Finding SECRET TikTok Spots in my City! **best one yet**

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what is up guys welcome back to a brand new video as you guys could see i'm back at my old house in san diego and i thought it would be perfect if we found secret tick tock spots in my og city i did a video like this a few weeks ago and you guys loved it you guys all begged for a part two and i did that in los angeles so i figured we could find some dope secret spots in san diego but instead of doing this by myself i thought why not get the person that always films my videos to actually be in front of the camera with me yo i have a thing like if you forget my name it's actually right here whoa that's crazy hopefully i don't forget don't forget it if you do just look at my shirt you'll be fine this is about to be lit there's a bunch of secret spots out here in san diego and uh who's filming our video now you want to just flip the camera real quick it's christian it's good if you guys want to see noah in my videos a lot more in front of the camera let us know please make sure you hit that subscribe button please you guys love these videos and i'm super excited to do this cause we found some crazy spots where are we going first though let's check it out secret spot san diego looks like a cave oh it's looking like a hike no not another hike another high not another hike hey but that view oh wow that looks like a little picnic that's amazing wait where is this i don't know we're gonna have to find out where this is and do another hike i hope it's not as bad as the last one the first one we did was like unbearable it was like three miles going up this time the view is actually the ocean instead of mountains hey that's different a little different let's head to the first block i think we just need chug rug for this hike i'm glad you brought that up why what just happened oh you should run we can't get through our day without some chug rug you already know especially if we're going on a hike extreme focus that's exactly what i need right now i want more yeah that's perfect hope you guys enjoyed the video and let's get on the first hike i think we're going to take the king of tick tocks tesla pop a rug this is going to be what i look like in 30 years anyways so why don't you community can we please take your tesla today dude there's a 20 cars in the driveway this one looks like the best yeah cool and i signed my name on it so i think and i also have a tesla so i think like i just need to be in another tesla if that's cool oh you're gonna be going with them too yeah we're gonna do like a mukbang there's no drinks no food no nothing in the car about this you have chocolate yeah what about chug rugs okay okay perfect but you don't anything i was gonna drive oh no no no no no no no no you're not no why why you're not dad it's okay i'll bring it back in one piece but i'll make sure this guy doesn't do anything okay don't put the music high don't put aci oh i also have like three girls on the way if they're going to join us and then if you're going to sit in front put this underneath you if you fart you might leave a spot on the scene because this is all right so no hot wings good nothing in the car all right come on let's just go guys let's just go man all right we just made it to the first location and just check out the beautiful houses around us bro it's beautiful look at this this is one of the nicest areas in san diego it's in la jolla we're about to start the trail you can even see the ocean right there oh and the weather over here is just oh beautiful breeze let's let's move to the side so we don't die why so the place is called ho chi minh trail and i think we have to walk that little ledge that you saw oh so that's going to be pretty crazy all right this is it unstable clips stay back no public access danger let's go the last hike we did was about three miles and we almost passed out and died yep so we brought waters because now we're prepared but we don't know how long this hike is but i don't know where tell where does it lead to at least straight to the ocean no it doesn't lead straight to the ocean it leads to like this like picnic area in a cave oh that's sick i love caves now after the first hack we did let's check the point of view whoa dude that hike is pretty long then oh my god there's a basketball court there whose house is that wait is that like public access bro there's literally just a random basketball court what a great place to play basketball bro this is crazy bro i am not oh my god look at that wait so where do they go do they just go in the ocean how do they not collide look at that there's another one oh dude this is awesome oh my god the view is crazy hey imagine how much do you think this house costs like with a view like this i'm gonna say this costs about 15 like a month 15. yeah realistically i think like maybe 20 million okay now what guys we're going to carry on with the hike and we'll just keep you guys posted hold on i just want to show them real quick look how steep and like rocky this is this is our hype i see some people ahead of us so we're going to ask if they're doing the same thing and hopefully we could follow along like last night hey remember that from the tick tock dude dude this is scary i mean at least like if you do fall it's not like a 100 foot cliff here we go i'ma just oh my god wait this is actually cute that's actually kind of scary do i look funny all right if i look funny let me see you guys come on it's like the easiest thing of all time yo christian fall for the vlog content i'm just kidding lit hey can we just show like the ball game real quick come on now stop playing with us oh sorry let's keep it going baby dude what is this place all right so i i kind of just took over your job today or what bro like what the heck don't worry okay it's kind of cool [Music] okay we found this trail or there's this way which has like a beautiful view i think if we keep going down that way it just takes you straight to the ocean but we're trying to get to the cave so what's down here dude look at this there's a shoe down there what if it's like a travis scar oh we got to go down there what up bro even on the trail meeting my supporters while i'm hiking good to see you too hey i've met this guy before where did we meet uh we made a fashion belly bro oh peru yo brian i'ma hop this that wasn't that scary don't do that okay dude what is this look all right i guess uh oh this is sick bro this is crazy i think this hike is way more sick than the last one the last one was just brutal yo how are we supposed to get down wow that's crazy it's like we're at disneyland bro oh my gosh this is crazy dude what is this all right we made it i just hope we're going the right way i want to get to that picnic table