beehive that hasn't been opened in 30 plus years!

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all right I'm here today with Tony he has some beehives that he's acquired and and I want to give a little history into these hives before we tear into him for the first time and how many years Tony at least 50 these have not been opened in 50 years no my father-in-law got him from his father-in-law we passed away he's had him behind a shed for a few years and never touched him and last year we moved him to my place because he was moving that shed and I put him here in June last year and have not touched him myself didn't know what to do so I called Joe out to give me some lessons here okay so the plan of attack we as of last year all three of these hives were viable and going right now there's only one showing signs of activity so what we're going to do is we can rob from the two dead ones to create some more good ones he has one brand new box swivel there we're going to get that one set up we're going to do some splits out of this viable one I brought a couple nukes we'll just see what we got once we get in there I am hoping there's frames in there I want to show you guys what we found in this one though no frames it's just a box so that's a bad deal as far as getting out of it you can do it do what they call a cutout but it's definitely not as easy as if their friends will show this to you everybody needs to remember these hives haven't been gotten into pretty much forever you can see the shape of the boxes no all of what I would say Tony the reeds one of the reasons these bees have lived so well is because of all the holes it's giving them ventilation bees worst enemy is moisture and not he no no bees live down in Texas and every other state no problem I've heard moisture 20 or something they die at they have a way of ventilating their own hives with just the interest now it is good to have a ventilation hole on top for air circulation but bees are really good at managing temperature really I know they keep themselves warm through winter mm-hmm but moisture is the enemy because bees you got remember inside their hive in the winter they're in a ball cluster and they're creating heat well the air coming in hits that heat condensates on the lid or up high drips right back down on it if there's not ventilation where years house ventilation pretty much everywhere that's one of the reasons I think that these bees have done so well this metal box has always been the most viable okay that's good to know so this is a I don't think you can get better aesthetics and bees they've lived right here near here for that many years we moved them from seven miles away seven miles away okay so what we're going to do I'm just gonna let this camera roll and make sure you everything's good we're going to get some tools out we're going to pop the top I'm not going to be here unless we start getting pisses these are to to get the e to the reason okay you have hike tool you have a frame puller okay pretty handy to have Tony here I'm giving him lessons as we go he's just kind of getting into it to learn the ways that beekeeping so here we go pop the top the offset they get there is frames okay so what we'll do Tony as we go here is we're going to clean all this up okay so it's easier for you to work them after this and you'll kind of have an ID on how to do it so we'll set the top off to the side these are going to be a nightmare to get out all that but we put in there for a few years we'll get a knife here - I have a long flight already slice down except comb apart so what type of nice release it's so hard you get you mainly in our area you have two main different types you have Italians and Cory Owens these are darker B so I'm assuming there's a probably carry old Italians are more yellow kind of lighter color but they interbreed you know with every other feral hive and so it's really hard to say we even have a few guys around here doing the Russian goose and they're a really dark colored B and real pissy like real real irritable Russians on this lag is real irritable okay so it started here this is going to be a chore of all tours I can say that right now we aren't showing any something you can do when you first pop the top you can wave your hand over them they stick their butts in the air and stick out their stingers you know you need to put on a coat jacket if you do that and they just ignore you like they are right now typically you can mess with as always totally not they're running around and happy collecting coal they're easily not yours aggressive yep I'm nice warm sunny days when the nectar is flowing and pollen is coming in they're less likely they're less likely doesn't mean they walk yeah but they're less likely on a day that's cloudy and rainy I wanted hardly get in my eyes that way without a jacket on so our goal here is just to start cleaning this stuff up just toss it on the ground this is amazing so how many years you've been doing this about six years we'll got you into pollination we do Gardens if we live up behind Grangeville and we never seen honeybees up there ever and my wife and I always said boys we do raspberries and everything and my wife always said why don't we get some honeybees and so I started looking into it and I didn't have anyone to show me the ropes and so I just started reading a lot and I got my first high my second high I'm going to kind of blew up from there so that's kind of how it all got started and once people found out I did honeybees just blew up people start colony performs removals I have a construction background this is what you're doing now for not 411 firefighting and some I do fight I also am own business too but this is kind of a becoming a busy hobby I do firefighting just for the summer months be a good year for that this year it'd be a lot of fuel once with a story if the