5 Homemade Salad Dressings - DIY Salad Dressing Recipes - Quick + Easy + Healthy

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today I want to share with you how to make five homemade salad dressings including a delicious ranch dressing and a retro Green Goddess dressing [Music] hi sweet friends I'm Mary and welcome to Mary's Nest where I teach traditional cooking skills for making nutrient-dense foods like bone broth ferments sourdough and more so if you enjoy learning about those things consider subscribing to my channel and don't forget to click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time I upload a new video now when you get ready to make of these salad dressings you can make them right in your salad bowl if you want and just whip it right up and then throw in your lettuce but if you're not ready to toss the salad immediately you can still whip it up in your bowl and then you can take your salad tongs and you can just cross them like this put them into your bowl and then put your lettuce on top so your salad dressing will be down in the bottom but all your lettuce will be lifted up above it sitting on your salad forks or your salad tongs waiting to be tossed but not getting soggy from any dressing if your about a half an hour or so away from actually serving your salad now if you're just making your salad dressing in order to have it in your refrigerator or pass it around the table or whatever the case may be you can really make it in any kind of jar that you want and the vinaigrettes work real well in any kind of salad dressing cruet these you can find at your grocery store they're often sold where the salad dressing packets are sold which I don't like to use because they sometimes have artificial ingredients in them but you'll often find these cruets sold in that area as well but I bought this at a local thrift shop and there's often many there and they're usually under $1 so be sure to keep your eyes open for that now I also want to mention something about shelf life of the salad dressings that we're gonna make today your vinaigrettes can last a good two weeks in the refrigerator and your creamy dressings your dairy based dressings can stay fresh about one week in your refrigerator and one more thing I want to mention before we actually get started making the dressings which is very important is that if you check the description below there'll be a direct link to my website where you can print out all of these recipes so be sure to check that description and this way you can just sit back and relax and watch the video and you don't need to be a worry about taking notes the first salad dressing I'm going to show you how to make is a vinaigrette I'm going to show you three different varieties but I'm just counting them as one since their recipes are very similar now I'm gonna start with a French vinaigrette and what you're going to need is a teaspoon of Dijon mustard and I've just gone ahead and put that right into this jar because I'm gonna make the vinaigrette in this jar next you're gonna need a half a teaspoon of salt and I'm just using a fine ground sea salt and you're going to need a quarter teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and we're going to go ahead and put those right into our jar next you're going to need two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and this is a raw apple cider vinegar that I make homemade and if you'd like to learn how to do that I'll link to that in the I cards and in the description below now I know you might be saying Mary Mary apple cider vinegar in a French vinaigrette that's not right you should be using a wine vinegar and you're 100% correct but as you know I like to make traditional nutrient-dense foods and so instead of using the wine vinegar I like to use the raw apple cider vinegar which is rich in good bacteria and so this is a nice way of introducing probiotic rich foods to our families so in go our two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar with the mother in it and then what I like to do at this point is just kind of swirl things around a little and let the salt dissolve in the vinegar before we proceed with any more steps next all you're going to need is a tablespoon of a finely chopped shallot or red onion or a white onion whatever you have on hand the shallot is traditional but that may not be something that you always commonly have in your fridge or in your pantry so use whatever you have and you just need about a tablespoon finely chopped and now we'll just go ahead and add in our chopped shallot and just let that mix around to a little bit with the vinegar and the salt and the mustard and everything that's marinating lovely in here marinating together now the mustard is going to work to help emulsify the dressing but as an extra insurance policy what I like to do is to start first just taking a little bit of the olive oil and putting it into the dressing and into the dressing in the making so as you see what I have here less than this teaspoon full I'm just gonna go ahead and put that in and