I Doubled And Randomized Every Boss in Elden Ring

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you know what's really annoying in Elden ring Duo bosses so naturally I decided to turn every single boss fight into a Duo boss fight with two completely random bosses this means there's a lot of fights with two super aggressive bosses that just are not designed to be in the same Arena oh and just to add an extra little sprinkle of fun I'm going to complete this entire challenge without dying once let's start from the very beginning my first five attempts all went horribly wrong it turns out when you double every single enemy in the game it makes it very difficult to collect items in an effort to make any sort of build and that's particularly important for this challenge because beating pretty much any boss fight is going to require a highle weapon and a good amount of Health just simply because the bosses themselves are almost impossible to control when there's two of them but on attempt number six I found some luck and got the Blasphemous blade this weapon weapon is super strong for this challenge because one it just does a bunch of damage but that damage is also ranged and heals me whenever it hits good health amazing weapon this run definitely has the chance to go all the way I don't know what the fck is happening yeah that kind of just goes to show how unforgiving these boss fights can be and at this point I'm not going to lie to you guys I was just struggling for 2 days straight desperately trying to get any run to just start and have a chance but I just kept dying early on over and over and over that is until attempt number 19 and I think I'm just going to let you guys watch the whole process so sit back relax and grab a drink of water from today's video sponsor AR up Arup has a really interesting way of making drinking water a little less boring they use these flavor pods that bubble the scent directly into the water making it actually taste like whatever the flavor is the way that you drink with this water bottle is by first selecting a flavor pod my current favorite is watermelon then you place it onto the straw and you make sure to pull up on the Pod directly and then you sip from the bottle vertically in this new year I've started Jiu-Jitsu and man do I sweat a lot doing that so I really need my AR bottle by my side to help keep me hydrated during training sessions I've noticed that I drink much more water with my Arab bottle always sitting next to me so what are you waiting for click my link in the description to learn more and grab one of their Valentine's Day bundles now let's see how attempt number 19 goes oh Bolt the grand sax it's a good long-term option comes with a seal too also comes with a poison Shield okay F off dude what the is why am I getting stunned by a flower man okay I need to see some sort of early game weapon option earlier game I guess now gargoyle's halir has some sort of black flame effect on it question mark maybe not such a disappointing set of weapons o good morning sunshine hello no no you stop right now stupid bird 21 Faith so I only need five Faith levels I need five Dex levels uh strength at 22 means what I need 15 okay uh so four five five for 14 putting me at RL 21 hell yeah dude rl21 for damage stat that's cheap as okay that's cool I like strength here why not oh good morning sunshine hell yeah dude all right give me that okay that's no golden vow it's not really much of anything useful frenzy burst Maybe level up the decks let's make the weapon wieldable I want the faith tier want the strength tier no somber one hell yeah dude I am a Blasphemous blade wielder oh hell yeah dude that's a cheap Market shackle oh my God Warrior jarard holy sh okay I will get get that later damn dude no golden vow at least just rot breath R bre's cool no golden vow sucks though okay uh do I have a way to kill gry I mean this technically kills gry that takes a long time though oh I have Noble presence hell yeah dude all right we're good Noble presence in faith tier yeah yeah we're good we're good we're good I should have enough FP I think oh yeah damn that's pretty good Talisman too now I don't want to spend all my runes but I do want to get a little bit healthier now I do the Leia exploring hopefully get somber ones because I don't have access to a somber one yet all right learia be kind to me give me some good [ __ ] and more importantly don't kill me being not dead is very important all right what are we looking at that's a dog have that I ain't dying to pick up those four stupid items okay Scarlet aonia could definitely be useful nope uh okay there is a seed there but I kind of don't care God damn it okay I I'm just going to Hope one of these Merchants has aing somber one man these graveyards are too damn sketchy if I had an upgraded weapon I would just kill him and get the get the loot but like plus zero which is not going to do damage please just have a somber one you would make my life so much easier God you're a piece of R lucaria Merchant surely he clutches up all right if it looks too I have to turn around spend my runes on viig ah it's way too I I don't even think I can check that Merchant I guess I'm going to Al this [Music] boys FL upgrade mats are cool number ones are even cooler now the scaling here is going to is going to Gig me if I'm not careful so I I really don't want to mess with graveyards that actually have things in them yeah that ain't a somber one there big dog oh I don't know what to do I guess shifra I don't even know what's hitting me stop giving me all these orange fing items just give me a somber one dude okay items up there have served me well before all I I ain't going up there hell yeah dude hell yeah yeah this this is the kind of mess that I like to be a part of don't hit me please don't hit me if I die to this I am fing Maul okay dude godamn bats all right what we dealing with what what what what Lobster Lobster Lobster are are you serious are youing Ser game game I need a little bit ofing help here game is that a a a lobster and a [ __ ] zamore Warrior hell yeah dude hell yeah yeah well I guess I'm not checking that Merchant