Eden Streak #18 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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I've been putting up very many episodes in my youtube channel lately I'm trying to get on top of that I'm not you know I'm gonna focus down a little bit 17 fire rates real bad 4.27 damage is like better three soul hearts pretty awful hell what's up everybody I hope you guys are not as sick as I am or as I was I still got this lingering cough I don't know what it is probably like mucus drainage let's make you hungry book of revs nice yeah are you okay higher chance for Cuba meat and a Cuban meat as an orbital would help me alleviate this problem I'm having with my fire rate would alleviate it alright that would also help me alleviate this fire rate problem okay your buoy target I am you see that Dean it's started what do I do is a u.s. streamer for that how do I help I just would like to who there any hope all wait on that rip notifications I guess nothing works the way it should technology is just never changing beast that aims to inconvenience you like my OBS updating and then after an updated like all my colors were off like why would you change all the colors that I said to my text I didn't set it to like shitty orange they're all up orange I set it to [ __ ] lime sexy green hey throw up orange back nobody wants it technology is a scam sometimes during its dead what's up everybody I missed some stuff about Zumba two years sexy tier two sub thank you for that appreciate it and Jay Ferg prime sub hello Dominus these making noises are real I think T I'm not hearing [ __ ] Dominus 20 months in a row big to zero welcome back 18 months referee lost my streak last month 18 total subs though one year and a helg and a half a suit to me doctor Yoshi nine months but baby time how you doing dad I am still coughing but guy got cough drops we'll see how long I last cyber del Akash prime sub was up prime sub for lanlan 62 sub 15 months in room 4 nerd dad can we go to the DMV so I can get my permit for the buck baby our but mobile also 15 months of amazing content from one of my favorite streamers love the work you do in the community you have led to so keep being awesome we all support you Thank You nerd welcome back prime sub for ginger min L 11 months in a row hello Belial two hours ago to your one sub appreciate that Lenny one come say hi at least at least we got a little bit of Lenny's you know my [ __ ] cameras like super-bright every single time that I restart the stream like all of my settings just go away it doesn't save it but like randomly like every fifth time a different setting just like resets this one being like probably the exposure and contrast of my my camcorder why would you change that I didn't did I change the lighting in here I did not Laney didn't change though didn't change yeah you guys your your subs now they're not even making any noises they just don't make noises anymore that's really cool sans twenty nine months yeah twenty nine months thirty months for game or K the notifications aren't even working they don't even showing up man what's going on did hammer K 33 0 L to Mariano prime so appreciate that Aaliyah Z five months what's up hi Felix hey dance refund don't understand why it would work you set it up you're like this is how I'd like you to work you should do that every time and then like you use it it's like oh wait what do we talk about this before I don't remember that technology as being as forgetful as a human when he's like literally jumping front of the mic like dude shut the [ __ ] up and pet me salty plant four zero now you're just showing off dude nine months for Joey what up welcome back buddy you it's hard for me to know you guys when you don't share the in a row month total thing to know off your butt baby or not probably just like not call it out unless I know for sure for sure for sure that months in a row and he get and that makes nine now I believe it says ten total Lucas ten total seven in a row little man alright dude let's get back to it huh get back to it you can stay if you'd like but dad's got a stream he's got a job to do he's gonna do it I got my bomb so we can go get our monsters lung also I should have grabbed that battery first put him in smarter order to use the charges well little Lenny's little Lenny's we're early today no we're not we're actually late we're actually late daylight savings time it's 3:50 half the stream is just Leonard I would maybe say 1% that's a half the people are here for Lenny on thursdays polling Coolio okay that's it you got to go buddy I'm covered in hair Thursdays have not been strictly polling since 1947 so you guys are a little out of date a little out of date 19:47 guys backs BAM jam put me alright here's our cube or ball just like almost guaranteed because of the book that we got I'm gonna need that thing though I need the extra damage how are you still live up to that I call Bologna Bologna I call the blueness all right what's cool I'm excited about that I can't see anything so sticky nickel take your hands off your eyes take the blindfold off on screen e silver for me when he gonna upload Yolo again that's like the first thing I ever did in my entire life hey it's like cool but like not gonna keep it up I'll baby these guys don't spin anything out I don't think but they just they run super fast they blow LFO got'em take it easy take it easy we just got soul arts we're gonna throw this away stars card 1,000 bits is this thing on no it's not dude I don't know why stream plaids is today it literally was going zero megabytes per second to download my update zero oh my god I got some stuff to catch up with you guys fat to slow ask a question what's your favorite synergy the good ones the ones that light do things and stuff that