Elden Ring Lore | Mohg Lord of Blood

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/superfree845 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] whilst the civilization of the archery crumbles above a new civilization blossoms deep below the surface and the ruins of a sundered civilization from the blood-drenched depths comes moog the lord of blood twin of the omen king whose ambitions would upturn the very order of the world while more goat his brother seems ashamed of his own form and does everything within his power to uphold the order that would shun him moog has proudly embraced the power of his accursed blood after a pivotal communion with a powerful outer god the lord of blood's mogwin dynasty surround themselves in a world drenched in blood and the adherents of this new blood-based faith are drawn to a side and come in many forms ranging from merciless killers to displaced misfits whether by choice or by force moog has laid the foundations of a new order where love and positions are the rewards for loyalty to the frustration of the round table more and more tarnished are drawn away from grace and instead dedicate their power and effort to the lord of blood invading the worlds of their tin in order to drench the lands between in blood and at the heart of this seemingly insane and aimless cause as an even darker more sinister truth for the lord of blood's design center around michela the greatest of the emperians positioning himself as michal's consort he aims to ride the unalloyed's coattails to elevate his dynasty of blood to new heights while moog is scoffed at by the outside world little do they know that the lord of blood's plans are far from harmless for he dreams of a world drenched in his accursed blood bound to his will and that of his outer god patron let us immerse ourselves in the blood of the tarnished as we explore the world of mold the lord of blood we know that margot and moog were born of the royal lineage and that being the children born of america and godfrey a fact that is confirmed by godric's great rune we know that these twins belong to this lineage due to margot's great room which reads as follows this great rune is the anchor ring that houses the base and proves two things that the omen king was born of the golden lineage and that he was indeed the lord of lindell as such we know that this applies to moog as well for we know from his great rune that he's margot's twin yet despite such divine lineage the birth of these twins was problematic for the royal line for they were born with the omen curse now the omen curse is definitely the subject for its own video but suffice it to say is an extremely revealed curse that leads to tainted blood being haunted by evil spirits and makes you sprout distinctive aesthetic features such as horns and an unnatural skin hue this is of course a less than ideal condition for a member of the golden lineage to have and we learn of the horrendous way the regular infants of this affliction are treated in the realm of the archery from the omen baron item description which reads as follows doll of a curse-borne baron woman babies have all their horns excised causing most to perish these fetishes are made to memorialize them we can see this from the regular ogre enemies that we find in the game as we can see that their horns have been cut down just to the wick essentially just the stump of the horn that protrudes from their skin and indeed the dung eater's armor is fashioned after no man with their horns trimmed as well and as such it gives us another illustration of how regular omens would appear after having their horns cut off given the name of the area the shunning grounds and the fact that it is filled with omen enemies we can then presume that omens were then chucked down into this area underground shunned and exiled yet this wasn't enough for some people omen people were so reviled that they had to be killed hence we get the omen killers hunters specialized in killing omen showing that these people are so reviled that they are killed mutilated and exiled just for being born the way that they are however given they were born of royalty moog and more goat received a slightly less rough treatment the regal omen burn describes the fate of such royal beings doll of a curse born burn from the earth tree's royal line omen babies born of royalty do not have their horns excised but instead are just kept underground unbeknownst to anyone imprisoned for eternity these memorial fetishes are fashioned in secret and so while the main of the golden lineage got to hold court in the glory of lindell moog and margot will have suffered the fate described by this fetish they would have been tucked away in the aptly named shunning grounds with the rest of the women who survived their horns being excised with the joy of having their horns in full the two were of course problematic they were of the golden lineage and so they just couldn't be killed outright but conversely nor can they be allowed to remain in the capital as equals of the normal members of the golden lineage especially if we see the other way that omens are treated it would just be hypocrisy and these creatures of accursed blood certainly couldn't be allowed to mar the image of the proud golden lineage and so they would have been bundled into the dark depths of the shunning grounds take out some kind of desperate existence the fact we find shackles specifically for moog and morgot implies that they weren't only just banished here but they were shackled lest they escape the shining grounds and embarrass the golden lineage for example if we read moog shackle which we still find in the shining grounds reinforcing the idea that this was once their home it reads the following a fetish bathed in golden magic shackles were used to bind the accursed people called the omen and these ones were made to keep a particular omen under the strictest confinement though faint the shackles still retained vestiges of power enough to trap the once bound moog on earth if only for a short time this tells us a number of interesting things firstly it is bathed in gold and magic suggesting that this was produced by the golden lineage themselves using golden magic this is completely monstrous if you consider how cruel the royal family were to two of their own for no other crime than being born the way they were it also says under the strictest confinements to me this reads as though they were even more concerned about mogan more goat from ever getting out than any other omen cursed lest they be discovered and cause any embarrassment to the proud golden lineage the cursed blood pot can also imply the sort of cruel treatment that moog will have experienced as a child for it reads decorated with the crest of the lord of blood throw at enemies to douse them in a cursed blood causing summoned spirits to assail them with a rabid fervor a childhood memory of the lord of blood so for me what we can infer from this is that these spirits that assail enemies now are recreating actual memories from mog's childhood how he was assailed by people just for having the accursed blood much as these spirits now react to people who find themselves covered in the accursed blood from the pot reading this does make me feel sorry for the perch app both were treated no better than common criminals and forced to live in scholarly conditions and no doubt attacked and hunted for the way that they are and this will have had a profound influence in the way that they develop and it was here that the two would take very different paths and the way that they did develop and the way they viewed their accursed blood we see that more goat would do everything in his power to rise above his omen status for example we can see in his sword's item description that he siphons his accursed blood away into his sword getting it out of his body and he is utterly ashamed and disgraced when his own blood stains the thrones of the demigods and the elden lord during his fight with us viewing it as vile and impure and it kind of throws him into a bit of a frenzy to be honest he's that ashamed about it margot almost has stockholm syndrome as he essentially becomes the greatest defender of the current order an order that once saw him imprisoned for eternity under lindell although one can't help but applaud him when he becomes the final lord of lindell taking his deserved place at the foot of the archery yet his twin moog would move in the complete opposite direction where his brother reviled his accursed blood moog would come to cherish it and it was in the depths of the shutting grounds that mo would have a revelation and earn the favor and power of an otherworldly ally the blood boon incantation reads as follows sacred incantation of moog lord of blood thrust arm into the body of the formless mother then scatter blood flame to set the area ablaze the mother of truth craves wounds