Elden Ring Lore | The Color Theory of Elden Ring

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what makes us tarnished being dull of color the grace of gold blessed those who were first to serve it with most Vivid coloration morgot sword his sealed Omen blood is of Shifting Hue the mirror Helm reflects all light and colors America is a carrier of the Eldon Ring's Vision the greater will and its vassals are masters of the language of light the fallen leaves tell a story and it is a story of color color is so variable in our world we didn't see what was in plain sight in the lands between color means much more and once you start to see you cannot stop the Mad taint of their Newfound strength the Knight of black knives Scarlet rot Amber eggs purple Mariners blood dynasties Omens albanorics Giants gods color takes Center Place wherever you look it is also a focus in a sea of item descriptions the word color is mentioned over and over Hue even more often Reds yellows greens purples Blues every tone every Hue color again and again and again like an obsession and more than anything an infatuation with gold color the pillars of the world of Elden ring color is connected with all fundamental aspects of the lands between and these connections are in a discoverable pattern all things physical energetic informational emotional and spiritual in the Alden ring world are paired with color a unifying natural law these vast Natures are what's being represented by the Elden ring and these overlapping and intersecting runes it gets a little bit more complicated than that and we are going to get into it because if we understand color as a foundation we can understand the entire law of Elden ring more clearly how will we solve the mystery of color it is clear Alchemy was an influence color holds great importance in alchemy as does gold one famous Alchemist gave us the splitting of colors and their relations blue borders green which goes to Yellow to Red to purple always moving through all possible shades another renowned scientist James Clark Maxwell discovered that unlike the mixing of paints that artists use the fundamental colors of light registered in the human eye are red green and blue this gave him the insight to make the first color photograph modern science has since proven the eye sensitivity to these three base colors and it is the combinations of red green and blue that make every color on the digital screens you're watching on the system of additive color how the colors of light work and how colors mix within light that Maxwell is credited as having a founding role in is the color system we use here while the paint color relations are mostly similar to light color relations light color mixing is additive whereas paints are not show all colors at once in light and you get white unlike with paints but it is light we deal with in the lands between languages of light and obsessions with what the eyes see so we will use the true light color relations in this analysis how different perceptions of color may change perceptions of reality or reality itself is worthy of speculation with that we will look at the lands between itself for evidence since Inspirations only go so far and they are numerous and mix unpredictably we have to begin as if we have woken up in the lands between and use what we see around us to guide us one difficulty is that there are other foundational laws in Elden ring which all mix and interfere another challenge is that color isn't surface deep we will have to isolate and simplify we must find colors in basic and simple forms to understand then we will earn a key to the complex law colors are of course a useful tool in game design used to form associations for the player and help the understandability of the world this is why Health Manner and stamina are almost always depicted in games as red blue and green respectively however in Elden ring colors are far more important featuring heavily in the law and May in fact be an integral part of the rules of the world rather than just a symptom of them eventually we will understand why looking into another's eyes is so intimate why we cannot dye our clothes another color why radagon was ashamed of his hair why Godfrey needed sarosh to be a Lord why the albanorics are so weak why melania's rot is Scarlet why radon needs purple to keep his beloved horse why the frenzy flame is yellow why multicolored is so vital and understand the Enigma of gold the obsession that haunts Mad Men Nobles and gods all this color will lead out of the lands between past the Stars past the void past even the gods it leads beyond the creative work itself to ourselves after all what if the lands between was an inner world if this work of art is about what it feels to be human body mind and soul then by learning about color we can learn about ourselves and with learning and the grace of Good Fortune we ourselves may rise to a future that is bathed in gold foreign crimson Scarlet Flame Giants rot and blood what is this color's place in the rules of the world what effects Magics emotions is it connected with so this first color we will take a deep dive into the proof in the world as we move through the colors we will not be so exhaustive but those who are curious can search to find what we have the first place to look is where we can find Red's nature the clearest where is red in a pure form an unmixed form away from interference in the simplest items we use most often one of the first items is farsk of crimson tears tears like all blessings from the earth tree come in different colors but the red tears we couldn't live without they replenish your HP the Vitality of your player character we can also bring torrent back to life with Crimson tears other Crimson things in game also affect HP Crimson Amber Medallion red scarabs and Crimson seeds among others exalted flash treasured by Heroes is red meat in a medicinal solution of fiery red spices it gives you the raw power of a beast boosting your attack output these things taken together make us think of bodily Vitality red is needed to have a healthy body red is physical life to interact with the physical world via physical means you need red to restore that energy red is a color our own world Associates with health Youth and strength in alchemy red was believed to have these properties and the coveted Philosopher's Stone which gave eternal life is depicted as a vivid crimson other items in Elton ring linked to this idea of Vitality the red feathered Branch sword raises the power of your attacks all types of invigorating meat which are always pickled in a red medicinal solution boost our robustness which help against buildups of frost and blood loss now if a doctor in our world had matching colored medicines for symptoms you would choose to go to a different doctor but in Alden ring it really works the correlation between red and the same boosting effects even carries across cultures horn charms made by The ancestral followers a different Society to the Earth tree come in Many Colors the one that is pure red boosts robustness red has a true nature and is a fundamental aspect of the world regardless of culture what is the next red that is essential in Elden ring essential yet forbidden fire is diverse in Elden ring but in one way more than any other color some Flames are more like lightning some are lilac some are ghostly yellow or black all the Flames have different attributes that once again match with color for now though we will look at red fire red fire in Elden ring is more like fire in our world intense destructive life-giving essential beautiful tempting fire itself is not unlike bodily Vitality the warmth of a champion both carry increasing heat with increasing energy after all we seem to reanimate the ancestor Spirits with fire both are hard to control as they increase in energy but is red fire just as fire is red is color a true law of the world as opposed to a correlation let's look at the clues left in game starting with medicines made often via cookbooks we can isolate the ingredients many medicines are heart and liver based another alchemy-inspired rule eat liver to purify hearts for Vigor and so on you will gain the nature of what you eat so too in Elden ring of the various colored cured livers in game one is called fireproof dried liver and it is made with red medicinal solution another set of items with sets of colors are the Drake talismans they all have a different color but the one that boosts fire damage negation is red what about the Giants they were the Protectors of perhaps the most important fire in game the Giant's Forge their fire nature is within them their hair and eyes are red this is not only as a representation the fire and redness is truly within them within the redness we can find and hold this hair in our hands Giants red braid and it does fire damage fire grease of course adds damage to a weapon and is a vivid red in our world flammable grease or oil would be unlikely to follow these color patterns a hand it doesn't but in Elden ring they always match and across other colored greases and their natures another notorious connection to Red is blood blood is one of the engines of bodily Vigor in our world eating red fruits wouldn't change your amount of blood or energy more than any other fruit yet this is not what we find in Elden ring consumables when they are minimal and simplistic once again follow a pattern staunching boluses which alleviate impending blood loss are red blood sorcery and blood magic are red blood grease is blood colored and blood will take us to more color insights what has strong blood Rich red blood beasts Rich Untamed life is red vigorous life is deep red red is the Beast the animal the flesh side of the human those deep red or built of a red closer to wildness exhibit beast-like Transformations MOG Sprouts Wings Crucible Knights who are infamously red tinted Sprout horns wings and can use the power of many beasts certain Reds link these aspects together all at once red glintstone boosts Thorn sorceries and lava sorceries blood and Fire blood flame is the same pairing of Reds and mog's own blood bursts into flame in his boss fight this also happened when he stood before the formless mother his accursed blood erupted with fire blood and fire both red are not so different in nature red pairs up blood and heat in the trait of robustness all the medicinal solutions that help robustness are red what is the use of robustness it helps prevent buildup of frost and blood loss the Giants are fire and with such internal heat they can survive cold regions and with abundant Vitality blood loss is more manageable if we join mog's blood cult we have a color effect our own character our eyes glow red it may also affect our view of the world as a true followers hunt for blood will become