then I'm gonna put a lid on here and give it a good shake to help that oil start to help to emulsify the dressing now what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to use the standard canning lid and canning ring that came with my jar this is just an 8 ounce a little 8 ounce canning jar you can also use the white storage lids if you have those as well or any draw you have a work fine and for those I know I get a lot of questions about the canning lid this is these are from Baal and they're treated with a substance here that won't interact with the food and this is BPA free I know some people worry you know about having BPA exposed to the chemical BPA exposed to their food all righty well we've got that little bit of olive oil in there and now we'll go and give this a shake to help with the emulsification now I'm gonna go ahead and put in a little more olive oil and I forgot to mention this but it will be in the written directions this is six tablespoons of olive oil and I like to do a 1 to 3 ratio so we had 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 6 tablespoons of olive oil and this is an extra virgin olive oil now some people like to do a one to four ratio that tends to be more of the European style so it's a matter of what consistency and taste you like with your dressing do you like it a little more with the vinegary tang to it or do you prefer it more with the richer well olive oil flavor so but this is one two three but you can certainly do a one to four ratio already well I've got that in and now we'll give it up another we'll give it another shake now we'll just go ahead I always like to just start with a little you know emulsifying a little bit of the oil in first and now we can just go ahead and add in the rest of our olive oil and now we'll give this a real good shake and get that all emulsified in and we'll give it a taste and see how it is well this is beautifully emulsified so let's take this lid off and I'm just going to take a clean spoon I'm going to put a little bit in the bowl here and we'll see how this with the came we'll take a little bit of lettuce give it a taste this is a good time as the home cook you know to give it a little taste and determine if you want to add additional salt and pepper mmm it's perfect now all I'm gonna do before I store this in my fridge is write on on the lid what it is French vinaigrette and put the date as to when I'm making this so then I'll know exactly what it is and what level of freshness it has and that's what I really like to use these canning lids because they're so easy to write on well now that we've got our French vinaigrette finished we're gonna make an Italian vinaigrette and that I'm gonna put in the cruet because we use a lot of Italian vinaigrette now for the Italian vinaigrette we're gonna make a full cup of dressing for the French vinaigrette we only made half a cup and one thing I want to mention about vinaigrettes in general when you go to refrigerate them they may congeal somewhat because when olive oil is cooled it tends to harden up a bit but once you take it out of the refrigerator and have it on your table or have it out on your counter as you're getting ready to prepare your meal within a few minutes it starts to come back to its liquid state so don't worry if you take it out of your fridge and it looks a little firm it when it comes up to room temperature it'll be fine now to make the Italian vinaigrette what I've got here is a teaspoon of salt and that's the fine ground sea salt I've got a half a teaspoon of freshly ground pepper and I have a teaspoon of oregano now for me for an Italian vinaigrette it's all about the oregano if you want you certainly can use a teaspoon of Italian seasoning and if you saw my earlier video where I showed how to make 10 seasoning blends and one of them was an Italian seasoning blend you can certainly use that if you want and again as with the French vinaigrette I'm also using apple cider vinegar for this recipe now again yes red wine vinegar would be more traditional for an Italian vinaigrette but as I said earlier when it comes to nutrient-dense cooking I really like to introduce raw apple cider vinegar into our meals and putting it in salad dressing is perfect and next what I've gotten here is one clove of garlic that I've crushed you can mince it with a knife or if you have a mortar and pestle like this and you want to mash it all up which is the way I like to do it you can do that too whatever whatever is easiest for you and you can certainly use more garlic than just one clove and just going back to the apple cider vinegar for a minute this is a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar and then we're going to use 3/4 of a cup of extra virgin olive oil so into this cruet I'm just going to go ahead and add our seasonings and then I'll add in the apple cider vinegar and the garlic and just give that salt a little bit of time to salt to dissolve in the vinegar I've got that salt dissolving with the other oregano and pepper and there and went the garlic and I'll just give