How to make Tuna Melt

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hi everybody I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make a tuna melt here's what you will need you will need two chunk light tuna and they are nine ounce cans you will need celery salt garlic powder salt and pepper mayonnaise sweet relish you will need I have a mild cheddar cheese that I have here that I've got sliced from the deli today you will need bread whatever type of bread that you like but make sure you have a nice hearty bread that's gonna be able to hold that tuna without tearing on you okay so the type of bread that I have today I have farmhouse pepperidge farm and it's a hearty white bread okay so then you will need real butter and you will need a small amount of onions if you're a person that likes to have celery in your tuna melt then you cut up a small amount of celery I don't choose to put celery in my tuna milk when I make tuna salad I use celery but when I'm making tuna melts I'll use celery salt you will still get that celery flavor right but you don't have the big chunks of celery in here okay and then I have just a pinch of sugar the sugar is optional you don't have to use the sugar all right so then we're gonna go in with some red onion all right and I've just cut a very small onion you can chop it up fine if you like and then so what we're gonna do we're just gonna kind of eyeball everything all right let's get a good picture down into here let's see there we go beautiful hold on guys I'm fixing my camera here beautiful okay so what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and start seasoning our tuna this is celery salt but you some in there for flavor guys now since you have celery salt be very careful with your salt or don't use any at all if you're not sure how much you use all right garlic powder you gotta have garlic powder when you make tuna salad put you some black pepper in there absolutely you want to have flavor in that tuna and I'm just gonna do just a little bit of salt and that's it that's all you need with the sweet relish be very careful I'm only going to use about a teaspoon and a half make sure that this juice from this relish is well-drained so I'm using a fork and I'm kind of patting out the juice like this alright that's about a teaspoon okay and then here's about a half pet that juice out take the time Pat that juice out because we don't want a really wet tuna salad all right and then we're gonna go in with mayonnaise I put I would prefer that you all use regular mayonnaise not Miracle Whip but if you are the person that loves miracle weapon you want to use Miracle Whip then feel free to absolutely what you want to do go in start with a little bit of mayo you never want to put too much in because you can never take away all right so start off with a little bit because we kind of like we like ours to be nice and creamy but we wanted to have we don't want it to be really wet okay and I'll show you the texture that you're looking for all right well I can smell that garlic it smells so good in this black pepper relish and now when I'm making tuna salad like I said I like to use celery and I also put boiled eggs in my tuna but since we're doing tuna melts today I'm not gonna use boiled eggs all right see how it's kind of dry but I'd like for it to be a little bit wetter than that all right so then I'm gonna grab some more sea you can control the amount of mail that you use and this right here should be the perfect amount yes it should we'll give this a taste and we'll see if we need that pinch of sugar you might not even need it okay you always want to taste everything when you're making it to see if you need more of this or that or if you don't or if it tastes just fine well this is beautiful look at this guys and make sure you use a sharp cheddar when you're making your tuna melt it makes it perfect okay let's go in and taste this you'll see if I need anything guys do you all want to taste that taste right there guys oh there you go I need black pepper mmm and guess what that's it it has so much flavor and it tastes so good if you all have never tasted the garlic powder in tuna salad try it guys it really makes a difference now see look at this see how it's nice and creamy it's not dry and it's not super wet that's what you're wanting all right then over here on the stove I have a pan that I like to make grilled cheese with this pan makes the best grilled cheese you hear me so what I'm gonna do I'm going to excuse me heat my pan up I have some real salted butter here that we're going to use probably about two tablespoons of butter and what you're looking for is you're looking for this butter to get nice and bubbly as soon as this butter gets nice and bubbly we're gonna lay our tuna melt in this pan okay so we'll start out like I said two tablespoons all right about that much we'll wait for that to get nice and bubbly meanwhile we're gonna come over here and we need to assemble our beautiful sandwich this recipe is so easy a lot of fun to make hey the kids can make this and everybody loves it you hear me everybody loves it all right so I have my cheese here there's a piece that's right from me taste that guys Pepperidge Farms white hearty bread it's delicious now the go-to bread that we buy we buy bread for our house we buy it's a wheat that's a whole wheat honey bread made by Sara Lee I believe but well we want grilled cheese this is the bread that we use or we use that bride pumpernickel bread that I showed you all in the video for the Reuben sandwich okay I'll show you this bread here in just a second let me close it