when moog stood before her deep underground his accursed blood erupted with fire and he was besotted with the defilement that he was born into we can see that moog met his new patron the formless mother quote deep underground and to me this most obviously refers to the shutting grounds which of course deep underground this is the most pivotal moment in moog's life whilst no one will ever know moog's name really and the outside world beyond those that serve him everyone will come to know the lord of blood and this is the moment he becomes the lord of blood it is central to the movement that become known as the mogwin dynasty and indeed i do believe that this place is therefore still sacred to the dynasty even after they established themselves in the mausoleum under caled the reason i believe that this area is still important to the dynasty of blood is because of the presence of a certain boss we find a boss here called esgar priest of blood who we know is linked to the dynasty not only because of his obvious name armaments and the fact he has the blood-tainted dogs with him but also because he drops the lord of blood's exaltation a talisman directly linked with moog eskar's presence here suggests a cult location within the depths of the shining ground and to me this is unsurprising given that this is the location of the first communion that led to the birth of the accursed blood that they venerate so dearly as well as the birthplace of the dynasty itself ultimately and so for me esgor represents the fact that the lord of blood's servants still have a presence here given its holy relevance returning to blood boon we can find there's another interesting aspect of it when we look at the second part as it reads his accursed blood erupted with fire and he was besotted with the defilement that he was born into so the formless mother on whom we will speak on next seems to have empowered moog's own accursed blood leading him to wield enormous and various powers that he does during his fight with us we know that she bestowed power on his blood specifically from the description of mogwin's sacred spear which reads a sacred spear that will come to symbolize his dynasty as well as serving as a weapon it is an instrument of communion with an outer god who bestows power upon accursed blood so if you had any doubt don't have any more the formless mother has literally empowered mogsa cursed blood so it's different than margot's however more significantly it infuses mo with the opposite opinion of himself than his twin brother has of his accursed blood the connection between the formless mother and moog is made through moog's accursed blood blood being the medium that the formless mother interacts with in the mortal plane therefore to moog his defilement his accursed blood is something to be proud of for at this moment it was his blood that gave him purpose and clarity for the first time in his life this is also reinforced by the description of moog's great rune which reads but moog's rune is soaked in a cursed blood from his devout love for the rich admirer that he was born into far below the earth he now had power real power and unlike the rejection of his kind at the hands of marika and her kind the formless mother embraced him empowered him loved him communicated with him and this is all the direct result of him having omen cursed blood so no wonder he loves his accursed blood he loves his defilement he was born into because it is the very reason for his new being is the very reason for his elevation to the lord of blood as a direct result of this this forever bonds him to his omen heritage and the formless mother it is now to the outer god and her lord of blood that we turn to in the next chapter [Music] we cannot talk about the dynasty of blood if we do not discuss the being that set moog onto his current path before this mole was likely destined to die in the deaths of the shining grounds no better than the other omen ogres that we fight down here we do learn very little of the formless mother but we learn enough to understand the role which she plays in mog's story firstly her name formless suggests that she does not take physical form as normal beings or demigods do and in fact this is supported in game with some animations and some incantations when moog uses his blood incantations he is literally reaching into the body of the formless mother and then pulling out her blood and spreading it as a weapon we learn this from blood boon which again i'll read thrust arm into the body of the formless mother then scatter the blood flame to set the area ablaze this is her literal blood that has been pulled out of her body so to me the formless mother exists in a very different way to which most beings do rather than having some set position in space or having an actual form she exists along the fabric of our own reality is some sort of cosmic life form that defies the normal conventions of life she exists beyond our normal boundaries of our world further highlighting this aspect of her formless body is the blood boon ritual weapon art present within movement's sacred spear and is the same ritual moog uses in his fight with us the description of the weapon art reads as follows raise the sacred spear and pierce the body of the formless mother stab up to three times creating explosions of blood with each frost this skill will quote the armament in blood flame for a while this is why we see moog reaching up to nothing and piercing his spear into nothing when he is actually reaching up into her body so with that in mind let us revisit the latter part of blood boone's description that describes moe's initial interaction with this outer god when moog stood before her deep underground his accursed blood erupted with fire so when he stood before her it was rather not like him coming across her physical form might like the player does when they behold godwin for the first time underground instead she let herself be known to him in some communion that would likely not be understood by regular mortals observing such a communion as mentioned the formless mother most likely communes with her chosen via her chosen medium and this is blood by setting moog's blood on fire that was her way of revealing herself to him and her way of communicating with him indeed we know the mother of truth is most attracted to a cursed blood for if we once again read the sacred spear description the spear specifically mentions the fact that it bestows power on a cursed blood not regular blood a cursed blood so this means that her most effective mediums are people like moog and indeed as we'll later explore the blood that is used by the dynasty of blood that is the source of their power is derived from mog it is ultimately his empowered accursed blood meaning that the mother of truth is specifically utilizing accursed omen blood as her medium and power in the real world or at least the most potent version of it but why is she most interested in accursed blood well to me the most basic explanation could be that no matter how reviled omen blood is we cannot deny that there is power there is simply a stronger power within the blood of the omen than there is compared to normal blood we can see this in the strength and size of roman ogres and the power that margot wields against us in desperation and that is without him being empowered by the mother of truth but in general the spelling of blood and the blood in general in the mortal realm seems to be the way that she'll increase her power and her domain but why is this the case why is blood her power why is this her domain well if i can speculate for a bit i believe that their tur gods as their names suggest are bit beyond our world and are only able to communicate and interact through certain mediums or their agents for the formless mother her influence is spread by blood this is how her power is grown in the world and we'll look at that later how her power and her blood is transforming the world into her world as she would see fit in this regard she has chosen the perfect messiah through mogu she not only has a champion of powerful corrupted blood but is also in a position to usurp the established order moog is a demigod he is someone who has the ability to claim a great rune and have great power himself with her empowering his blood already she has a formidable ally who can advance her aims spread bloodshed spread his accursed blood and therefore spread her influence in a world that she cannot physically influence herself however this arrangement benefits moog as well for he is empowered and emboldened and instead of just being a prisoner in the depths of the shunning ground he is now the lead of a powerful sect as well as getting actual powers so let us look upon the lord of blood himself and what powers he has gained from his audience with the formless mother the outer god of blood what is clear is that when the shattering