Elden Ring Lore | The Ancestral Followers (Part 1)

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[Music] no one is that good when someone's that good they're cheating they have to be the ancestral followers are called Master Hunters but accuracy like this is beyond superhuman strength or Vision this next level archery is beyond anyone even lar Anderson the mystery of their archery and the answer behind it reveals a beautiful people and culture and opens a window into some of the deepest secrets of the magical world of Elden ring because this Mastery is not strength it is spirit and these horned folk are much much more than what they appear so big law spoilers ahead when we first arrive in their area we are limited by our first First Impressions every area in Elden ring is challenging so idling around and sightseeing be it at the capital the academy or the mountaintops is an enchanting idea but it's not practical in reality and a trip to visit the ancestral followers has the same problems anyone visiting ends up panicked running away from lightning bubbles that cannot be harmed or dodging the attacks of the huge horned resident try as you might some will Club you to death or knock you down with arrows that hit even the most experienced Souls player these are definitely not perfect conditions for LW sleuthing despite that we all enjoyed these underground challenges at least for the most part as well as the profound beauty of the area and the boss at its end many have discussed the ReUse of bosses in the game but we fa and we feel many agree that we were very happy to see a second ancestor Spirit boss one of our first impressions was their names the ancestral followers The ancestral Spirits we also noticed that they were exceedingly strong and brwy and items described them as such just in case we needed to be told they were obviously very spiritual between the use of their magic the object of their faith and their unique dances and chants before they become aggressive it is quite Pleasant to pretend to be one of them sitting by group as they stamp around a minor her tree or beside a shaman chanting a haunting Melody next was how they looked their clothes all seem to be made with the raw materials of nature leather sandals fur animal Pelt their bodies are extremely tall and muscular with long arms and small heads relative to their body the ancestral followers ashes call them horned folk and we find large horns upon their heads the final first impression was of how in harmony they are with nature they forage their food from nature while animals crowd around them unafraid what's more the animals don't only go about their business they often even follow the foragers during their tasks their tools and weapons seem to be made made from plants or the corpses of beasts clubs made from jawbones and bows made from horns for example they are hunter gatherers with a spiritual religion that seems to unite their approach all of these first impressions made a pattern a pattern that seemed familiar these first impressions what we observed the item descriptions even their names were some of the first entries in a note we labeled the ancestral followers and we put this in a file a file called cultures before the her tree then we moved along in the game and we started thinking about some of the more apparent Mysteries outer Gods the Earth tree itself what on Earth is an Elden Beast anyway but we may have moved on too soon the ancestral followers and the ancestor Spirits are much more subtle compared to a lot of the game name but they are essential to the law this is because their culture is in many ways removed from and even opposite to the mainstream culture in the lands between in this video we aim to show that if we can understand their culture it is a shortcut to the fundamental rules of the world in Elden ring if Elden Ring's deep law is a distant ocean understanding the Earth tree and the outer gods is akin to walking the great distance to the coast where the ancestral followers provide a river as we started to discern them we seem to move much more easily towards understanding with greater and greater insights along the way both Journeys can get to the same answers but the ancestral followers might be a more tranquil route so let's go [Music] Downstream before we start on this journey we just want to clarify that when looking at The Inspirations for the ancestral we are trying to show how the beauty of certain rituals and cultures in the real world may have helped from software create a unique and compelling fictional world no other comparisons are being made when we look at what may have influenced the ancestral followers culture it's also important to emphasize that the video is not attempting to make value comparisons between different cultures or societies additionally any observations made about the roles of males and females in the ancestral followers cultures or in Elden ring are based only on what we believe is depicted in the game and the intentions of the game's designers we have tried hard to be sensitive and respectful in our research but we welcome any feedback or comments if we have inadvertently made any errors the ancestral follow fell out of mind until we stumbled upon them again this time above ground but nonetheless amidst more ancient ruins they were yet again in a place that gave a sense of the Ancients everywhere we ended up finding them gave this ancient atmosphere we even find one wandering alone in the lake of rot in yet another ancient Realm of the lands between this all once again gave the sense of a pattern a pattern of age so in our minds the impression was becoming more fixed there're an