that a little twizzle around and let that all meld in and dissolve together now if you were making this vinaigrette in the salad bowl and you had your whisk and with one hand you were whisking and with the other hand you were slowly drizzling in your olive oil to get a nice emulsification that works great but when you're just sort of throwing it together in a jar like this or in a cruet what I find works really well as I did with the French vinaigrette is to just put in a little bit of olive oil and this is a clean spoon and just put in a little bit of olive oil and give it a shake to help it emulsify and then I'm gonna do the same thing again with one more tablespoon and we're the teaspoon actually and then I'll go ahead and add in all of the olive oil at once but this at least kind of just gives it a little bit of a head start to help emulsifying because especially in this one we don't have the Dijon mustard now I know that some Italian vinaigrette recipes will call for the Dijon mustard to help with that little bit of emulsification but for me it's just not Italian dressing Italian vinaigrette if there's Dijon mustard in it but if you want you can certainly add in a teaspoon or more of the Dijon mustard now I'm just gonna go ahead and add in the rest of our olive oil and give this a really good shake and we'll give it a taste and see how that flavor of oregano comes through well this looks glorious and it smells wonderful I'm just gonna take a little bit put it in here again a little piece of lettuce and we'll give it a taste see how this is that smells so good I love oregano mmm mm-hmm that's delicious it's perfect now if you want to turn this into a balsamic vinaigrette all you would need to do is replace the apple cider vinegar with balsamic vinegar and you can also leave out the oregano as well now if you have a very high-quality balsamic vinegar it will have a sweetness to it and so that's all that you'll need is just that quarter cup of the balsamic vinegar however if you have a lower end balsamic vinegar which is fine if that's what you're grocery store carries then you'll want to add a little extra sweetness so you'll want to add maybe let's start with a teaspoon maybe I like to use sucanat that's the real sugar the dried cane juice or maybe a little maple sugar maple sugar doesn't really have that strong and overpowering flavor and so you could use that especially the balsamic vinegar will overpower any maple flavor so you don't have to worry about that and then if you don't have options to those type of natural sweeteners you can always just add a little brown sugar and I'll have those directions for the balsamic vinaigrette ready for you to print out over on my website so you'll have all three so don't worry now we're gonna make Thousand Island dressing this is one of my husband's favorites so we'll make a generous amount but you can always adjust these recipes up or down to make whatever amount you want first let's go over the ingredients what I've got here is a half a cup of cultured sour cream now if you can't buy cultured sour cream don't worry it's also very easy to make I have a video which I'll link to in the I cards and if I run out of my cards don't worry I'll put links down in the description below but basically all you need to do is take cream and culture it and you're going to culture it with a little butter milk a little milk kefir or a little yogurt and then through the miracle of time your cream the heavy whipping cream that you've added some culturing agent to the buttermilk the yogurt or the kefir will turn into sour cream and the nice thing is it'll be cultured sour cream and you may wonder why I put emphasis on this when I say cultured this cultured that you know the reason is that cultured products like a yogurt are rich in good bacteria and then again good bacteria scientists tell us is good for us it's good for our gut health and the healthier our gut the healthier supposedly we are so using probiotic rich products like the apple cider the raw apple cider vinegar that you can make homemade or a cultured sour cream that you can also make homemade is a good way to introduce these type of foods to yourself to your family and friends that are familiar you're not going to be able to really tell a difference between some plain sour cream that you may find at the grocery store that's not cultured versus a cultured sour cream that if you can find and buy or a cultured sour cream that you make homemade and that's really my goal to make foods that are better for us but that are also familiar in taste because if you try to introduce nutrient-dense foods to yourself or family and friends and they taste very different than what you're used to if you're if you've been eating primarily processed or prepared foods they may be rejected and you really don't want that to happen you want to introduce these types of foods slowly and make ones that taste familiar and this thousand Alan Island dressing completely fits that bill this will taste very familiar to any other Thousand Island dressing that you've