a mental obsession this eye color just like the color of armors medicines spells has a causative Connection in the game it is a law of the world it therefore is not a fashion option we cannot change it at will it would change the law of the game fundamentally our eyes become our nature which is paired in Alden ring with cover yeah red doesn't only link with flame blood vitality and so on it also connects with harder to Define things red has a shared quality with emotions desires Sensations emotions are enormously important in Elden ring nearly every ending is defined most by its emotion fear doubt loneliness grief despair Mania what emotions would be paired with red in Alden rank emotions that are instinctive Primal animal beast-like emotions these emotions are messy hard to control and ill-adapted to society if color was only color would a God be ashamed of his red hair Beast blood is a rich red and beasts are red natured those closer to animal emotions are closer to Red emotions they lack self-control or regulation they do not possess enough intelligence to understand or override their instinct beasts are aggressive as well as the obvious signs of aggression in battle they also Roar when they fight something very unique to beasts and those of a beast like nature Rune Bears rule but so too do the red fire Giants malacath or garank and sarosh rules until he is made silent these types of nature are also useful there are benefits such as in battle well Thou Art of passing skill Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins after all rabican's glory burned as red as his hair which leads us to another success story that Drew from a well of red Godfrey he waged War all the way to become Elden Lord his strength was unmatched but these emotions had their time and place and once held in Lord they no longer had a place in the capital when we meet him Godfrey maintains his lordly nature at first he does not Roar his wildness contained in his bestial are the half this side of him sarash does raw but Godfrey talks to us relatively calmly before the fight when he is pushed to his limit however red has a place once more he is then not content to have his Beast his aggressive side held separate to him he wants his bestial nature within him he slays sarash becoming his true nature once more the deep red blood splashes all over him staining him now be still and blood red he rules his breath and body so hot they steam even in the air of The Burning Earth tree charges us like a beast using only his bare hands [Music] so another red emotion is aggression a clear sign of this is the jellyfish these young sisters change color when they become aggressive to Red aggressive Invaders have always been read blood boil aromatic from a totally different sector beasts is Rich red consuming it increases your damage output but also your damage taken at first this seems to be odd until you read the description it puts those who consume it into a frenzy berserk alike Beast like linked to aggression is the competitive urge ambition the desire for power dominance possession competitive summon signs are red the red Effigy is competitive the true horrorlu fought for a crown and on defeat tells us our strength deserves one rave drink s the crown we were told this law before the game came out emboldened by the flame of ambition someone must extinguish thy Flame aggressive competitiveness that puts the person at risk cannot be unlocked without the red emotion of confidence unquestioned by intellect innate and animal confidence is red Godfrey doesn't worry about his enemies he seeks them out he even strips his own armor this confidence doesn't question it knows and confidence brings us to another emotion Faith what is knowing confidently and knowing you feel within you instinctively what is knowing without thought intellect or proof faith this deep feeling or trust we believe is a red emotion it is confidence not only in oneself but in things that are outer fate Gods Magic the red wolf of radagon can use typical sorceries but also red sorceries red sorceries draw on the power of faith these spells are reviled by other sorcerers who prefer intelligence as a casting source red glintstone itself draws from faith not intelligence radagon holds Faith to this day while radigan's wife announces those Blissful early days of blind belief are long past he has Faith to the very end he tries to hammer the Elden ring back together and eyes protecting it faith is having a gut feeling it is red unquestioned and unreasoned belief is the opposite to reason based intelligence faith can also be a celebration of an object of Faith but we will get to those incantations later one emotion supposedly absent in the lands between must be read last the urge to reproduce it is Primal and instinctive and it has waned since long ago the food for boosting virility is an untreated bright red blood and flesh no bloodless meat for this effect this can bring back the feelings those in the lands between had long ago a more animal nature but now things red have faded and red emotions have gone the way of The Crucible nights once useful and essential the knights colored a red of the past represent that mix of life and vitality Now red is looked down upon and viewed as uncultured urges are repressed or simply ceased to be as Society develops beyond their need these red emotions form a pattern they go against civilization aggression ruthless competitive desire anger physical power raw blind confidence these are not so useful in developed Society to quote Elden Ring's own assessment in ruler's mask such a mask illustrates the qualities of an ideal Lord chiefly wise and possessing a certain defanged geniality red is certainly not defanged and the Lord is a representation of high society red emotions will get you in trouble if left unchecked those in society show their disregard for red with their clothes it is a symbol of wildness just as vestiges of The Crucible are both are now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced those in the capital do not want to wear things that boost their bestial nature those who are exiled however are given clothes to wear that mark them as not fit for society what is the color of the Exile robe red the Exile Hood red what is the color of those exiled for heresy a deep red sagehood is burgundy and is literally evidence the wearer was driven from town red is a signal of a social reject there are more mysterious uses of red why is the bolt that pierces America red is this because her physical body must be pinned down by Red by the bodily and physical nature of red and what does the red of the two fingers tell us what can we draw from the red that spills out after Rani slays her two fingers are the two fingers the physical aspect of something greater the body of the greater will yet for all the risks of red who could do without it for many a life without red wouldn't be worth living in its most wild State red is similar to and in fact borders another Infamous color but first Red's opposite blue [Music] [Music] foreign any Miyazaki game brings one thing to mind sorcery the color of sorceries are like all of Elden ring very varied some sorceries are cast with faith but almost all are cast with intelligence these intelligent spells are ranges of blue the first thought is that blue is the color of the mind of the intellect and perhaps of the Soul let's see if this intuition is right and if so what else does this color do what does this color help harm and what are the blue emotions blue makes its appearance as one of the first items we find flask of Cerulean tears it replenishes your focus points focus is the engine of the intellect Focus points are used to cast spells activate skills and much more the navy blue Hood simply from its color increases mind magic grease magic scorpion blue liver shimmering Hearts all effect magic damage all are blue the blue caring Regal scepter enhances full moon sorceries and only those of the highest intelligence can wield it it is all mental power blue is the color of the Mind intellect Focus the characters of the world confirm this as they become more and more intellect focused it reflects in their colors Rani is no longer connected to her body and she is permanently blue she is also cold with literal ice crystals under her hat lusat's brain has become almost inorganic it is so far from Red life his new head has a deep blue within it The Mind's Eye of astel a star being is blue of course the center of blue on the map is the academy surrounded by Mists and Waters bathing in a night sky of the Moon their robes are blue their spells are blue the very mist and air around the academy has a blue tint Ronaldo's robe is blue the realm we are taken to in the boss fight is a realm of water star and moon all of it shades of blue the nature of the place designed for intellectual growth and learning the other heads of sorcery the Korean royal family even have their own shade Korean blue their royal castle is lit with blue flame with blue crystals growing in an air alive with blue Sparks just as red is organic life blue is intellectual life but inorganic we see this clearly in the nature of glintstone hard inert yet able to Spring forth action and energy the inert non-living nature of the mind is shown by Lou sat as he descends more and more into a meditative intellectual world he becomes physically different and less and less like typical animal life lusat's clintstone Crown says this crown replaced lusat's brain and skull altogether and now removed from his body it is all but dead it looks like a large polished Crystal lousas monchettes tell us lusat had reached a near inorganic state lusand leads the Mind directly to crystallians magical and mysterious beings with almost inorganic bodies perhaps not entirely but they wear red to boost this as much as they can the crystallians are shades of blue the inscrutable crystallians have their own Culture Creator and clearly a deep intelligence the mind is the seat of thought and therefore of character instincts are one thing but when someone tries to self-control and choose their actions we say it is their true selves we may say it is their soul the mind is therefore linked to Spirit your true self is your soul the soul can have different Natures itself but blue is intimately linked with the soul indeed the blue Primal glintstone of Salon states that this is in essence her soul Rani died in body alone and her soul lives on torrent is a spirit Steed and as we summon him he appears in blue if red was wild heat and energy blue is cool and calm and at extremes cold and ice if red is fire blue is water the Sun to the Moon the cold is intimately connected with blue and there is a pattern here too as the nature becomes more cold the blue becomes paler paler blue brings Frost damage