EDP445 Needs To Be Arrested Immediately...

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IgenColorat 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mudahar and by now i think a lot of the internet you me everyone knows about edp 445. edp was one of those individuals that was a giant meme and he has had one of the longest running careers on the platform he's at about two 2.15 million subscribers don't let this number fool you he's been dropping hard why is edp been dropping hard because edp is an individual that actually got chris hanson not by chris hanson himself he got a almost i would say a walmart kroger you know target brand you know to catch a predator sting operation where he actually fell for it edp 445 for a lot of people not understanding was an individual that was caught by you know an entire group the predator poachers uh the chet goldstein group who basically took edp out for a ride you know quite literally brought him in believing that he was speaking to from what he knows a 14 year old person now understand edp is in his late 20s by all accounts this isn't an idea of an allegation this isn't some simple cancellation this is predatory and criminal behavior now you know i don't know what's up with youtube but for like the last six seven months everyone's turning out to be like a predator at this point i don't know i don't understand it you know every week it seems like a new thing but this isn't like regular cancellations like i said this isn't like some allegation being thrown out where everyone's you know sort of wondering what side to go on and so forth this is a straight and narrow dude is caught in 360 [ __ ] pvr ultimate formats whatever you want to call it some new blu-ray level [ __ ] this this is as real as it gets now to understand what led to this point edp 445 you know has had this allegation happen before if you go back like nine ten months from now he had an allegation very similar where his only response was if you think i'm gonna throw my life away for some underage you know [ __ ] then uh you're an idiot well edp brother you threw your life away is what happened now this is something that i looked at a couple days ago on stream uh typically i was looking at these chat logs at this point because there are about two hours roughly an hour of chat log worthy stuff going on where it slowly devolves from hi kitten how are you to some real solid bdsm [ __ ] i'm going to read you a message thread here real quick we're going to do a little game is this something you send to a minor audience let's do it real quick good night my cute little angel okay that's what the decoy said good night baby girl sleep tight already getting a little creepy don't let the bed bugs bite sorry i'm tired i'll call you tomorrow my head hurts from school lol i won't babe 14 by the way just keep just keep remembering you feel a little tingling in the back of your neck yeah that's a conscience right now savor it only thing i'll be biting are those cute little ears of yours sleep tight and then you've got the three monkey emojis are you disgusted already don't worry we got a couple more to share kiss your daddy good night lol sleep tight princess to which we get this image right here now i don't have to be i'm not a lawyer or anything i think i should just disclose that but you don't have to be a [ __ ] lawyer to tell that that is that is enough to get you in some serious trouble with the [ __ ] law now it's not only that after the after all these messages are out edp decided to go to this girl's house allegedly the sting operation that was playing out edp believed he was going to a 14 year old's house apparently risking his entire life forget it get it right now a [ __ ] cupcake ladies and gentlemen this is disgusting all right the fact that edp's channel hasn't been taken down as of me recording this right now youtube you need to step up your game at this point you're out here demonetizing channels and everything which you know it is it's up to your discretion but last week we literally just had a creator responsibility policy there is no way you can have this bumbling idiot on the platform with the rest of us making all of us look like [ __ ] [ __ ] in comparison because we share a platform with a guy that literally got to catch a predator i am using that verbiage very strongly edp didn't just commit a mistake a simple issue you know at the end of the day ladies and gentlemen i think a lot of people make mistakes the people who made this video by the way the predator poachers aren't exactly you know sin free either the the guy in blue that you're seeing over here literally was caught you know on video saying some racist [ __ ] saying some straight up like homophobic i think he was saying some phobic [ __ ] at the time for sure there's clips of it floating around so i'm not defending these people either because they kind of took this entire situation if you watch the 55 minutes of this whole interview well 53 52 minutes there are moments where they're making like jokes here and there one of the guy gets really up and down they're definitely stretching it out by repeating the same points over and over again i don't know why that necessarily is nor do i think putting jokes into this serious situation is really