had that may not be as nutritious and next you're going to need a half a cup of mayonnaise and if you want to learn how to make homemade mayonnaise I also have a video and a printable recipe along with these others you know there's also a printable recipe for the sour cream and I'll put that in the I cards or in the description below it's very easy to make you can make it in one minute if you have an immersion blender and so I said that's a half a cup of mayonnaise a half a cup of sour cream and then what we've got here are two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar now if you want you can substitute lemon juice and if you decide to use lemon juice use fresh lemon juice it's very high in vitamin C and it's nutritious and also zest the skin of the lemon and add the zest as well because the zest has a lot of nutrients it's rich in antioxidants and is very good scientists tell us a fighting disease and so on and so forth so if you decide to use lemon juice use the zest too and here you're gonna want a quarter cup of ketchup now if you want to make a fermented ketchup which I highly recommend using so that you're adding in the cultured sour cream you're adding in the raw apple cider vinegar and then you're adding in your fermented ketchup I'll also link to that I have a video where I show you how to make that's very easy to make fermented ketchup so be sure to check that out if you used to buying store-bought ketchup I think you'll find that it tastes equally as good as anything you can buy in the store and it's much better for you and next you're gonna want a quarter cup of some type of pickle relish now if you made fermented pickles with me a while back you can chop those up and just get enough so that you have a quarter cup we're all out of ours so what I'm using here is a store-bought relish but one that is sweetened with sugar and not high fructose corn syrup so if if you do need to use a relish if you don't have any fermented pickles and you want to use a relish in a jar see if you can find one that's just made with sugar and not high fructose corn syrup now if you are using your fermented pickles or your homemade relish that's not sweetened you may find that between the ketchup and a little bit of even though the apple cider vinegar is tangy it does have a little bit of a sweetness to it that may be enough sweetness that you like for your palette for your Thousand Island dressing however if you do want to sweeten it up just a bit if you are using you know a chopped dill pickle or fermented pickle whatever the case may be or a pickled a dill pickle relish something like that that has no sugar in it you can add a teaspoon or two of sugar and I recommend using like the dried cane juice the sukkah net or a little bit of maple sugar or a little bit of date sugar one of your more whole sugars as opposed to just using white sugar and then last but not least you're going to need a teaspoon of salt and I've got my usual fine ground sea salt and then a half a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper now I'm just gonna make this in a canning jar this is a 12 ounce jelly jar it works perfectly any joy you have will be fine and I'm just gonna go ahead and put my salt and pepper right in there and like how I like to do with all of my dressings I'm gonna go ahead and just add in that vinegar and just give that salt a little time to dissolve and next we'll go in our relish and then our wonderful fermented ketchup and then we'll get all this mayonnaise in there and then we'll add in the sour cream and we'll give it a good shake well this was a tight squeeze so I'm just giving it a good stir with my little whisk and coming along beautifully now just for good measure I'm gonna put my canning lid on and my canning ring and now give it a good shake oh this looks delicious I'm just gonna put a little Bowl a little Bowl a little bit in a bowl here using a clean spoon and we'll give this a taste all righty this looks wonderful nothing like a good Thousand Island mmm delicious perfect now I'm just gonna label this and put this in my fridge and since this is a dairy base dressing this will last in my fridge for about a week but I don't think it'll be in our fridge that long because this is so delicious I think it's going to go in a few days and this particular recipe and the amounts that I used will make about a cup and a half now we're gonna make blue cheese dressing and this is probably my second favorite after a good Italian vinaigrette now I'm gonna make a little less than I did when I made the Thousand Island dressing because I'm the only one in my family that eats blue cheese dressing so this is going to be about a half a cup but as I said with all of the dressings you can adjust up or down in terms of quantity just adjust the recipe to make the amount that you want and the ingredients for a blue cheese are very simple because I really like to keep it simple so that that flavor of the blue cheese really comes through now you're gonna want a quarter of a cup of mayonnaise and a quarter of a cup of sour