of the elden ring took place is that mole like his brother claimed a great rune this will have of course increased his power already but what is interesting is that his empowered accursed blood his blood that is infected with the influence of the outer god of blood actually warps the great rune that he isn't possessing of it warps the power of the archery that he has stolen for the description of the red reads as follows a great rune of the shard bearer moog its blessing grants a blessing of blood mog and margot are brothers and as such their runes are naturally similar but moog's rune is soaked in a cursed blood from his devout love for the wretched mire that he was born into far below the earth both margot and moog have accursed blood both have runes that have taken similar shapes but it is only moogs that has worked by his blood meaning it isn't just omen blood that's corrupting it it is in fact the corrupting influence of the outer god of blood the mother of truth i think this is fascinating because it shows that the shards of the elden ring can actually be affected by an outer god if their chosen champion possesses it and has their power coursing through their veins this is of course backed up by melania's great rune which has been corrupted by the outer god of rot in a similar fashion mold's great power is boosted by the fact that his great rune is now intrinsically linked to his accursed blood increasing his power tenfold another interesting point from this description is the fact it suggests that moogs and margot's rooms are similar because they are twins it is as if great runes are not set shapes when they are claimed but in fact conform to their bearer we of course most clearly see his power on display during our boss fight with him he can travel and move around in the form of blood as when we first arrive he is sleeping beside mikula in the form of blood before he oozes out and reconstitutes himself as a corporeal being of course as the lord of blood he has the right and the ability to commune and touch the formless mother directly reaching into her body pulling out her blood and using it as an offensive weapon against their enemies the blood of the formless mother is highly potent and volatile and i believe it's the same source of the flames that we see flickering all over moog's palace this is the effect of the accursed blood growing in power it's so concentrated in mogwin's palace that it is literally lighting the palace much like the accursed blood itself burns when moog uses it from the formless mother so already we are beginning to see what a world might look like when it is fully influenced by the outer god known as the formless mother as we've already mentioned moog is also able to gain power through his blood boon ritual a term coined by the purifying crystal tear that we use against him when he uses this move we see that he is able to directly connect to the formless mother's form he counts down from three to zero in latin albeit and he counts zero three times and he draws power from the formless mother stabbing into her body he pierces the body of the formless mother three times causing blood explosions that damage us but empower mole it is through this communion with his god that moog has granted even more formidable powers he is granted huge wings that give him an aerial advantage over us this is an impressive display of power that really shows the lord of blood is not a joke and is a force to be reckoned with as he has a real power in the form of the formless mother this is why i find the mentions that portray him as a fool to be extremely eliminating as it shows the ignorance that people who are observing him from the outside actually have about the true nature of the moguin dynasty before we move on from mog's powers let us discuss a small elephant in the room the fake moog or the other moog that we find in the forsaken cathedral now quite obviously this is either a projection or copy since we fight mold twice for when it dies the the moog the omen that you fight in the forsaken cathedral he has a slightly different death than the real moog he breaks apart into gold sparkles well when he dies for real he just breaks apart into grey ones like all the other bosses do it's the gold particles that got me thinking about how how is he here how is he a projection so there are a few possibilities here moog has projected himself either to revisit his site of his first communion which we've already discussed is clearly a sacred space or he is here guarding the frenzied flame himself as of course it would endanger his new dynasty as much as it would to the established order of things however there's the third option and the most likely to me and this is that his twin brother more goat has conjured him up c is the most likely to me because of the gold colors that sparkle when we destroy moog the omen under here gold is associated with those on the side of the elden ring and those such are marco who are from the golden lineage but to me the most compelling reason for this argument is the positioning of this moog that beyond the secret entrance underneath the altar there's another door now if you have gone in here after meeting my goat you won't realize this but if you go there before meeting morgot which is what i did the first time i did the game is there's actually a golden barrier a golden magical barrier blocking off the frenzy flame and it has a symbol on it which reads sealed by more goat the grace given so the use of gold for the sparkles and the fact there's a gold barrier directly behind this powered by margot it shows that margot is clearly concerned with containing the sacred flame as well as the proven history of him being able to project himself and have this kind of power of making fakes and the location he's extremely close to this location meaning it wouldn't be a great effort for him to project another version of his old twin brother underneath and aside from that maybe it's even sentimental having a piece of estranged brother nearby this is of course pretty wild speculation on my part as to why there's a moog the omen here and to be honest i might just be covering from software's in fact they've just copy and pasted a boss here but there you go that is my take on why there's a a copy mug there any of these three are satisfying to me but c is the most likely for me that's it and and take it or leave it returning to the real moog i want to look at the way he's viewed that from the outside it's clear that oath near does know a lot we see him you know fruitlessly looking for mickla in several ways he attacks latina and interrogates her in a pretty british fashion looking for the other half of the halle tree seal as well as selling his goons to attack the albanoric village but in fact he doesn't know where michael as he doesn't really know that moog actually has mikala he's heard rumors but he hasn't actually confirmed the fact that moak has mikala so i do find it funny when you tell him of moog's location in the mogan dynasty mausoleum but before you kill morgan find out about mikala often has a lot of kind of derogatory things to say about moog and he clearly doesn't think he's a huge threat and let's just listen to that clip now oh so that's where the so-called lord of blood was hiding himself eh a fitting little squat for that deluded maniac to bleat about the revival of his precious dynasty while he turns our fellow tarnished into bloody fingers let him stay there that way his delusions will remain as they are distant and unattainable so he essentially belittles the lord of blood as a raving lunatic extremist the sentiment is also repeated when we have a look at the lord of blood's robes it likewise describes him as either a luminary someone who's you know a great leader who knows a lot knows the truth or is in fact a raving lunatic so this duality is present again in the robes description i think that the item description of the lord of bloods a robe is actually hinting more at the world's perception of him rather than what is actually the truth the only thing that i'll allow that he is delusional about is maybe his relationship with mikala and maybe he underestimates mikala and how much he can use and manipulate mykla but we'll look at that later however in reality if the people like othnir and others who scoff at him in column of raving lunatic really went to moguin palace saw the horror of the blood swamps and the beings that are growing in there these new life forms are adapting and changing because of the real power that's found in the accursed blood and if they saw the power that moog can possess when he communes with his outer god and if they knew that he was in communion with their to god would they scoff at him i doubt it so i think it's interesting that the world's perception of moog as the lord of blood is that he's just a raving lunatic who's got a bit of a blood cult following