Elden Ring Lore | Miquella the Unalloyed

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we meet the majority of the great rune bearers in eldon ring powerful demigods and emperians who have a profound and unique influence upon the land and history of the lands between and yet one of the most influential of these beings is one who feels very absent from the grasping plots of the demigods and this is mikala the one known as the unalloyed mikala like his sister was born afflicted and while his sister is devoured from the inside from a scarlet rot mikala is cursed with eternal childhood yet despite his useful appearance mikala possessed a wisdom beyond any of his kin and won universal praise and love by all this wisdom would lead michala to recognize the weaknesses of the golden order turning away from it and establishing his own one of unalloyed gold a new order that is a purified mirror image of the current golden order an unalloyed golden order so to speak this movement shows mikela's true potential as he harnessed his power and intellect to better the world protect the weak and even purge the meddling from the outer gods from the mortal plane as a statement of intent mikala would even attempt to grow in his own archery the center of a new order and a new dawn he would draw the oppressed the displaced the downtrodden and the hopeful to his side a new society where everyone who was rejected by the hardliners of the golden order were welcome even melania the undefeated would see her brother's potential as the best new hope for a new beginning and swore herself as his defender his blade in return he devoted himself to riding her of her scarlet rot to save the sister who loved him so dearly yet none of michaela's glorious vision would come to pass the shattering would plunge the land's between into conflict melania would be drawn into battle and eventually give herself to the scarlet rot mikala himself has disappeared from the lands between remember having it that he was snatched while cocooning himself in the helix tree for mikala as loved by all even by those who would bring him harm and despite being absent michael's influence is almost unmatched his followers still wait with hope in their hearts yet little do they know the peril that their shining lord finds himself in this is the story of mikala the unalloyed the most logical starting point when looking at the lore of mikala is the description from the remembrance of rott michala's sister it reads remembrance of millennia goddess of rot hewin into the archery the power of its namesake can be unlocked by the finger reader alternatively it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes mikala and melania are both the children of a single god as such they are both empirians but suffered afflictions from birth one was cursed with eternal childhood and the other harvard wrought within so there is some interesting language here regarding the single god and their selection as emperians in english at least it suggests they were chosen as imperance because of their birth because they were born of a single god that single god of course being the marika radagon rebus two beings in one body who gave birth to the twins given that we know empowerings are chosen by two fingers it would be prudent to nail down if their birth really is the reason for their selection so to make sure that this was intended by the developer i spoke to my fellow content creator last protagonist who produces incredible and insightful elden ring content and i will link their channel below and highly recommend that you check them out i asked for protagonist's opinion on the remembrance of the rock goddesses original japanese and they were able to parse a few potential translations and in my opinion given the translations that they provided me it does look like the english translation is pretty close to the japanese that is intended for both seem to suggest that they are empirian because of the nature of their birth the most likely translation that last protagonist settled on was mikala and millenia are the children of the one person god therefore the two are emperian so they were born of the single body of marika radigan the single god and therefore as the translation last protagonist says as a result they were empirians so once again i'd like to thank last protagonist for confirming that facet of the translation for me with that now established let us listen to rani's description of how she and the twins were chosen as imperiance i was once an imperial of the demigods only i mikola and melania could claim that title each of us was chosen by our own two fingers as a candidate to succeed queen america to become the new god of the coming age so to conclude with all this information in hand it is clear to me that mikala and melania were born of the rebus and due to the auspicious nature of this birth they were then selected by a two fingers to be an imperium as a result of this auspicious birth so the two are born of the great champion rarigan of the golden order fundamentalists and marika the immortal but from their single shared body we know from melania's great rune that these births were auspicious and should have yielded the greatest of america's heirs for it reads melania is the daughter to queen marika and rarigan and her great rune should have been the most sacred of all so for this i extrapolate that the fact that melania and therefore mikala were born of the rabis the combination of america and ranigan that they were special the sacred nature of their birth is well commemorated by a statue in the halak town plaza showing america embracing her two special children and while they are certainly extraordinary beings i do find it interesting that because they are born purely from the genes found within a single body they are born with terrible physical afflictions fairly reminiscent of the european dynasties of old with a lack of genetic diversity would lead to varying physical afflictions they are the only demigods born from a single body that has essentially mated with itself and they are the only demigods born with physical afflictions so it was not hard to see this connection the empirians manage their afflictions as best they could we know from the prothesis where heirloom tasman that melania was trained by her mentor of the flowing blade and evidently threw herself into conflict as a way of managing the rot within or at least taking her mind off it mikela meanwhile would develop internepyrium that possessed more esoteric powers and become a being of a singular brilliant mind we can see his brilliance from the various exchanges of ideas and ideology he has with his father radigan a quick note here as i'm sure it will come up in the comments if i do not address it now i just want to cover this briefly but i believe that melania and michael's birth occurred before the shattering of the elden ring and the shattering conflict there are a number of factors and i will show this naturally throughout my video however to name a few factors one of them being religion was married to america since godfrey was banished from the lands between them so in my mind there's a good amount of time prior to the shattering and after godfrey where american ratigan could have had children secondly i believe that marek and ranigan were imprisoned immediately following the shattering of the elden ring given the way the two fingers that we talked to within round table hall described the severity and punishment needed for the crime committed i doubt they would have let marika and rarigan kind of gallivant about and have their own children in this period and finally there is evidence that mikala interacted with godwin prior to his death which itself occurs before the shattering of the elden ring however as i've said this will naturally become apparent throughout the video and the way i describe events and items but i just wanted to address it now at the onset of the video returning to michael's relationship with his father and the development of his powers we know from the bewitching brandt's description that mikala was well loved and the precise language implies one of the very few sinister aspects to mikala for it reads tree branch blessed with an incantation of unalloyed gold the emperian mikala is loved by many people indeed he has learned very well how to compel such affection so mikala is well loved and we see this throughout the game with everyone who's obsessed and loyal to him and yet with the reading of this item description as well as the actual use of the item the obscene amount of adoration he enjoys makes sense as it suggests that it is through the application of unalloyed gold and he has developed some power through this to compel loyalty though i would argue his aims and actions are sympathetic regardless it is something to keep in mind as we repeatedly examine the unnatural