cream and this is cultured sour cream and you can use your homemade mayonnaise for this it'll be perfect but if you are using store-bought oil or a store-bought oil store-bought mayonnaise I recommend to try to find something that doesn't contain soybean oil try to find a mayonnaise that's made with a less processed oil you may see some of the new mayonnaise being made with avocado oil or part olive oil various mixes like that you want to look for a more nutritious oil like an avocado or an or an olive oil-based mayonnaise and if you make this homemade mayonnaise the one-minute immersion blender mayonnaise I like to do a combination of coconut oil and olive oil and sesame oil so that's 1/4 cup of each 1/4 cup of the mayo and 1/4 cup of the sour cream and then you're gonna want a quarter cup of crumbled blue cheese and this is American blue cheese its Maytag blue cheese and if the name Maytag sounds familiar to you it should because in their family there's one line of the family that makes the appliances and there's another line of the family one of the gentlemen who went into the cheese making business and he's famous for his Maytag blue cheese among other things I believe he has a winery and also a brewery but his American blue cheese is very popular and I find that this American Maytag blue is perfect for making a blue cheese salad dressing it's got the perfect level of blue cheese flavoring it's not overpowering it's not on you know underwhelming it's just perfect you could certainly use an Italian gorgonzola but or even if you're getting real fancy you know in English blue Stilton the only drawback is those are expensive and I think those cheeses are best left to simply eat on their own rather than blending into a salad dressing they also have a different level of flavor and they may almost be overpowering in a blue cheese dressing whereas I find this Maytag it's perfect to just eat on its own it's delightful and it works beautifully in a salad dressing and it's less expensive especially if you're living in the United States and buying a blue cheese so I highly recommend I get this at my local grocery store and I live in a small town so maybe you can find Maytag blue in your area but if not and another American blue cheese will work fine and next this will come as no surprise to you but I'm gonna add in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar the raw apple cider vinegar you could certainly use lemon juice also in the previous recipe for Thousand Island dressing I recommended adding the zest of the lemon and I would recommend the same here too it doesn't have a significant change in the flavor but it adds up a little bit of extra nutrition but I do like to go with the Rafah cider vinegar I think it just complements the flavors really well and then I've just got a half a teaspoon of the fine ground sea salt and a quarter teaspoon of the freshly ground black pepper so we'll go ahead and add in our salt and pepper into our jar and as I like to do with all of my dressings I'm gonna go ahead and add in this apple cider vinegar swirl it around a little let that salt dissolve next I'm gonna go ahead and add in all the rest of the ingredients and then we'll give it a good stir now we'll get our sour cream in and if you notice with all of my dairy based dressing so far and you'll see when we do the other ones as well I always like to use a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream now you could have certainly in the Thousand Island dressing you could have just done all mayonnaise I'm just not a fan of that I find that the sour cream just adds a certain nice level of flavor especially to if it's the cultured sour cream that's adding the nutrition of the cult that comes with the culture but if also I help think soften especially if you're not a huge fan of mayonnaise it helps soften that what can be somewhat overpowering flavor I find for me that's in my humble opinion everybody's different some people probably could eat mayonnaise out of the jar with a spoon but I find the combination of the mayonnaise and the sour cream which I think is especially important when making a blue cheese dressing works perfectly now we'll go ahead and get in this blue cheese carefully now I just want to show you the consistency of this and I'll take a close-up picture so that you can see that I like it like this I think that's perfect but again if you want to thin this out you certainly can by adding as I said the regular milk raw milk if you have it all the better or buttermilk and in a pinch you can thin it with a little water if you have to well now I'll take a little bit put it in a bowl here and we'll give this a taste to see how it is a little lettuce here and I think this is going to be wonderful hmm no that's so good excuse me the Maytag blue is so delicious in here and you know you have to laugh cuz you're probably gonna say Oh what does she own the company no I have no connection with Maytag blue I just really find that it's so lovely in a blue cheese dressing so I highly recommend it if you can find it