I BROKE THE GAME - Isaac Rebirth [54]

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hey what's up everybody I'm Hudson we're playing The Binding of Isaac rebirth so we're gonna play Maggie because Maggie sucks and we have nothing with Maggie so we're gonna go ahead jump right on in hard mode JD cellar one it's not an extra large floor so I feel comfortable jumping right on into here is one of the benefits of having the young part is that we can go right into the curse room and get that health right back she also has just a ridiculous amount of starting health so you don't really worry about it even if you didn't have the young heart the gray champion I finally learned he has half health which I'm not sure why that's a thing but it it is a thing Wow okay so we're rolling with the d6 then is it worth it to get another charge in the young heart to get a heart out of it now I'm going to just go ahead and use the d6 ooh crystal ball is really good too but I'm not gonna roll crystal ball and not d6 so we're gonna try to re-roll the crystal ball I really wish that would have paid out with a speared heart because that would have been really nice really nice gesture so we're basically Maggie we're basically like Isaac but like really a lot worse starting off because of Maggie's damage like health is good yay but without the damage it's just so easy to take damage yourself before you can actually get to the point where you can get a deal with the devil and obviously that damage is what stops you from getting the deals a devil to trade away all the health that you have so you end up keeping all this health no damage and then you just die miserably as I've been doing lately hardmode red heart drops are supposed to be pretty rare so we should be pretty thankful whenever we do get red heart when we need it and looking for tinted rocks also need bombs in order to get tinted rocks see how to Isaac blob oh we go he's got a Dick's hate him at least the blood clots and the little dishes you can like you know like this is a blood clot he only shoots in four directions so you can kind of like maneuver around a little bit with the I blob it shoots an all was it eight directions it's a little bit more difficult man command just died would you we need a damage upgrade staff I'm sure that's like the first time I've ever used the phrase stat as well oh come on now hoping that was gonna give me that pot okay so our d6 is charged and I'm actually surprised there are enough rooms on the first floor in order to give me to d6 uses obviously the first one was free but you know to me all right crystal ball is going to be turned in notched axe which I could I almost used to get those pots but I think it's probably more beneficial even though you could get the quarter out of the pots or a solid penny probably use it here and I get that key and open that golden chest Oh trap door as well I'm hoping that actually I'll do either it could give me a free item a free trinket or cooking me a black market which is totally cool with me that gave me petrified poops I'm hoping it's not a trinket considering petrified poops pretty good it's an item it's a great chest Wow it's none of the above it is completely worse than that I guess Obama Turkey is not that bad it's basically like that was a tinted rock that paid out with a bomb and a key but like yeah usually when you get a bomb to Kiev a tinted rock I'm a little bit disappointed I'm almost tempted to get a charge on thee cuz I don't think we're gonna be able to get a charge on the d6 but if I would be able to would be amazing for a deal the devil doesn't exist so you know what we're gonna go notch axe and see if if I can get into here to blow up these skulls with the notched axe I think that would be a good play so we're gonna see if there are three rooms left with combats just kind of poking my heads in these rooms that I remember where I've been or where I went probably not gonna get three charges I don't think I'm going to because this is a champion here champion red I thought it was a black guy a black spider or whatever you know what I mean so it's a champion that meaning that we would take a whole heart of damage so that's why I wanted to get it first this guy's secondary all right one room so you can get another I do have enough keys that we can comfortably um you know what we should bomb for this for sure do you have enough keys that I can go into shop but I don't have them line to buy anything so it's not really worth it I don't think looks like we will have two rooms here okay so we're gonna have this room here which is gonna give me the second charge and then the boss will give me the third charge and assuming I don't die because it tinted Rock almost missed it soul heart is good but I should probably save it for the next floor so cuckoo flies that's good to see cuz our 8-yard not HP HP is great our damage is so low but this guy's got such low HP so we should be able to stand a chance to kill him without taking too much damage of course I say too much cuz you never know when you're gonna take damage you know you know you never know you know alright you're done she dunce just died one more hit I'm guessing oh Jesus I hate when he does that sneeze moderate damage upgrade fakie speed and damage that's such a good item to get in the first floor it's exactly what we needed I did not need to pick up that spirit heart but the floors over anyways and if we lose it now we're gonna look real stupid alright so I'm gonna go in here pop the notch X and hope we don't get too many hosts here Oh what is that that could be good it could be real good I can't pick it up gerrae rune there it is we got a gyro root that's pretty cool we also got a temperance card okay that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna run out there we go and come back in so now the hosts are gone and it's a deal with those dickbags I'm gonna drop the temperance let's see here can I go over the spikes too while I'm temperance sing and then get up maybe a payout of a of a chest I think that might be a really good plan we'll try it we'll try I'm gonna walk over this snow the spikes is gonna are they're gonna take my spear hearts I don't want to lose my soul heart it's tempting because he what I'm saying if I walked over the spikes then I would get closer to getting a chest pay off from the spikes and also get a free play in the Bank while I'm in my invincibility from the damage but I'm like I said I'm losing so hard then I'm trying I'm thinking too hard here let's just go ahead and play this with the chariot first you get the free place you realize that I don't want to step on the spikes every oh we did that perfectly we almost have enough money to get into the shop I'm gonna go ahead and play it just a little bit more with the sole heart I feel pretty good but like I said you don't get very your red heart drops on on hardmode I don't I can't see the map so I can't see if there's any red hearts waiting for me out there I guess we'll just give it a chance and just poke our heads and rooms just to see the d6 we're gonna take that mount so we don't forget it that would be a really stupid mistake to forget the d6 you're getting all wrapped up and going to the shop and then completely forget that exists I don't think there are any red hearts yeah okay shop what do you got for me champions belts will do this first I like the idea of getting that sole hard but now that I just got to soul hearts I think we're probably pretty sets we'll take the damage upgrade with this this is gonna give us more champions which is actually gonna make the game considerably harder not going to lie and I will buy this you know what oh I can't buy it okay the reason I would have bought that red heart is that for two pennies we would get two more pennies out of it from the blood bank but at the same time with the blood bank you have a chance of it paying out so we basically get our money back or it would pay out I'm gonna go ahead and do two more tries on this and then I could go back and buy the heart and do that hold shenanigans but I think I'm gonna go ahead and blow it up and move on to the next floor good joke that's that's funny game oh my god got real close there alright so moving on with a damage upgrade a speed upgrade a gyro rune and the d6 with three soul hearts backing us up and petrified poop after the first floor are you kidding me I cannot forget to write this seed down because I keep blowing it you know I keep forgetting I should just seriously right like I was gonna say a post-it note I should just put a giant poster in front of my my monitor right here that just says right down seed you idiot HJ hijack your point okay that I'm gonna stop there because that sounds like it's an actual threat it is not a threat I was trying to be cheeky yb3 tea and moving on sweet okay so it looks like if I have a Jo rune I'm gonna want to go to the chest and we can go to the chest or the dark room boss rush mode is there's no freaking way that we're gonna make the boss rush mode so just deal with it because we spent like what seven minutes on the first floor we would have to pick up like brimstone or something like just ungodly right now like mom's knife in order to be able to pick up enough speed to the game to make it the boss rush mode it's not happening petrified poop so good it increases the chance that things will pop out of poop like pennies pennies nickles red hearts and sometimes soul hearts sometimes the turtle hearts and those are the most common drops out of poops I don't think you can get bombs or keys at least I've never seen a bomber key drop out of a poop like I said mostly pennies which is a good thing though because we'd like to buy things from the shop shops are good I'm gonna blow these up just in case I'm blind and I can see that there's actually attempted robbery we're gonna take this one easy I'm not gonna rush sometimes when I rush to try to get the boss rush mode it goes poorly miner's hat that's gonna show me where the two secret rooms are but it will not give me passage into the secret rooms it'll just show me the map when I'm standing next to it it also showed me like this is a self-sacrifice room thank you it's good no is it worth it to take the red heart we're not going to get an arcade we could get a blood bag or a blood bank thinking that if we got down to one red heart we could go into that box craft room which would be pretty cool but it's probably not gonna happen we can you don't have any bombs but I'm still looking for tinted rocks and actually this light does it actually provide with a little extra light on curse of Darkness it