How Much Salad Should I Eat? – Dr. Berg

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hey guys it's me in this video we're going to talk about the quantity of vegetables or a salad that you need to consume now obviously this might be a little too much and you might not want to use a fork like this but I'm trying to make a point here if we look at the derivation of the word food in the dictionary it comes from the word nourishment nourishment so we food to nourish our bodies or provide nutrients that's the purpose of food so if we just reverse engineer that and look at how much food we have to eat to get those nutrients then we can figure out the quantities because our bodies require they're called RDAs different nutrition you know recommend dietary allowances or daily amounts of nutrition you need to sustain your body so you have vitamins and minerals and trace minerals and amino acids it's proteins and fatty acids but where you get most of the vitamins and minerals is the salad or the vegetable family now if we take a look at how much you need it's probably a lot more than what you've been doing let's just take potassium you need 4700 milligrams per day of potassium to run the body and that's a someone of 200 pounds now if you're like half that way you can get a bag with half of it but let's take a look at one banana is about 300 milligrams so you can see 4700 milligrams you would have to eat a tremendous amount of bananas and all that sugar will probably create a problem so the question is how much salad or vegetable do you need per day let's just talk about salad you would need about 7 to 10 cups so maybe on a small person you need 5 cups and a large person you would need 10 cups now if we take a look at what a cup means 1 cup equals 1 ounce this salad right here is 16 ounces so this is 16 cups this one right here is 16 cups of salad with 16 ounces so on average if you're roughly about 180 pounds or I don't know 150 pounds one hundred two hundred pounds you're gonna need about half of this a little less than half of this or a little bit more than half of this per day and I know right now you're probably going what that's a lot of salad well it's not that hard because salad is easy to digest let's say you do one for lunch and do one for dinner and you're good I have all my salad in one sitting my bowl is half of this and I will put all the salad on there and I'll just down at lunch and I'm good for the day of course I have more vegetables than I really need are actually require just because they make me feel good but it really also depends on the quality of vegetable if iceberg lettuce you would have to have probably like a tremendous amount of iceberg lettuce but let's take a look at a high density nutrient type salads this is spinach and kale kale obviously has tremendous amount other vegetables that are in the cruciferous family like Swiss chard even arugula is cruciferous all those are very high in nutrients except cabbage cabbage does not have a lot of vitamin A I don't think it has any vitamin A but it has a lot of vitamin C some vitamin C but it also has a lot of phytonutrients so those are additional chemicals in you know vegetables that give you way more nutrition than regular vegetables so that would be a positive thing but I'm just talking about vitamins and minerals right now so spring spring mix really is composed of a lot of different plants Rugel a' romaine spinach beet greens Swiss chard red mustard all these different incredible combination of vegetables and also lettuce leaves and plant leaves and cruciferous leaves this is like a really high level thing to consume so this is what I consume because it has like a variety of a whole bunch of things so I get my vitamins I get my minerals and but you need a lot of it you're going to need half of this okay now other ones this one has 11 ounces so maybe if you had like 3/4 of this you'd be okay now other they have smaller like squares that you can do like I think that are half of this they're like five ounces so you know you can do one of those per meal or per day depending on how big you are but that is what you need to maintain and run your body potassium not just potassium manganese and calcium and all these other nutrients are in salad the other thing I want to mention is that some people use sprouts on their salad which is really smart when teaspoon of sprout is equal to 50 teaspoons of broccoli as far as phytonutrients and those are those cancer-fighting properties so you can use sprouts various things as far as dressings go it's very important to have dressings without sugar or very low sugars the Newman's Own only has I think it's like one gram of sugar per tablespoon or two tablespoons it's it's not too bad but if you could make your own that would be better or the use olive oil and vinegar Rhett I'm not concerned right now with the nitpicky salad dressings the goal is just to get this in your body more than just to avoid something in salad dressing okay it's just the the weight of the benefit of this is huge the other thing to put on the salad is very important you don't want to put croutons you don't want to put cranberries why because they're sugar filled and they're sweet you don't want to put raisins you want to put fat on your salad bacon bits feta cheese olives olive oil all that's really important because that allows you to pull the fat soluble vitamins or pull the vitamins out of the vegetable or the plant because plants salad etc have they don't have the fat soluble vitamins they have precursors there are little things that turn into the active form of the fats type of vitamins so vitamin A for example in salad has to be converted to the active form if you add some fat to your salad you will pull more nutrition out of that salad so we don't want a low-fat salad we want some fat on there and I love feta cheese as far as other things you can put on put anything else you want it to just don't put fruit and don't put sugar but you can put some of these other things other cut vegetables nuts and seeds and walnuts and pecans and blue cheese and all that stuff so I just wanted to kind of emphasize again the volume of salad that you need is probably more than you're consuming you'll feel much better if you do that so go ahead and start doing that and I hope you will apply this information
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 1,538,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salad, eat, nutrients, weight loss, creavings, fat loss, protein, diet, lose weight, Dieting (Symptom), Eating, Health (Industry), Weight, Diet (Industry), salad recipes, salads for weight loss, weight loss salad recipes, weight loss salad, healthy recipes, how to lose weight, losing weight, healthy salad recipes, easy salad recipes, vegetable salad, vegetable salad recipes, dr eric, dr berg, eric berg
Id: -fjA5TbSS8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2015
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