at your grocery store and since blue cheese is a dairy based dressing this will stay fresh in our fridge one week now I'm gonna show you how I make my homemade ranch dressing which is an actual recipe with multiple ingredients in it however if you want to make a quick and easy ranch dressing all you need to do is take a half a cup of mayonnaise and a quarter cup of buttermilk now if you don't have buttermilk on hand don't worry you can take a little sour cream and fin it with milk or water to the consistency of buttermilk or you can take a little yogurt Greek yogurt or a regular yogurt and thin it till it has the consistency of buttermilk and use that in place of buttermilk but the bottom line is a half a cup of mayonnaise and a quarter cup of buttermilk or something similar and then if you were with us when we made our homemade seasoning mixes and you've got your ranch your homemade ranch seasoning mix you can just go ahead and add this into that into those two ingredients and you'll have a quick and easy ranch dressing and this you'll want to start with a teaspoon and then work your way up to a flavor that you find that you like now I want to make a mention about this ranch seasoning mix that we made because I got a lot of questions about this everyone wanted to know why didn't I add in any powdered buttermilk and the reason is in my traditional foods kitchen where my focus is always nutrient-dense foods I don't like to use powdered buttermilk first of all it's not a cultured food and secondly it's been heated at very high temperatures to turn into that powder and that heating process damages some of the nutrients that would normally occur in buttermilk some of the proteins and so on and so forth and again as I said it's not a cultured product so in my humble opinion it's more of a nutrient lacking food than a nutrient-dense food and so it's something that I don't use I would rather keep my seasoning my ranch seasoning mix without it and then when I go to make the ranch to the quick and easy version of ranch dressing just use real butter milk along with the mayonnaise and I just wanted to show this to you this is my homemade buttermilk this is the byproduct of one mean we made cultured butter and I think I link to that in the I cards but it'll definitely be the video link will be in the description below but if you go back and watch that video if you've not seen it or maybe you don't remember the buttermilk the byproduct of making the cultured butter looked very watery and I told you put it in your fridge leave it for about a week and it will actually start to thicken because it's culturing even in your refrigerator because it's a byproduct of cream that we turned into butter but that we first cultured we cultured the cream before we turned it into butter and as you'll see if you go back and watch that video it's a lot thicker now than it was when it was just the bike the original by-product coming off the butter and you've got buttermilk so if you give making cultured butter a try you'll also have your cultured buttermilk real buttermilk now we're going to get ready to make a delicious buttermilk ranch dressing now to make this from scratch what you're going to need is half a cup of sour cream and cultured sour cream if you have it a quarter cup of mayonnaise homemade if you have it and a half a cup of buttermilk and as I mentioned earlier this can be the real buttermilk that's a byproduct of making cultured butter or it can be the buttermilk that you purchase at the store that's a cultured milk product if you absolutely don't have any buttermilk you can use a little yogurt here thinned with some milk or you can just add a little bit extra sour cream again thinned with milk to give you that consistency of buttermilk then what I've got in here is and my mortar and pestle is one clove of garlic that I've mashed up you can certainly add more if you want but keep in mind if you're making this and you're gonna go ahead and put this in your refrigerator each day that it marinates more of that garlic flavor may become a little more intensified so I recommend starting with one clove of garlic a lot of recipes may call for two cloves but I really recommend starting with one clove and see if you're going if you are gonna have that in your refrigerator for a couple of days see how you like it as it's sort of mmm I don't know if I can really say it mellows it more intensifies in flavor so that's my recommendation one clove of garlic and next what I've got here is a teaspoon of salt that's the fine ground sea salt and a half a teaspoon of freshly ground pepper and I just want to mention something about the salt because I've received a lot of questions from those of you who are on salt restricted diets you can certainly leave the salt out of any of these dressings and maybe use a salt salt free substitute in place of the salt or just try it without and see how you like it but you can adjust actually any of these seasonings you know make these dressings your own so that they're pleasing to your palate and whatever dietary