Beating Elden Ring As A Cleanrot Knight! Cosplay Run!

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but again oh oh dude go with this one ar1 oh that was beautiful what is up everybody in this video we're gonna be beating Elden ring along with all of its great room bosses while cosplaying as a clean rot night the clean rot Knights have three different weapons the Clean Run night sword the Halo scythe and the clean rot spear the duo boss version and the abandoned cave also has a unique spell called Helix tree blessing it's an HP regeneration spell that unfortunately the player can't use so we're gonna use blessing spoon instead but before we get into that a word from the sponsor of today's video rage Shadow Legends raid is a fantasy themed turn-based RPG with a focus on collecting Champions and building teams for PVE and PVP content one of the hardest bosses in raid is the Hydra with multiple different heads there's a ton of strategy required and you need to build your compositions carefully to deal with each one so let's take a look at what we're up against the first head is the head of blight who is all about poisoning your team he also has his poison Cloud ability which protects all the heads unless you bring an HP burn debuffer in your squad the second is the head of tormund and he revolves around placing fear on your whole team the only way to prevent this is by bringing Champions with Veil Buffs the head of mischief is the most annoying one he will constantly steal the Buffs from your team and place it on the other heads the head of Wrath is the high damage dealer once this head gets hit 15 times it gets a buff called Vengeance tripling its damage output if you're not careful it can and will wipe your entire Squad the head of Decay is the support who can cleanse off all the debuffs you placed on the heads luckily if you bring a provoke Champion you can easily negate his abilities and lastly the head of suffering is a tank that will protect the other heads with the Ally production buff as well as transfer some of the damage it takes back to your team this all sounds pretty intimidating but fortunately you can bring six Champions to this fight Hydra is my favorite boss in raid and it's because there are nearly an unlimited number of Team compositions that are viable and you also have several options with Champions to fill each role hop in game and check out Sun woo Kong raid's take on the mischievous Monkey King coming to you as a free legendary champion all you've got to do is log into raid on seven different days between August 22nd and October 23rd to get your hands on this awesome new Champion use my link or scan the QR code on the screen and you'll get a free starter pack and including the Epic Champion Knight Aaron thanks again to rage Shadow Legends for sponsoring today's video and now back to the Run Okay so clean Rock cosplay I don't think the stats we start out with really matters I usually name this these characters after who requested the Run uh we'll go with uh we'll go with the lens between roon uh well clean Rock night I guess would have a lot of faith right I should go Confessor I like Confessor we'll go Confessor okay I'll start Plus what's this I am fat rolling though I guess I guess we're fat rolling okay so what does this do oh it's that one but don't they have a buff isn't there some sort of buff that they have they have the the Talisman Wing sword insignia indrid of rods apparently which I can't equip yet but we'll get that later okay it's gonna be better to use the ash of wars in our main hands so actually pretty impressive damage right there but I wonder like how did I not get it by that oh oh my God aha gotcha oh is the audio going weird is it like popping okay let me fix that there we go now I'm I'm a big fan of the Halo side like it's actually a really good weapon I need to level up we're gonna go kill the knights Cavalry I think it's kind of a no-brainer thing but I would like to not be fat rolling some endurance and we're gonna sacrifice Alexander as always yeah I did I did give myself um blessing the archery but yeah we can go blessing Boone instead maybe maybe that's better blessings Boon it's basically the same thing except just worse right sorry pal oh boy yikes that was a lot of damage as we do at the start of every run she's this guy that's not a great throw none of the another request from the charity streams or charity Marathon that I did were no hit runs okay first boss down all right actually I guess second one a sore seal what do you guys think should I get like really high upgrade weapons for release stuff or no maybe we can get a plus four and a plus 12 or something but yeah if anyone's seen the Halo State no hit run I did like a year ago or I don't know 10 months ago it it totally shredded the early game bosses foreign to get two weapons plus four but we're gonna do it Spears it's surprising how light this spear is okay so we got those due to plus four so I really wish I wasn't fat rolling okay there we go we're good oh let's all I mean we might as well go get the faith tier in the Holy tier please don't kill me oh my God all right we're getting the holy tier here is that just so that I can use blessing spoon okay so you wouldn't think this would be great here but terrible try the Halo scythe it's not the worst I've ever seen yeah holy damage against these guys not the best it's a nice regime we're getting though man this this ash of war is pretty uh FP