eChurch Bible Class 09.21.2021

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do guys so praise the lord kingdom apostolic ministries we are elated and ecstatic that god has directed you to join us from detroit to indianapolis to marion and to the e church campus and any visitors who might be streaming with us tonight we invite you to join us and you're part of the sanctuary as we go before the lord in prayer father we thank you o god for another day that you have blessed us to see a day that we've never seen before we thank you for protection from dangerous scene and unseen we thank you o god for going out and coming in and you being with us we thank you for your mercies that are new every morning great is thy faithfulness unto us father we pray that as we go forward in this service that you bless our pastor in the name of jesus anoint him once again to give us the words of life oh god move in the mighty way into the midst of your people father we thank you in jesus name we pray amen we ask that you continue to stand with us as we read our scripture which will be found in psalm 95 verses 1 through 6. oh come let us sing unto the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods in his hand are the deep places of the earth the strength of the heels is his also the sea is his and he made it and his hands form the dry land oh come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord our maker and may the lord add a blessing to the reading of his word amen well come on let's do what the scripture has described let's give god a big praise hallelujah right at home in your personal sanctuary come on give him a big pray hallelujah i wish you were given the praise that you know you owe him right now stand up on your feet where you are in the virtual space and just begin to magnify the lord walk around your living room walk around your bedroom walk around your house wherever you are even if you're in your car just lift your hands and begin to give god praise right now we serve a worthy god and he's worthy of all honor he's worthy of glory and he's worthy of praise hallelujah i'm excited to praise him are you ready to praise him come on clap your hands hey yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what we came to do we came to give him a sacrifice of praise hallelujah listen it goes like this say i praise your name your holy name i praise your name your holy name i praise your name not just today but always lord i praise your name now you try come on i'll praise your name say your holy name sing it i praise your name your holy name i praise your name not just today but always now and forever lord i praise your name sing it right there say i praise your name your holy name i want you to oh i praise your name hear your holy name are y'all singing it come on is you say let's stay right there one more time come on i praise your name i want you to sing it your holy name not just stay right there i praise your night now and forever not just today is i praise your name yay forever not is for the rest of my life i praise your name for the rest of my life i'll praise your name for the rest of my life i praise your night for the rest of my life for the rest of my life i praise you when my body when i got friends by my side i'll praise your name even if they all just walk away i praise your name i'll praise your lord i'll praise your name hey when i think about your mercy i'll praise your name say i'll praise i'm gonna give my all to you jesus for the rest of my life for the rest of my life not just today foreign give him glory now you can lift your voice in here you can lift your voice at home somebody tell them your love give him glory yeah we are yes i will i will i will give him we just want to give you praise lord because you're worthy to you we give of the praise to you we let it be for your glory i want to sing it again for you to learn it close your eyes lift your heads to you we give off it's a real easy song to you we give all the for praises glory to you we give up it's real easy come on you sing along everybody say oh to my whole life we lift our head and keep glory somebody tell the lord just take it up the higher only because you're worthy hey oh lord we worship you would you live my life yeah let it be for your glory to you we give you i just want to live for your glory jesus say to you we hear you one more time would you i just want to give you all the glory to you i just want to live for you now give him glory now give him glory now say gee lord we give you glory jesus jesus this power in his name you say jesus nobody like you jesus said jesus jesus you nailed my sins to the cross at calvary and i'm so glad to know that you died you died you died yes you did for all my sins you died but that's not all say a few rules for me you and guess what he's coming back for me one day saying soul coming soon i'm gonna be caught up in the sky one more time let's call his name say jesus jesus say jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus uh well we bless the lord tonight we're happy to be in the house of the lord and we're glad that god has blessed us to come together another time what a what a wonderful song of worship this praise team has led us in rendering unto the lord tonight so powerful um anointed and convicting that's how singing should be i enjoyed them tonight let's praise god for our singers tonight let's give god glory for them come on let's give god glory for them they certainly may be seated we appreciate them this evening they were singing so beautifully as i was coming my entryway into the pulpit here in detroit is uh by way of one of the overflows and we we have these uh uh flexible i don't know what we call them but they divide overflow from the main sanctuary and uh i paused to look through the through the opening they were singing so nice and they were doing it so well with such poise i said let me just stand here and admire them as they worship the lord and so we bless god for the singers how many were blessed in song tonight were you blessed were you blessed come on talk to me in the chat line this evening and uh praise god for the singers you know when people are doing stuff for the lord i like to encourage them so they can be encouraged and while you're doing that sometimes you put all the focus on the singers but i know the singers would agree with me what makes them sound even better is when you have a wonderful group of musicians that are uh singing we don't talk about the musicians every service but is good sometimes for them to know how appreciate they appreciate that we are of them and what they uh bring to the table uh i don't know elder hall they tell me that the lord has blessed us with a new organist is that so we're delighted i look forward to meeting him even more personally but uh somebody in the chat line welcome what's what's our brother's name huh mike brown oh that's easy i got him but welcome