make me happy sixteen months for you uh with hot sixteen months five thousand for Felix is this thing on no 17 months 14 in a row for Judi love you dad happy to be here also I love your snapchat it's just such a dad snapchat vice so like a manly rugged sexy awesome snapchat of doom tried to come up with a couple words to describe it that's what yeah probably those ones to name a few just a few No why did she [ __ ] hit me though you didn't hit me everyone you didn't hit me though I remember that oh my goodness that was risky walking to my balls all singular a lost one and the Great War okay did you just like wrap around that nah dude like you can't just keep cheating game until you win I can't just keep bending your own [ __ ] rules you're the one that made the goddamn rules what's your sneeze cheese what's your cough cough cough Joffrey and when I started for Game of Thrones almost double damage would have been really nice if you would have been able to get that tinted rock for me it's all I feel right now because I can't stop coughing I've had a persistent cough now for like over a week whatever I have and [ __ ] blows that's a Lucky Penny though also look penny lucky me don't die my dude I can't promise you anything coughs crickets head selling a watched Game of Thrones on a bid some person thank you for that appreciate it let me just like kick the machine quick here see what happens see if we get a candy bar at least want my notifications to work and stream labs they [ __ ] something up they really [ __ ] something up I unacceptable that's not what I would you stop updating your [ __ ] you make everything so goddamn difficult to find takes me like 14 clicks now just to get to the alert box no don't do why would you do that subscription I just tested it it's not there ah every time every stream there's something wrong what do you want for me that work why would you change the link and not tell me about it Oh all right we're back on track machine kicked that's just bought guns you need tips for me play it 400 bits in person there we go I heard a Boop oh we're booping why every stream every single stream without failure help me out here help me understand what's going on stream laughs help me help you oh I'd event there for us just a second get off my chest or explode how is your guyses day going capito prime sub what's up hey that's nice oh yeah yeah I'll go for some to relax actually pretty okay even our trinket I'm eating weed I'm dying hey that technology got a love and hate it this is nice double Nikolai's mmm interesting steam sale no could have just given me two nickels there would have been fine but I've been fine with that that would've been okay Ram Ranch really does Rock eating a bologna sandwich why do we say Bologna where did the e come from but the American Way of smelling it vol oh and II went to the store and bought Bologna out of the out of the spelled Alagna why why do we say Bologna why don't um uh we have a hundred percent chance to get a deal with the devil why not just try to make him pay out get a health upgrade for once my sad life not health upgrade good try though you know you did your best Bologna Berto Celski so welcome comrade we go famous hockey player but it was Celski Tkaczyk add the middle chicle dude or one out or ones admiral boss wash is not happening now giving that fire rate that we started with oh my god we just split it in half by the way Oh ooh mommy a little kiss gifted ass obtuse ooft cat lover sift you're so sift all this [ __ ] your suit yeah okay here we go not interested in the other ones as of now what we just thought about what time was something I got just right hit by the SU flubber yeah this is doable very doable bolonia yes I got a little like uh we call that in Spanish like a tilde over the end alone yeah I think right like yeah like almost like you stuck a Y in there somewhere hmm it's not surprising since we have the trinket but yeah very good [ __ ] nickels big fan should probably stick with the power pill honestly the Ghoulies are stars card sometime soon storms brewing due to get that ass up the fabulous Chris and 168 for place holder strimmer show Bob's you want me to show my Bob's like bobbing for apples Bob I'm a [ __ ] neck God or ghost Bob's and visions I still run with a guy his name was Jean we called him the gene he loved it I'm pretty sure he loved it fairly certain speed up speed up and hurt that bad buddy box historically speaking not terrible but ace of clubs now not what I wanted not the thing let's just use this now I'm tired part of waiting daddy-longlegs some more passive damage that's up nice Mad Dogs I see you so I mentioned in a video that I haven't edited yet that I'm considering doing more unedited videos or just like less edited videos on my main channel just so that I could pump out more content like risk of rain nuclear throne darkest dungeon cuz I could probably do one a day if I didn't have to sit there and edit it for four hours I make thumbnails wait for it to upload but I feel like the crux of the channel is the nice edited videos and that's why people come that's why people stay you see these guys that are doing not that essentially and it didn't work I didn't know if what was gonna happen that bomb Rock the guys that are like don't - edited stuff I don't know they're just not enough surviving I guess none sacrifice quality for quantity I just like I want to go the place to these games and I'm getting to the point where I just can't because I don't have the time to use a power pill for that I think you dirty lyin son of a-- everybody owes our edited well that's attracts the mates mates around play spyro 2 guys are you going to play is just like literally if your question starts with that I just don't think I can answer it and I don't think