Brush Drummers | GarageBand Weekly LIVE Show | Episode 105

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[Music] you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout i'm telling you why garageband weekly is happening right now good morning good afternoon good evening and welcome to garageband weekly your weekly dose of all things garage man my name is pete johns this is studio live today and i hope you are having a great weekend it's monday morning here in sunny australia it will be sunday afternoon or sunday evening depending where you're tuning in from around this big brown world of ours um green world brown i don't know it's brown it's it's a bit brown sometimes what do we got on the show today we are looking at the brush drummers in garageband which you heard a little sneak preview there in the opening and we're doing something special i'm actually putting together an entire track because i was so inspired by these brush drummers that i wanted to actually uh play around with some other garage band instruments so our feature topic we'll be using the drummers but we'll be actually creating a song using the brush drums which i thought would be a cool way to showcase them rather than just go through each one and go this is the root strummer this is the pop drama this is what this we did all that let's use it in a bit of a practical way so we'll be diving in and doing that later in the show i've also got an app of the week we're going to have a bit of a rant and we've got some news and notes as well if you're watching on the replay hello we love you just as much you can leave your comments down in the comment section i will always be back around there to uh to answer any questions that you may have and if you're here live give me a wave say hello and maybe make sure that we're actually working today because yesterday we had some live streaming issues the video went and then the audio went but then we got there it was a christmas miracle we got there in the end so uh we'll be all good a lot of the folks who are here live we've got to jade start checking on in thomas christ mark bro all the early birds getting the worms gregory o'sullivan get out of you joe glenn i hope everyone is going swimmingly here and ready for some garage band goodness so news and notes let's uh let's jump into those and pete's disorganized so i've got a bit of a setup as you can see i got the keyboard here today which does make the setup a little bit more challenging so uh we need to we need to do a little bit of conjugating here and i've got to go back here and go to my go to my notes that are down by the way if you're watching for the first time there aren't show notes down in the description so if you want to go back and catch up on anything that i said that you may have missed then you can go down to the show notes and uh here's the problem i didn't save in my show notes this is going to be fun i'm going to have to remember what my topics were because because i entered all my notes in there and then i forgot luckily there's not a whole lot happening so it shouldn't be too difficult to do that this week so the big news here in garage band land is this one it is that we have these new brush drummers so if you haven't played around with these we'll jump over here and uh and have a wee look at them shall we so if you are in garage band on your ios device you need to come in here to your sound library tap on that one and what you should find is there's this one here the brand new brush drums tap on that one give it a bit of a preview it sounds a bit like this [Music] pretty cool yeah and then you can just hit the button to download it i've already downloaded it so i've already got it here it then adds these now these drummers are only going to be in your drummer and your your drums themselves so the way you use them if we come out here you can see i'm using it here in the drama instrument so you just go into your drama instrument and you select one of your two new drummers you got tyrell now on the skins with the brushes and you've got austin so tyrell's your pop brush it's a bit more of a subtle sound you got austin who does the roots brush which is a little bit more of a harsh sound the other way to get to your drummers your brush drums here is to go to the drums and you can actually tap on the more sounds here go to your acoustic drums and find the speakeasy which is the brush drummer kit and the other one is the blue ridge so you've got two different kits so if you go with say the speakeasy and you bring it here and you start tapping your drums helps if you turn the volume up tap your drums you get some nice subtle brush drumming sounds the other way of course you can use it like we do with all of our other drum kits is to use your beat sequencer so if you want an easier way to get something going on come in here to your beat sequence so change your kit from the 808 because yes there's plenty of 808 sounds in here we don't need those and then if we grab say the blue ridge right yeah all right that's a pretty cool that's a pretty cool sound actually i don't mind that one but yeah you can of course then come in here and program in whatever drum sounds you want and this is my my children's favorite thing to do they just come in here and just do randomness and the weird thing is because it's all on a grid no matter how random you do it with your beat sequencer it'll still end up sounding okay see what i mean like you can get anything you get all sorts of cool sounds in there so uh that's another way that you can add your drums so it's free it's brush drummers and uh you can use it right now it's in there for free on your garageband so go and check it on out uh the other news and notes again because i'd planned all of this out and then i had to forgot to update it well i did update it but i just didn't save it into my um to my show notes so i'm gonna have to be winging it here uh the other thing that i wanted to talk about is a few schedule changes that we've got going on around here so next week your music live the christmas that yeah everything's very christmasy at the moment i apologize my christmas tree's not even lit up everything's a bit christmassy in holiday e because this time of the year that's just how we roll and uh so we've got some changes next week your music live yml where i play your independent music much of it created right here in garageband that will actually be a day early so for most of you folks who are used to tuning in on a friday afternoon or friday evening it's going to be thursday afternoon thursday evening and then the same the following week just because otherwise it would be christmas morning and then new year's day morning and i didn't really feel like getting up on either christmas well i will be up on christmas morning at 6 30 a.m because i have children but they probably wouldn't appreciate me not being around for two hours and then on new year's day even though i'm not a party animal and i will probably go exactly nowhere uh i still don't really want to get up that early on new year's day so for selfish reasons for my own