Visiting YouTuber Houses! **insane backyard waterpark**

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yo what is up guys welcome back to a brand new video today we are actually starting a brand new series on my channel where we take you to youtubers houses and give you guys a little tour not only are we gonna be giving you a tour but we're gonna be having a lot of fun while we do this the first youtuber's house that we're at is kimo kaze he has 20 million followers on tick tock and his house is beautiful not only that but his backyard is pretty much like disneyland i'll show you guys what i mean but i thought it would be a perfect start to the episode because his family reminds me of my family he just pranks on his mom like i do and they invited us over and i'm inviting you guys as well please be sure to drop a like if you guys want to see more videos like this where i go to a lot of youtubers houses give you guys a tour and have some fun let's get into it i'm excited this is our first look too we've never even been here oh i hear a basketball yeah how are you i'm doing good hey um mind if we uh yeah it's fine so the upstairs is dirty the downstairs is dirty the mops in the garage broom okay let me know when you're done okay all right for sure oh i'm playing coming guys in this video we want you to take us around your house i know in the middle eastern culture it's tough to show certain rooms so anything that's off limits is understandable but i know that backyard over here i said it's like disneyland oh we're gonna have to check it out we'll let the viewers decide okay okay pretty sure well welcome to the kimokaze house well family house so obviously we got the it's a little room where everyone chills you know turn the lights on so you guys can see is this the room where pretty much like no one can sit in or like you have to like take your shoes off or uh we're not really strict like that okay it's just like uh you know decorations yeah yeah we don't really use this room much to be honest just a room i love the chandelier though oh thank you man let me tell you a funny story whenever people come over they're like yo did your dad forget to finish the paint job because like there's white spots those are clouds there's they're clouds it's cool they look like clouds wow so to the right we have a kitchen check out beautiful this is this is so clean now let me tell you something cool about this kitchen usually when you have a kitchen you have a pantry the way we built this the pantry is behind the fridge obviously wait wait here and it's a walk-through pantry so check this out what walk in with me i'm walking bro hey wow so the fridge is right here is right here let's see oh mr contour hey i don't like that we gotta go we actually have to go did your dad design the whole house he designed everything he drew out dude look at this like even the chandeliers in here yeah the fridge is pretty big too a lot of people like that oh it is big i didn't even get it hey kimo my question is how many pranks have been pulled in this very kitchen okay so my first viral video was salt and pepper so i put salt and pepper and told my mom to separate it it was filmed right here hey my most viral video involved salt hey the cocaine prank don't know where your family is or your mom if she's home but we definitely gotta get a prank i got our location we're gonna get it hey let's go let's go so right here's the living room we chilled here you know what i mean nothing crazy that massage chair no one goes on it but my dad you hear me that's his chair not yours now the moment we've been all been waiting for a little bit the moment we've all been waiting for the backyard oh my god what bro this is in your backyard i have one rule whoever steps foot in my backyard you see that cliff up there oh no you have to jump off i jump off every morning do a backflip side flip front flip whatever every morning you do that every morning okay i'm down to do that of course but this is crazy i don't know i compare this to disneyland and this is my first time seeing it in person so my dad built this from scratch it was literally all dirt he drew it out and the one thing i built here that i'm very proud of is this little game oh it's like a little tick tock game right you want to watch it or what make sure he's closing your eyes right close your eyes it's going to come straight at you so make sure you move three two one oh oh oh okay i seen that on hey not bad all right let's walk up here look at this it just continues i didn't even see this it's a lazy river by the way is that floaty that pink floaty yeah up on that pink floaty you'll just be taken throughout the river it's pretty awesome this is amazing bro let's walk up this cave i'm not sure what the intentions were there's like a skull right there there's like some pyro right there it's almost literally disneyland pirates of the caribbean oh actually think about that well i know that's pirates of the caribbean we're trying our best here you know what i mean chemo i'm looking for like a sugar daddy yeah yeah i don't know if you're like so i'm not good enough no but like so i'm look at all this bro look at all this i'm sorry i don't have a water park in my freaking house bro seriously like let's just carry on just carry on just walk forward just walk walk out whoa there's a lot of stairs right there we're gonna walk up another pair of stairs let's go this reminds me of the hike we just did bro don't mention that hey look at this you want to check out the view how long have you been living here for whole life 35 years of my life right here is the top of the water side so if you ever want to go down it you start from up here