Testing VIRAL TikTok Gadgets! **SHOCKING RESULTS**

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so we're all addicted to tick tock right i know you scroll on your for you page and you see these crazy cool gadgets and wonder do they even work well today i pretty much bought every single cool gadget i've seen on tick tock and we're gonna test them out to see if they're cool and if they're worth buying hope you guys enjoy drop a like and tick tock made me buy all these let's get into it so for the first gadget we got a shot dispenser this is actually one of the coolest things i've seen on tick tock pretty much what you're gonna do is you're gonna grab some shot glasses if you're ever at a party with some friends and you wanna dispense six shots all at once and you know flex on your friends because i'm pretty sure this is gonna work you basically put all the shot glasses in each opening right here i'm actually really excited to try this i love doing these videos and on top of it after you pour the liquid in here not alcohol because i don't drink alcohol you never drink i've never drank alcohol in my life but pretty much after you dispense all the shots i think you can lift this up and the shots will carry too so you can like you could go around to your friends and hand it to them but that's what we're gonna test yeah so since i don't drink alcohol we need chug rug we're gonna take some shots of chug around here basically what you're gonna do is you're gonna pour the chug rug at the very top and as you can see there's like six openings up there after i pour the chug rug in the middle here it's gonna dispense six equal shots like supposedly they're gonna fill up all about the same so ready set whoa whoa whoa this is so cool they're not like fully equal but i think that's really cool but now the main part is to lift it up and see if they lift with it ready set oh caitlin would you like a chug rug shot yes thank you so much actually all right cheers to 2021 yup the rugrats and chug rugs yes let's go baby that's your first and only oh whoa whoa whoa you good all right let's just move on right now this next tick tock gadget is going to be useful for all of us because we've all been there we have an almost pretty much empty toothpaste and we have a toothpaste getter router what it's a toothpaste get a router you waste a lot more toothpaste than you think and this is gonna prove it right here because i would pretty much throw this thing away and we all struggle trying to get that last bit of toothpaste out but this should help so i think what you do is you put the key like this and then slide this bad boy in like that perfect oh i think we have it oh here we go look then you turn the key and as you can see it's pushing all the toothpaste out hold on hold on let's see if it works oh my god there's a lot more in there pretty much all this stuff that's like five days worth of brushing this is one of the coolest ones for sure i'm gonna say that for every gadget and then all the comments are gonna say rug you said that about every single one i'm very intrigued by little things guys okay don't make fun of me but this is a success i like it and i'm gonna use it this next gadget is gonna be really really cool it is a pineapple cutter corer i don't know exactly what it's called but pretty much you stick this thing in the middle of the pineapple and then you twist it out and it takes the core of the pineapple out so you can use the pineapple as a cup this thing right here slices the pineapple for you so you can eat the pineapple on the side and have a nice little drink out of a pineapple perfect that's going to be cool if this works so i got kaelin here because i'm going to hurt myself if i try this don't worry i'm going to hurt myself too oh whoa whoa i think they made this for a reason what could it reach okay i want to cut it out okay watch your fingers oh don't worry don't worry hon come on they call me chef rug on the court in the kitchen oh yeah there we go oh yeah you cut that pineapple oh my god i am nasty with it there we go perfect all right this is good sorry this is gonna be so cool kalen you know what i'm gonna try it too so you basically just stick this thing in the middle right there where the core is you see it and then you have to like twist it like this inhale you see that yeah so you just stick it all the way down keep going damn you're so good at this thank you man thanks i appreciate it all right keep going till you hit rock bottom now what you're going to want to do is you're going to undo it the other way and pull while you're doing it whoa oh my god this actually works bro this thing right here supposedly cut the pineapple so to get the pineapple slices out you pull this thing out like that whoa what no way what i didn't know they make stuff like this wow hey and on top of that what else do you get you get a cup made out of a pineapple that's gonna be used for oh chug rug pineapple juice uh yeah let's move on okay guys this next product is actually an ear cleaner but it has a camera so when you put it in your ear as you can see you can see kalyn right now because the camera's pointed at her guys honestly i have really bad ears earwax-wise i feel like i produce a lot of earwax so if you do have a weak stomach i would just like skip this part but oh shut up shut up oh my god but you don't have ear wax oh my god dude they have ear trimmers i scraped a little something i see some earwax look you see that earwax scrape this oh you got it you got it no but you put it back in okay there you go look i see it on the camera you can guys you can't see it on here but you could see it on the camera on the screen recording ew this is dope guys i rate this one a 10 out of 10. on to the