reasons they'll be a day early but there'll be a heap of fun we'll probably go a bit long because why not it's the holidays and then uh yeah we'll we'll be having a good old time so if you do have a song that you want to submit the way to do it is to go to yml in fact why don't we just show you we'll show you what it looks like when you go to that form and if you haven't if you've submitted before great if you especially if you haven't submitted a song before and uh yeah you know we're doing mostly holiday songs but we'll have plenty of room we'll make room for others i don't think we're going to get you know 40 or 50 christmas songs says pete knowing that then we probably will because i said that but all you need to do is come here your music live you need to put your artist name your email address the link to where your song is and then just hit the little button to give me a to give me your permission to do that and a couple of sentences and look two sentences is ideal one's fine seven not so much we get i get some paragraphs of submissions about the song and it's lovely and i love to hear about how you create your music but it's a bit hard because i have to read it out and and intro it on the show so one or two sentences submit it away and uh again you'll be good to go that's studiolivetoday.comyml be like gary hubs be like thomas christ be like jade star be like jenny from wolfstone studio um and be like joe glenn be like cool people even mark bro who's submitted some songs so if we play all sorts of music all genres are welcome and not just garageband however you make your songs we can put them in there the final thing and yes it's a it's a it's a christmas miracle this week because everything's related to christmas this one's garageband adjacent because i happened to use garageband to do my contribution to this but the if you haven't been if you haven't been around the community the last couple of days you may have missed it but um this this cover here black covers this is our man ingo over at black covers he did a collaboration with 30 different vocalists and we all because yes i was participating in this as well we all sang the holiday classic and i'm not going to play the audio here for various reasons of the holiday classic which is all i want for christmas is you and i was in there uh jade star was in there and look i think jade said the same thing but i really dislike this song and i really dislike mariah carey but i love black covers and i love the community of people that contributed to this song so it was a heap of fun it came out brilliantly and in my humble opinion no other version of this song should ever be played again it should just be ingo's black covers version of it so if you missed out on that one here look i'll do you a solid i'm going to copy this one and i'm going to throw it here in the chat and look i know it's a it's only garageband adjacent but the way i actually recorded this um because i was running really short on time and i'm like i don't want to let in go down he's a cool dude so what i did is i grabbed garageband ios on my ipad which looks just like this and i put stream yard on and i put some tinsel around my head and i sat exactly here and i recorded directly into a microphone straight into garageband ios while recording in stream yard i then synced up the video and the audio and then i sent it off to ingo and he weaved his magic and for anyone who's ever worked on any sort of collaborative project my goodness uh yeah just bringing two people together is hard enough can you imagine like bringing 30 people with all their audio and video everyone recording at different levels in different platforms with different things going on yeah i can only imagine and ingo said yeah pete you should see my spreadsheet i'm like i don't want it i don't want to think about it it sounds uh it sounds too uh it sounds too intense uh coffee break and then we'll move on to our next topic i've got to remember the order now because we've uh we've run i'll update it afterwards but uh yeah we'll we'll go into the uh the rant of the week and uh what i wanted to talk about this this time is uh is i wanted to rant about simplification versus expansion so here's the sort of thing that i start getting and i don't know if it's a christmas thing or it's this time of year where people start investing in gear they might get a new midi keyboard or they might get a new microphone or they might get a lot of people seem to be at this point in time at this crossroad where they're like i want to get more gear i want to get more stuff i want to go from garageband to logic i want to upgrade my studio that's all cool but what i tend to find is that there's this curve right when you're learning this is curving tell me in the chat here or tell me in the comments if you're watching on the replay if you have experienced this but there's this curve where you're learning and you're starting and you're getting better and better and you're using a very basic setup you know a simple microphone or a simple guitar or whatever and you're just getting better and better and better and then you're like oh what's this compressor do what's this eq'ing all about maybe i'll throw some reverb and some delay maybe instead of using eight tracks i'll use 16 tracks i'll double the vocals i'll do these vocal thickening techniques oh what if i get a midi keyboard and what if i get another audio interface that's got like four channels and do stereo guitar recording and you kind of hit this dip where you plateau and then you fall down a little bit and it's really demotivational for a lot of people and a lot of it is to do with the fact that i think sometimes people over complicate their setup and over complicate what they're doing in their music production and sometimes the key is to go back and simplify so rather than expand everyone thinks that to grow you've got to keep expanding i think that the opposite is often true which is that if you are hitting a wall sometimes instead of doing more you want to do less you want to ramp it down and i found this like whenever i get super frustrated with all the production and all the different eq and plug-ins and tracks and software i just grab an acoustic guitar and my voice and a microphone and i record just in on one track and just see what i can do with that take it back strip it back to nothing because what you'll find is you have fun again and if you're not having fun if you're getting so overwhelmed with all the gear and all the all the the tools and the technology sometimes you just need to stop draw a line in the sand and go right for the next couple of days all i'm going to use is my piano or all i'm going to do is use a microphone and one of the cool if you're like oh i'm not an instrumentalist one of the coolest things i know jade styles done this before i do this a lot just use your voice in garageband you can just like hum in or like beat box like you just i know jay did all the bass parts for her metheus dp was her walking around and when she get an idea she'd go and just do that sort of thing and you can create whole