Boggart 🍤 : The Prawns tell a Story | Elden Ring Lore

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Bogut might have changed the world he isn't as intelligent as gold mask but he has intuition in time he just might have mended the lands between because Bogart was on to something blackard big Bogart is Born Into A Big World his arrival is not blessed he is not born at the foot of the earth tree or into a well-off family only those of comfort and means know the truth the crab's eggs are more delectable than its meat Bogut will go on to eat and sell crab meat but never sells the eggs he doesn't know this truth because he has never experienced Comfort or wealth after an early life of hardship he grows into an aggressive man he learns to fight he learns to threaten he learns to Bluff and he learns to cook the food of the people very very well while young he ignores this talent instead choosing violence to make his way in the world he chooses to steal from those weaker than him which is ironically what we encourage you to do in Rage Shadow Legends the sponsor of this video and trust us there is plenty of prawn or rather crayfish to steal in this tactical turn-based RPG whatever you're looking for in a game there is something here for you let's spell it out R is for regular updates A is for the arena PVP combat I is for infinite specifically referring to Clan boss health and D is for dungeons for all the best loot but for us it's the multiplayer that takes the cake it's raid's four-year anniversary making it the perfect time to pick up the game there's dedicated offers free gifts promo codes events and a brand new Fusion event where you can get an anniversary themed legendary champion you can also reminisce with a recap video of your raid stats plus Amazon Prime members can also get some powerful Savage gear before the end of March not to mention if you click our link you can unlock Kellen the shrike an epic champion who excels at dealing heavy damage together all that's 30 dollars in value an absolute steal especially if you also cash in the promo code four years raid so click the link below or scan this QR code to download this free game now all right enough of that crayed fish and back to prawns he is armed when he robs and he settles on a weapon of choice the fists of big Bogart he calls them and they shatter bones with ease he sees weakness as an excuse for his crimes as if he is simply teaching the weaker lesson they need to learn but it ain't my fault she's stupid enough to get juked is he lucky she ain't died on the bloody roadside I reckon during this time he had yet to be forced into a prisoner's mask people might have called him beautiful but his soul had become ugly the soul of a black art a thug he hangs out with those he trusts and shares his taste for prawns however some of his friends may not be a good influence and he ends up being locked up with one the degree of punishment as well as who he is locked up with make it likely that they committed serious crimes Bogut is made to wear an Iron Mask a mask forced on convicted prisoners another similar mask in game is used for the same purpose but has an even crueler design is used on prisoners convicted of an appalling crime and is a foul creation designed to torment the wearer either slowly fermenting hatred within their heart or a spiritual fervor that is near indistinguishable from it Bogart has more space to breathe and see in his but it must at first be claustrophobic and panic inducing it blocks out much of the world's light his freedom to breathe reduced he is dehumanized even if his soul was already warped before it warps further during captivity this is only the beginning whether he deserves it or not bogut's time in jail is horrific his friend his cellmate doesn't last long bogut's one Comfort his friend becomes a trauma when they are joined by another I was in the same jail as him once the dangita does something terrible while in jail does something that to this day Bogart cannot forget I ain't seen nothing more disgusting in all my years I've ever been more scared neither to the bloody Spot while he did that to my friend Bogart has to witness the Twisted dung eater kill and curse his friend the gruesome technique combining Omen horns and filthy heresy will haunt Bogart forever do the jailers come to remove the dangita from bogut's cell or does the dung eater decide it's not bogut's time in any case Bogut lives to tell the tale and eventually his time in prison comes to an end is Bogut released from jail or does he escape he leaves with his prisoner's mask still on which would be cruel if he had finished his sentence whatever the case may be bogot chooses to keep the mask on to this day on release he has no real remorse for his crimes and turns to violence once more and The Mask helps him to Bogut The Mask made him all the more threatening and helped him get what he wanted the threat of the Mask is like a bluff and it means Bogart doesn't have to fight to get what he wants we originally thought bogut's name blackard big Bogart meant a bluffer to blag means to manage to obtain something by using persuasion or guile to obtain with persuasion or guile seems like bluffing but this is not what his name means black art means a man who behaves in a dishonorable or contemptible way this fits with what we know of him so far but this is his reputation he doesn't call himself a black art what he does call himself is Big Bogut Bogart is defined as an evil or mischievous spirit was he given this name from birth was his soul evil from the beginning or is this a form of self-loathing an acceptance of how others perceive him until well