first he brings out the notice if G's off yes down here hey guys so what I've got going here everybody is there calm is we got bear comb attached to every stinking point on these boxes and I can see propolis glue and everything in like you wouldn't believe propolis is what is B glue I probably glue everything together through the tops down the frames in all this you see built up here 50 those propolis you wouldn't happen to be completely thank you cut the drone the male bee suit they can't sing and the only thing they do is breed with it with the queens they don't gather nectar they don't gather honey your calling you got the best job they sit around in the hive waiting for a new claim to be born to breed that's all they do they get kicked out in the winter come fall you'll get kicked out of the hive I can't believe you're even moving it the almost naughty trying to go even so it'll be too much damage to an owner : but that cannot be someone in park [Music] via healthier - so when we're done and to be easy to manage I mean you like to be able to get into it I've always kind of wanted to be into doing some B work myself like you were saying especially worth reading on the internet lately that were having what is their 90's now they've been dangered in the last year babies know the exact count here's the first frame let's just take a look at what we got so they use plastic foundation on these frames icy nectar your toning C - liquid black jelly no no slick clear liquid that's nectar the stuff here and these cells here that colors haulin so what we'll do is we're going to clean up these frames these are being very gentle in our offering Stingley much it bought me a couple times is warn me I noticed that when I was banging on this box last year they just kept kicked up yeah that's what they do and that's a warning before they staying because honeybees the only thing once and kill them after about like the fourth or fifth bump I finally got stoned and I it wasn't wide enough none fifty times I got stung once yeah but we haven't even smoked these guys yet not even haven't even smoked so now that we got the first one out hopefully the rest of me easier and we'll get me if you kiss anybody pretty good because I wouldn't I don't blame them because here we are tearing the house apart a bunch of her moving off this box into this one relays insertion way out yet they're just figuring out what they're going to do [Music] you don't have to hold an old bucket laying here B I have some at the house let me go get you one yeah I just think and a lot of this column you can render it down and make it good be do you want if you don't want it I'll take it I don't know how to do it yet okay I see I can show you how to do that oh great you know it I'm going to put this video on pause for a minute and tell Tony gets back I want him to kind of since he's learning here so put you on pause everybody alright so we're back Tony wouldn't got me a bucket and in the meantime I started breaking into this other hive seen if these Springs were salvageable will mess with that again later Tony and I were just discussing possibly why these other two hives died out and from going through this one hide so far it looks like starvation to me they ran out of honey and Tony has what we could have done or what he could have done to have saved them and the answer to that question is in the fall you can make sugar patties and you set them make a little thick a high box and cut it in about half when we take 1/2 inch hardware cloth and staple that to the bottom and then you make up some sugar stick sugar about 16 pounds of sugar about 3 cups of water and you mix it it becomes like a real thick gooey paste and you put it in that that little box you've made on a flat surface kind of smear it out and then you let it dry sculpt on it what they call it and then you come up just before winter or just what starts cooling down and you put that on your head now you got punch some holes and through it ventilation to get through them bees if they run out of honey they can come up and eat that sugar throughout the winter it's just like extra security so this winter I came out and we got them in the shed because I didn't know was living here for our first year what the hell was going to be and luckily I moved these because he would have been under about 10 foot of snow but I came out of here and all the way past your pickup out here on these boards we'll just little bit yeah everywhere around here yeah so that's called it what they do during the winter on warmer days he'll do what they call cleansing the flight that's when they leave to hide because they don't poop all winter they won't poop in there hi they fly out and then go poop and then they come back and if it's too cold there's still below zero man they fly out and he just can't convey the fall goes with that I actually got to witness that last year one of my honors I'm Washington go about ten feet take it strong there's a straight line Edie it was crazy it was during that really cold snap I couldn't leave they were out and that hive died out on me when we have winter here from October till April yes exactly and one of our biggest problems here is the humidity like this you're talking about how they keep warming the humidity we should compensate more writers not their friend Moisture is not their friend not inside of a hive that's why I was telling you I think these hives have done so well because you know they're hyper falling apart and so there's ventilation holes every so they had adequate ventilation I think the problem with these devices they just starved out reaching down in here there's cut over comb with this outside frame all over trying to get some of it out so we can go to the next frame once I get this get a couple frames out here it should go fairly easy I think however you run into boxes this