behind him that there's no real power behind the throne so to speak but what they don't realize is that he has actually made connection with a powerful being that opposes the existing order and in fact he has actually taken mikala the most powerful of the emperians to use as a figurehead and intends to use him as a stepping stone to raise his dynasty from just that of a raising lunatic and his loyal cultists to the new ruling order with a blood god at their forefront [Music] emboldened by his new patron moog would build a dynasty upon glorious bloodlighting and it is called the mogwind dynasty when it comes to a timeline here it isn't all that clear where the abduction of nikola sits in regard to moog setting up his dynasty so i'll just treat them as two different subjects however if i was to speculate and make up my own cannon in my head i would say he at least needs to have the palace and foundations set up before he takes mikala so that he has somewhere to actually bring mykola so when it comes to the timeline of the mogun dynasty i'll leave you to make up your own mind because to be honest it doesn't particularly matter it all still happens the same way the symbol that moog takes for his dynasty makes sense as it takes the form of the three prongs of his trident this is incredibly important and symbolic to the mokumen dynasty as it is actually the item which moog uses to commune with the formless mother who is essentially the patron of the dynasty whenever you use a blood oath incantation a power that derives itself from the lord of blood you will see the three-pronged trident take form in front of your face before you cast your incantation now let us analyze the name of the dynasty moguin now when analyzing this name i have seen other people as i initially did trying to relate it to godwin showing there's some link to this but for me it's not really the case there's not any real link between moog and godwin as far as i can see there are some links between mikala and godwin but again another time semantically win does have an effect on the name and this is what i started looking at because i thought moog win was obviously just a play on moog and extrapolated to make the title of a dynasty which is what i believe it is so for example godwin means a friend of god so win can also mean a friend or it can mean blessed and welsh so to me moken is essentially an extrapolation of moog's name meant to mean the people the chosen the friends the allies the blessed or whatever of moog these are the people of mogu this is the dynasty of moog mogwin and his followers which perfectly makes sense it makes sense because the grand designs of mog's ambitions go far beyond a mere cult and just having mindless soldiers at his command mo believes that his dynasty will rise as a grand new bloody society that will replace the current order as such moog has established his royal palace the moguin palace an impressive if ancient structure located in the eternal city knockron we can learn a little bit of its location from the map description for the area which reads in the lightless depths lies the grave of an ancient civilization it is here moog the lord of blood is building his palace to be the seat of his coming dynasty named mogwin as we learn from the sights of grace in this area the palace was once a mausoleum and from the map's description and its location right at the edge of the eternal city it leads us to naturally conclude that this was a mausoleum for the eternal city nokron so therefore while it is impressive moog has essentially squatted inside of an already existing building of a long dead empire indeed squat is the term that of near actually uses when we tell him of the location of the lord abroad the palestine is a grand structure with large statues that we can only assume to be ancient nokron lords and its inner workings are dominated by graves and burial sites for a civilization that is long since broken this is a site of death it is a place of burial that has been repurposed into a palace of blood the location for the palace is a smart one he gets a grand palace ready built certainly one of the most awe-inspiring buildings in the whole game when you see it an elden ring first time from knockron and from the river underground you're looking up at it and wishing you want to be there the entire time secondly he is in a fairly hidden location where he can keep his prize mikala well away from the prying eyes of his enemies which is proven by the fact that even offender isn't actually fully confirmed the fact that mikla is present within the mogun dynasty palace for whatever reason that he chose it moog sees this as a symbolic linchpin for his brand new kingdom and make no mistake more dreams of building a new society to surround him this is evident by the various classes that already exist within the fledgling society for example let's look at the item description of the sanguine noble robe which reads his following robes of dyed black cloth featuring gold embroidery worn by the nobles who serve the lord of blood the grand metallic pattern on the shoulder is a signifier of the noble rank they intend to claim upon the advent of the new dynasty they are working to install so here we see that sanguine nobles are actually working towards or pre-ordered the position of nobility within the new society that is yet to be fully established what is interesting is that there is a sense of nobility amongst the high ranking members of this fledgling society rari once a battlefield surgeon even calls us lowborn if we kill him within mogwin palace and just like all royal houses worth their salt the mogwin density already has its own order of knights as we can see from the pureblood knights medal which reads as follows proof that one is a glorious knight of the new dynasty of moguin that the lord of blood will inaugurate this is another honorific pre-order title granted in advance of the dynasty's birth showing that there is a class system already in place in the anticipation of a new bloody society blooming this is obviously important to moog for if you pay attention for the way in which mogu refers to the dynasty you will notice that he always refers to it as our dynasty not mine ours whilst undoubtedly a megalomaniac moog is a leader who wants to be surrounded by allies worshipers and confidants he wants to hold court ultimately he wants allies he wants to build something together with other people who didn't fit into the regular society with his nobles and his knights this to me is an insight into the man himself given the isolation and vilification he faced in his youth it is no surprise that moog now desires to be surrounded by loyal followers yet in reality not all have come to serve the lord of blood by choice as we can see when we look at the example of vary and his surgeon brethren the whiteface vary is one of a number who were taken to be the lord of blood's side as he established his new movement we learned this from the war surgeon set which reads as follows blood-stained white gown of the war surgeons who were effectively mercy killers of the surgeons that were abducted by the lord of blood none were able to tame the accursed blood none but vary that is though he was an exception to me this is one of the most fascinating bits of lore that surrounds the lord of blood for it tells us so so much in two very small sentences so firstly the set war surgeon shows that vary and his elk were actual surgeons that operated in theaters of war and what war has there been in recent history the shattering to me this is one of the very few lore tidbits that are relevant to moog when it connects to the shattering in my opinion vary and the other nameless white faces were once battlefield surgeons operating during the shattering and the fact they were little more than mercy killers shows how brittle this conflict really was their surgery quote unquote would often amount to nothing more than putting a wounded soldier out of their misery not being able to save their life because their injuries were so horrendous however despite this despite their inability to save many people that were on the battlefields at the very least they were people individuals who were familiar with death anatomy medicine and of course blood this is what would have made them desirable tools for mold as the description also mentions the fact that none were able to tame the accursed blood this to me tells the reason behind their abduction and why they were brought to moog to help him tame his new accursed blood to find a way to control it and utilize it in his greater dynasty of blood we will deal with the accursed blood itself in the coming parts however let's just say that the accursed blood is the blood of moog that has been enhanced and it is his blood that is referred to as a cursed blood in the blood boone description in addition we do see the influence of omen blood in