Elden Ring All Remembrances Speedrun in 1:40:19

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try this again do i drink creatine uh my pre-workout has a little bit of creatine in it yup i kind of want to get just like just straight up creatine instead of just part of the pre-workout mix because yeah creatine is pretty pogre's chip pretty poggers i would have to actually regularly go to the gym first though that would be step one i was supposed to go today but then i didn't slept in too late sleep schedule is out of control out of control fell asleep at [ __ ] like 7 15 again last night 7 15 a.m i didn't get out of bed until like [Music] four woke up at like 3 30 threes didn't actually get up though still a hard time sleeping yes but not because like i can't fall asleep it's just because i i'm just stupid i just like don't even get into bed until like six and then you know i gotta watch a show on my on my phone to like wind down and that takes like a half an hour 45 minutes i'm just a degenerate it's true it's true i need to stop you know that to be fair to me half the problem is because i keep streaming till like four am when i used to stream to like 2 am and after i get off stream it takes me like a good couple hours like wind down i gotta get some food you know if i'm not getting off stream until like four a.m or later it's just it's not great yes it's your fault chet that's right my bad sleep schedule is your fault actually but i always start streaming around seven at 7 30 pm but yeah that's been my start time for like three years probably when i originally originally started streaming i would stream from like 11 p.m or midnight to like 3 a.m which is a real short stream yeah but that's just what the schedule was just uh just a nightly three-hour grind session mario odyssey speed running baby how far we've come yo roxas thank you for the sub they serve at you i welcome to the stream is there an all graces percent no because that would be stupid i did learn today that two people have done all bosses runs chef did i just get a baby jump with torrent what the [ __ ] that was weird what are the times for all bosses what do you think the times workshop what do you think the the times for an all boss's speed run for this game is let's hear some estimates 20 hours 48 hours 14 5 6 and a half well there are two runs okay so the slower of the two the slower of the two took only 12 hours and the faster the two took nine hours that's like not even that bad so yeah i'm thinking we doing all bottles of speedrun this friday or saturday i haven't watched the run but they gave me their route notes and i i don't think the route is like super optimal so i think it could be even a lot faster than nine hours we'll see we will see all bosses would be all bosses with a big health bar at the bottom of the screen yo apologies for the frame drops there name always lags during that part [Music] shouldn't it literally just be git zone f plus 10 and then come to each zone one at a time that's pretty much what i would think yeah that's not what they did which is why i'm thinking you could probably drop the time a hell of a lot lower well we'll uh we'll try to give it a shot by the end of this week there's some free youtube content easy world record because no one else wants to do it can't wait for all bosses to become a competitive category i see i don't know if it's ever going to be a competitive category it should at least have a leaderboard though they don't even have a leaderboard for it i think if i do a run of it i think we can popularize [ __ ] i think we can entice others to do it i feel like there'd be enough people interested in doing it like at least once you know i doubt many people would care to grind it but i'll bet there's a good number of people that would be like i want to do a boss run all boss run just to say that they did you know we'll see what kind of time we get with it i'm thinking we could do eight hours eight hours all boss that's that's my print would it be glitchless why in the world would it be glitchless [ __ ] no absolutely not would be a great thing with like teams of three for hdq [Music] i don't know how that would work like but person a on a team gets these bosses person b it's these different bosses like that but then how would you combine it all i don't know what's the longest run that's ever been at gdq four hours i'm gonna i'm gonna bet something in the neighborhood of four hours could you imagine like capping off gdq with the finale run of the elder ring all bosses the insanity majora's mask condo was five hours they had a nine to ten hour final fantasy run really dude gdq 2012 had final fantasy 8 with 11 hours 24 minutes then that's 2012 though it's not really like well that's a decade ago eq's changed a lot since then i don't know if they do run that long anymore go torrent goal you can do it buddy yo what up darken guard doing all right should be a thing that the last round the book in the event should be long it almost always is not nine hours long but it's it's usually pretty long at last gdq they did a metal gear solid run for the finale which was pretty unusual that was only like an hour and a half or something agq 2019 had a nearly 10 hour ff9 room okay interesting you know i mean i'm down for it that was maybe next gdq chet agdq 2023 eldon ring all bosses you will from soft all souls games at any percent that would be pretty sick honestly that would be pretty freaking sick i'm like halfway