AMAZING!! Queen Flies Away And Comes Back Twice

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welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster Channel where hubby beekeeping is a way of life today we're starting off with the end of the last video where I spent the day with Mr Ed and I came home to catch swarms after that we'll get into some pulling some Queens that's what I put on the video and then maybe some educational I've got some video for uh uses of propolis we'll put that on the end so that's what's going on in this one today somebody calling me [Music] [Music] are we drinking Friday or Saturday um foreign [Music] they're tight they're settling down for the evening one flying in [Music] [Music] foreign base of the tree so thick and hard they don't shake well you can shake you can knock them off to some degree but vacuum them just quick and easy and then you don't have to spend it's two hours waiting on them all to settle down on the box or walk in your equipment I've got the equipment set up over there already ready to receive them and as soon as I get them all sucked up I will put a jacket and a hood on because once they've been through the VAC unless you've got time to let them settle down they're not your friend anymore if you do this with no suit on when you get ready to dump them I suggest you suit up now I had that back running on high when I was stuck in big clusters but turning it down to go to the back nozzle [Music] so I can get up in all these little branches I don't want to kill them you suck big clunk down like that With It Wide Open they seem to do okay so if you run It Wide Open with this nozzle on it you tend to injure a whole lot of them that's usually either a drone stuck in the pipe or a B Crossways in the pipe [Music] I got this one and one more to go get this is this is the bigger of the two so I want to go ahead and get it right now but I can still see what I'm doing the other one looks like it's going to be an easier uh just a quick uh well I'm not shaking because I don't have a nuke box with me quick vac it would be a quick Shake on the other one I think [Music] [Applause] [Music] and while I'm sketching this Mr Ed's probably getting ready for bed right now a bunch of little Twigs up in there kind of looks like a leftovers of a bird nest I have vacuumed them out of a bird nest before [Music] I most probably leave this running real time just so y'all can see about how long it takes to vacuum a swarm out of a whole lot of timing branches oh two halves oh possibly three yeah three right yeah oh you gotta take all this is insulation that's not chewed look something suited up no a little bit but look yeah like on this side they put the wrong insulation in oh no no battens but look at all this insulation hangings look they chewed it all up yeah that one I got sawdust looking stuff was coming out when we first did it that's right Lord you think they wanted the plywood to stay up we could take them out from under it but I think it'd be easier just to pull it down yeah it's because you're over there with the camera those Nail Bar and hit me oh my is it big the amount of these are uh and then I gotta come past the cone I mean it's just gonna cause a problem oh oh shoot let me help your feet there's not a lot of Comb but there's a lot of bees yeah the beer counts up high catching them early all right let's see if they'll settle down okay we got the queen in here somewhere I just saw her looks like she's in the clouds where is she come on girl she's a she was a darker and dark ones are a little bit harder to find didn't you see her I thought there she is there she is yep and then he's I knew I saw her come on heading north she keeps running under the bees I can't get him I don't even know where she went come on it's a scene she was beating Northeast she's here somewhere I know I saw her why am I missing her now you see her not good you don't slow down there she is there she is she's constantly running underneath of him yep now I got her in sights and she turned around oh did I drop her no here she is I think I might have dropped her keep looking even I could spot her if she was on the ground come on they're moving I should be able to spot her right I'm trying to look up the movement is that her no absolutely I dropped her and she would be right underneath us when you dropped her or at least underneath the boot or something so I want to find a mosquito on you so bad right now so you can slap me yep let us know if you see her because he could have went anywhere in a distance she hit that grass with a mess because she went back up oh there she is there she is there she was a downloader you oh here's oh I don't want to drop her again I already dropped her one time and thought I lost her she flew back up uh come on mosquitoes me to slap him about yeah he wanted to slap me because I dropped her come on uh I'm gonna have to cover up she's not getting out so I can grab her she flew again oh no she flew again I'm about to wait on her to land again she's got to be a young Queen that's the second time she flew up on well I felt something hit me on me she's good she's good she's escaped us twice now I grabbed her off of the insulation which she might have went back to and uh she went airborne and then she went Airborne on me again so where did she go there so hopefully she goes right back up here she came back she came back she came back all right I gotta grab her my hands are shaking uh too much caffeine dang it I just got stung in the shoulder not enough take it like a man all right there's yes there's the queen she's gotten away from me twice now all right we got the queen and one worker I'll go share the customers there you go I don't know if the customer wants to be going you mean by being alone to be on camera oh you could say no camera away we'll do it this way here your feet are on the camera that's hers