and frost protection coldness and the mind combined gives logic diligent thought free from emotion blue is this cold mental operation instead of needing to be tamed like instinct it is The Taming energy The Guiding reason this form of mind is used by Sorcerers to unlock secrets about the world new spells the understanding of the stars and of themselves it is extremely powerful if limited just as instinct is we see the power of this form of Mind in game Rani is the epitome of it if we attack her on first meeting what happens no indignation no damage to Pride what hope is thou to profit [Music] she doesn't even physically respond there is no logical reason to nothing to gain by it she dissolves this temporary spiritual body into the air in a shimmer of blue even if we tried to kill her after being her loyal Ally after placing an engagement ring on her finger and swearing to become her consort how does she respond no Rage or aggression what hope is thou to profit she asks us why we would do this a logical question then reflects on her behavior and how she may have caused her own downfall so this is the measure of my Lord Perhaps it is precisely what I deserve surrendering myself to delusion the blueness of these cold logical forms of Mind andrani's Behavior may lead us to believe there are no blue emotions but this is not true they exist they are just drastically different to red ones what emotions might blue feel what emotions come with coldness with logic Rani tells us when talking about her planned form of order she will take us into fear doubt and loneliness blue emotions include all of these a rational mind that analyzes and looks at evidence will always carry doubt the world is full of the unknown of chaos and Randomness a blue mind will think about the limitations of knowledge how knowledge can be an illusion even Gideon the all-knowing has gaps in knowledge and makes mistakes a blue mind doubts fear comes next and directly from doubt it is a fear of the unknown not the known the fearless are usually those who don't know enough the red and foolishly confident loneliness for a cold rational mind is almost a guarantee less animal less instinctive less social more introspective wanting to understand more than feel loneliness is a complete match with blue the Mind struggles to connect with others as easily as the body can and mental Pursuits have their costs many of the sorcerers we find in game have receded into thought so deeply they have stopped being social entirely they do not even talk to us disconnected Sorcerers are spread out across the world and are quite content in their solitude other blue emotions are more positive calmness ease in one's own company pleasure in learning and our addition self-awareness it may not sound exciting but it can do very well which is why blue has a Premier Place in society blue is the color of the effective members of developed Society bestial Constitution informs us of society's shift to Blue having gained intelligence the beasts must have felt how their wildness slipped away as civilization took hold it is not chaotic like the red of the animal it does what should be done it self-controlls for success blue is ever present in the clothes of those in society to display this commitment to self-control for the greater good what does Godfrey the Lord wear not horrolu blue not only Godfrey Lords and Royals of all kinds all wear blue royalty following the guidance of Grace serving the greater good on missions away from the capital where a Navy Hood unlike the Exile Red Hood marking them as social outcasts Royals display their respect of society and their adaptation to it officials attire is blue worn by magisterial officers to carry out Grim but necessary tasks that drive the wheels of mankind Devotion to society is what is on display with these robes Blues true nature once again extends to other cultures ruler's robe States luxurious robe worn by Lords in a smaller Nation it's fine blue mantle serves to prove its wearer's status blue proves status in society even the mogwin Nobles despite blood being the foundation of their Dynasty where blue red would only prove one's strength and dominance in animalistic hierarchies societal status is gained another way with a blue mind and blue approach returning to Godfrey and his blue attire we will find perhaps the most beautiful illustration in Game of the natures of color and how they can unlock the rules of this world while Godfrey still controls his beastial nature contained in Suraj a regal blue is on display he wields his ax symbolic of his vow to conduct himself as a lord he is very calm he treats us with courtesy when we meet him he remarks how strong we must be to make it this far he peacefully says goodbye to the corpse of his own son the son we killed and does not insult us only sarash Roars Godfrey is angry but self-control keeps it within sarash finally his self-control gives way and Torah Lou emerges he rips open sarosh releasing the deep red blood which spills all over him making himself his true nature predominantly red the regal blue attire now hangs shredded drenched in red blood irrelevant forgotten he then says I've given thee courtesy enough courtesy the blue of the Lord is done with with that he roars [Music] all these socially productive behaviors help to keep out one very dangerous thing which leads us to Yellow perhaps the most notorious color in the world of Elden ring the color of Chaos yellow is the end of form or order of any kind beyond the animal wildness of red Beyond even extreme motion or manic thought it is pure chaos no Society can endure no emotion sustain no being survive all of these things are patterns which cannot exist in chaos the Mind cannot witness chaos without Madness the eye cannot even process it without destruction chaos like all fundamental aspects of nature in the Elden ring universe is paired with a color yellow the frenzy flame does not only look yellow it is explicitly cooled yellow again and again in spell descriptions in fact all but one of the frenzy spells mentioned the specific quality of yellow and the one exception doesn't even summon the flame as well as yellowness being explicit to its nature so is chaos the lord of the flame of frenzy is called the Lord of chaos chaos and yellow pair up throughout the game things that possess aspects of chaos take the color yellow with only certain things going a deep yellow the pattern is very consistent from yellow boluses eye of yellow grown in frenzy Afflicted lands to the frenzy flame Stone which swaps yellow in place of the gold of its gentler cousin even our eyes when we have accepted the flame turn a vivid yellow reflecting the chaos within us the chaos which will eventually consume us so what is chaos in typical language it is complete disorder and confusion in science it is more about total unpredictability disorder of course contrasts with order it is therefore a fundamental aspect of the world it may be a lie but shabrieri says shabri is chaos incarnate I dying whether or not shabiri can be destroyed chaos certainly cannot be it is the bottom on a scale of order or a peak on the scale of chaos order is structure patterns divisions chaos is its opposite it cannot be destroyed any more than you can permanently destroy a temperature however this does not mean that chaos doesn't have a very real effect on anything non-chaotic shabreary wishes for the yellow flame to incinerate all that divides and distinguishes yellow is disordered but yellow has an effect on other things too like acid changes what it comes into contact with it brings things to chaos it burns up order Carly's cut dialogue states that a frenzied flame can melt away that caused his suffering and despair and the order entire the reverse is true order is destructive to chaos look at how the nomads are locked away sealed and rejected by order look how thick heavy doors a simple physical order seal the three fingers look how the flame of frenzy decays to Red once we cast in a domain of non-chaos it becomes its red less chaotic neighbor before fading away neither order or chaos can survive in an environment which is overwhelmingly the opposite shabiri has been working on his plan for a long long time but until our influence the frenzy flame is still so irrelevant it can be totally missed in a playthrough it is not much easier being an anarchist than someone trying to progress order in society to move the scale long term is an enormous challenge hard to believe imagine adding as much chaos as you could to the world how long would one last before being locked up or saying farewell to the world oneself the damage chaos does to the order that accepts it is obvious our yellow eyes will eventually become yellow Embers burst and broken from Suffering The Flame of chaos simply seeing the dazzling glare of frenzy for too long is too much for the order of our eyes the merchants suffer the three fingers seems injured or heavily fatigued but it may not be from outside influences it is just the cost of holding chaos within it finally it burns up even channeling chaos is not free it means damage to anything with order we ourselves are a lot of order and the pain we feel casting a frenzy spell is obvious even just the sight of the flame of frenzy drives the enemy and ourselves mad all this summoning time and Agony merely to summon frenzy in the most random and inaccurate way frenzy burst is one exception this spell manages to direct chaos in a generally straight Direction yet the frenzy flame shows its nature as it flies wildly spiraling as it Rebels against this control the Spell's description matches our understanding of frenzy in times past every single person who attempted to control the flame of frenzy succumbed to Madness after a desperate internal struggle this incantation is Testament to Amiga victory what else is yellow in-game and does it fit with the fundamental nature of chaos there is one thing we can encounter at random in the planes as we ride lightning Randomness is a clue just like the flame of frenzy it bursts forth chaotically and seemingly unpredictably the match between yellow and lightning is more than just the color of lightning if we pickle liver in a yellow medicinal solution it boosts lightning damage negation Bloom itself is yellow lightning grease is a bright yellow so lightning has a yellow nature a chaotic sudden unpredictable nature of course lightning isn't always yellow which may hint to how exactly lightning works and what brings it into existence if they exist yellow emotions would be quite a thing to feel what do we feel when our inner order is troubled by yellow pure yellow is beyond emotion but we can be riddled with chaos before we disappear and so too can emotions the simplest emotions are the unavoidable ones ravaged by internal chaos one