efficient too I guess it really doesn't cost a lot for the amount of damage you're getting I mean look at that's decent I'm plus four okay I'm pretty excited to see this against some of these other bosses I think all right holy tier obtained why does it say I have 68 hours in the game or 68 minutes in the game maybe maybe it's some reason steam says I have 68 minutes in the game all right I just I wish this was DS2 where I could properly power stance this hopefully that doesn't go too far strafe that's a nice range on it flowers did not mean to bait that out I got stuck on a but stuck on the thing typically we have that nice region that Miss wait how could that have missed you oh I destroyed okay not bad oh dude oh my God that's why the game didn't show my hours because I've steam offline best not ever and there's a bug in this stupid game where if you have steam offline and you kill an achievement boss this is what happens well I guess we're getting another Margaret fight yep that's that's been a bug that's been in the game since the start dude I guess it's fine bonus content okay now yeah now I at 22.45 is what it says let's use the Halo site this time I guess right we saw oh [Music] all right yeah that's solid too all right that's really good of course I've done a no hit run with this weapon so I'm well aware to get a bleed somewhere actually really good what's that bleed though there it is I was actually that was just straight up better for sure I guess it's kind of too bad that we can't really like we can't really get rot on this build anyway right it's with a rot Grease you craft rot greases right is that enough no I'll just go all endurance I guess so I could craft it like we could do that because I feel like that's part of it should be part of this build to deal rot but we don't actually have it anywhere we could even go do that right now wouldn't take that long uh let's go with um I mean there's no way this this Scythe is going to be worse here solid that's really solid dude if only that triggered the multi hit Talisman but I guess it would if I actually get the melee hits in there too right and we just get straight up more damage please don't combo me bye as surely first try I did this somewhat recently but I don't remember exactly when I line it up like that or something oh boy when when did I I did this recently I thought it was more to the Sun here we go okay and then I think I line up like that maybe here we go it didn't take that long I just I I forgot the lineup on the first one I guess surely I'm not gonna die from this every thrusting swords no those are good too though they're decent oh my god when I get hit by right there oh the sphere guy I guess right yeah there's just somber seven I guess there's a there's another one in Lake of rot though I guess I could oh that's interesting extra summer eight nine that is true I don't like we don't I mean I guess I could get it but you gotta kill the Onyx Lord right or something there we go maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever hello I really need Vigor you guys almost there wait the spear gives really Shield blessed with an incantation that words off rot kind of cool like there's an eight in that back left corner I thought some getting it mixed up I don't need both of them we only need one it's a lot of rot resist here yeah here's where all the butterflies are because if I'm not mistaken this is a somber eight uh okay let's go back here I think it's that item over there if I'm not mistaken I just need to not die to this guy what if I can like cuckery him here we go see you later nerd surely that's lean rot lore friendly that they throw cutris okay we got it now let's go kill godric 18 vigor yeah I I use the grease and then I just start only using the Halo side well this doesn't take that long to actually Rock here because I don't have this thing super well upgraded here we go it's really decent damage to be able to get a bleed somewhere so watch oh there it is let's use the let's use the spear here actually now that we got our bleed off seems like a perfect time to start using it kind of weird though like it misses him bye godric oh I you know I don't know how I feel about the spear man so far this this site is better I would say I because I yeah like sometimes it's just whiffing him and I don't know why it looks like it's got a big AOE on it but well they're both you both got to get to the snow fields for them so destroyed all right let's go up okay so what we're gonna go do there's a summer five pickup up here if that's Magnus I don't want to fight Magnus dude the Redan Boss Arena has another five so we can start running there so we're gonna get two plus nines for this which I don't think I've ever done that before I don't think I've ever done this before okay so there's the five okay last place is Dragon Barrow wings all right we have finally done it hopefully I have enough runes for this okay so sword to Plus oh I have some fives 14 I guess okay plus nine and plus nine there we go I'll try to use the spear more we already know the Halo site is gonna be great oh wait I thought it was oh it's only with the Halo side I'm fat rolling oh I didn't buff oh no let's get that rot going shouldn't take that many already got him okay let's see okay those are some pretty big chunks of damage dude now we are plus nine though so like how impressive is that for plus nine not bad not amazing though bye not bad I don't think I with the Halo side