Egg Salad - Easy Recipe for Making Homemade Egg Salad. Love Egg Salad Sandwiches!!

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ah this is Debbie with food prepping Channel and today I'm going to show you how to fix egg salad or the way that is the way that I was told I'm sure there's other ways but this is the way that I'm was taught and we're going through life tomorrow so I'm going to fix egg salad to have egg salad sandwiches and what I'm doing is I've got cold water here and I'm just putting I've already turned to mine and NuWave induction cooked up on and it's on seer which would be on the stove you're high and I'm fixing 18 eggs so it's going to be a lot of egg salad but I love egg salad and I haven't fixed it in a long time so this will this will be good for three or four days I'm sure but if we go to the lake tomorrow everybody goes it'll probably be come then but I'm just boiling 18 eggs you can do as many as you want like that one's cracked if it's not so what I'm going to do is I'm going to let these eggs come up to a ball and I'm going to let them ball for about five minutes and then I'm going to turn them off and I'm going to cover them and I'll bring you back when I get to that point okay the eggs are boiling now so I'm going to let them boil for five minutes and then I'm going to turn them off and put the top on them and then I'll bring you back when I get to the next part okay I'm back these have been sitting and this is kind of hard I might have to get some all right I'm draining all the water out of them and I have the top on them and they're still very hot but what I'm going to do before I put cold water in them is I'm going to take this and let me see I'm gonna use plate a couple of paper towels yep all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this pot and I'm going to shake them because I want the eggs to break up the shells to crack on them before I put them in cold water in oldest right so I'm just feeding the eggs against the top getting the water out and they're all working now all right so now what I'm going to do is I've got to turn my cold water on and I'm gonna fill this with cold water of course I'm gonna wash the shells at the top first boy that one's just stay they when you do this the shell just comes right off see the shell just filled right out for that one and when you put them in cold water like this I'm gonna let these sit for in the cold water see the shells are just coming right off of them look see they just feel right off if you break them like that and then put them in the cold water for a few minutes so I'm gonna them in here for a few minutes in the cold water and then when I get one that I get to the next part I'll bring you back okay I'm back mags have already been filled and the first thing that I'm going to do is I take a potato masher and I just smash my eggs up inside this bowl just like you would your mashed potatoes but I'm not gonna make them like that I mean I still want their consistency but I'll show you when I finish and this is pretty much the way that I make deviled eggs but I don't have the whites in there I cut the whites in half and get the yellow out but with this I just mash up all the eggs and it's so easy and Cathy gave me a dozen these are sore ball eggs but Cathy gave me a dozen of real chicken eggs her brother has chickens and he sells his eggs but of course he gives some to Kathy and she gave a dozen to me and I've never had real eggs so I want to see if there if I really taste any difference but I'm going to use them with scrambled eggs I think okay so I think this is pretty chopped up we make sure there's none down on the bottom yep these are pretty chopped up and I'm sad to say that when I fix egg salad I don't use measurements so you're gonna have to guess I'll tell you what you use and I'll show you the consistency of mine and you can just judge because I'm sure you're not going to fix 18 eggs and use 18 eggs for egg salad alright so there's just one big spoonful and there's two and I'm going to not put and I just poured pickle relish this is Mount College sweet relish I don't know if you have mountain olive but I'm sure you've got some kind of sweet relish near you and I just put in every how much I want and I'll probably be adding more but we'll see to beekeeping spoonfuls of mayonnaise I gotta get all that stirred up I can already tell I've got to have more pickles but I got to put mustard in it now all right I gotta shake my my stood up cuz I like white much mustard in here too so you should be able to see and that might be enough of the main things that I'll put in it you got to stir it up real good and I just use regular yellow mustard I don't like spicy brown mustard or Dijon mustard or anything else in here besides yellow mustard and I do have to put some more sweet relish in here and I'm gonna have to buy some more in the summertime and at Christmas too I do use a lot of pickle relish cuz I fix deviled eggs and it's just so many dishes that use pickle relish in all right now because I've got this in here I'm gonna put just a little bitty teeny maybe a let me see I'm just gonna you can see as a bore but I'm not footing very much I'm using my Splenda sweetener maybe a teaspoon in there and then I'm going to put a little bit and I'm probably a teaspoon of that too of apple cider vinegar not very much of that at all let me get this all stirred up and I'll taste it and of course I will put kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper in this because those are my favorites I thought why not was going to stop selling the coarse ground black pepper because I couldn't get it for like two months I was having to go to Kroger and get it and they finally brought it back so thank goodness because I definitely do use that all right so let me taste this and see if it's okay see if I need anything else yeah I've got to have some more mustard we give me another spin place a big spoon thank you and I hope y'all can see this then I'm just gonna I'm not making a sandwich because I'm tasting this as I make it so y'all will know this is just some people put weird things in their potato salad I mean in their egg salad I don't this is really I'd really did put too much sugar in here so just put the next time just put we always just taste it as you do it just start out with a little bit because it's true once you put too much of something in there you can't get it out so this still tastes okay but let me get one more taste of it all right better cam this calls off and chills off it'll be fan here is my beautiful egg salad and get these going to take a taste of it and see if she likes it it's probably too sweet oh my god oh wow you like that yeah I mean I don't normally like coconut that's amazing okay here it is this mag salad so when we died like tomorrow we're gonna have egg salad sandwiches mmm so I'm gonna put the top on this put it in the refrigerator if you liked this recipe give it a try it gives awesome I love egg salad and it's so easy to make so easy so if you like this give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and you have a wonderful night and I'll talk to you later bye you
Channel: Debbie FoodPrepping
Views: 463,530
Rating: 4.6009893 out of 5
Keywords: Egg Salad (Dish), Eggs, Salads, Sandwich, Egg Salad Sandwich, Recipe, Homemade, Egg (Food), Cooking, Kitchen, Salad (Type Of Dish), Food, FoodPrepping, How To, Snack, Dish, Recipes
Id: 7Srhx6fuOfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2015
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