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if you're getting annoyed at the slow growth rate of your youtube channel then even just making one of the mistakes i'm going to talk about in this video could be seriously holding you back and how do i know that well it's because i made every single one of them and when i stopped doing them things changed a lot i need to warn you some of these things are not going to be easy to hit but they are the things i just wish someone had shook me and screamed in my face so i would actually have paid attention to them so i'm going to hop in my time machine and take you back to the first big mistake oh yeah everyone thinks time machines are invented in the future they weren't they were invented in the 1800s by harry mctime machine and they're kind of basic there i am on my computer spending more time trying to figure out why youtube won't promote me and blaming it for another poor release and that was my first massive mistake my retention's okay silly me because the problem wasn't youtube it was me it's just blaming youtube it's way easier than blaming yourself the thing is that won't fix anything now when i realized this and took 100 of the responsibility for how the channel performed it instantly made me focused on what really mattered you the viewer this realization was the trigger for fixing every other big mistake that i was making starting with producing too much content so let's go back to january 2021 to talk about that shall we so that's me getting ready to film 17 videos in a day 17. i was just focused on getting videos out rather than focusing on videos that built a connection with the viewer through higher quality and storytelling now in some niches you kind of have to make a lot of videos for example if you're a heavily news based channel you need to give the audience what they want and that means fast-paced information on the day it breaks otherwise it's not news it's olds but for the majority of others you just have to trust that the more time and effort you put into your content the more your viewers are going to enjoy it and the better it's going to work but when we're in the system it's so hard for us to sacrifice quantity i found it tough anyway because i was worried that youtube was gonna punish me for not releasing as often when in fact it was the exact opposite so if you're posting two videos a week and you're getting really frustrated that your channel's not growing why not try dropping it down to one a week and doubling up on the creativity and the storytelling this extra effort will create a human reaction which in turn will give youtube the data that it really wants to see i went from three videos a week to three to four a month my views went from 135 000 a month to just over a million the thing is i knew probably like you do that quality was the thing to aim for but for some reason i just did nothing about pushing it to the next level and i actually think that is the most common mistake creators make doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result if you're not growing at the rate you want then you have to change something that might be your strategy it might be your production but if you're hoping that eventually something will take off what you're counting on is a lottery win and that can be painful talking of pain let's go back to the moment that almost broke me this was massive a few hours ago i released a new video and the video took me two weeks to make and when i say two weeks i mean every second of those two weeks that video just completely consumed me i couldn't sleep i was just so wired and i've never ever tried so flipping hard in my life for anything now lives home and she's asking me how the video went and that that's the moment she broke down in tears because i just told her that nobody's watched the video and she'd just seen how much it taken out of me and how much it meant and it genuinely hurt her seeing me crushed not my proudest moment all right stop being such a flipping baby and getting so blooming upset about youtube separate youtubes this is supposed to be fun all this frustration you're feeling it's just getting in the way of you sitting down with a clear head and asking yourself why didn't this do so well and then just fixing it and it's not fair you've got to let go of the emotion learn to love it when things don't go right you will learn 10 times more from your failures than you will when things work out you should be celebrating right now because that tanking video holds the key to growth you just gotta spend the time analyzing wow thanks me i do have one question though how do we do in the uh the euros this summer youtube is a jigsaw puzzle and you don't start a puzzle because you want to make yourself angry you do it because you want to enjoy the challenge as soon as i started thinking like this it just helped so much now the next mistake i was making some of the channels viewers will have noticed the difference this made when i stopped doing it and that was i was spending far too much time trying to learn about youtube and hacking it rather than learning about making better videos and studying how top creators make their content now the bucket's getting very loud and annoying i'm just gonna skip to traditional b-roll now because banging it gave me a headache the focus should be on making videos that people really enjoy and yes learning about the ai and how youtube works is really important the ai doesn't feel anything it can just track data it can't track the size of the smile you put on someone's face the way that you make them feel no keyword spam if you focus on things like that it will start to show youtube the things it really wants to see and i really think you should be out there watching your favorite creators or creators whose style you'd love to adopt and study them think about how they write how they edit how they present on camera the type of things they do to make their videos more interesting it doesn't even matter if they're in a different niche if you're a dentist for example and you love mr beast start making videos called i gave myself 15 fillings who wouldn't click on that if you're a business coach who loves casey neistat turn your next video about the top three business mistakes into a story that involves you going surfing and the final mistake i made was i was blending in if you're doing everything the same as everyone else in your niche you can't really be known for something and that makes it easier for you to become forgettable which is a critical error i think you should start working on ways to push your content where other creators dare to go and then once you've done all those things you just need to make sure you don't crush your attention and this video is going to make sure that you stay well clear of that oh
Channel: Film Booth
Views: 194,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business film booth, film booth, mistakes new youtubers make, mistakes youtubers make, youtube mistakes, common mistakes new youtubers, youtube mistakes to avoid, youtuber mistakes to avoid, youtuber mistakes, ed lawrence
Id: Fr6rDJ52azY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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