things i did that like with my um song never to blame the the bass part in the song never to blame was actually me going and it sounded so cool once i put the guitar and the vocal over it i actually left it in there it's still in there if you look at the original tracks for that song it's actually got me going [Music] it's fun it's good to do so um yeah let let me know if that resonates with you because it certainly does with me uh hello brad example yeah new gear syndrome can be a real thing sometimes uh it's it yeah i've learned eq from five different people still don't understand and that's the thing it'll take you a while and what the biggest realization i've found is that sometimes you don't need to use eq sometimes you don't need to use compression sometimes you don't need to use reverb or delay listen to the track and find out what it needs because i think we get into this hole where it's like oh what do i grab what do i eq what plugin should i throw on this and it's like sometimes none sometimes nothing at all uh mascarpone says so true uh when you're the only thing holding you back your own music it can be daunting analysis paralysis sets in perfectly said analysis paralysis uh ed zed who i know has sort of gone through a similar thing lately along those lines i've started to practice listening to different genres of music and attempting to absorb the sound of them to create in that style totally absolutely yeah and as jade star says always strip stuff back uh definitely is a good option because you'll often add too much and sometimes it's like art if you're an artist it's the same thing you need the white space you need the space in between it can't be everything all the time uh gregory says i try my best to only buy new stuff that makes things easier and faster here here uh and that's why i resisted buying a new computer for the longest time because i was thinking i don't want to have to build it because i used to build my own pcs i don't have to install windows and get everything set up and it was only when i discovered mac m1 and the new mac os and how similar to ios it was that i went hey this is my jam this is what i want to go with from now on in so that's what we ended up doing all right let's let's continue on here shall we because we're going to go in with our app of the week and this is going to be a bit of a weird one because i'm literally just going to show you up here like this because this ain't your usual kind of app and i know many of you have seen this already but the name of the app is russell from klevgron now russell this one here you can download it for free i did have the link and i'll put it i'll put the link in the description after the show but just go to uh your app store and search r-a-s-s-e-l and it actually means like to to rumble or to shake uh in swedish because cleve grande are a swedish company so that explains that if you open it this is it this is what it looks like and guess what it's a shaker and it's super super cool let's turn the volume up on this one because it's again it's not a uv3 it's not an inter-app audio it's just an instrument so if you're recording it you'd want to record it just using a microphone in like that you've got four different shakers you've got a classic egg shaker and you've got the the that sort of shaker not a shaker guy and look there's been things like this before that use the accelerometer and different things but this thing is like it's the most responsive it feels like if you've ever used a real shaker you feel it literally feels like there's something rattling around inside there it's very cool uh yeah jade star says i want au v3 me too it would be so cool to have a v3 you got a tambourine and then you got some bells just in time for christmas dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh yeah uh there's uh there's loose so you got a loosey goosey sound there's a tight setting and then there's the normal so consider this uh cleve grands christmas present to all of us the uh the russell and it's so cool because you just tap it and it does it it literally like it feels like if you gave this to a kid they'd think that there's actually something they've given this to an adult they think there's something inside it uh so yeah i i love cleveland i love their stuff and this is uh this is just a simple little thing and um i must be funny i was testing this out beforehand and my wife was like you realize you've got actual shakers in there i'm like i know but not everyone does and rather than have to go out and buy four different shakers and tambourines and things then um you can just use this so russell is our app of the week from our friends at cleverground so yeah would be cool if you could integrate it somehow that not just recording it because obviously going from digital to analog and then back into digital you are going to lose a bit of quality on that maybe we'll try and use that app in a little project that we're working on at the moment more on that in a moment but before i wanted to uh yeah exactly putting the iphone motion sensors to good use uh i wanted to uh talk about a chip uh trip of the week that we have here we'll just go to this view here and i won't go into all the detail of this because i actually did a video on it during the week but i'll do a very very quick demo because um we discovered and when i say we lloyd over at the garage band uses facebook group so originally here's the here's the back story originally bini sindhu uh let me just rename this because i'm gonna get sidetracked let's call that xmus originally benny sindu discovered that if you want to convert a drama track into a drum track you can do it but there's a bit of a weird hacky way that you've got to do it so what um what lloyd did is he discovered that there's now a way well you can use the same method to actually create a string track and then change it into a keyboard track so for the longest time the problem here is strings and what we'll do we'll show you how to do this so we're just going to record in nothing because this is the secret source you need a track like that you need a audio track with nothing in it but if you're adding a string track here and you want it especially if you wanted to use say the auto play so say we'll go with auto play number one here and we'll just go with the violins and violas just to keep it simple and we record it in some sort of e minor [Music] that's pretty cool so there's our string part what if we wanted to actually change this to a keyboard instrument well the problem historically has been that if you come here and you go to your keys and you cue up your classical grand piano here and you wanted to say what would this sound like on a piano well let's find out let's copy it we can't paste it can't paste it down there and if you try to drag it it'll say no only keyboards can go here no strings allowed no strings allowed so the way to get around this is you got to use a second project so you've got to create yourself a second project go in here and create a song do the same thing again just record a second or two of nothingness like so