he he plays a nice organ i mean and somebody walking brother mike brown is part of our band here at uh cam we appreciate him appreciate him on tonight and the rest of the fellas they know we already love them they're part of the family so god bless them uh in jesus name now real quick as we get initiated tonight you uh you who are part of our bible study group you know i always lean on you to help us fill the pews the virtual pews let's fill them up tonight in bible study god really has made it so convenient for all of the saints to come together and receive instruction and i hope we take advantage of this let's come together as we delve into the word of the lord let's come together and let's uh invite others into this space so real quick let's do that list thing this means to love and like uh you know i've added my little stuff to it sister beth i've added my own little stuff i for invite s for share and t for text and tag now do i need to walk through all of that you who are in the face and uh joining this service by way of facebook live you know what to do in your portion of the chat uh you can share this bible study to your facebook page if you feel so disposed we would love it if you did then of course you can love and like right here and you can also tag people in your feed tag people in your feed youtube you can share the link to youtube text it out to somebody of course if you got that invite or that service reminder via text messaging from cam you can just forward that link to somebody just forward it like it is but help us call the people together in your family those who are part of your household tell them let's take the next hour and study the word of the lord and then just text somebody outright tell them to come on to church make sure you get all of our members and invite some visitors to come and tell them to join us in bible study all right having said that we're going to get into the word of the lord we are dealing with the greatness of god in man's the great the greatness of god in his creation and man's responsibility that's been our focus for this month the greatness of god in his creation and man's responsibility um i think tonight what we'll do is uh we will go back to the psalter for just a moment we'll go back to psalms 3 psalms 8 verses 3 through 4. and again saints i'm counting on you to take a moment to invite others to join us make them aware of bible study when i consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers that psalms 8 and 3 the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained hopefully you'll be able to follow there the scripture is the moon the stars which thou hast ordained now that's a nice little piece of art the globe there what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him now just before i just give a quick commentary tonight um well maybe i asked you a little later how did we do with our homework and the things we were supposed to do in that homework space um don't forget what the common english bible saying in verse 4 it said what are human beings that you think about them what are human beings that you pay attention to them that's the common english translation it's interesting it's interesting he's impacted he's impacted by and he's saying we should be impacted i don't know all right i'm just going to turn this off because and i'll turn this on and we'll figure out maybe something happening there he's impacted and he's saying the psalmist is saying that you and i should be impacted uh because of what we observe in creation now that's why i gave you that assignment tonight because i wanted you to consider yourself in the context of god's creation now as i move forward tonight if you'll allow me just for a moment let me remind you at the outset of this uh these lessons our very first lesson i said to you or rather quoted to you the words of thomas aquinas the famous philosopher and catholic theologian who said this to us any error about creation also leads to an error about god now why did i quote him uh at the outset of our study i i quoted him because i wanted you and i to be mindful of how central god's creation is in this month when when the emphasis is on creation care we want to understand the connection between humankind and god's creation i'm suggesting to you that the scripture we read in psalms 8 is is is very crucial and very central to our understanding i'd like to control them if they can get that common english bible translation up there real quick because i just want to step back into that space for a moment put verse 3 psalms 8 common english bible when i look up exercise and what your fingers made the moon and the stars that you set firmly in place now one thing again that i keep bringing back to us is the intricacy of god's creation in a few words intricate really is the message in verse three the other translations say consider when i consider when i look when i observe that was your challenge by way of homework when i look up at your skies and what your fingers made the fingers of god and the intricacy in which god has fashioned his creation it brings to mind a question to the psalmist but but listen closely the question would never have occurred if he did not stop to consider and that's why we've sort of been uh foisting upon you and pushing uh uh upon the dear saints of god and we gave you that assignment last week those that would accept it take some time and spend it out in nature and the goal was that not only would you appreciate the greatness of god but that you and i also would look at ourselves in the context of god's creation now part of what i want to do tonight i want to i want to disabuse us of a mindset we may have in creation i want to go back if i may be redundant go back to psalms 24 and 1 again then i have several other passages i'd like to share from you tonight and god bless brother carlton from jamaica who is joining us in bible study tonight that's why i'm so thrilled about even this time what god is doing go to psalms 24 and 1. i don't know how let's project that on the screen the earth is the lords the fullness thereof the world and they the dwell therein only part i want you to catch again and i'll call upon the insta car group to help me i asked gideon to kind of work with me um so i need all of issachar who's in the sanctuary that will project their voice through their mass uh the earth is the lord's and the fullness of the world and they that dwell there in would you just help me as i asked gideon last week issachar to whom does the earth belong the lord that was the answer now let me ask all of us a rhetorical question both in the sanctuary and in the east sanctuary does most of humankind act like the lord the earth belongs to belongs to the lord or do we tend to act like the earth belongs to us do we treat it like it's the lord lords or do we treat it like it's ours now remember the little illustration i gave to all the weak most