bro that's so sick so down there we're going to reconstruct it we're gonna take everything out make a wooden floor kind of like a basketball court if you add a basketball court to this house i'm living here i don't care oh dude look this is where the slide continues right here rug there's a zip line make sure you don't touch it with your hands when they're wet because you'll get electrocuted so this is the cliff i start my day by jumping into the pool from here the tallest thing hold on can i ask how deep this is 12 feet this is where we got to jump from huh this is like half of what we just saw that's crazy so over here i don't know if you guys know this but you walk in there's actually an elevator what you guys think i'm building it right here is a separate room we have a guest house so we have a lot of guests over they don't want to drive back they're always welcome to stay the bedroom it's a bedroom and my house right next to it there's a kitchen in the bathroom i'm not sure if it's 100 clean but let's go into it okay this is uh the jungle so these leaves have been growing for a while now it's like never ending little balcony you can sit here chill i like to read books every morning you know what i mean answer my emails knowledge knowledge bro this is insane the fact that this is in the backyard this is the guest room the guest house so you have your bed you have your little desk we'll clean it up a little make a better little living room for your guests whoever it is this used to be my room really when i was like a senior in high school i'd come here after school every day and just chill and then it just got scary at night so yeah i can imagine back inside so far there's like a two out of ten for me really i'm not really like a fan of the yeah like the yard i'm doing like it's like a 1.5 but two is really good too of course where i got you that's awesome okay this is the guest kitchen bathroom shower right there that's fire bro yeah oh man there's not much at the top but there's another look at the view you guys can get so if you want to take a look over here it's a little bit dirty it's dirt it's dirt so it's dirty we take our dirt bikes just right around here all the time oh nice yeah wait really do you have a dirt bike no oh you're a troll man i'm a troll i guess there's another look at the view if you want to check it out all right let's go back down let's check out some more and let's play some games yeah i'm down bro that's what i'm all about i hate when grass breaks this has been here before i was born we never wanted to buy a new one it kind of looks new because my dad is very he's the type where why buy a new one when we could re-fix it i like it or repaint it save the money you save the money but you might not save your life oh i'm a little nervous actually okay oh you heard that yeah yeah at least they held us up for a second hey so far though this house is sick like we only saw a little bit of the house but the backyard is crazy we're gonna have to see your moves wait wait wait i don't want anyone thinking i'm a weirdo when i bite my punching bag this is my dog okay relax hey ready watch this let's see oh hey this actually makes you mad like when you punch like yeah oh that was a big pump now you had years of experience or what i want to find no one watch out oh my gosh so right here is a golf course i don't know why we have it no one in the house plays golf and we don't have any golf balls it literally doesn't end though like when i was in high school invite friends you know wrestle around here nice hang out play soccer can we actually wrestle bro you're kind of oh just like that one no he kicked out one two three that's the golf course this is another sitting down area whenever we have family meetings we'll just do it right here fun fact i had a little party here when i was a little high schooler there's a lot of people standing and sitting on this it broke in half i see and my dad fixed it again what look that's cracks right there and it goes all around here dude i'm telling you i literally fixed it my dad would get along with your dad because my dad is the same way we call him ron the builder we're on the building does he either build stuff or he fixes stuff our family is so similar so one day you guys want to see this my whole family will come here you guys come to my house and we just have some fun let's do it but the coolest part of the house check out the water no do that again the coolest part of my house that i love the most is the waterfall on water slide you guys ready to see it on oh yeah it's not on yeah let's see it [Music] boom guys look at this wait where's chemo kibo i think it's your turn it's my turn baby you need to drop a like for me because i don't do stuff like this but i'm just gonna jump how tall is it i don't do math but it's tough hey this is a lot higher than it looks bro all right here we go guys i'm gonna need 300 000 likes rug will come back and do a backflip and make sure you're subscribed because at 20 mil i'm giving away 20 ps5s 20 iphone 12s a thousand dollars to 10 people a brand new car and chug rug life's time lifetime supply of truck run so here we go i haven't done this in a long time man chemo you want to count them down from ten hey hold on hold on hold on everyone chill for a second everyone chill here we go ten nine no eight seven i can six stops sorry mom he did it though sorry mom i love you did she say don't flip yeah she said not to blow okay guys this is sima hello kimo's younger sister what are the odds that you'll jump in the pool right now no i'm not doing anything i just showered okay what about a hundred dollars i got you nope kimo what have you been giving her