kind of seems like it does but maybe I'm just making [ __ ] up probably killing me it seems like is it just me or is this room like considerably smaller than the last room over the last floor I mean could just be me okay so we're gonna go into the boss and it's going to give us a deal with the devil and we're gonna have a full charge d6 just in time for that deal with the devil hopefully it'll give me some items hopefully will give me just good items and I won't have to worry about re-rolling it I could have saved the miners had to re-roll but it's decent enough that I feel like I can take it I feel comfortable so if we don't use re-roll on the the old the devil I'll go ahead and use it on the boss item assuming it's not a damage or an HP upgrade I'm not sure if I really want HP upgrades at this point especially if we don't spend our health on the deal the devil all right HP upgrade I'll go ahead and take this red pieces thank ya what do you got for me okay so the only way on these in my free roll is if these are guppy items like Guppies paw that's definitely not copies pop no where are those okay spirit hearts are okay it's fine now we have a deal with the angel possibility so what do we want to do just go check out the secret run because well actually we can't get through the secret room because we don't have a bomb let's see if I can buy a bomb man once again brother can't even buy a bomb all right so I guess we're taking the sold heart I guess maybe I want that I would really love to have this but there's no way and get it I don't see a way well um I guess yeah we're just gonna walk away tail between our legs I'll roll the HP upgrade since we have such good HP right now I'll take the screw which is a tears upgrade really really good I like that a lot and get the hell out of here I guess god that sucks Hey leaving secrets behind I mean there's a chance that there was nothing in there to begin with so like well we did have to leave behind nun's habit and stuff too and sometimes you can get a lots of money from Seagram's I'm gonna get like 40 cents from the seeker um if you get lucky with the dimes and nickels rots could've been poops in there too that I could have shot they could have easily had nickels in them so I learned in this room hoping that there was something good we got half a red heart which is basically the worst and payout ever out of a great chest but [ __ ] happens you know if we get the worst chest now maybe we'll get better chests later I don't know and our luck doesn't really look like that but statistics kind of work like that like statistically that should have been a better chest and a half a red heart and it was a little bit kind of okay don't take stupid damage against enemies that you can predict their fire alright they're getting better there we go like I said great chest would get better from now on oh my god this is not a good room two champions now that's probably my fault for buying champions belt but that's okay we're gonna deal with it we're gonna get out of here I'm not gonna lose any money or health nope not gonna happen as a dime waiting for us to which is pretty sweet there we go that's gotta be the first time I made it out of that room without taking that much damage I'll take mini damaged tiers upgrade pill makes up the tiers downgrade blood rights that's going to be a real three roll target and a half that's gonna I think I spend my health mass enemy damage yeah okay so I spend my health in order to damage enemies in the room much like a Necronomicon but I'm not going to do that I don't feel like doing that I would love to I'm not gonna go that way unless I absolutely have to I'm not gonna get that done I'm not gonna waste a bomb because I only have one bomb and if I get the $0.15 without having to go for that time then I think I'll just do that call it even go to the shop and buy whatever it's got but the possibility of going back to it is there absolutely Oh do believe that these guys do a full heart damage which is not something that I would like to take right now we got here dead cats that's gonna be throwing away all of our health so what do we do with this we could reroll it potentially get a different copy item but I'm not sure we'd ever get dead cat again so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna hold off in case there's a deal with a devil in in that case I can give away almost of my health and then potentially go back to get that dead cat without cost never ends up spending another spirit heart Soviets I have plenty of soul hearts that are protecting me right now so hopefully everything's going to work out we have the d6 recharged I don't think we're gonna get enough rooms here to get another d6 charged so instead of re-rolling blood rights I'm gonna save it you all right I'm not sure that's the right play I don't know I'm just gonna go with it I'm gonna say you know we're not going to spend re-roll to get into the secret room which I know is right there but one bomb could give me that dime maybe there's two really really good items in the shop okay so this takes a little bit of finesse here that ok this takes a little bit of multitasking the brain which is sometimes extremely hard to do most of the time for me all right that guy blows up this red guy what does he do he doesn't go into the bush pile on him think he drops a red heart that's his specialty we're gonna go in the shop to see if there's something worth buying and the Bible is definitely not that item it's not the item that's worth buying another soul heart mm-hmm this will just maybe we'll just save the money since we're doing really well in health yes we were going bust us pretty good low HP quick little bastard though all right she dons anytime now there we go deal with the devil please let me give up my health there it is range upgrade we're not gonna touch it in case there's nothing to re-roll here I don't want to crap this fight I don't want that either that's garbage okay so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna roll this I will take sinful robes I realize that it was kind of wasteful to take those black hearts in the ground now we kind of wasted two black hearts okay so we spent our d6 charge but I'll take the range upgrade since his passive was there another was our battery in here there was a battery his name was Phil we'll take the battery and this is what I'm gonna do I'm not going to reroll dead cats I'm gonna rear old blood rights and we're gonna pick up dead cats reroll that's a big fan that's fine it's acceptable first orbital feels good if there's no tinted rock that we do we go into the secret room or to be bombed for the dime that allows us to purchase something I'm an explorer I don't know I have no idea kind of wish that I'd waited to pick up sinful robes until after I picked up dead cat but that really wouldn't have worked out considering our Devarim might have closed I'm gonna say we're gonna go into the secret room cuz it could give us the money anyways or it could give something else pretty cool if you give us nothing looks like it's going to be more geared towards nothing speed upgrade okay so instead of getting a dime it's like we spent a dime and a bomb for a speed upgrade which is not the worst trade ever and the best trade ever either but it's acceptable makes me feel not like a complete idiot just like a half idiot you know okay so we're going to the next floor which is an even floor with more than five cents meaning we have a chance to spawn an arcade which could be good for us not that good considering we don't have the health to really give away to any kind of blood bank but it do everything correctly there was so much min/max in there that I feel like every time I go to the next floor I'm gonna forget something or do something wrong I got the d6 yeah I think we're good to go yeah leave all right we can getting out into boss trap rooms now for a great chess we kind of need the money so I'm feeling good enough that's really good okay so we got a golden key and two pennies golden key will allow us to open everything that requires key for free so this is basically going to be a four where we stack up some keys all right so our damage is really really good actually for this pointer game on par for a successful run that's a really really good mean sadly but the mega fatty is going down pretty quickly oh Jesus wow it's kind of stay in there but you know that's where you want to be that's um could be using a big fan here - should I try to get him in there no we shouldn't the second I walked towards mega money just hits me right in the face just backhand me all right curse room yeah we'll do it we're going for guffy so we should try to get it that was worth it and a ultra pride fight I will not be taking the left hands I think petrified poops a little bit better than left hand well I don't know because we're trying to be guppy but with the golden key I think our what we can stand a game from if I can speak what we stand to gain from opening golden chests right now like even the items on a golden chest like Tammy's head or fate or something probably better all ago that's stuck there probably better than going for red chests that probably won't spit out some guppy items but then again with the d6 we could reroll like a cupcake up his head that we get out of a red chest I don't know dude so many champions goddamn champion belt however when you get down to the womb and later it doesn't matter if there's champions or not besides the fact that usually they have more health than they have like crazy shots just because everything doesn't pull harder damage at that point okay keys looking for an arcade looking for an item room there is a tinted rock back there but I cannot reach it by any means available to me right now so we're gonna the hope that we get flight in sunlight pretty golden chests alright so that makes me feel a little bit better for not going for the left hand because that was a lot of stuff that was a lot of good stuff thank you for that turret we're an [ __ ] d6 is fully charged I can't reroll the left hand so we're just gonna keep looking there we go perfect timing Isaac's tears real bad like real bad so should we realized exterior I will pop our head into this room just to see what's going on thank God we got that golden key huh not much going on over here alrighty so let's go ahead and just re-roll it I think you can bomb in here too just to see if there's a secret room item that could be a better real target couple keys re-roll blood of the martyr that's really good that's a damage upgrade so our damage is good and getting better which is amazing it's