after being free from prison his behavior deserves his reputation but after some time for some unknown reason Bogart decides to change his helmet states that while it helped him get what he wanted it was also a mirror of his emptiness it is as though his way of life intimidation violence dishonor is having an effect on his soul on his inner order that is too hard to bear on meeting no one fails to notice that he doesn't like himself or believe in himself makes no bloody sense anyway I shall no name like me shall get called to the lands between not just some pay dog like me [Music] serves me right fitting bloody end for a jumped up little the weight of this self-loathing may have become too much to bear and whether he knows it or not Bogart starts to act in a way that he can be more proud of so that he can like himself Bogart decides that he wants to bring value to the world and so the blaggard begins a New Journey at some point he sees Grace as though it was the path to a better life he hardly even believes in Grace makes no bloody sense anyway I shall no name like me shall get called to the lands between and yet he follows its path Bogart follows his intuition and after arriving in the lands between sets up a prawn shop and he tries hard he works at it long enough for a Point of Grace to be named after his store he has likely built the shack himself and stacked wood for burning beside it his natural talent for prawn cooking from his earlier life now turns professional and he becomes a true prawn connoisseur he avoids over salting his intuition tells him that something delicious and that boosts defense will be in high demand in the lands between he may be onto something as he begins to go on the straight and narrow he struggles to quit his bad habits he is still aggressive he is still rude he still likes Loot and he will always love chests he likes bird watching shall we say his favorite part of the chicken isn't the drumstick he likes to keep abreast of current affairs if you will if we may be so bold he eats his meals with a glass of okay enough poker is still dishonest when we meet him he sells crayfish and calls it prawn but all of this is much better than he used to be and like the mask he wears a lot of his behavior is a front because Bogart more than anything is scared he is scared of the big bad world and everything in it he's scared to come out of his mask what was once captivity has become Comfort others see the mask and flee from him thinking he is more dangerous than he is he calls himself big Bogart but he isn't so big and nowadays he isn't all that evil his aggression is a bluff and we discover this when we push through it we meet Bogut at a lull in his journey he no longer sees Grace his shop is doing the rounds he is yet to truly change his ways and others may take advantage of his old habits dying hard Raya needs to test those who may be suitable for the volcano manner she does this by seeing if they will kill a tarnished one of their own kind he too is tarnished if you've any qualms confronting your own I shall find another by some coincidence Bogart a tarnished steals ryer's necklace what a coincidence too that patches a member of the volcano Manor also hints that we need to help Raya by the way uh have you met that girl Roya she's a strange one but I believe she was in need of help not that it's any of my business but issuing your bell why not Linda Ranier an odd thing for the self-serving patches to do Bogart himself when we accuse him of stealing the necklace says shot the particulars of the matter while he doesn't deny it entirely we believe he gave in to his old bad habits in what was a classic Honeypot she wanted him to commit the crime and tempted him what we can say is whatever truly went down Bogart did not use violence the old Bogger certainly would have we are left to speculate on the rest do you think Bogart was tricked it is here that Bogut once again shows his remarkable intuition anyway she alright that one okay she ain't died on the bloody roadside I reckon and he is correct his intuition extends to the Earth tree and to the golden order itself maybe something went with it maybe he's been broke for a good long time the atrium saying his intuition is better than half the members of the golden order together 's magical intuition is leading him on a bigger path than even he realizes [Music] but at the boil prawn Shack he needed someone to shake him out of his stagnation and we can be that someone if we push through his aggression and choose to buy his prawn he starts to let down his defenses he stops bluffing and he starts to trust us never met someone with a taste for Broner contrast we'd make good mates I reckon a theme in Elden ring is how a person or group is treated it's how they will treat you give him some kindness and he'll call you his mate he gives us a gesture is it the gesture of giving up or is it just what is needed after a belly full of prawn as the relationship grows he starts being more hopeful about the future you've got a real thing here eh and it's only getting better our friendship seems to animate him does he see grace again after we meet him or is his next action his own idea because big Bogut packs up shop and travels to Lander and he travels the hard way he battles the magma worm with his fists and Roars the creature down he can even be summoned to help us his mate he uses his own product because he really believes in what he sells he sets up on the outskirts of Landau where the crabs are plentiful and the demand for boosting defense is much higher he does all of this alone once he sets up by leandel he keeps things lean he has yet to