well-maintained first time good I've seen it on other videos I watched the video here while back on YouTube where some people had a Power Company kept cold as we keep you be cheaper somewhere baggies and they're saying it's all these beekeepers there's some times out here underneath powerlines they've been here for long as we've been employed here if you guys don't come give or do something with them we're going to spray them with poison and get rid of them because we don't want right under our power lines can't work and so we went out there and got into they videoed the whole thing and they didn't figure those types have got been gotten into 15 or 20 years at least people set them out there and forgot about them so did your curse yourself when you saw that video my god I wish them happy they could light up well my thing is you know and I know I'm going to piss a lot of beekeepers off I say in this but nature smarter than we are they have a way of maintaining themselves they don't need our help necessarily and I think this is proof in the pudding well months on that beats been around a lot longer we could take care of yep exactly I know it several beekeepers that they say if you don't get in your have every week you know and go through it make everybody's doing okay then you're bad be well depends on what your goals are beekeepers on what I say there to just have these all night except for honey what's here I don't necessarily agree with that I think a guy should get in there and check on Mary now and I do but I don't think you should do it all the time they're calmer though I will say that the Mauryan your hive the more they get used to you there are even calmer yet they have this one so cool in it's probably safe about predator attacking us American got it on it no kidding last listing has 50 years of problems built upon try not to ruin the frames of you hear me enough propolis we would be like cut a piece out of this with my Leatherman it's a student sticky stuff in there yeah what propolis is is tree sap tree sap sand different resins and then they mix it with their own saliva and then they go around they glue everything that they want blue it's gonna be fun to get off my mind yeah take that rubbing alcohol or something to cut it you know it's funny though is that stuff's worth about 50 bucks an ounce really yeah people use it for help I've never sold it a lot of new cheaper Spears they actually have traps and put on top of the Beehive that these prop up and then they take that and they scrape it they sell it to Orientals I fell through storm and whether it's China they have stuff like yeah they have a lot of strife I'm hoping here's what I'll open it once we get in here I'm hoping what we find lots of brood queen cells at least this hive here should swarm if it hasn't already I haven't seen it's warm and I've been only check it once a week but usually I check one all the time I really actually see it happen oh it can happen at any point typically at least when my I've lately has been between 9:00 and 11:00 in the morning really school I don't know why that is but that's typically when my house is in swimming as I get closer to the brood they'll start getting a little more pissy so we'll see how they act imagine the name if you killed two friends here in this box yeah that's kind of what I was thinking we have between what you got there in these boxes those frames already got pulled out and clean cleaned up shouldn't have enough to make a good least one or two good viable highs let's go start the move in we got burke on between the top loops and the lower vaults screw the Allegra you gotta get a Pokemon frames oo4 I can let me get down for what oh yeah all melts down and then you got filtered del junco almost else and this will give me another bucket some of that coma if we get some big chunks out just be bumping me right now get some big chunks all not we can put it in frames now to reduce these all right guys this one here is being an absolute nightmare try to be gentle with the frames I am then slow all right all down know partnership New Year's ah working a little irritated with me so this frame here you got some brood I'll show you what brood looks like they have two different styles improve your own brood and you have more cover this one here is worker brood so we're actually getting close to the roof chamber oh they call it how can you tell the difference size of the brood itself of the cells I'll show you here in a minute we get the screen try to get honestly I'll probably write back together for you okay see these these these here look like a muffin top now those are drone there there are larger sell and they have like a muffin top home these from this side you see these now they're flattered there are a darker tan color and they're smaller cell that's worker brood female what we're going to do is we're just going to set these frame down like this and continue on thankfully I can see into the bottom box now and I am seeing more frames well that is a good sign well I'm doing is going on through side of the frame against the box cutting the years of brothels pretty much blew these names two maidens don't do anything please I know I'm going to want to put on something you're sorry they're starting to career tail isn't me I'll have their limit of and only till I get zapped the first time you're gonna get stung you don't want to get down don't get in the booth I don't know just me or what honey bee sting we have doesn't really mean it Earth's when you first connect but I don't slow up that but you know but a wall stinky Jesus you know it's funny because I'm allergic to yellow jack I have a pretty bad reaction to them to honeybees I still swell up but nothing that's what I'm know it's gonna hurt and you're going to smell just a little bit with the honeybee but yellowjacket they're a different creature of