how big her butt is compared to those others he said let me here oh yeah well she got away from him twice so it's usually just one Queen [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] this is a bunches this has got to be the remains of a bird nest it's just a bunch of twigs and stuff up in this crook [Music] I normally I would have had them by now normally if they hadn't been up and all this stuff [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] get there this maybe a few dozen running around up in here [Music] [Music] just me and my guardian B jacket hanging out together and I leaned over one got me in the side right above my belt taking a stinger up I know at least there got in the truck on me I know I brought a couple in here with me well it it's um see what color it is outside it's the color I am now going to pick up my next swarm I've dumped those they're in a a dumped them in a dump box and then put a box of frames with fresh wax on the foundations above them so they're in two deeps but the bottom deep has no frames in it bottom board is closed off with some plastic mesh material for breathability and the top is covered with a double screen board and then I've got the lid sitting on it cockeyed so there's airflow available so they're locked in for two days she'll be back Tuesday or Thursday I mean and she'll turn loose on Thursday so that's they're staying on the same yard she's out of town couldn't take care of the problem and didn't want to lose her swarm so here I come to save the day we're good friends so I do that for friends anything yeah I do it for people I don't know a lot of times too so not a total jerk but two days locked up and we'll shook them let them out and let them fly and take her empty box off the bottom and they'll be you know there's there's one that's missing a stinger dragging her guts tracking our guts all over me like I've been all over creation looking for this swarm trying to find the right address now that I found the right spot let me put my hand up there so you can see how big they are it's literally a handful of bees these are probably Scouts we got left behind off of a swarm possibly uh or an abscond because it's too tiny to be an actual I'm just going to shake them in the back bucket no need to vacuum there's what's left from shaking out the ones that I just got they're just clustered up from riding in the back of the truck and the wind being on them so that group ain't much smaller than those we'll add them together and make something out of them see if there's a queen in them I kind of doubt it here we go that sucks that really sucked I didn't see that little bitty twig sticking through them blocking traffic get people checking us out dude they're really slow I'm just gonna scoop up handful of leaves and junk and throw it in the bucket and separate it later I'm almost tempted to get a glove to do this [Music] well it could have been a lot cleaner that was a missing catch foreign [Music] take a quick look make sure we're not leaving a queen behind somewhere no Queen just bees crawling up with pants legs well that was about the tiniest swarm you could possibly hope for but it counts what one of mine got the call for it came and got it it counts [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign mating nukes to go through definitely won't get through them all today but uh Place sales and all these nukes and I need to go through and make sure they're all laying and the ones that have a at least a couple frames laid up and pulling the Queens to go to I don't know if you'll auto focus on this or not but good larval through there so I'm going to pull all these Queens this first round will be going to Travis at by's LLC these are all newly mated Italian Queens in the second round I'm gonna run one more round of Queens through them second round is probably going to be the Randy queen that you saw in the Spanish language video and he'll probably get those too we'll see what he needs just depends on his needs these are not quite as far along as I thought they would be I thought they would have cat brood by now we've been gone for several days to Texas and I was kind of worried about getting back to them in time but it looks like looks like I'm all right they do have a good amount of larva in them but no cap brewed so some of them got two cells which this is one of them and some of them got one so they're looking they look good they're they have plenty of laid I just wish they were a little further along because there's not a heck of a lot of bees in here so I'm gonna reduce The Box by a frame they're not working they're only working three and a half frames anyway so if I take a frame from them it ain't gonna hurt anything right now the only good thing about having so few bees in the box is going to make it easy to find the Queens I think there's late cold snaps we had slowed us down quite a bit I know it slowed the the food sources down it burned everything real bad that's first time I've ever seen the Live Oaks burn popcorn trees which is one of our is our main flow in the summer uh a lot of those are just completely burned up I hope they'll come back but it's an invasive species so a lot of people glad to see them burn up but um I think that slowed down my Queen's getting mated would have gone through them a week ago expecting to pull them but I just didn't have time so I thought shoot man these boxes are going to be busting at the seams but they're not so that's good and bad it's good right now what yeah they're pretty all our little chickens are out running so right now what I'm doing you want to come over here go get a chicken can you catch one so right now what I'm doing aside from pulling Queens is I'm going to put all these nukes into Pro nukes or easy nukes whatever I've got and I'm gonna move them off this yard into the shade somewhere else Queens will be going into the Jay-Z