Can you beat Elden Ring with ONLY Blood Spells?

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blood incantations there is like four of them in the game they do a mix of fire and bleed damage to enemies though their blade proc seems to be very big from my recent experiences and their damage leaves a lot to be desired all of them are again locked behind really tough bosses so that means it's time to get creative again but I will not do any damage to any enemy with anything besides the blood spills so let's get started first of all the rules number one no dealing damage to enemies outside of Blood Spells number two no Spirit summoning and number three no main boss keeps if possible so how would you solve this problem if you look at the blood spills available there is one that stands out the swarm of flies the reason for that is is the only one that requires you to kill only one shark better before you're able to grab it if you get just one great room from a sharp Bearer you can complete various questline and grab the spell so let's figure out how we're going to achieve this godric renala reichardt are out of the question they are guarded by Bosses that don't really have a way to be cheesed so that leaves us only with General radan now general of radon isn't your typical boss fight as you can summon multiple NPCs to get some help for him and they can even be re-summoned multiple times that's perfect before we head to him though we need to do a couple of things beforehand like getting our horse torrent saying hello to our best boy dog grabbing The dactus Medallion number one and grabbing Dex Medallion number two hopping on over to Altus plateau and on our way over there grabbing the two-finger telescope in Altos we head to the forest and pick up the icon shield for later with all of the completed the festival at admin Castle should now have started meaning that we can access the radon boss fight and make some significant progress my strategy for the boss fight was at first just try to get all the summons to kill him alone I soon realized that would require a whole lot of effort and luck as well and I don't like that thankfully from software is notorious for not patching their exploits in their games they did fix the radon insta kill with gravity glitch that iron pineapple showcased in his pacifist run I tested it on the current patch and I was not able to get and die in this way but there is another exploit we will use and abuse here I'm going to call it radar hasn't learned to swim yet in his 3000 year old life this is how it works we first need to get the summons to get itself to half so that he makes the transition to his second phase this however is much easier said than done as a lot of the times he will just be slap them all to death in a couple of swings it's not too hard but still difficult enough as you had to avoid him constantly while trying to manage your army easiest way to do that that I found is to try to summon them all at once so they will distract radar a lot better than just having them go in one by one to their deaths once they're done is close to phase 2 we have to maneuver ourselves to this particular spot on the beach beautiful I know the moment that I've done makes his jump into the air you have to be facing the castle in exactly this way now we wait for a down to descend as a giant flaming meteor so will this work yes the answer is definitely yes but next time we will move a bit away from the edge and by the way [ __ ] you are done alright attempt number two the same processor before we get to the edge and as are done is getting closer to us we'll just start to run away and this is why I love this game I'm literally playing this as a JoJo character now we have our great room meaning that we can finally complete by this questline and properly started salon what is questline is pretty long and takes a couple of steps so I'll just leave you with the cliff notes Here we jump on over to the round table hold to behold the Marvel's fingers then we hop on over to Rose Church in Leonia to talk to our boy a couple of conversations later he tasks us to invade a couple of people we do as we are told die in all of these invasions as you would expect because we can't do any damage yet we grab some sweet sweet maiden's blood from the church of inhibition and then what is Quest is mostly complete he gives us a tool to teleport to the Morgan Palace and we are finally done swarmoflies is literally located right at the beginning of this place so we just go over to that cave and pick it up boom our first real blood spell acquired now let's do some boss hunting shall we and of course we are going to start with our boy Margaret I head up to Stormville castle and engage Market in a fight let's test this bad boy of a spell out let's see if Market is actually able to deal with the sport of flies like at all oh there's gonna be a cakewalk oh [ __ ] maybe not I thought this one replies is going to do better but it's not Market moves around a lot that's a big problem and he has a lot of bleed resistance he seems and you have some buffing to do after this fight trying to think of the only other there are three blocking Ambitions we can use so Market is possible but to make the fight a bit easier we are going to need some significant upgrades here it seems that swarm of flies were heavily nerfed in the recent Patches at least that's how I feel about them first I want to grab a better sacred seal to cast my spells with this one is located in the first side dungeon of the game right outside of the tutorial area this one was sticky to get as you need to kill a ghost type enemy the ghost enemies are always immune to bleed so my only spell was used pretty much here but thankfully The Chariot in this place was kind enough to help me out here and ran his ass over giving me the dragon communion seal it scales with Arcane and that means my bleed build up will increase as well once I level up my Arcane stat next we need to upgrade this bad boy for that we have to Journey far and wide first we stopped by our boy EG in leernia to grab the stones up to plus 4. next we head on over to noxtela engage my twin in a fairly nominal one-on-one combat in which we come out on