responsible people are more thoughtful about possessions that belong to others and sometimes we're a little more like a days ago about what belongs to us if the earth is the lord's then we ought to treat it like it belongs to him we ought to treat the earth like it belongs to god i told you when i go to somebody else's house i'm a little more careful then i'm in somebody else's car i don't just pull out a cup of coffee and pop in popcorn do you know why i'm in somebody else's car when i drive somebody else's car how many agree with me when you drive someone else's vehicle you're a little more careful it's not mine the earth doesn't belong to us my brothers and sisters the earth belongs to god now let's come right back again to psalms 8 and then we'll journey on come back to psalms 8 when i consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou had which thou hast ordained i've always stuck hand in there for some reason verse 4 what is man the god mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him flip it back to the common english bible again go back to verse 3. let's just drive this home and undergird it again with the common english translation when i look up at your skies at what your fingers made the moon and the stars that you set firmly in place verse 4 what are human beings that you think about them what are human beings that you pay attention to them now the question i would ask all of us does the psalmist have the right perspective but of course he does do we have this perspective let me ask it to you another way tonight um those of us that had a little time to to participate in what i asked you to do how did you feel when you went outside you took that time to observe god's creation and let me bring that word back to you and you looked at it in some element of its intricate fashion in detail how did that make you feel oh man should it not have brought about a sense of humility or did we pray about as if we owned it you know i know some people they bow people's cars and then they go around other folk and act like it's theirs they take that car oh and they don't tell them well let me go another how many of y'all ever seen somebody rent a car but they don't let you know it's a rental people man that's a bad car yeah you like it now they never mention the fact that it's not theirs stay with me we would have a far more healthy attitude about life about ourselves and towards god if we reminded ourselves on a daily basis that the earth doesn't belong to us god's allowing us to use his earth he's privileging us with with having access to everything that's on earth and allowing us to to live on his earth and because he allows us to live on his earth and i hope you got that when you did your walk or looked out your window or sat on your deck or your back porch or your front porch or in your yard i i hope that there there was some moment in the midst of that that that you looked toward god and said lord i'm just so grateful that you you've thought enough of me what are human beings that you think about them what are human beings that you pay attention how can you run this whole world and and the solar system and the galaxy and the and the solar system galaxies that are beyond our solar system and galaxies uh the solar systems and galaxies that run out into infinitum the ones that we can see through the telescope and the ones that are beyond the telescope how can you run and work all of this and yet give regard to me that should blow your mind so i said to you the other week psalms 8 makes the argument for the very existence of god and the greatness of his creation and the humble nature of man we're miniscule when we when we are placed uh in the prism and underneath comparison to the grand scheme of things pulling again from some words i quoted the other week in the divine design it should remind us of how miniscule we really are we talked to you last week about the brutish man we said he does not understand we don't want to be that brutish man who lives without understanding we don't and the brutus man means stupid and psalm 14 said the fool has said what in his heart there is who there's no god i don't want to be stupid we had you say that last week see there's something about human beings that tends to cause us to live in pride and that pride gives way to living carelessly listen real close um human beings if we're not careful and i think the lord's been helping me as as i'm studying this to share with you if we're not careful we tend to think that we're the only thing that matters to god that the world is simply here for our usage and our usage alone and that we're the only thing that really matters to him oh i wish i was making sense let me ask you a question let me ask you a question you ready we're gonna sound crazy does god love dogs somebody answer me in the chat line i don't leave class somebody said i'm leaving this class they they talking about dogs tonight spaniels and german shepherds i only own one dog in my life i think i told you about that on one dog he was part cocker spaniel part mutt uh his name was sir galahad never forget there was only one dog my daddy let me have a dog we kept about a week or two and uh he uh ate up some of my daddy's work clothes and my dad made us get rid of him what's the verdict saints of god does he love dogs elder sean kelly wrote in the chat line he said well everything he made was good we're going to go there and read that that's true does what well let me ask you does he love caterpillars what about those worms and those spiders that you sisters go ah he made them did he not number one dear saint 50 slash 52 marion i like that she said he meaning god loves animals but animals are not made in his image great point let's come back to that but since you made that point let me ask let me throw this out here right now uh because the other created beings were not made in god's image and likeness does it mean that he doesn't care about them i'm asking that as a whole the person that made that comment they already gave the answer now sometimes there's good chatter going on that's great now invite somebody else in tell them to join bible study tell me we're talking about dogs right now don't need to get over here now think with me most of us acknowledge he cares well oh let me go another place does god love the flowers how many of us have even ever bothered to think about that you know we talk about the love of god let's be honest but when we talk about the love of god we only let's be can we all be real we probably tend to only think about the love of god concerning us concerning me when we talk about sin when we talk about salvation oh wow now this thing can actually get a little heavy we usually think about that that in the context of me as a person and some of us are generous enough to think about our brothers and sisters and so we think about humankind but how far does god's love go is god's love limited to