ancient Society from before the Earth tree possible Inspirations from The Real World came to mind peoples from the world over who had a culture on their native land before a new Society arrived eventually bringing War until the newcomers became the primary power with a new belief system not only did the sense of having to flee and keep their distance from the earthree society fit this impression but so did the aspects of the ancestral followers spiritual worship ancient tribes all over the world hold deep reverence for Antlers and the species that carry them too many to list such societies were generally established before the intrusion of urban or literate societies so here was another ancient Society before the UR Trey just like the Beast Man the KNX or the dragons however we think we were wrong forgive us we will be wrong again and likely a fair number of times as we work to resolve the mysteries of Elden ring for this beautiful Community but on our replay of Elden ring combing through the game for details and insights something struck us that we had noticed but perhaps not understood there horns what are horns famous for in Elden ring the budding horn is related to The Crucible from before the ER tree Omen horns are evidence of something anti-er tree and also share similarities to The Crucible and preer tree era beasts and dragons have horns old things in general have horns so horns are very important to cross many areas but more than most the ancestral followers obsess about horns they worship a multi horned beast they have huge horns sprouting from their heads horns are used in many of their weapons they carry out rituals and pray for new buds upon these horns horns are before the Earth tree and the ancestral followers have horns so that's more evidence they're from before the Earth tree right except the horns on their head can be dropped now we knew this because we picked up the item yet for some reason we didn't think they wore the horns we thought it was just adapted as a drop for us as players to be able to wear the horns but on analyzing their models their horns can be removed just like us so they do not grow them they wear them which got us to look closer and begin noticing more such as their name ancestral followers this name feels so ancient like the ancestral spirit this majestic beast with so many sprouting antlers and its ethereal music yes this is a beast from the ancient times and the accompanying culture that worships it must be an ancient one except the word ancestral doesn't necessarily mean ancient ancestral is defined as of belonging to or inherited from an ancestor or ancestors So in theory something could produce Offspring very quickly such as a rabbit and have many offspring making a very distant ancestor and yet still do this during a relatively short lifetime the European rabbit can bear Young At 6 months old and lives around 9 years so it could meet its own great great at another 10 great and then some grandson or granddaughter so it is the relation of ancestry that is important not age specifically and we know from Elden ring that relations are much more flexible than in our world there are many richly nuanced relations that go well beyond just blood the first impression of the word ancestral continues to unravel if we dig deeper such as when we find a Sharman standing guard and what are they guarding not an ancestral Spirit body but a chest something which stands out amidst all their natural ways guarding a chest containing a material possession in itself is already out of place from the rest of of their culture that focuses on nature fromsoft has always focused on themes of greed and possession so for the ancestral followers to possess a chest feels almost Taboo in a culture which clearly lacks a firm system of ownership be it property or land they have one chest hidden at the land's Edge Beyond an archway in a secluded room guarded by a Sharman so what is in the chest that is so precious to them that warrants holding it away in secret an ancestral infants head skull of a very young ancestral Spirit just think how many sproutings it might bear it is Young new it has no sproutings or perhaps two if you count the tips it starts with and yet it is still called an ancestral spirit it is hoped that it will bear many sproutings and yet it is still called ancestral further illustrating that the name ancestral is more about relation than time becoming or creating a Lynch pin a central node upon which to attach other things in relation so the name ancestral was yet another misleading illusion the next thing that got us thinking was something that kept being repeated like an session in the item descriptions the ancestral are always referenced as being away from the her trees influence they are always compared to the earth tree The ancestral spirit is a phenomenon beyond the purview of the earth tree The ancestral followers live a distance from the earth tree says shamanur this language is almost as though the Earth tree and its Society is a vital part of the locations of their settlements as though it was taken into consideration so what if this deliberate referencing is because they were actually not so ancient and had in fact left this modern society to return to Nature much more recently after all MOG and his planned Dynasty also lies deep within the Earth surrounded by structures from the distant past but his dynasty is not ancient and so we believe that the ancestral followers are closer in age to moog's New Order than to the ancient beastmen we then decided to really dig into the evidence of the timeline of the ancestral followers the first damning piece of evidence that undermines their