there i know ds1 ds3 securom with an elden ring 90 wait i don't know ds 380 i've only done ds3 elbows not this [ __ ] not that okay at least we literally just grabbed the grace if if that glitch had to happen that was a pretty good time for it to happen minimal time loss oh we're gonna lose time this flip actually i need to delete this gold this gold is fake because uh we changed the route a little bit in my gold split i didn't grab that grace i just did but we want to grab it for later because it saves time when we go over to estelle how many total bosses um 175 i'm not sure if that counts like double and triple bosses as single bosses or as two or three bosses but it's somewhere in that neighborhood yeah thank you for the good luck trekkino favorite boss malacca i don't even know if falcao is my favorite boss it's just my default answer at this point millennium ever see how cool malakath is during speed runs well during speedruns he's a [ __ ] i don't like him at all 157 bosses with a health bar [Music] maybe that's the count if if you are not counting multi bosses as separate that that sounds like it'd be accurate the sparing patches invalidate and all bosses run you know that's a good question i would say i don't know what i would say i mean if you spare him you still kind of beat the boss you know just because he's not dead doesn't mean you didn't beat it i don't know i just blast his ass to be safe it's not like we need to spare them doesn't do anything useful for us yo what up tayman good to see that you're alive hope you've been well what up dumb nude i meant to check out the faster version of getting up here that they do on current patch well supposedly faster hello that'll work does sparing him include putting his health bar to zero no you get him like half dead in these like no wait please i yield i yield spare kill alexander and said it would literally be bigger than spare kill animals do you think so ow i have never had those dudes at me before that's messed up um i kind of need a border to die yeah at least it's faster if a boulder does it seems torrent whereas there is but i can take a gathering runes are stored in the balls so we need one of the balls to kill itself so that we get the room yeah it would definitely take longer to spare patches than just kill them so i imagine people will just kill him regardless even if you didn't have to is it possible to never see roundtable hold if you've never rested graces uh i don't think in normal gameplay though maybe melinda i think if you don't use any glitches you will definitely at least be told about it but i don't think you ever have to go you need to visit the roundtable to get into capital do you wait why just an arbitrary lock weird with glitches you could definitely get through the game without even talking to melania at all i thought about doing a run like that just for the meme nice [ __ ] with oh no okay i thought i got the fall damage bug for a second there i usually take fall damage on that branch before going down to the ground i guess i just landed like just high enough dang i could have golded that if i didn't hesitate on that last jump wouldn't mainly be any percent but without torrent more or less yeah it'd still be kind of funny you would never be allowed to rest at a grace you'd have no horse you would not be able to level up at all yeah did it be a fair bit different well qualifies to gold a section it's just the best i've ever done in that section so you can see the best time below the green thing it says pb and beth if i beat the best time that it gots sounds like a yumfa video yeah they're probably better suited to his format than my format but i could still make it work wouldn't you have to rest at the giant mountain police eventually not if you wrong or to ferry missoula kill giant then wrong word just for the flex yep are you wrong work with no sights uh so you can interact you can activate graces you just can't sit at them to avoid melanoma how did i just run on the air magic we do a little glitch so the torrent is just viving out here and then we drop him off a cliff and when he respawns he just can fly what i do for damage uh i think i could get a plus nine still just hang out with my boy eg giving up risotto doing fine i need to cut out way earlier there to figure out when the best time to get the cyclist yo nice instagram cool yo what up joe this one looks banging it's off to a decent storm not too shabby so far what up kyle he's behaving today at a boycott that's demigod in the game talking about design and how cool it is like aesthetic design or or like boss design like how funny is to fight [Music] [Music] i don't know man i feel like they're all pretty good there's no like clear answer i was a really big fan of her right card my first playthrough as well as radon the only one like i didn't really care for was ranala didn't want to stab him in the butt man okay kind of slow foreign now do the zips zips are not allowed in this category i am going to be answering that question for the rest of my life aren't i thanks a lot beast all his fault do the zips seem to like the idea of zips first i i did yes it's true they're just so ass also wow i [ __ ] up i was so worried i was gonna wrong work late that night warped early disaster yeah they're framed perfect hardware dependent and rng and optimally you do them everywhere it's uh not great not not a great thing for the speedrun did mitch come up with it what the zips no he is a zip