just the human family is god's concern limited to just the human family what's the impact of all of this my goodness i'm trying to get to genesis one but i'm gonna have to work my way back i just want i just want you to see and sense uh some other things first so let's do this let's go to genesis chapter 6 and verse 5. help me holy ghost oh there's a lot of chatter going on y'all in the chat line i like that i want to challenge you to think genesis 6 verse 5. what does it say let's read it together and god saw that what the wickedness of man was great where in the earth and that every what the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was what only evil continually my goodness now who is he talking about in this verse man right whose heart is evil continually man whose wickedness is he discussing man what was the what was the intensity of that wickedness the bible says it was great but where is man's wickedness manifested you can say it uh issachar group shout it out loud where in the earth god saw that the wickedness of man was great where in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually i'm working on something what was the impact of that wicked man in the earth what was the impact what was the ultimate response of god let's go to verse six and it repented the lord that he what that he had made man he had made man on the earth and what else did it do it grieved him at his heart let's keep reading and uh we're reading from genesis 6. and now we're in verse 7. hold on a second let me catch up to you and so what did the lord say in verse 7 i will destroy man whom i created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping things in the files of the air for it repented me that i have made them and we know verse 8 but noah found grace the bible says in the eyes of the lord wow now let me ask everybody some of you can drop it in the chat line man was wicked but who was impacted by man's wickedness the earth well sure man man too man drown but the earth itself the the earth itself was impacted by the wickedness of humankind let me ask you something rhetorically is it still being impacted my goodness when god unleashed his judgment and we we're not going to read this whole chapter when he uh poured so much water from heaven and nobody believed it was going to rain because up until the days of noah remember it had never rained before now let me give you this for free but most people mock noah i hear old mother pool preaching now you know mother pooh said she could hear the people in her mind calling noah that old stupid fool building an ark talking about it's going to rain it never rained before i'm going to give you this for free most people look at the church and the saints of god who talk about a day when god's people are going to be caught up we name it the rapture and those who don't go up in the rapture uh face the the great possibility of going to hell and you know what they say when when we still preach that fundamental message that old stupid fool they don't believe you know why they don't believe in the rapture because they ain't ever been a rapture before oh i'm talking to somebody right now the earth was impacted by the activities of humankind god said a comment in this bible verse 7 i'm just using it for clarity uh uh a matter of fact let's just go to that common english bible uh uh back to verse six and five the lord saw uh that humanity had become thoroughly evil i just wanna re-read it to you on the earth and that every idea their minds thought up was always completely evil god said i'm sick of man and how many agree genesis six and five it sounds a lot like today uh you know you uh um i i had to you got to change your television stations now because wickedness is normalized on tv they're determined the world is determined to push its agenda humanity has become thoroughly evil on the earth and every idea their minds thought up was always completely evil has anybody been watching any of these tv programs some of them i can't watch you say you can watch all of them huh there's something on my tv the other night i i had to turn it off can i tell y'all what it was it got on my tv i said oh i can't have this up in here and there were some pretty women uh ella ford y'all looking at me like y'all don't know what a pretty woman is you so say you don't know what pretty woman is now your eye your eyes just can't see pretty um y'all want to tell me do you want me to tell you why i turn it on elder kelly the women was printed but but i noticed something you know back in the day it would get a little mushy but it was clean mushy y'all want to act like y'all don't understand when i was a kid clean mushy you know a little smoochin and at least you had to infer y'all talking to me you you had to infer everything else the the the scene with clothes and kind of blacking out and you have to figure it out you ain't got to figure out nothing now why are you trying to figure it out they don't already sold it out oh i need i need i need 50 people to tell me uh teddy y'all tell me you teaching right now in this chat line and it's a car if i'm teaching y'all how out you're teaching pastor i gotta do i got to work quick here let me work quick y'all tell somebody else join bible study telling bishop talking about your your tv program now now oh i'm supposed to tell you all of his own so there was pretty women uh usually pretty women kiss men but they was all kissing one another and it wasn't just one little kiss maybe i could have winked at one every woman up in the movie was kissing another one i say this got to go listen to me the devil is pushing his agenda i gotta just deviate here for a moment and let me speak to all of us we must be conscious of this you allow it in your home you you know what the devil's trying to do he's he's trying to uh uh he's trying to inoculate you to that and normalize it in your mind and subliminally make it acceptable to you the devil is a liar i want somebody to put in a chat like we will not accept the devil's agenda let's put that in the chat ladder that's for free we will not accept the devil's agenda all of us bishop gates all the saints of god we need to be conscious about what we watch on tv oh boy can i teach that i'm not coming to your home i'm not telling you what i'm not regulating your tv but what i am trying to get you to do is is let the holy ghost regulate you so you regulate your tv shouldn't everybody's holy ghost tell them when dudes you don't need to watch this girl and you know the holy ghost speak plain y'all know how to go speak plain when you're watching something wrong how many know the holy ghost you start feeling a little funny i shouldn't be doing this it never happens to me because you ain't got no holy ghost the bible says he convinces him or convicts us of sin he comes to lead and and guide us god don't ever let me get to a place where i can't feel your nudge or hear your voice don't