magnetism that michaela seems to exude we see that his father despite being a legend himself respected his young imperian son and it seems as though mikala was already skilled enough to help his father develop the incantations that would be wielded by the golden fundamentalists themselves of which rating would be the head figure of let us at this moment take a quick look at the golden order seal to get a grasp on what fundamentalism is for the talisman gives a succinct description it reads fundamentalism is scholarship and all but name scales incantation using both intelligence and faith fundamentalism is the bridge between knowledge and faith the talisman saying is essentially scholarship dressed up as faith that draws upon both disciplines indeed this is a perfect reflection of radicand of the golden order himself a man who bridged the gap between faith and intelligence as described by the ratigan talisman which reads a legendary talisman depicting elden lord ragan shortens the casting time of sorceries and incantations as the husband of ranala of karia the red-haired ratigan studied sorcery and as the husband of queen america he studied incantations thus did the hero aspire to be complete so fundamentalism is the extrapolation of ratigan's own life experience and own ideology the intersection of both sides of the coin and this ideology would evidently become extremely popular and powerful under ratigan's tenure as eldon lord and we see mikala was crucial in aspects of this development for if we look at the discus of light or the triple rings of light incantations we can see that these were actually developed by mikla and given as a gift to his father mikala literally helped build the foundations of the fundamentalists and the source of their incantations was originally mikaela not radigan this does show the remarkable talent and intelligence of the young emperian he was teaching the figurehead of a movement how it was actually done indeed it seems radigan was incredibly grateful for his son's remarkable contributions as he would give mikala a gift of his own his rings of light no doubt an extrapolation or improvement of michael's original works yet despite his early association with the golden order mikala would quickly disassociate himself from his father's philosophies as we learn from the description of ranigan's rings of light which reads one of the incantations of the golden order fundamentalists a gift of gratitude to the young mikala from his father radigan and yet the young mykala abandoned fundamentalism for it could do nothing to treat melania's accursed raw this was the beginning of unalloyed gold so here we see that mickeleh rejects the teachings and order of his father because he sees it as something that did nothing for what he truly cared about his sister his motivation discussed in this item description in my opinion implies that this was the reason that he was involved in fundamentalism at all and why he developed these incantations he was seeking for a cure to his dear sister's affliction for the bond between the twins was special and remarkable mikala and melania seem to do everything to lift each other up and cover their respective weaknesses we even get an artistic representation of their incredible bond through the statutory that is dotted around halle tree town we also get evidence of their tight bond through melania's armour's item description which quotes melania and it reads as follows melania awaited mykla at the foot of the husk my brother will keep his promise he possesses the wisdom the allure of a god he is the most fearsome emperian of all firstly it shows melania's loyalty to her brother she would don the moniker of the blade of mykola suggesting she would act as his defender and therefore cover his physical shortcomings given he is eternally a child with her battle prowess but it also suggests that she decided to accept her brother's leadership and authority despite them both being equal by birth was this a natural decision based on her brother's intelligence and vision or was it the result of his bewitching power regardless she was so loyal to her brother that she wasted patiently for years by the side of the halle tree host essentially as his protector no longer seeing herself as the leader she would acquiesce to her brother's leadership she believes fervently in her brother's trustworthiness that she would wait by the holly tree husk for years yet this love does not go one way michaela clearly loves his sister as well whether she is bewitched or not we have already seen that he seems concerned with curing his sister's affliction having plumbed the deaths of fundamentalism in a desperate attempt to find an answer to her rot however at some point it became clear to him that the answer to his sister's affliction did not lie with his father nor even with the golden order or the greater will itself the description of ratigan's rings of light tells us that he came to this conclusion and he turned away from fundamentalism and it was at this point that unalloyed gold began the unalloyed gold that would not only symbolize mikkel himself but symbolizes attempts at growing a new order free from the meddling of the outer gods by the time of the game we can see that mikela very much attempted to set up his own order an order that was meant to herald a new age led by the unalloyed as we know emperians are beings who have the potential to usher in a new age and become a god as described by rani this is a sentiment shared by melania who believed that mikla was the greatest candidate amongst the emperians to be a god that he already possessed the qualities of a god this isn't just opinion mikela truly was one of the closest to ushering in a new age and rising as a new god and this is evidenced by the presence of the oracle envoys at the heilig tree these are unusual beings that appear in both lindell and in the helix tree indeed these beings are not only unusual to us but also appear alien to the people of the lands between for the description of the envoy crown the head piece worn by the envoys reads as follows no one knows what the cloth hides but some claim to have heard faint whimpering from inside so no one knows what these creatures actually are they don't know what is beneath the envoy crowns we know from their bubble spells that these are clay men who once served in an ancient dynasty yet clearly in the current era they are not attached to any of the main factions that they find in game and instead follow the prophecies within their bubbles the oracle envoy ashes can give us a reason as to why these beings appear at locations that they do it reads spirits of a monstrous band of musicians who employ sacred arts it is said when oracle envoys appear playing their pipes they do so to herald the arrival of a new god or age this is a huge piece of lore and it really illuminates their in-game positioning and huge implications for their presence at the helix tree this is also backed up by the description of the great oracle bubble which reads the clayman search for lost oracles within their bubbles this suggests that the oracle see potential futures in their bubble spells futures of new gods new ages arising at lindell it can be clearly understood as to why we find these clay prophets here each of the endings of the elden ring take place at lindell and always ushering a new age in one form or the other however their presence at the helix tree suggests the oracles anticipate michael's ascension to godhood or at the very least that he will begin a new age this is massive and so if you had any doubt about michaela's potential put them to one side melania is right mikala is the most fierce emperian of all yet let us backtrack slightly and go back to the core element that distinguishes mykla and ultimately becomes the source of his title the unalloyed gold we have already touched on rarigan's rings of light but let's look at it again when we're looking at the unalloyed gold it says that mikala created the unalloyed gold because he realized that the golden order and therefore the elden ring could not cure his sister telling us that he created this unalloyed gold as a direct response to his dissatisfaction with the current existing order and it would in turn symbolize his new order and mark his separation from the order of grace now let us analyze the word unalloyed itself that will be the most important word when it symbolizes michelle himself and the material that he uses the word alloy means a mixed material i something that is not pure and is a combination therefore the unalloyed means pure it is a symbol of purity again to really hammer this home the creation of the unalloyed gold was a direct result of his dissatisfaction with the golden order that it did not possess the answers that he was needing so not only is an actual material name but i see it as a slight against