and then jump back out here and add jump out here with this one and add yourself a merry little chris no add yourself a keyboard track like so and set yourself up like that and there you go so now you've basically got a matching track here but this has got audio and keyboard and then if we go back to our og track this one here number six and load this one up what we can do now is if we let's get rid of that piano or that's going to confuse it if we select all of these so tap out here select all tap in there tap again and hit copy what we can actually do is go to this other project and grab it and open it select the first track there chap anywhere out here tap again and hit paste and like magic we've now got that string part here in a keyboard [Music] now i i also have noticed this especially going from strings to keys because you can go the other way you can do exactly the same thing and go from keys back to strings but hear how it sounds a bit weird yeah i think this is probably why garageband why apple don't want you to do this because some some things going to some instrument sounds kind of goofy and i think because of some of the expression data that's in the midi and you can probably tweak it and change it and move it around but it it is if everyone has asked me can you do this and i've always said no so uh lloyd said no i don't accept no i'm going to try and hack my way around this and you can do that and again if you just want to see the going the other way we'll tap here we will select all and we'll tap again tap again and hit copy and then come out here and go back into my song number six and we can do the same thing here so if we tap and we paste there it's gonna oh it didn't work that time what did i do wrong i can't read it i can't remember i i did it further down you've got to tap up here and hit paste boom and there you go so it's taken that keyboard part and put it back over the strings just so happened it was the same one uh yeah it'll probably it'll probably be patched that's what we're waiting for we're like oh man yeah they probably will patch this up sadly it was actually really nice when um when apple didn't know who i was and what i did and as much as i love i love my friends at apple sometimes mysteriously there'll be a cool hack like this and i'll share it and then guess what the very next version of garageband uh it gets uh fixed and patched so uh we're hoping that we don't get yes it's the lloyd like there's the hubs which is the uh the distortion on the the drums and the snare and the kick to make them sound cool there's now a uh there's the lloyd which is um adding your strings to your keyboard tracks your keys to your string tracks very cool and we thank you and look it's it's it's why this community is so freaking awesome to be honest because uh i don't have to do a lot of work you do it all for me no the garage band uses facebook group so lloyd uh shared it over there and i said to him look this is so cool i'm gonna i'm gonna make a video and share it and make sure i credit folks that do this so good job to benny sandu who did the original one and then great job to lloyd who came up with the uh the work around for the strings good stuff to both of you all right uh so that well the reason i raced through all of that is that i wanted to spend a little bit of time uh yeah thomas there's a new garageband update coming this week right yeah patching bug fixes that bug that pete found we fixed it yeah thanks thanks apple uh so what i wanted to do this week the reason i got the keyboard out here is that we're going to put these brush drums to the test and we're going to do that by uh i know some of you will go yay and some of you will cringe but as soon as i heard these brush drummers i thought upright bass is anyone with me i thought that these need to be with some upright bass so uh let's let's come in here and i'll let you know i'll give you a bit of a listen so i've grabbed tyrell here here is tyrell doing his thing and i've just used the absolute bass beyond the moon preset let's take a listen to this [Music] i thought that this is going to be cool like there's a couple of them that are really good for sort of singer songwriter type stuff and uh we've looked into some of that and i'll definitely be using those in future videos but because it's christmas time because i thought it was a bit of a jazzy swinging kind of rhythm there i it inspired me and i actually thought of a particular song that i like to do a version of and i do a version of this song that's a little bit like the uh the michael buble version and again i know michael buble is not everyone's cup of tea but i think this will uh will demonstrate the power oh you know what i've got you know what i just found i just found i just found um the other version of this where i've i had already done my show notes so i'm just gonna hit save on that real quick there you go so those those show notes did i get everything right i did i remember to say everything okay so uh sorry back back to our program already in uh in in motion so uh i do a version of a song and uh you'll be able to guess what song it is as we go through and do this and i thought i'd show you a little bit of my process of when i'm doing an arrangement of a song and it's easier when it's a song that's already uh that's already an actual song now if if this goes away so if you're watching this on the replay and suddenly i'm no longer here then i'll split this off and put it in another video because there is a chance that i'll get a copyright claim on this i don't know because i'm not actually sure if this particular song is copy written and if so by who but i wouldn't be surprised if i am so if everything goes away uh check the link and check the description down below in the comments because i'll have a link to the video where i'll edit this one split it out and we'll be in a new video let's move on so we've got tyrell here on our drums now the first thing i do when i'm doing an arrangement and tell me if you do similar to this i grab a piano because the piano is just the easiest instrument to program here and we'll come over here to our chords mode so what i've done here is i've put in all the chords that i need in this particular arrangement so it's in g major which means we've got some g c's d's we've got some a minor some e minors we've got some a7s and d7s and g7s because it's a bit of a jazzy kind of arrangement and the way i did this was that i went here to my settings and i hit the edit chords button so the default chords for g major have some different ones in here i decided to add in some additional custom chords that i wanted for this particular arrangement so that was step one step two was to uh to to get my arrangement which i have in my in my notes here in my notes document uh which i'll show you in a moment and and then just play it in so all i did was uh was playing some basic chords by going and these won't stay in the song but this will just make sure that when i'm writing in my other parts such as my upright bass we're going to do in a moment then it will actually make sure that i'm