ancient past is nothing nothingness if they are so ancient there should be some evidence in history of their Interac actions their culture their Wars or something instead we find nothing about them in any weapons spells or items that reference the era before the Earth tree we find nothing in anyone's dialogue referencing them as an ancient people in history we find nothing in any stories whether in game in interviews in guide books you name it Muriel the greatest history buff in the lands between makes no mention of them we find nothing on any sword monuments this nothingness is a terrible coincidence consider storm Vil the nox or faram maula with all of these the fact that they were prerry is revealed eventually the pattern to this discovery is random and unpredictable be it through subtle references environmental clues or even interviews with the developers but somewhere at some time something is likely to show a placement in the timeline and yet the ancestral followers possess only one item that references any sort of History what is this item the spiral horn Shield which says once given to a tarnished Warrior who cultivated close ties to the ancestral followers while this was no doubt a beautiful connection and a beautiful story becoming tarnished was something that happened after the UR tree once again the ancestral followers are referenced in relation to the earthree beyond that the history of the ancestral followers is blank but what about their neighboring cultures they are close to ancient dynasties and yet there is no evidence of any interactions no Waring with them no indications they shared culture no alliances no intrigues or conspiracies nothing another pie P of evidence is the language used in the item descriptions and anything else that describes their culture this seems almost deliberate on the part of from software first let's look at some items from other cultures for comparison the dragon lord whose seats lies at the heart of the storm Beyond time is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Tre two great rivers flow beneath the lands between the sheif and the anzel the vast region is said to be the grave of civilizations that flourished before the Earth tree in the time where there was no her tree death was burned in ghost flame death birds were the keepers of that fire the Warped remains of priests who searched for Revelation in service of the ancient Dynasty these are just a few examples the pattern continues for other cultures whether it's the Giants the people of zamore or even the Onyx Lords the language used does not try to hide the facts away now listen to these examples from The ancestral followers ancestral followers ashes a spirit of the horned folk who isue letters and metal working or from the Jawbone ax they disdain metal neither of these give us any time information in other cases that reference craft we can glean much more the Beast man's Cleaver says it's clear the beastmen possess knowledge Beyond human Ken this can implicitly tell us a lot but for the ancestral followers we get a shoe really a shoe is defined as to deliberately avoid using to abstain from not didn't adopt or gave up not never learned or turned away away from no they chose a shoe hunter gatherers could asso technology as it came into existence but so could we ass Shue using computers today and when it comes to the ancestral followers this ambiguity is all we get that or silence but is that just a coincidence with fromsoft we think not let us now look for horns other than the headband what do we we mean well it is repeatedly mentioned that the ancestral followers are obsessed about buds which is unsurprisingly now somewhat ambiguous does it mean animal horns or the buds of plant life either way once their headbands are removed we cannot see any sprouting buds of any kind even if we remove their garments in the game files we see some impressive muscles but no horns if they were an ancient people and had been hoping and chanting for new buds Through the Ages shouldn't they have appeared by now even mogs aloric have developed some and yet there are none some can drop a budding horn but we wonder if this is harvested from other beasts just like the pelts they wear if it is theirs it is still quite limited compared to their hopes or what other recent dynasties have achieved in in fact the language around this hope reflects its future Obsession they are certain to sprout from their very flesh they are certain to implies a future event it hasn't occurred yet indeed this language sounds a lot like the language used for the mwin dynasty glory to his inevitable Reign the reigning Lord and hierarch of the coming dynasty of mwin language obsessed about a future of a relatively young order with the horn headband removed they are certainly not beast-like in other ways they wear sandals to walk on the ground showing their feet aren't fully adapted to Nature they hunt with bows and build Quivers and axes showing they use tools in Elden ring it is ambiguous what exactly constitutes Humanity however in a colloquial sense they are certainly human or humanlike importantly they are never called demium beast-like or less than human anywhere in item descriptions or dialogue they may be somewhat different to Human After All Everything Changes in this world relative to the Magics or Natures things come into contact with just look at the possible rot versions of the ancestral that were cut or the sorcerers we find who have turned in organic many of our starting classes as a tarnished have quite distinct takes on Humanity so we can say that overall they are certainly at least very close to Human After All We would expect a