The Convergence Mod Is INSANE - Elden Ring's BEST Mod EVER!

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what is up everybody in this video we're going to be checking out the highly anticipated brand new overhaul mod for Elden ring the convergence mod the main purpose of the mod is to reimagine Elden ring with dozens of new weapons hundreds of new spells different areas and new bosses for this playthrough we're going to be starting with the dragon cultist class which focuses on lightning damage with dragon incantations oh baby okay this is the ash of War oh man that is sick actually some of the Spells they've added for this class are genuinely unbelievable ire of the Dragon God [Music] oh dude and who knows maybe one day I'll be doing some no hit runs in the model oh my God this this build is insane dude I'm into it oh baby do you enjoy this type of content it would be greatly appreciated if you would consider subscribing we just hit 100 000 pretty recently and the support has honestly been unreal so thanks everybody who's been watching these videos and I hope you enjoyed this one foreign oh I guess this makes sense Dragon Cult is spawning next to a Gil Lake all right first set of spells here [Music] okay oh and there's a whoa yo look at this dude there's a pierced Dragon right here cool so where are we heading shimmering Rune of lightning from morn tunnel glowing Rune of lightning from Altus draconic tree Sentinel shining Rune of lightning Lord Contender ever jail and radiant Rune of lightning from Far Missoula all right I guess Morton tunnel is the first stop huh Gideon sex mod oh yeah dude me too me also yeah what's cool is that each each class has like a different path and so for replayability it's great because you you don't end up you don't really end up doing all the same stuff over and over and over again we sort of end up killing a lot of these oh my God that's slow a lot of the avatars and stuff oh yeah I'll try lightning Channel not amazing these of course are the starting okay that's that's decent damage and wait does it do more when you're Point Blank no oh whoa that does a lot of damage compared to the other stuff dang I'm gonna use that earlier all right Essence we get some physic stuff set up now let's go with that one and then we will go with our faith and probably this one like it's very hard to say that this one's not just the best straight up here we go into mourn tunnel and millennia's helmet butt scuff yeah Serta I don't know oh my God pure pure skill Dodge you guys I totally forgot that the Archer was up there holy help oh I thought that was the uh I thought that was the guy who just came gunning it back up winning Stone 69 damage at least you have to get behind that attack huh [ __ ] should we go like this okay yeah I'm trying to think of lightning based enemies there's not a there's not a ton of them other than the dragons pretty balanced spell I I would be surprised if they didn't have any plans to like change this boss the portal to the Fort which I don't really need I guess but if I want to I can just go back into that Port later so does anybody know where the best place to get a shimmering uh remnant is how come virgins know it yeah I'm sure like I'm I'll do runs on conversions for sure I was just gonna head to uh West liernia boy so you guys said that there's there's um in the back way here oh what is this here I feel like I should just not deal with this guy but whoa this looks interesting I don't know this move set at all run away oh hey can't do that these enemies are really cool there should have been a boss whoa is this is this like the default moveset of these enemies oh boy this moveset is actually really cool I don't think I've ever fought one of those whip guys before you know what this place is though obviously I could have just went around I guess but that's not as cool yeah we should we should actually uh we should go to oh there we go nice we should definitely go to parmazula from the belfries this time instead of going around just just to see what's different oh yeah this is like the blood area oh where do you guys think that portal goes to kind of want to go in and see I remember seeing this at some point I don't remember when did I maybe I saw couch hockey going through here all right let's go ahead and get haker's cameo best Talisman in the mod should we go through here I I feel like we should wait until the blood playthrough to go through here though let's just relax and and like we'll take it slow I don't want to go looking at everything now yeah the Cameo it gives you FP as well it doesn't say it yet but all right let's check out our new spells all right here we go shimmering Rune of lightning okay lightning strike Dragon Bolt Lessing lightning orb Gathering current I think I recognize one of these right Dragon Ball blessing I think is in the base game but I I haven't heard of these other two oh well I guess that's what lightning orb looks like okay and then Dragon Ball blessing what does this do reduce FP cost of incantation by 15 increase calcium bead by 30. that's really good small projectile a curse upon impact lowers lightning absorbed from by 10 reduces enemy's ability to block and Deals a small amount of continuous lightning damage over the duration