ever let the devil get me so comfortable with what he's doing until until there's still ought to be some things that shock us oh i feel like teaching now there still ought to be some things that disturb us there there is a place called too far and that's for all of us let that holy ghost work let the holy ghost speak to your mind and speak to your conscience don't allow satan to inoculate you you know the the bible writer speaks of a class of people he says who having their conscience seared with a hot iron and sometimes satan is subtle in how he sears our conscience and a lot of it happens through that tv box so i'm telling y'all i sat there for a minute how long did you sit there done your business but i sat there for a minute but but the holy ghost told me get up from here and turn that thing off i changed that channel i i i don't want to give that space not only in my brain i don't want to give a space in my house oh i wish i was teaching right now somebody tell me you're teaching pastor commercials somebody said that's true the commercials they're normalizing a lot of stuff in commercials and i'm not i'm not coming to this with any agenda i'm just teaching god's word i don't believe can i say this real quick and get back i don't believe that there are that many gay people in the world i don't believe that and and whoever's gay we love them and we're going to preach god's word to them and we're going to embrace them with the love of jesus and we're not going to be derogatory and mean and ugly toward them but i'm also trying to reveal to you that the world some of them have control of the media and they're so they're so um focused on making it acceptable i'm saying that you all pray for me because i might come under attack because i'm saying what i'm saying but they want to make it so acceptable until they put out the uh uh the false persona that that half the world is gay that is not true but every other commercial they got it subtly in there and you know why because they control the media world but the children of god must be wiser than the children of the world oh i want to teach can somebody encourage me to teach saints start controlling your television enjoy it but let the holy ghost speak to you when you watch stuff oh let me get on your bookshelf too you can't read about sex all day and don't expect to have sex at night who am i messing with all right i'm gonna leave you alone let me get i thought we were talking about creation care i am you're not just thinking as broad as you want to make it now i read here in uh genesis 6 for a reason the earth was impacted let's go let's hit some passages real quick here i got about 20 minutes left on the clock let's go to genesis 8 and verse 20. we know the rest of the story what happened god sent the rain and everything was wiped out wasn't it but let me ask you this question did everything sin who sinned man whose heart was was was evil continually man whose heart was filled with wickedness man who had so much wickedness until his wickedness filled the earth man but who was impacted by man's wickedness the earth thank you son genesis 8 and 20. we all know the story did rain for how long no i like old preacher it rained for 40 days and 40 nights they know how to set it up i like it when the preacher set that thing up no oh let me stop i'm about to go they that's a good story to preach god shut the door they went up in the uh all right let me leave that alone oh they could tell that story i like telling that story it rained 40 days it rained for okay everything's out he says that dove out i'm i'm truncating the story we know what happens vincent dove goes he brings back a branch eventually then he doesn't come back branch little leave a branch thing it means that the waters iris are residing finally the dove don't come back right which means the dog the dove was tired of being up in that arc some skunks in there stinking we'll talk about that another day i think i told you uh late bishop william happening preached a great message he said uh you know stay in the i could die in the flood but he he told the story of how it was hard to stay in that ark some of us don't get it that ark wasn't all that big and um skunks and horses and dunkies was up in there all right i'm gonna leave it alone cause y'all act like y'all can't understand what i'm saying that dove that dog was so glad to fly out of there every day he didn't know what to do thank you jesus and then one day you know he was a precursor to the song he flew out of there one day he saw some dry land and he thought about what he had to smell up in that ark and that day he left he said i tell you that i won't i won't be back i won't be back no more he didn't come back all right let me leave that alone so they got out the ark nor building an altar into the lord took of every clean beast and of every clean file and offered burnt offerings on the altar what's the next verse say and the lord smelled a sweet savor and the lord said in his heart i want you to catch this because i'm trying to position mankind uh and i'm trying to get us to be a little more humble the lord said in his heart i will not again do what i will not again curse what i'm not gonna curse the ground anymore let me get over here real quick he said he said i will not again curse the ground i'm just setting it up because i want to read it to you from different perspectives of the amplified bible when the lord smelled the pledge the pleasing order a sin of satisfaction to his heart and the lord said to himself i will never again curse the ground because of man for the imagination the strong desire of man's heart is evil and wicked from his youth neither will i ever again smite and destroy every every living thing as i have done while the earth remains seedtime and harvest cold and heat summer and winter and day and night shall not cease common english bible says verse 21 i will not i will not curse the fertile land anymore because of human beings but the impact at that time was was that the earth itself was cursed trying to show you something now human beings we put ourselves in the place of ultimate importance please listen to me and i hope it makes sense but when god makes this promise i'm going to suggest something to you in its raw essence this promise wasn't even made to man he made it to the earth look at it look at it real close thanks of god i didn't always see this but the lord says i will not curse the fertile land anymore because of human beings there was something in god that was regretful that made him make a promise i will never again curse the ground because of human beings help me holy ghost let's get one other thing real fast am i making sense is the car am i making sense saying these things am i making sense with what i'm saying let's uh let's go to genesis 9 real quick and then i'll try to set us up for next week genesis 9. the control room's waiting for me to give them a verse and