emotion is inevitable fatigue have you noticed that all the nomadic Merchants are seated when kale or an aggressed Merchant does stand they have very hunched shoulders they slouch even more than the use of their cane requires as skinny as his donkey Kali helps to hold up his own coat with one arm the posture is of someone suffering from fatigue reminiscent of a teenager villagers of the frenzied Village are brought to their knees by the frenzy the three fingers is two alien to be certain but it seems to be exhausted in comparison even the old two fingers described repeatedly as having lost all Vigor stands upright and present until death posture is very carefully designed in Alden ring Raya is snake-like patches squats those who are learning discipline or lack discipline sit slouching or lie down Millicent lies down when suffering from rot then stands tall and elegant as a swordmaster once revived physical posture is chosen with care and the merchants have been given this gate by design it is not only when using their canes but also when they sit that they hunch over others such as Bernard sit straight upright despite a ton of steel armor hayata as blind as the merchants Stands Tall when she has not yet taken the flame of frenzy within her fatigue will be felt by those who Harbor yellow even if it itself is not directly yellow fatigue correlates heavily with one thing that is certainly yellow creativity thoughts despite being ill-disciplined at school a bluntstone who can't sit upright create something worthy of a new conspicus Millicent and others who are weakened and exhausted by rot yet have a creative Fire Within them it exhausts them as it burns them up yet it is a great driving force rodriga has a remarkable gift the merchants are enterprising musically talented devise solutions to Blind us and have a remarkable fashion sense yellow is creative because it doesn't respect any borders it doesn't have any filters or rules it is unpredictable could the world survive without some chaos could the lands between flourish if only two fingers had their way or would no chaos be as destructive as no order all creativity must have some yellow in it but pure yellow is Extreme creativity de-linked from order the Mind wools about manically it might discover anything but this yellow creativity is once again so manic it is damaging to the mind no sooner is an idea had before another crowds it out creativity beyond all function beyond all capture all memory all use a living torment of possibilities but great creativity usually doesn't come without some Madness the thumb is a fitting example it is the most important and creative part of the hand but it is creative because it is so much more unhinged [Music] gives us the next emotion and incinerate all that divides and distinguishes the yellow emotion of rebellion yellow doesn't want to be controlled yellow doesn't want to follow rules red might be willful but yellow will Rebel even if it is against its own interests to do so Rebellion is innate to it it will not be contained strawberry himself is reviled yet he does not let the opinions of others constrain his behavior how are the yellow materials that make lightning described fulminating what a profoundly odd and specific word for a Japanese game fulminating can mean to explode violently or Flash like lightning but this is a literary definition its primary definition means to express vehement protest yellow is a constant Revolution against order shabiri laughs at our judgment nomadic Merchants were cast out for heretical beliefs only for them to summon the flame of frenzy to this day they live outside of society Nomads who live under their own rules lightning itself is willful and hard to direct even the masters of lightning receive heavy lightning damage perhaps they are only channelers of it and not rulers how does the flame of frenzy itself behave when we try to channel it it rides furiously against Direction the sheer time to summon it is something any frenzy flame spellcaster has suffered a further example of the rebellious nature of frenzy is counter-intuitively the spell gelmir's Fury it looks uncannily like the behavior of the flame of frenzy why because both are physically rebelling neither want to be summoned gelmer's Fury is held to represent the fury of the volcano Gilmer itself however the arrogance of attempting to harness it is solely that of men and serpents is not the place of men and serpents to try and tame a volcano so the magma bursts chaotically from the ground rebellious frenzy-like the most heavily referenced yellow emotion is madness this may be more what happens with chaotic thoughts and emotions a lack of inner order so extreme your mind breaks down if all thoughts and emotions can never rest or settle they cannot be put into action or even remembered effectively how can one sleep with a chaotic mind how can one resist the tides of euphoria paranoia Hysteria so intense it corrodes our mind to Madness a final relatable emotion is the Glee taken in chaos a desire and joy for surprise mess unpredictability chaos take the world may chaos take the world many experience a love of chaos while young if you can feel what we're talking about you might have some frenzy in you just like inner chaos taken too far can drive you mad outer chaos taken too far leads inevitably to self-destruction and yet there is nothing else like it what about yellow's place in society practically speaking it has none aside from the odd flash of creativity that might be viewed as acceptable yellow isn't welcome even then Society doesn't want creatives coming and disrupting the hierarchy Rebellion doesn't work well in society rules must be followed not only at the large scale law religion or Customs but at the smaller social scale Nomads are solitary when they aren't rounded up and locked away yellow isn't good at Social niceties and rules of courtesy kalei himself says I've always preferred my own company to that of other peoples on top of that Carly doesn't hold back the truth ah then you met blind did you wonderful I'm glad I pointed you in his Direction he's boorish blunt and couldn't find his nose with both hands but he's a good egg I think the two of you are sure to find the best in one another calling blind The Good Egg doesn't undo the insult but yellow doesn't play the courtesy game the kit costs a bundle and I admit I do take my cut but the important thing is that you survive every custom accounts after all unfiltered honest but not tactful at large scales not only the social but the individual and whole society are destroyed in chaos the ending in typically obscure fashion shows this the Lord of frenzy ending is the only one without any context there is no dialogue no description of the age no story of how it will be remembered everything has been destroyed finally chaos is linked to time predictability chaos order without time do these make sense order is in some sense predictable or patterned over time and Chaos has no predictability at any time yet chaos cannot die therefore chaos is Immortal it lives forever yet has no duration to its existence moment to moment how peculiar how peculiar too that on becoming mad or within a great frenzied spell or the great frenzied son and ourselves as the Lord of chaos have a core of black [Music] is a remarkable color in Elden Ray and we believe that it is paired with time is referenced heavily in game a God is supposed to live a life eternal the dragonlord lives beyond time we can stop the meddling of an outer God but only when Beyond Time ancient dragon smithing Stones lightly twist time which allow the creation of a weapon capable of slaying a guard time is an essential aspect of everything and it is very linked to God's Life Death entropy and much more time after all dictates the duration of your existence however time is not directly part of existence in the same way red or blue is in a similar way it might be said that black is not truly a color instead there is a scale on which black and white are the extremes Darkness to lightness and all colors can be shifted along this scale to clarify this it is easiest to look at one end of that scale what is black black is one extreme End of Time rates time stopping when something stops progressing in time it turns black an obvious and simple example is death fate becoming dark is a fate that stops one form of death though there are many forms is if a being stops continuing in time black is death lightning death blight part of the god-slaying black Flame the Forbidden Shadow plucked from the golden order upon its creation and the black that ends radigan's life eternal the boluses we consume to robust ourselves against death blight are black time is so essential to death that to those Beyond Time death may not apply black may help boost the effectiveness of killing in and of itself the Knight Riders are dressed all in black and their weapons are jet black they were deliverers of death for great warriors Knights and champions the black could be more than symbolic given their aim of note here are the ever jails and ordona the liturgical town for both of these we can enter another realm and we find the world Beyond shrouded in darkness yet this does not seem to be a new place at least not entirely after all the runes we drop on death are findable in our reality so are ever jails in fact the ultimate prison a jail that holds its prisoners by freezing time they are called ever jails after all there are more complicated aspects of time stopping for which Miyazaki seems to have been partly inspired by scientific theories about the universe time or any meaning of time stops at the center of chaos what do we see at the center of the flame of frenzy when it is intense enough a black core as we have mentioned chaos is eternal but has no duration therefore paradoxically its time state does not progress another place where time slows and eventually stops is areas of deep gravity and black is exactly what we see in the center of powerful gravity spells the other end of the scale is white all colors can lighten by adding white but what is full white where black is the current of time completely stopping white is deep time duration a maximum time duration is infinite so too deep a color and it ceases to move in time two diluted and pale it lasts and lasts but what is the only thing that truly lasts forever nothingness the permanent background in which all things come and go so depth of color is more intense in its existence but has less duration and as Things become whiter they last longer but are less intense this scale is actually therefore simply an aspect of all colors the world of Elden ring confirms this whiteness increases time duration but at a cost all items we make with white meat say this clearly lasts longer than traditional cured