that's kind of cool let's try lightning orb maybe didn't come to the best place to like test this stuff out seriously not a ton of damage to be honest hurdle hurdle girdle very efficient I guess what I'm most excited for for the stuff they're gonna add in the mod is the the extra bosses dude because the extra boss that they added in Dark Souls 3 were like genuinely top tier like some of the best boss in the game because what they what they do is they like combine the move sets of a different stuff they took like sword Saint ishins moveset and put it on like pontiff and DS3 and it was just the most insane boss I've seen in a mod at least but the the thing is like the people who are making the mod they're part of the no-hit community right and they know what's going on and they know what people like so oh okay this makes some sense slightly more damage this is faster though first do a boss they made what gargoyles or something or ah nice okay we did get a remnants so we get so it's this one right we get passive extra passive FP regen with that nice all right so we are heading to Altus you guys but we're we're kind of weak though go to the draconic tree Sentinel right now no I I don't like ons no oh it's interesting I can go right past him make sure they're an iconic boss and stuff but that doesn't mean they're like a good boss I think they just they have a lot of the same like design issues that some of the other Duo fights that they've made have oh boy but but yeah I think like demon princes is the perfect example of a good Souls game Duo boss oh that is some HB yeah like I said I think we're a little weak for this you guys but at least we got our tick damage foreign is actually insane right now though like look at that Regen I cast once and all my FPS back moments later whoa so this does some Poise damage then I guess learn how much damage he does he probably doesn't do nearly as much damage as he does in vanilla it's risky oh my God I think did they delay that attack a little bit would you guys did it looked like a little bit delayed maybe they made it so that if you get hit by the first one you're not like guaranteed hit by the second one PG there we go no problem you guys maybe should have seen how much damage he dealt but okay yeah let's check out his weapon people are saying it's crazy and we also got some new spells so whoa okay no FP consumption oh baby okay this is the ash of War oh man that is sick actually how to have like a epilepsy warning on this dude or something that is so cool dude that is awesome okay so we found our weapon all right we got our new spells you guys ancient honed Bolt ancient lightning stake ancient lightning Beacon and electrocution let's go to Round Table to test these out so that looks quite strong to be honest with you ancient lightning stake can I charge it whoa that's the the charge version is a lot of damage hey ancient lightning Beacon interesting so that's like a big boss killer okay we got electrocution which I imagine is like a point-blank spell ah dude that's that's kind of cool too yeah Palpatine spell dude nice dude already a plus four yeah let's go get another memory Stone I think you guys so go back here maybe we should blast this guy I'm gonna blast him maybe the snake would be good here yeah that does some nice damage dude oh yeah let's try the weapon oh yeah that's that's some damage dude oh the ash of war is probably crazy against this guy if it hits more than once it might be bugged percent enough stats to one-hand the weapon oh certainly this will hit this time yeah I think it just bugged too bad so I'm thinking that the uh this this Crystal tier might be a little bit less useful now so maybe I should go ahead and get the the lightning one extra ten percent all right so let's go to um Lord Contender ever jail dude uh I think we probably want Northern mountaintops because they added a new chain to get across I think all right here we go okay so I won't I won't do the buff this time I will do the Gathering current though what oh no no and then the one chance I actually had to hit you I ran out of FP okay maybe that regen would have been nice foreign oh my God if he swung I was just totally dead there oh boy what is that damage you know what I should go switch out the the physic tears that the regen is too useful whoa the new movies got let's see if I can hit him with Gathering current I actually does kind of decent damage on the NPC nice dude well I'll beat him bro oh my God I really need to level up HP or something if I get Lightning Spear I forgot we also had that that cool electrocute spell I don't know if it's gonna be useful here but I'm gonna grab it probably just going with the melee weapons the best option just outspace them I wanted to use the Spells but foreign NPC Loop I was so tempted to try the follow-up but I don't think I should oh dude this time surely cute him okay that looks like it has some potential Maybe do the follow-up [ __ ] yeah that's what I got okay let's go get some house so I can beat this dude although that's enough to survive a hit at least well at least I can survive a hit now dude it's just insane what is how does that not connect with you oh we can cancel it and I get one-shotted bro hey he doesn't have his buff on right now why did I