all right oh my gosh she just keeps going we made it all right we're just going to keep going guys hopefully the next clip will be us finding it we haven't found the cave yet but we did find this waterfall which is actually really thick and look at the view of the beach i mean even if we don't find the cave this part is sick our goal is to find that picnic table well we're gonna keep trying but if we find it we'll definitely let you guys know all right we made it on the actual beach because we're hoping we could actually see it from here bro oh my gosh what is that it right there that little thing what what it feels like a house yeah i think there's no way it's that what about up there everything just looks the same out here i don't know i don't want to mark this a fail all right guys so we actually found the bunker i don't know if you guys are going to see it do you see those people right there on the cliff they're actually stuck because they were trying to get up there and this guy told us right here that they're doing a cliff rescue and that we're not going to be able to go up there because they legit got stuck bro that would have been us though yeah i guess we can't go up there but what are the odds i hope these guys come down safe hey nonetheless the experience was cool experience was cool we're gonna mark this one as a fail but we got some more secret spots to go to let's do it let's go if i land this 300 000 likes and if i miss it it's going in the video oh my god no that would have been the craziest water bottle all right we just made it to the next spot and let's watch the tick tock the cave store entrance to cave sunny jim ck what wow that's sick yeah 144 steps down from the cave store gift shop you'll find this hidden treasure oh we need to go there yo this makes up for us not finding the last case that's so sick it says it only cost seven dollars and if you don't have a reservation they take walk-ins on tuesdays and thursdays today's sunday so don't take us bro that's crazy i wonder if a lot of people know where this is guys i hope you're enjoying the vlog so far give it a thumbs up and let's go so we're in an elevator look at us we're all just kind of built the same truth and i like it oh it's right there the cave store entrance the cave that doesn't look so secretive oh my god that's a line that's the line yeah all right how do we get down there do we just kind of like parachute down or yeah you just jump okay all right guys so we just made it in finally literally just a gift shop as you can see super super nice very dope vibe a lot of jewelry ben baller actually used to work here yeah that's cool you just go down here these stairs says welcome to the sunny gym sea caves let's check it out 145 steps whoa dude everything is i can't believe i've lived in san diego for 24 years of my life and i just didn't you never knew this was here take talk is a blessing and a curse to be honest so you feel the breeze too coming up like you know when you put a seashell to your ear you can hear the ocean yeah that's what it sounds like in here yo all right let's go we're making it we're almost there oh my gosh hey oh what that's crazy dude that view is nuts you can see all the kayakers what check out the view [Music] so now what no i love the whole experience of coming down what do we do now i think we just got to enjoy the view right yeah like live life hey tick tock spots tick tock made me do this we do have one more secret spot to go to after this but we're gonna get some food first and i hope you guys are enjoying the video i think i've said that a billion times but i really do hope you guys are just actually enjoying it this has to be one of the dopest places i've ever met a fan imagine coming down a secret cave and then you just see a wild faced rug honestly shout out to them i appreciate that we go back 150 steps i'm in the dark going brazen i'm in the dark going 20 past 80. okay look at the dark living all right the next place is actually really dope me and noah have actually been here before but we just never recorded it let's watch it together raised by wolves a speak easy that takes you i didn't read that oh my god the wall is it what it seems what so this place is a bar and it's only for people over the age of 21 but it's super dope because it rotates you in the bar you sit on chairs and it just rotates you into the bar me and noah have been there before and we've taken a few shots in there you know come on we're 20 i'm 21 you're 24 like don't say my age bro i'm so old you are old all right guys let's go show you guys the secret place [Music] i'm about to take like 10 shots no you are not why hey look at the little wolves hey lola all right let's go let's go yo this is sick what's up how are you doing whatever oh perfect guys this is what rotates oh my gosh there we go we're good on this right okay okay yo i feel like it's just going to send us to like another dimension what why are we acting like we've never been here we know exactly what's happening we're just out here yo can't believe this is happening so we just hop off right now hey hey hey hi hi all right thank you i mean while i'm here i don't know if you guys can see anything but the vibe over here amazing it just makes me want to do this but you know that all right we're embarrassing bro we're embarrassed oh thank you i mean listen guys i'm not gonna get a drink or anything but we just wanted to show you all what it's like what are you looking at me like that for you're crazy what are you talking about we're just having a good time here uh now now we're just here and uh you should drop a like i think that's what you guys should do right now it's like you just scroll down a little bit on your screen or on your tablet or on your computer on your tv you just hit the like wait can you actually drop a like on tv i think you could if not like let me know [Music] yo this is the exit i don't know why i feel like we're in a haunted house all right guys that is the end of the video alright guys thank you so much for watching part two of finding secret spots in my city if you guys want to see another part you already know smash that like button hit that subscribe button thank you all so much for your support i read all the comments all the time so go ahead and give me a comment down below other than that it's been rug noah christian and we are out peace oh my god
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 2,814,278
Rating: 4.9611969 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, tiktok spots, secret spots, tiktok secret spots, secret tiktok spots, finding secret spots in my city, finding secret tiktok spots, finding secret tiktok spots in my city
Id: ONrmy3lz5i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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