top to receive the silver tier mask this mask gives us a whopping Plus 8 to our Arcane stat which is just magnificent then we head over to the academy of career run through the school's graveyard over there and get eaten by arranging virgin abductor to be teleported to a manner located in a volcano just a normal day at school I guess here we pick up the somber smithing Stones 5 and somber's meeting Stone 6 on the rooftops and grab another Grace in this place for later as a final upgrade for now we pick up flame grant me strength as the Flies do some physical damage as well the extra damage from the buff couldn't hurt view some of my favorite glitch farming to get a few cheeky level ups and along with that we also murdered big dragon in Caleb for some more of those juicy runes that we need after leveling myself to a respectable amount we go back to our boy Mart look at the damage that I'm doing right now for him that's actually a significant amount of damage like we need to upgrade the Market not Warrior blood flies Market flies oh will you stop it please I know you can throw around daggers all the day but please but I'll take it I can still do damage to him with the flame gun if we strength buff I think we have enough damage but it's hard to tell he has a lot of bleed resistance though like it's no joke our videos stop he just doesn't stop [ __ ] you Murray go away Margaret please first real challenge down now running through the main gate of storming Castle dodging all the ballistas and enemies only to finally arrive at our immediate next boss go direct the golden this one is always pretty much on the sale difficulty level as market so the fight went pretty much the same way as before we tried to keep godric at the medium to long distance away while shooting large amounts of flies that are festering with feces and disease and oh yeah if you haven't read the item description of swan of Lies here you go pretty disgusting anyway once poor godric had enough he decided to quit out from existence itself and with him being our second sharp Bearer we will now get access to the capital before we head into the capital lobe we got some things to take care of beforehand I wanted to complete yura's questline so that I could get my hands on a particular item early so I talked to him in Lim grave we killed some pesky Invaders together and by together I mean your eyes completely useless finally we find him dying in a church from being too much of a Sim you killed my boy Yura I will not tolerate that okay don't try to period that is a stupid idea like I haven't got any she's the hardest boss by far come on die ah thank you finally purified Crystal theater wonderful in the chat for you like guys with her death we get a purifying Crystal tier which we will need later to defeat a certain boss a couple more things before we tackle the main path we head on over back to the academy to fight radagon's dog so that we can pick up his master's Talisman the radagon's icon which boosts my casting speed the Boost was pretty difficult here he's super fast and moves around a lot making it so that the flies have a difficult time procking bleed on him but if I just evade everything then it's only a matter of time before he falls and sure enough I got lucky a bit and got him on my first try receiving radagozaiko the other thing to take care of was the godskin Noble in volcano Manor this one unlike the dog was extremely easy believe it or not the godskins are really weak to bleed effect and don't move around a lot while in the first phase making that part a cakewalk the second phase of this one can be easily cheesed by getting him stuck on one of the pillars while he's rolling around the place and casting sworn of flies on the pillar manages to hit him consistently giving me another easy Victory and a bunch of runes together with it now we can grab the rest of the Sombra smithing stones that are required to upgrade my seal to the maximum taking care of that part so that we can focus on the fun part depending on our path to the capital is the draconic 3 Sentinel or DTS as I call him not gonna lie he's pretty tough for some reason he is super difficult to bleed despite the wiki stating that his bleed resistance isn't actually that high the best way I figured out how to deal with him is by playing extremely safe as I couldn't afford missing my attacks because I was limited on how much Mana I had I was baiting his jumping slam attack in order to get a hit on him not a foolproof strategy though because he can sometimes just shoot you immediately with a fight ball if he so chooses but after a couple of attempts I got the hang of it and I managed to take him down with all my resources completely spent but he's dead and that's what matters now we encounter a major problem in this run the upcoming boss fight is goldfried and he is a ghost which means he's immune to the build effect making Swan and flies useless for him we need another spell and luckily we have just the right one hidden deep beneath the capital in the sewers but before that we will need some help from the number one best character in the game dangita ferocious Fister of thesis to get him to help us we need to pick up the seatbelt curse from the beginning of the capital talked to his ghost form in the round table hold he will then give us the key to his cell stumbling down into the sewers we unlock his cell make him a possible summon for the next fight and we will need a summon for that fight because the boss is also a ghost and immune to the build effect but if you conquer him he will give us an invitation that will serve us for the rest of the sun after being lost in the swords for about an hour or so honest to God I despise this place we encounter some catacombs and inside we found Mo Jr or Modi Omen he is the ghost I was talking about now to address the elephant in the room technically this fight is doable with just one flies but I like my sanity very much so I will allow dang itre as the one summoned for this boss fight and also technically I already used summons for the Rodan fight so we go into the fight Shackle in hand and dung it at my side shooting a bunch of flies from my hand that I found in a lake of blood this game is