of one cycle them there I'm not sure I'm gonna get a little bit more endurance I only need a tiny bit more maybe just one point to be fair we also have really low stats still I just realized maybe May make it's got like 20 bigger and then I was just scaling on these things we should probably just prioritize our physical damage let me see the Tasman slot oh yeah let's go with the Kindred of wrong let's go balanced in these stats maybe for now and yeah that's it so now so now we should be cruising through the game let's go kill the tree Sentinel you know what's funny I always thought that use what you see maybe meant that best not ever just whenever you pick something up you had to use it but apparently like people do it differently where it's brought here we go I think that the okay let's try the spear ouch wow that's a big chunk of damage dude oh my God [Music] dang I think that's what the that was with the the Kindred of rot Talisman right there should be able to get a disc in here bye sir that was that was good dude dang we'll see on this fight I'm curious if sacred Phalanx is actually gonna have a good hitbox here on goldfree and of course we can't rot him so a lot of our builds kind of nullified might as well get some extra runes from this guy here's to see how hard this is gonna hit now so so let's proc rot and then we're gonna do the hit yeah it's the holy it's I don't know hit Miss there too of course he jumps over it oh oh I did take it off oh ah dang dude so of course we're not going to use our Rod grease oh boy ah what a strafe strafed let's see if we can use this ash of War here somewhere okay so it actually at least a part of it hit him it's impressive and that jump R2 is great on them as well or jump R1 I mean it's weird doesn't it sometimes the Asher board hits me twice right or am I going crazy thank you it's something I feel like it sometimes hits twice because on the on the Sentinel we had three instances of damage when we used the ash of War if the initial hit like right there it hits twice it's not bad damage for Holy on him actually because yeah on the draconic Sentinel I got I got three hits in one Ash of War so let's just keep going damage I think and then we're also gonna go get ritual swords so we're gonna get another 10 boost yeah these the weapons are good are honestly very decent so far maybe not top tier or anything but for Holy damaged holy damaged weapons are not going to be top tier basically ever so see there it hits twice again hmm a ritual sword there we go so this is what we're this is what we're rocking with here maybe I should get a little bit more figure see how this goes how could you do this to me there it is mean opening am I too slow just tank it foreign that was decent I do need to get more hairy weight though because I'm still fat rolling with the Scythe why is this slice so heavy I'll just I'll get maybe one point of endurance is enough it's not there we go that should be enough I think yep okay it's 19. man we could go nice even 25s on all those stats there it could be nice all right let's do it fire Giants I I don't mind the idea of just you know there's a shop somewhere where as soon as you kill as soon as you kill the enemy once then you get access to the drops just buy them so so for example like let's say you know you kill the Halo Scythe wielding clean rot night then you know you can buy sword you can buy the armor set from him that he wears Plus we're hoping to get rot relatively faster yeah plus anything he uses but if you don't kill the probably have locked on there yeah if you don't kill like the the spear version then you don't get access to the spear until you kill the spirit version or something actually really decent damage on some of these hits man if I actually hit him and we're hoping for a bleed somewhere too pretty impressed by this right now the Rod's doing some hard work oh I just got rid of the buff okay run him again foreign oh there we go a couple eye hits there at least one dude that's no problem that Rob obviously did a lot of work there but no problem at all dude hit 25 and so we're gonna keep leveling these up surely this one shots these guys right it's so inconsistent with the the way it hits enemies all right let's start with the rod see if we can proc both of them all right there it is n't make sense holy is not so great here we can try to use some bleed too bye definitely not like incredible oh okay he canceled that somehow I don't really want Apostle in phase two I can help it another rot I'll give you the best nut ever less than three if that rot did not have done that probably some Halo scythe here's how much damage it's gonna deal maybe if I can get him stuck here I can start using it why are you rolling around stop that oh close nice dude goodbye yeah so the bleed I think the Scythe is definitely better on this fight too than the spear the spear is okay but you guys I guess we can go get ourselves plus 25 clean Rock sword which fight is better o s or this I don't know they both are they both have some issues I think by far the enemies in the gods can do a fight are way cooler I think I like fighting Gods can do it more than ons but not by a law um okay let's just keep going dude we will fight placidusacks even though it wasn't requested just because I'm curious to see the spear on him it's gonna work out oh the Halo Scythe is I'm a big fan of the Halo sight dude no wait ah there we go it's very rare that I actually go to kill