THIS stops 90% of YouTubers getting views

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90 of youtubers i work with have the same problem that stops them getting more views and that is low click-through rates when they release a video especially when it's discovered on the home page so to help you fix this i asked my viewers to send me their thumbnails to redesign but i lied because i'm not going to redesign their thumbnails instead i'm going to remake a viewer's thumbnail title and introduction of the video because in order to get results here you need to think of thumbnails as a three-part system because your thumbnail and title actually impacts your attention too and not getting this right could be why you see this happen at the start of your videos so let's welcome our brave applicant mums in the mood with this thumbnail here from the video productivity apps for mums now the first thing i'm gonna say is this thumbnail is bright it sticks out and it's by no means a bad thumbnail and also i just need to say that leandra you have a lovely aura on camera but if we want this to have a banging click-through rate on the homepage we need to rethink the concept because people usually come to the homepage first and youtube really wants to make sure that they stay on the platform so they just throw loads of videos at people that they think they might be interested in which means when you appear here you compete against some of the biggest names in the game so one powerful way to win a click here is to make a video title and thumbnail that when your potential viewers see it they ask themselves a question and that compels them to click on it more than everyone else's videos and you'll know when you get this working for you because you'll start to see double digit click through rates in browse in the first 24 hours of release and you can do this no matter what type of channel you have even tutorial channels can dominate on the home page with this technique for example when you see this this could have been called how to speed up your playstation which is okay but when presented like this oh my gosh as a man with the playstation i really want to know why pushing that will give it a performance boost and actually when this is done really well actually makes people feel something inside like excitement or intrigue or even fomo so here leandra has used the title and the thumbnail that's told the viewer what the video is about which isn't wrong by any means especially for search-based content but if they're not interested in apps for productivity at the exact time youtube serves it to them on the homepage the chances are it won't get clicked and that will stop youtube showing it to more people so in order to generate this excitement you need to work out what it is your viewers really care about around this topic and then come up with a concept that focuses on that and i think we can find something that's way more powerful than apps here which brings us on to step one of the system the concept is made up of a few things your title your thumbnail how your thumbnail and title work together and the design of your image so to come up with a really powerful concept you want to take your video idea before you make it now i don't have that luxury here i'm afraid and then have a think about what the most exciting thing about it is for your viewer by putting yourself in their shoes now unfortunately i don't have leandro's viewers shoes with me but i do have my thinking cap so now i'm going to write a list about what i think her viewers problems and interests might be oh hazard i guess they're about 25 to 45 and have a young family so their problem is they have to work do the washing feed the kids do the school run going deeper they just don't have enough hours in the day where they are not serving others and are totally exhausted which means this can't be a video about apps this is a life-changing video that's going to transform your day-to-day existence by giving your viewers more time to do the things that they really love like taking 15 minutes themselves just to stop eat your twix and enjoy the silence whilst the kids take a nap and that might sound a bit over the top but actually drama is really important when it comes to getting clicks on youtube next i'm going to take this information and i'm going to write down each problem i came up with as if it's a question so we're going to try mom life exhausting here question mark try this never got the time to relax try this juggling your life about try this kids taking up all your time try this and by doing that we now potentially just have some titles that we could use straight away that address the real issue at hand but i'm actually going to make a few more versions around these now to see if we can do better it's also important that whilst you're coming up with these titles you think about the thumbnail image and what might accompany this too and as you can see there i've popped some notes down next to my title as i've come up with image ideas so after doing all of that i've now got three concepts that i'm going to work on more life changing time savers for mums hacks for mums to get more you time mom life exhausting you try this straight away i'm going to delete the hack one because apps probably aren't a hack and that's the thing you kind of have to be careful here because there's a really fine line between a great title and what would be perceived as negative clickbait just take this off now the next thing we have is design so now i'm going to make three different thumbnail and title combos and then we're going to see which ones work the best with the flipping epic tool you're going to love this is going to change everything but before we move on i'm going to go and see what other people have made on this topic just to see how they've done their thumbnails and actually this is interesting because this video has a quarter of a million views from the same avatar and they've gone with the