in the right key and playing the right kind of part so this is what it sounds like i thought i'd do this prior because it was a bit slow and made a few mistakes as you can see there so this is what we have so we have some g's [Music] so that's just our little intro and then we've got the g for the first line c and then a g and then a c anyone got the song it g e minor a minor d seven g and then i just threw a little d in there so i'm just working on a very basic arrangement because i wanted to use this more just to show you how cool these brush drums are going to be and i've just got tyrell in here doing the same thing all the way through i've got a few little fills just to move it in between the two things and we're just going to hang out here on the snare and the hi-hat once we add in our our base and maybe a keyboard and maybe even some vocals then we'll come back and we'll tweak tyrell to uh to see if we can make him do some more different things more different do some different things in different parts so the next thing i wanted to add is some upright base now i'll actually delete it out we've lost our thing we've lost it we're only are we 30 minutes in yep exactly 30 minutes uh it's like it's got a timer on there the reflector four uh as good as it is sometimes uh it's like it's got a timer on there and it will just go off uh after 30 minutes of use no matter how much i'm using it so we'll bring it back in we'll plug it back in seems to have been the weekend for a few uh for a few things for a few uh technical difficulties but that's okay we'll roll with the punches all right so we'll add we'll hit the plus button here and here is the cool thing we can come over here to our bases and we're gonna tap on more sounds and we're to hit oh so if you if you don't know this there's all your regular bases but don't forget if you flick over to the right you've got your upright bass and the upright bass you're in garageband is pretty darn cool [Music] and look you can play it really well just using your chords and notes here but if you are lucky like me and you have a a midi keyboard [Music] you can actually play it a lot easier so uh we'll be doing that i'll be playing in a bass part here using the midi keyboard and we'll be kind of writing a little bit of jazziness inspired by this cool tyrell so that's uh that's what we'll do here let's move this track up to the top here so that we can put it straight under here and i'll do a first take here and we'll just sort of build this out as we go along and just see what we can get so we'll hit record on this one i'll make sure i'm ready to go actually go over to the instrument unfortunately you do have to record in instrument view which is a bit of a pain it would be much better i would much prefer to be able to record when using a midi keyboard to be able to record in this view it doesn't work whenever you're using midi keyboard it puts you into this view and you can't even hear you can't even monitor until you're in this view which is a bit unfortunate so let's hit record and we'll record in our little intro sequence and then we'll try and do at least the first verse here shall we two three [Music] all right that's a pretty good idea i've got the basic concept down the basic idea down so i'm just going to move this over because we're covering a bit of it up there that's better so that's the sort of idea but can you hear how cool that's sounding i'm just going to turn down the piano a little bit and maybe turn up the bass just so i can hear the bass a little bit better in the monitoring so let's try that again i'm going to come over just shimmy across a little bit further here get off mic for a moment while i play this in just so that we can focus in on this because um i'm not the best keyboard player at the best of times so trying to hover over here and do other things at the same time a little bit challenging so let's hit the record button and try again two three [Music] [Music] we'll pause at that point i didn't really like that transition into the next bit uh but it's coming along yeah it that it's working well and i think uh hopefully you'll agree that it's kind of a cool style that you have with with this one here mascarpone says much lower to buy the key for that david lynch yeah right uh hello baba by the way he's dropped on by hope you are doing well my friend haven't seen bubba around the traps for a while hope you're well uh so there is our our base this is our scratch piano and our scratch upright so uh [Music] all right and because um we actually don't want so what we can do we can edit out because for the first four bars we want this to be an absolute like base solo so we wanted to just do this [Music] cut off the start of that first one because i obviously didn't play it right on the beat there there we go so the bass is sounding okay the timing's not perfectly ideal but we're going to go with it for now we might be able to tighten that up or even use a little bit of use a little bit of magic of your your quantization here a little bit later but let's uh let's come in here and actually add some what do you reckon and this is where you can you can you can chime in here because we're only going to uh we're only going to do the the first verse part uh and the sort of first chorusy bit here so that that much is what we're going to do but i want to work out the arrangement so we can work out what instruments we should have in here so i'm just going to try a straight piano i'm going to i'm going to get rid of my original piano and just play in a little bit of an idea that i i had before so if we go into this one i reckon i reckon i want to go with something like that what do you reckon yeah something like that so let's record this in and see if this is going to work in uh with this or maybe it needs to be electric piano what do you reckon let's just try let's just try this part don't do that keeps doing that man let's just uh play in this part and we'll give it a go so we want one a little intro and then we're going to play a little bit of jazz piano [Music] what do you reckon i don't think we can go to that c minor because i don't think we're um yeah we'll try that again we'll hit undo by the way undo's there i know sometimes i'm not using the mouse because it's a little bit hard so uh i'll try but i don't i don't think we can go to that c minor because the bass isn't really doing it so we'll keep it in the mage and if you're wondering what that is that's what i'm doing there i just kind of like that that kind of sound but we might just sort of keep it happy and major so let's try this little section again and we'll see if this is going to work for [Music] us three four [Music] i forgot to i forgot the chords at that bit so this is a good lesson for how you can sort of uh cut back in to garageband so because i was i was uh getting the chords wrong what we can do so that's the point where we want to come back in here so we need to bring it back now the problem here is see how it gives you those little endy bits because i started early what i like to do is come in here and remove them before