this guy but yeah not to sure about other games but all right so which let's go upgrade the spirit of plus 10. yeah there is some RNG with it that's true yeah under damage protect oh yeah that's true the rot is gonna do a lot of damage here but how quickly will it proc I really like the godskin snail fight though actually that's I like how they did that actually unfortunate that the godspin snail fight isn't what the gods can Duo fight or like in the location of godskin Duo because like I said they're fun enemies to fight on their own any procs no way oh dude we're dealing too much damage I'm gonna use another one I guess of my hard hard-earned rot Grease how did he not rot there that's kind of surprising I know he's super resistant but oh and you're running away from me too God bro oh he's progress I got him okay okay another double hit there Jesus we spend the whole fight trying to proc rod on him and now and now he's only got a bit of Health left oh terrible I don't know how long it would take to bleed him with the Halo side all right that should be a whole fight here we go no problem we'll go 30 30. here we go uh do we have Scyther spear I think spear might actually be better but it's gonna be like this is gonna be kind of rough on on this guy I think all right I really like the tracking on the Ash of War like it's nice that I can face away and then like just immediately turn back oh wow big stun big rot big rot oh dude I I did it too early I did it too late I should have uh Bang I should have reposted them like a hit earlier so that it wouldn't I also lost the raw I guess unfortunate yeah the Rapier is just killing everything before oh how did that make it through the pillar Rapier is just killing everything before I have a chance to use the other weapons dude awesome all right right through the legs dude there we go I will say like this build is pretty fun to use you got the the quick off stock plus just you know two actually useful Ash divorce I definitely did some testing on getting with Halo Scythe but I'm not sure I remember exactly how effective it was on him because he tries to roll but then this the actual disc comes later right well not all remembrances but the person who requested this wanted any percent plus Millennium Moog at least an hour um yeah I guess we gotta go kill like commander and go to snow field and stuff so maybe please don't aggro to me it's really annoying all right there we go last thing to Plus 10. what do you guys think should we go kill the Final Bosses or should we go kill Millennium Moog first I think I'll kill Millennium mode first probably won't do the skip into the castle here because I I'm very Rusty on it first try fewer skill zero luck right there um we could go rot but I probably won't buff it until a bit later we could go get more butterflies like there's quite a few around Commander O'Neill and stuff let's start blasting hopefully this guy doesn't just block all these nice wake up it's buff with raw yeah that's kind of stupid hopefully it doesn't just die before I plot the rod on him he's not really oh yeah you already got pocked not bad damage [Music] oh that input read though oh it's time dude oh that was actually beautiful oh dang dude easy I wasn't expecting a stagger but I'm like I'm I'm liking this build a lot I think without the rod it wouldn't be as cool we got that rot so okay time to go see Albus or whatever his name is the clean Rock takes no prisoners Albus man good thing I got the grace here huh secret medallion so we'll go do uh we'll go do Moog first I think where am I going I guess I'm all disoriented somehow yeah it's probably it's probably not even worth it whoa hey that was nice for a second I could actually I could actually see stuff I'm gonna kill this invader oh I should not have angered that dog stop thank you not a good no hit strap but a good Strat though I'm not expecting this to be very good here but I I really don't know Rod is very good also having HP regen on this fight is useful in phase two things are my favorite Boss Arena in the game [Music] it did a good job with this one I don't remember being that resistant to Rod so hopefully we don't kill him before oh yeah we got him okay not bad a 20 is really doing some work do we get a bleed maybe oh we actually did right there probably one is fine here I actually did get a bleed oh the rod kill Boston easily man just so very quick actually it's like this this build is definitely not it's not super op or anything but it's it's honestly like the perfect balance I think because we're actually we're seeing the boss fights and obviously like I know how to fight them properly so I can do it efficiently but yeah plus we're not we're not really using any Buffs here right except the physic I think that makes it even more impressive really doesn't even take that long like you if you missed the skip like three times then it's already wasting time basically it was not a good throw please don't blast me this is so stupid I guess we're gonna finish this run today guys probably assuming I don't die a million times here maybe maybe I'll give you the best not ever why did I go for the actual board right there man I thought I was gonna be closer and actually get the melee headspin I'll give you the best nut ever all right he's trying to blast me here oh oh these guys are honestly just menaces man okay here we go Knight Loretta maybe I shouldn't have upgraded the clean rot night sword it's kind of doing