okay I guess I'm face checking graveyards please stop being bad why is it always dog I don't even know where to fing check for more items man like I I guess patches yeah we'll do patches hell yeah dude look at that Synergy hell yeah all right so they should be double patches if it's not double patches and I just get cucked I'm kind of but it should just be double patches okay is it single patches does patches just not get doubled all right no somber ones hell yeah dude me dude I'm pretty sure I have everything except a somber one okay I I'm going to go do some key item checks there's a bunch of sacred trees in Al this maybe I can find the Bell bearing you know if I had like if I was having like a somber 5 issue right now I think I'd just be sending it but like I can't even consider sending it with a plus zero okay dude okay one what else do I need to buy we got 1 2 3 4 missing five missing seven missing nine I don't think I'm buying nine but I will buy five and seven five seven okay there is a nine there for whenever I'm ready to plus 10 which I guess I could go I could go do and we could plus 10 it that's probably a good idea own okay this should be the most thoroughly set up marget fight of all time if I die to marget that's going to be so sad finally ready let's go do it all right please please please don't be anle don't get knocked off the cliff if that snail I'm kind of please don't be snail come on man I I don't even know what I do about that move please don't be snail please don't be snail please don't be snail I don't think it's snail I I think I think we live boys oh Merry Christmas getting a magma worm in that arena is really really awful that that sucks to get a magma worm in there hell little balls that's a lot of Crystal darts I want them all right give me that give me that give me that uh I will buy two of those give me that give me that hell yeah dude okay the run through storm Veil The dreaded run through storm Veil you off two two run bears in Christ why did I choose to do this to myself I could have chosen to do anything but here I am uh whoops all right holdie what is this what is this God I don't even know what I'm looking for at this point like fire damage here would be pretty sick good talismans would be cool good Talisman like better armor but the seed has pretty good armor I don't we're kind of just digging for runes at this point all right let's do it okay we bully the The Omen killer first okay well that's the plan is to bully The Omen killer first hell yeah dude hell yeah dude okay so I do believe I'm doing a redon kill here instead of a renala kill all right big open arena Second Great Rune let's make it happen okay we got a cemetery shade and the perfumer Mis begotten Warrior Duo I meant to backstab him there we go all right now I get to bully don't I a all right well we'll we'll bully like this R2 bullying fun this also very fun it's nice Shield you got there I I don't think it's going to work out too well for you though I'll I'll be honest with you uh let's go get one more Talisman pouch thank you okay we're ready to go fight DTS okay A stal and A dualist I believe okay that's fine I was trying to listen for the sound cu okay kill that guy all right there we go now we got a One V one no problem okay don't get grabbed there we go should probably be doing charged Heavies but whatever I guess we'll live sick oh that takes two memory slots that's fine let's put it on oh no it takes three memory slots okay let's go buy a memory slot I I can be checking for Golden vow here frenzy burst is maybe kind of cool this makes me heavy Lo okay I guess that's something we do a little bit later right now finding a memory Stone would be cool yeah we're we're not quite ready we need a little bit more endurance to get the seal on and then we need to upgrade that seal holy F oh fu Oops I did not mean to drink that okay let's go see how off who's this non or a pair of nonresponsible enemies got God damn it I didn't want to hit the dragon okay all right so hopefully the branch is not terrible but I feel like the branch might be terrible oh no that's looking good me I didn't see the crab oh Jesus well okay dragon and a dualist all right we can do that tank youing dualist nice timed what am I looking at all right there we go I thought that would hit his head all right chilling big chilling right there oh that's going to let me put on the seal no problem yeah let's go fully level the seal let's get a let's get a sneak peek what the bosses it's a dragon and and I think that's a knight's cave I think I'm just going to cast Scarlet aonia as soon as I get in there I had no idea where he went to okay so we rotted the cavalry let's try to get him dead I'm going to get double pinged by this I didn't sick okay there we go now we're in our 1 V one so it should be it should be easy life let's try to give him rot see how much damage it does yeah that's going to hurt wow not not a lot yeah you know I I ain't okay ooh hello okay well barring a mountain Toops incident we should theoretically tie our PB on this one let's make nope not night time let's make make sure it's daytime that way we don't get insued by the night boss up here uhhuh that was something I may want to go sell these runes and try to up endurance a little bit get myself a bit more survivability going into this fight cuz this fight is probably the first major difficulty Spike all right so we got a dragon I can't tell what else is in there oh it's a tiia mariner okay Mariner should be kind of easy I think I actually focused down the dragon first I think that's a strat yeah just leaving the the Mariner while I hopefully fry Grail and whatever comes after Grail should be pretty nice also have access to the horse so fighting a dragon is not crazy okay what do we got Miss begotten Warrior that's pretty good oh it's The Crucible KN Miss begotten Warrior okay that's it's not so good unless Crucible Knight just doesn't do anything he sometimes gets gets a little broken I don't know what I'm doing don't ask me I really don't want to kill the Mariner until I have The Crucible Knight dead yeah hell yeah dude I hecking love Tails nice okay