whole life-changing aspect which is making me feel a lot more confident that my concept's going to appeal to mums this time that was cool because the lady in the baby sticks out but also her shirt with more coffee on it it's kind of setting up the whole fact that moms get exhausted because they work so flipping hard and that they need an energy boost so again i'm feeling like i'm on the right track now usually i probably do a bit more research than that but i'm gonna move on to take some photos now i have to warn you for this to work i need photos of leandra making some sort of emotional expression and i don't have them so i'm gonna have to pretend to be leandra so just pretend okay so i'm gonna take a bunch of photos of different expressions so joy amazement shocked blown away blue still and then just a general smile so now let's edit them and see what works best so i'll see you in two hours why do i do this to myself so the first thing i did was cut out a few of the photos to play with i wasn't sure which one would work that well or if any wood at all then i laid out some simple text just to build up the draft idea now i like the android's color scheme and i think creating a style for your channel is important so i decided to keep her pink purple and yellow look too next i wanted to create a question in my potential viewer's mind and that was what's so significant about this phone so to feature the phone more added little color gradient behind it and a bit of a glow and then i had an arrow pointing to it from the text from here i started to change the text then i'd hit save copy then change the text hit save copy then change the text and i did this for a while until i built up a bank of thumbnails that i could look at in one go and test out on thumbs up tv now i find this really hard to do i'm not gonna lie but eventually after hitting save 20 times which is way more than usual i had plenty of options to flick through so i picked out two i thought worked best and that left me with these two options ta-da thumbnail concept done so let's pick a winner from these two concepts and to do that we're going to use thumbs-up tv this will allow you to see your thumbnail and title as if it is displayed on youtube so drag your thumbnail in here and then type in your title and wham now before we do anything else go to youtube studio and then click advanced mode in the analytics then select devices what we want to see is what devices are watching your videos the most for many of you you're going to find the majority of your views come from mobile so i'm going to assume that's the same case here with leandra so with that in mind we want to scroll down and make sure that this whole title is visible on mobile and nothing's getting cut off and then i'll screenshot that and repeat on the other thumbnail and now we can make a choice putting them next to each other as to which one's more clickable but i'm not going to make my final choice here because i need to show you the third part of the system and this is what's going to increase your attention too so right now by the title and the thumbnail the viewer only knows the information is going to give them more time or fix an issue they don't know how so we need to set up and get into the life changing content fast again i don't have leandra here to film these so i'm gonna have to present the new intros and you can just pretend it's her okay thank you [Music] as a mum i used to find that i never had enough time to look after myself until i discovered something that totally transformed my life and gave me nearly two hours extra day to do whatever i wanted with it so in this video i'm going to show you how to save an insane amount of time so that you can get more you time using some incredible smartphone apps starting with the first one being a mom is one of the most exhausting but rewarding things on the planet the amount of time we give to our families and jobs means we never really get to relax so in this video i'm going to show you how to make yourself more productive and enable you to get way more downtime using 10 smartphone apps the first app so can you see why coming up with your titles and thumbnails before you make your video is so important your titles dictate everything you need to start your video by showing it's going to deliver on the title and thumbnail and in this case leading with the result the video might bring helps to create anticipation and reconfirm that information now of course if leandra hadn't used those apps and she hadn't seen amazing results then she wouldn't say this it's not a game of lying or pulling the wool over people's eyes please don't do that it's a game of pulling out the most impressive information about your content but getting a click is only half the battle it's also about what happens after that's gonna drive you more impressions so not only does your intro need to captivate them it needs to get them on to the next section of the video and that's why learning to edit your intros to keep people interested is going to help you do just that and it's exactly what i'm going to show you how to do in this video here where i actually edited viewers of this channel's intros oh and quickly before you go if you really want to make your thumbnails look awesome and take them to the next level then click on the link in the description below and book yourself on my thumbnail workshop combined with this video it's really going to help change the way you think about thumbnails design them and stop you making the really common mistakes that people make all the time and i hope to see you there soon
Channel: Film Booth
Views: 204,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube thumbnails, YouTube thumbnail design, thumbnails on youtube, how to make thumbnails, YouTube ctr, higher ctr, increase ctr, click through rate, ctr, ed lawrence, film booth
Id: hjGVng44Dr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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