enthusiast though oh my god i almost fell off there he found the setup i don't think so he he's the the metronome man i think other people were using metronomes before him though okay i guess there's collision what what is happening okay it works correct some some random person found the glitch also saying the setup isn't hard it's extremely misleading person that i'm presuming has never done with it it's it's more to say the setup is simple that would that would be a much better way to sit you just hold block and you walk forward at the right timing in your idle animation that's all you technically have to do so yes very simple but you have to start walking at the exact right frame and you have to walk for the exact right amount and um you have to have perfect 60 fps with perfect frame timing and then you also have to get random rng of it happening well yeah i mean you know if you just do all that then it yields it did i really not rolling though really okay well thank you vitality failed my ass out okay well face two's gonna be sketch else will be a miracle this works out oh okay jesus man close too close that was clean us christ why brizzy oh i am an old crow perhaps oh my goodness that's terrifying you'll know matlab you that was clean us gaming why do i need to upgrade face because sort of knight in flame requires 24 face sort of knight in flame requires 12 strengths 12 decks a 24 inch 24 face it is one of the toughest weapon requirements in the whole game i thought it was alien nope the the flame portion is faith-based and the the knight portion is uh it based that would be two gold splits in a row yes we are gaming my uh my current pb had a really good early game so the fact that we're still 30 seconds ahead is quite nice bodes well chet the first really big time save is on radon i can save four [ __ ] minutes on radon we had a little bit of a meltdown on that split last night you know it happens [Applause] yeah we fixed the spelling on ronaldo finally did it two ends not two l silly men i fixed sagwee noble as well yes [ __ ] saguin dude i like not meme split names okay it's it's nice and straightforward you remember last night when we were trying to skim through the world record and every single one of his splits was o cage it was so confusing hello everyone's name starts the same letters yup it's it's george rr martin's initials every every character in this game either has a name starting with g r or m it's true taven i mean not every character but like a a bizarre amount of characters noise is that his only contribution no surely yeah get out of here oh he decided to kill himself [ __ ] up thanks bud the camera the [ __ ] is wrong with my just technology all of my technology sucks nothing ever works it's okay i'll have time to fix it after i kill ronaldo [Music] [Music] [Music] my dear thy night into being sorry my game lagged because if i can unplug my cam all right we're back perfect seat i didn't even lose time fixing my kim getting so good at that invalidated no dude that's not invalid this game lags all the time it's not a splice unbelievable how dare you accuse me chip see was that a splice chat just because the game freaked the [ __ ] out yo nice that's the faster version of the skit to land on that little platform i'm gaming probably get the star shard there yeah that would make sense i don't think it's really worth it though didn't seem like it was that helpful yo 5500 moose ass thank you for the sub perfect i'm so good jen that was clean us four minutes he's fine he's fine he's fine chad foreign for anyone wondering why we did kill him he drops a talisman that gives you 10 extra skill damage what is skill damage as divorce basically yeah four minute time save on radon we had a radon meltdown last night so i don't need to i mean yes okay technically i don't need to but it's it's quite fast to get that it does big damage my controller is not working what the [ __ ] control are you kidding me are you kidding me controller okay it's working good oh my god dude i lose this godly run to this [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] just die i hate you okay i blame the controller for that not my fault oh man i forgot to switch my flasks after radon shoot look i'm my own worst enemy chad okay lost 20 seconds to myself it's no fair if you give him a bow with no arrows he would stand still and continually try to shoot you with nothing that sounds kind of smart i've got a bow i can do that uh so doggy be good doggy come on pup work with me here oh my god this [ __ ] dog did i practice for sax i can't say that i didn't know he's pretty easy though although i think we did die to him i probably should practice him because i feel like there's probably a consistent way to like one cycle him before he even gets to fly away at all because he's really squishy okay be good moose i only have one bar of mana yeah that sucks nice nice no time okay weird way to kill him but it works definitely works does the game have timed respawning with enemies or could you theoretically kill everything on the map if you never wrestle the shrine um they would respawn at some point not on a timer but whenever you'd hit a certain load zone far enough away from them they'd respawn i think okay i have to rest here because i don't have enough scroolian flasks yeah any sort of loading screen would definitely make him respawn morbius is so bad it caused you to vomit all night long after watching i think you mean that morbius was