Beezy cages for shipping catch one of them baby chickens and bring it [Music] you can't catch one or come over Columbia yeah for tomorrow yeah and I went by Verizon to add the international travel pass on his phone yeah my fingers so stinky too am I going to bother you if I know the grass over here yeah have you mowed over work inside the Phoenix by the house oh no you'll be fine I was doing push my okay you'll be fine okay just uh if I do if it does bother you just call my phone and I'll fill it wasn't okay the bees will let you know before I will they usually don't fuss about me no one over there with the push them over yeah I don't think they'll bother you well I don't want to make something Queen I think is either on this Frame or in this box because that box and those two frames over there just got loud three and a half frames of bees on it we know we got a layer in here and I'm having trouble finding her there's hardly any I mean there's a good amount of bees in here but she's hiding the she's in the Box just tell a bunch of them on the walls in the Box I don't want to keep them out too long it's only 70 degrees I don't want to chill that brood [Applause] there's a good frame full of bees in the Box just hanging out on the walls don't want to help me look for her thank you I don't see her little girl's a good Hider and let them walk across the Box she usually if they walk she'll stand out pretty much if she's in here she may not even be in here I might have just overlooked her on a frame right now I'm thinking I probably did there she is she's a dark one I always have trouble locating these dark wings I always have trouble with those put her in the cage sometimes they're hard to put in front which I grab the edges of the cage like a cat same thing same thing going in backwards so sometimes when I can't get a grip on them without damaging them scared I'm gonna damage them I'll just put her Loosely in my hand like that and just let her walk in the cage and then I'll put some attendance in with her you always want your attendance to be out of her hive you put attendance out of another Hive sometimes they'll kill her and basically I'm not looking for anything in particular other than not old bees you don't want any old dark wore out looking bees before we're in there with her I don't have a candy plug so I'm just putting caps on them you know what just I'm not having to track the frames everywhere I'm going to put that frame right back in there but I'm gonna swap sides weren't touching it on that side I'll swap sides and uh this box will stay closed up right here until dark or I mean it'll stay open right here to the dark so I can collect all the foragers because like I say the numbers aren't great in this it's only 72 high today I'll tell you what we'll put her right there and I'll just come back through and pop lids and pull Queens so so with a half 72 today I'm not too worried about them overheating it's also really overcast Sun's in and out not out very much this is my first time to use this good camera in a long time so I'm not certain with the minimum Focus distance is hopefully I'm not just a blurry blob or just blurry I'm already a blow these have all been out of the hive there was no cat brood left in there so they all know where to go so basically I'm just going to put them in here and let them go back you don't have to don't have to necessarily shake them out like that but I want them back in the hive because these are in here trying to guard High beetles in these corners and they don't need to guard this box anymore because I'm eliminating this box [Applause] each one of these boxes is alternating interest directions so these two are facing the front this one's facing the back so I'm having to swap around to this side for an inspection on this one this is another uh dual cell some of these cells didn't take and we had to had to redo them but all these cells have been cleaned out some of them did take and ended up just like in nature double Queen multiple Queen and nature they've usually got way more than two [Applause] you haven't touched these new frames yeah they're nowhere near Long As far along as I thought they were going to be and these are Factory wax frames I'm gonna I'm gonna pull all them and add some wax to them because they're they don't have the bees to work them right now but when they do get the Beast to work them I want them to be able to pull them out nice and even and not have Burke home all over them really nice looking pollen frame super nice right there good little bit on the back of it good nectar nice nectar honey ring so I haven't checked any of these to see if they're laying yet but when I see something like that it looks like they're preparing preparing for a queen to be laying and they're not just doing busy work or whatever I'm almost certain that they are and this one definitely is got a lot of good brood in there got some Young Bucks coming up young drones there's our Queen down here just casually working away catch her put her in a in a cage since I don't know if that was focusing earlier I'll tell you what I've just put her this is what I usually do I just put her inside the cage like that block her with my finger turned it over see she's going up top I got to be careful not to catch her legs some waiting until she's away from the doors before I snap them shut because I don't want to damage her so now that I got her in there I can pick the stingers out of my fingers it's only one really and then I can go get some attendance for her all right a couple quick tips take my belt off take my belt loose I got one of these uh Amish leather works it's supposed to be a 5-2 holster that's a great idea and it looks good it's quality but it doesn't hold well enough a little bump on that and your hive tool just falls on the ground so I thought maybe since that's stainless maybe it wasn't maybe it's the middle