significant change if a group followed a totally different lifestyle over many generations in the lands between so we feel that they are human anatomically even if there has been some adaptation over time and that this adaptation could easily have taken place in a timeline that started since the Earth tree another clue to their timeline is where we find ancestral and evidence of their culture in the lands between remember the language that obsesses about being at a distance from the earth tree away from its influence beyond the perview of the earth tree so let's think about this approach if the ancestral followers were truly ancient what happens to those who possess an ancient culture when it is disturbed by newcomers consistently across many countries throughout history land is taken to this day there are many land disputes involving indigenous peoples who in the past were forced to relocate a more well-known example in history was the Trail of Tears during which thousands of Cheri Mogi Creek seol chiasa and choor people were forcibly removed from their homes this was in the early 19th century and was sanctioned by the US government who had pass the Indian Removal Act this authorized the forced relocation of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States to Indian Territory of course if a people have changed location there is usually some evidence of their departure in history and in the lands between we see this in game in several places from faram maula and their beasts taking to the skies with remnants of the culture still grounded or the KNX banished from the surface to deep below yet the evidence of culture lives on up above whether deserted or taken over we can always find evidence of what came before if the ancestral followers had been part of an ancient culture and only avoided the Earth tree after it became the center of the dominant culture in the lands between then there should be locations from which they were forced out what we mean to say is if for some reason the people or philosophy of the UR tree society means that the ancestral need to keep a distance from them then wouldn't there have been some ancestral that needed to move from an old home and if they were originally part of the earth tree society as ancestral followers and chose to distance themselves from it then there would be evidence of their movement but in the lands between we find no evidence of their relocation nothing that correlates with the ancestral followers culture is found in places that they are not we only find evidence of the ancestral followers in the places where they live now we do not find any evidence of the replacement of rule as in storm Vil or of departure as with beastmen what if we look at what we can find and examine the sense of ancient in them one of the first things that makes us feel their Antiquity are the pillars we light to access the ancestral Spirits we believe these pillars date back to the ancient past and are part of an ancient Dynasty which existed well before the Earth tree these pillars as well as the iconic statues often found with the ancestral give the followers a general impression of age by association but in fact that is all it is Association or rather adoption these columns are not of their making they have taken these columns from older societies why we will look into their belief system in a moment and show how many of their beliefs may align with the belief systems of older cultures but first of all let's take a look at the evidence for when we find these pillars in many places in the lands between but these places are connected with societies we know to be older than the earth tree there is one notable exception where we find Mog but MOG has also used ancient artifacts for his new Dynasty a dynasty that departs from the earth tree so the physical pillars used by MOG are also exceedingly old and all these ancient pillars are fairly similar they have the same markings drawings and runes they have the same same proportions are roughly the same size and shape and are made from similar material however those of the ancestral followers have two noticeable differences at the bottom and top of their pillars are two alterations to allow us to light the pillars and gain access to the ancestral Spirit we light a basin at the foot of the pillar and at the top is a remarkable change there is a small small well carved into the Stone from which flame can emerge there is no stone with a carved well at the top of any other such pillar throughout the lands between other than by The ancestral followers as well as it being altered it almost seems that the stone is of a lighter newer color on closer inspection the carved basins have a pool of oil which explains how they stay lit finally and something that really pins down the ancestral as after the creation of these pillars is the fact that we know the ancestral followers a Sho letters but what is on the pillars that light up clearly with magic runes letters if these people have never used letters they could not build these pillars but more importantly it would go against their fundamental beliefs these pillars are not their own and the ReUse of the monuments of more ancient cultures shows their true story the story of a more recent return to the Past not an ancient society's rejection of the present so this is the timeline of the ancestral followers as we see it at least so far as their timeline isn't over it's clear that they have a future because their system seems to be working who knows they may have a future that involves more than keeping a distance the weapon winged Great Horn says it is made to reap the lives of beings which experience no