next this next one is a car chuckler i've always wanted a card shuffler so we have a deck of cards here we split them into two place them on each side right here and as you can see it has like a little wheel right here and then there's a crank that you just crank it and i guess it just shuffles the cards the finished product will come out three two one wow what that's gonna save so much time bro that is so cool let's try it again let's go damn and then you get your shuffled deck of cards this is so dope 10 out of 10. i like this so this next one i'm really excited to try as you can see it involves eggs the product is made in the shape of an egg but pretty much you open this up and you put four eggs at the bottom and you put it in the microwave for nine minutes supposedly it's gonna make boiled eggs wow and it also comes with this where you fill this up with water pour it in there put the eggs microwave nine minutes and then you like shake it i don't know there's instructions and then it makes it super easy to peel so let's try it pour it in here i think i hope cool cool you take four eggs i like how it has little like placements for them yeah like right and there you put the cap on lock it up open this bad boy up i've never microwaved anything for nine minutes have you no never we'll see you guys in nine minutes nine minutes later and letting it cool for two minutes we got that thing so now what you're gonna wanna do is you're gonna open the top it's not complete yet because okay and then you're gonna let it run for two minutes under cold water all right two minutes later then you're gonna place the cap back on with water still in there and this is gonna be my favorite part because in the instructions it says shake vigorously up and down ten times okay ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten damn you're good at that too what the heck get over here man i think the egg should be cracked and it should be super easy to peel imagine they're not good oh they look kind of easy to peel yeah that's not that bad oh is it usually harder to peel i've never done this before oh it is easy to peel look wow oh my gosh hold on and hold your horses right now look look in one second the whole thing came off how long does it usually take to make boiled eggs probably like the same amount of time that's good then you got to get that in there yes sir gotta get your protein in every day guys of course cheers excellent whoa it's a boiled egg yeah like i now own these gadgets it's not just for a video i own them now i get to use them in my everyday life yo guys also i'm trying to become a tick talker 2021 like full-on tick tocker like uh show me what you got yep okay okay yeah but what about the hair you said something about your hair let's just say there's gonna be a new looking rug very soon about my hair you know i'm gonna change it up big time maybe part down the middle like full-on tick-tock hey full-on tick-tock or follow me let's move on this next one is a jar opener look at this little contraption that's scary can we put your head on it oh it looks like a drone i know right it's gonna fly pretty much if you can't open a jar we all have those jars that are just super hard to open this literally does it for you automatically as you can see it has open jar release lid so if you just do that press open jar look at it clamping look at it clamping this is like a saw contraption man bro look it's about a clamp onto it hold on hold on no way it's gonna twist it off oh it's opening it no it's opening it oh it just popped it open that's crazy and it's still opening it's raising it off what is going on let me just tell you i'm pretty sure brian bought the best gadgets of all time whoa dude i'm gonna start cooking i'm going to start cleaning my ears bro it smells like tomatoes in here this is awesome i think we have to wait for it to like go all the way back oh here we go it's going to stop right yep [Applause] round of applause round of applause good boy oh no no yeah we got a double dispenser that you could fill up with either cereal candy or anything you want pretty much let me put you guys on to something real quick this is the greatest cereal you will ever ever touch in your life nothing will top the cereal i just discovered it marshmallow fruity pebbles and that's exactly what i'm gonna be pouring into this thing dude look how beautiful this thing looks all right ready [Music] oh my if it's perfect just one cereal box this is so like aesthetically pleasing for your house yes like this is gonna save so much time for when you want cereal and then for the other one we're gonna fill it up with skittles uh my personal skittles are not the red ones it's actually the purple bag sure a lot of people could agree with me on that one all right here we go [Music] dude this is freaking incredible now we put top on for this and now if you want some cereal you know what i'm saying you grab the bowl oh it fits perfect all right let's see how many we need okay one two almond milk because i'm healthy all right vigorously shake that real quick i need to munch on this real quick guys this is honestly a cool little addition to your kitchen wait i have an idea ready oh no you have to ruin it there you go healthy 20 21 baby perfect next up we got the sock slider i know sounds pretty like what this is supposed to put your socks on for you it's not like automatic but like let's just show them how to do it we're gonna try it out but pretty much you put the sock over here and then you stick your foot in and then you just like slide it through like that what the heck is going on right now i'm so confused this is like the most confusing gadget like you're supposed to stretch it like that but like then your sock is completely