exactly what we need to pull off a winning run here with maggie has we've been struggling with Maggie because they're damaged it's terrible but runs looking pretty good I like it uh Hierophant yup gives me some spear hearts its hero fun um no it's not google it yeah that's why I thought I'm gonna keep going up this trail since I don't want to go back to that stupid turret room so dumb you could bomb into the shop might be worthwhile even though we've been pretty short and bombs hate how those things block tears now I'm thinking oh yeah we have a golden key so it doesn't use a key anyway so why the hell would we not do that whoo okay all right so there's that we have enough money and we have a juror room and now we have blank card gerrae rune and Wow okay what do we do with that what do we do what do we do I don't know what we do with that there's a way that we can potentially bust the game in the face we might do some game face busting but we really have to plan this out think about it real hard blank card jira rune probably one of the best combos you can get so we take the left hand now the left hand might be a worthwhile item to get it will increase the chances that we get Guppies tail as well which will be a good item worthwhile item to have so I think we're taking that and at this point saying so long to the poop I would love to find secret room right now we already found the secret we had the miners hat we know where the secrets are we don't have to guess okay let's not be stupid here finding a battery on the ground would be pretty nice because then you uh you jera ruin of the battery and then you get lots of doublings because you need to keep doubling batteries right assume that you can get another reroll hunnits if you get past that first re-roll are not reroll if that vest past that first doubling of the battery because with two batteries you pick up one battery use it again then you get two batteries and use it again you get to battery you know you just you never get past two you want to lock towards these mushrooms it'd be really cool no you don't want to okay cool good talk I tried I'll bomb these I guess there's been some pretty good pills but we got bad gas and atella pills to arrange down I was waiting for atella pills honestly to the what do you call it's i am error room where we would have lost jerry room that would have been terrible could have doubled the bombs right there but we're gonna save it just in case something cool happens bombs are nice way you get into the top secret room where there is that is that worth doubling i don't think so [Music] and here's the boss room alright so what are we looking for then we're looking for golden chests we're looking at well-read chest so we're looking for a red chest and along with that red chest we would like to see a battery drop somewhere on the ground thank you for that so nice of you HP upgrade at this point I don't think I want HP upgrades so then we're gonna leave that there I don't yeah I just don't need it and I think I've done everything that I could do on this floor I feel like I should have used blank RJR room in some fashion but I don't think that there was a really good spot for it so we're waiting on a red chest we'll double a red chest if we get a room that has three red chests in it that'd be really really good eight it's going to curse run right away there is a red chest so I think that we double the red chest I think we go for it I'm gonna go ahead and blow these up just in case as a spirit or a drop out of them I can double them too like that so I'm go ahead and double it now there's a chance there's a chance that that red chest contains a guppy item and if that's the case then both chests contain guppy items or you know red chest items from the red chest pool doesn't necessarily have to be got the items there's gold head that's also in the red chest that's fine too that blew up I don't really care now we're looking for a battery drop would be a pretty cool stuff game you can do that for me and every time that we don't get the battery drop but we get a full blank card I think we'll go back into the curse room and double everything again this is gonna be pretty taxing on our health but I think it'll be worth it now champions are good here we want to see all the champions we can get because they have a chance of dropping items and that item has the chance to be a battery there's a bond got a battery should have guessed that though there there's one into me I think it's like the yellow enemy that's like super sped up has a really good chance of dropping a battery but given hard mode has a chance of also dropping nothing we have a plan should I blow up some skulls I think it's probably worth it I'll blow up at two three here got a tarot card which is the lovers not really gonna do much for me I'll leave in the ground now with the ability to drop items we can go ahead and like pick up like a Hierophant card and take it into the curse room and then come back out grab the jer rune go back in and double the card along with everything else but like I said that's gonna be really taxing on our health but if it was a Hierophant card it'd be worth it because we get the health back from it I'm gonna bomb into the top secret room see what's going on greed okay we do have a full charge yes I was not paying attention to the blank card I said I'm gonna do something with that look I swear and kill him good double the money but we have 15 cents I don't think it's necessary to double the money actually it's a Steam sale so I have to worry about the money now shop items are 50% off go ahead and go into here for free where we get mom's contact which is an amazing item and we're gonna sneak back out make our way up to that curse room again and double everything like I said there's no guarantee that this is actually going to work because it would take that chest containing an item and it would also take take a battery that would drop randomly for me to actually have a chance to break this game yep want to go ahead and use that so like we don't really have to worry about the health at this point that it's taking to get in and out of the room and that's because of the spirit hearts that were dropped on the ground uh that could be worthwhile I'd go for that and when you damage stuff in there you can go ahead and grab the he'll for free iPhone pills don't care nice play to grab my chair Arun that worked out quite nicely alright battery please no that's a penny apply cephalus he's a dick but just remember that we have mom's contacts such a good item has a chance of freezing me however bosses like pi cephalus they only stay frozen for a short time and then they are invincible from that set as effect for like 10 seconds after the first one and then don't want to go open that door because that's gonna spend a key to go into the room I've already been in you really done all the other enemies though I think every single time you hit them with a freezing here it actually freezes them all right give me a yellow champions belt was a pretty good pick up here because extra champions like I said you have a chance for them to drop cool items give me a yellow champion and let him drop a battery okay I'm gonna get real annoying if I don't get this battery okay don't think you guys understand okay more health but like I said doesn't matter okay I'm gonna stand here so that the health doesn't spawn by me in the door because I don't have to pick up anything because it's the less to double then nope picked it up anyways that's fine but whether we break the game or not this is working out pretty nicely and if that's actually a red chest with troll bombs in it then so be it let's see here I'll take yeah you know what I could use another orbital so we'll use the Book of Revelations which gives us a chance to get a horseman in the boss room which has the chance of hang out with I'll pick them all up still now show up again as a chance to pay out with cube meat or ball bandages which is another orbital and like I said I could use one I would complain about it thank God freezing that guy give that tricky spot oh Jesus that guy got frozen I didn't know I could freeze the individual thanks he shot another one out too then that's not fair that's cheating there we go perfect yes okay so this one I'm not going to be able to double them just gonna go ahead and pop it open would have been pretty bitter if that actually had a guppy item in it because I could have if I really wanted to double this one instead but we're getting like the next time I double those red chests if I'm able to we're gonna get like I don't even know a ridiculous amount of red Ches out of it like eight more okay so we have a mapping effect to be a mapping effect how to get mapping effect I don't know how we gotta make mapping effect but we got it I don't think we picked up the map have a shop here you can buy a battery but that's only gonna go so far for us oh man give me a champion that turns invisible with a guy that already turns invisible that's why he was invisible there for like 90 percent of the time that he was alive I think I did not take damage we will go in and shop everything's half off which is super nice I'll buy the compass and the speared heart the soul heart whatever you wanna call it is not worth buying the bombs probably worth buying so is the key most likely since it's all half off and yeah so we're gonna have one more reroll here once it's all said and done one more reroll one more double i call it a reroll because I'm just like muscle memory here with the d6 home we're doubling I don't get blank cards er room very often if you can't tell very exciting day I dropped the petrified poop but holy crap we're getting cuckoo payouts like crazy alright bomb into the top secret room could definitely be worthwhile I don't know where to put the bomb though it's hard to guess there was gonna be but that was perfect yup okay good thing we did not double that red chest I'm honestly expecting that to be troll bombs in that secret room that we're doubling right now so this could this is probably all for nothing that's okay at least we tried right and I'm gonna try here as well see if I can get small rock did not got a key out of its do the devil would be mighty fine no I'm not themself you meet like I called it deal with the devil with Krampus okay I keep thinking I got the d6 I'm like olds if it's grandpa's head I'm gonna re-roll it that's not true would that be something though if the Jaron could double item pedestals cubic or an IQ meets well the coal is exactly what I wanted I would not have taken Gramps his head if it were