restrictions you might have now what I've got here are some dried herbs I've got a teaspoon of dried parsley I've got a teaspoon of dried chives and I've got a teaspoon of dill and the dill I would say weight by weight is going to outweigh the parsley and the chives because for me buttermilk ranch dressing I really find that the dill is the star of the show now you can certainly use fresh herbs depending on what time of year you're making this and if your garden is just overflowing with fresh herbs you can definitely replace the parsley the chives and the dill with fresh and you're probably going to want to bump up the amount you use to about a tablespoon chopped and I know this will come as no surprise to you this is raw apple cider vinegar I've got to get this in the salad dressings and this is just 2 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar now if you want to use lemon juice in place of the apple cider vinegar you definitely can again just about 2 teaspoons of the lemon juice and also throw in the zest while you're at it now I'm gonna make this in a pint sized jar which is 16 ounces because I learned from using my 12 ounce jar when we made the Thousand Island dressing it was really right up to the rim this will give us a little more room to work with so what I'm gonna do is take our salt and our pepper I'm just going to go ahead and put that right in and then as always I'm going to put it in my apple cider vinegar and let that salt dissolve a little bit now we'll go ahead and add in all of our wonderful herbs and you know as I said you can make this that your own if there are other herbs you really like that you want to add into your ranch dressing by all means do and just play with it until you find the combination that you like the best now we'll get this garlic in it smells wonderful I love garlic now we'll go ahead and put in our 1/2 a cup of sour cream and then goes our quarter cup of mayo and now our 1/2 a cup of buttermilk now I'm gonna switch to my whisk and give this a really good stir and then we'll give it a shape we'll put the lid on and give it a shake now I want to mention if this was something that you would want to make as a dip as opposed to a dressing then you can do a couple of different things you can reverse the amounts of sour cream and mayonnaise you could put a little more mayonnaise a little less sour cream or you could keep it the same the same amount that we did here to half a cup of sour cream and the quarter cup of mayonnaise but when it comes to the buttermilk you just want to put in a half a cup of a half a cup that's what we used for here you want to put in just a quarter cup of the buttermilk so it'll be thicker and that'll make a great dip now I'm going to put on my canning lid this is a widemouth pint-sized jar so I've got the wide mouth lid and we'll give it a real good shake oh this this looks wonderful I'm gonna put a little bit in this jar in this jar in this little dish here that's a clean spoon and we'll get a little lettuce we'll give this one a taste and we'll see how it came well look at all that dill looks glorious hmm that is so delicious excuse me and it's just the right amount of garlic and even if the garlic intensifies a little once it's refrigerated it's gonna be fine I really recommend that just that one clove this is perfect the next salad dressing that we're gonna make is Green Goddess dressing and this is a real retro dressing and something that I remember from my childhood I love the flavor it's so rich with parsley which is sort of the star of the show it's just got such a fresh like green flavor to it if that makes sense but it's just very fresh very bright and it's pretty much perfect on any kind of salad it also makes a great dip I mean you're just dipping carrots in it radish whatever you want it's just a really wonderful dip the first thing that you're going to need is a good bunch of parsley if you buy it at the grocery store just buy that whole bunch that's usually twined together if you're cutting it out of your garden just take a nice big you know sort of double fisted handful next you're gonna need 1/2 a cup of sour cream this is cultured sour cream and 1/2 a cup of mayo homemade is always best if you've got it and then I've got one scallion here and just rough chop everything's going to go into the food processor which we'll talk about in a minute now actually we're talking about it now so that you you don't feel that you can't make this if you don't have a food processor I'm just going to do this in my food processor you can do this in a blender regular blender you can do it in a high-speed blender you can do it in one of those like little movie called like ninja blenders you can if you're enthusiastic and you really want to put in a little elbow grease you can even make this by hand if you don't mind chopping up all the parsley next I've just got one clove of garlic here I've just kind of crushed it in half just to make it a little easier for the food processor and then I've got a tablespoon of dry tarragon if you can grow tarragon is