the golden order itself mikalas is the pure order one free from the impurities of the greater well that pollutes the golden order we will see this as we cover more subjects in the video that while michala is creating his own order he is basically taking what he knows from the golden order and purifying it and by purifying it we mean purifying it from the taint of an outer god in this case the greater well for example his sister's clean water knights still wield the gold discs of light showing he has implemented some of what he developed under the golden order he even builds his own archery and builds his own capital surrounding it a reflection of the archery and lindell while we see the likes of rani establishing her own order that differs immensely from the golden order miklos sticks to what he knows and purifies it it is a pure mirror reflection of what he sees in the golden order as i've said it will become naturally apparent in this video that this is what michael is doing he is taking what he knows from the golden order and purifying it and making his own clean reflection of it in his mind it'll become naturally apparent in the video but just bear in mind that one of the reasons it is called unalloyed gold is because it's an unalloyed version of the golden order however let us return to the material itself now the use of a pure metal or mineral makes sense as we learn the point of the unalloyed gold is to remove the impurities of the outer gods and we see this quite clearly in the use of the unalloyed gold needles in game as well as the protection that the hailik tree crest shield gives which is against holy damage types damage types associated with gods well clearly the unalloyed gold works on all outer gods his main aim is to harness this technology and development to cleanse his sister of the outer god of wrought for which she has suffered greatly so how and when did he develop such gold and harness its properties to be used for this purpose well it seems that mikala was aware of the powers and properties of unalloyed gold from a very young age for if we look at the description of michael's lully it says the following a delicate water lily of unalloyed gold that has started to fade and welt thought to be beloved by the emperian michala in his youth so while the english might be a little unclear here it seems that michela's use of unalloyed gold stemmed from his love of this plant that he adored in his youth so when understanding what this lily's description actually means and where the aniloid came from there are three possibilities one is that the lily is a naturally occurring source of the unalloyed gold number two this is a naturally occurring lily or even a trina's lily that has been affected by unalloyed gold through mikla's manipulation or three it is a lily created completely from scratch by mikela's powers i can't accept any of these explanations but personally my opinion i believe it's the third where it is a lily that has been created from nicholas power and i think this becomes more clear when we look at the comparisons between michela and centrina later and her own lilies either way what makes it clear is that michela was familiar with the unalloyed gold even from youth furthermore the bewitching branch possibly illustrates an early application of the unalloyed gold for it tells us that such branches are empowered by unalloyed gold we learn from the blue dancer charm that the rock that is afflicting millennia is the result of an outer god and that this outer god was once sealed away by melania's own mentor the swordsman of the flowing blade and it is possible that the techniques he taught her is somehow able to seal away or push back the rock that's within her body regardless we can see that michala came to the same conclusion that melania's rot was due to the meddling of an outer god and it seemed he started to harness the power that was found within unalloyed gold to remove the meddling of the outer gods and help his sister therefore and we learn this from the needle of the unalloyed gold which says as follows a intricately crafted needle of unalloyed gold snapped in half a ritual implement crafted to ward away the meddling of the outer gods it is thought capable of forestalling the incurable rotting sickness so the word for stalling here is pretty critical it shows that while michela was unable to actually cure her sister he was actually able to push back the scarlet rot at least to a degree or hold it back which now makes sense if you see her equipped with all this unalloyed gold it no doubt was an attempt to keep her from being consumed fully by the rock by having this unalloyed gold on her skin the needle in game can actually be used to push back the scarlet rot from millicent who is one of the valkyries born of the aeonian rock and this is showing that mikla was on the right track and he was able to at least halt the power of this outer god of rot yet given that melania is still afflicted we can only assume that the needle and the unalloyed gold was not enough to cure her completely only for stall this event and then using a combination of armor and prosthetics to arm her with it is no doubt a hope to forestall the advance of the rot which is no doubt the reason that she needs prosthetics in the first place but having the unalloyed gold resting against her skin will have no doubt helped to hold back the rot to some degree her prosthetics and armaments are clearly an attempt to buy her as much time as possible for as hard to deny that melania is running out of time she has bloomed twice already once in the base of the helix tree for some unknown reason and once during her battle with general rodan which is what we see in the story trailer and we know from the description of the scarlet ionia incantation that it would only take one more better conflict to transform her irreparably into a scarlet rot if she was to bloom one more time and in fact tragically this is what happens in her fight with us one more reason not to fight melania yeah for now let us stick on the subject of the unalloyed gold and return later to michael's final solution to the rot problem while he no doubt pioneered unallowed gold to help his sister in the first place the application of his qualities are universal when it comes to the outer gods and i therefore think his title of unalloyed and his use of unknown gold adorning his soldiers is a symbol of his desire to have a world separate from the outer gods in general first i would argue that it works equally well against the scions of the greater well for the holy tree great shield is highly effective at negating holy damage a damage type most typically associated with the golden order and of course we see another successful application of the analog's power for if the tarnish meets with the three fingers then they become infected with the frenzied flame which we know to be the power of an outer god due to the interaction that it has with michael as needle as it says it was designed to remove the influence of an outer god and it does successfully remove the influence of the frenzied flame this shows that michela's analog gold is powerful enough to even remove the taint of the outer god of chaos this shows how truly remarkable michael's unalloyed gold actually is it has the power to literally banish and push back the influence of an outer god a feat we see no other god or demigod able to replicate and in fact i'd argue that the gods and demigods and gamer are actually the puppets of outer gods so seeing one actively fighting back and actually having the power to push back these incredible beings is unmatched it is a testament to the young emperian's true strength it is therefore little wonder that the purity of the unalloyed becomes a symbol of his people and his followers it is a symbol of a world without tyranny a world without the designs of selfish and single-minded gods it is a world of purity and it is this ideology that would be supported by diverse factions that gather beneath the flag of the haley tree and it is to these followers and michalis tree itself that we turn to next with the linchpin of his new beliefs in hand mikala would create the foundations of an order that completely mirrored but opposed the order of the archery as already discussed the unalloyed gold is most assuredly a play on words as a slight against the tainted and unpurified golden order tainted by the influence of an outer god and i truly believe that michael's use of the unalloyed gold alongside the failure of the golden order and his despair seeing his sister suffer at the hands of an outer god has led mikala to believe that the world would be better without the influence of the outer gods and to cement this as a wholly new order from that of the golden order he would attempt to grow his own archery again this demonstrates the sheer will of mikala and he is