back up this bread right here makes for the best grilled cheese sandwiches you hear me it does so here's what it looks like see how it's nice and thick and it's gonna hold oh it's gonna hold that tuna you hear me all right so then my butter is starting to melt over here and I'm gonna turn my heat up onto a medium high I'm gonna show you when this butter gets nice and bubbly how we want it before we put our sandwich in what you want to do you want to take some cheddar put one slice there and one slice here okay and what that cheese will actually do is it will serve as a barrier what kind of barrier Gina it'll serve as a barrier so that your sandwich doesn't get soggy from this tuna and when you make this you don't want to put like loads and loads of tuna just put you a nice amount in there not too much and not too less right now if you want it to it's really up to you you can take the butter and butter the outside of your sandwich and then lay your sandwich down into your pan you can do that if you would like to okay either/or would be just fine and then you close it okay let me show you my butter is getting nice and frothy what I was looking for this is exactly what I was looking for nice and bubbly and frothy and that indicates hey that this pan is ready for that tuna melt all right so we're gonna go ahead put look at this guy's perfect put that bad boy smack down then there okay and just let it be a medium-high heat don't you dare go in with your fork and your spatula poking at it or messing with it what'll happen is will actually start to see a golden-brown color around those edges okay it'll be beautifully going around you can see it from here and that'll indicate that it's time to turn it I'm gonna grab my spatula so that we can try this when it's done once this gets nice and golden brown and I'm ready to take it out or and I'm ready to turn it I'll let you know okay everyone look at it go guys okay everyone it looks nice and brown around the edges let's go ahead and turn it okay let me move some of that butter right to the middle so that it can get on to the other side Oh beautiful see that hey that's what you're wanting you hear me who does not like tuna salad who doesn't like toasted bread and who doesn't like cheese you put them together guys and you are in heaven you hear me oh absolutely trust me when I tell you this I'm just cleaning my mess up just cleaning my mess up guys okay I'm gonna look at this other side it's coming out beautiful butter in because a lot of the butter that we had in there went on to this side kind of soaked in so we need just a little bit more look at this guys this is something you can make for Saturday lunchtime at your house absolutely lunchtime everybody's cleaning up the house you all got the music going it's smelling like pine-sol and bleach in the house and you all are tired and hungry and you're trying to figure out hey what can we have to eat hey make you make you a tuna melt why not look at this guy's is it beautiful or what here's what we're gonna do let's come over to this plate and let's give this bad boy a try you hear me alright let me turn my pant well let's put it here so we can cut it first I need to turn my pan off enjoy this tuna melt together I'm gonna make sure I give you all that first bite - I know I made uh what did I make yesterday I made the chicken parm yesterday I was so excited I forgot to give you all that first bite well I'm gonna give you all the first bite on this one there were so many people saying Aegina we didn't get the first bite and I'm like I know I'm sorry and so we didn't wind up using this because then that little tiny bit of sugar that we used what the relish was just fine alright let's go ahead cut this off and give it a try boy am I excited just put a little bit of light down here just cut it this way guys or this way let's do it this way oh yeah you hear how crunchy no soggy bread here you hear me and another thing that I don't like I don't like buttery buttery buttery bread too buttery you know what I mean cuz that butter make my stomach hurt use just the right amount we take the time to let your butter get nice and melted and frothy once that butter gets frothy it will always give you a nice golden-brown crust this way look at oh my goodness oh my word guys oh my goodness you hear me let's look at the edges let's see oh yeah baby oh okay mmm look at this let me come down here so I can get a good thumbnail picture right oh wow guys tuna-melt 101 hey if you never tried it before you better make you some and tell them Gina young showed you how to make it look at this isn't that beautiful oh yeah if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe make sure you click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely let's diggin guys whoa Williams excited oh man okay there you go guys first bite let me let you see this beautiful mist look at this guys and cook it on a medium medium medium-high all right that way your custard crust can be beautiful and not burnt taste right there guys oh I'm going in oh my word I always get ready to get a cream soda out the frigerator me I forgot all about it this dis sandwich stole my attention my word my word look at this guy's Oh bite right there mm-hmm oh yeah right right there in those always god bless have a great night thank you for watching good night take that last bite right there guys good night whoo
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 320,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JIQp3prjJ4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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