sprouting perhaps with enough life and enough sprouting The ancestral followers could be a force to be reckoned with in time they might not be so reclusive but instead a warlike people stri to rid the lands between of all distorting manipulations of nature with their timeline established we will take a deeper look at their culture and gain a deeper understanding of what the followers are all about now that we know they departed from the earth tree Society in their past it makes sense that we find in the present that distance from the earth tree is still of vital importance we never find them too close to the Earth tree and the majority are even underground it seems that the greater will and the earthree society fail to pierce underground as effectively as they influence above the sights of Grace themselves are not able to draw Grace into them like they do on the surface below ground is also where other societies that have not aligned themselves with lendelle have managed to sustain and below the Earth maybe more than it seems in the lands between the culture they nurture here away from the danger of the golden order Crusaders is deeply connected to Nature itself they sustain their bodies from nature hunting and Gathering their clothes and tools are from nature their worship is of a creature of nature they have a faith in nature that nature is abundant and will always provide so long as it is treated with care and while nature is balanced it is also dangerous and Powerful it must be respected and part of that respect is trust nature must be trusted despite its afflictions to be the best system there can be these hardships are necessary even if the why is mysterious to believe nature can be modified or outdone risks invoking the wrath of Nature and may corrupt or even defile the Great generator the universal mother of life itself this respect in nature runs through everything they do not only do they take what nature furnishes when foraging or hunting but they do not waste anything they use many parts of the carcass they dress themselves with pelts they arm themselves with horns and attach teeth to their arrows and the animals they hunt are unafraid of them which means they do not hunt recklessly they chant to all the nature around them not only for their own ancestor Spirit the mirror of these Traditions rooted in nature is a rejection of techniques that go against nature we are told by The ancestral follower ashes that they have rejected certain crafts that are essential to other societies in the lands between specifically letters and metal working on the surface letters and metal working sound similar to crafts in our own world both are of great importance to the function of society but in the lands between these carry much more significance let us first address metal working metals have some important roles in the lands between gold first of all has a remarkable quality and metal working with gold allowed Micha to stop the progress of rot in his sister Melania copper can channel the will allowing swords to fly in deadly arcs by thought alone but if we have to choose one example of metal working to illustrate what the ancestral followers are giving up it would be silver because how do we birth ourselves a new with a laral tear the core of a silver tear silver or what we might call Quicksilver is very linked to rebirth in the lands between the renewing of the soul in another body while this may happen naturally as colors and elements in the lands between are of course naturally occurring metal working is the manipulation of these things it is the imposing of your will onto the naturally occurring Essences of nature so the ancestral followers do not merely reject metal working in the sense of our world but they reject metal working in Elden ring they reject control over rebirth and life it is quite a power to ignore and is just one illustration out of many metals this demonstrates the unwavering Faith The ancestral followers have in their belief system the next craft the ancestral followers reject is letters once again in our society a rejection of letters would still be very significant it would mean a loss of a great part of Education entertainment communication a and so on to be a literate in the modern world is extremely challenging yet this significance in our world again masks the even greater significance of this craft in the lands between to reject letters in the world of Elden ring means even more to reject letters means to reject the power of runes one cut scene in particular can clearly and elegantly demonstrate the sheer power of runes as we climb into a humble coffin beside the waterfall in notron we surprisingly start to rise and we can see the reason letters runes appear in the air unlike when they are bound up so deeply in rings as to be invisible We rise up the whole height of an enormous waterfall reversing for a Time the encompassing power of gravity runes are quite literally a power to affect and influence the laws of nature themselves in this example it reverses gravity runes can control the flow of these laws and change it depending on your whim once again we see the enormous devotion of the ancestral followers to not make use of this power and the Deep commitment they therefore have to their own beliefs both of these rejections show that their belief and culture revolve around a faith in nature exactly how it is a trust that nature will provide for them and through that a profound humility they do not believe they could improve nature and will not attempt to change it this philosophy is not only shown in these consequential rejections but even in the smallest details of their most simple