i'm not giving them a verse until i get all my screens set up so now i'll give them a verse genesis 9 11. now there's an inclusiveness with humankind but it also speaks to the earth and i will establish my covenant with you neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of a flood neither shall there uh there any more be a flood to destroy the earth and god said this is the token of the covenant which i make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for perpetual generations verse 13 i do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me oh oh what does that say between me and who see we think everything is centered around us and we think because every because we have been deceived into thinking that everything is centered around us as human beings we treat everything else with disdain we were taught from an early age the rainbow in the cloud and and much of it was right but it was not broad enough or that rainbow well mama what that rainbow mean that means god will never destroy man does it or he's not going to do it with water no more does it i just want us to think at another level and let's read very carefully what the scripture says let's read verse 13 i'm going to read it four different ways let's go back to the king james text i do set my board in the cloud and it shall be for token of a covenant between me and who oh that translation uh that's a whole translation let's read the amplified bible verse 13 again how quickly can you get it here you are i set my bowl what's in the brackets rainbow where in the clock and it shall be what a token or sign of what a covenant or solemn pledge god says between me and who oh i wish i was teaching y'all listening to me thank you elder uh let's let's check out the new revised standard version verse 13. let's see how quick they can get i have set my boy in the clouds and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and who again it looks like every translation is consistent we might be on to something let's come to the common english bible what does the common english bible say about verse 13 i have placed my bow in the clouds it will be the symbol of what the covenant between me and the earth i want 10 people to write it in the chat lines and say the earth is is bigger than mankind and while you're dropping that in the chat line it's a car uh uh quote times 24 and one with me the earth is whose and what else the fullness thereof we we we we don't think enough about the fullness thereof the world and what oh they that well everything is the lord's but don't forget the fullness thereof and this covenant means because it said over and over again even by translation it was the earth he he didn't just say man he said the earth my goodness i only have eight minutes and only have one more week to to continue with this series there you go i hope you believe it the earth is bigger than us and yes next week we'll get there we are created in the image and likeness of god and we're going to talk about that but because we're created in this image and likeness it doesn't mean that we're the only ones and only thing that god loves and cares about and if we're not the only thing that god loves and cares about it suggests to us since we were created in his image and his likeness it would suggest to us that we should not be the only things that we love and care about oh i'm talking to somebody am i making some sense right now if human beings only care about human beings we're not fully reflecting the image of god good god from zion we're not fully reflecting his image if our only concern is about us in our survival if we don't care about clean water can i talk to y'all if we don't care about the toxins that we are putting in the atmosphere if we don't care about the dogs and i don't own a dog i don't plan to own one but i ain't going to mistreat a dog i'm not going to approve of mystery uh uh fighting what's that when they got to roosters oh i'm gonna get somebody in trouble god's not pleased with those kinds of things we should be concerned about those kinds of things it should matter to us if if certain lying lines of whales are becoming extinct in the earth oh i wish i was teaching right now you can't just care about you and we can't just it's not enough to just care about other human beings if we reflect his image then we should carry within us the same burden of love that he carries and god said if i fought enough of you to put you in my earth then you ought to care about my earth help me holy ghost i want you to run with me i uh cause the clock is ticking and i'll never be able to teach this uh exhaustively but i uh romans 8 is crying for my attention and i'll have to go there and then i'm i'm a bishop when you're going to get to genesis 1 hopefully next week because i think it's setting us up and i'm working my way backwards to show us who we are as beings created in his image and his likeness but i got to go to romans right now because it's crying out for my attention and i can't wait no longer so i'm in romans chapter eight i'm going to tell you the verse in a minute but i want to set this verse up with this beautiful congregation who is here in this room with me tonight whether physically or in the east sanctuary and and and and i want us i want uh the issachar group to say it in a moment through their mask but i want you to write it in the chat line and and and i want somebody to to just hold out and say the earth is upset right now somebody drop this in the in the line put it in that chat line as i get ready to close i got four minutes on this clock tonight put it in that chat line and say the earth is upset right now and i hear somebody but bishop i'm upset too here's my response to you you always upset but the earth is upset right now god made a promise to the earth we'll talk about some of the things that are happening god made a promise to the earth itself that coveted back then i won't destroy you by water again i don't care how wicked man is but but humankind in some ways is working against the covenant i think god was sort of saying to the earth in a sense a covenant of preservation but humankind and its wickedness is doing everything it can sometimes to destroy the earth the earth is sick my time is gone i'll talk to you about it but the earth is sick i've i've preached about it metaphorically and i've spoken to you uh uh uh is so sick because things that have happened to the earth are a result of sin i believe i buy into what bishop morrissey go to preach i told you about the gap theory last week how quickly can i do this in a couple of minutes i told you about the gap theory last week between verses one and two in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth verse two it says in the earth was void and without form darkness was aboard the face of the deep there's leverage to pursue that thought of theological thinking because when you see god doing things in a creative sense