[Eddsworld] The Red Leader Timeline Explained

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Okay i've watched the end more times than any  one person probably should. Between scripting   these videos, editing these videos, and  general rewatches I must have seen The   End about 50 times, and I like to think i know  the episode inside and out. But there's always   been one questions at the back of my mind,  and that is where did Tord get the robot? This is a bit of a weird question always meant  to be explained away with cartoon logic, but even   after addressing it in a previous video i've  never really settled on an actual conclusion. We know who Tord is, we know who the Red Leader  is, we know who Paul and Patryck are but, how   exactly this robot came into existence remains a  mystery. And after thinking about it for some time  I realized it's because I don't actually know  what's going on in Tord's head and I don't know   what he was doing during his extended hiatus.  And I realized that to understand where he got   this thing we need to reach a conclusion about  everything else. I don't expect to necessarily   reach that conclusion by the end of this video, but  I hope to at least understand what's going on a   little bit better. If you're unsure as to where  my confusion lies let's go through the events   chronologically as presented within the show: First we find out that Tord is leaving in his car, he tells the gang that he is leaving to, and I quote: "Make it in the big city" he comes back after some amount of time letting Edd know before doing so, he spends some time in Durdam Lane, before he gets into his mech suit, blows up the house, tries to fly away, is shot down and then gets retrieved by Paul and Patryck at the top of the hill So  we've got a pretty good idea of the chronology from Ed, Matt and Tom's perspective - the episodes  are viewed through their eyes - but what about   Tord's perspective? It's never really been clear  when Tord first met Paul and Patryck, when he built   this robot or when he turned evil. Some might tell  you that this isn't actually the Tord that we   know and love and he's in fact a clone, but we'll  be ignoring that theory today. The crux of this   question I think lies in when exactly Tord met  Paul and Patryck and when he founded the Red Army   working that out will give us some idea of when  he became evil and when this robot was built. And   with that i see three main possibilities: 1) He knew them before he built the robot and left the house to take over the world 2) He'd already built the robot and met them when he was away or 3) - and i'll admit this is a little bit out there - he'd never met them before this moment on the hill. Let's start with this first answer because it seems to be the one that's most commonly accepted, the one that i believe for the longest amount of time, and probably has the most evidence supporting it.  Though paul was a character before the Legacy Era   he only really made his first appearance in Moving  Targets as a soldier for the generic "Bad Guy Army". This is significant because it was also the last  episode that Tord was voiced by his original actor. He left at the beginning of the very next episode  without even voicing it, so it is entirely possible   that after this experience Tord decided that he  wanted to be involved in whatever these guys were   up to. Tord presumably met Paul and Patryck, founded  the red army, built the robot, and then left to do... something? And then came back for the robot. The  real problem here is explaining why Tord left in   the first place without taking the robot with him.  If he already had his army together and already   had plans for world domination then why not take  the robot with him? To me the far more likely   timeline is option 2: he built the robot BEFORE he left and met Paul and Patryck on his travels.  In this timeline Tord's robot was never designed  to be a super-weapon but just one of Tord's weird   passion projects. It is entirely possible that by  the time he drove away Tord actually had no evil   intentions whatsoever. Maybe after his experience  in the army Tord realized that he didn't want to   cause pain unto others. He looked at the weapons  he'd constructed and realized what a monster he   was becoming and decided to make a new life for  himself in the big city. Maybe he wanted to go to New York to be a new man but upon meeting  a couple of revolutionaries he decided that he   was not throwing away his shot so he became Red  Leader. This makes a lot more sense in my head   because it explains what he was doing when he was  away from the show and it gives him time to have   built the robot in the first place. With the first  timeline we assume that the robot was constructed   sometime between Moving Targets and 25ft Under  the Seat. We know it was constructed before he   left because the robot is constantly described  as something he left behind, not something he   was working on between the two End episodes.  But with this second theory the robot could   have been constructured any time after the first  episode potentially even before the first episode.   Tord's been shown to have violent tendencies  in some earlier episodes so is it really such   a surprise that he'd build a giant weapons  facility behind a wall in his bedroom? Admittedly   this is a little bit far-fetched, but not quite as  far-fetched as the third option, which few people   seem to consider but i actually think is the most  interesting of the bunch. This meeting on the hill   might just be the first time these characters  ever met in person. Now obviously there's a bunch   of evidence to the former in terms of easter eggs  and such but let's just ignore that for a second. According to this timeline everything Tord does  up to this moment was entirely of his own accord. He built the robot on his own and he planned to  dominate the world on his own without any help   from anyone else. And it was this incident which  caused him to meet Paul and Patryck and fall down   the path to becoming the Red Leader. This actually  makes a lot of sense thematically, I could totally   buy that Tord thought that he could become an  evil dictator without any help at all. After all... Of course the robot wasn't actually good enough   he was defeated by none other than the group of  friends the ones that he'd previously shunned.   They cared for each other enough and together they  alone were able to bring down his giant mech suit. Think about how defeated and humiliated Tord would feel in this moment. His entire life's   work destroyed in seconds literally by the power  of friendship. He'd built himself from nothing and   now he has nothing to show for it. He has no  friends, he has no house, he has no direction, no plan from here on out. But then he meets these  two people, two revolutionaries just like him   who want more than they've got. They obviously  have a lot of interest in weaponry, they saw the   commotion from down below and rushed to see what  was going on. And in this moment Tord realizes that   he can't do this alone. He feels accepted,  he sees direction, he's found some friends   who will actually help him to safety.  They accept him and give him a ride.   They show interest in whatever his plans are  and Tord is happy to tell them in the car ride   home. They bond and realize that if they're going  to change the world they need to do it together. Okay so there is a lot of evidence that they'd  met before this moment let's be honest. In Fun Dead   you can see Tord's shadow whilst the other  two soldiers are controlling a zombie outbreak.   In The Snogre we only see Paul and Patryck  in the aeroplane but then three parachutes   when the plane crashes. People act like  this is the ultimate smoking gun and that   must be Tord but it could just as easily  be literally anyone else who might have   been on the plane. However the plane's serial  number is exactly the same as Tord's car   number plate. That is less easy to explain. And  then there's also the Red Leader clan-tag that   was clearly created by Tord, and we see it  all the time linked with Paul and Patryck.   That's basically confirmation that these three  have been working together for a long long time.   Still even though there's basically no evidence  supporting it, this timeline just might be part   of my new head canon. I think it's a really great  way of looking at the scene and the relationship   between these characters. And I hope now that you  might just have a new appreciation for this stuff.   A lot of information was left unshown but that  means that you have the ability to create your   own interpretation. Was Tord evil before he left?  How long was this thing left under their house?   Is the story told out of order and we have  the chronology completely wrong in our heads? Is Hellucard the puppet master behind the  whole operation? All that is up to you to decide.   It's up to you to decide how you interpret any  piece of art. You can get out of it whatever   you want and enjoy it however you see fit. Just so  long as you do it in a healthy way that you enjoy   that isn't hurting anyone else, go nuts! Nobody's  telling you how to enjoy things. So where did Tord   get the robot? That's up for you to decide. Also why does Edd have a picture of Paul in his house?
Channel: The Tomee Bear
Views: 1,338,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tomme, Tomee bear, Eddsworld, Easter, Eggs, Tord, Red Leader, Paul, Patrick, Robot, Secrets, Tom, The End, Explained, Theory, 2020
Id: if3xmqvzlRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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