crafts it seems that they not only reject metal working but any sort of sharp they use a blunt axe the Jawbone axe the whole axe is furnished by Nature it is meant to be that way so they reject the possibility of sharpening an edge the weapon foros a bladed Edge their arroe heads seem to be made from teeth which are naturally sharp nature provides what is needed if nature furnishes something sharp it is meant to be used for its sharpness if it furnishes something as blunt then it is meant to be used as such in the jawbones case as a bludgeoning weapon they show in their actions their belief that nature provides what is required another set of items that reveal their belief system are their charms we have established that colors and their Natures are inherent across cultures in our color video and how whether it is the ancestral the earthree faction or dragons these colors maintain their their nature what is interesting is that amongst the ancestral Charms only one is mentioned as being precious to the followers this is the mled horn charm in fact this charm is the only horn charm given the honor of being worn as a necklace so the item is uniquely called The mled Necklace this vividly colored necklace has many colors and therefore many Natures it shares Natures related to focus and sleep immunity and poison robustness and vitality the fire of life this sort of varied colored item would not be so welcome in her tree society and the only people we find in lendal who wear many colors are buried deep below the capital this is a sign of the plurality of the ancestral followers beliefs their openness to all that is found in existence if it occurs naturally if it is natural trust it even if things are in opposition to each other even if they cause pain or loss even if they compete unlike the belief in one true God that is held as law by the earthree society The ancestral are pluralist not only do they worship the many competing aspects of nature but they even allow natural competition as part of their very system after all we fight more than one ancestral Spirit but only one is a king we can guess that one may be up and coming in spiritual power and yet they do not deny the existence of this other ancestral spirit and help its growth they take this even further with the Deep care and attention they give to new potential ancestral spirits hunting young heads into new buds all life is allowed and there can be more than one vying for place the strongest will take the crown this strength winds approach as a belief is a much more ancient one one the urry society has moved away from here in the culture of the ancestral followers they have returned to this belief the true king is the strongest now that we have laid the groundwork of their culture let's have a look at their broader place in art while the ancestral followers culture design and history is unique to Elden ring they seem to be part of the wider shamanic archetype whether in mythology real history or Magic the Gathering From software has placed the essence of the shamanic archetype in the soul of this group this archetype whose philosophy is found in reality and frequently in mythology and artistic Works usually presents corresponding beliefs to the ones we mentioned earlier faith in nature as the greatest process faith in its abundance despite its harshness and a respect to not tamper with it because without these processes all would perish this archetype has many representations in art whether as wood elves fairies Druids or representations of shamans in works that inspired Miyazaki such as magic the Gathering and they all are always absolutely minimal in the damage they cause to their environment their actions and their tools go with the stream of Nature and one process at the very core of nature is death all shamanic belief systems respect and value this part of life as a process it is one rejected by the golden order and as we become more familiar with the ancestral we can see that the Life Death cycle is Central to their beliefs how entral life and death are as a part of a complete whole is best shown from The ancestral spirit's horn thus does New Life grow from death and from Death one obtains power this acceptance of death as a part of life is perhaps the most important thing that defines the way of life and belief system of the ancestral followers they reject any attempts to control life and death there is no avoidance or Interruption of it it is welcomed and embraced all of Nature's systems are respected but this system more than any other is sacred given that natural death has been rejected from the current order with the Rune of death sealed this may also help with their timeline their focus on the importance of the Natural Life Death cycle makes it likely that the ancestral followers left mainstream Society after the Rune of death was sealed this belief can be found in everything what they wear what they use even expressing itself on their faces almost physically embodying this obsession with life and death not only do they not alter what they take from nature but so much of what they take is from Death they give New Life to a corpse by using it as a weapon from death comes power the teeth made for their arrows are from Death the jaw worn around the Shaman's neck is from Death their colored charms are from Death the horns that make their bow are from Death from death comes power they nourish themselves from death and we can even see them foraging perhaps for mushrooms an example of nature turning death into energy the followers trust that nature will give energy back from Death in abundance and to look at the ancestral followers they certainly don't lack in