meat but with reduced Effectiveness albinorex show this too however color is not surface deep so we have to be careful as we move to more complicated things in the world such as creatures everything inside and out has a color and an influence something may be as much skin as clothing and we only discover the color of blood in battle luckily albonorix do not only have white skin but also white blood what is their nature as we expect for something so pale to the core they are extremely weak their bows are specifically designed to require dexterity over strength to master they need wolves to help them move in battle when we summon Latana she has exceptionally low health for a summer only young albinorex manage carrying the shield of their namesake yet for all this weakness whiteness makes them last and last as deep time goes by albanorics wash out their color and become nothing my legs will soon fade and with them my life fade so what is Health in terms of time duration not gray which is time itself disordered and messy Health cannot function without good time keeping not black which is stalling the stream clogging it unhealthily like a sludge nor too pale which is like butter spread over too much bread health is surely somewhere in between this is what those in the know wish for healthy color and to some it was gifted long ago the grace of gold blessed those who were first to serve it with the most Vivid coloration to be healthy whatever your mixes of color is to be Vivid just as all the ranges of the scale have an impact the two extremes black and white have an important relation what has ceased to exist and what lasts and lasts is the eye the window to the soul and mind representative of the departure of intelligence in later generation albanorex but the whiteness of their longevity is still shown in the body the two extremes of the scale are very useful individually but they are also useful together you can kill with white 2 just as with black and the mix of stopping something with black and then making that moment last forever with white is deadly or making an aspect of something sustained indefinitely which will eventually kill works too stopping Scarlet rot is simply halting its progression in time but if time is recontinued it means death dark emotions are intense and consuming but they move on fast like a child paler emotions are Karma but last longer in raw nature white emotions might be long-term gratitude or regret while black is more likely to be brief but consuming anger or elation but any emotion can be light or dark it is defined by intensity and duration what we can be sure about is that emotions which are inextricably linked with eternity will be black or white despair according to Eternal Darkness has a core of black despair is the complete loss or absence of hope you know what you hope for can never come to pass and never is black in its time state is there an emotion that is the opposite that matches something existing eternally perhaps if Hope Springs Eternal it is itself White [Music] purple purple has always been a remarkable color in our world extremely hard to find in nature it was a rare sight before the modern day thanks to this unique obscurity it has been consistently associated with similar ideas across cultures from east to west wealth is a frequent one anything hard to obtain will have this connotation more interestingly there are the associations of spirituality the subconscious and Imagination in general of the border between worlds this is one case where evidence in game seems to match with our real world Notions something not always the case the color of sleep in game is purple we know this from numerous items of Saint Trina to perhaps even the first meeting with Rani what happens when we sleep in our world it feels like we leave our bodies or at the very least the time vanishes it is certainly a place where the subconscious continues to live and while opinions vary no one can deny that there is something magical about dreams and Eldon ring dreams achieve great things sustain generations of warriors in their jars may even be that which motivates a tarnished yet in Elton ring the sense of Dreams being truly another world is very real I dreamed for so long sleep is the gateway to dreams and the realm of Dreams is a real place some may seem to be sleeping but be quite busy in this dream world we ourselves enter fear's dream as she sleeps we fight Fortis acts in her deathbed dream the surface of the boss fight a quagmire of purple perhaps she uses a sleep pot to put herself to sleep and yet the events of this shared dream have enormous real-world consequences Trina's torch burns with a purple flame and these purple Flames cause sleep but Trina is involved in more than just sleep Trina is clearly depicted with a third eye in the center of the forehead the third eye is to see beyond to see across boundaries in two other worlds sleep is simply one of these many borders between worlds Trina may be a saint of journeying into the subconscious the dream world the spiritual world the energy to bridge these gaps is purple what is the energy that brings more classical physical worlds together the force that defines the border of a world star or Galaxy gravity that which makes physical bodies move almost with a mind of their own indeed when one thinks that interfering with it causes small lightning Sparks it may be that the matter Rebels at our meddling gravity is much stronger and much more relevant to physical bodies and so gravity is a deep purple in Elden ring how do we bring meteorites into a battle with gravity preferably with glint stones that boost gravity sorceries which are of course purple gravity and Elden ring pulls but not merely from distances but pierces to completely different regions we don't have to wait for the meteorites to come from space gravity can open a door or bridge between worlds as sleep does bringing collapsing stars or meteorites from nothing and even pulling objects from the mysterious void astel the leveler of the Eternal City is very talented at moving through gravity doorways but the master of moving Between Worlds is the Elden Beast what color does the Elden Beast emit when transporting us to another realm deep gravity purple both gravity and sleep are dragging sinking forces one weighs down focus and presence the other ways you down physically and exhausts you this shared sinking effect in different intensities and across different planes are represented by their shades of purple it once again fits the pattern of darkness and lightness of color dark purple is more intense has a stronger physical effect but it doesn't last as long at its most intense it goes black and as in our world time stops indeed with stars seeming to dictate fate this hints at how time fate and gravity are connected meanwhile light purple lasts much longer is gentler doesn't Pierce so deeply as the physical but nonetheless drags us to the world of Dreams what is the most important border to Being Human whether you're a dreamer or purely practical it is surely the border between the mind and the body red is the body blue is the Mind red and blue gives purple both weaken each other in a way the body exhausting the mind the Mind questioning and tempering the body but it is this costly relationship that gives rise to great things imagination dreams the subconscious the Deep invisible wisdom of the third eye purple is this border neither enough presence to be fully blue yet not all raw instincts and animal unconsciousness to be read this mysterious middle is what makes us human exist too imbalanced in any direction and the humanity Fades away we have mentioned there are many ways to die in Alden rain but total Destruction is quite rare instead destroying an essential border that makes us human is one solution before the Earth tree there was a different system for dealing with the dead they were burned in ghost flame interestingly we know from the spirits that resulted from this process that it was not a destruction of everything the bodies may have been destroyed raked as ashes but the spirits lived on sometimes with great bitterness but they were no longer human how did they separate these minds or Souls from their bodies with ghost flame ghost flame burnt this border between the two worlds what color is ghost flame despite the appearance of the Magic in the current day its color is violet a purple flower that blooms in graveyards the Hue of ghost flame and we see this purple used by a master the tibia Mariner as he brings back dead from their world he himself fades in and out of this world likely to the world of the Dead wrapped in purple the whole time it is unclear why the current ghostly magic and its users are a different Hue however is this the remaining color once all this is purple has burnt away the body left his ashes or maybe only in this later order has ghost flame lost its hue the purple consumables staffs Greece plants all patterned to sleep gravity and borders to other worlds purple cured meat called clarifying prevents the buildup of sleep and Madness sleep of course prevents Focus but Madness is interesting because purple is not the opposite of chaos perhaps if the third eye becomes too dominant we begin to see things in the random chance of the world that simply aren't there it is a fine line between intuition and Madness the subconscious and its interpretation dreams and understanding the outside world and its patterns it is so easy to fall into Superstition and fantasy imagination can run wild you might end up believing in what simply doesn't exist and yet the mysteries of purple are so seductive [Music] green is a more abstract color than red or blue but it is essential to both in the lands between in our playthrough green might be seen as less important as it is less relatable than red but it is just as fundamental we meet green time and time again in game when it helps us as stamina and hinders us as poison but it is more complicated than that for stamina there are many items which show the pattern green spill Crystal tear raises Max stamina its green burst cousin raises stamina recovery and green turtle Talisman does the same a turtleneck pickled in green also boosts stamina recovery a completely different effect to the red unpickled neck from the same creature but what is stamina stamina is defined as the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort but what gives that ability in essence what is physical and mental activity really it seems to be reducible to Motion in the physical world and in the mental the more abstract animation green is therefore the animating energy for the body or mind it is in that which moves animates progresses Cycles Rises grows it is in nature certainly but so too in the racing mind foreign and the body is full of