I should answer it I literally don't think I should answer that question just like ever I'll just steer clear of it I'm thinking like literally 99.999999 nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein percent of every single time that anyone's ever I said question ever the answer is a no resounding no even if it's a yes it's still a no even if it's like oh my god I'm so excited about that game but no no oh man I would really like to but now I won't time come on cough drop to your [ __ ] thing do I pay you for all right every single cough drop off as a contractor make some work harder give them some benefits explosive toots fry themselves what's up you got nothing nothing 100 bucks just mariokart mariokart mod well doesn't make sense but doesn't make sense account self person on cameras count no Oh looky thank you for that very kind of you know like Gil car something how important to speed to you guys in this game I feel like I couldn't care less unless I'm under one speed and I kind of care and it's a lower mental um the most recent game you guys that I bought was uh what's it called I am Babu whatever it is that that like puzzle game maybe playing that later tonight somebody has a real name cell for me Jeff baba is me that one my Ambala whatever a paraphrased it Haiti do I even want to make more videos of that [ __ ] frickin horny bastards places you can go for that Baba is you both way I am bread yeah never I say that but then I play games like oh was that stupid penis game I mean in snake game genital jousting unbelievable just unbelievable [Music] why are you Baba snake game settle hatsune nerd down in the face not ideal not ideal hmm a little chat but I've got no read health and having a dread health all game good come along my friends gigaflops five months welcome back hi hot club yeah thank you for supporting me appreciate it five month or II know I'm at the Reno's McKenna cop is where's the top secret rum I took the I could see forever pill you'll be able to see it somewhere top Seagram maybe you didn't get the memo was to reveal yourself to me and you're also supposed to not be [ __ ] anyone remember watching and are all who had fun watching enter all that worth it go for this yeah [ __ ] it [Music] some people requested that I stop swearing when I said that my videos doing no monetized I hope that was a joke help-help a joke man slow fire rate we could probably handle this honestly got the health regen cambian doesn't sound so bad more damage to take the more chance we have of getting a demonic follower especially a battery out here I'm one room away from my getting this thing recharged but I came to get it on my mana mate myself to do something productive with the life with my life and stop playing runescape 24/7 then your mind did overcome it you can dude there's nothing I can just say to snap you out of it that I know of happy cool ball for me it's just been a bunch of trying [ __ ] failing [ __ ] feeling bad enough to try more [ __ ] finally finding something that I can stick with that makes me feel good about myself and not bad about myself what do you want with your life you only have two now to go after it you know what Dad dad's Love's gonna make it real difficult to do deaths list I really didn't work out I really didn't work out also though applies wise are making it difficult I wasn't into Drock I'm gonna go back for it that was some [ __ ] in the ground I didn't see it comes underneath the [ __ ] pill CDM what's up I'll see you here boy Lucky's 16 months hope you had a nice day and what happened to the whiteboard over there I got some [ __ ] right on written on it for my eyes only though it's secret with his secret things channel plans hum no dad that's the wrong freaking thing relax and you make the crank calls hey good work dad we did it super secret channel plans to get Lenny a poodle hairdo I'm very uncomfortable for Lenny you guys exciting news though I'm getting my tattoo tomorrow I really snuck up on me Oh love what secrets I was all excited about it and then I told some about and they're like that's the most common tattoo that's ever existed in the planet of the earth and I was like ah [ __ ] dude really so we'll see I still think it's gonna look badass tattoos hurt a lot not worried about it breakups hurt too I can experience one of those though if you like it then you get it oh yeah I know it's not gonna stop me from getting it it's just kind of like shitty when someone's like yeah that's not cool like they don't I have two of them and I barely felt it depends on who you are your pain tolerance where it's located the tattoo artists I know somebody who's got a tattoo on their arm and the tattoo artist pushed way too hard on doing it and Gabrus scar tissue on her arm so the tattoo is all raised and [ __ ] so yes you know that's not all tattoo artists are created equally it's like someone constantly pinching you yeah unless you get it on your taint but then again if someone was constantly pinching your taint would also be more painful I was looking it up and it was saying do not take painkillers before you go because you don't want blood thinners because you bleed when they poke you they literally just stick a needle right underneath the surface of your of your skin that's where the ink goes some stuff in crime sub what's up welcome Ian I appreciate that also question has just wondering if you have checked your post box recently I sent you a sweater as it arrived from below bedrock I go check it then ought to go check it I've not received said sweater thank you for that that'd be awesome so yeah um don't take like Advil but it said recommended to take a seat of men ofin which is tylenol which is a painkiller but it is not a blood thinner so hmm any of you guys have ever taken acetaminophen