truly unequaled in this respect he literally attempted to grow his own artery the vessel that houses the elden ring itself and marks the golden order's dominion over the lands between we learn of michael's cultivation of the heilig tree from the halo tree night armor which states though watered with michael's own blood since it was a sapling the halek tree ultimately failed to grow into an archery so mikala actually grew the tree from scratch from a sapling yet what sapling so i believe the answer to this can be found by the placement of a particular enemy that we find in a fail so despite the fact that galore makes it clear that the haley tree failed to become an archery we still find archery avatars here defending the heli tree now let's look at the staff of the avatar the weapon that the avatars wield it reads as follows ceremonial staff depicting the art tree in its historic radiance wielded by the avatars who protect the minor arteries the avatars emerging in the wake of the elden's ring shattering were determined to protect the weathering archery's offspring this makes it clear to me that the hailik tree is the sapling or the offspring of the archery that the sapling that mikala watered from birth was that of an archery in the hopes of growing it into his own version of an archery he to be sappling the offspring of an archery and watered it with his own blood to make his own version of an archery so with that said let us return to the item description of the heilig tree night armor which describes the fact that mikla seems to have watered it with his own blood his imperium blood and this is no doubt what will have made it divine or at least in the eyes of mikala's followers that is for the word helig means holy or sacred so this is the holy or sacred tree language that we quite often see associated with mykola so we also learned from the description of the helix night armor that the symbol emblazoned on their tabards and on their chest piece is the symbol of the helic tree likewise the great shields of the knights and the flags and banners that we find around the place as well as the tabards of the haley trees soldiers is of course the idealized version of the heilig tree this in combination with unalloyed gold would become the symbols of michela's rule and of his people the shield however has something interesting to say about the current appearance of the helix tree for it says yet now with the healing treatment shaping this wondrous rendition is a fleeting fantasy so clearly michelle had a vision of a new archery when he began growing it and this is the stylized coat of arms that we have on the heraldry of his warriors and his people yet the shield makes it clear that this is not the halo tree that we see today it is now twisted dying and rotten but we will talk more about the fall of the helix tree near the end of this video so we know that michaela raised the halo tree from its sapling years meaning that he most likely moved it and chose the position of the heli tree itself we can see that this is in a straight line opposition to the artery so that is fairly symbolic but more importantly it is very far away so let's look at the position of it no doubt michael intended that only those in the know would be able to reach it as the path to the helix tree is obscured in fact it's actually over leagues of dangerous territory and then in the middle of the ocean so it would only be inaccessible to those in the know are those that have been told the way i feel this is reinforced by the consecrated snowfield map item description which essentially says that it is a harsh route through the blizzards and it is a route taken by the unchosen meaning that you would be unlikely to make it here by conventional means and only been by chosen by mikala you would have your passage guaranteed to the helix tree this means that is fairly unlikely you would ever have made it to the halo tree had you bad intentions or you were not invited by michael himself and this was obviously by divine so he could shelter his new order however even then the desperate and the faithful those who love michael from farm widen again this shows the bewitching nature of mykla still come through these dangerous territories through the consecrated snowfields in a desperate attempt to find holy mykola indeed it almost feels like a rite of passage a pilgrimage as we activate the secret lift pass through the secret catacombs and pass through the snow blasted desolation of the consecrated snowfields in fact the word consecrated means lands that have been declared sacred or wholly suggesting this really is the purpose of this part of the journey for some people the path for the faithful is guided by magical lights and one pilgrim ghost confirms that the lights are meant to lead the way to those who would seek the sanctuary of the hailik tree the final step in this journey is passing through ordina liturgical town liturgical meaning that this is a place of worship no doubt for mikkela and the halo tree the fact this is a path for the unchosen and people are still willing to take this path to find the hilly tree and treat it as almost a holy right really does again like i've said reinforce the nature that mikala has this bewitching allure around him the positioning and difficulty in reaching the heli tree in my opinion was primarily chosen by mykla to make it very separate from the jurisdiction of the archery and this is clear given it sits in the sea north of a forbidden area indeed we only need look at the desperate attempts of wolfner the supposed all-knowing to claim the heilig tree medallion to realize that a man as powerful as him is struggling to gain access to this area then it must be truly difficult for regular people for me the intent of the planning of the helix tree was pretty clear it was to become his center of power as made clear by the prominence of the architecture that surrounds it the helic tree and the a failed brace of the halo tree these are townships that stand as proof that michael intended to raise a new order a new society that would rival that of airtree for a failed stance as a stark reflection to lindell and the haley tree that of the archery the heilig tree would become a beacon a beacon for those who had no place among the lands ruled by the earth tree the sacred crown helm worn by his foot soldiers tells us that mikla is the defender of the weak for it reads who is it that michela shall bless if not the low and the meek so mikala is the defender of the lost and the oppressed a stark reflection of the archery society that brutally rejects anyone that doesn't fit in with their ideals and idea of purity and once again it proves that michaela believes he has a mirror the pure reflection of the golden order he will take in those that they reject the greatest example of an exiled people who would see the hail tree as the promised land are of course the albanorics once again the auburn arks find themselves in one of my lore videos four for four so once again let's look at the greatest lore item of all the albanoric blood clot which tells us that the albanorks are an artificial race and many see them to be impure indeed there seems to be a lot of people who treat the albanorics as no better than cattle being hunted down like dogs reichard abducts and experiments on them for example seeing them as no better than science experiments and we get evidence that they are hunted by those of realicaria as items such as the albanoric shield and alberta blood pots suggest most relevant to our current topic however is the brittle treatment that they receive at the hands of sir gideon opnir simply because he desires knowledge of mykola that is all he wants he is willing to send his goons to burn down and slaughter the people of the albanoric village he will also brutally interrogate latina for the location of the haley tree seals going so far as to essentially render her immobile by destroying her bonded dog looking at the horror of the genocide of the village of the albanorics and the brutality of lieutenant being left crippled this alone is a perfect illustration of the brutality the aubernarics face and the lands between and this is just the suffering they experienced at the hands of one man sir gideon oathnear never mind the other injustices they face at the hand of other people within the lands between they are a displaced people who have no set place in the order of the archery we saw this in my moog video which i will link in the description below in that we discuss the fact that some albino arts are so out of place and so lost that they fall under the sway of moog and become bloodied soldiers for his mogwan dynasty as a better alternative to living within the lands between yet not all look upon the albanorks with scorn or indifference one looks upon them with sympathy they have one ally in the form of loretta knight