Gramps his head dropped so one more reroll we'll go in there and we're will hope and pray that there is an item in that red chest if there is an item in that red chest which is not going to be the case because I'm not gonna get my hopes up or something that's not going to happen it's not gonna be the case but if it were to be the case we would get so many items when we're double look at all this [ __ ] man I came and take any of these speared hearts alright here's the moment truth yep troll bombs like I called it so that means everything is troll bombs we just doubled a lot of troll bombs and a lot of spirit hearts that we could not take that's just fantastic thank you game for that such a good friend I guess we could just go really really hard on this and have it give us tons of money that's it's gonna take forever to do that cuz you know I could just go lunch through all of my spirit hearts basically to do this so this is what we're gonna do IV bags gonna speed things up considerably here so we're gonna go ahead and just spam the IV bag no I don't wanna give up my black heart so they'll pick up the spear hearts before we get rid of those and just go crazy pick up tons of money here so this was not all for nothing we got something out of it kind of is it worth all the hassle if money goes power shows up it is we can buy everything in the shop pretty easily that feels pretty good all right are we getting to penny drops sometimes we are getting to penny drops I thought that never happened on thought that didn't happen on hardmode I thought you only got one penny but maybe it's different with the IV bag so we're gonna go down until we can get to 99 cents because then it does not matter there we go so there's our limits get the hell out of here grab my blank card back do not forget it that would be terrible did we do everything that we can do on the floor I think that we pretty much did I could have gone in that self-sacrifice room and done something fancy with the spirit hearts and yadda yadda yadda but I'm not going to all right a little anticlimactic but like I said we're trying nuns have it would have been amazing would have been super good to have all right explore arkaid is that worth well we'll go in there we got plenty of money to spend there's a blood bank that we could potentially use you know what I'm gonna go ahead and just oh my god a few donation machine are you kidding me I was like I'm gonna put all of my money into this thing that's gonna be great I think it knows when you have 99 cents I honestly do think the game knows well enough when you have money and when you don't have money and when you do have tons of money it does not allow you to pay at all okay that's a good sign I like seeing that don't pick up any red hearts if I do I can go ahead and use that blood bank what we're gonna do is that we're gonna double those three red chests and we're gonna hope once again that one of them contains a guppy item so once again we're playing for rerolls but I'm totally fine with that not going to be doubling this one might as well just go ahead and open it I don't have any bombs whatsoever so it'd be really nice if I could bomb into that secret room but that's gonna take two bombs five minutes by up I'm gonna sneak around which then I can bomb into the shop which we take two bombs I should say one more rum go ahead and go back and double those red chests I'm hoping the game gives me a chance to go crazy here but it might not double edge [Music] now I could test the chests right now and see if any of them have a guppy item to see if it's worth doubling them I would lose a couple chests though when I redouble so is it worth it I don't know it could be worth it though if you realize that there are no guppy items and that you're doubling would be better used elsewhere so I'll probably do that on the next reroll I'll test out the chests how to jump not what I'm looking for although we are getting a lot of books out of the pool I think how to jump is a book I think it shows up the library at least ok they go away for like two more doublings to test out the chests getting money here is completely worthless oh look out do not pick up that red heart I don't want the red hearts right now because the red hearts are gonna make it so I can't even get into the room where I want to double but like I said if something goes terribly wrong it'd be okay because we can go ahead and use the blood bank that's available to us in order to knock our health back down to the point as long as it does not pay out or we could use the spikes here but that would be very a very desperate move really nice and I don't have to give up health to get into this room all right like I said the next doubling will go back in and we'll test out some chests and see if it's worth keeping doubling them if not we might get one more double edge that we could use elsewhere in Ireland cos every time I look at you my penis be Dublin okay top Seagram I was garbage red chest it'd be nice to get two flights maybe from a deal the devil I can't imagine we're gonna get a deal with the devil though considering we've been getting so many I will take that black card thank you and that fired nickel super nice all right that's the wait till the guys are going to hear before destroying those barrels time it properly too late not in that battery game no battery okay no bomb either there's my bombs okay so now we can go ahead and bomb into the shop at a half you know sitting at nine cent or nine Keys rather and ten keys and two bombs I think it's just worth it to go ahead and use a key to get into the shop instead because bombs could be useful for funny things like small rock so like yeah that's perfect thank you game that's a damage upgrade of one I do believe what's not mistaken man look at big fan in the cube meat have stacked up like right next to each other step basically makes a trinity shield for me and I could just position the enemies wherever that shield wall is at the time broken watch and portable slots now portable slot could be very useful for me assuming - I know what this is range down no thank you battery batteries good portable slot could be really cool depending on what's in the top secret room so you know what we're gonna use our bomb to get into the top secret room well I don't know though because there's a higher chance that there's gonna be a battery drop in the normal secret room so I think that's probably gonna be more worthwhile instead of doing the whole portable slot because we don't need any health we can um damn okay so this is very tricky this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go back I'm thinking hard here and I might not get the right answer so before you start putting hate into the comments to be like it shut it down this you shoot it on that if you want to give me some helpful tends to be like next time not tense hints next time you know you could have student done something like this you know say it nicely obviously but I have no idea where I'm looking here oh I forgot this is a boss trap room Wow okay so this is gonna be really like ridiculous pills I think it's gonna be the same pill so hopefully that's like a tears upgrade pill in there anything else good okay double a lot of spiders and there's one more chest for us pretty friendly boström know and said to spiders or did I just I think that's and that's to chests with spiders in that we just doubled something that was basically worthless yeah okay so depending on what these pills are I think one of them is arranged on bread and the other one's a bad gas Wow okay so that was a lot of doubling for absolute jack [ __ ] yup okay cool thanks game so nice to me sometimes we're gonna go back to that key beggar and we're gonna hope some magic happens with him that's another letdown okay trying I'm trying game just does not want to give it to me doesn't Bend easily that's what she said grab this and do we get rid of the left hand right now and double the chest I think that might be the best idea cuz if we get some gold chests here that have some pretty cool items battery is that worth buying at this point we could get another doubling but it's necropolis 2 so we actually can't get out of the room well yet so yeah our only chance is to get this once and give up the left hand here is it worth it to go back to play the man this is gonna be a long episode and I'm sorry if you guys can't watch this but like this is me figuring out how I can potentially break the game and I'm hoping that you guys are also learning something too is a chance that you guys know what you're doing but I'm gonna go ahead and play this and hopefully get some more keys out of it and with those keys well we're not gonna get any keys so f me I guess play this a couple times and then I was gonna blow it up but it blew itself up health upgrade at this point is that worth it why not we'll take it get rid of half a black car but that's okay dang so we got a bomb out of that which is good I guess so worth it going to the top secret room probably not is it worth it to play the other floors of the other rooms probably in case we get some more keys that I could use in the key begger now we're hoping that the key beggar pays out with a lot of chests as this bonds our key hopefully not tears down okay I probably should just not have taken it it could have been a bomb their key this is a good room to have notched axons all right now that yellow guy's gonna drop a battery I just know it and I'm gonna be pissed nope okay cool Oh didn't see the spiders and see those bastards sit where the D is a bomb show get some dry baby action I'll do it cherry a card not really useful for me I don't think I can use the charity card against the key beggar okay now back to our plan where I'm going to give this guy a ton of keys and he's gonna give me a ton of chests oh yeah look at that he's just paying up the oh wow so many chests he's giving me red chest I'll go to I'll go to zero keys man alright so we're in Jeremy's and that's our last chance would be gets pills and friendly spiders are you a wizard pill double are you wizard oh that's really good this man this game does not want to give me some free cookies this game's gonna make me work for it at least we got the spiders to take into the boss room for all of that work poof Wow so have the are you a wizard effects fan have a fan though okay big fan you meet the thing I'm talking about nope this guy sees me there we go okay so we're going to the chest to Jo room so I'll go ahead and pick up the polaroid and if we don't break the game before the chest we could definitely bray the game on the chest