ask for more a hundred dollars isn't enough okay okay 500. no no i'm not jumping in i'm known for this ten thousand dollars okay whoa whoa wait she just did it didn't even have to see the cash wait seema it's right here i really got you ten thousand dollars no way yeah oh no please tell me it was like this no it wasn't you owe me ten thousand dollars i'm going broke actually no hold on this is actually mine i was just kidding get pranked thank you oh no oh oh oh oh the juice oh be careful thanks of course nice doing business with you i just got finessed okay guys so i see kimo's mom and i think i made a bad first impression from jumping after she said not to jump chemo would she get mad like she's very sweet like she forgot about it probably right okay yeah it's very sweet it's been like an hour after we swam so hello hi nice to meet you nice to meet you how are you you're the boy who jumps from the top yeah it was me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry guys this is kimo's mom how many times has he pranked you like a million maybe yes almost time you remind me of my mom really yeah okay i want to meet your mom yes of course mama rug if you're watching this yeah you have to come over here for a little party yes with nina yes thank you i love you yes yes good couple all right kimo so your mom already just doesn't like me pretty much so i figured it'd be cool to prank her you really want a death wish man i know hey she put me in a headlock bro this is actually one of chemo's most viral video these are actually chocolate covered eggs guys look at this these actually look bomb like cake pops they actually smell good too because it's like you don't smell the egg what's the most legit way we could do it because i know you've done it in the past i think what would be funny is if we left them out on the counter you pretend to leave you're like thank you for having me by the way i left some dessert as as a as a thank you for having us as a thank you gift let me know if it's good and she's like oh okay thank you all right let's try it out okay let's go wait so are we doing it right now well we have to see if she's inside she's not inside [Music] you stay there yes thank you for having me nina i appreciate it nice to meet you of course nice of course i actually brought baked stuff from my house of course you know middle eastern family when you bring something over no you don't have to no of course i haven't thank you so much of course thank you say hi to a mom okay i will the whole family what did he get [Music] oh my god this is nice i like this rug boy he's so cute i'm sorry it's just a prank i'm sorry i love you it was kimo's idea i promise like he he made me do this all right guys i'm here with half of the kimokaze family whoa we got sister number five number three number six i have six siblings i got five sisters yep wow you guys have a great family we're gonna be playing hide and seek and you guys can hide anywhere in the backyard but the first person to get found has to take a bite and eat the chocolate egg you have to swallow it yes you have to swallow it this is your house you guys have leverage i'm the one that's gonna be finding you guys but i'm giving you guys two minutes yeah wait no follow me you can go start hiding right now hello noah i saw your hand what a great view honestly i'm having a fun time why is there a lot of money just look yeah chemo is uh you know going crazy dude there's literally a bunch of money i'm a set i'm a s i'm a savage classy okay ready or not here i come this is easy it's gonna take like 10 seconds dang park i really can't see if anyone's in there oh they're gonna end hello dude i feel like i'm gonna get lost hello someone in here okay no one in here all right someone's for sure gonna be hiding in here oh the dog is there luna might have just given away a spot this way all right where at exactly oh my gosh you see something over there right is that just the bushes are you kidding me the chocolate covered egg now how much is it gonna take for you to uh you know give up some spa somebody's hiding over there another one's over there that's it that's all i can give you hey she's a real one though hey thank you i appreciate it i don't think we can go anywhere from here though bro just look up there just look up there emo how'd you get up there bro are you serious i know for a fact no she did it okay so there's two more sisters left let's go that way i know you're not a snitch but do you know where they hid i ain't never going to speak you this back hey look at the dog is the dog gonna be our answer yep luna where oh hold up call the dog oh luna luna is an exposer i know she's exposed three people so far at least i'm not first sabby won but i still want to find her we're gonna go to the top over here if i remember how to get oh yeah yeah oh oh oh dude huskies are so smart up here we haven't even checked like that side wait oh my god what you're the winner did luna give it away you actually won luna i was sweating hiding in there he was the one that got found first so she's gonna take a bite out of the egg what does the winner get we didn't really think of that should i just cut the camera all right thank you guys so much for watching today's video shout out to the chemo family i appreciate you guys seema you got caught so you gotta take a big bite guys drop a like hit that subscribe peace out guys
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 21,539,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, youtuber houses, visiting youtuber houses, youtuber house tour
Id: sx9V8mNwiig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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