of the carrion royal family we learn from loretta's war cycle that she once served as a guard to carrying royalty and as such she most likely saw the atrocities committed against the albanorks at the hands of lumnaria firsthand the spell loretta's mastery describes how loretta moved by the plight of the albanorics abandoned her post within carrying royalty and dedicated her life to helping the auburn people for it reads developed by loretta after her long bloody journey to seek out a place where the albanorics could live in peace this shows that loretta obviously searched far and wide to find a haven for the albanorics we know the path to the haley tree is long and dangerous and it is likely she didn't beeline there first of all as she would probably not have known it and in fact probably searched far and wide all over the lands between ultimately the description of this spell shows her commitment to helping the albino people to help them escape the injustices of this world her helm then confirms that she determined that the heilig tree was the best chance for the albanoric salvation this is no doubt due to a combination of nicholas status as a defender of the lost and the fact that the halogen tree is located so far away from those who would do the albanoric's harm it is no surprise therefore that loretta would soon after become a knight of the helix tree fully embracing mykla as her liege and abandoning her original ties to the carrion royal family we can see from loretta's war cycle that she would in fact have the glintstone replaced with the unalloyed gold of mikala and one can help but notice her helm now from the top of her helmet an ornate tree is sprouting and in my opinion this ornate tree is meant to represent the halo tree for what other tree is she meant to be possibly aligned to in addition it looks like a different material from the rest of her armor possibly suggesting it as a later alteration like when she swore herself to the heli tree but then why would the spirit of her at carrying manor a representation of her zakarian knight also have a symbol of the hilly tree so this in my opinion is where i believe the blue phantom version of loretta can be easily explained making her a phantom that is either her projection or a creation of rani or is in fact a mirror or a echo kept in carrying manner given all the ghosts that we see there long story short i believe the tree adorning her home is most likely associated with the helitree given she is now currently the knight of the helic tree and i don't put a lot of stock into the reflection that we see at the carrion manor so it is clear that given her armaments and her new symbolism she clearly embraced her role as the knight of the hilly tree really showing loyalty to her new liege no doubt brought about by the fact that he finally offered sanctuary and kindness where the rest of the world did not and while it is clear that the hailey tree and mikala changed loretta i do believe that she did not come empty-handed and in fact she shared the smithing techniques of the carrying royals with the forces of the helix tree i have taken this from the micklin knight's sword which reads as follows sword forged by the servants of mikala of the hailik tree with a design modeled after those carried by carrion knights instead of glintstone however amber from the halo tree is embedded within the blade a sumptuous piece yet has never been offered to any knight and l l-starred sword with no master so this sword is forged by the followers of mikala swapping out the glintstone for the amber of the haley tree much like the customization of loretta's sickle given it is modeled after carrion knight armaments there is only one carrying knight here so it seems like a logical conclusion that loretta oversaw the design of this new weapon she brought new techniques and ideas into the helix tree overall i see loretta is a pretty incredible character for a character of such possession and power to risk so much for the albanoric people who everyone else essentially despises makes her character worthy of praise and admiration and it is fairly sad when we are forced to kill her on our journey to the bottom of the hilly tree once established here loretta clearly sent word to the albanoric people that she'd found a safe haven for them the promised land and that under the protection of lord mikla they would finally escape persecution we get word of this spreading through the albanoric people and their society almost coming mythological in a way from the dialogue that we get from old albus who says this about the promised land a chosen land awaits us albinourics the medallion is the key that leads to the city it's only a quaint treasure for we who cannot make the journey but for dear latina it is needed to fulfill her purpose my legs will soon fade and with them my life alas this is the immovable fate of all albanorics while old albus accepts that some elderly albanorics like him who are losing their legs could never make it young albanorics like latina are destined to have traveled to the unalloyed side indeed we see young albanorics that have bonded with wolves to compensate for their faded legs guarding the consecrated snowfield and the liturgical town beyond and ultimately guarding the helix tree in my opinion this is the best situation that the open arts find themselves in in the entire game in michael's service and in his lands of the consecrated snowfields they have found sanctuary and purpose far from those who would see them butchered and exploited and in fact in the consecrated snowfields under the aegis of the hailik tree and lord mikala a new hope blossoms for the albanorics for if you assist latina in her quest you witness a beautiful scene and a possible bright new future for the albanoric people oh young yet towering sister of us let the birthing droplet in and create life for us for all the albanorics our young yet towering sister will give us hope now that nothing is left unfinished i will join you in battle to the bitter end and when the fighting is done then you may lay me to rest beside lobo my dear wolf indeed it's not only the albanoric people that would find sanctuary here as we can see the reviled and indentured misbegotten would too find themselves pushed towards the helix tree and they find a measure of dignity safety and peace that was simply not possible for them in the realm of the archery where we see their untreated no better slaves and we know from perfume or tricia's ashes that the misbegotten are simply seen as impure by the golden order and they will never have a place as anything more than slaves however no such labels apply in michael's realm for the weak and the rejected can all find safety in the embrace of the haley tree yet there is another persecuted group that suffer under the rule of the golden order those that live in death but again mikala as the protector of the weak and the lost reaches out to them and there is evidence that he tries to assess his crumbling half-brother godwin the prince of death so let's start with the most obvious source for the connection between godwin and mikla the golden epitaph this sword is a commemorative sword commissioned to memorialize the death of godwin and it reads infused with the humble prayer of a young boy oh brother lord brother please die a true death now this is clearly a brother of godwin and it is a young boy praying for godwin it's quite clearly mikala meccalo is always described as young and he is a brother to godwin and aside from that we've clearly established at this point that mikala is an extremely empathetic being and if you're still not having it and you still don't believe it's mykla use the weapon art on it and you will see that when you use the miracle attached to it it in fact casts the sign of the helix tree the symbol of meckler himself so the young boy that infused the prayer in this is quite clearly mikala the in-game evidence is there and of course we will explore some other links between godwin and michelan now that will cement this further so again even in his youth we see that mikla was an extremely empathetic being and that the fate of godwin pained the young emperian when he became the unalloyed free from the golden order's presidential stance on those who live in death mikala would take action for in the north past the boundaries of the forbidden lands deep in the mountains of the giants lies a hidden castle castle saul castle saul seems to be a location dedicated to a people who are encouraging the sun to be subsumed and drained by the eclipse we learn this from the legendary armament of the castle the eclipse shuttle which reads storied sword and treasure of castle saul that depicts an eclipsed sun drained of colour one of the legendary armaments in saul the site of an eclipse inspires a dreadful awe preventing an onlooker from averting his gaze this tells