throughout the rest of genesis 1 and spilling over to genesis 2 it always said and god saw that it was what good and very good isn't it strange after god creates the heaven and earth in verse 2 the statement is made that the earth is void and without form why everywhere else when god does something it says it's good and very good that's why we leave give credence and open the door to the possibility i can't say it with infallible proofs but i can push you to expand your mind and open the door to the possibility that there was something catastrophic that happened between genesis 1 and genesis 2 that caused the earth to be void void means empty and caused it to be formed and i'm riding on the late bishop morris e golden he talked to preach the message one time viewing uh the recreation from the creation and he said he said that there may be a reason uh uh that we have uh portions of the earth that are are uh discorded you you have a uh uh um the grand canyon and mountains popped up on one side deep gullies everywhere there's a golden contents god didn't make it like that but there was something that disrupted the divine order of god and brought about a cataclysmic judgment bible speaks about war being in heaven could that have been the time when satan had fallen don't forget i didn't read earlier even in genesis there were giant like people in earth in genesis there's something strange i think genesis 8 and the daughters of men it could mean one thing but it could mean something else oh i wish i had somebody with a sanctified imagination that was walking with me tonight you have to open up your mind sometime to possibilities but one thing i won't do if i can't prove it with infallible proofs i'll say it that way but there's some room for that something happened to the earth because it's in its placid form i don't believe all of that would happen volcanoes now bishop gates preached this i said the earth is so sick until it vomits up lava i said the earth is so sick that it catches chills from mr freeze in the wintertime i was content that the earth is so sick that it swelters with fever in the heat wave of summer i feel like talking to somebody it's so sick until tornadoes are turned loose do you think that that the world was like that in the perfection of god when it was good and very good that that you would have a hurricane ida and what was that hurricane years ago that came up through new orleans and unleashed waters that killed thousands do you think that that's how god's original order was or is the earth's sin sick lord i wish i could teach here tonight thank you jesus i contend that the earth is so sick and what you what humankind is doing to the earth right now can i tell us something the earth is tired of us human beings oh i wish i had 20 people in the east sanctuary that would say bishop teach for another four minutes y'all telling me it's a car y'all say teach can i get some help from the east sanctuary can somebody tell me teach in these sanctuary for another four minutes the earth is sick of us the earth my brothers and sisters is sick of sin somebody write in the chat line and and tell your brothers and sisters including all of us say to your brothers and sisters if you ain't sick of sin the earth is if you ain't tired of sin the earth is tired of sin there's a scripture that that that metaphorically represents the church and it says the saints of god are saying even so come lord jesus but guess what not only are a handful of righteous saints longing for the lord to come the earth itself is longing for the lord to come look at romans 8 and 19 what does romans 8 and 19 say to us tonight for the honest expectation of the creature what way whiter on the manifestation oh i want to talk up in here of the sons of god hallelujah creature was not made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who have subjected the same in hope god god i want to talk tonight because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of god for we know verse 22 says that the whole creation groaneth and travail in pain together until now i hear jeremiah saying how long shall the land mourn and the herb of the field withereth for the wickedness of them that dwell therein how long help me holy ghost i need i need 10 other people and i'm just going to close and we'll try to jump back on the next week 10 other people put it in the in the chat line and and tell them tell them if you ain't looking for god the earth is if you're not looking for a move of god the earth is if you're not waiting on a manifestation of the glory and power and redemptive working of the holy spirit the earth is thank you jesus we'll have to hit this up next week because i don't want to impose on too much of your time come lord jesus if you want me to come back here next week somebody tell me come back here next week real quick come back next week come on singers we're getting ready to go stay with us right now who's telling me come back here next week i hear a whole song that's going to be hard for y'all to follow but it's just in my spirit i'll just try to sing it once someday our lord where you stand shall come again someday our prayers that seem in vain they shall be searched from the plane someday someday some happy day come on stand with me but don't leave just yet let me just sing that course again and it's old i'm happy the musician can do what he's doing because it's old and i'm y'all all right someday i'll lord shall come again shall come again someday i'll press that scene in vain turf is living in hope they shall be searched from the plane someday someday some somebody somebody else write it in the chat line tell them the earth is waiting until the earth is waiting the earth is waiting are you waiting that's good the earth is in frustration earth itself is in frustration the earnest expectation of the creature is waiting on the manifestation of the sons of god i don't know i got to do some deeper research elder ford but there's something echoing in my ear that says that says the earth is waiting for men and women and boys and girls to get their act together get out the way so god can do his work get out the way so god can make everything better can i get a witness in here someday our lord we get ready to leave shall come again oh i wish i could sing like elderford right now someday i prayers that seeming veins that sing in veins my pastor used to sickness they shall be searched from the plains someday someday some happy all right it's gonna get better after a while now if you need christ in your life call that number you see it in the lower third of the screen soon we're going to have a code you can scan as well get in touch with somebody so they can help you get your act together get in alignment with jesus he's the only one that makes things better he's the only one that can get us together he's the only one that can get this earth together and he wants us while he has us in this