energy Green in isolation has another clear effect in game a green medicinal solution creates various cured meats that boost immunity immunity helps fight poison we consume it like a small dose of poison to strengthen our resistances for the Future neutralizing boluses made from nothing but cave Moss but this time naturally green also boosts your immunity against poisons poison bone darts and arrows poison your enemy and their tips drip in green liquid the various horn Charms have various effects patterned by their color the one that boosts immunity has green on the horns and of course everything that causes typical poison follows the same pattern the pattern goes on well beyond this but is this the other side of the same coin could animation itself be poison and if so how the first hint to Green's nature is the fact that the green rule for poison not rot which we will come to continues across plants to inanimate stones to Medicine the second is that there is a consistent color difference a consistent shade of green that differentiates stamina or healthy animation with unhealthy animation poison poisons in our world are not a specific shade of green stamina green is consistently a rich Vivid green sitting healthily in the range of the color but poison is a shade of green that moves towards yellow why is unhealthy animation towards the shade of yellow because it becomes disordered or by another name chaotic better to have ordered motion even if it is a little slower than desired over chaotic motion animation going wrong in the body is very linked to timing going wrong movement being paired with time we know from black and white that gray time keeping doesn't do well for health what about chaotic movement or animation within our bodies what can happen if the body's processes go out of sync how fast might we last with the sped up heart and a slowed down lever or a metabolism many times too fast chaotic bodily processes are deadly even slight Rhythm errors between them over long periods of time causes huge problems in the organs therefore if the green is not the right shade and it gets in your system it is poison green has simpler emotions than red or blue and while it has its highs and lows its place is the animation of things of emotions and thoughts too the rate of change whether they cycle or not how fast they come and go green also has its own Mysteries is the light green salad and blade of the godskin Apostles simply for increasing the thrust speed it works the thrusts from specifically the weapon regardless of wielder are swifter than the eye can follow but is there some other secret is selen's glintstone a sickly poisoned green evidence of her Twisted mind she was the Graven witch after all and how to explain this remarkable green sky on that fateful night of the black knives perhaps you have spotted a similar sky in your playthrough too there is one poisoning game that is not green that is called rot what is Scarlet rot once again it is named by color and from its name we have the answer if there is more and more energy Green in life and bodies red what happened what did we say was the color more energetic life moved to as it became more madly mobile more chaotic red Trends to Yellow which is exactly what you get when you mix red and green and one of the closest shades of red to the border of yellow or chaos is Scarlet [Music] Scarlet is life but too manically energetic it grows and lives too vigorously and chaotically consuming and destroying its host life out of control Scarlet brings us to the idea of colors being similar being Neighbors of course there is no one nature for any color it is all hues what is the order and relationship of color in a natural splitting of colors from White Light we can see it clearly red is on one side of the split leading to Yellow to green to blue and then to purple the shades of these colors are infinitely varied as it goes between them every color can be made by the two that border it on either side so a wheel can be formed as a famous Alchemist did long ago more than the darkness or lightness where is the color exactly how close is it to others the Hue as we have mentioned May divide gravity nature from sleep but there is no strict Border in any of their Natures everything can approach and mix heresy is not native to the world it is butter contrivance all things can be conjoined so red going too close to Yellow gives Scarlet chaotic life is Scarlet rot blue gained some green and it becomes energized full of innovation and impact on the real world but too much green and the mind cannot keep the stability for things like attention or memory become too green a shade of turquoise and you might be called a blunt Stone perhaps being this you his whole life led thorps to a great Insight a mind that is internally over animated repels the entry of external mental influence it raises the question of whether sorcery damage really arises simply from strong mental belief moving further away from Blue moves further away from sentience and more into the automatic animations of the natural world comets represent this always much more green than the Bluer stars and are never referred to as sentient stars on the other hand are referred to repeatedly as active conscious agents green animation moved towards yellow is poison mind and body mix into the purple worlds of sleep dreams and the Mystic and inanimate bodies moving with what seems to be minds of their own is purple gravity most interestingly and what really shows the purposeful nature of Elden Ring's color design is in opposites colors may have associations in our world but their opposite associations do not match to their color opposites what do we mean by that well for most color systems opposite associations do not have opposite colors or light wavelengths and vice versa thus we do not find in our world that the associations of purple are the opposite of the associations of green the odds of them doing so is remarkably low if they did you might start to say that it was a natural law but what do we find in Alden ring white and black are the two opposites of time but it is a scale for all colors and gray the mess and mix of time States when inverted is still gray it has no time opposite unlike black or white so what about true hues the opposite of red heat is ice hewed blue the opposite of chaos the rational mind regulating and maintaining control the opposite of purple the sinking dragging sleep and gravity force is green the animating uplifting energy of stamina and Cycles clearly this is a conscious design for the law of Elden ring let's move on to some more nuanced colors there are some unique colors some more common some rare but all mysterious [Music] silver whether in the real world or Elden ring always takes second place to Gold often the name for money in various cultures it is much more practical than the hard to come by gold silver is the most reflective metal and the best conductor of electricity and heat it really can seem to become one with things visually and energetically in Elden ring the nature of silver is similar but much more magical silver seems in nature quite similar to Quicksilver or its other name Mercury while this metal is not referenced in game the silver we find seems to flow and run like liquid silver tears are liquid knocks weapons stretch and warp forms from this same tier the center of this creature is a larval tear within which we can see the apparent liquid flow of silver under its surface in alchemy silver is associated with the moon and snakes silver doesn't appear in any of the all color or multi-color items it doesn't seem to be part of the mainstream world and arrangement of colors Mercury being a liquid metal is perceived in alchemy as being able to cross natures and borders it also competes with silver for its reflectivity and has been used in telescopes for this property most interestingly almost all elements can combine with Mercury in a process called amalgamation both silver and Quicksilver seem to have the ability to take on the properties of other things whether visually or physically absorbing or in its heat or electric nature in Alden ring silver truly takes on the nature of others we can even birth ourselves in you with this silver and it is hinted that maybe a lord can be made by a silver imitation while this nature of silver seems to be a pattern it is still a mystery why is the metal of Trina's sword full of purple magic silver to conduct the realm of Dreams is Oracle Envoy blood silver they look somewhat similar white and blue to the white-blooded albanorics and albinorex were formed from a sacred drop of dew was that due as silver as the shield that represents it and what is blue silver a mysterious metal born from the same mother as albanorex themselves [Music] Amber is perplexing Amber in our world is fossilized tree resin different color ambers formed from the ER tree's old sap as in our world sap and time are the ingredients the various Hues of Amber match the various Natures of color however most important is the traditional color of amber it is very connected to the process of rebirth the Amber egg of ranala is a beautiful example why is rebirth this color and more confusingly why does it need silver to operate the sacred Jew drop tear represented in the silver mirror Shield has Amber atop it another Strange Relation Amber Starlight says that Amber hewd stars must command the Gods the draft made to attempt to control Rani is an Amber draft this color seems to have something to do with formation formation of Life formation of a future and fate but it is a color of mystery we need to explore what is glome gloam is Twilight or the darker part of Twilight Gloom shade given what we know about the colors and relation to death glome would be a fitting color for the Queen's eyes who it might be remains in the dark copper is another color that is also a metal copper appears vividly in certain swords regalia of A-Okay says that the copper coloration of the blade is a conduit for its wielder to move it by their will alone We Believe copper is therefore the color of the will the region that uses this sword also gave us element of the Briar his shield from a foreign land is the land of aokay a land of proudly solitary ascetics ascetic is defined as characterized by severe self-discipline and abstentation from all forms of indulgence this sword is from a region where willpower is immensely important and practiced daily the will is the color of copper bronze seems to support this bronze is an alloy mostly of copper and a little tin the gargoyle seemed to be operated from afar their swords are made of bronze as are the Hoops on their ankles and wrists almost like a puppet Tin Men moved by the will at distance additionally how does one make copper color you mix a lot of yellow chaos