it's absolutely a possibility so that's we're holding out for right now I've got faith and even if not we still have a fantastic run we have tons of damage tons of Tears tons of health yeah we're looking good we got nine lives right now so we could do something crazy like suicide King if need be we're gonna go ahead and pop our heads into this room up here see if there are red chests I got rid of left hand we're not taking it with me so double golden chests that's only gonna be worth it if we can start doubling keys as well so slim chance that's gonna be worthwhile we could get master of lock-picking we could get the guy even existed master block clicking we could get a golden key that would be really good getting a : key and then doubling all those chests because no matter what you get out of the golden chest you know usually you're gonna get something worthwhile gonna make my way to the curse room to see what we got going on in there is it worth it to go back to that room just to double the golden chests that I might or might not take I don't know if that's worth it let's see what's in here first I'm gonna double that once I think and then just open it up yeah figures whoa wasn't the other one okay we're gonna try to double those golden chests I suppose cleaning it a secret room could definitely worthwhile using a bomb I've got more bombs over battery maybe this guy will give me a battery and you'll just die and I'll feel really bad murderer kill the blue guys laughs I do believe you get it it's so hard from them and I'll be possible to kill them laughs and stuff throwing themselves in front of my bullets here idiots stop being idiots knock it off [ __ ] geez try and do something here back this could be a potential good reroll room honestly spirit hearts soul hearts and keys to get those golden chests this double-yellow are these guys like orangie I don't know what color these guys are but hopefully one of them gives me a battery they did not okay prioritize the eyeballs first as they are dicks oh come on losing my health here in my head okay I'm gonna double this room once and then pick it up so we have enough keys to work with if we decide to double those chests now I realize I'm missing out on a lot of golden chests but like I said it could be the right thing to do because if we double all the chests and we don't have keys to get to them then it was all for nothing to begin with so just had a battery though all these problems would be solved what are you tears down 48 hour energy pill would be pretty sick as well it would work all the same another one of these libraries book of Belial is good we use that right now say efforts that's gonna give us a guaranteed deal the devil chance I do believe unless I have to walk into the boss with it which I don't think is the case oh hey if I double it will it move over here it does move over here alright so we have a chance to do something here we don't have a key drop on the floor though because that's gonna be a problem there's another battery okay so we got batteries and we got but penny hoof problems are solved I don't know we have enough rooms though left to really do this wow that was really nerve racking all right let's get back to another charge oh man if one of these rooms does not have enemies in it I don't think we can get to the full charge room one oh dear what are we doing I don't know what we're doing anymore and that'd be like this my luck off I just died this outright just died red guy drop me a heart please no okay fine be that way freezing pins pretty satisfying so close to getting a reroll now potentially one of those golden chests could have keys in them which would be very useful okay I'm really hoping that this works out because I want to have a breaking run so badly something I've never been able to do I mean I know how to do it well I mean Here I am saying I'm learning so like I get the the gist of it right okay so now if I go into that room with the batteries in it now if I didn't get another reroll I could have picked up that other battery but this should work if I do that and then pick up one do it again pick up one do it again so this is how you break the game all right so we're doing it all righty yay now we could go so hard that everything just starts in glitching out which is totally what we're doing right now oh my god I should stop I just thought because it's gonna be a mess it's gonna be an absolute mess when I move poke watch this watch this doink okay so that's a thing and everything's just migrating off the screen like it doesn't even matter if there's a cliff or not it's like screw you buddy okay what was this pill you know what I might want to spend all of my doubling on a tears down pill just to see how low we can go such garbage um we're gonna double what should we do what should we do I don't know we need one of these golden chests to pay out with a key now I'm gonna double this and open it that's not a key now we need one of those other chests to pay out with a key it's got to happen has to happen for this to work and this still might not work with all of this preparation preparation age screw it taking that battery I don't care I could have doubled that one and had it closed her room with batteries in it screw it I would had to you know go back and forth there oh wait two keys left doubling one of these hats have key in it that's not a key nor is that so failed status failed now if I had red hands maybe that could have worked out but fine sight is 20/20 obviously okay sucks right now if I had left one of the keys in the ground which is what I should have done I could have doubled all of the keys but it doesn't matter anyways because they were garbage chests begin with I'm losing to Mattel we have a chance of dying here thank you for the penny hmm yeah this is tricky okay still trying to find a way that we could do something because I feel like there's always something you can do we're gonna go into the top secret room as well it might not even be possible to get into the top secret room to be honest so I got to lay a bomb in this mess and then hope that bomb doesn't like fly away I don't even know if it's worth it there's my bomb and did it go down to the room down there if I can just get it inside the room oh yeah it's worth doubling and I will see if that does anything okay we're gonna have the biggest army of spiders in the entire universe that's what's gonna happen because I'm tired of having all of this be for naught so yeah biggest army of spiders ever at least something came out of this run huh okay these things are stopped that they stopped freaking out a little bit sort of this is gonna be fun you know we're just gonna have fun with it yeah just gonna fun with it it's probably gonna crash the game wrist out now cuz it's gonna crash the game for sure oh my god oh my god I can't decide whether I'm going or staying oh my god I don't even know if I can have this many spiders honestly this I just leave the room most of those empty ones a little disappear oh my god this is insane oh my good lord everything in the future is screwed now I don't even know if we're getting any more spiders it might be capped out and honestly might if there is a cat there might be a cap you know there might be like a stack limits on like a game counter on the code right there could be like you know a max of like 128 but it looks like we're getting more spiders so that's a thing that's happening now if that would've got the item no holy [ __ ] we could have gotten every single ID in the game right there check everything off except for that things that I haven't unlocked yet obviously Wow okay you left nope we in it all biggest army of spiders ever okay now what else can be doubled we can double red hearts and I think that's it now there could potentially be something with this if that pays out but I don't want to risk death you know just not gonna do that so a boss fights speaking of risking death make spiders does look like we did not get as many spiders as there were chests but it's pretty freakin amazing to begin with so second level Cuba meat I'll take it and I think that we're on to the next floor I don't think there's anything that we can do right now to further our cause with the setup that we have so yeah it's a shame didn't work out again but I'm trying now all it takes on the chest is a well-timed battery now this could be worthwhile since I was worried about my health I think I have three red hearts and three soul hearts but this could give me a better trinket it could give me a triple-a batter we would be pretty freakin nice right now mom's pearl is better than but penny could be any curved horn which would give me a really nice damage upgrade I can go all day with this but I want the soul hearts you give me tarot cards justice that might be worth doubling give me all the keys and bombs in the world so we'll leave that justice card in the ground until we really need it and if I don't take it I'll probably end up forgetting it but that's okay too if that happens alright so looking for batteries so maybe I should play this thing because I could maybe get a battery out of that I don't know if that's possible pay outs to get a good pill got something happen now this is ridiculous if I had nun's habit I could've got an extra rear roll from the blood bank and that would have been pretty sweet but like I said I want her to get it but I just couldn't I'm surprised that this many spiders is not slowing down my game okay I that's going on right now okay this is really lame I'm gonna do it one time cannot believe things aren't happening I'm gonna pick up mom's pearls in case that it gives me an increased chance to of soul hearts paying out of this thing one thing it does probably gives me an increased chance of soul hearts how this thing okay seriously something happened no tarot card what do you got for me the hanged man not worth it cannot believe I gave it that much money and it still hasn't given me Jax yet come on bro 9s soul heart Wow okay so that's a thing there it is you know we could double it pay a little bit into this see what I get now this is gonna be our double room until we find a better candidates what is that algae's we could double the algae's I'm not sure I don't think you can double any ruin can you maybe you can I'm not sure you know I should have just used my reroll or my doubling I'm gonna check out this from first though which we can't do because it's a boss trap room we can do if I go ahead and use this machine we have three red hearts now we have two in a hat or one and a half one and that could be worthwhile to take after this room to