i do anything else otherwise you get these little little cut-off bits so what we'll do is we'll delete not copy not copy but delete so get rid of those bits come back over to here and we can record from there so this is going to be where we're at the point where we're going to go all right let's try this let's hit the record button [Music] i don't think i quite got those parts right in there so uh you can see what we're doing here though so um what do we reckon do you reckon we need some brass yeah uh keep the solos to a minimum right yeah exactly no guitar solo no guitar solo at all uh so why don't we just try first of all let's just see if this is going to be better as an electric piano kind of sound so this is a good thing about virtual instruments in garageband we can just come in here and we can change things up so if we wanted to make this more of an electric piano sound what's that going to do for us [Music] so [Music] yeah because you play an electric piano a little bit differently it's not kind of working with that sort of vibe in my personal opinion because i've got the the sustain pedal going on there and it's not really a thing so we'll go back we'll change that back up to the regular grand piano or maybe we'll just go back to the was that the classical gram we're using maybe we will go to the classical gram piano instead because that's got a slightly different sound and oh you know what we could do we could throw this onto like a more of a honky-tonk piano using something like ravenscroft maybe we'll try that in a little bit but [Music] i think it's coming together uh bubba's a fan of the walking bass and if it's bubba approved then it must be okay so we'll go with that um what do i want here i want some horn stabs right just some subtle stuff maybe even like a french horn kind of step so it's just just to try things out this is where the experimentation here in garageband is cool you're like maybe i'll try this maybe i'll try that so we're going into the others and we'll go to the french horn see [Music] let's just try a little bit of our french horn going on uh all right so we'll come back in here and we'll go ahead and start we'll queue up this french one again this is why the midi keyboard is so handy to have say something like that all right let's just try it all right yeah at the club the jazz ball ready two three [Music] didn't quite get it there but what i did here is that it should only come in the second time around right totally so [Music] all right let's hit record from there two three four in the second one [Music] all right we're in the zone there but it's not quite right [Music] no i can hear what i want but it's not [Music] all right uh that was that was in the ballpark so uh we'll uh we'll come in here and do a quick edit here because i think there was maybe just one or two notes that i'd change around [Music] so that that note there needs to be the one to change maybe we'll do a bit of that business right the transition at the end there's not super good but we're just workshopping ideas here at this point in time so uh i think we're cool uh yeah we could uh we could you could comp g13 c9 if you edit your comp chords and jazz it up even more yeah totally um this is where my um my theory is lacking where i'm like um yeah i don't even really know i'm only using seventh chords because that's kind of like the complexity that i have the level of complexity but i'll probably accidentally create some of those bubble with the different things i'll do what about strings do you reckon we go some strings and again i'm showing you here hopefully the power of using a midi keyboard and i wasn't this wasn't the intention of all this but if you are in the market i said earlier simplify dude don't buy things but if you are in the market for some gear a midi keyboard is a cool thing to play around with and if you go to gear you can check out all of the gear that i recommend and this one is just a 100 mini keyboard it's the m audio key station mark 3 49 keys full size keys touch sensitive it just works for stuff like this so why don't we go with some strings where do you reckon i think the strings are just going to do some pad work here so let's um let's just try recording some pads just playing the uh the root notes here [Music] i completely missed a lot of the notes in that second part but i think we just wanted um yeah i'm not don't worry bubba i'm not going to bury the bass part the bass is going to shine and uh this might be the last instrument we add just to just to experiment with a few things just to give us a bit of a jazz combo here and that way i don't even think we need these strings to be perfectly honest in fact let's let's just listen back to that first part and see if they're actually worthwhile i don't think you need it do we no see ya but but i wanted to show that we could put it in there if we wanted to so uh that's uh that's where we're at with this but it wouldn't be me doing uh how can we get how do we get yeah girl into this one what do you reckon or do we need guitar why do we just keep this one in simple i don't know uh but i'm going to record some vocals because i can't resist i can't really resist at trying some vocals out with this and again the reason i think that these brush drums are so cool is that they inspire this sort of stuff like just having this uh this sound here with tyrell doing his thing just with those nice brushes and sweeps across there and here's the thing the cool thing is that um well actually the weird thing is that there's no swing on this right so see how the swing's not even set here but it is a swing rhythm so i think they kind of forgot that most of these brush drums are going to be swung by default and i have played around with putting the swing on take a listen to what happens when you do actually put some some swing on this it kind of double swings it it makes it sound super weird take a listen okay it doesn't sound so bad with this one but i did try it with a different one yeah listen to that it kind of it almost unswings it right dude like it's weird but if you take the swing off oh no it's broken now i can't get it back oh there he is he's back all right so yeah so the swing set up on these ones is a little bit weird and wacky so uh maybe don't touch the swing because i think i might have changed it up a little bit here but that's okay [Music] all right what i'm going to do is i'm going to delete that tyreel and add him back in because on his default one it sounds better it's more in the pocket and more in the groove but as soon as i messed around with that swing which i totally shouldn't have done i should have just left him alone you know sometimes we just need see i'm not taking my own advice remember how early on i said if you're doing this sort of thing simple is often better so uh that's better [Music] it's not quite the same as what we had is it [Music] that's right we'll we'll play around with it more afterwards and uh get a different kind of sound so we'll bring it back in here oh that's the problem he's going to be out of sync now because uh it's given us all of