so I tried this one and it's the same way this one's even just because of the weight of the tool and of course you know belt runs here my belly or my side is sticking out right here so any movement lateral is doing this and pushing the height to loosen it just falls on the ground so maybe for a skinny guy with a a flat very lightweight high too it feels like when you're holding it like this you're like oh that's pretty tight but when you start moving around and your belt is doing this it doesn't hold so uh fail my opinion I did buy that it's not sponsored also some of our beekeepers to the north we don't have sweet gum down this far south really not enough to to speak of but when they're transporting their nukes and they've got the drilled holes and they want to close them these are all screen bottom nukes so when they want to close them up the feeder hole in the lid and the entrance hole are both the same size they look like probably a three-quarter one inch hole I'm not sure but they just Jam a sweet gum ball in it and it holds it close it really well but sometimes they stick them in a little too far and you got to work to get them out so what I've figured out is a good tool to grab them to get them out is this Frame grip grabs them pretty good and so I mean yeah they Jam they Jam them in there sometimes you got to dig a dig them out of the pocket knife or a screwdriver put that frame grip to just grabs them and pulls them right out really easy so there's a couple of tools no yes I use this quite a bit even though this is made for plastic frames I've got a flat blade One from Kelly that's made for wooden frames but I use this one more partially because it's got a pry tool on it but also even though it digs into the woods you get a good positive grip on it and the other one does too but this this one just not really any chance of slipping unless you just let go now that I'm done danking around with the camera and put the camera up and get to work and see if I can get some actual work done so I hope you all enjoyed that and I got to go back to work this is a neat one this is a neat study I work in the field of mental health is what I do and honey has been shown to protect the brain and then that's something that we all want especially in the age where I don't know how many of y'all worry about things like Alzheimer's and things like that but it's it's always a concern of mine especially where I work but honey may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit the brain an animal study found that rats that consumed honey have protection against brain damage caused by exposure to lead raw money May can contain ingredients that help fight inflammation in the hippocampus which is the part of our brain where memory is stored okay so we talked about the good parts of honey let's uh a couple of negatives here uh farmers food poisoning uh raw honey and all of y'all have seen this on your honey bottles I don't know if y'all put that on your honey bottles but you should if you're under one it's not a good thing for babies to have do you all know why exactly botulism yeah kids over one have enough uh immunity in their system that they can fight at all but infants under one they don't have that yet so it is dangerous to a little kids so that's one possible side effect usually adults they don't have this issue and in kids over three and four don't have it but little babies don't need it and rhododendrons I know this is controversial topic when I talked about this in Poplarville a few weeks ago they're like oh azaleas aren't a problem around here y'all judge Adam what you want to what I'm going to tell you though is that Roman soldiers use Azalea honey to give to their enemies to uh poison them so um you know the Romans weren't necessarily nice folks all the time right besides crucifying or Christ they did a lot of other stuff so um what we do is we wait until the azaleas are done before we put our honey supers on it's not not a huge deal because Azalea's down on the coast only lasts about what two three weeks and then rustam is just big bullish all right so everybody knows what propolis is don't have to give the lesson on how that is used but let me give you a little history on it let's talk about what the word actually means propolis it's Greek was LaRue's study back in college Pro means before right and polis means in sit the city so propolis actually means in defense of the city and if you think about the bees that's their beehive is what it's in defense for so the propolis of course you know seals up all the cracks and stuff like that but y'all it is gold it is gold because of how do they get it and what it is um it uh of course let me see the composition of propolis is 50 tree resins 30 waxes 10 essential oils five percent pollen and five percent plant debris um you know fantastic stuff there was a um the Elder who had this quote that's a little quote so I just want to say this uh and by the way this is he says he was born in 23 A.D so he is a contemporary of Jesus okay he was like 11 when Jesus so to me it's kind of a weird thing of anybody who's a contemporary of Jesus but this guy was Pliny the Elder in fact he was Roman so he probably heard the news and everything uh he said propolis has a property of extracting stings and all foreign bodies from the flesh dispersing tumors ripening in in durations I had to look up that word I didn't know that word that word means an increase in the fibrous elements and tissue commonly associated with inflammation think about sclerosis that's that's what it is okay align Pains of the sinews and sanitizing that's a fancy word for healing by scars ulcers of the most obstinate nature so Pliny the Elder knew that uh around 30 A.D so that's uh that's pretty amazing researchers have identified more than 300 compounds in propolis the majority of these compounds are in forms of polyphenols polyphenols are