and they are found together at gardens and hideouts across the lands between their other allegiances are varied if they exist at all it is speculative whether they allied with gideon or reichard but the only thing for sure is that the omen killers continue to focus on what rollo began with some additions a cursed blood that is unnatural and against the order of the artery is what started the omen hunt and another creature has arisen in history with accursed blood albanorex in the albanoric village we find an omen killer among mounds of corpses and a near identical scene is in volcano manor [Music] lower legs missing lay slaughtered and strung up killing them and spilling their cursed blood is not enough the omen killers burn them watching over the fire diligently as they burn the traces of their accursed blood from the earth were they always allowed fire to burn away accursed blood since the beginnings they use it in combat and post combat did they always have some flexibility with the eartry's rules or is this a post-shattering development for now we don't know violent delights have violent ends as wonderful as the effect of perfumes may have been harvesting human suffering and death for use in healing is a foundation destined to fail add the descent to self-use military use and the relaxing of rules and it's no surprise where we are now indeed we may not have seen the end of heretical behavior ceded by the perfumers if being next to what you wished to heal for long enough led to omen killers what other roles that were close to lords and gods might lead to violence as the dagger talisman states a sense of mercy is a catalyst for bloodlust not to mention the misery cords warning beware the killers clothed as men of compassion but that's for another time we feel the temptation of the power of perfumes ourselves what is one living jar compared to the power of iron the leonel perfumers themselves used human flesh they stayed working with omen killers even in the center of one of their secret gardens closest to the capital there is shamefully a treasure trove of living jar shards depravity is only depravity until it out competes then it becomes mainstream and everyone gets on board the perfumers started with bad beginnings the roots fed by pain and the seeds of such a practice will surely and always breed heresy
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 311,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Elden Ring, Perfumer, Omenkiller, Deathbed, Companion, Fia, Carmaan, Rykard, Heresy, Blasphemy, Dark Souls
Id: RuerOkQhSTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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