abundance the majority of item descriptions referring to the ancestral followers mention death life or the power from Death this is not not only passive or received from nature it is active the description of the winged Great Horn states it is made to reap the lives of those who experienced no sprouting reap meaning cut or gather a crop for Harvest once again a sense of the power of life from death and what of the remarkable objects of their faith The ancestral Spirits How Deeply are they connected to life from death before even meeting these creatures we have to follow a ritual of pillar lighting as we move through the area we light a fire at the base of pillars flame an energy that almost seems alive Sprouts once we light a basin filled with what looks like bones a life from Death the pillars have oil at the top of them and what is oil but the perfect representation of energy from death it is also no accident that these monuments themselves are very like a horn this symbolic power from Death lights the tip not unlike a horn sprouting with life and glowing once we have lit the pillars we can go to meet the ancestral Spirit itself not the young one a Dead skull with the potential of sprouting and power life from death but a mature one but of course we do not meet it at first instead we meet its remains a Corpse Death We Touch these remains around one of which The ancestral followers sing and worship in order to go and meet the ancestral Spirit full of life we must first touch death as we interact the body gives off a spiritual energy and the air glows with it we are transported by its power but this is only the first example of the magic of death in a truly remarkable boss fight on entering the ancestral spirit's domain we are reminded of its name it is the ancestral Spirit not the ancestral deer it seems to be less physically alive and instead spiritually Alive walking into the room we see on the floor around us life literally sprouting from Death there are are countless sprouting fungi New Life born from plant and animal remains the next feature of the room that strikes us as embodying the life and death cycle are the spirit animals that roam whose power will come into play during combat and then we fight the ancestral Spirit itself unlike the spirit creatures at its feet this creature is much larger and more powerful than its remains during the intimacy of the fight we can see the ancestral Spirit up close it is powerful but its appearance is an appearance of death it looks skeletal a much larger version of the Dead remains used to get here it even looks like it has been gutted or dead long enough that lots of what wasn't sceletal has rotted away its chest cavity now Hollow and open in attacking us it displays even more of the the power it draws from death and as the drama of the battle continues the spirit animals remain uninterested but if we manage to bring down the ancestral Spirit substantially it then uses its power to draw the surrounding Spirit Animals energy into it the spirits fall down dead and yet the power of these Spirits does not die their energy enters the an ancestral Spirit revitalizing it its horns glow with power and its HP recovers in development its horns would have grown physically after drawing in their life but this was cut for release but this is not all life from death comes again later in the fight the ancestral Spirit can suddenly and confusingly for the player seem to die it cries out in pain while its legs crumble beneath it and falls to the floor violently it is a death animation and yet in the end this Spirit creature does not seem to need this body it emerges from another spirit animal in the boss room killing it and bursting forth from its body its new body manifests in front of us expanding and growing in the air its limbs sprout out with a gruesome sound effect there is power from death and yet is the original Beast truly dead for this power from the previous BEAST's soul is not only its Vitality the actual nature of the Beast is now within the ancestral Spirit it attacks differently depending on which Beast it has emerged from and even more eerie even its cry Alters to sound more like the Beast it has become a part of [Music] [Music] all of this however peculiar and mysterious its mechanics is the life and death cycle life and power from Death with the Regal ancestors remembrance we can get the ancestral Spirits horn it shows the same beautiful glowing and sprouting that lit up the antlers of the ancestral Spirit during the fight the description says that a number of new growths Bud from the antler-like horns of the Fallen King each glowing with light thus does New Life grow from death and from Death one obtains power the Horn of the ancestral Spirit the center of their worship perfectly captures the ancestral followers philosophy of life from death and even clearer than the description is its function when equipped if we kill enemies it restores our Focus points this was the first episode in our two-part series diving into the ancestral followers if you enjoyed the video then make sure to subscribe and turn on those notifications to make sure you don't miss part two
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 113,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Lore, Dark Souls, Hawkshaw, Hackshaw, Vaati, Gloam, Dragons, Queen, Marika, Radon, Ranni, Radahn, Demigod, Godwyn, Erdtree, Outer Gods, Greater Will, Colour, Prepare to Cry, Secrets, Vaatividya, Ancestral Followers, Ancestor Spirit, Regal, Ancient, Dynasties, Dynasty, Mohg, Torrent
Id: EdSv9Ur0NbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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