a lot of red animal life and raw instincts with a little blue what could better represent willpower than copper when a little bit of mind or Spirit has to fight as the underdog against the chaos of the world and the baser desires to do what you truly wish to do will is found in this hardship where one must compete against these two natures and when there is one remarkable color in game that is not truly a color drained of color according to the natures of color this type of color should be defined by its emptiness of Nature and this is just what we see Eclipse Crest Great Shield says the eclipsed sun drained of color is the protective star of solar demigods it is an emptiness that matters here the edge is the symbol that matters solar demigods have lost their Natures their bodies lie drained of red Vigor the animation the mind the character the soul has left this plane they are colorless nascent butterfly an important ingredient in many consumables has translucent Wings it appears as if it has just emerged from its cocoon for its entire life it has very little nature colorlessness can be filled it is pure potential nascent butterfly makes dappled multi-colored meat it doesn't interfere with these Hues it is colorless and can take on varieties of colors without staining it with its own this concept comes again with somber smithing Stone somber being defined as dull in color or tone the description of the stone again reminds us that color is an essential building block of the world Shard of smithing Stone drained of color What A peculiar thing for a blacksmith to find important finally it says special armaments with unique characteristics cannot be strengthened with colored smithing Stones color has nature intrinsically and irremovably if something is a unique and balanced mix of colors to use a colored Stone would literally change its nature therefore to maintain its uniqueness of nature which in Elden ring means its remarkable uniqueness of color you need to use a colorless smithing Stone so multi-colored now we know the basics we can approach these remarkable dappled patterns there are of course many base colors we can therefore make a prediction before looking in game multi-colored consumables in Alden ring should have the same effect as its constituent colors indeed multi-colored is achieved by the most basic function of something else these colors after all are not mixing but first dappled rainbow mottled it goes by many names the mottled necklace from an entirely different culture to the Earth tree has very clearly three colors on it poison green purple and red the exact colors of the more ordinary immunizing clarifying and stalwart charms what is the effect of this vividly colored accoutrement precious to the ancestral followers it raises robustness immunity and focus just like our colors would dictate and a combination of the more regular colored horn charms our prediction is right this pattern fits across many items flask of wondrous physic a relic of the physic chemists Priests of the earth tree what a curious profession for priests to focus on the mixing and combinations of Base Natures harnesses the power of Crystal tears which only form after the passage of many moons various special effects are bestowed upon the Drinker dependent on the specific mixture of Crystal tears of course there are many colors of Tears crimson and green and so on and with custom combinations the vision of their effect is multi-colored one special tear is the opaline hard tip opaline is another word for opalescent defined as showing many small points of Shifting color against a pale or dark ground Opel is famous for being able to display every color of the rainbow if Crimson tears and green tears affect HP and stamina what does this multi-colored tear do it boosts all forms of damage negation the dappled cured meat we make upon closer inspection has three colors that stain it red purple and poison green and what do these cured meats do when we consume them dappled cured meat boosts immunity robustness and focus exactly what the colors red purple and off green do when alone in a cured meat what is remarkable too is how we make dappled cured meat the medicinal solution we cure it in doesn't have a combination of the essential ingredients of other meats the invigorating cured meat red has a land octopus ovary in it but it is not in dappled meat we don't find a slumbering egg for the Sleep resistance nor ahead of a poison resistant dragonfly there is one item that seems to give all the variety of color to the dappled meat a budding horn this horn began to sprout on a beast that typically Bears no horn perhaps it's a Vestige of the primordial Crucible this horn gives rise to many colors what is the primordial Crucible where all life was once Blended together all life all natures and therefore all colors with the nature of multicolored established we can look at where it appears in the law we can understand why the rarest and most prized of Miranda flowers are the most varied in color there is a great power in the diversity of uses astel formed of many colors together can cast various forms of magic and indeed amongst all this varied color appear rings why are the celebrants in the Windmill Village armed with multi-colored rakes skulls and sickles the merchants wear gorgeous multi-colored garments their famously Suave hats studded With Many Colored gemstones is this the LIE of the three fingers the removing division will bring together this diversity in Beauty instead of distraction in chaos the gods themselves seem to be a multi-colored set the outer God of scarlet rot the god of rani's order the formless mother and so on perhaps white and black is like a many-faced god acting as many colors but in fact is one colors are so fundamental that the very Gods seem to be divided by them and one God the greater will is recognized by one exceptional color but nothing is so important in the law of the multi-colored Than The Crucible and the Omens Omens with the nature of All Creatures emerging have much more than a Vestige of the primordial Crucible if yellow is a chaos of everything mixing multi-colored is something to be nervous of how things can be multi-colored without mixing to chaos is the place of a most famous color and Omens are evidence of the breakdown of this color as the boundaries of color begin to weaken and stir up how close we come to chaos more God is an omen who knows he is a risk he is ashamed of his curse he recanted it and sealed it away in his cursed sword a beautiful lore item warped blade of Shifting Hue the colors tell us his story what is an omen but a warped being with many colored Natures shifting and emerging the accursed blood that more got recanted and sealed away reformed into this blade when this Blood becomes Unbound it emerges it explodes and mixes in a filthy off-yellow staining the Thrones staining an important word explicitly a word for color Omens and Omen blood and all that Trends towards the primordial Crucible risk blending in a stew of mass One Step from Pure chaos but it is kept at Bay kept at Bay by one thing gold [Music] in our world gold is formed in stars and is believed to have fallen to the Earth in meteorites long ago it is unreactive and one of the most stable elements it is very hard to destroy and very hard to make and of course it has a unique color in alchemy it is viewed as the highest form of matter but not only matter also body mind and soul to turn base Metals matter or our own nature into gold takes many stages but gold is the final form this transformation has been undertaken by many great minds in history but while they gave us many other gifts gold was never made in Alden ring we need to look at the world and what is in it to see Gold's place in the universe gold is seen all around us but it is hard to find on its own removed from complex systems religion characters obscure dialogue none of these help us as Gold beginners complexity will lead to confusion we need to find where gold is in the world simply and there are three items which are natural simple and importantly ignored there won't be any preconceptions about what has been passed by Golden rower gold tinged excrement and Beast blood first golden rower red rower as we have dealt with is heavily involved in red nature boosting gold rower is a rarer thing though it is easily found near the Earth tree gold is easier to find in General near the Earth tree more than color how does this gold rower differ from a typical rower in what we can make red rower and rhymed rower cannot make any dappled Meats dappled as we have addressed are multi-colored they have the effects of each color yet the meat has identifiable separate colors in its stapling why can the preserving effects of a normal rower not do what is required to make dappled meat but gold rower can gold is required to stop the colors from mixing it contains the colors in the meat together yet separate gold tinged excrement is next once again it has a unique appearance it has a golden tinge but we have an enormous clue in this highly ignored substance gold tinged excrement is a highly stable substance it doesn't dry out nor does it lose its customary warmth or scent for better or worse it remains as it is goldness maintains the nature of the thing finally we have fresh Beast blood glinting with gold this glimmering Blood never rots or decays between these items the essential nature of gold reveals itself gold is order gold has the power to hold things in a state or condition that otherwise might change in a universe where the natures of things are linked with color gold is what can hold them in relation gold dictates whether they overlap mix or are held at a great remove without gold dappled meat would be very dangerous to eat as its colors would interfere with each other without gold things rot without gold for better or worse things change unpredictably each color has its opposite in nature but gold is not a base color it is an emergent property and an emergent color just like chaos and yellow is the shadow of gold is what can divide and distinguish and yellow destroys divisions interestingly what is one thing that can break gold down in the real world Aqua reggia dissolves gold away its color a vivid yellow gold and older is like yellow and Chaos it exists and doesn't exist it is an emergent color when all colors are in certain orders you have faith in Gold you can see it feel it but it doesn't exist in the way green does break the structure and gold vanishes into its constituent Parts with the true colors within revealing themselves if gold is order gold may have the power of influencing the basic rules of the universe after all what are rules whether in society or the laws of nature other than order with enough gold you can guide these laws as you see fit