Eddsworld - PowerEdd

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It's even got the UFO!!!!1

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/threxd 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies
Hurry Edd! There's not much time! You've got to save the children! And now back to... "The Children" (TV) This ain't apple juice! (Canned Laughter) (Unison) Yaaay! Hey! Nice satellite, loser! Eduardo! How many channels to you get on that thing? A thousand, actually. Is that all? This baby's nuclear powered! We get channels from space. (Alien) Gnark klk aahuu fee!! (Canned turkey laughter) I'm so confused. Just admit it, Edd. I'm better than you! What is your problem?! Problem? I don't have any problems. I'm numero uno! You're the one who's comin' in second place! What the- ARGH! AAAAAAAAARGH! (Heartbeat monitor) (Matt) Boop... boop... boop... Ow! You okay, Edd? What happened? You fell off the roof. We were so worried! (TV) This ain't apple juice! (Canned laughter) (Edd falling off the roof) Edd, can you grab some popcorn? Y'know I don't... feel too... Oh... And now back to... "The Cats" (TV) Meow (Canned laughter) ARGHHH!! BEE!! (Explosion) ...Edd? Err, guys? (in unison) ARGH! ARGHH! Weeee! So, you can fly now? That's not all I can do. Hey, stop undressing me with your eyes! Aaah! Hot hot hot! Sorry!! There! (Frozen) Cool... what else can you do? Hmm.. If you're gonna be a real superhero, you need a cool origin story. Yeah, how did you get super powers anyway? Well... The last thing I remember was a radioactive satellite dish on Eduardo's roof and... Wait! If I got super powers, then... I should have a cool superhero name! Uh... Edd? (Explosion) I'm numero uno! Uh oh... (News V/O) Breaking news flash! A Mysterious super villain has been causing havoc, after destroying the bacon factory... Oh no! (News V/O) ...the Cola factory... OH NO! (News V/O) ...and the Karlsson cotton and fabric factory... OOH N- Well, that's not so bad. (News V/O) ... who specialise in making green hoodies. EDUARDO!! (Matt making car noises) Uh... Edd? Muhahaha! EEEEEEEEEEDD!! Hah! Who's the loser n- Laaaaaame!! Uh... Help? Well well well. Look who finally showed up. SERIOUSLY! What is your problem? (Dragonball Z style fight scene) Congratulations son, you have the cleanest bedroom i've ever seen! Wow what a mess. No son of mine would have a room like this. You're dead to me. Harold, you better not be eating that cake- HARDOLD, WHAT DID I JUST SAY!? Goodbye cruel world. Aww... Weeee!! I'm okay... Just admit it. I'm better than you! (More sweet ass fighting) (falls) Lame. Oh no... (Tom screaming) (Photo noise) Is it a bird?! Is it a plane?! NO! It's both! Oh hey, superheroes. Why don't you just give up? You're a loser! Face it, Edd! You're comin' in second place! Second place? FLASHBACK!! Oh Eduardo, what a lovely painting! I think this might just come in first place! Uum... Edd. Do you have an entry for the contest? This is... Amazing... Edd you get first place! Yaaay! What? (in unison) You're second place! You're second place! YOU'RE SECOND PLACE! I... Any last words? I... I'm sorry... Yea- What? You did deserve first place. My drawing sucked. Wow... I uh... Watch out! ARGHH!! (Power down sound) No one hits my neighbour but me! (Explosions, lasers and stuff) (Power down sound) Everyone okay? Tom! Did you see the monster!? ... Nope. It was awesome! It was all like ROOOAR!!! I'm a monster! There's the monster!! Get 'im! Aaah!! (Policeman sounds) Heh, shame we lost all those powers. Fun while it lasted, though. Uuh... You may wanna look down. Huh! Guess I have some juice left. I still have powers! I STILL HAVE POWERS!! Argh! Bee! (Zap then fall) No. (Door slam)
Channel: Eddsworld
Views: 20,971,347
Rating: 4.9136772 out of 5
Keywords: tom ridgewell, marvel, dc, tomska, animation, eddie bowley, super heroes, poweredd, eddsworld, power edd, super powers, mcgoiter, thomas ridgewell, toon, matt hargreaves, matt lobster, eddache, eduardo, full episodes, eddisode, edd gould, brock baker, edd, tom, matt, comedy, funny, cartoon
Id: Uy4ksRIwOzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 31 2014
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