us the basic outline of the beliefs of this cult they worship a sun eclipse and indeed we will learn in a second that this cult is here to beckon such events the eclipse is relevant to godwin and the demigods without a soul and we learn this connection from both the eclipse heater shield and the eclipse great shield and the belief behind such iconography that is wielded by the mausoleum knights for example is that it seemingly protects these soulless demigods from death and death i.e from dying completely so what is the purpose of the cult of saul what have they got to do with the eclipse well we get evidence of the beliefs from a ghost who exists in the entrance to the castle saul and he says o great son frigid son of saul surrender yourself to the eclipse grant life to the soulless bones so we can see from the shields of the muslim knights that the eclipse apparently protects the gods from death and death and yet according to the inhabitants of the castle soul there's another flip side to the symbolism of the eclipse not only does it protect them from death but they can actually grant to them full life restoring their full life giving them a soul okay so that makes sense but why does this connect to mikala well this is where the other half of the haley trey seal can be found and you will need to come here if you do want to visit the lands of the helix tree the halo tree seal is defended here by commander neil and his ghosts and we learn from commander neil's armor that he is here defending his master even though his master is long dead yet who is his master so to me his master quite clearly is the ghost that we find behind the commander that is being guarded by the commander he is up the lift at the top of the castle after we defeat the commander and this ghost is in possession of an extremely important item in possession of the holly tree seal and this ghost has an extremely important dialogue and let's read that dialogue now it says lord mikala forgive me the sun has not been swallowed our prayers were lacking your comrade remains soulless i will never set my eyes upon it now your divine heilig tree so for me this is pretty clear definitive proof that michaela was working with these people at saul even seemingly proposing to reward the leader of the castle this ghost that the commander was guarding with the other half of a hilly tree seal so he could get passage to the helix jewel for the ghost seems to lament that because he has failed he will now no longer be rewarded in coming to the hilly tree the ghost also says your comrade will remain soulless and this is most likely referring to godwin who is michaela's quote-unquote comrade so quite clearly to me mikela not only cares about the broken people of the world but also still cares about his brother that he wrote a prayer for a long time ago and he proposed to work with the people of saul going to reward them if they could bring life back into godwin's soulless bones yet sadly this was not to be and godwin remained soulless and the leader of saul died grasping only half of a hail tree seal dreaming of the heilig tree and his lord mikala so again his connection to the people of castle saul reinforces the fact that meckler cares for those that are rejected by the current order yet before we talk about michael's fall and why this utopia that he dreamed of didn't come to be we do need to talk about another facet of mykola that is becoming a little bit of an elephant in the room and that is saint trina so let's move on to that subject now so there's no easy segue into this subject but talk about it we must and that is the connection between michala and centrina as i'm sure a lot of you are aware at this point multiple tarnished have been able to find cut and unused content in the game's text files pertinent to this video is to cut content from an npc called rico he was a follower of centrina and michala who he eventually reveals to be one and the same with this dialogue so of course it goes without saying that we aren't to take anything found in cut content without taking it with a massive pinch of salt cut content is cut content for a reason most often because the developers don't feel like it fits in with the finished game however in this case i do believe there are some strong pieces of evidence still in the game that centuriona is an aspect of mikala or at the very least is someone closely associated to mikola so let's examine the actual in-game references to centrina now and i feel a good starting point for this is the centrina sword which reads as follows said trina is an enigmatic figure some say she is a calmly young girl others say he is a boy the only certainty is that their appearance was as sudden as their disappearance so straight off what is evidence is it's made clear that centrina is venerated but there's no clear agreement into who they are what they are or what they look like or what their gender even is so this immediately leaves open the door that mikala could be centrina since no one knows what they actually look like and there's a disagreement on what they look like i also find it interesting that from what we see of mikala in the opening cinematic michael's appearance is fairly gender fluid but what i would also say is that as we look at more of cintrona's evidence i i believe that there are two aspects of mykla centrina the feminine aspect and mecca the male aspect but we'll look at that again in a moment finally i find the sword also interesting because it mentions the fact that saint trina has disappeared quite suddenly and this is also in line with mykla having disappeared quite suddenly they're already starting to share a lot of aspects earlier in the video we mentioned how nicholas lilly was important to mickel and his youth but however there is also another lily called centrina lily the two lilies to me are symbolic of what i believe to be the case here that mikala and centrina are two different aspects of the same god michela's lily description uses the pronoun for he hem his and when we look at the fervor's cookbook in a minute you'll see that it uses the pronoun her and the fact there are two lilies and these two different aspects of very similar gods to me feels like they are the same god they just have two different aspects the feminine centrina and the male michaela and indeed both of these lilies drop from people associated with mikala the mekula lily dropped from his soldiers and knights whereas the trina lillies drop from the clean rot knights of his sister millenia of course another really important item linked to centrina is the centronus torch which we tellingly find in the consecrated snowfield an area of land that is clearly linked to the worship of mykola and it reads the following candle stand torch that burns with light purple flame the carvings depict centrina but in adult form somewhat unnervingly so i feel like this is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that centrino is another aspect of mykola for implies it is disturbing to see centrina in adult form the sword also explains that centrina is either depicted as a young child boy or young child girl much like the eternally youthful mikola so we can see these similarities that they're both considered to be young centrina and mikala and that it would be unusual and actually disturbing to see them in their adult form and indeed when we do see michela on the precipice of becoming his adult form in his cocoon so maybe this piece of lore is a little bit of foreshadowing of what we do finally see the final nail in the coffin for me personally is the farver's cookbook 3 the item description of which describes the actions of an adherent of centrino who is searching for centrino yet despite being clearly linked with cintrina in the description it is used to make an item very firmly associated with mikala deeba witching branch this item is actually also a reward from gideon oathnir when you reach mogwin palace as part of your quest to find mikala for openier another further link between mikala and centrina so to conclude i do think there's plenty of evidence to conclude that centrina is another aspect of mykla in greek mythology for example gods are not immutable and they fairly often appear in different forms or have different aspects they had different guises and were not the gods of a soul domain for example there is athena and then there is athena nikki which is athena as the goddess of victory two depictions of the same god who herself is a goddess of multiple domains i.e war wisdom handicrafts and more for me saint trina is mickala's other aspect she is the feminine aspect of him associated with sleep while he is the masculine aspect associated with the unalloyed gold for their lives are described as very similar and there does seem to be confusion as we saw in the centrina swords about the actual gender of this being and in