build a shack but he strives once more to improve he now serves real crap and this time Bogut is totally honest about the produce he even sells crab at the same price as the crayfish despite it arguably warranting a Higher One Small crayfish are not protected by the large ones but this is not true of crabs the large and the small roam together in addition to the added danger crab gives a higher boost to our defense than prawn so Bogart is giving us exceptional value by not selling the crab at an increased fee honestly it's one of the best consumables in the game when we find him here he doesn't recognize us at first this allows us by chance to see that his aggression is an act what are you looking at oh you again Izzy perfect Bloody time in Ashley I got crab cooked up fresh because he is afraid because he needs to protect himself he is aggressive but once he recognizes us he becomes our friend again he trusts us a fellow fighter a fellow tarnished we need crab to boost our defense because we are the downtrodden the two of us are the smallest of players in this world and mates look out for each other but by accident we end Bogart's Journey Bogart has been discarding the ghosts of his past anger loathing emptiness but one ghost is much more physical and we release him just as he conquers his inner demons an outer demon joins The Fray Bogart notices his old cellmate's presence in the capital outskirts and he looks out for us taking the time to warn us yeah then I was seen here again never thought I would it was it was him no question that monster he's lurking around there he wants us to stay safe we are lucky who becomes his next victim God damn it why ain't it me why ain't it ever we find Bogart on the point of death he begs for release from the dangita's torture and in his last moments he loses faith in himself and his ambitions serves me right thick and bloody end for a jumped up little with big ideas help me help would you make I don't want to get cursed just let me die I don't want to live like this not anymore so please but before we can grant him his wish and perhaps prevent him from being cursed he dies on death he only drops 100 runes he must have put everything back into his business if we had managed to Grant him Mercy would this have allowed Bogart's Soul hopefully now a pure soul to return to the Earth tree let us hope that the dungita hadn't completed the cursing process so that he can be born again this time a little more blast not only for everyone to enjoy his connoisseur prawn his crab and his humor but because his intuition had him on a unique path that may have made him a healing force in the lands between [Music] with big ideas just what were his big ideas did he even know how consequential they might be because Bogart might just have been an accidental genius the crab and prawn meat is not only healthy and nutritious it is abundant and cheap the rich obsess about the flavor of crab eggs perhaps suggesting that they look down upon more mature crab meat and if so this would most likely be because of where the creatures live the crayfish and crab crowd around waste water around filth around death and they are there eating they eat these impurities that is why they are so abundant because the world is filling up with this waste because of the fractures and errors in the current order has bogut's intuition made another remarkable leap the rich should look closer the state of the world's impurities can be seen in some crabs there are even some who are infused with death blight where this curse can be seen on the crab's external shell the dead inanimate shall death blight is rampant rapidly infecting the world including these Bottom Feeders and yet the meat they drop is clean all the drops are clean healthy white meat no matter where they live or what diet they have the crabs are miraculous creatures that can filter out any impurities including disease death and sickness and use it to grow strong not only is bogut's food cheap abundant and very nutritious but it is in harmony with nature in an intuitive way Bogut is solving the problem his business expanded enough done long enough May mend the lands between Bogut the intuitive version of gold mask follows a path of Simplicity and Strikes gold but before he could uncover its true potential he was cut down taking his skills with him let us hope in his next life he is not judged too soon in the credits for the game he is listed only as Thug Born Into the world with such a label what chance did he have but given a chance who knows what he might achieve Bogut is one of the only people in the lands between who becomes more likeable and more trustworthy the more we know about him perhaps in his next life he will not be a big Bogart a big evil spirit but simply big spirited because next time we know our porn brother is gonna make it and when he does let's hope we can be there to have a drink with him over some salted prawns you've got a real thing here eh and it's only getting better if you enjoy our lore content and want more Elder Ring videos be sure to like And subscribe it really helps us out a lot and if you want to support us even more you can find a link to our patreon below foreign
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 106,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Lore, Dark Souls, Hawkshaw, Hackshaw, Vaati, Gloam, Dragons, Queen, Marika, Radon, Ranni, Radahn, Demigod, Godwyn, Erdtree, Boggart, Prawn, Wyrm, Dung, Eater, Dungeater, Crabs, Lobster, Rya, Volcano Manor, Tarnished, Mending Rune
Id: 4gjOqAtmVv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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