before a tattoo thing I'm not like I said I'm not too worried about it but there are some sensitive areas they're gonna be poked a little bit and if I'm gonna be sitting there for three hours and I could enjoy that three hours it's like a little bit more all of my seven all seven of my tattoos haven't hurt I'm good all agree that it's at least uncomfortable on your nip knobs I don't think they tattoo your nip knobs even people that you see that have like a full chest thing that they never touch the nipped knobs or the new poops sometimes they go in the neeps though just smoke some meth no caffeine or alcohol you don't want your pressure to go up since your blood can just push the ink out of your skin make anybody say anything about doing acetaminophen I don't see anybody that is confirming this or saying that it worked or didn't work tattooin your dick because sensitive areas can only mean dick right grow up you guys what about Tylenol taking acetaminophen before a tattoo appointment your knots what's take Advil or blood thinners but it did say it recommended tylenol aka acetaminophen don't really need the painkillers guys yeah thanks if you're [ __ ] manly enough you can [ __ ] handle it [ __ ] none of my shits hurt dick not what I'm asking was not the question you should take uh IBU instead the tylenol is just a painkiller ibu like ibuprofen cuz that was specifically said do not take ibuprofen cuz it's a blood thinner blood thinners are no good that was why tylenol I kind of Miss having my ball on me I feel like bubble 3-ball advantage is just like less good I think you think you're blood enough to make a difference I was looking up online it said specifically acetaminophen recommended and everything else the opposite same like no don't do that I don't know how bad it is but I guess I'm not gonna take a chance on it why risk it right I'd rather have nothing I'd then potentially make my tattoo not as good like I said I'm not too worried about the pain thing like it's just gonna be a one-time thing and it'll be over so even if I didn't take anything at all but I just thought I was curious I was curious and I thought it was interesting potentially helpful for people that really don't like pain I guess some people pass out some people like legitimately pass out when they go through something with pain and mix the blood in whatever and say I really care if you do or not I'm not like judging I don't think we need any more money so maybe we should just switch our drink it over to the black feather we don't have anything that gives us a damage boost currently oh that's - that's Tuesday pretty good no kind of money bag that I don't want you poop - cuz I'm gonna got a giant zelda tattoo and it's like I can say that the pain is there you just got a sort of ignoring after a bit I've gone through well many a painful thing you guys pain is not my concern Nahum Nodame on our vets what video games do you have in store for us next that's the secret board though I can't just like give it away what's the point of having a secret board if I just tell you I mean thanks thunder bits one that I did talk about today is uh what was it called Babu Baba's me they might be parting that later tonight so that the bar has two dollars hey Dad long time YouTube watcher here first I'm catching the stream keep the good stuff going also just like more darkest dungeon I think is unlisted on our bits from Caroline it's Caroline Brian hey Dad home from school all have you ever been in case see Anza city this is a cool place you should visit it sometime I love your streams and you are so funny I have not been there if that's where you mean you ever been to the hip cool Casey RL it's throwing out abbreviations like it like I ain't [ __ ] no GL g g hf p ro power pill is good but way more good when you actually have a an orbital v luck her luck is very good today to be crawlspace you never know it's free when i check it yeah broken donation text there what it say taxes busted it is massive someone do it again so I can see it we've got a dollar a dollar seven months in a row schwarzy odd Sue's got my next medal for dancing last weekend sick bra I gonna be super cool too nota like legit dance I would like to do that donation text is massive you know it probably is the alert box on a stream labs just just forgetting my settings it's like loops sorry bud did you set that for a reason oh oh man shoot no one else's massive your elephants I'm high low is dance I wish I was strong at the break dance break dances spirit found you and you're my new favorite streamers is Ian thank you okay so obviously obviously the bit donated text is still fine agreed you gonna play one finger death punch - no go away this text is very big I am A Stegosaurus got you more than a dollar kinda like it 169 from Nilla thank you that for that in mer fer 269 ah work there totally more money now thank you though that's the first time I illegitimate I saw it this was not a ruse but it doesn't say that it does that it didn't work I like trains your foot it's easier to hit thank you appreciate it Oh daddy ba is very sexy die potato not today you rather Bobby can we at least get the level 4 ball advantages quiz give some more damage gonna be nice more gothy pieces remember the bomb damage I just forget those will also be fine I make that big of a difference not be heal from bomb damage I feel like I get host hat like 10 times more likely than pyro got clock you that's gonna get dick in my forehead even if I did even if I did have a donation right like I'm like if I could raise a thousand dollars I get a dick in my forehead would you guys really want to follow a streamer that has a dick on his forehead because you guys get like three seconds of like hahahahaha and then you'd be like this guy's stupid