[Eddsworld] Tom is a DEMON - Why Tom Turned Into a Monster

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Before we begin this video was sponsored by Amino.  Amino is a free mobile app for fans of pretty much   anything to connect with each other and share their own creations. I've heard it described as a   cross between Reddit and Discord. It's a place  to share artwork, take quizzes, and chat with   other people. There's an Amino page for pretty  much everything, from games to TV shows, but if   you're watching this you'd probably be most  interested in the Eddsworld Amino. It has a very   active community, and I've actually seen some  pretty great artwork on here. I'm showing a   few examples on the screen. If you go there right  now you can vote on a poll I created, you can even   follow me if you'd like. My username is Eddsworld  Easter eggs. Once again the app is called Amino.   You can find it in the iOS and Android app store,  or by clicking the link in the description below Eddsworld fans, I have an announcement: Tom is  possessed by a demon. That's right for years   he's been trying to hide this dark secret, hoping  that none of us would notice. But today we leave no   stone unturned, we're going to get to the bottom  of Tom and the demon that lives inside of him. The first hint at Tom's inner demon comes at the  end of Trick or Threat. Kate, the little witch girl   from Crash Zoom, finds that unlike the others,  she could not possess Tom, and is kicked out the house. When asked about this Tom says: "You can't possess something twice" The episode just sort of ends here, so we never really get to find out who or what possessed Tom in the first place. To find   this out we need to go beyond the Eddsworld cannon and go to Tumblr. After his departure from Eddsworld production Thomas Ridgewell made a post regarding  character. He revealed that initially he wanted his character to be possessed by a demon, a rage demon, that would break out whatever Tom   got too angry. Sort of like the Hulk. This demon is  actually why he designed the character with black   eyes in the first place. Which makes that whole  video I made completely pointless but I digress.   Of course, this was all non-canonical. Tom was no  longer part of the show when he made this post   and Edd never really agreed to this reasoning in  the first place. So for further evidence we need to   look at Power Edd. Remember this thing? This monster  that seems to come out of absolutely nowhere? We know that   this has something to do with Tom - it's implied that he turned into this monster after being punched by   Eduardo - but it's never actually explained why  in the episode. I'd just assumed it had something   to do with the radiation emitting from Eduardo or something, but Edd seems completely unaffected by   it. This monster is just unexplained and it comes  out nowhere and it's never mentioned again. It just   makes no sense... Until you consider the blog post.  According to Tom, the demon inside of him comes   out whenever he gets too mad. I don't know about you,  but this: would be enough to make anyone angry. That monster we see was not a monster at all, but was in fact Tom's inner rage demon out of control   and breaking free from Tom's body. This demon  monster also makes an appearance in the Crash   Zoom episode Orcs and Dorks. Crash Zoom is a web  show written and produced by Tom, and there have   been hints within both shows suggesting that it  is indeed set in the same universe as Eddsworld. With   Kate appearing in Trick or Threat as the most immediately  obvious crossover. In this particular episode, Kate   summons the very same monster using an evil spell  to create havoc at a convention, and it is clear   from the Satanic imagery that it is not just some  generic monster but is definitely a demon. And if   there is any doubt about whether or not this is  actually Tom, we see at the end of the episode the   demon's arm turn into that of the human's. A human  with Tom's distinctive blue hoodie. Finally let's   look at The End and one of the most interesting  Easter eggs in the show. In Tord's secret lab we see   some blueprints on the wall showing Tom's  demon monster. But this doesn't make any sense. Does   this mean that Tord was behind the whole thing  in Power Edd? Or does it mean that Tom wasn't actually   possessed to begin with? Maybe, but there is another  possibility: What if Tord is trying to replicate   the rage demon? Remember, Tord spent many years  with Tom as a flatmate so it's completely possible   that he has seen this thing in action before, and  wanted to use it for his own evil purposes. This   makes even more sense when you watch through  the episode. Dear viewer I ask you this: What is Tord doing throughout the entirety of The End part one?    Ha! Classic, stupid, Tom! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Classic, stupid, Tom! Why don't you slip on this sofa? [Angry Tom noises] Trying to anger Tom. Think about it, if Tord is already there retrieving his giant robot he may as well try to obtain the power of this indestructible monster. If he could get Tom to turn into a demon, he could experiment with it, clone it like in Spares, or mutate it for his own evil ways. And what better way to do that, than to make Tom incredibly, incredibly  angry. So there you have it, Tom is actually sharing   his body with a rage demon. Tell me if you disagree  or agree with me in the comment section I'd be   very interested to hear your take. As always  I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
Channel: The Tomee Bear
Views: 2,236,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eddsworld, easter eggs, secrets, monster, devil, evil, poweredd, trick or threat, trick or treat
Id: zpBoGhDjapo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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