all that [ __ ] important edp was caught by these individuals they're not exactly complete saints either but if they're making some dark edgy jokes that's marginally better for sure than this guy on the right straight up predatoring after a [ __ ] minor all right not saying that i'm defending either of them you know in a perfect world you can choose to be not him or him so you know there's there's there's there's leeway for all of this [ __ ] but to to sort of come back to the point i almost didn't want to look at it because when you watch the entire two hour chat log transcription it really does hurt to read because this guy escalates to a point where it's just not even it's not even something you want to even hear it's just complete disgusting nonsense and when you see this entire thing play out which you know up until this video's release i thought it was a [ __ ] joke i almost thought i i almost believed in my heart that it was like a joke it had to be like some weird [ __ ] up sort of setup or something going on right between these two no it wasn't this guy's legitimately a full-on predator he got caught and in this video at the end he pretty much walked away ran i don't know if the police are really on to this i don't even know if the evidence is appropriately submitted yet but given what i've watched in this 55 near hour-long transmission if edp doesn't go to jail for a long [ __ ] time then it's enough to tell you that the justice system is so heavily goddamn flawed it's not even [ __ ] funny and this is again another issue on this platform too edp is one of those dudes where he had a platform large enough a personality great enough where he could have gotten legal attention so the fact that he went out of his way to go after a 14 year old which even in this video it wasn't even the first time he admitted to doing this wasn't the first situation he's at interactions up in above like two three times at least so this guy is almost a veteran of this disgusting behavior and the fact that he's caught is a great thing first off it protects a lot of individuals right i know a lot of people have had issues with the to catch a predator nonsense and don't get me wrong i have some issues too but one thing for sure is that if this sting operation hadn't have happened and there was an actual 14 year old present and edp was just going there for the cupcake i i cringed to think how scary things would have gotten had a sting operation not existed so at least in that capacity we can be thankful that this guy actually ended up being caught exposed and now he's out of the [ __ ] now now he has no career okay if you're still defending edp after what we've just watched you are an absolute numbskull at this point because there's no defending this kind of [ __ ] this is disgusting abhorrent [ __ ] behavior and the fact that this guy's channel is still active not even on youtube but instagram tick tock wherever he's dwelling is it's a disgust to the internet [ __ ] platform itself is discussed to the internet in general wherever edp is i hope for all sakes you get some actual help you know despite you doing some of the most disgusting heinous [ __ ] known to man indefensible [ __ ] okay there's no coming back from this in my opinion you you will you will never be forgiven i can never forgive edp i don't think most of the internet will ever forgive edp and even with that said i actually hope edp gets some [ __ ] help whether it be therapy whether it be something and i actually hope that edp has not any minor i hope nothing comes out where an actual child is hurt from this individual so all in all ladies and gentlemen i i really hope this this idiot gets some help and honestly besides the help too i hope he gets arrested at some point i don't know if that's a case or not i don't know if he's been busted or what's happened but edp deserves to be behind bars for a long [ __ ] time this isn't a cancellation this isn't anything this is the [ __ ] system calling itself and i think after witnessing edp and how disgusting youtube has become lately with all this predator [ __ ] coming out i really hope there's a clearing house at some point so we can get past all this because you know what at the end of the day this makes all of us look bad all right i know that might sound like some guilt by association type [ __ ] some hyperbolic nonsense but at the end of the day if we all as a community don't get together and like [ __ ] absolutely self-police ourselves to protect not only children especially from these kind of people then we all don't really deserve to have a [ __ ] platform in my opinion so yeah uh [ __ ] edp you know [ __ ] this the whole nonsense i hope this guy gets arrested and hopefully get some help with his sick fantasies and [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen this is the edp 445 situation it's pretty much all you need to know i'm sorry if i didn't get too graphic into the situation um you could probably understand why that being said this is me mudahar and uh i'm out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,363,289
Rating: 4.9406343 out of 5
Keywords: edp445, edp445 caught
Id: 523lKB2VHxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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