fact if we are really looking at this if we are looking deeply for signs of this to be true one can view the reliefs in a fail in a different light look at it two children surrounding the hilly tree two youthful children two youthful emperians perhaps two versions of the same eternally youthful emperian surrounding the halo tree this is my hypothesis of course and i could well be wrong yet i do believe it to be a fairly logical conclusion backed up by content of ricoh and we already have examples of michela's own parent being someone who is split between a male half and a feminine half so it isn't a massive leap regardless let us return to the fate of mikula because despite his great wisdom and abundance of followers his allure would attract the predation of a very dangerous individual moog the lord of blood and it is moog's actions that would lead to the fall and collapse of myklas haley tree order so before we begin this chapter for those who don't know i've already done a fairly comprehensive video on moog which i will link below this video will cover the events from nicholas abduction with a focus on mykla and the effects it has on his people and the heilig tree we had already discussed that the halogen tree not only failed to become an artery but also failed to live up to the ideal that michael had dreamed of it i.e the idealized version that we see on his people's heraldry we can even see the term misshapen is used to describe it when we look at the hallig tree crest great shield indeed by the time we finally do reach the tree it is very misshapen dead and rotten a dialogue of ophanier essentially lets slip the reasoning for this for upon reaching the heilig tree and reporting it to oaf near he says the following ah so the secret medallions led you to the land of the haylight tree i'd expect to find melania there she who fought radon to a standstill well if the scarlet rot hasn't eaten it away completely but with the hailey tree as it is i suppose mickeleh must already be so off near implies the tree is dying because mikula is no longer present at it indeed over near is again the main source for michela's actions as after we defeat melania and lay eyes upon the husk of near says the following i heard speculation mikala embedded himself in the hayley tree but before he could finish someone cut the tree open and absconded with his infant form indeed it seems those words held weight how vexing that they all knowing didn't have the full story perhaps the queen's sorrow was justified so the tree is now a husk and oath near had heard that mikala embedded himself in the helix tree before being cut out and taken away now i believe it is logical to assume the opener calls it a husk meaning it is essentially dead and empty and was meant to contain something before this to me implies that the entire point of the tree was to host mikala inside of it and with him cut out it has began to die and this marries up with the prior dialogue of near had shared with us in mikela's boss room we see a face within the tree almost a body growing out of it and if we look at it from above there seems to be its own separate growth growing from where this body is in the tree signifying that this is where mikla was once embedded and it was growing him into a new form attached to the tree that's of course my speculation from the environmental storytelling and what i'm about to say is also my speculation i believe this face and body in the tree was an extension of mykla who was once embedded within the tree as if he was growing onto the hilly tree and becoming a greater being as a part of it melania's armor description reveals that mikala had made a promise to her and again this is just my belief but his promise is no doubt his help to cure her of her rot as we find melania and the hailey tree mikala is already gone and melania's in slumber she is resting her rot infested hands upon the tree melania is in slumber because as we learn from clean rock nate finley's ashes it was a result of her exertion of unleashing the scarlet rot upon radan at the climax of the aeonian war this is why the tree is as we see it now without michael embedded inside it has began to die and with melania's rot returning from her war and her soldiers the rot has taken control and infested the once pure hail tree the rot not only shows itself in the rotting bows and branches of the tree but is also literally pulling at the base of the hilly tree so much of it is overflowing there's literally waterfalls of rot within the once pure hailing tree a far cry from the original vision that mikla had even the avatars of this haily tree have become putrid and infected by the scarlet rot the melania and her troops brought back from their war with radan it is tragic seeing this noble dream of mikala rotting away the misbegotten are abandoned and almost in mockery to michael as purity we see the shambling hordes of clean rot knights lurching around the halls of the once pure fail while the pests spawn and grow within the rot infested pools deep within the base of the hilly tree yet how did this happen why did michaela leave himself undefended well again what follows is my speculation from what we know so far of the story the environmental storytelling and my own conjecture so take it as you want as we've already mentioned mikala most likely promised to his sister that he would cure her rot and we know that he had developed unalloyed gold for warding away the rot but it was only a temporary solution so he needed a new plan to cure her fully i therefore believe he embedded himself into his health tree to somehow ascend to godhood and use his newfound godly powers to purge his sister of her sickness once more given we know that michael is now associated with purity it is fair to say that he would probably ascend to a god of purity and no doubt be able to cleanse his sister of her rot at least that would have been the theory and the plan behind his actions ovenir specifically uses the term that he was cut out before he could finish suggesting that it was a process of some kind that was never able to reach fruition we know from the remembrance of the bloodlord that mikla is slumbering as if he is in some kind of hibernation and even in the opening intro he does look like he's asleep when cradled in moab's arm to me he was in a transformative slumber much when a butterfly cocoons itself between its transformation from grub to butterfly this to me explains his cocoon it is his cocoon that houses his transition into godhood i 100 believe that the cocoon we find him in is of michela's creation as we see similar cocoons all over the holly tree with human-like forms emerging from the cocoons could this possibly be this followers undergoing sympathetic transformation we can't be sure on that but what it makes it clear to me is that this is mikala's cocoon rather than that of mogu indeed even in the opening cinematic to me it looks as though as if michela is covered in a viscous fluid as if it is something that has been cut out of one of these cocoons and we can see these kind of viscous fluids and tendrils coming from nicholas cocoon and the cocoons within the heli tree so again i think this is further evidence of mykla being cut freshly from a cocoon as we see him in the intro cinematic and then i would therefore suggest that he then developed a new one as he was brought to his new home in the mogwin palace this is why the oracles are at the helix tree mikala was on the cusp of claiming his godhood by cocooning himself into his own heilig tree and undergoing a transformation that we can't really be sure of how it was meant to go and what the end result would have been but ultimately the presence of the oracles and the promise that he kept his sister and the dialogues of oath near that it wasn't finished suggest to me that he was transforming himself into a god by cocooning himself in the helix tree yet moog and his formless mother patron evidently sensed the same potential and moog has perverted michael's transformation by breaking open his cocoon before israeli and filling it and tainting mikula with blood in order to alter his intended transformation as i discussed at length in my more video the end goal of this is to transform mikala instead of a god of purity into a god of blood that mo will be consort to and herald a new age the age of blood we don't have a specific on when moog kidnapped nikola but there are plenty of opportunities for mogu to have done it it could have been when melania was at war in eonia or it could have been when melania was in slumber after returning from the aeonian war it could have been her cause for going to war in the first place given that she fights award khalid a place directly above the mogwood palace perhaps she led this war as an expedition to find him what i would say is the only thing we know with clarity is that this would have