you can make things rise or fall you can make them burn freeze reverse in time you can temper your own being with blue you can choose how long red lasts how much green your amount of purple the enigmatic Miyazaki told us so before the game's release the Rings you're looking at in the logo are more a representation of the law of the world the rules and the order it's more about how you apply those rules and how you enforce them on the physical world and what effects they have on it that's what's being represented by the Elden ring and these overlapping and intersecting Rings it gets a little bit more complicated than that but I'll leave it there for now like dams in rivers with gold you can direct nature itself whether it helps the world in general or only yourself depends on your understanding and your choices the current imperfection of the golden order or instability of ideology can be blamed upon the fickleness of the Gods no better than men let us now look at more complicated aspects of gold and see if things fall into place [Music] the shackles for Omens have golden symbols on them and they are bathed in golden magic they confine Omens confinement is a form of order and now we have learned the multicolored nature of Omens isn't this just dappled meat and golden rower but played at a much larger scale Omens the same as anything else are defined by their colors Omens are too primordial too virgin on the chaotic if let out to mix it becomes disordered gold like the golden rower keeps these shifting cues in place morgot has the nature of what seems to be rats goats and many other creatures growing from him and when the seal he imposed on his own blood seems to break it is splinters of gold he coughs out first before the emergence of a muddy mixed color order is very linked to time if order is buffeted by non-order it dissipates over time this is why Moore got shackle which lacks power only holds morgot for a short time this is why with time gold seems to Decay to a muddy yellow colors naturally mix and thus just as golden rower is needed for cured meat so too do we the player need runes runes are the gold that keep ourselves in order without runes we cannot keep any of the natures of color if we consume redness a booster curves but it cannot be maintained permanently and it fades the golden ruins that can maintain Natures in order can allow us to keep different attributes permanently think of it like having more gold to add to our own ring it increases its size runes will act as nourishment for the development of any tarnished if we want more green permanently we can do that more runes allows us to alter our own form our own order without order these Natures will mix we don't necessarily want a strong body to dilute with a strong mind to result in tiredness order can raise the parts to a greater whole it may be that all the basic building blocks of nature are around us all the time much like in the real world everything is only its specific nature as a result of its order does not only apply to the inner it also applies to the outer world you can impose order on others just as you can impose disorder one more complicated aspect of golden order a name which takes a more literal meaning now is incantations one spell that imposes order on others is Litany of proper death we cast it upon those who live in death and it stops them from arising repeatedly the description once again is more concerned about image than the physical it imposes an image of order in bright gold which damages those who live in death the spell says the hunters aim to Stamp Out defiled reason all for the Perfection of the golden order in their opinion to live in death is an affront to how order should be however the very name living in death shows how flexible order can be that such a thing is even possible the image of order is interesting too what shape does order always take clear intersecting straight lines triangles and squares and of course most famously in rings what is more ordered than a ring holding an inner and separating an outer balanced around its Center rings are a perfect visual representation of order they can contain they can overlap and bind other spell effects and descriptions help us further two incantations viewed as very important to the law are the law of regression and the law of causality causality one of the key fundamentals manifests a small ring of causality within that allows the Caster to automatically retaliate upon receiving a certain number of Blows the fundamentalists describe the golden order through the powers of regression and causality causality is the pull between meanings it is the connections that form the relationships of all things this is one more key this is because it is fundamental to understand that order is not only static something being in a state of order unchanging through time is of course ordered but there is order in processes too that which repeats or has a pattern that which is predictable cause and effect fundamentally if it is tightly correlated is a form of order it is order through time so with this we can establish that order is not only something that applies to things with static states such as Beast blood not rotting it applies to processes just as a dam will consistently redirect water in this or that direction over time the next is law of regression heals all negative statuses dispels special effects and reveals mimicry in all its forms regression is the pull of meaning the tall things yearn eternally to converge this is inverting causality or removing effect any form of order is expensive and to do this at a deeper level say a wide area or deeper into the past I.E through more layers of cause and effect takes a lot of order it is expensive it is easy to damage order with chaos but undoing order cleanly backwards is not chaos it is a very hard operation that also requires a lot of order all incantations are of Interest here as well immutable Shield protects one's own order Lord's Aid and cure poison use a great abundance of order to draw out poisons and ailments from our bodies and we can see these colors being removed finally we have order healing all the good and the great wanted was an absolute evil to contend with does such a notion exist in the fundamentals of order so we get to the moral aspect of order who benefits from order what does benefit even mean without order before the existence of order can we talk about good or evil both if they exist arise from order the benefit or harm of the dam it's gained to some its harm to others is already placed atop an order can something as fundamental as order itself have a morality after all with chaos such things fall down Malena tells us as such if you intend to claim the frenzied Flame flame it is not to be meddled with it is chaos devouring life and thought unending however ruined this world has become however mired in torment and despair life endures births continue There is Beauty in that is there not if you would become Lord do not deny this notion please leave the frenzied flame alone life itself is destroyed in chaos the pain and suffering of life is also order it is division and distinguishment frenzy removes the order of pain just as the eye of yellow relieves it without suffering of any kind we would die order contains perhaps irremovably suffering but is a mixed quality of life better than none at all the Lord of frenzied flame is no Lord at all when the land they preside over is lifeless chaos is a release but a well-structured order may do wonders and this range of the possibilities of order is the purpose of gold mask the state of the current order is weakening and disorder has become more present the Fallen moves tell a story gold is fading even small distances from the earth tree is it because gold is alloyed with something outer allowing the influence of outer Gods is it unstable ideology and fickleness that is the problem or is it the physical damage done to the Elden ring that is causing these issues gold mask takes on the task of mending order his change to fundamental order impacts everything and everyone in the lands between in fact the form of order is what defines every ending in Elton Ray many orders are possible unlike others who create a mending Rune gold mask invests incomparable time and thought into his creation he has likely spent a lifetime to reach his level of understanding staring up through holes in his mask not unlike a pinhole camera he observes the world is the mask splitting colors so he can analyze their true Natures he seems to care about the fate of the world Beyond his own self-interest we should be glad for it it is an enormous responsibility to lay down the order for all others order in a sense is innately unnatural get it wrong and it may have been better to do nothing but there are huge benefits to tempering your nature for yourself and others this is why gold masks work is all about transcending the culmination of his work is The Mending Rune of perfect order a rune of transcendental ideology which will attempt to perfect the golden order will this allow Vivid color to return to the tarnished and the lands between gold mask has achieved something miraculous when his Rune starts an age of order whether it will succeed in the long term though only time will tell gold is colors set in order we can see it when it breaks and ceases to Glow its colors revealed gold can be a shackle but gold can be freedom all that is cursed or evil is order but so too is every gift in life order to choose its alternative is madness to know ourselves our nature our colors is a path we must follow just as gold mask followed his never impose order carelessly instead walking this path of understanding may give the insight to harness our own Natures to lay down our own rings to gain strength of all forms to be present to uncomfort with what we cannot control or understand to be more in harmony too much and you are out of control too little you're ineffective too intense you'll never last too light and you Fade Away in time our actions thoughts energy instincts and even emotions can be brought to Harmony with time and battle after all the Creator called gold the concepts of order and discipline just as gold won its place in Eldon ring anyone can conquer their own lands between anyone even if you feel your colors are tarnished can transcend to gold [Music]
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 411,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Color, Colour, Colors, Colours, Lore, Elden Ring, Secret, Secrets, Gold, Greater Will, Gloam, Godfrey, Morgott, Radahn, Gravity, Astel, Nameless, Dragons
Id: xcIEWVFSce8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 58sec (6778 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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