say that how does he cancel that dude like why does he just cancel it he just oh yeah R2 [ __ ] you I guess I'm killing you now like as soon as I hit R2 he cancels out of this it's so funny oh my God that Feud R1 is insane [ __ ] finally dude what an [ __ ] well we got it all right well we got our new spells so better be worth it ancient lightning strike ancient Lightning Spear Vikes Dragon Bolt and Time Warp 38 40 46. oh [ __ ] we're not even close to that oh just kidding oh ancient so is this like a close range one oh no like the bolt of grand socks basically and then time warp wait what power of red lightning the Caster bends time around themselves restoring 100 of HP and stamina however all damage you deal is reduced by 95 for 30 seconds charging the Spellbook will cure all status ailments okay interesting also where's the next place it wants me to go Fara Missoula all right let's go to the belfries then I didn't see it wait what did I not see I didn't see something wait the bottom of all the knights vike the dragon spear was one of was the one lanciak's loved the most is that what I'm supposed to have read he's like a [ __ ] scaly Dragon [ __ ] dude he's a scaly Dragon [ __ ] dude [Laughter] horrible this is really not impressive damage him though totally this will hit oh wait I wait did it actually hit I think it actually hit against that guy bike he goes Donkey from Shrek actually true a Donkey from Shrek okay so how does this work is there like a maybe there's a warp or something oh this is pretty interesting they added a way to just get to the main Farm Azula oh that's some HB and meanwhile I'm getting hit from like what that guy all the way over there or something oh just kidding foreign oh what is down there there's probably a boss down there that I'm gonna get just totally blasted by yeah this is cool though but is this just like wait a second here is this the way to get down to plus to do sex now or something because I can just get to like the main Farm Azula this way let's go check it out I guess this guy's obviously blocking something so here we go oh okay oh boy that's not a good matchup oh boy my damage is so bad okay here's what here's what we do clearly this is what we do ancient lightning Beacon does some amount of damage why did I do an R2 oh my God that was not good I mean we're kind of doing some work though slowly slowly but surely no way oh my God I can't believe it dude oh that's so stupid I think we're probably gonna switch the Sun to the forest we have to upgrade our [ __ ] all right uh welcome back you guys we need to find the seal because we deal or should we just beat this dude what do you guys think yeah cause we're really underpowered right now I guess the issues definitely upgrades so let's um go here I don't know why I didn't get this earlier okay we just we don't have money how do I get money let's go kill fire giant [ __ ] it dude let's go kill fire giant uh let's go to South mountaintops all right let's see how we do here lightning should be good against fire giant like it's it's decent that that burnt going I just need some runes really badly so oh that's kind of close was he not stunned also oh uh I probably won't stream the practice now like unless I I don't know unless I do a match in the next like hour or two against somebody let's use that on him I can't aim high enough for that eye hit maybe maybe just get a head fit here I think nice I could have gone for the eye actually here oh you know what I wonder if they increase the IRA post oh you know what did they take away his breath attack I mean it wouldn't be that uncommon to go this long without a breath attack but here we go foreign okay that was an eye hit but it only did like 800. all right hopefully this gives us the runes we need I should kill him there we go oh yeah 180 wow that still gives you 180k okay so the tier the the first stone bosses are godric ranala and the ancestor spirit so let's go godric this time this is the force worth it it's pretty fun I I don't know if it's a game that I'd be playing like by myself but I would actually just rather get some mind in like 18 mind so we're pretty strong for this area at least it's kind of strong I just blast them wow you how do you activate that so quickly surely he won't block this next one oh finish them off with the style all right does Margaret stand any sort of chance here I wonder whoa he's tanky I didn't expect that didn't expect him to be so tanky I guess it makes sense is that tracking what is happening I just forget how to play the game or what hey some of his attacks are definitely different I'm just taking a beating dude I forgot to replace oh yeah they okay whoa they changed him for sure that's way faster than it normally is probably gives more runes because he's definitely well I don't know if he's tankier than he normally is he kind of seemed like he was though nope let's go around this way I haven't fully figured out like how I should be progressing right you know if you just rush for all the Spells and stuff then you're going to be super weak when you're trying to get it like you you want to slowly increase your power by like getting the new spells but then also like upgrading your weapons and your talismans or whatever not talismans your seals and stuff