stretched out okay wait wait wait oh there you go oh i get it but look so this is what it's supposed to look like i'm gonna place this down and i think this handle is to like hold it hooks on to the bottom so this hooks on to this to hold it okay no way no way [Applause] this is sick it just slid my sock right on maybe make a few adjustments after like this so you're telling me you'd rather do this every day then put on your actual sock no i just thought it was cool like you know like a little flex on some people they come over you want to see how i put my socks on grab this contraption i don't know regardless it worked and that made me excited so i'm gonna consider it a success yeah like success keep that in keep that in yes we gotta show the fails in the youtube videos let's continue we have this thing for babies and we came here to see little baby noah and basically this thing does not spill no matter what way you hold it like look at this so we have the food in there and if you do this it won't spill and it's perfect for babies because they go like all right nola here you go take one oh dude this is so cool here we go baby hold it with two hands okay let's see if it spills i don't think it's gonna spill i think it's gonna work will he be able to get the snacks out oh he got what he got one oh he's so cute look look it's not spilling no what oh wait hold on [Laughter] wait what wait hold on let's see hold on hold on here he goes here he goes oh no he's gonna spill it oh no no no okay okay no listen i'm gonna have to take it from you i'm sorry guys i really thought this one was gonna work amanda sorry for the trouble that's the thing well look look i don't get it look when i do it like like that's cool right no one has bad luck what the i think noah actually figured out to just hold this like this and just flip it no noah's the type where like if there's something like wrong and bad like you will find a way to make sure okay one more try let's see one more try don't hold orange or straight for the food he still spills it i'm gonna have to mark this gadget a fail i mean it's spilled so it doesn't work hey what's up bro appreciate you have a good one man i love meeting fans in chick-fil-a drive-throughs it's just so sick great food great people but guys we're at chick-fil-a for a reason because we need food for this next life hack oh wait gadget i'm used to life hack videos hey you should say my pleasure before he says it should i yeah my pleasure man hey good how are you i'm good how are you good good we're here because we're doing a tick tock gadget can i see it it's uh it's a sauce holder so you put it on your ac yeah exactly it's pretty efficient so you don't have to put the sauce over here and then it like spills so i'm probably just gonna do like um a medium fries oh thank you here you go oh wait thanks for the support guys i appreciate it oh thank you i love you guys too thank you guys oh that's so awesome man here's the gadget right here you basically attach it to your air condition vent like that and then open this up of course the best sauce in the world wait is it gonna just fit oh my gosh oh my i need some fries asap no no no oh my life oh my god oh good does it make the fries like better it does the sauce is better now hey this is goated for real drop a like if you like chick-fil-a so this has nothing to do with a tik-tok gadget but i did see this tik-tok drink that i really wanted to try and you get it at a gas station you like customize it you get like baby bottle pop powder air extremes gatorades fry you mix it all together it's not healthy i'll tell you that much like if one of your goals for 2021 was to stay healthy do not do this but i really wanted to try it very sugary but i'm telling you tiktok has so many things that you discover and you just want to try so let's go get all the stuff [Music] okay i'm only taking one sip of this all right like i can't take another sip but here we go oh my gosh dude takes two sips it's actually really good what all right i think we got one more gadget to try after this we have this laser keyboard and you guys are probably wondering like what does this thing do you basically turn it on right okay are you ready for this let's see it and it projects a keyboard onto your desk and you can actually connect this to your phone which is what i have right now so i'm gonna type and it's gonna go to my phone okay ready sorry dude what on earth is that bro that is crazy like what is this thing this is so cool if you don't want to reach over and grab your phone which i don't know who would do that to be honest like i mean i would prefer to just text but i think this is actually really really dope caitlyn try typing something will it actually work hold on let's try it is but it's it's better off on a flat surface to be honest that doesn't really work this is next level for real like there's a projector with a keyboard that comes out and it connects to your phone that's crazy guys but hope you guys enjoyed this video tick tock gadgets if you want to see a part two let's get 200 000 likes i love doing these kinds of videos and pretty much every gadget was worth it hope you have a great rest of your day and other than that it's been rug and i'm out i'm so hot i need a fan diego in the sand walk around in gucci [Music] cause i know
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 12,918,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, testing, testing tiktok, testing tiktok gadgets, testing viral tiktok, testing viral tiktok gadgets, faze rug tiktok, faze rug testing tiktok, viral tiktok, tiktok viral, tiktok gadgets
Id: RtxsJVebOqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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