and you would leave why would you ruin your own content like that what would you do why would you try to ruin someone's life and then just leave them abandon it for death hell's wrong with you anon permit dick in your forehead that's how your mom's for give me that chat Dimond you heck in heck laughs Josh thanks the two bucks birth that's a question from Chad sorry sorry miss name but do you have creator code fur from Epic Games no hunter bets a dark bum tattoo and your bum would be much better that's a chest let me see it I'm gonna see that [ __ ] that's some of my eye it's just a lot that more [ __ ] my eyes to better well game are you guys excited about what's coming up in your list what's your most recently wish listed steam game a was getting an ad to new tattoo this is dance let's you inspire me for new ink good luck with that I only see one that's that helpful not like I even need a bomb these guys it's in the 99 cents spelunky to silk song tabs Judy's getting a tattoo Thursday legend of zelda links awakening risk of rain to cop head dlc um what did i just recently put on my wish list a sports team for a second you Smith 16 months what's up man it feels so long ever since I caught a stream anyway hey Dad I'm here sorry I'm late thank you for still supporting me 16 months in a row Smith welcome back o rage - what do you guys think about Rage - most promising shooter of 2019 game in farmer look like a Borderlands II and I take that vibe could it be the new Borderlands man yeah we'll see I can like preorder it anything what I am three that's what you're looking forward to Borderlands announcement in two days how much was I supposed to fall like the borderlands previously to like buy this one gt5 killer 22 months it's up Borderlands 2 is coming out with a new DLC within the next two years Borderlands 3 will be coming out it's gonna use this now the homicide it is time the pills still that PhD that food play look brawl that for the play forever they're like all the same thing perks probably the best thing they're lame though Oh Mari talk the more I want to cop the more I coughing more my throat hurts under bits from sky's the limit hey Dad how is your day I'm still sick I didn't get enough done today but I'm doing pretty well I'm like really really busy like too busy I'm gonna stop doing things to work more hot tea with honey and lemon with I like having this money cough drops like any more sugar like the honey makes me fill my bodies like dude stop having sugar to try to solve your cough I've been coughing so much though that I'm already feeling I'm feeling queasy I'm feeling nauseous from like tense I got my stomach to cough it's like really like deep gut cough I really like the white pony but I'm not gonna do it I can see forever sar a hand oh good it drops bombs for me I'm gonna totally grab those bombs really convenient helpful where'd I get the health upgrade from balls of speed some old-guy prime sub I got my inky butts in there it's not really working too hard here [Music] seventy-six chance 76% chance he's gonna deal with the devil we didn't get it nice the eternal heart makes more sense I can't see the evidence you're too late bloody crown you're too late you guys feel like Baba is maybe fun I really liked playing do too where's my little do three Bob is so good sounds interesting but it also sounds like maybe something I wouldn't want a plan stream because you guys gonna [ __ ] everything up like it's gonna be a strict like we're talking 500 second time out for back seat even if you're [ __ ] joking can't you can't mess around with that you can't like jokingly be like oh I gave you well yeah well that was the correct answer but I was kidding I will have my mod sit on you for 500 seconds bar on your keyboard just bare asset that's your time off a mess speed I really want the larger pill don't really know totally okay to 500 second time out someone but also the bear asking of the keyboard right okay cool just wanted to make sure I can't speak for you dance but you know they're on the same page oh well yeah you caught me we got a little brim from our cambian is I'm a hacker that's why [Music] what is Baba while stick around you might find out that's very good Stephen Breyer I'm subs up Stephen I'm gonna show do dahm dahm 2:45 huts you inspired me to get biding of issac so thankful thank you for happy memories but curse you because delirium and hush are the bane of my existence after fighting those guys and beating them the rest of your adult life you'd be like whatever making my own doctor's appointments easy I killed delirium think I can't handle this [ __ ] like you give me your policy number on your insurance and you're like what mom dad if you'll not get forgotten yet joke right someone tell them something this gets kidding kidding game looks so strange strange Oh what it's fun oh they got me good guys got me good check that out bamboozled booze bambbles [Music] Boop ptosis very spicy more spits just racking faces 9:34 luck give me tea gradually one shotting everybody thousand bits would you patreon the finger death punch to doom shock I've done what three holes now where I literally leave it up to you guys to pick and choose whatever it is that you would want to have anything goes people are paying attention and they get their submissions in usually the top ones are gonna take priority cuz they get the most eyes on them put that up there if you can boat on it and I don't have a choice I gotta play victory that's a win [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 9,024
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: 9dTRd2zwUWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 45sec (3705 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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