the accursed blood again linking it to the fact that it is moog's blood rather than the formless mother's blood directly for we see omen appearance happening on the sanguine nobles such as their pallid skin and the fact they are growing omen-like horns as again we'll go into these effects in more detail soon but just know when we talk about accursed blood and the accursed blood that vary and his like were working on it is moog's empowered blood it is clear that moog then stole the surgeons to help him work out a way to control it given their experience with medicine and blood yet what makes it clear is that it was so difficult to control that only one of them would have the extraordinary skill capable of controlling it this is of course completely understandable given the fact that the accursed blood is essentially the blood of an omen that has been afflicted by an outer cosmic being however while the failure of the majority of these surgeons is understandable it also helps highlights vary's brilliance as well as understanding the fundamental and important role he must play in the dynasty given his prestigious achievements so let's talk about vary now and his role within the mokwen dynasty vari is the first npc that we see in game and it shows the guile and intelligent of the lord of blood's greatest agent it is vary who waits at the chapel of anticipation waiting to scoop us up as a newly arrived tarnish and already influence our decisions like reichard moog evidently sees the tarnish from what they are powerful beings waiting to be exploited yet the recruitment methods of these two factions could not be more different volcano manor comes right out of the gates states are disdain for the rule of grace and bid you join them in a glorious rebellion vary is infinitely more subtle he is well-spoken intelligent and even empathetic on the surface he is the first kind face and calming influence we see in a world gone mad indeed his weapon varies bouquet describes this aspect of the man very well for it says this weapon reflects the white mask varies manner of speech rather well enticing in its splendor but full of deadly consequence he appears as a friend and mentions nothing of his own agenda or affiliation to the lord of blood instead he actually encourages us to fly straight to join the tarnished of the round table hold as we speak to rodericka on storm hell we learn that he is evidently doing the same thing to every tarnish that he meets in doing so he probably believes that he will not only weed out the week but also that we will come to the inevitable conclusion that he has that the two fingers are not worthy of our loyalty they are weak and the tarnished of the roundtable that do serve them are blowhards and are has beens this is just my interpretation of the way that vari behaves make your own interpretations of course he encourages down the path of blood slowly before dropping a couple of fettering bloody fingers into our hands encouraging us to spell our first drops of blood for the lord of blood and then after feeding our doubts and making us misbehave from the way of the two fingers he fully inducts us into the lord of blood service yet he has one final test for us before we are inducted this is the test of the lord of blood's favor a white pure cloth we must stain with the blood of a finger maiden blood for the lord of blood and a finger maiden's blood to show your dissatisfaction and disassociation with the current order to which you are forced into vari's role here shows how important he is considered to be mammal as he is important enough to induct and select knights for his new order vari also represents moog as mogu wants to be represented in the greater world to potential recruits as a loving patriarch of a new order far removed from the uncaring order of the two fingers to a degree this is true the two fingers aren't human and therefore appear uncaring whereas moog does appear like he's warm loving and rewards those who follow him he's someone who's experienced isolation and dissatisfaction with the current order himself and in that way he is a sympathetic character vary seems to embody this very ideal he speaks eloquently and warmly much like a mentor when referring to mo he uses the word love love love as if it's an attempt to draw in those who feel isolated alone and mistreated much as moog himself once did vari's own weaponry which we've already talked about is the romanticization of the dynasty of blood for his weapon is a mace shaped after the bouquet of blood roses vary is the face of the dynasty sophisticated noble warm but utterly deadly yet why did vary and the other surgeons stay behind and become loyal servants of the lord of blood after being kidnapped why would you do this why would you help your abductor well vary has evidently gained a love for mold due to his prestigious position and the respect he gets from moog and being able to work alongside a demigod such as moog the other surgeons that for example attack us in the grounds of mogum palace must have stayed for another reason and the very way they interact with us clearly shows that reason bloodlighting and i think that their love of bloodlitting is pretty logical um and their reasons for staying are pretty logical if we analyze them a little bit first of all i see it's a result of mogu's own style of leadership again i refer to the love that vary seems to be encouraging that moog actually possesses i'm starting to believe that if you were in this world and you didn't have a real good role within the world and you felt a little bit out of place that moog would be an extremely attractive and charismatic leader i think he is a bit of a captivating leader in that respect who instills a sense of love and brotherhood within his order an order of dissidents who have been rejected by the maine society secondly i suggest the other reason which is a little bit more sinister and probably the main reason to be honest is that on the blood-soaked fields of the battlefields of the shattering the minds of the war surgeons could warp after seeing so much death and so much blood and develop a taste for blood and they are essentially mercy killers so they've killed a lot of people at this point and maybe it went beyond mercy and they in fact developed the taste for blood and now they are no better than any of the other bloody fingers obsessed with the spelling of blood and therefore they serve the lord of blood in another way that they couldn't do as medical professionals either way i went over the war surgeons in in depth because vary played an important role in the dynasty and that was the taming of the accursed blood which is the real source and core of the dynasty's power and so let us explore the cursed blood now [Music] regardless of how it's done moog's accursed blood has been weaponized and brought under a degree of control by him and his minions in various ways such as weapons and as a medium for transportation and transmutation yet more importantly the accursed blood is used to bind those who serve the dynasty together if you complete various questline then you see the truth of this first hand he asks you to pass his finger and if you watch the animation closely it looks like he is administering a syringe of something being pierced under your fingernail and this is in fact reinforced by the bloody finger item description which describes the fact that something has been injected under your fingernail after he's done this he proclaims that we are now bound to moog and the rest of his servants at this operation that he's done to us that this finger is what binds us together if you then examine the bloody finger item that you received during the ceremony you realize this isn't just a finger like the one used by the recusants no this is in fact your finger as the item description reads as follows glistening blood has been siphoned into the nail of this finger its sickly pale skin feels nothing now but the nail still itches with the sweetest pain the fact we still feel the pain of it shows that it is actually ours and also the illustration does not show a severed finger like the other ones like the recusant's invasion finger but in fact shows a finger very much still attached to a hand it is a powerful marker of brotherhood bound by a shared blood the accursed blood of moog it is very symbolic but also a practical act administered by one who used to be a surgeon it is practical because we can now use our bloodied finger to invade other tarnished at will over and over and over again and indeed the single use festering bloody fingers must have been fingers that reflected in a similar manner and then lobbed off to be used by loyal fingers this ability to teleport and invade it well is in line what we can see with other uses of the accursed blood both moog and the nobles who i argue are closest to moog in their physical form and powers can travel through