oh that's unfortunate all right so I guess gostock's gonna lock me in here maybe we should have killed him but oh no that's what I was trying to do I think he doesn't even care about that foreign I guess we could go with this right all right we got godric yeah I think it's I don't know oh that was way faster than normal okay so all of his attacks are faster I think it's tanky dude oh my God and they sped up everything dude does some good damage I kind of want to use the Spells more than the weapon because we've seen the weapon I I just I want to use the Spells more all right first Keystone and godric's great Rune is obviously quite useful which we could go activate I guess oh I don't oh yeah you're right I don't need to activate I've totally forgotten uh yeah whoops like godric is is way tankier in this because you can fight him at any point now right so pretty sure I had all those like sitting there for a while so this will stay on and then this will be swapped like because in a boss fight this doesn't really do anything so we just swap it to the Dragon King crust all right who's our next bosses here for Dan Reichard or Stell I guess we should go to Reichard huh see what they've done there so I guess we just gotta go we got a few runes West Mount gilmir there is an archery but I think that's the East one so I guess we'll go west do I want to fight this boss yeah this smells a lot more range too so it like like I said it's just it's better for killing enemies really not sure how I feel about this electrocution spell it's kind of garbage I'm not gonna lie foreign oh wow that was not good combat remnant oh I actually didn't even know that had hitbox and now I'm gonna die I got the grace up there right and I just tanked that of course all right we're gonna kill Richard dude I've never actually seen that scream what is he doing I wonder what's in the seal spot down here stock of the serpent priest seething flail interesting that Regen oh seriously oh my God the slowest casting of all time didn't even connect with the boss the damage isn't like I guess too bad I wonder if they changed any of this boss's stuff I would use electrocute but I don't want to drain my FB in 0.5 seconds for not that much damage what's up orange stock how is this a rare Friday stream dude only Friday I didn't stream was last Friday I kind of messed up oh God oh the robo actually got canceled there I guess everything looks the same about the boss so far which I think is good I don't think the only thing I would change about this boss in my opinion is the uh the roll attack that's literally the only thing I'll change which seems unchanged oh it isn't what is that though okay wait so they changed they did change the role and they changed the noble presence I guess because I don't know what the [ __ ] that was yeah that's definitely way better like that's probably what it should be yeah and it doesn't track you need either like yeah that's so much better triple stab no it looks the same I that's actually just a normal oh my God I don't even know what happened nice oh my God that's I don't know I'd like Noah presents as it is in the base game oh boy so so yeah you can like just roll to the side on this now you definitely don't anticipate it I bet this weapon wasn't like this in the base game maybe maybe this is like a little overboard but they definitely could have made this weapon more than just like the most basic ass [ __ ] colossal of all time like at least give it a cool Ash of War dude oh glowing Rune of magma interesting can somebody tell me where the seal is that I'm supposed to be getting because somebody told me the other day they said it was at The Crucible night in the capital I mean I can I can literally think of one Crucible Knight here so I have to assume it's the one that I'm thinking of hopefully holy [ __ ] that cargo has so much range okay well I'm out okay let's uh blast this guy I think ancient hone bolt is probably our best DPS uh let's swap actually you know what the setup's fine I knew I shouldn't have done that last one the recovery is insanely slow on it oh no it's okay hit him with the seal okay I guess that guy normally does that hang greater Dragon Cult Affinity there we go okay so let's get ourselves plus three already this is gonna be way stronger than what I had before but now we're just gonna get it to plus like seven at least okay our build is finally gonna be good you guys the plus seven sealed so that should be way better um we didn't kill raycard yet but at the same time I'm wondering if we should go get our final spells now I think we should radiant Rune of lightning and far Missoula I think we should go get it yep what's the painter Shack um I guess I could go get that I wonder what my fastest route is there though well I guess let's find out South seems to make the most sense but okay this is good oh the water effect I I hadn't seen that yet that's really good by the tibia Manor just doesn't even know what's going on because I'm just blasting it here we go see if this guy drops anything he might considering that wow that's got a lot of range holy [ __ ] dude oh oh this is the dragon cone Oh I thought for some reason I thought it was actually one of the painter Shack but there we go so there's an extra 10 damage