Huge Honey Bee Swarm On Young Lady's Vehicle

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as we stand here in the middle of ups and then we did this a moment have you the seasons coming gold like thoughts of you like a wave returns to the scene into the blue me change but it nice can each plane you came in just [Music] just season at least a couple of pounds of bees so our goal is going to be to try to catch the Queen and put her in a nucleus box that I have with me on the tailgate right here and once we get her in there but these should follow the Queen is extremely important okay without her that they're doomed so right now she's very important and they all pretty spread out so I should be able to find her and once I put her in the setup they should all follow okay usually the Queen will be where the majority of the bees are since the first video used to fill an SUV up over the years you know your eyes they stuck get a little strained so I'm gonna wear something like this this is the time you would they really kind of going berserk what are you thinking is me yeah Wow this is Liane this is her car man what do you think of this yeah well what did you do when you saw this massive bees out here gonna see if we can't get Queenie and put her in a set up and get your bees to go in that box right then then we'll take them away I'm sure you'd appreciate that right that's right what's up with the Queen and all that bull with him there's some other things I'm gonna do once I get in and then I could defend aggressively this excuse my smoker it kind of run them off what I get hurt a bunch of different things okay that's the main thing though right now can't follow I'm never saying it'll be like this in my life that's a drone be right there that's a male honey may see how much larger he is and you don't have a stick exactly do something crazy like this when they said that they're like okay I guess they don't have the stick the first time I started with the 1990s or the my business 95 and I kept getting calls for these starstar to keep it if there's a way to learn more about it but understand their biology said after to do what I do made a lot of mistakes along the way used to tell people you're gonna make a lot of mistakes from just learn form and try to have fun that's all you can do yeah I've stayed with it just like everything else take with where are you looking for that little crown understand got like the little Tarot and I had they protected all right just hanging out companies how we doing how y'all doing over there doing great you're doing good lead I'm a little itchy itchy I'll see ya sight on the points if I can't get it the queen has been located it looks just like nap as well as have a couple problems I get amazed you where we see Mitchy Viper's there okay so there she is when you see it you're gonna be like wow she does the pikemen caps please chili a close up real quick she's at the top right here you see she's a little bit larger than the other ones see it out fails point [Music] yeah you've shipped over pretending here hey you're cheb hopes for the day mental sex okay you tryna got it probably get out forget just popularly something else hit lunch it wanna be burger you know how to land in a car burn a little bit like that [Music] yes she puts out a pheromone and then they gonna put out their pheromone and it's all gonna be one big happy family right all that they usually put agenda when they like what we're gonna do is now that we got the Queen in the box we can be aggressive I'm gonna have a park about right here oh so they're going in the box and they should draw these other bees but I'm going to commence smoke these and try to get these off the ladies vehicles since you can move the vehicle [Music] you can add that movie beer yes so what did you think about the whole experience maybe catching the Queen and get the bees in the box well I'm glad that they work hard pleasure to meet you appreciate you crawling okay thank you so much thank you as we stand here and mill these bees and then we did this among [Music] you
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 12,759,575
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Keywords: Huge Honey Bee Swarm On Young Lady's Vehicle, huge honey bee swarm on car, huge honeybee swarm, bee swarm, honey bee swarm, swarm of bees, bees on a car, bee swarm on her car, swarm of bees on vehicle, big bee swarm, marrero, louisiana, live bee removal, honey bee removal expert, expert honey bee removal, jp the bee man, JPthebeeman, jpthebeeman 2018, professional bee removal
Id: qa11JypQXM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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