antioxidants that fight disease and damage in the body propolis uh contains polyphenol it's called flavonoids and flavonoids are reducing plants as a form of protection when you think about all the good things that the doctors say are good for you green tea fruit vegetables red wine they all have flavonoids in them they all have like me okay so propolis is thought to have antibacterial anti-viral anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that's a lot of antives that's all problems um when I got a 14 year old first year in high school when she was about two or three years old the doctor prescribed this little bottle for her full skin infection that she had now that was 12 years ago we didn't have any clue in the world that we were ever going to be into bees but for some reason we kept this bottle he is in anything and Bob and I made a bunch of the tincture he just bottled this yesterday um getting or propolis freezing it crushing it and then letting it sit with a clear grain alcohol or we actually let it sit for two weeks and then uh we poured it in two ounce or one ounce bottles what all can it do I'm glad to ask glad you asked uh wound healing propolis has special compounds called oh this is a word pinocybrum a flavonoid that acts as an anti-fungal these anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make propolis helpful in wound healing topical propyl propolis alcohol extract was more effective than a steroid cream and reducing mast cells and oral surgery wounds mast cells are associated with inflammation and slow wound healing burn treatment I remember when I was in college I I got a pretty significant burn when I worked at Gulf Shore Baptist assembly dumped five gallons of coffee on myself and my dad got me uh again he was retired pharmacist that silver sulfadizing facility there you go and I had to like put that on myself all the time and it shows that propolis is actually just as effective as a my dad would have loved this stuff yo my dad he might have been a pharmacist but he was a country boy at heart wasn't he a little room big time and if he would have known that we were into something that was nature I think we've been all over it so just that just as effective on burns has that silver say that word again for me 17. there you go gastrointestinal disorders a study in the journal evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine suggests propolis can help treat gastrointestinal disorders including ulcerative colitis gastrointestinal Cancers and ulcers components of propolis have been shown to effectively eliminate pathogens including H pyloroid and the research however is limited to animal studies and cell cultures cold sores and genital herpes ointments that contain three percent propolis and and you can see stuff like this over to over the counter like her stat and cold sore FX and if you even look at this one it it even looks right there that it has proposition right there so one study from the University of medical Sciences in Poland found when tropical topical not tropical topical propolis was applied three times a day it helps to heal cold sores faster than no treatment the researchers found the propolis cream not only reduce the amount of herpes virus present in a person's body but also protected the body against future cold sore breakups so pretty cool cavity control propolis may help fight cavities a studying from biological and pharmaceutical bulletin shows and lab research scientists found that components and propolis helped inhabit the growth of stepococcus mutants which is the bacteria that contributes to cavities the study suggests that propolis may also help stop streptococcus mutants from sticking to the teeth in fact I have several books that have recipes that you can use the Beet components for and there's actually a toothpaste recipe that you can make from propolis and and like baking soda for people that want to do that I'm still kind of bother to take place all right diabetes management findings from animal-based Research indicates that propolis May Aid in the treatment of diabetic diabetes in the study published in pharmaceutical research tests on diabetic rats revealed that treatment with propolis help lower blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol um please note that that's in rats that hadn't been duplicated in humans yet but I'm sure those tests are coming and finally cancer propolis has been suggested to have a role in treating certain cancers according to a study done by San Diego State University some of the anti-cancerous effects of propolis include keeping cancerous cells from multiplying reducing the likelihood cells will become cancerous and blocking Pathways that keep cancer cells from signaling in each other the study also suggests that propolis could be a complementary therapy not the Primary Therapy but it could be something that could help somebody with cancer I see it being a good partner with that uh okay so y'all know how you can get propolis you scrape it off the hive y'all are behaviors I don't have to explain that uh when we did this in popular we even had the propolis traps and all that with us and showed but making a good tincture is I mean that's that's gold money right there just looking at these online and ounce of those are about 15 to 16 dollars and it's it helps me and uh but it's pretty sticky when you make it into them
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 19,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beekeeping, pest control, swarm catching, swarm catcher honey bees, swarm catching bees, swarm catcher, swarm catch 2023, swarm catcher box, swarm catching equipment, beekeeping equipment, hive removal, caging queen bee, caging queen, catching honey bee queen, beekeeping vlog, beekeeping blog
Id: bmaTrucmviY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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