Eddsworld - The End (Part 1)

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It's a bit strange that this is perhaps the last outing for Eddsworld. I remember talking to half these guys when they were a part of Sheezyart just getting started. The fact Edd is gone is still haunting to me as I remember the day he announced he has leukemia.

God speed.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/GrandmasterSexay 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2016 🗫︎ replies
Guys! Sir Swimsalot exploded! Can we go fishing? We just went fishing! Yeeeah and we kinda got banned from ever going there again... Why? Got one! Hey, that gigantic harpoon gun is an important member of this family! You sold the sofa to buy it! I'll HARPOON us a new one! I'll harpoon you a new one... Harpoons, harpoons, they're better than spoons... Harpoons, harp- WHO GOES THERE? Hello, old friend. Tord! Welcome back. Welcome BACK?! I hope you don't mind me letting myself in? No, not at all! ... Who are you? It's me! Tord...? Uh... He used to live here... Uh... Yeah, USED to! Uh... You really don't remember? (flaaaaaashbaaaaaaack) Well, time for me to go... We'll never forget you, Tord! You or your memory eraser gun. Ah, so many memories! I can't believe Tord is leaving. Yes, Edd. I have to follow my dream and make it in the big city! Fine by me! Who... am I...? Goodbye, old friends... I'm not your friend. What happened to the chairs? Tom sold them to a pirate. Yo-ho-ho! Ha! Classic stupid Tom! Don't worry. Yay, sofa! What is this...? Oh, just something I invented. Ow! Ahahahaha! So... When are you leaving again? Leaving?! I'm moving back in! Dun dun dun duuuun... Dun... Dun... Duuu... What?! Edd! Tom! Stop being so rude! I told you last week. Oh, Tom, I've been meaning to tell you... Nyamnyamnyamnyamnyam... Uh... Okay? Nyam! Wow... It looks like you had lots of adventures while I was away... I wish I could've been there. Hey! I have an idea! Wha- Hahahahahaa... Ah, just like old times! I've missed this... Yeah... Me too... Yeah! It's great having you here, Todd! Tord. You're WAY more fun than Tim! Tom. Well, don't worry, Matt! Matt. I'm here to stay! You don't suppose I could have my old room back, do you, Edd? No! Of course you can! But that's MY room! You can... Go back to your old room? But you turned my old room into a swimming pool! Why don't you sleep on the sofa? Grrr- Gah! Hahahah! Classic stupid Tom. Ahahaha... Haha, yeah... Classic stupid Tom. You want my room?! Take it! This place is too crowded anyway! Oh, hey! Free sofa! Wow... He looks happy. Really? I don't think he looks happy at all... In fact, I think he looks kind of angr- I wish you were deeead! Tom...? Maybe I should go after him. Don't worry, Edd. Come, we've got plenty of catching up to do. Uh... Okay. Hey! Wanna see my novelty toy collection? Sure! Then we can stay up all night and watch Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 4! Just like old times. Heh, yes... Just like old times...
Channel: Eddsworld
Views: 27,560,857
Rating: 4.9259701 out of 5
Keywords: mattlobster, animation, tord, full episodes, matt lobster, tom ridgewell, edd gould, toon, eddsworld, matt hargreaves, eddisode, end, eddache, the end, paultervoorde, cartoon, comedy, matt, funny, tom, edd, tomska
Id: 6ux0ERfzDSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2016
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