very hard for me to grow tarragon here in Texas in Central Texas where I live it's just a little too hot and a little too sunny that's a good thing but but Darragh on doesn't like the the accommodations here too much so I've just got a teaspoon of dried tarragon if you do have fresh if you grow fresh and you've got it handy you want about a tablespoon and then in the middle here I've got something which I know won't surprise you a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar and in my food processor I've already put in a teaspoon of Dijon mustard a teaspoon of fine ground sea salt and a teaspoon or actually a half a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and since I'm using the food processor I'm just using the typical chopping blade that comes with it no matter what appliance that you're using you probably will have to stop it periodically and just scrape down the sides to make sure that everything does get incorporated but I think those tiny little press speed blenders are pretty good at getting everything mixed without any scraping down inside so maybe with that one you don't need to worry about it but even with a high speed blender a regular blender or the food processor you probably want to just check and scrape down the sides the first thing that we're gonna want to do is just put in this clove of garlic since it's not chopped up its just smashed a little bit and I'm going to lock my lid into place and I'm just going to send this fruit for a whirl to kind of get that garlic chopped before we start adding the other ingredients next I'm just going to go ahead and add in our apple cider vinegar and I'm just going to give that another little whirl just to help mix it with the salt and let the salt dissolve next I'm gonna put in the green onion and we'll put all this parsley in and you just want to make sure that it's washed and dried fairly well even just a shake it's fine if there's a little water on it for the most part you want to just have the leaves not include too many of the stems although sometimes I do put in all stems especially if I'm doing it this way and not by hand because the food processor and I would imagine those high-speed blenders are probably very good at this - really pretty much pulverizing everything alrighty let's give this a whirl finally all we need to do is add in our dried tarragon and then we're going to add in our sour cream and our mayonnaise now if you're familiar with green goddess dressing you may notice an ingredient that's missing and that is anchovy paste I love it and if you're making this and you like anchovy paste and you've got it handy all you need is about a teaspoon and it adds a wonderful flavor but my family's not too fond of anchovies so I'm not going to add it to this batch well let's give this a whirl and then we'll get ready to give it a taste well I've rolled this for about a minute you want to make sure that everything is really incorporated and the dressing turns a beautiful green I'm just gonna scrape down all these sides and I'm gonna remove the blade and then we'll decant this and we'll see how it turned out I think it's gonna be wonderful oh this looks heavenly I think you're gonna really be pleased I'll overlay a picture so that you can see the color and the consistency this is glorious I wanted to mention a little tip to you that I forgot to tell you about earlier after you cut up your scallion if you save a little bit and I got some parsley if you save a little bit of the scallion of the white part and with the root if you pop this down in a little little glass a little juice glass and with a little bit of water in the bottom and just keep an eye on the water refresh it you know add to it whatever the case may be over the next couple of days you'll start to see the sprouting and growing another scallion I love that this smells fantastic now let's give it a taste mmm as good as I remember mmm and this is a dairy based dressing this will stay fresh in your fridge about a week now if you'd like to learn how to make more homemade pantry items be sure to click on this video over here where I show you how to make 10 homemade seasoning blends including that ranch dressing mix I showed you earlier and I'll see you over there in my Texas Hill Country kitchen love and God bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 209,329
Rating: 4.9518285 out of 5
Keywords: 5 homemade salad dressings, Homemade Salad Dressing, Salad Dressing Recipes, salad dressing recipe, Salad Dressing, vinaigrette dressing, Vinaigrette Recipe, French Vinaigrette, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Ranch Dressing, Thousand Island Dressing, Green Goddess Dressing, Salad Dressings, How to Make Salad Dressing, Homemade Dressing, italian dressing, blue cheese dressing, vinaigrette, easy salad dressing, healthy salad dressing, diy salad dressing, marysnest, marys nest
Id: QGxZrgwhlsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 28sec (2548 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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