really old oh my God there's a lot of damage done eater that's a lot of damage but don't eat for my boy hit him is now useless so we have to pray to God that Daniel is going to do his job oh he's staggering don't eat her my boy this has to be the worst treatment of a boss ever a guy literally called the dang eater and a guy spamming flies I Think Jesus that's a lot of damage though Danita is doing work guys he's gonna die now but he did his job now let's finish this guy did you die already man you should be dead let's go the blood flame talents man oh yes or the back scratcher spell now without wasting time let's immediately test this bad boy on our next couple of bosses first one being Gold free let's see how much damage we are going to do to him oh there we go in for some trouble I'd say back scratch scratch goodbye country yeah this spell is pretty solid guys it does a bunch of bleed and fight damage with the explosion meaning that this spell will probably carry me throughout the rest of the game together with the Flies immediately after golf 3 we engage morgot in combat let's see how fast he bleeds that's pretty fast he's super like Market wasn't this vulnerable to bleed like not even in the slightest we might not even need the back scratcher in this case got one shot at bucket Morgan no aha I have a great Shield this time I can actually use it when you stop with the parkour nonsense please come on thank you that's not a lot of damage though we're gonna alternate I can bleed him from a distance and fight him from close up I'm beating you with your brother's incantations back scratch bye bye morbid rest in peace Easy Clip oh my god with more not finished we jump up to the road lift and continue our journey forward throughout the mountaintops of the Giants riding throughout the mountaintops I thought I might need some more damage upgrades because the fire giant is pretty resistant to fire that's why it's called the fire giant so we make a change in course for that purpose oh and by the way if you like my content go check out my Clips Channel as well I gathered a lot of clips from my streams and challenge runs and post them over on that channel as well if you're into that sort of stuff check it out link is in the description now getting back to the main course I go to Fort down here there on the walls we can find the fire scorpion Talisman which gives us a 12 fire damage increase we also stopped by the putrid Avatar in hailed and completely obliterate him I mean just look at the damage it's Bonkers he drops us the flame shroud and cracked here giving us another 15 increase to our fire damage time for the fire truck I'm here my boy honestly I'll take thousand damage that's a lot of damage bye bye oh he bled he bled right there perfect Get Wrecked that attack is so difficult to do it sometimes I think they're going to phase two boys yep all right [Music] what am I even aiming at oh yeah this is this is a definite Improvement uh guys what the hell is going on Smart applies are actually doing a lot of damage does he get weaker to bleed in the second phase guys what the hell I did not expect this kind of damage oh [ __ ] I'm gonna die what the hell I got caught off guard by the amount of damage that I did right there my God he actually went down on my second attempt and I'm doing fire damage seems bleed is a pretty good way to deal with him especially in the second phase the smaller flies that do so much bleed damage to him in the second phase I was completely flabbergasted now we ride up to the Kiln talk to Melina and burn the Earth tree to the ground stranding us on top of a floating castle of farum Azula five main bosses remaining we immediately move on to our next task which is the godskin duo boss fight I was pretty confident here that they were not going to pose too much of a problem because of my previous encounter with the godskin noble but from just one encounter with them I realized that it just won't work out with these two spells blood flowing talents don't do enough damage to justify the fact that I had to get close to them and the spawner flies will just not broken bleed enough times without me dying or running out of Mana he had to approach this from another Angle now if you're having problems with his boss fight there is a simple strategy to completely destroy them I go back to Lim grave to grab the favors cookbook which lets us craft sleeping pots they work wondrous on the godskin after Gathering some crafting materials I returned back to the fight now puts usually do some small amount of damage to enemies when thrown at them but a neat thing is they that you can just throw them on the ground to avoid that little bit of damage and still sleep them and the godskins like to sleep for a long time like a koala while they're taking a nap I just bought myself to ultimate power and melt them one by one with the blood flame talents every time they revive I just put them back to sleep again and repeat the process easiest cake moving on now we come to the grand finale malikith is the second biggest challenge that I've counted while doing this run the biggest challenge was towards the end and no it's not the album Beast he was difficult just for one reason the amount of damage that this dog does is just ludicrous I mean I beat him like 10 plus times during my playthroughs and that fact still surprises me not gonna be first try but we're gonna make it I think I can get like three in before I need to run for my life is really a problem if you can't kill him fast enough oh Malik if my boy why aren't you getting bled I figured out how to fight him yet I need to figure out a good pattern of his hmm he's gonna run away from him and cast more replies that's my plan for today you have to just be careful not to trigger his face unless I'm prepared to trigger it molecules come down haven't fought Malik in a long time to be honest with you best in death incoming [ __ ] um that I mean we got to run attack of God damn it let's try small flies all the way through sword of flies is very cost efficient that's why I'm going to use it a lot as long as the enemy can bleed this is always going to be a safer strategy than trying to win a straight out fight eventually I revert