come after the shattering for we know that mikla is a rune bearer meaning that he has claimed a great rune of the elden ring which only occurred after it was shattered and we know that he bears such a rune because of near tells us that he is one of the missing demigods that has one of the great runes ultimately moog caught mikala at a really good time mikalad obviously entered a transformative state and melania as we can see from the events of the shattering was clearly distracted or incapacitated and in fact michael now signs himself in a very precarious position we don't know what's happening within the mind of the unalloyed but what is clear is that he is clearly caught in a slumber in my opinion he's been caught in a transformative stage which means he can't defend himself he is in a slumber for as long as this transformation takes place and so he's effectively defenseless against moog poisoning him with tainted blood yet love from michael is strong and those that follow him have not given up his soldiers still patrol the walls of a fail the foot soldiers of his army seem to hold on to the light of their lord within themselves for the halo tree soldier ashes read spirits of common soldiers who carry this sacred light when weakened they explode to deliver a last-ditch attack this was their bitter revelation discovered by the desperate soldiers who awaited the return of their lord to the rotted hail tree may the flash of our deaths guide michael's return and maybe there is something to this it says that they didn't discover this light or have this bitter light revelation until they had lost their lord so maybe this is the power of mikala reaching out and acting through his followers perhaps a manifestation of the bewitching love that his followers have for him even as things as they are these soldiers are fervently loyal to their master even detonating themselves in a show of spectacular pale gold light in the hopes of acting as a suicidal golden light that will guide michela's return melania herself still has faith that even after everything that has happened her brother will still return to deliver her loretha remains as the defender of the hillary despite its degradation and the absence of her lord the misbegotten in the auburn auric still shelter in the shadow of the halo tree as life here still far kinder to their kind even as the tree weathers and crumbles around them this is what i find so remarkable at mikola we know that mikla has this allure and his ability to make people love him but the extent to which this power is real is massive even moog who has kidnapped him for his own selfish reasons becomes obsessed and almost in love with him far beyond that which would be if he saw him purely as a means to an end mikala is an extraordinary being and i say that of my own free will having not been bewitched by him at all and many in the lands between evidently saw him as the most likely to assume the role of god and claim a new age and it is easy to see why his power his wisdom and his vision is far grander than those of the selfish narrow-minded shard-bearers that we find within the game yet talking of runes there is one final aspect of mykla that we haven't spoken about his great rune we don't get access to myklas great room in-game but we know that the great runes would form themselves around the bearer that picks them up we know this from the fact that morgan moore goats runes are similar and their runes have coalesced in a certain way the same way because they are extremely similar genetically the runes shape to their wielder and the properties and abilities that they grant us reflect the powers and behaviors of their original owners so what about michael's then well again there's cut content that helps describe this and it's described very well in a video by garden of eyes and i will link that video below this video by garden of eyes shows that mikla was meant to represent abundance i.e abundance of life yet unlike the cut content i looked at for centrina i think that this was cut because it didn't fit in lore wise with what they wanted mikala to be anymore to me michaela is more a god of purity allure and empathy and through centrina sleep he absolutely did everything to prevent melania from giving into her rot in game whereas in the cut content it would have suggested that michaela would have used his power of abundance to encourage melania's grot to grow to the point where she would become the goddess of rot during her fight with us that he was kind of tan gently involved in the fight and he would give her the power of abundance to sprout into the goddess of rot and this simply isn't in line with the mickel that we know at all in the game michael is against the influence of the outer gods and so i do think this was cut for lore reasons in particular this abundance aspect of mykla in summary i don't think michael is a god of abundance and i wouldn't put any stock into the cut content in this regard rather i believe he is one of purity and i imagine his great wound would have been the rune of purity to me mikala is truly the greatest of all america's children melania could have been but her rot was far too crippling and limiting and dominated her entire life in contrast michaela's childlike form did nothing to halt his wisdom his kindness and his power while it is sinister the mecca compels people's love he does repay that love ten-fold by protecting those who would otherwise be left to suffer under the golden rule he saw the flaws in the golden order and he purified it making his own version of a new unalloyed society the towering helix tree meant to stand tall in opposition of the artery yet sadly this dream has all but collapsed melania failed as his blade and mikala in turn failed to save her his tree is dying and his people are abandoned and alone and yet michaela's story isn't finished we don't know if mikala himself is finished while obviously things aren't great we have to consider that mikala compels all of those around him to love him and it appears that moog is no different mogu isn't immune to his effects and we see how much he seems to in his own psychotic mindset love and care for mikala is it possible that deep within his slumber michala is still pulling the strings will he be able to purify himself from the formless mother's corruption or does he see another route to power another route to cure his sister from the rot that he so desperately dedicated his life to curing for he loves none more than his dear sister melania the people of the hilly tree have not given up and neither have i so thanks our guys that is my video on mikala the unalloyed uh truly extraordinary character who doesn't even really appear in the game uh i believe that mikala is one of the most interesting characters in the game and i'm actually now unsure whether i want it to be fully explored by dlc or not i feel like having explored it to this degree history is already a great one and tragic because obviously it was cut short by moog and it could possibly just be a result of his overpowering allure but i would never say no to some dlc that explores what happens to michael afterwards but what are your thoughts on nicola the analog do you agree with my analysis he's essentially setting up an unalloyed version a purified version of the golden order and that he wants a world without the outer gods without their influence because of their meddling that has caused his sister suffering and that they didn't have the answers to cure her sister through the golden order let me know your thoughts below again i apologize for the length of this video and it seems that people do like the really long takes on though and again i thought this video would be shorter because i don't think there's a lot of love for mickeleh but once i got into it there is a lot of lore for mikola and there's a lot of story there so i really enjoyed this one and i hope you did too uh leave me your thoughts below if i missed anything or if anything you want me to cover in the future videos but until next time guys i will see you on the branches of the helix tree take care [Music] you
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 969,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring lore, elden ring, elden ring story, elden ring gameplay, lore, explained, elden ring lore explained, gloam-eyed queen, ranni, god skin apostle ost, godwyn the golden elden ring, godwyn the golden, mohg lord of blood, mohg lord of blood ost, miquella elden ring, miquella elden ring location, malenia elden ring, haligtree secret medallion, outer gods elden ring, unalloyed gold needle elden ring, unalloyed gold, great runes elden ring, rannis quest elden ring
Id: aGX4bLt3jbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 56sec (4256 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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