Eddsworld - Spares

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Finally, we defeated the super powerful demon mutant zombie pirate magic ninja evil overlord from hell and outer space. No we didn't it's right behind you. Oh... (Monster Eating) (Credits Music) I think it's safe to say that was the best film ever! (All in agreement) Indeed it was. Yeah. Absolutely. I bet millions of people are going to see it. (All in agreement) Definitely. Nobody will ever love me. Absolutely. 4 viewers?! How did my film only get 4 viewers?! Don't they know how many monkeys I had to tape together to make that monster? MANY! How can this be? How is it possible?! Nobody has ever seen a movie like this! Apart from Godzilla, King Kong, Jurassic Park. There has to be some way to get more than 4 people to watch my film! Make a better one? YES! That's perfect! If I take the 4 people that came to my film and we multiply the mass of the route of the volume over the common denominator divided by pie and remove 3 decimal places then it will result in my film being successful. It's a good job I used the leftover monkeys to make this cloning machine! And how's that supposed to help? Isn't it obvious? If 4 people came to see my film and I make 4 million clones of those 4 people then i'll get at least 444 more viewers. And how exactly do you intend to clone them? With the DNA left on their seats! HAHAHA!! HAHAHA!! (Music) Nomnomnomnomnomnomnom Watch out for the giant crabs! Haha! That's what she said! HAHAHAHAHA!! Wait, how is that funny? Hello there! It worked! I am winning! Hey! What's going on? Oh wait! They leave when the film ends. DAMMIT LARRY YOU DIDN'T THINK THIS ONE THROUGH AT ALL!! Oh look it's Edd! Hey Edd! (Over and over) So, where should we go now? Arcade! (In unison) Shoe shopping! ... Erm... I mean Arcade! (Music) So, err. Where should we go now? Home! (In unison) Kitten shopping! ... Aww not again! They've got to be around here somewhere. Hey excuse me, have you seen a large group of identical looking people around here? BLAST! We'll never find them! Curse me for cloning such geniuses Hey Edd, is it cool if I drink this milk? That's white paint! So, it's cool right? Hmm, a trail of empty Edd's empty Cola cans. Those can be anyones cans! That could be any Edd! That could be any clone! Oh. (TV plays) (Doorbell) Matt can you get the door? So, err. Who was it? Oh no! It's a horde of disgusting hideous fish faced demon spawn! They're clones! Yeah, that what I said. Calm down guys, clones aren't so bad. I mean think of the possibilities! Holy bumblebees on a body board! Holy carrot cake on a kitten! Holy reused joke on a web toon! Anyone else wanna drink? (A ton of voices) Yeah. Yes. Please. Oh bugger... (Music) Meanwhile... Ahh! It appears the trail of cans ends here! So, they must have taken to the sewers of the city and spread across the many tunnels trailing filth and destruction. Hibernating for years in raw sewage which of course will give them magical powers only to be used against us when they establish a civilisation beneath our very feet and plan to destroy the very fabric of our- Or they're behind you... Well, I think that's all of them. Hey you're that- That director. Evil director. What are you doing here?! I'm here to get rid of all the- Clones... Hey guys! Hey guys! Oh no. Two Matts?! I think we all know what we have to do. 10 minutes later... I think we made the right choice. Oh yes definitely. Indubitably. Heeey, I was about to say that! Now that's what I call recycling! Hahaha!! (In unison) HOW DO YOU MORONS EVEN BREATH!!?! (Music)
Channel: Eddsworld
Views: 11,387,345
Rating: 4.9143505 out of 5
Keywords: Tord Larsson, eddsworld, tom ridgewell, edd gould, multiple, tord, full episodes, cartoon, toon, tom, spares, matt lobster, matt hargreaves, copies, comedy, clones, edd, animation, matt, eddisode, gould, tomska, funny
Id: Ie91HF0L9dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri May 16 2008
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