to my previous strategy of just spamming solar flights using blood flame talents was just a bit too risky here I relied on the tried and tested strategy of the Joe Star Family running away in tandem with the Flies to defeat Malik the pillars were also a huge help here as they provided a shield against these attacks after an hour or so of attempts we managed to take down Malik with we managed to take down we managed to take down malkith by chipping away at him with stinky flies with the Rune of death acquired it's time for the Home Run boys stay right there stay right there don't move a muscle we're gonna cheese him like we choose everybody in this place nothing will escape the Flies nobody escapes flies after scratching Gideon's back for a while we can move on to the last Gauntlet of bosses in this fight first one on the list was Lord godspeed this one was extremely enjoyable and fun at the same time because I finally did a run where I can have a solid Fast close range spell that I can use making me think in a different way rather than just staying at a distance in spam Magic when is West my frame rate than he is to me no joke the PS4 can't handle this much Giga child it's just not possible every time he swings his goddamn exit like frame rate stuttering the team is just dodging he breaks more dimension I'm not gonna lie I think Elden Beast is shaking These Boots because Godfrey is here rampaging completely oh now he kicks me in the face okay oh this is going to be very weird it seems that Phase 2 of the Godfrey fight horalu is going to give me a lot more problems put your face in my talents he's gonna do that we're gonna Escape and I'm gonna hit him with the blood Flame oh why am I so bad at dodging that one attack like that is the weakest spot in my Arsenal fighting him he's gonna continue this forever and ever accept my defeat this boss man I need to call myself down here oh my God Frey please give me a break not a break of my bones just just a normal break [ __ ] might be death when is he getting blood man that's what I would like to know I think that's it oh my Lord Godfrey Godfrey why does everybody survive on a magic pixel alive it's supplies do your job yes please like saving the day God damn it super fun fight the second phase in horalu was a bit sketchy but otherwise it went pretty solid one more fight to go final boss time guys did somebody say another gun is going to be a problem is almost that voice finally a challenge run where radagon wasn't a mosquito on my balls I was doing so much damage here and I was much faster than him that rushing him down was so satisfying as Sun Tzu famously said when two men sword fight in the shower the winner strikes first element Beast has one issue though he has a huge helpful and I do not have enough Mana to beat him yet but we can easily fix that I take a break together around some Starlight shards and golden seeds to increase my flash count in case you don't know consuming Starlight shards gives you passive Mana region in case I need them better to have them than not I change my Loadout to have a bit more Mana flasks for the fight and dive straight back in I murder radagon immediately and buff myself in order to be prepared for album Beast the way I want to handle this is by focusing on buffing myself with flame grant me strength that way every single cast of My Blood flame talents will do much more damage the fight goes relatively smoothly I managed to get lucky and mostly get Mr Beast to throw out his melee attacks as they are easily dodgeable they can be punished consistently the rest of the fight goes really well and we manage to destroy him in a couple of attempts now this is not going to be the main finale of this run the final boss may have fallen but I'm still not satisfied we still need to kill one last boss before we conclude this we need to defeat the creator of these spells that I was using up until now so that means Mo Lord blood is our final objective the purifying tier I got way back will finally get its use here we go into the fight and I immediately realized that this was not going to be an easy task blood flame talent doesn't do any damage to him as he is highly resistant to fight he isn't resistant to bleed though so that means the swallow flies here is my only option and let me tell you trying to proc bleed on this MF was the most inconsistent experience of my life in the first place we can somewhat do it consistently by using most shackle twice to temporarily bind him to the ground the second phase is another story entirely not only does he move around a lot more making the Flies much harder to stick but he covers the entire arena in a flaming pool of blood which also prox bleed on me I died a couple of times just because I was checkmated into a corner with flaming blood surrounding me this fight took the longest by far in this run spanning multiple attempts and hours to do so until on the final attempt we finally managed to do the unthinkable how many STDs would you guys guess I got from this boss fight probably way too many everything is on goddamn fireman I need a fire department to step in here do you have a moment where you just chilled sip on a cup of coffee or something like that because I really need it yeah that's what I need you to do just walk slowly towards me that is such a difficult attack Dodge timing is so weird no more my Dynasty not yours mine Jesus Christ we killed the Lord of blood with his own spells now the dynasty that will arise will not be called mogwin No totawin will be its name [Music]
Channel: TotoTriceps
Views: 622,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, dark souls, elden ring challenge run, elden ring can you beat, can you beat elden ring, dark souls challenge run, elden ring bleed build, elden ring blood incantations, elden ring mohg lord of blood, tototriceps, Can You Beat Elden Ring With ONLY Blood Spells?, elden ring bloodflame talons, elden ring swarm of flies, elden ring incantations only, elden ring speedrun, elden ring no hit run, speedrun, elden ring challenge, elden ring DLC, lilaggy, bushy, gaming, ymfah, pve
Id: I5ZjglcVInc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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