blood and blood form and now as a bloody finger we can travel through the accursed blood as well aside from our bloodied finger that has now gone pale like omen's skin we can also see other physical effects that show the blood has really had an effect on our body and is coursing through our veins for after this ritual our eyes gain a sickly ready smoky hue showing that the accursed blood is fully infected our body barry is right this really does bind us to mocking the other fingers we now all literally share the same blood the bloody fingers themselves are therefore the product of most accursed blood and no mere cultists they have real power of course to moog they are his pure blood knights of his new order but to the outside world they are the reviled bloody fingers blood creates fiends indeed euro hunter of bloody fingers describes them as tarnished in thrall to cess blood that they are no longer in control of their own actions they are lost to their infected blood the cess blood being another word for what we now know to be the accursed blood of mo and from what we learn from these tarnished that serve the bloody fingers this is a correct assumption in some regards for example the infamous okina his mass description tells us everything that we need to know about him here was a man who became obsessed with the act of battle itself more than the reasons he had for why he once went to battle and his journey to become a bloody finger is explained by the reverse of blood description his signature weapon as it describes a meeting between okina and moog where it says that moog felt okina's blade no doubt okana was attempting to kill mogue in a bloodfield frenzy but instead of moog killing him or striking him down or fighting back he saw an opportunity for a useful tool and he offered an opportunity far too tempting to a psychopath like okina the ability to be a bloody finger to invade and sleek his blood thirst forevermore and in return moog would receive his offerings of blood the famous elenora on the other hand considered by euro to be the most dangerous of the bloody fingers once had a proud legacy as a noble knight but now her legacy has been tainted by the bloody fingers no doubt her recent transformation to a bloodthirsty knight has been caused by the dragon communion she has so clearly partaken in one of the first warnings that we receive from europe is in fact that dragon communion can lead to a hunger that cannot be sated whatever the reasons for wishing it the bloody fingers seem to be tarnished to crave battle and death and in return for spilling blood in mog's name they are granted the ability to invade and seek battle as much as they wish to save that hunger which otherwise would go unrequited the purpose of the bloody fingers to moog is to spell blood that will seek the thirst of nicholas cocoon and this is described by the blood lord's exaltation but we'll go into that more later when we look at mikula in the next part of the video however for me aside from the bloody fingers it is the sanguine noble that best represents the effect that the accursed blood can have on someone as they essentially seem to be taking after moog in lots of ways and we've mentioned a few of these again but i'll i'll go over again just for the sake of this part of the video like moog they can travel through blood and they seem to be transforming into a sort of pseudo-omen due to the omen infection within the accursed blood they begin to sport the same type of omen horns that moog has as well as sporting the same pallid skin tone that mokas on a note in the horns these aren't actually just a part of the outfit that are meant to be symbolic of moog or representative of him if you wear the sanguine noble out for yourself you will see you do not have those horns these horns are genuinely a part of the physiology of these blood nobles aside from offensive and utility purposes we can see that the accursed blood has uh some interesting transformative and mutative powers and as a case study of that we're going to turn to the putrid blood-soaked mires of the mogwin palace as to be expected as the very foundation of this new empire it is covered in blood even the first holding of the mogwin dynasty is suitably mired in blood the palace is literally situated in a stinking festering bog of blood and now let us read the description of the swarm of flies incantation which gives us a little bit of an insight into this it reads the new palace of the lord of blood lies in a swamp of festering blood and these flies are said to have spawned from excrement in that land indeed we find the mogwin palace resting in this stagnant pile of blood rising above it and casting an ominous but dramatic shadow the immorgan palace map can once again give us further context as to this location and what abominable horrors we can expect to find in this blood-drenched land it reads as follows in the lightless depths lies the grave of an ancient civilization it is here moog the lord of blood is building his palace to be the seat of his coming dynasty named mogwin and whatever nightmares that may bring what nightmares does this map refer to well one needs to only have spent five minutes in this horrendous area to understand how nightmarish things can get let's first zoom out from the palace though and have a look at the first instance of the lord of blood's corruption that we will most likely find on our journey as a new player the rose church the signs of the accursed blood is pretty clear here firstly we can see that the whole water in this area is blood soap and the influence of blood and therefore the formless mother and the lord of blood allows a sanguine noble to translate here to move through the blood and rise through a bloody portal second we see these warty blood growths that we will come to see are pretty symbolic of the accursed blood's influence as we see them here and quite prominently on life forms that have been affected by the accursed blood and in the swamps of moguin palace the blood rose also grows in abundance here and we can see from their description that these two grow in festering blood and it is symbolic of moog's reign hence why vary has incorporated those into his weaponry as a symbolic gesture what is interesting is that we can use this information to show the fact there's actually the lord of blood's influence in hate fort the fort of kenneth hate who he gets us to retake from him from one of the godric soldiers that have come from stormville now it seems that this soldier isn't just operating under godric's orders but seems to be obsessed with blood we can see this from the ash of war that he uses against us and the fact that there are blood roses growing in this area again showing that anything that has to do with the cursed blood whether it be a weapon art or anything else draws the influence of the lord of blood and the formless mother so when these two locations are mentioned rose church and fort hate we can see small subtle signs of the accursed bloods corruption and a microcosm of what the world might look like under that rule one final thing of note at the rose church is the three albanorics that we find here they aren't like the others in the area that are just patrolling the lake these three are standing right outside the church and just staring at it as if they are mesmerized by its presence so once again the albanorks find themselves into one of my lore videos so their present is significant here at the rose church because a huge amount of auburn arks have now found themselves enthralled to the lord of blood as we enter the bloody marshlands of the mogun palace we find new versions of albanork's blood-red albanorics who are almost as one with festering marshes and sport unusual blood abilities such as growing and shooting hardened blood spikes even more interestingly is that we see near the entrance of the marshes we find a group of blood albanorics standing over regular albanorics so what is happening here so i've gone over a lot and i'm sure people are aware of this now but the auburn orcs are a fairly oppressed people and they don't really have their own place i'm not going to go into more detail because this video is already ginormous and i could go off on a little bit of a tangent about it but put it this way the albanorks haven't got a place in the world so it's no surprise that i hated hunted displaced people like auburn orcs could find salvation under the wing of the lord of blood or at the very least it makes them susceptible to corruption by the lord of blood by manipulation by the lord of blood the scene that we are presented with at the entrance to the blood marshes where blood albino arcs are guarding regular herbal and arcs makes it unclear whether they have come willingly or not whether they have been captured and brought here or whether they are simply initiates under guard by the existing blood albanorics but given