get back up to full health gray chests probably not worth using not even worth fighting the bosses for to be honest so we'll go ahead and we'll grab this now we're at full health and I will double everything in the room and we'll leave and come back and keep doubling that's this guy is a chance to give me a battery since he is a yellow guy nope just a spirit hearts okay we already have spear darts that we're doubling in the other room so I might as well just go ahead and take it guys another yellow battery please no justice card contains a key guaranteed so doubling the justice card would be probably more worthwhile for us aspires when you're running out on the next 40 rooms walking over that wasn't very smart is that is that worth it - uh I know I missed that bomb - double in here double it once like I said and we'll test it to see if we should continue doubling here I'm gonna take a spear hurts in case that was a risk of me dying um doubling the spirit hearts but like I said we're already doubling spirit hearts in the other room so it's not worth it you're not going to play that machine should bomb into that secret room to be a battery drop in there there is a battery so we found our another reroll target oh my gosh this is getting ridiculous I have somewhere to be in 20 minutes and there's no way I'm gonna be able to make it so at some point Josh it can be coming in here he's gonna say what the hell dude bro we're supposed to be doing something right now I'm gonna say sorry I'm having one of the weirdest runs I've ever had in my entire life that'll be that alright lots of keys okay so I double this I can't pick it up and double it again I need to go ahead and play more rooms until I can get an extra reroll or double-double äj-- bloody petty I thought we took mom's pearl I guess I missed it I guess I left it behind but bloody Penny's okay give me a chance to get a red heart back when I pick up a penny mom pearl I think be a little bit better for us though take that little bit damage it's not feel good okay so potentially if that room over there if that doesn't allow me if there's no fighting in that room way over there on the right then I'm heading towards right now and there's only the boss room left we won't be able to get another reroll and this whole thing will have failed once again on this floor now this might all just be you know wasted time oh no this play your rooms okay because like right now we don't really have a target that's good for rear Olin that's gonna potentially give us items and break the game but what we have our justice cards and soul hearts how do we deal with this if I use the cue of meat it's definitely blow me up so we have to go like this it's gonna go is all the keys and the bombs in the world and potentially all the money that we could ever want I can use this on this guy though you might blow up and hurt me though with tears there we go yeah okay so go back and double and we get the freakout room you know what I'm gonna bomb here I don't care like I said we're gonna have like basically infinite bombs in a second so when I double this I can start on the path to insanity all right probably don't even go harder than that for now so we're not gonna make the freakout room cuz it's just a pain he asked to walk through at any point we can keep doubling in there but we're gonna bring these back into here and keep doubling them in this room now I won't pick up the money until I absolutely have to because I can go ahead and play the machines and get more stuff to double out of them so this is gonna take a while this is gonna be a long run I'm telling you strap yourselves in but you know this is a change of pace from what I usually do it looks like that algae's rune is doubling but we're not gonna take the algae's room I I could take one into the boss fight and go ahead and finish mom off pretty easily could be worthwhile I guess don't do that it's gonna be knowing that I have to pick that up every time I come into the room alright this is going to be painful is it worth going even one more after this I I don't know probably shouldn't probably just wasted time honestly yeah I'd be cool to get to you know 99 keys 99 bombs 99 cents but at this point I'm just gonna start picking everything up I think like this this is ridiculous now don't get the $0.99 just yet because I would like to keep laying these machines we do have a ton of hay demand cards I should just use the hangman cards as I come across them the algae's runes could basically be used as well okay so I'm hoping that each justice card does not pay all the same thing a man use it justice use it okay they do pay all the different things okay that's cool with me probably shouldn't use justice before I started doubling everything because you can get well I guess it doesn't matter does it it really does not matter at all algae's does not matter once again and the way I'm gonna be able to use all of these so I can't tell what just which is justice and which is hangman all right justice justice oh my god there's so much stuff in here they're just getting pushed around justice getting ever more money and man just don't pick up your gear Jarrow room max at leas it Hut's don't do that blackout Patrol bombs though a man a man a man justice a man justice justice all right pretty fun stuff a man now if we would have had the blood bank we would have been able to get it to pay out for sure with all these algae's runs justice ain't man ain't man justice Eggman all right any more justices yes few more all right we are back so that thing that I told me roommate Josh I would do I actually pause the recording when did it and now we are back I have no idea what we're doing justice cards soul hearts red hearts this is just insane do we even attempt to play the fortune-telling machine to get a better trinket no I don't think so but I would like to get one of these better trinkets that are in here good thing there's no tick because I would have definitely pick that up on accident bloody penny or what else do we have Fish Head is pretty decent I can't even see the trinkets so is it even worth it to try to get to the trinkets it's here I want to pick up the bombs though that'd be worthwhile the keys definitely worthwhile the money probably not she'll be fine mother justice card did not mean to play that there's another justice card nope justice card please there we go and use that take my bombs come more keys this is ridiculous I'm probably gonna miss a Justice card somewhere along the lines but that's just fine with me we have plenty of stuff right now yeah so we're gonna get a better trinket here mom's pearl that's what I wanted well I don't know mom's pearls necessarily necessarily necessary right now considering as a bomb I want it good mom also the jaeyoon and then we're out of here yep blank card and we got Jerry rude and got mom's pearl good to go 34 Bob's 44 keys kind of interesting that that came out to be the same number but then not really considering you get one bomb and one key per Justice card but then again you get double bombs and troll bombs so it kindly is a cool thing the video everything that we could do in this floor we did not do everything that we could do on this floor so maybe it's worth trying to get another double let's here we fighting mom's heart we are fighting mom's heart maybe it's worth to try to get a double and then maybe go into the devil room or something I don't know it's probably not worth it but dammit we're gonna do it anyway since we have so much health and that was really lucky that we do not take damage from that guy twice is he gonna blow up he's blue so I think that he's gonna make a ring of stuff that's not good for my face yep it's a good thing I did not use my Cuban meat on him and we definitely don't need to try to get a reroll now that I think if I because there's an entire room filled to the brim with batteries so just doing this just to see if I could find something cool there's so much health back there for us that even if we end up losing some health we can easily get it back if it was a gold chest I would think about doubling it because we still could get a gold chest with an item in it that would then eventually make us break the game still hoping still hopeful like I said I might as well go ahead and get a battery if I remember where the batteries are they're in the secret room that's a that's right of course it's break them apart they can start jiggling I don't think there's enough of them nope they're not gonna start jiggling that's fine no jiggles today alright not really into looking for tinted rocks right now considering the only thing I can get from a tinted rock is basically soul hearts you don't need that because I already have you know full health so I'm just gonna leave that alone I could've gerund and gotten that and gotten red hearts up to max but I really don't care about red hearts at this point maybe the solar is gonna be better for us because we have the Polaroid it's gonna go ahead and walk directly into fire because I'm really smart like that I'm gonna get the Cuban meat in there like this he's gonna be my shield walking me and a big fan they just basically made a shield wall that I just kind of poked it in there and took down her health really really quickly I was awesome all right nothing there we did get the polaroid if I remember correctly so we are going up to the chest or the cathedral first of course yeah we have like too much red health right now I do not want this much red health apparently we already had an eternal heart on us so well we go but our damage is pretty good not good enough to make me think that we're gonna guaranteed win the game so there is still some risk here okay get that Q meat in there if I can nope he's already turned the corner there we go looking for a battery we can't see the map which is gonna be a pain in the ass but that's okay I guess you'd like you a meet a big fan wall god that's so amazing I like how they kind of partner up like that it makes this like unstoppable shield exactly like the Trinity shield so perfect yellow champions are good to see we have plenty of cues I don't really need to worry about doubling those that's not worth doubling probably most likely I don't even know if I want to use my full double I I can't to save my full double in case I come across the battery you think that would kind of be wasteful to do a great chest that I don't even want to fight for in the first place is because it's in a boss trap room technically it's not a boss craft room it's of just a normal trap room mob trap room but the fact is we're on the cathedral which makes