such fine cinema that your senses could not handle it and therefore cause you to vomit why did you just stand there oh he barely missed me nice guards [ __ ] yes whoops i did not mean to drink that gaming possible world record uh yes actually it probably won't but in theory yes we could world record still why does this happen i i quit out after jumping off my horse and then it just spawns me on my horse again what the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] me i'm [ __ ] i'm just gonna fall again oh no i didn't oh my god okay the panic quit out actually paid out there i thought for sure that was just gonna make me fall again that was [ __ ] bizarre and super [ __ ] lucky like super [ __ ] lucky well it was unlucky at first and then very lucky afterwards did i look into the one could have pegasus that happened yesterday uh not really but it was shared on the speed souls discord and apparently it's happened to other people before so yeah i don't know if there'd ever be a way to consistently do it or not hopefully there'll be a way to consistently do it because it's fast as [ __ ] please be good fia's champions fair enough good enough [Music] [ __ ] yes okay dude things are coming up aggie this run finally that was clean us six and a half head sheesh is strength arcane thing i mean it could be any court sort of build was a thing it is it good i don't know did i ever figure out the pegasus morgot time saved oh no i forgot to look into that i'm still going to do it that way just because it's safer and but maybe we'll eventually actually save time design gamer thank you for the prime it was a slow quito i almost died there blood bringer thank you for the prime well i go to gdq uh will i go almost definitely yes will i run i don't think so i submitted this category for gdq but so did the world record holder and well the world record order at the time of submission close another time is like 12 minutes faster than mine so they would presumably choose him but maybe we'd do a race or something we'll see yeah thank you bloodbringer what are some of the upcoming tricky splits in the run sanguine noble saguin that one's a little sketchy what the [ __ ] is happening flying course that's that's all we need to say just flying horse it's beautiful melania i mean yeah but she's not for a while hacking yep got my game shark plugged into my pc what am i gonna get the world record i'm trying i just suck bro i'm sorry doing my best here world record is 138 something apparently we we could get it this run we but probably won't i'm not expecting to i'm not going to be disappointed if i don't but we could get it this one [Music] if we continue to play cleanly 138 54 is the time to beat uh is the setup not a time loss it's supposed to be a time save but yeah i have yet to actually save time the only way to become my purpose so i'd like to the flame and guide so uh i might be doing something wrong with it don't um i didn't lose time to it though pretty much tied my gold so it works it's a lot safer than doing the top on the rail method too because if you screw that up you're [ __ ] yes it can dumb nude thank you for the tube inflammations thank you for the prawn why is it nighttime i don't think it's normally night time when i do this [Music] what is interacting with the door do for the glitch you mean the door on morgot or the door with the flying horse on our way to borga the one on the way to more guys so that we lower our height so that we can properly load them up the the thorn door behind morgot it you just have to touch to progress the game that's just how it normally is maybe i'm used to dying and that changes the time yeah maybe i don't think i've taken zero unintentional deaths this round now yeah it's because i forgot a boss i did not forget a boss no i've not done millennia yet if only that was already out of the way i find a more reliable way to do renault's pegasus uh yes yeah i figured out a way to get a little extra height before trying to jump on the bridge and then also i started doing the jump to the bridge like perpendicular to it instead of just like straight onto it makes it a lot easier now there's a strap for melania it's still probably the toughest fight in the whole run yeah what area are we in here again chet just not sure why does it change i don't really know because we entered the area in a way that it didn't expect okay the giant is chilling down there it should be good to go uh yeah the pegasus glitch maintains through rusting it resets if you wait out of the game or fast travel or die basically if you hit a load screen you lose it but besides that it'll stay how's the glitch where basically we spawn torrent when he's not supposed to be still spawned and then we kill him and revive him and then just gravity just doesn't apply to him anymore because reasons i don't know it just works now this is not release patch it's an earlier patch though it's 102.3 it's like the second or third patch released and yeah i figured out a way to just not even [ __ ] with the chain if you get a little more height you can just go straight to the mountain it's quite nice well disabling an easy anti-cheat make the game run smoother some people say it does but it doesn't make a difference for me i don't think it really matters dude it makes the game launch faster yeah that's true oh this guy better behave i'm getting a little nervous for this run man it's it's going like too good it's going too good i'm attached i've fallen