Easy Egg Salad ~ No Peeling the Eggs!

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[Music] when i first saw this technique in my facebook group i was mind blown what you can make egg salad that way welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple now i wish i could claim the fame of creating this technique i absolutely did not and if i knew the original creator of this very cool and easy way to make egg salad i would certainly credit them but i could not track it down so some of you may have seen this technique before and some of you haven't i was a little doubtful that it would work but i tried it the other day it works perfectly so i'm going to show you exactly how to make the easiest egg salad ever in the pressure cooker you can use the ninja foodie your instant pot whatever electric pressure cooker you have it's super super simple we're gonna start off with six eggs and these are just large eggs and i'm gonna use my loaf pan the reason why i chose this loaf pan is because it is nonstick darker colored and i just thought it would work really well it's big enough so that we have a shallow layer of eggs for pressure cooking but if you didn't have this exact loaf pan you can use any type of pan that's safe for the pressure cooker you just might need to adjust your timing a little bit so if your eggs fill up a little bit higher you're going to want to increase your pressure cook time i'm going to go into that in just a few minutes because i want to be i want to be a little clearer but let's get this pressure cooking okay super easy six eggs i'll also tell you how to do a dozen if you need more egg salad all right so we're gonna start by cracking our eggs i have six large eggs and i'm just gonna crack them right in here [Music] makes no difference if the yolks break or not that won't make any difference at all now add one cup of plain tap water to your inner pot grab your rack or your trivet and also some foil or something else you can cover this completely with we want to make sure it's really covered and sealed i have silicone covers but they're round so i chose to use foil this time put the eggs on your rack into the pressure cooker lid on valve to seal and we're gonna set the pressure on high for five minutes and then we're gonna do a five minute natural release all right so while that's heating up and before i get into this delicious recipe because i am going to share my recipe for egg salad with you guys and i hope you give it a try because it is oh my gosh fantastic but you can also make this and then make up your own egg salad recipe it's perfectly fine anyway so i tried to do 12 eggs and double the time and it they were not done and that's because the volume is increased obviously double in the loaf pan but doubling the time didn't do it i had to go to 15 minutes in order to get 12 eggs done in the loaf pan and what i noticed was the edges were kind of brown so i wasn't really happy with that so i would go on low if you want to do 12 eggs and i haven't had time to test all this out but hopefully i will before i write up the written post and i can go over all of it for sure with you guys but i would go on low i also tried this with six eggs on low and it works well too these eggs came straight out of the refrigerator so they were cold so i went on high for five minutes if your eggs were room temperature then you want to go on low pressure for five minutes so after the five minutes of pressure cook is done then we will do a five minute natural release so this is only gonna take a few minutes to come up to pressure because it's just a cup of water all right so it just took oh gosh i don't know maybe five minutes to uh pop the pin in the back up and yours might be silver or uh red that makes no difference i have people ask me that all the time makes a difference what color it is and then now we've just started the five minute countdown so let me talk about a few pan choices that you could use now you know i'm a huge fan of the fat dadio pants i mean really i love them however i find that eggs stick to them and you know you could of course butter it but even then when i've tried to pressure cook eggs um they just don't seem to uh to they seem to stick too much so i recommend finding a non-stick type of pan and it doesn't have to be you know a loaf pan it can be round like i said before just pay attention to your volume and if it goes above maybe an inch and a half to two inches of egg so if you have something smaller and it's thicker you're going to want to increase your time so play around with it and get the exact timing that works perfectly for you and after you do you will never make egg salad any other way because i mean you don't have to peel the eggs it's like it's just mind blown like i said i was mind blown i was like what and let me also say that i don't like pressure cooked eggs okay they're rubbery and i've just never been a fan that's why my egg bite recipe calls for steaming and not pressure cooking that does not happen here they are perfect they are tender they are delicious for egg salad so definitely give this a try you're gonna love it and stick around because i'm gonna tell you what my ingredients are for my wonderful egg salad that i [Music] make all right here we go so then i just take the boil off and i save the foil because i put it back on when i'm gonna go and put it in the refrigerator to cool so here we go so we have our egg loaf so to speak and now we're gonna get ready and make it into egg salad so you can use a nylon knife or something non-stick to cube it up however you want but what i found that works really well is the mix and chop for those of you who have that so alright so let's get to making up our egg salad so what i just do is go right through the eggs and sort of twist turn twist turn and then you can control the size of them i don't like really small pieces in my egg salad but you also don't want them so big that they'll fall off the bread so just keep doing that until they look exactly the way that i like them and that looks pretty good all right perfect so now you would add your ingredients that you like to make up your egg salad but let me share my egg salad recipe with you guys too so what i use for my egg salad is one quarter cup of real mayo one teaspoon of spicy mustard one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and then my spice blend pretty easy it is a half of a teaspoon of fine grind sea salt quarter teaspoon of black pepper and a quarter teaspoon of celery seed now the celery seeds completely optional the pepper is completely optional but you do want to put a little bit of salt in here and then i just put that right over the top and then finally what i like to use is about one to two tablespoons of sweet pickle relish i like the sweetness in my egg salad but if you liked dill you could use dill pickle relish or you could use those salad cubes they are wonderful as well just dump that in and now just give it a mix so mix everything together [Music] looks good all right so i almost forgot this and it's really important for me anyway i like a little bit of crunch so i put in one diced up celery stalk in my egg salad that's completely optional of course some people like the crunch and some people don't all right that's it easiest egg salad ever now we just pop the foil back on put it in the refrigerator for you know two to three hours until it chills and then you're ready to eat it but i made a batch earlier today so i can taste it for you guys right now and it looks beautiful it looks absolutely beautiful let me take a little pita chip and look at that oh my goodness [Music] delicious and it tastes exactly like the eggs that you would hard boil in the shell and then of course peel and all that stuff what i like about this is it saves time of the ice bath you don't have to worry about that it's just all in one bowl i just love it i love doing egg salad this way i hope you enjoy it make it yours make it delicious and keep it real
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 533,475
Rating: 4.846139 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, low carb egg salad, deviled egg salad, egg salad recipe, easy egg salad recipe, pressure cooker egg salad, no peel egg salad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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