these loop and things so let's just uh let's just fix that delete delete bullet door we'll delete all of him out like that delete delete and we'll do a little bit of editing on it afterwards just to see if we can get a bit of a better better sounding drum part together so uh let's let's record vocals so what we need to do to do vocals uh yeah no tyrol went square on us says bubba i agree so to do some vocals we're going to come in here and we're going to grab the audio recorder now um this might be a good chime to try and use some of these producer effects vocals from uh no not those ones is it those ones yeah these are the ones from the uh from the pack from the watch the sound pack i know these are the ones that's these ones so maybe we'll try and use one of these like um maybe a what's 60s vocal chorus or something like this i've never really played around with these because i haven't done anything that's sort of been relevant but we'll try this now i've just got my uh my microphone here my akg d5 this is plugged into my steinberg ur22c and uh blah blah blah you can see it's coming through there if we want to hear it we can turn the monitoring on check one two three oh oh oh oh all right we'll turn the output up a little bit you better watch out yeah that's not gonna work i might just need to go back to these might be i'll rebirth for that no that's a medium-sized room yeah oh that sounds like i'm in the toilet maybe not maybe these are not a vintage voice okay that's got some terrible weird delay yeah no so let's go back to our main categories and just go to something like lean vocals just a bit of classic make sure pitch control is off because here's the problem if you turn pitch control on you can hear that there is a delay now built in because it's having to do the processing of the pitch control so even if you plan to use picture control afterwards turn it off when you're recording otherwise you'll get a heap of latency and latency equals bad so we'll uh we'll put a little bit of extra reverb on here while i sing and then we'll uh we'll sing in a little part here shall we let's see if we can uh can jazz it up jazz up this sucker so we'll put our upright base up nice and loud get our keys in there our little horn there for the next section clear our voice and what i'll do is i'll drop down this mic and i'll just be over on this mic so that you can you can take a listen so uh let's uh recording some vocals [Music] you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout i'm telling you why santa claus is coming [Music] to town [Music] he's making a list checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty or nice santa claus is coming to town he does see you when you're sleeping and he knows when you're awake he's a creepy dude so here's the cool thing let's uh switch back to this mic so you'd have to hear me through there here's the thing did you hear that that was a little bit um a little bit low for me here's the beauty of virtual instruments it don't matter if it's a bit low for you because we can change all that so two things i noticed is our little horn section there was a little bit too loud so we'll turn that sucker down so that it's not going to come in there and we'll actually listen to that second part just so we've got our balance bit right [Music] he's making a list checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty or nice santa claus is coming to town [Music] i like the walking bass i'm again i'm inspired with that upright bass and that uh that brush drama sound i think it's pretty darn cool uh so i'm just going to redo this but i'll show you quickly the power of this so i reckon i need firstly i need some water because i was sounding a wee bit husky there right so i reckon i need to come up so it's in g major so uh if i just go my piano this is gonna be an easy way to kind of check it um you better watch out better watch out you better not cry i might even want to just bring it to sea you better watch out you better not cry you better not ship out i'm telling you why santa claus is coming to town yeah i'm going to go to c major that means if i do build this out it's going to it's going to make my playing a heck of a lot easier and meanwhile bubba's like no go b flat go b flat john's that's a jazz key should i go b flat b flat's a jazz key isn't it yeah okay all right you convinced me so we'll bring it up to b flat major and so that's going to bring it up three tones so everything's just going to go up three times if i go up too high the upright is going to sound too high so let's see what this sounds like now [Music] you better watch out you better not cry yeah [Music] i reckon that's pretty cool that's about in the zone that we want it to be all right let's uh let's let's try this let's try another vocal recording and again again all virtual instruments means you just change the key and everything changes and then even if i want to go in and add more parts later check it out if you go into your uh your chords mode in here then all the chords have changed to the key that i'm in now so b flat major so it b flat and it's also kept in those custom chords so it's kept everything the same it's just transposed everything up from from g major to b flat major so it's super duper handy all right let's let's record these in and then we'll do a quick drop on the drums and see if we can get these drums sounding cool for this section so uh we'll uh we'll turn this one back up hello and we'll uh we'll sing it on in [Music] you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout i'm telling you why santa claus is coming to town he's making a list checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty or nice santa claus is coming to town yeah still sounding a bit husky but i think that's just um that's just a weekend of talking and singing and doing all the things and uh yeah our input gains about right there with the vocals so you know what i did actually really like i like those clicks so i'm actually going to just record in those clicks at the start because i think they actually sounded kind of cool so we'll just come here we'll duplicate out this vocal sound and just these lead intro clicks i think that they actually sounded cool so let's try we'll put the put that on there because it's going to be on these ones here all right do ready [Music] you better watch out you better not cry and you know what just because we can because we've got this new app if you're just joining us here oh no we've got to freeze up we've got to freeze up oh it was too good to be true we've got to freeze up here on the i've put i've put stream yard to the ultimate test and it said no it's frozen and it's uh it's we're gonna have to end the show over on the iphone here so that's a shame but stuff happens uh we will we'll turn everything down here and we'll jump on in if you can still hear me uh apologies this does happen from time to time here with streamyard it's had a little bit of a rough weekend sometimes the best laid plans don't always go to plan but that's why you have a plan b for sometimes yeah we've had we've had a major