it so that's nothing but bosses so it's basically the same thing the only difference is that it takes full health to get in there and set one red hearts still may be pretty protect full of my health we can't be too stupid here these guys are probably gonna drop some red health or less than three if it's less than three I'm not going to be taking it okay it's a little bit of red health tinted rock we do we're missing one spear heart so I might as well go for it yeah okay so we're gonna double this and there's potential that there is an item in there and we still are not in the range of breaking the game considering that we need a battery to drop as well assault we have to double that chest more and get a battery drop that we can double a few times before our dream come true once again I'm sure you guys have you know they're getting tired of me talking about the strategy of this whole thing but you've got cue meat in there for a little bit of damage it's definitely worth it because he's just such a high damage difficult to get close to these guys though considering they can suck you in at any point yeah I was thinking about like doubling keys but that's probably not worth it cuz we have plenty to open up 37 golden chests which is probably not going to be the case probably I can get 37 gold chests out of it I'm try and say tinted rock yes I need some spirit hearts so hard for the moon column Thomas ran directly into that site not recommended okay so you need to stop summoning sites as he summons another one in my face yeah you're gonna need it you need to not to do that if you can maybe greed keeping meat I don't care I'm gonna take damage for it but dickbag okay you need to stop anytime now there we go a black lipstick is that good I think that's an increased chance of getting black heart drops instead of so hard so it's just you know a little bit better than so hard so we'll take that instead there's the boss room I don't want to go in there just yet just in case there is something cool in those golden chests we have a reroll we might as well use it well I don't know maybe I do want to go ahead and take on the boss because we have the most health right now and if it ever comes to the point where we lose so much health that we should stop doubling these that like you know maybe we should just leave let's see here oh it's just some some balm so it doesn't really matter we can go ahead and open these up I don't care we probably should be saving our keys for the for doubling chests on the chest but I'm gonna get a double ready before I take on Isaac I'm gonna do the smartest thing to do because anything it's go ahead and double the chests immediately even if we don't what am I trying to say get me in there I think it's stupid damage here I'm running into the enemy trying to be smart here with my Cuban meat but it's ended up it's ending up costing me health which I cannot give up right now if we double too many chests we won't be able to pay for it basically because we don't have enough golden keys so I should really probably not have open those golden chests Joe just to get bombs so at this point we're not gonna be opening up anything else but I'll hold our hopes and dreams into the chest okay so our health is lower than I feel comfortable but hopefully we get something good on the chest that makes it so doesn't matter all right are we ready for this okay we're gonna go ahead and hide behind our wall our big fan cube meat wall actually know what we need to poke it into right there like that make sure it's in there enough you won't be able to use the wall the same way when he's flying around so freeze them perfectly ere we go that's what I wanted okay pretty good stuff so when he comes down I can't put that between us like bats yes but just don't run into him like you've been doing it'll be an idiot Hut's fun I've played this right okay so that was too risky I tried to get the cube meat around her we're gonna we're gonna kill him which is the good thing here no problem okay we did that easy enough we have a cherub light card ready and we're going down to the next room next floor names whatever it's not important these are first Dublin and now we are hoping for a battery and we're also hoping for not death but if we get too low and us health where we're going to die we can just go ahead and start popping open chests at that point it's definitely possible that we can blow this completely it's like your mom really completely come on grow up putz still immature I pull the health we take the health right now I don't know I'm gonna leave it for now if we need it we'll come back and get it because it isn't as a speed down and I don't want the speed down and that's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me so there we go that's what we were hoping for we just have to live now and it sounds really easy I know but we could blow this because we're not that powerful but powerful but not that powerful we just have to make it long enough to get a couple of rerolls or a couple of not rerolls you know what I'm trying to say whatever same thing bombs are dispensable so I should go ahead and just start using bombs or I should just start you know head-butting enemies in the face and maybe a great idea all right me that's seriously like pull our heads out of our asses here oh this is done not a good room you're not enjoying this at all oh my god I'm taking damage oh he's sucking me and I couldn't move oh my God we're gonna die we're gonna die on a run where I should be breaking that be probably one of the most disappointing thing that's ever happened me on this game all right one mega fatty to go let's just let's do it right let's do it good we're gonna take the health upgrade at this point I think the smart thing to do be smart money just like man if I could get like a health up somewhere besides this health up we're gonna take it only gives us half a heart which is not very good so we're doubling that one more double and I'm saying that the game's over so if we can survive until then if we get bad rooms we're screwed I want to use my cue meat more effectively but it's just too risky at this point this is a decent room somebody paying out with red hearts would be kind of nice as well you know is that too much to ask for spear heart black heart come on black lipstick not doing anything for me right now this is a decent room I say that may I take damage because I'm an idiot alright two more rooms come on huts two more rooms and two more potential hits of damage until I'm just dead I do have nine lives which is decent and this room is so bad I tried to bar the room but I can't do this the chest oh there's a bite frickin oh my gosh so we're definitely gonna die right now because the bloke is the bloke and he does blow he bangs I don't even know her at home we got thank God he moved so I did not know where I was gonna go there I should be trying to use more bottoms offensively here okay when he's on the top wall it's just like mega dick [ __ ] mega dick alright we're not going that way it's for sure that's the secret room okay good talk this is doable it's like you're Bob all right you guys definitely need to stop what you're doing thank God we got nine lives right holy crap they're just some rooms in the chest though that you just you can't fight it's just like give up like the bloat oh he did not even touch me did you see that he didn't touch me [ __ ] liar game apparently he was dead anyways because I just walked into the room it was it was it this rug nope he died but he didn't die what are you trying to say game you're confusing me you're confusing us all could be for some potential batteries here with these yellow guys unless I die in which case they probably won't be yellow when I come back this champions like to do that maybe no batteries they had to be had there because they actually oh wait wait wait that room I haven't been in apparently you see the map right now I'm barely verily confused alright so doubling this right yes now I can go ahead and double and we can double up to 38 chests because I only have 38 keys it well actually you know if there's a room that drops a key I can go ahead and start doubling that infinitely so that would basically solve that problem so I'm guessing that the game is won at this point I know we only can take one hit of damage but I'm thinking ah I'm thinking that assuming we can get out of this room there we go oh come on curse the maze you're such an [ __ ] if curse the maze continue to be an [ __ ] we might not be able to make it okay well he spit a spider directly in my eye hole and now we have to go through this room anyways god damn you curse of the maze you're such a dick shouldn't meet do something would you oh my god okay so he died but he's he dead Oh what room Oh Mike we're screwed we might just die all right we might just be dead yeah I'm not liking this at all she's frozen but that doesn't really help me at this point okay so he's moving up top is the best spot to be with the bloat there we go just let me finish him off would you there we go thank God now we go into this room and die again I'm just gonna run like really fast and I throw because he keeps hitting me he's a liar nobody likes a liar you're dead you're dead to me okay so there's our key so now we can basically get as many items as we want to and we can breakfast the game I don't know the rules here I don't know how my god curse the maze is gonna just piss me off because it's gonna teleport me around and make me fight enemies I don't want to fight but we got to do it oh no curse the maze is gonna be the death of me it literally will be telling you right now we're screwed because it cursed amazing yeah we're so done oh my god four lives left we have to start cracking open chests I think I think we got to start doing it let me just get a few more batteries here and hopefully allow me to get oh my god this is the most frustrating thing ever literally this is the worst this is just the absolute worst right now I am so frustrated that Kirsten Mays is happening Wow and I can get back to the goddamn room let's go through this one oh my god oh now he'll probably teleport me out of here before I even get through the goddamn room again oh geez let me get there thank you I'm gonna open up a few of these chests cuz we need something that's not it that's sort of it nope that's chutes behind me that's fine Gish is good nope nope Anne's no okay so we're gonna find double again if it allows oh my god I hate this game I [ __ ] hate this game so much right now such a goddamn [ __ ] game was that not to run the entire time is the map changing on me