course when you get the ones oh yeah it's done by morning I can't see earlier before it gets me in the face I have one behind buggers you you know for bees that have never been Restless I'm impressed for the we're doing people episiotomy Thompson about six feet away from you and I don't have hardly any near me yeah they're really saying right here they're so proper life you mistake without your head is gone he'll be back we want to be want you clear now yeah try not to get them in the face anyway I didn't think you were that pretty big you don't need any uglier guy yeah but on the finish I'm here too I did bring a spare come up with a lot you know we could do we could crack open your new boss that's not possible you start getting it built up and put together we're going to have to scream brains as we go along and clean them up Joey go get my little pride barking no I want that yes if you don't like go get that and we can't long fillet my student I could help one of our school say you have to have to really told me about it at all I use is to help [Music] all right so on this frame everybody I got brewed splotchy brew the brood all on broods that's really about it I'm unless I work a brood the side you've got a queen cup it's warm season here so I'm expecting to find some smaller sales and hoping we are so we're going to finally do some splits here off of that always looking for the Queen I see a drone with a deformed wing always listed for the plane try to clean these frames up and as we go along here we're going to transfer them into another box we want to get me pretty bad that they haven't sung here we dumping me staying off the Burkle [Music] always looking for a clean I am feeling I need put on some gloves reported though I absolutely hate you got some work of real calm that's don't get you I can only throw on my right-hand glove 200 it make sure this is still recording and that is I hate wearing gloves good even fire up smoke throughout health you might new weather you want when you take that smoker show some of this straw in there and get that thing going something there might be a matter in the box people help Oliver small tomorrow that looks like forever baby I guess good chicken well I don't know okay one go one thing I tell you I'm always doing can we get in your hide you always want to look I was one know where she is faintly feel you don't hurt her she ever changed positions usually though she goes all over so she never goes well she's working on one frame you might find her there too a couple days in a row but she's all over like here's a frame and work the brute I'm upside down [Music] seeing a little puff but what I'm doing here is trying to clean the merkon law what we're going to do is create another high right I'm going to second five o'clock it's never been so what we're going to do here is take frames of brood frames of pollen and the honey we're gets orientate these frames and the hive similar to what they already got so the brood frames always go in the middle all the next to that and honey on the after like I'm just cleaning these up just like here year for propolis off of them this for my connection drinking - yep that is a feeder they call that a frame Peter so you'll just pull all year all five or six frames up at least five or six you we're going to set this frame in there let's drop this down right into the middle to frame a broom a little falling on it so now what do I do that you took my chair grab an old box flip it all up on edge that's how I have we use virtues the odds are here the Queen's going to since we're up here messing around she's going to move down she's probably going to be in that lower box drive what I'm doing here is just pushing them out of my way in the over-smoked knees you can you know some beekeepers there's a guy I watch on YouTube my regular basement he's from Texas he's a commercial beekeeper he smokes to immunity adversity but he has good luck with it matter if you use wood straw I got he's going up my pant leg nope it doesn't matter whatever you can find tiny don't seem to work the best come on right here GG tour inside okay okay yeah so I guess long rifle fire get them out you might say nekkid I run across the hate children yeah the bonus spot where we lived my neighbors really normally I taste then we go get some duct tape yes [Laughter] [Music] alright guys well [Music] then what 30 minutes three three minutes I've only gotten three frames up trying to salvage these frames the best you can ideally here will find a clean sell an ideal world is not fine spring that Bree might just put in that box and exude going on the light bottoms he knows what fault we ever go through are you sure what to make and the amount of these are valves weird I've never seen hive not map refers for this long way they're doing things my first point fell like you that's so working very little drone brood lots of falling on this one the side lots of worker brood when it does a pretty darn good laying pattern I'm just trying to some of the scrapes off interferes some of it is worker brood but or get kicked into another box nicely what I got a blue [Music] I'm the queen cell I'll show you that here in a minute not on this room so they call the royal jelly isn't a queen cell is what royal jelly but they feed a queen they actually feed is some a little bit of its all being debut for the Queen they be constantly wrote it's a turn during earthquake but Queen trail is what she can that's how it may think to build a special cell just for her because she's larger it'll be a pretty gentleman for the most part yeah they're looking for again for not being messed with I'm sitting six feet away from you in the t-shirt yeah I really have no activity near me like that's the problem with people though that don't eat at all friends if they're just going to gets none on well one thing about one one