problem which is that the the mac entirely crashed so i thought i'd jump over here and have a chat to you while we get things back up and running and uh log ourselves back in shall we uh so i'm just gonna try and try and carefully put my password in here while we do this uh and see if we can load back up and finish off so uh yeah we're we go with the flow around here sometimes because what what else can you do what other option do i have but to go with the flow it doesn't doesn't help anything by getting peeved and getting paid paid off at it uh let's just try let's just try some funky things and see if we can we can flip my camera around oh i've got rid of the camera that's not what we wanted we wanted to come in here to our settings and our camera and go to the front back camera all right yeah so i deliberately did this because i wanted to show you my setup from this angle so while we uh while we log back in uh and get ourselves back up and running here on the macintosh you can do that chrome's like something went wrong yeah no no schnitzel um but yeah we'll just get back into stream yard and we should only be a couple a couple of minutes while we do this but um yeah well while i get myself stuarted i can't even type stream not steam steam yard is probably a very different website just quietly uh uh so here's our setup so this is the keyboard i was talking about before which is our m audio key station everything's going through my uh my mixer here the zoom live track mixer there's the the mac over there and uh here's our uh here's the steinberg interface so i did actually have my guitar in there that's our microphone going in there it's going out via a ten deck powered hub and there is the ipad ready to go so uh what what we're about to do before we were really interrupted uh was uh was finish off basically uh by uh doing some work on the drums so we will continue to do that i've just got to load back up a couple of things here i'm going to load up my uh my webcam settings so that all the camera on here looks the part really with the reliability we've had lately i should have this this one here ready to go um all at all times because uh it seems to be seemed to be uh far too common that these sort of things happen these days but uh again we go with the flow we roll with the punches so let me just uh bring out first remyard going to enter the studio from our regular computer and we'll be back and ready in just a jiffy all righty okay that one is working and we need to adjust all of this audio adjust back to there check one two we're good uh oh it's done weird things here it's been a bit it's been a bit wacky here on the on the mackie the mac's gone a bit whack as you can see here i'm setting everything up again so we'll we'll jump back in see it's it's it's it's lost all of my settings here in the in the mac it doesn't even know my name which is a bit sad so uh we'll we'll rejoin the stream here and i'm just going to turn the volume down so that we don't get some big double up noises and then we'll come back in hello here we are we're back again so uh i'm going to now remove this one and bring the other one back on up so bear with me one moment please and now we're going to be getting double so we'll close this and we should be back can i get a thumbs up to uh to say that we are back and that we are happy again uh that uh that was a little bit annoying but it happens from time to time and uh there's not much i can do about it so it only took what seven minutes i do appreciate your patience do we still have some sound coming through here without garage man let's just see if we can do this like we are back [Laughter] all right i don't know what's been going on there and i don't know what's quite happened here and why when i log back into stream yet it uh it didn't have any of my settings but it might just be that it had puppies it's had a few puppies over the weekend so what we need to do is we need to load up reflector and reflect our screen back over i did think that i'm like mate if we get through an hour with uh with the way that things have been going this weekend i'll be very surprised if there's not some sort of thing especially since i've got so much gear plugged into other gear here like it's it's really not surprising that we had a a little bit of a wee outage it'd be nice if it could reconnect now yeah my reflector what are you doing it's it's it doesn't want to come back it doesn't want to come back up [Music] all right macbook pro reflectors now play as silly bug as it is so i'll just close out of that again and we'll draw it one more time with feeling otherwise i think we got to that we got to about a a decent spot here so if things are things are coming along here might need to turn the mac off and on if this doesn't work all right is this going to pop up it reckons it reckons it's already up there but it's not it thinks it's done the right thing but it totally hasn't all right uh so that that may just be the end of that i may need to be uh yeah i think reflector is the culprit i have puppies exactly so uh we are gonna we're gonna pull the plug because we're already over time here because of that but um that's cool so uh hopefully you got some value out of this and uh you learned a few things about garageband and i just think these new brush dramas are super cool and uh if you're doing this without recording a live show at the same time and with all the different gear setup they do work really well and they are reliable and we you can hear the sound coming through here so we can we can we can take we'll take a final listen here uh to and we'll go out with a little bit of a little bit of santa claus here and let me know do you think this is something where like i kind of like the the vibe of this one maybe it's something that i should keep working on let me know let me know what you think but thank you again for everyone who's been here thanks for the weekend uh even though it ended with a little bit of a fizzle as opposed to a bang it was a lot of fun having you around for the weekend and uh and thank you for all those that tuned in for your music live for the happy hour and for garageband weekly today and uh stuck with us here for the last 10 minutes that didn't work quite so well but uh let's take a bit of a listen to uh to this and we'll do a little mixing on the fly here uh while we say farewell and uh see you on the next one so uh remember be kind yourselves be kind to others and uh keep creating folks i'll see you soon [Music] oh i like the clicks you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout i'm telling you why santa claus is coming to town he's making a list checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty or nice santa claus is coming to child see you folks have a great week be safe and i'll see you soon bye for now
Channel: Pete Johns - Studio Live Today
Views: 675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L89InKk2mt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 51sec (3891 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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