earth we're his agents of redemption we're the community of the redeemed and christ should shine through us not not just in in stop smoking cigarettes and quit taking dope and quit fornicating and committing adultery he should reflect in us on how we treat his world and how we care about his creation he should reflect in us just by us taking time to consider to look around us to observe the beauty of his world and let me tell you something as i close tonight i just feel the holy ghost can i take 120 more seconds can i really yes the only thing that's going to help us and this earth is jesus that's right that's the only thing that can change the minds of governments and world powers i got to say this to you i'm sorry say it i'm sorry please stay with me because i can't teach this all year but i got to get this over to you the month is going to be gone that the lord told me to tell tell you something and i wrote it down and i'm going to need a few of you that didn't have to leave just yet to put it in the chat line because i want you to think about this this week elder ford i declare i believe the holy ghost gave me this this imperfect vessel he gave me this thought of elder sean kelly this imperfect vessel he told me to tell the saints stop using the rapture as an excuse to do nothing we hide behind the rapture you don't know when the rapture is going to take place but jesus told us to pray the prayer thy kingdom come but we only pray that prayer in an eschatological sense thy kingdom come and all we got our mind on is the rapture and just leave everything like it is no god said i put you in the earth i put us in the earth as the community of the redeemed to establish my kingdom now where is the kingdom where are the kingdom workers where are the kingdom builders stop using it as an excuse i'm sitting over in the corner the lord is coming so i'm gonna sit up in my house and not do nothing i i won't go out my door and try to make my community better because jesus is coming i don't help the i just look at the street person and the drug addict is a dirty saying they like that they better get it together jesus is coming no we're builders of the kingdom but the world is being polluted i'm saved i'm on my way to heaven i'm going to the new heaven and the new earth and so i shouldn't do anything about this world i shouldn't worry about recycling it's stupid for the church to be talking about recycling don't they know jesus is coming you miss the message of the kingdom i'm gonna leave you alone but i'm on a holy ghost assignment right now ten more people write it in the comment line wake yourself and your brothers and sisters up wake me up put it in the comment line put an exclamation point behind it and say the kingdom is now christine would y'all say that through that microphone highlight to say to say the kingdom is now the kingdom is now you got to go i've gone too long you need prayer now that number press option one you want to know what you can do your part about creation care follow the website of the church call your garbage company tomorrow tell them give me a recycling bin i got to do my part donate some money to the humane society we don't ever tell you stuff like that mean old man quit kicking the dog said with a little humor but i mean it too i want to pray and then i want you to send god his tithe and offerings lord we got a new roof on my church and it's leaking i don't know where that leaks coming a from leap coming through father bless us right now make us better i don't have a long prayer to pray tonight lord i just know i've gone way past the time many of the saints have been gracious and let me violate the time i pray they'll come back next week let me close this little series out but lord i ask you to burden us with the burden that the earth itself has it's waiting for your the manifestation lord is waiting for you to work in us work at us now to make our world better we don't know when you're coming lord we we shouldn't be selfish and leave a raggedy world for our children and for our grandchildren give us that longing and that passion that we ought to have lord i know this is a convoluted message from an earthly perspective i pray you'll save somebody tonight i pray you'll not only will you save somebody add to the cam family through one of our campuses through the detroit campus or the indianapolis campus or the e-campus or the marin campus be glorified we love you lord let the words of our mouth the meditation of our heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength my redeemer in jesus name amen now listen real close i want you to leave god tithing offerings on your way out the door follow the menu on the screen most of you know how to give i want everyone in detroit to listen real close you know we said we're gonna start alternating sunday's uh first sunday in october and i told you i'm here in detroit two straight sundays well i just started thinking i'm gonna be here you may as well come to church those that are in the church growing mold now we know some are not ready to come out yet you just stay right in the stream take your time we're cool god got us where he wants us but we want you to go to the website registration is available just register come on to church if you miss registering on the website i upset my team but i got to go this way if you miss registering come anyway only thing i want you to do is stop by the table and i want enough security to to show you where the table is i want hospitality and registration people you got to stay out there all service so get some ships because we want to sign people in as they come so we can keep you safe you do not have to be vaccinated but you must wear your mask you know why because we're our brother's keeper we care about one another when we're gonna stop wearing the mask when the cdc say it's safe then when i feel it's safe i'm going to be over to cdc because they've been back and forth let me be your shepherd and your pastor come on out sunday if you can you're so minded everybody be in the streaming group and uh i love y'all saranata good night god be with you adios amen can y'all sing jesus after the rain like a fragrance after rain this is the final song you can leave anytime you want to mutual love i just want y'all to hear all the forward and the singers sing real quick jesus jesus put some love in the lines and god is tithing offers like a phrase after the rain jesus jesus jesus let all heavens and earth jesus king and kingdoms they will all they'll pass away but there's something about that what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ our king what a beautiful name it is you
Channel: Kingdom Apostolic Ministries
Views: 1,183
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1GcTfzMYy6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 6sec (6906 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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