in love with the run i don't want to let it go so oh my god okay coming coming [ __ ] you dude i [ __ ] threw it i [ __ ] threw it it was an easy kill i had the perfect setup for it i just i he didn't recover stamina like at all i just needed to do one more laser beam but i started holding the sword up too quickly which makes your stamina region like stupidly slowly it was in the bag man i'm so bad at myself so mad at myself yeah see and now we're getting [ __ ] trolled could he die foxy could have been worse yeah that fight sucks us two minute time loss compared to my gold sucks i mean still six minutes that i do not get a world record anymore inflammation thank you for the prime 12 minutes ago i think i missed that one i feel like i've been missing a ton of sub-alerts lately i apologize chip yeah welcome weeb you've made it to the promised land this is where all the gaming happens yeah you can bait sanguine noble to just roll off the edge but it's slow and inconsistent in my experience like half the time he'll just take him take you down with him you have to kill sanguine noble to activate the teleporter to get to here streamer no you don't i didn't kill sang with noble and i got here well that's because you did a super long questline first try baby [ __ ] yes huge just realized i never put this on that was clean us huge there are those alpha challenges now we've done secure blindfolded memorization and audio cues zakira's actually a very blindfold friendly game it's pretty fun now doing dark souls or this game blindfolded that would be that would be pretty difficult don't expect that one anytime soon bad damage just wasn't standing close enough i thought i was gonna die there man what the hell i never get the stagger whatever it works as long as we don't die it's fine yeah i'll spin the runes we finally get a cashman don't worry these were not losing time level 130 and you feel like i haven't made any progress uh just follow the gold lines on the map objective should be just kill the main boss of each area it should be pretty obvious what the main boss beach area is just just go to the biggest building on the map and they'll be there crazy i know never would have guessed it good my room's always spooky hmm i should be able to just keep going don't need to rest not getting rogers anymore all right be nice please be nice oh my god [ __ ] you guys okay i don't think killed it didn't no it killed okay okay okay [ __ ] yes [Music] okay oh that's one of my worst fights like i golded there but it still felt pretty slow i'm so bad at killing the skinny dude he always dodges my flame i know rogers uh it just doesn't really make that much of a difference only boss that it like definitely saves a hit on is elden beast besides that it just kind of makes fights a little easier to hit your thresholds on so i don't i don't think it's super worth it i mean it's only like 10 15 seconds to pick up but i'm just skipping it burn patcher 102 check the title we're on 102. [ __ ] god i buy this stupid lightning oh god this is so low gonna quit out again for safety it's it's a [ __ ] move it's annoying i know but i don't want to die here this is still sketchy there's still a couple guys that can get me like that guy right there holy [ __ ] okay all right we're good jesus dude too spooky okay big time save potential here i always forget i should rest at the graves before i leave because i have to rest at a grace or activate a new grease before doing the wrong work and it's faster to just rest up that grace than pick up the brace point over here that's fine though it's only a little bit slower get up now don't worry we don't have to run for 10 minutes to a still we got the power of wrong warping without the wrong word yeah i think it's seven minutes of just [ __ ] running let's get to this boss so [ __ ] why is basketball time slower than some of us because i've i'd already not golden to have this room it's best possible time for this run like given the pace it's currently on yeah it's it's the current time or the current run plus my remaining golds for the rest of it that's what ppt is this possible time is not just like the actual best time any human could hope to achieve ever or anything it's just an estimate of the best time this run could potentially get uh please tell me that wasn't too early okay cool cool as long as we don't get trolled by a still we should save like a minute or so [Music] [Music] oh there's a third [ __ ] dude stop being stupid said stop okay get it off good enough that was clean us i knew you what is it to you to deny like the dog that fight it was really good until the teleport and then after the teleport it was pretty messy i got like too close to him for the giant meteor attack ideally by the time the attack's over i want to be like right in front of his face but i was like behind them before that was not great will you still how did you oh my you um and god i can i hope and if the new lies the rules brandish stay though i become one more hug from mommy i choose and i will be willing okay thanks mom oh look i was someone complaining about glitches classic classic such a shame i don't know how to play the game right oh dude oh my god that was so close holy [ __ ] okay dude that was [ __ ] glorious that was clean 20 second golden not bad i knew you could one cycle him that's the first time i've ever done it you just gotta aim the second being real careful let's hit him in the leg gotta free aim it yeah now we're going