because I could have swore in the room that I started on was this room right up here was that room but now it's this room over here am I crazy like a place that bomb and not kill myself thank you I think the maps changing yeah the maps changing on me cuz this is not the same room I just showed you the map like go back and check that [ __ ] I am going to lose this because the map is literally [ __ ] me over it swapped the rooms oh my god I'm having a [ __ ] heart attack right now I cannot stand this give me something with some effing health in it oh my god no yes so you now we have charged shots with monstros lung um yeah sister Maggie I guess you can't reroll it so piggy bank can't reroll it chocolate milk I'm not sure how that that does with monstro as long oh my god giant shots holy [ __ ] that's good Harlequin baby uh Capricorn with and all stats upgrade HP upgrade oh my god three soul hearts Oh ma'am whatever fine fear shots there it is okay okay we feel I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling a lot better I feel like we could withstand some risky rerolls at this point I'm going here I'm a double some of these keys skip to like me at around 99 keys I guess maybe 50 I don't know couple more of these and then I don't want to mess with going between rooms and rooms because holy crap curse that maze is such an [ __ ] I've never seen it where curse of the maze has literally swapped two rooms but now we know that that can happen I'm not sure if that's a glitch but yeah if you don't believe me like literally go look at the footage it happened and this is probably gonna be good enough we'll leave a couple doses in case we want to come back and double him oh my god alright game officially broken let's keep going I don't know what that item was that I'm gonna have to pick up at this point roid rage speed upgrade ok let's start opening chests huh thunder thighs I have no chant I have no control over what I'm thinking up by this point by the way if I leave though and come back the empty ones will leave cursed I I don't want cursed I poop ball of tar I don't hunt affect your fetus through tiny planet I didn't want it but I got it mom's pad I want piercing shot just enumerations good ball of tar is good so that's pretty good I like that magnet it's acceptable let's try to see if we can run through here here here here here here here a technology I definitely do not want technology all right uh-huh let's exit and come back and see what we're working with here taking dry baby for sure taking juicy sack for sure taking the relic for sure all right we have a little bit more help you kind of handle these guys yeah it's a little bit better I would say still taking damage though you know I have lemon mishap I should be taking advantage of that I'm this have spree good damage was taken too much damage though damn yeah okay wait wait wait wait wait this is the room that we started off on with the chests right cuz there is the key there's think through the room with the key it put the chests in this room instead the wafer is so good ecoli is so not good death's touch amazing money equals power we have 99 cents that's a damage up of four rainbow babies except the bowl the bean I don't want it I can't see [ __ ] anymore I don't want that either because that'll start balancing my stats I'm liking where we're at right now demon babies acceptable infamy yep yes absolutely I'll take that item I'm gonna go out and come back in dark bum would be pretty cool to have popcorn buddy I like that like grab him Lazarus is rags yes little Chad take it the halo x-ray glasses Gemini I'll take that quarter let's just get it out of here PhD little brimstone let's see here rosary is good spider Bad's no [ __ ] longs long legs mr. mega I'll take that headless baby I'm just like listening off every single light in the game this is how it works though this is what happens when you break the game best bud BB F man mystery sack Bob's brain don't really want it so we're gonna try to leave it there um Loki's horns I'd like to take okay you know what let's get out of here before we do something stupid huh come back in there we go are you a wizard pills not really what I'm looking for in a partner d4 that's a good joke I'll take spider bite that's really good I'll take Loki's horns or not yeah I'll take Loki's horns I'll take dark bub I'll take a little chubby moms knife at this point I don't think I want moms knife at this point so I'm gonna leave that behind okay d-10 I have picked it up before I'd wanted to make sure it had it let's exit the room come back in again all right so this room is basically we don't want to go there anymore and I don't think I want to risk this room so if there's a golden chest drop anywhere else we can keep we can continue doubling until we get breakfast oh right a keys okay so that's good to know let's take my Giro rune back let's go back to the room with keys in it I did not pick up the blank card that's also necessary to have so Gerry ruin blank card oh my god this is such a pain in the ass room Kirsten Mays is gonna try to screw me over did I think of every key it moves the keys over here what the hell Oh magnet don't screw me over dude I want to I did not try to go into this room but I did should be able to clean these guys up pretty quickly though thanks all the health we've got and they'll be damaged pretty easy stuff all right so what are we doing go back into this room nope nope yep these are here oh my God he's really hard to not pick them up good thing I didn't waste that it moved the keys back now it's swapping rooms it just swept it back this game is trying to mess with me oh my gosh okay you know what it's kind of a bunch of them that's good enough man this is just ridiculous I cannot believe what's happening right now I can't believe we haven't gotten dad's key either okay so let's get back in there let's get back in the good fight box of spiders rotten baby Ouija board I can't see what's going on anymore get out of my way flush not sure if we've ever picked it up 20 20 amazing what's this dead bird plus odd mushroom I'll take it flush don't want it's hot bombs is it impressive that I'm naming all these before I actually grabbed them it should be butter beans good what is that a fire your mind Satanic Bible is good you know what I'm gonna use Satanic Bible if I could actually grab it and not this is so ridiculous there we go I grabbed it use it there we go got free black art there don't grab the experiments treatment though proptosis there it is Plus revenge fly smart fly sorry smart fly revenge flight stumpy unicorn stump and magic fingers and it Wanek Taurus we'll take it oh my god Aries the other one with horns Leo okay and fat eyed mushroom which is a damaged upgrade all right so can we sneak out of here without grabbing anything that we don't want we successfully did that where is our blight cart or blank card is floating there in the middle that's pretty much everything right that's all the golden chest yeah and we've basically weeded out everything that we want and everything we don't want why am I not taking moms knife because it's gonna stop us from having that it's just gonna give us one small knife and that's just kind of you know was anticlimactic for what we're going for right now I'm gonna try sneak in here and get my blank card because I still would like to keep going until we breakfast the game if they don't breakfast the game it's fine if you guys don't know that is when you get every single item out of the pool I believe this is how it works when we get everything out of the pool you'll just get breakfast over and over or something like that I don't know I'm drunk oh my god it's happening I did it look at this you see this I can't even see the screen when I shoot really hoping on oh that's that's nice should I double I keep that so hard around in case I need a double then it is it I could screw myself over it well I'm not gonna die at this point who we can but yeah just in case golden chest please I'd like to keep doubling I just didn't want to deal with that room anymore because we'd end up picking up something stupid up we can double pills I guess could be a good line here you got going on it tears upgrade yes tella pills arranged up I'm not gonna spend so much time we could double all these and get all the you know tears ups in the world I'm just gonna go ahead and take now feel pretty good about myself we could double tella pills until we got to the ayamaro room which would allow me to redo the chest which would be pretty insane I'm not sure if I really want to do that and spend the time because this has been such a long episode anyways come on kurz the mazes let me get to my destination Dingle so sorry you had to see that and be a part of that let's taking the bus let's do it I'm feeling pretty good one shot him yes we did all right good stuff we're gonna clear out the floor at this point my keys how's it going and see it move the keys all the way over there you looking at the map right now it's literally swapping rooms that is new to me oh my god this is just sexy what just happened did you hear that I got a golden key and it sounded like it opened up the devil flight one bat be amazing if the devil fight opened up just because I got a golden key it did not okay yeah that was weird I heard the noise but apparently that's just the golden key noise we have like one room left let's just do it we might as well game officially broken all right good stuff that's going to do it for today and like I said it could have kept going but at some point you know whatever I didn't want to glitch the game out and lose I'm sure it will happen again that's exactly why I take blank card when I get a Jo rune and yeah thank you guys for watching this is freaking awesome look at that tooth amazing that's ridiculous you know you're broke from the game when you fire you can't see anything on the screen all right how'd you guys enjoyed that as much as I have and I will see you guys in the next episode see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 1,080,929
Rating: 4.7033296 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, binding of isaac rebirth, rebirth release date, hutts, mausturd, play, fail, win, epicac, brimstone, my little pony, mom's heart, mom battle, beat the game, indie game 2014, tarot cards, best items, devil room items, angel room items, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, arcade
Id: xksJwxHpdw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 7sec (6187 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 26 2015
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