now it's just Mariner and whatever comes after Mariner two 1 V ones nice and simple okay next boss who's it going to be electo oh boy now you should get bullied by this no well if I can hit you with it and just let me let me backstab come on please please oh man what the are we doing can you jump thank you oh I I went a little bit too fast I see oh I'm out of blue oh Jesus all right hello hyper armor please stop chasing me no blue kind of sucks jump thank you okay there we go that's a PB off to Fu I hear a Revenant of course can I get this to cross the Gap yeah I don't think so can you jump over here dude please oh that crossed hell yeah dude I did not see that cavalry okay more damage more good her now granted that only levels are fire damage so it makes fighting something like fire giant kind of not better okay what are we looking at here a dragon this is Borealis in aing closet and Crucible Knight salura just salura though right not the duo that doesn't look like the duo okay no sfx on Borealis is also a little bit oh hello hell yeah dude press L2 nice actually hit his head that misses yeah I'm not surprised that one misses there we go nice stagger okay good now we have four Arenas left uh we got four Arenas but three of them are double Arenas which in the case of this run means double double Arenas which if we get unlucky enough with gang fights that means double double double arenas I wonder if I should have killed those things n we're chilling always chilling never not chilling hell yeah dude all right that is the most sketchy running section remaining Lobster kind of sucks I should maybe try to kill this Lobster I don't know just dodge right how hard could it be yeah you already gave up okay what do we got Dragon King Soldier ER tree Avatar okay I didn't roll close enough I think I try to kill the Earth tree Avatar first yo they ain't walking into it what what the the hell is this pathing I I also kind of need to be careful with I need to be careful with using the L2 because I do not have infinite FP we need to kill these two and the two that come after I think leaving the Dragon King Soldier somewhat low is a good option compared to just focusing the her tree Avatar so in case the second boss after ER tree Avatar is really bad we can burn Dragon Kin if we need to hey what do we got Gideon God damn it oh my goth Jesus okay if we kill Gideon it's just one V ones he's used his he's used his healing flas I I just am that in the completely wrong direction the thing is I don't know what comes after Dragon Kin so if it's a boss and I kill Dragon Kin and then I'm left with Gideon and a [Music] boss that feels quite bad all right there we go two One V ones let's get it okay hello okay now don't get pushed off the ledge by his aggro face I have to make sure I stay towards the center of the Arena all right okay this is the final non double boss fight room so this this will have only two fights in it rather than four two spawners or no no no I I don't think that's true I think Gideon's arena is weird in that it always makes the boss spawn afterwards man that's a [ __ ] combo ragon is very aggressive although he seems to be in a fing corner I will take advantage and press L2 hell yeah dude all right let's do it yeah charged Heavy's a bit ballsy there really no followup uh I'm not going to be able to rotate around this holy how did that work there we go that okay along with a knight's cave that is awkward so Blasphemous blades obviously useless against rard I guess I go level up the serpent Hunter that's how I do this yeah I don't have the I don't have the runes to do more than plus eight but Plus 8 should should be more than good enough I don't think I'm going to have much Choice as to what I'm hitting I I think I'm just going to be hitting everything in the arena as long as this is working which like that's fine yep that's going to hurt get out of the poison hello hell yeah okay uh the snake head's going to spawn like right there I think I have to try to heal like immediately here watch dog oh that's I that's not how I thought that was going to work of course I miss oh wait wait Crystal dirts Crystal dirts Crystal dirts yeah I guess I want to kill the the the Watchdog that would be my preference okay now we just have one V ones okay one more okay pumpkin head Duo solid five boss fight okay there we go this is going to be it's not going to spawn in the second boss and so different from the other Duo boss Arenas it's going to be kill two in the first Arena then kill two in the second Arena it won't be kill one get the second phase kill the second phase kill the first phase kill the second phase it'll be first phase first phase second phase second phase all right dude here we go oh hello okay I want to kill the dog first God this scaling is nuts oh my I thought I missed that okay okay one of two you know kind of low accurate we obviously kill Margot first here because Moog is very resistant to fire damage this is a really cool Final Fight though isn't it uh if this is real Moog I will need enough healing to not get sh on by knill I don't know if it's real Moog though mhm mhm okay I would like to get healing with the L2 okay well at least I got healing with the L2 it it hit the wrong guy okay all right okay so it is it is real Moog which means I do need the healing that I have left okay that's unideal but we we get healing with the L2 he got the double heal very nice very nice there we go okay now I may want to consider doing something like this since he is so resistant to fire down not supposed to miss that I have no idea how that's a backstab but all right o o o let's fing go dude I thought I had him dead and then he wasn't dead oh Jesus that that might be that that's one of the the highest pressure fights that I I've ever had to go through that that Wasing hard I know you liked that video so be sure to check out this other video where I beat all of velden ring except I turned my entire game upside down
Channel: Bushy
Views: 387,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b5o4UI494Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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