too much damage almost I just I kind of just wanted to proc rot it's a cool weapon to use in the offhand I guess but the last one we used the Halo Scythe this one I will not [Music] here it is oh here we go I thought I thought she was gonna die so I uh that's why I went for that insane greed look at that Rod resistance man that's crazy uh let's go you know what let's just go 40 40. get some Vigor going we might as well go for rot or I don't know what do you guys think oh I'll slap it on the Rapier and just if it happens it happens we're gonna go more with this uh Scythe here I think oh I didn't think about how she's gonna go through that I'm really gonna try to get this Rod going here I actually thought we had it there for a second yeah dude okay I'm getting a little get a little greedy oh fairly a bleed one day there was except today he's at a point where it didn't really matter uh maybe we'll go spear in this phase then since we use the siphon first one actually I could be using the Scythe right now see how the spear does I think the spear R2 might be whoops hero2 might be okay not sure if I'm ever gonna be able to get the ash of War off though try it here actually did work so I got a hit with this there it is whoa insane Ansel pick but again oh oh dude go with this one the R1 oh that was beautiful dang we've we've had a lot of moments like that on this run where it just everything lines up perfectly here we go that was pretty sweet dude yeah we didn't I didn't I didn't want to bother with rot because I don't know wouldn't have happened probably but wow nice dude hey hopefully just down before actually actually not sure what to do here maybe I shouldn't have used that wrong I just blasting them maybe we'll get this cool safe backstab animation we'll start blasting with rings maybe I'll give you the best nut ever bro hey Gideon okay I guess the Poise the the 110 Poise changes don't apply to Gideon because it's PVE they wonder if the spear might have been better what's got some faith maybe or I guess the decks is actually still helping a decent amount I did do a Gideon cosplay round where I gave myself infinite stamina and infinite FB because that's what Gideon has and uh you know it wasn't actually as good as I thought it'd be but he's just a cheater he has insane damage for no reason oh oh you you know I did Geo I casted it 10 times before before it ever shot yeah 100 I did that and I said fail I said failings every time I casted a two failings failings failings blades nice is this something see that totally whiffed him right there 100 like all of that with him except the first hit okay I didn't expect that we're getting a lot of stuns at these very like nice opportunities I'm gonna try again I'm just kidding I try to cast another one there but I guess I would have probably gotten hit anyways the game saved me dump the kick of course oh that was actually so stylish it's insane man that was crazy that was nice oh a beautiful finish the stuns just keep happening at the perfect time I don't I can't even explain it final boss we're gonna go with a rot here because I think that'll be nice I always find it more fun using the faster weapons it's because there's so many extra punishes that you can like throw in there's the ROM ah almost got him on teleport mustard Loretta's weapons really annoying me I think we have the Rapier here that's actually put in some work if I can get this off probably not oh Perry so I should have seen that coming and let me foreign oh that's not a clean weapon Jesus dude by radagon I forgot I dropped the weapon so I went up twice but I didn't invalid run dude yikes that is not so good as kind of expected eldenbeast being the big counter to this build we can't use rot holy damage is horrible this is where charger two builds would be nice [Music] like the initial hit of that Ash of War actually does a decent amount of damage it just the the second holy part does not foreign I knew it I knew it was coming I don't know how when you play this game for for over 2000 hours you get the secret ability to just know when things will stun wow where's the Elden Stars I guess it's oh my God we we're skipping Alden Stars here or what he actually insane no okay still not doing album Stars oh my God you idiot no we we skipped Elden Stars somehow that's crazy with a holy build here we go dude I like this build a lot I think yeah like I said if you switch this out for ants for Rapier you know obviously you want some non-holy damage somewhere but if you want to go like full clean Rod it totally works the age of clean rots rot prevails although I don't know the lore on these guys and I don't this armor does look pretty cool it's not my favorite in the game but it's pretty cool oh Servants of Millennia except I just went and killed her so too bad I betrayed her pen and lore the age of clean rots yeah just imagine one random clean rot night revolts and kills everybody so our build here um I guess so clean rot spear clean rot night sword we also have the uh Halo Scythe I went so these are the two so the wing sword Insignia plus the Kindred of rot is what they use but I just thought we might as well throw in Warrior darn ritual sword make it a bit stronger and then stats are on the right
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 357,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 39sec (3279 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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