the positioning of the albino arcs of the rose church i would to me suggest that they are enticed to come here for whatever reason but when they come here they are essentially put under the control of existing blood albanorics yet how do albanorics transform into the bloody variant well again i'll refer to the most quoted item in across all of my lore videos the albanoric blood clot where we learned that they are an artificial life form created by man and they seem to have a malleable clay like quality to them which is why they bleed white fluid when we hit them in my opinion inductee albanorics are then made to soak in the accursed festering blood of the swamp absorbing the accursed blood of mole into their malleable bodies turning them into fearsome devoted berserk warriors of the dynasty these are the foot soldiers these are the pawns of his new force they're making up the numbers we can definitely see the influence of moog upon them we can see clearly that the accursed blood has physically afflicted them transforming their skin but not only that they can produce blood abilities from their malleable bodies they can form blood spikes and fire the matters and aside from that most interestingly to me is they are also being affected by the omen infection at the top of their little heads you can see omen horns just poking out of the top again the almond blood is infecting these albanorics as well as regular humans moog has now turned a lost oppressed people into a fearsome group of foot soldiers indeed there are an extraordinary number of albanorics in the swamps and i wonder if ophny would laugh if you face fifteen hundred all benoriks at once aside from the albanorks we see that there is a cursed blood in the swamp that has altered other life forms and they can provide fearsome war beast and defenses for moag's dynasty the already horrendously horrendous monstrous crows have been afflicted by their cursed blood the warts that we identified earlier at the rose church are pretty present across these crow's body again showing that they are now one with the dynasty they share the blood of the dynasty they have been warped by the accursed blood also present in the swamp are the blood hounds these are ones that we find in great numbers in the swamp and again are covered in the warts of the accursed blood again showing them to be afflicted by the accursed blood making them into fearsome war beasts that cause horrendous bleed as i'm sure you have all experienced at one point or another we for sure know that these dogs are to be used as warhounds for the dynasty as esgor himself uses them when he fights us in his battle as if they are his trained dogs the swamp itself is even transformed it is volatile and dangerous with blood geysers bursting out of the surface scalding anyone unfortunate to be caught within its radius hopefully the crows we already discussed the swarm of flies incantation but let's look at it again when looking at the nature of the accursed blood for the description of this incantation suggests that these deadly bloodthirsty flies have actually spawned from the bloody mars surrounding the palace specifically being grown in the blood-tinged excrement of the area this seems like an almost perversion of the natural order of things there is a new cycle of life found within the cess blood afflicted base of the area these assessed blood affected beasts produce festering bloody excrement and item we can find all over the area and the item description of this blood tater excrement reads as follows the bloody excrement of a carnivorous beast material used for crafting items found in the land of the new dynasty mixed inside with half-digested flesh or a dense colony of tiny eggs of unknown but assuredly revolting origin the accursed blood warps even the natural world creating new nightmarish bloodlitting creatures that would normally just be a natural part of the normal life cycle they exist within their own blood-tainted ecosystem now one understands the nightmares that the dynasty of blood would bring as described by the moguin palace map imagine this as a microcosm a slideshow of what the world would be like under the reign of the lord of blood and the formless mother a hideous mutation of the existing world where blood tated beasts fight each other eat each other and even horrible flies are born from their excrement that thirst for the blood of others however to reach that goal that absolute paradise that we're all dreaming of then moog's central peace central pawn must really come into play for his meccala the unalloyed that is central to most design and it is he that we will ride upon to our new era with the blood lord so now let us turn to mikala the potential blood god the secret at the heart of the blood dynasty is one that is taxed off near for so long the truth is that mikala the unalloyed is now a permanent guest of the lord of blood and indeed in the opening cinematic to the game we do see moog carrying the infant mikala under his arm we get hints that it is mogu who has taken mikla throughout various dialogues and item descriptions even before we come face to face with the truth ourselves for example after you defeat melania after thirteen thousand tries and find the helix tree as a husk and report back to oath near he says the following i heard speculation mikala embedded himself in the hailey tree but before he could finish someone cut the tree open and absconded with his infant form indeed it seems those words held weight so even here over here is hinting the fact that someone took him and we later found out that someone to be moog for reasons that we will discuss regardless moog snatched mikula in his infant form as per the words of wolfnear and this is the childlike form we see in the opening cinematic cradled in moab's arm it is clear that michael then becomes the central piece to most design and he is intensely intensely focused on keeping mykla to himself and protected for he is the most important part of the dynasty this is made evident by the description of the pureblood knights medal which reads used to be granted audience with mole only it is not time for more get slumbers beside the divinity be patient the new dynasty is nigh the term divinity shows how molg views mikala a potential god not only that but it seems to be directly linked to the coming of the dynasty which mo considers to still be going through the process of birthing moog doesn't consider the dynasty to be real it doesn't consider the order that he's building to have come to fruition until mecca arises as a new god these such motivations of moog are expanded upon from the remembrance of the blood lord which reads as follows remembrance of moog lord of blood hearing into the artery wishing to raise mikala to fool godhood moog wished to become his consort taking the rule of monarch but no matter how much of his bloody bed chamber he tried to share he received no response from the young emperian the formless mother wants a blood god much as all outer gods want so they can have a vessel for their power on the mortal plane with moog ruling at his side mikala would become the new god for the formless mother much as godfrey once stood at the side of marica as the greater wells ruling dynasty and in this we can see why moog doesn't consider the dynasty to have been complete or fulfilled until we have a god a blood god mikala rising as the blood god because ultimately most aims are the formless mother's aims they want to replace the current order with a blood order and this can only be achieved when a new ruling body is in place a lord and their god in this the formless mother and mo cannot have chosen a better empirian to raise to godhood there is something special about mikala he is a character we have zero interaction with and yet we feel his effects all around us he appears to be one of the most influential and powerful characters in the game melania who herself is exceptionally powerful seems to see mykla as some higher potential for godhood as her armor description quotes from her and she says the following my brother will keep his promise he possesses the wisdom the allure of a god he is the most fearsome emperian of all mikula is of course deserving of his own video but suffice it to say that michael's power seems to be his allure the loyalty he aspires and the exceptional wisdom that he displays that is at odds with his childlike appearance through his unalloyed gold he seems to have the remarkable and unmatched ability to actually to actually resist the influence of the outer gods this is something that we learn from the description of michela's needle which tells us that it was crafted to ward away the meddling of outer gods and we can actually see that this is true if we use it on ourselves and remove the influence of the frenzied flame therefore removing the meddling of the outer god of the frenzied flame how many more of the