to the bad place this is where it gets spooky i'll try for the perry strat one time hopefully he cooperates he probably won't that's all right still nine minutes that was good get the safety grace just in case this one is too good to risk dying to dance [Music] okay i don't know how that didn't hit but thank god oh baby just gonna quit out bubbles scare me honey i shrunk the tarnish yep not really sure why they put the giant ant enemies here seems pretty random okay come on perry you know you want to just be cool dude just be cool don't fall don't fall [Music] okay it didn't let me parry the last one ugh dude that actually could work it just didn't let me parry i guess i was out of stamina that's a shame that's a shame we need a better strap for that man i should have leveled up before attempting that whatever all right i believe not doing the perry strat is indeed a rip world record we can get damn close though if i if i got sub 140 i'll be super [ __ ] happy [Music] well it's supposed to happen so you want to parry him right at the ledge and then you repost him and if you're in the right position during the riposte animation you fall down and you can't take fall damage during the what the actual [ __ ] are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me what the [ __ ] is that a hundred to zero okay [ __ ] awesome oh my god i got the [ __ ] baby jump of course i didn't ah the split is the worst okay i'm gonna quit out next so i'm gonna time out right now and i'm gonna do the jump and quit out again uh i don't know if the world record has the pair unit or not i knew that was gonna happen i knew that was gonna happen i don't understand please be nice loretta be a doll just give me the easy kill that that is not the easy kill [ __ ] [Music] that is not the easy kill oh no it's probably a little too ambitious with that second beam ideally so you beam her and then she goes for the sword summons and then you beam her again and then after that she always goes for the sword summons again when she hits like a third health or so and then from there i could kill her oh my god nice [ __ ] just just redo it i need this first shot to go correct oh thank you for the good luck for a million i'm annoy this we're at the hard part of the run yeah see that was that was better that was better thank you loretta melania is my most goldable split i think i can go this by a minute if everything goes perfect you will see so [ __ ] you go away i don't remember what other time save potential we have outside the split i don't think there's any major times they've left after this one like a little bit on malachith i think that's about it now to be some tv was fun god reeve was fine godfrey was fine i mean okay here we go please be nice oh my god we got the double knock the triple knock what the [ __ ] i've never seen that before dude that's huge oh my god okay oh my god okay we just go to my [ __ ] like a minute and a half oh my god holy [ __ ] okay world records back on the table what the [ __ ] was that dude holy [ __ ] that was [ __ ] absurd i have no idea how i did that phase one it just [ __ ] happens so oh come on just let me have this let me have this bud this is the last boss i'm like really nervous for malacca can be tricky but this dude is if i die here it's a huge time loss get up oh my god get up [Music] yes yes dude oh come on baby be a good doggy please yes the [ __ ] stagger [ __ ] yes dude [ __ ] yes [ __ ] blessing hard carrying there man holy [ __ ] i just gotta get giddy and skip oh you know in pv yeah elden beast did troll us i forgot yeah we didn't get the ai break in pb that's our last big time save i can save like 15 here if i get gideon's get first ride i'm not gonna quit out early on album these all right that's a mistake you make one time never again never again i could theoretically not arrest the grace here before godfrey i have enough hp and mana i don't need to level up that means if i die though i'm like mega [ __ ] so i'm not gonna play it that risky yo that's close enough to first try let's [ __ ] go hell yes let's run had a sanguine noble death and a loretta death and a death on the way to loretta yeah i think those are the only deaths we took unintentional deaths oh yo combustible lemon thank you for the prime that was clean as a second jump he never does look oh lord [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that might be world record [ __ ] it's 40 seconds down the drain why did he jump man he never [ __ ] knows that that sucks ass yeah that's what i wanted to do not [ __ ] charge my laser beam though what the [ __ ] auto aim what the actual [ __ ] i hate this [ __ ] game what the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me man [Music] [ __ ] free aim at jesus so stupid that's actually so [ __ ] stupid oh my god i got trolled twice in a row dude died to a random [ __ ] jump attack and then the laser just missed it just missed for no reason it just decided to mix no world record for me not even sub 140. oh great [ __ ] great okay at least album displays dude this is so sad come on man 140 19. 11 and a half minute pb still oh my goodness oh seriously it was world record until god pre-trilled
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 157,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: gM2-hZkJ9JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 48sec (7308 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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