all right here we go again you guys round two I did notice that yeah uh streamer see if our damage is any better you would assume oh wait I was gonna go get my spells but I guess that's fine maybe this guy even drops them who knows let me use the Lightning Spear it's just it's more of the efficient and the damage is very similar I really like what they did with this place down here our damage is so much better than it was last time dude if you weren't here yesterday when I was trying this you'd be like oh this is good damage what the hell our damage here last time was just atrocious dude I've literally fought him for like 20 minutes and then died only problem with this fight is that it's insanely laggy like my PC is having a very hard time you're saying what's harder I would say it depends like I would say level one's easier if you know what you're doing most likely yeah the damage you can get at level one in this game is insanely High foreign if you just know like what setups to use then like it's going to be really easy but plus zero will like there's no way that you can get around learning the bosses at plus Euro like you have to learn them especially on the harder ones yeah I'd say level one Millennia is easier than plus zero Millennium probably yeah I mean I guess yeah that's true I don't know maybe maybe that's wrong I could be wrong there we go 80 lightning I do know that but we are doing a lightning build so but I got a spell really oh oh I did get a spell I didn't even notice that but okay 53 Faith let's see if that's any good so added to the collection of spells that we have well I almost fell down I'm very curious where this leads to because I've never obviously this isn't normally here is it leading to placidusacks maybe it is a Grace I'm so curious what's happening here because there's no way up so there must be remember there's like a portal to skip godskin Duo oh this is placidusax and they remove the the normal way to get down here okay okay interesting another heavy lightning resistant boss oh can you not log onto the heads it's kind of a scam oh boy that is uh some amount of damage I guess it does something whoops and I got one shot it oh yeah maybe I should try that uh that melee spell right okay so let's get rid of this glaive and we'll go with ancient lightning stake like it just doesn't deal a lot of damage man oh I just totally shot one to the side because I didn't realize it casted so quickly okay well maybe it's good oh dang that police breaks really fast dude it's my friend move with it uh what do I use when he's just here oh oh oh no steak oh God damn it the Battle of attrition dude we may have to start using the weapon you guys oh no I shouldn't have done that don't Wing me oh slowly but surely dude it's done foreign last cast I guess oh boy I'm really far from the wall oh boy that was so close don't ah how would you do that One Singular port my game's really lagging here for some reason don't pour it insane surely I'm not gonna get cornered against the wall here there we go oh thank you for that oh my God he's still alive where are you going please die I don't know if I'm gonna survive this what the hell why did he go over there oh look at that we got the third Keystone though you gotta find our final spells it'd be funny if it was just like a pickup in this room or something oh whoops I didn't expect that but yeah it's probably just like if if the well that's actually very useful to have I'm just trying to think of for for future runs we could come into this area and get this somber Bell bearing without fighting anything like you could just come and get a so that's good to know which I what does that take you do plus nine yeah plus nine dude go check this thing ire of the Dragon God well I have to get that obviously 60 Faith so I can use that let's uh let's try that out I guess oh dude that does so much damage there might be like an initial hit as well foreign well that's a good sign and when you kill the test dummy um I guess let's keep exploring Farm Azula though here we go is it gonna reach them oh oh my god dude that is crazy [Laughter] trying to get out man he's trying to get out of here oh my God absolute Carnage dude is just insane oh I got hippo from something actual actual nuke right here this is definitely my favorite spell so far man it's actually crazy okay well we continue how much range can I actually cast it though oh I think I I don't know what happened there we gotta go kill some stuff with this dude I think there's still like a lot of the main boss we have to kill though I would like to get to enough Faith where I don't actually need to use the physic to cast this okay there we go oh my god dude it's so funny because they take up like it deals so much damage before the Newt it doesn't even need to Nuke them to be insanely strong like look at that like we're dealing 2200 damage before the big explosion even happens oh this is so good our this playthrough has totally changed we've gone from some like weak little guy with some shitty seal and not great spells to this all right here we go and let's see dude here we go you know what I'm gonna can I cast two in time not quite as another one oh my God the amount of stuff happening on the screen this is actually this I I don't