demigods or empirians look beyond their own selfish desires to develop such impressive tools to help others none are like michaela who many see as the defender of the meek and the dispossessed and aside from anything else he can actually challenge the outer gods so it is no shock that this is the god that moog and the formless mother want to use as their figurehead for their new blood dynasty as the god of the moguin dynasty he would bring the accursed blood to new exceptionally powerful levels and mole would be able to rule as the monarch almost unopposed in the current world regardless it is plain to see that mogu is trying to grow and warp mikola into a full god yet not naturally as mikala probably would have intended we know from off near's dialogue that mikala had embedded himself in the hailik tree for whatever reason but that moog ripped him out before he could finish what he was doing for me looking around the helix tree we see these other cocoons that are looking like nicholas cocoons so i would say that michela's cocoon is not the work of moog but was in fact the natural process of mikala to try and grow himself to feel godhead perhaps to help his sister but again that is a story for another time but regardless i see the cocoon as mikla's design what i see is most design is the fact that it is split open prematurely and now moog is tainting him with a little bit of blood for we see that this is in fact the desire of moog through the lord of blood's exultation a talisman that quotes from moog himself directly and it reads as follows render up your offerings of blood to your lord drench my consort's chamber slake his cocoon's thirst his awakening shall herald the dawn of our dynasty this neatly explains the role of the bloody fingers or the pure blood knights quote unquote the spelling of blood as far as mogu's concerned is what will feed his cocoons growth and using blood specifically to slate the cocoon is of course an attempt to guide mikala's development into a god to a god of blood specifically warping the unalloyed's form dousing his growing flesh with festering blood again most seems to believe that the awakening of this blood god will here the age of the moguin dynasty as if it actually needs the god for it to be a legitimate dynasty as i explained this is because the aim of the dynasty isn't just to be a dynasty in the normative sense it is to replace the ruling dynasty of the archery as the dynasty of the world and for that it needs the power of a god this is why michael is so important to moog while we can't you know confirm that he has actually any real emotional attachment to mikala it would obviously be one way given that michael has been entirely unconscious the whole time but regardless we know that moog is really focused on mikala we get this from the kind of way he spits at us mikala is mine and mine alone when he kills us during the boss fight and we know that the fact that he is hidden michaela down here in the depths and is keeping it secret from even the likes of waffner who generally knows most things shows that he is wanting to keep his claws very much firmly dug into mykla this is the centerpiece of his designs without mikala there is no mogwin dynasty and indeed he takes his role as myklas consort seriously even if there has been no relationship actually established between mikkela and moog it is a position he has forced upon michael himself indeed he goes as far as playing the role of consort to share the chambers with his lord and we see this described in the pure blood knights medal the bed chambers as we see from the bloodlord's exaltation is of course nicholas cocoon and we do in fact see that moog is sharing these chambers with his lord slumbering next to divinity as we enter the boss room after our chapter on reviewing the accursed blood and the transformative and transmutabilities of it it should be clear what happens at the onset of the boss fight in the initial cinematic moog is in blood form inside the cocoon so he can actually fit inside these bed chambers before he detects our presence and pours out into the floor reforming himself in his corporeal form and apologizes to mikala for having to leave him by himself for a while while he battles us this is how he shares the cocoon the bed chambers with his lord he sleeps there in blood form yet it seems this entire time despite the way that moog speaks to mikla and everything else mikala has been slumbering the whole time this is what we get from the remembrance of the blood lord where we get that he's had no response from nicola and the fact that oath near actually uses the terms slumbering specifically when describing the way that mikkela is at this moment despite michaela's incredible powers i do believe that he is currently defenseless caught in some kind of slumbering process that he began and not knowing he would be kidnapped and he cannot wake him from and he is actually being corrupted by the fact his cocoon's been cracked open and he's been corrupted by the accursed blood of mole just as the lord of blood and the formless mother most likely desire indeed the shining unalloyed of myth looks a little worse for wear and at the same time it does appear that he has indeed grown yet when he awakes what will he be i think it's clear that michael's journey will be fully dealt with later on and later content this room is so weirdly empty after moog's death and mikala is just there it feels like he's there for an interactable purpose but as of now we cannot interact at all so i'm sure we'll learn more of michael's fate and what's been happening to him since he's been poisoned by moog all this time and the way that often here talks about the fact that everything should be fine if he doesn't wait from his slumber suggests that opener suspects that mikala will be something terrible when he awakens and this is no doubt a result of the interference and meddling by the lord of blood and the formless mother whenever he awakes it's clear looking at his pallid skin and his sickly demeanor that moog has been at least her degree successful in changing the unalloyed and yet ultimately moog never gets the chance to see if his god of blood will be as he imagined whether he will be able to use him to raise up his mogwin dynasty because we come to the palace ourselves drawing mogu from his captives bed chamber before destroying him and ending his dynasty before it began like the majority of outer gods it seems as though the formless mother wished to supplant the order of grace with her own order of blood with a god of blood and a lord of blood replacing the current gods and lords of the art tree we have glimpsed at what this future may bring boggs of festering blood warped wildlife that craves blood and bloated bloodthirsty flies that thrive in every cistern a nightmarish land ruled over by the lord of blood and his puppet god a harrowing future that will now never come to pass well maybe thanks guys that is my take on the lord of blood um it's just it's just so much i i didn't think that this would be a long video i again thought this would be shorter than my reichard video and it's just ballooned and bloomed i really need to maybe start focusing my efforts sometimes but it's just when i started opening it and looking at the effects of the accursed blood i just really got in deep and so but i hope i hope you appreciate the the look at what we did with moog and and the mogwin dynasty thing is there's actually more to be said on some of the subjects or on mickeleh himself but i think that's deserving of a video of michael himself this was moog's video and the mogwin dynasty so i did have to cut it there and it was getting some it was getting ridiculously long already so i did cut out actually a few pages on mikala and some of my theories about him so i'll deal with that another time but i really needed to restrict this to moog and the mogun dynasty and with that said if you think i have missed anything pertinent which i probably have because i'm just delirious with having worked in this video for two weeks then please let me know below and aside from that i'm going to start working on my next one straight away soon as this one's done but until next time guys i will see you in the eternal city take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 913,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring lore, elden ring gameplay, lore, explained, elden ring lore explained, gloam-eyed queen, gloam eye queen, ranni, ranni elden ring quest, god skin apostle elden ring, god skin apostle ost, godwyn the golden elden ring, godwyn the golden, mohg, mohg lord of blood, mohg lord of blood ost, miquella elden ring, miquella elden ring location, varre quest, varre questline elden ring, varre mask elden ring, yura quest elden ring, Okina elden ring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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