of the biggest things you can do to not get done stay calm just stay calm they're just buzzing around your swatter they're not like you know everybody thinks they're like Yellowjackets Amar's they don't purposely come after their totally different I'm going to hand you this frame feel comfortable grabbing it yeah you ravages right in the middle like I am always feel for bees and just set it right next to that well there's your two frames of brood brooding there's a lot of pollen on that one too and put the smoke you learn how to do what we need to do is light it pull this stuff out light it underneath and relight no it's with me and I we can the shelter's job so you pretty much don't do this for financial you do it Marvin humanitary pretty much do it for ya like sort of an expensive hobby it is an expensive hobby and and I don't have time to do it this time I got too many other irons in the fire is there enough demand in this area for oh yeah if a person wanted to go full-time and newbies you could where the money is not in tiny to be let it go by making nukes kinda like what we're doing here let's just say you want to get into this and you want to make a new you got nuke boxes like this in the back to my truck you can make one up out of cling to it for white phone to make their own there's 150 bucks wet and you can do that several times in one high several times here well no like at a one hive during the spring you really really make new experience free [Music] between our own businesses we do dietary supplements for a living what I do from our main source of income firefight for three months out of the year basically what's up I think that is the Waxhaw where was that a down here long wax moth larva what we're going to do here is pull this frame out put into your book this house the Queen so that would be their queen to that part now how long until those time is prosperous say that again how long till this is prospered well the Queen the Queen here is capped so she can't have more than a week before shall hatch I would think it'll take her another week week and a half before she starts laying so I stay within two to three weeks this Queen will stop producing in that ca'line and then start building to complete home you do complete colony we can actually divide this again as long as we find we don't have to find Queen cells with what we can't find it eggs with a claim just late and then they'll turn one of those eggs in first place so you said you could split a high two or three times yeah but technically if we get this one going you can split it six times yeah well you wouldn't you wouldn't want to split that one again this year good wait till next year once they build up real good and then we could split it okay so this frame oh no not clean so it's clean test okay so if you look right here you just so yeah let's hold Cuenca Queen hasn't laid an egg in it yet and they haven't captured over I thought they had it looked like it just something that doesn't mean we won't find more it looks really big so he they are very large again I'm always looking for the coin but odds are since we've been smoking she's down we pushed her down we take her to protection pretty quickly we're calling him yeah well she takes herself she knows she's the one her she's if you already got two frames abri than that one so you really need and more than that to get inaudible good frames of brood love here for eggs I'm gonna have to get out in the Sun to see them it looked like a grain of rice down on the bottom of the cell really tiny grammar my eyesight is best that's your wife you wife works in fashion fairy I've been gone too whatever to get the duct tape funding another beer go ahead and do that they probably got my feet right brother entrance he did this right I could have three Heights today oh yeah I'm just going to be a portable one huh he did this right you'll have three highs today you'll just be my portable - pretty much colonizing your life exactly building home one way lady I've gone into ask was it comfortable yeah I got employees got big frisbee golf Oh like that it's fun cheap entertainment yeah time to do it twice everybody here firefights even who plays at all times now parks set up down there discord yep right there Greenville will they do yeah I got somebody to play down a voice integrators one of the nine collapses there's a nice cool Cardon swap batteries I think what we'll do is stop recording for a little while okay then when we get closer start hit again okay just a real quick update here battery is getting low on my camera and I got to bring a spare so we've got the entire frames loose have not seen the clean yet but we're going to transfer all these frames into another box and look for the clean why we're doing it this these frames here extra deep sigh don't know what you call them but they're deeper than a standard deep frame so it's kind of interesting these are numbers another one of the hives there's a deep frame can we there's a deep frame compared to these another inch and a half or so longer see how rough some of the circles equipment is anyway we're going to try to mix some splits now and move along here I'll get a few photos for this battery goes to right I'm back we got everything wrapped up here we made a split into that box the original height we found the clean for her back in her original hive a NIC box there which is nothing done with that and then I got a nuke box to take home and start another hive out of these bees so we're pretty good today thanks for watching everybody
Channel: joe h.
Views: 2,045,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honey bees, beehive, bee hive, honeybees, langstroth hive
Id: NHp4cZgOvIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 10sec (3850 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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