even know this is just so good dude I'm gonna try to get another one off but oh this is my favorite boss in the mod I think so far [ __ ] maybe I'll try to like cast one outside just have to play this guy slow dodgy bastard slowly but surely just kidding I don't know when to attack him wow that does so much damage dude so do not mess with this attack is what I've learned don't mess with that yeah see now it's fast enough okay that's gonna be a big Improvement oh Jesus dude okay I this is not going well I remember saying last time like if you didn't know this enemies moveset already because this is basically just the standard lion moveset if you didn't know this moveset already you'd get just totally decimated by him dude [Music] we just want to keep trying our distance but yeah I used I used melee in some last time so I want to use spells this time hey we're at a point where we need to start drinking dude thank you drink oh my God he's got a follow-up to it I wonder if you can jump over any of his stuff close one more hit probably nice okay there we go radiant Rune of lightning so there is our spell we got the glaive of the Ancients too our last set of spells I don't think anything can top what we've gotten now but lightning stake and then ancient lightning storm water sac's lightning snake pretty cool that seems kind of strong too 15 decks for the weapon you guys think I should switch to the weapon oh interesting yo that's kind of cool also it doesn't take FP to do the follow-up it is indeed worthy of the name ancient Thunderclap I think I have large sombers in Roundtable all right the Thunderclap is coming out wait a second is the great room not activated oh it it's changed I didn't know you guys changed it all right let's go to Richard dude I'm to absolutely drop a nuke on right card pretty interested to see what's different here oh hey we got the cam effect oh this is this is oh boy oh okay I thought I just committed to an attack there this is gaming dude oh wait did you guys change anything about that attack I wonder whoa that does a lot of damage Jets okay just kidding the nuke is doing a lot oh yeah that did a lot nose like aren't head shots either I guess is the crazy thing goodbye oh wait wait one of them didn't hit him I don't think Nukem maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut oh Jesus dude why did I dodge like six hours early on that I like this camera angle oh I can't see anything except the nuke dude okay so the lava still is here still damages you oh that does a lot of damage and greedy well if it hits him that is really if I when I have like the top down like this it literally is like MMO RPG tier ham I think just lightning spearing is kind of the best thing here oh please finish them before this happens oh dude I I really should have gotten that like staggering spell I totally forgot about it okay what do we get at this point or Vigor I guess so he killed Reichard and we killed the third one so now more God we gotta kill morgot now okay this now this is gaming I'll give you the best nut ever this is going too far oh this is just like this is actually just so good dude like the second [ __ ] reign of Hell on Lane Del dude is happening very happy we killed that we killed positive sex earlier dude that was not a mistake all right I appreciate that now now this is lightning dude like my first time actually exploring Lane Dell because I can just blast everybody oh what is this place oh interesting I didn't I didn't actually know this path was here somehow they just died dude there's nothing they can do we destroyed out the furniture too but Lino said does in this and wait is the death oh they added the [Laughter] nice dude oh how dare you survive oh boy nope you're my lightning is better than yours my PC is probably wondering what the [ __ ] happening there's normally a tree Spirit over here right oh why do you have so much HP I nuked him and he didn't care kind of curious about this spell as well that did a lot of damage dang dude if you get those direct hits with that that's a lot of damage Godwin's Crag blades lightning Twin Blade can I wield this right now no I can't what am I missing Dex 16 decks oh yeah I'll try the glaive through if anybody's alive try it on definitely looks cool like is this it's like it's the Lions um the Lion's blade attached to like a stick or something okay oh my God this is what happens if I've oh oh I have no heels that's what happens if I actually have to get into real Combat [ __ ] you for that bastard okay let's try this ash of War on this guy properly gotta [ __ ] ton of hyper armor dude yeah I'll get a bit of decks for the twin blade I think it was 16 right halt the Thunder oh it's a buff oh wait it said something else there while effective perform a heavy tactic called Thunderbolts down yeah and then there was something else too follow up to fire a lightning spear okay that sounds kind of cool that is that looks sweet dude okay dude um I say we send in a nuke here and we just blast them whoa oh my God wow that did a lot of damage oh [ __ ] I didn't even see what happened oh I think it was that attack bye Seeger I love the Runar coming back on Boss kill dude I really should have been in the base game I don't know why it wasn't wouldn't mind getting some more mined all right he's got his horse outside Richard's Rune I guess I didn't we can go check I wonder if you get a different item here oh bigger tier Blasphemous blade and I guess that's it right oh great Rune Oh I thought you said oh total HP by 20 so I guess that's probably better than what I have but is this gonna work out oh it disappeared allow it foreign to use the nuke here but sit down S2 cast two oh damn okay that's definitely the most we've absolutely blown up a boss so far that was vicious no other boss has quite died like that so far all right off to malacath I guess Dragon Temple alter all right Crucible night time to die what a Chad though he's like kind of just tanking a dude maybe we'll try to use some of these other spells a bit more on on the next bosses I'm going to blast this guy though this is going too far dude ancient lighting sphere is really good on these guys it does it does so much stagger oh man that does so much damage from up close easy I guess this is another one of our weapons isn't it or the armor set yeah malformed Dragon set I guess we can go with it the Lightning God I actually didn't even realize there's a bird on my head though I've never noticed that wait what does it do Faith by two produces weapon stamina caused by two increases weapon lightning damage by two okay so like this isn't even what we want to be wearing though it had its moment here we go foreign I'm pretty sure this is more damage than we are doing with the gravity build what would you guys say I'm gonna try the lightning stake here oh that does an insane amount of damage dude that's crazy let's see if I can get this off that's good too but man this lightning stake all right Charlie this is fine I just can't see what's happening at all goodbye if Keystone oh I guess we we haven't been using the lightning scorpion charm I guess we could use it all right uh we are going to fire giant we got every single whatever it's called Stone but yeah so if anyone's wondering the way the progression works is you have to kill you have to get all five of these keystones to the forge and then you can teleport up here and like basically that means you you can go anywhere in the map right away but yeah so you get the keystones by killing the major bosses yeah on the next playthrough we'll do like you know the other bosses as well and yeah dude I I just I now that I think about it burning the forge and stuff this makes so much more sense to do it like you burn the forge and then you come to the action capital or something oh you can horse here oh that's nice all right I want to see the nice entrance but I also want to blast them so bike Indian it's a lot of damage and the uh [ __ ] why am I not jumping this stuff the gravity build had a hard time on this guy oh please allow the heel dude definitely need like the faster spells here I think what's up oh that's cool as hell okay here we can attack nice great nice there we go yeah this build was definitely better for this guy I think I'm wondering if this is gonna hit him here not quite lightning should be good on this guy too I think the resistances are unchanged oh that is so much damage oh my God this this build is insane dude get it off okay let's see if I can use it here I'm into it oh baby dude drink defense totally evaporated that was pretty sweet all right here we go final boss I'm gonna try to Nuke them right away worth it I think this build would be very good for a no hit run I'm like based off of what I'm seeing what was I doing I just I didn't roll it whoops oh it's getting blasted yep you're getting blasted oh my God I should have gotten that dude I should have gotten the Stagger spell maybe or other than beast but we're just gonna nuke them from a distance I guess or maybe we will stagger him again do it again just tank it oh okay it was worth it surely that was worth it forgot we have horse in this fight again oh boy that's gonna hurt [ __ ] God damn it dude okay okay I have a new idea I think let's go with uh Beacon we're gonna go Beacon this time and I'm gonna try to police break him because that's like the mega Poise break spell it looks like I just look at that damage we deal thank you a beacon we're gonna try to get a stagger oh oh that's doing a lot of damage spam with that Jesus okay we've seen the true power of the beacon I guess I was definitely not a believer in the beacon but I now am please reach him oh he's going up no he's not dude what a Kill okay Beacon was the call that was a good call dude that just it hits so many times wow this build was crazy dude like once we got it fully set up that was also that was only with a plus nine seal by the way man that was a lot that's a lot of damage dude I so we've only tried two classes we tried the gravity magic the gravity sorcery and we tried lightning incantations now this was this was awesome dude like let's take out those spells but yeah I'm gonna try to save all these characters as well in case I want to come back to them
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 809,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 21QMqITv9IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 7sec (4387 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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